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nim-package-directory's People


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nim-package-directory's Issues

An error has occured in one of your routes.

from time to time, on the project page, I get this error:

An error has occured in one of your routes.
Detail: package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(227) processEvents
asyncdispatch.nim(1627) poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1368) runOnce
asyncdispatch.nim(208) processPendingCallbacks
asyncmacro.nim(29) fetch_github_versionsNimAsyncContinue
package_directory.nim(589) fetch_github_versionsIter
package_directory.nim(538) extract_latest_version
package_directory.nim(525) is_newer
strutils.nim(1115) parseInt
[[reraised from:
package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(227) processEvents
asyncdispatch.nim(1627) poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1368) runOnce
asyncdispatch.nim(208) processPendingCallbacks
asyncmacro.nim(29) mainRouterNimAsyncContinue
asyncmacro.nim(145) mainRouterIter
asyncfutures.nim(372) read
[[reraised from:
package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(227) processEvents
asyncdispatch.nim(1627) poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1368) runOnce
asyncdispatch.nim(208) processPendingCallbacks
asyncmacro.nim(29) dispatchNimAsyncContinue
asyncmacro.nim(145) dispatchIter
asyncfutures.nim(372) read
[[reraised from:
package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(227) processEvents
asyncdispatch.nim(1627) poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1368) runOnce
asyncdispatch.nim(208) processPendingCallbacks
asyncmacro.nim(29) handleRequestSlowNimAsyncContinue
asyncmacro.nim(145) handleRequestSlowIter
asyncfutures.nim(372) read
invalid integer: 0-2

search mismatch

For example the AI tag matches rain, snail, easymail, ...

I don't know but it feels weird.


Hosted Docs are either empty or cannot be loaded.

Some packages have hosted docs like ur but attempting to go to them results in a page that's a jester error.

An error has occured in one of your routes.

Detail: package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(283) processEvents
jester.nim(497) :anonymous
jester.nim(399) handleRequest
asyncmacro.nim(262) dispatch
asyncmacro.nim(29) dispatchNimAsyncContinue
jester.nim(297) dispatchIter
asyncmacro.nim(262) mainRouter
asyncmacro.nim(32) mainRouterNimAsyncContinue
package_directory.nim(1373) mainRouterIter
io.nim(842) readFile
[[reraised from:
package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(283) processEvents
jester.nim(497) :anonymous
jester.nim(399) handleRequest
asyncmacro.nim(262) dispatch
asyncmacro.nim(32) dispatchNimAsyncContinue
asyncmacro.nim(145) dispatchIter
asyncfutures.nim(372) read
[[reraised from:
package_directory.nim(1916) package_directory
package_directory.nim(1913) main
jester.nim(494) serve
httpbeast.nim(540) run
httpbeast.nim(371) eventLoop
httpbeast.nim(283) processEvents
jester.nim(497) :anonymous
jester.nim(399) handleRequest
asyncmacro.nim(262) handleRequestSlow
asyncmacro.nim(32) handleRequestSlowNimAsyncContinue
asyncmacro.nim(145) handleRequestSlowIter
asyncfutures.nim(372) read
cannot open: /tmp/nim_package_directory/cache/ur/pkgs/ur-0.1.1/ur.html

Others have nothing clickable and have an empty page, globby for instance.

Please add a PyPi-like changelog of packages and version bumps

Basically as described in the nim forum over here:

Basically it would entail periodically following the github links to all projects in packages.json, and then checking for version changes in nimble or babel files. eg over here for a recently-added package:

The idea being to get something a bit like what you can see over here:

Underscore in package name not shown in package directory


I've copied this issue from nim-lang/nimble#978.

Package names with underscores are displayed without the underscore in the nimble directory.

Original text:

I tried installing this package:

According to the linked page, I should install it using nimble install simpleparseopt. So far so good.

Now I tried using the package by importing it using import simpleparseopt. However, that failed.
The readme does not mention how I should import it. But I noticed that the title in the readme was different from the package name.
The readme says simple_parseopt. Once I tried import simple_parseopt, everything worked fine.

I thought there might be some configuration error on their side.
So I also tried creating my own package and published it to the nimble directory:

Same deal. My package name is conventional_semver. The PR submitted to publish the package also has an underscore.

But when looking at the nimble directory, the underscore is gone. I couldn't really find any mention of this behavior in the nimble readme. Is there a bug, or is it generally recommended to avoid snake_case for package names?

Doc Build Broken

Doc Build Broken?, No new packages is having Hosted Docs on Nimble, they all fail with the same error:

Hint: parsexml [Processing]
lib/nim/pure/parsexml.nim(38, 1) Error: cannot open '../../examples/htmltitle.nim'
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(30, 12) Error: type mismatch: got 
but expected one of: 
proc contains[U, V, W](s: HSlice[U, V]; value: W): bool
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type: HSlice[contains.U, contains.V]
  but expression 'key' is of type: string
proc contains[T](x: set[T]; y: T): bool
  first type mismatch at position: 1
  required type: set[T]
  but expression 'key' is of type: string
proc contains[T](a: openArray[T]; item: T): bool
  first type mismatch at position: 2
  required type: T
  but expression '":"' is of type: string

expression: contains(key, ":")
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(31, 13) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'split'
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(31, 13) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: '.'
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(31, 13) Error: expression '.' cannot be called
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(31, 24) Error: type mismatch: got <>
but expected one of: 
proc `[]`[T, U](s: string; x: HSlice[T, U]): string
proc `[]`[T](s: openArray[T]; i: BackwardsIndex): T
proc `[]`[I: Ordinal; T](a: T; i: I): T
proc `[]`[T](s: var openArray[T]; i: BackwardsIndex): var T
proc `[]`[Idx, T](a: var array[Idx, T]; i: BackwardsIndex): var T
proc `[]`[Idx, T](a: array[Idx, T]; i: BackwardsIndex): T
proc `[]`(s: string; i: BackwardsIndex): char
proc `[]`[T, U, V](s: openArray[T]; x: HSlice[U, V]): seq[T]
proc `[]`[Idx, T, U, V](a: array[Idx, T]; x: HSlice[U, V]): seq[T]

expression: [](1)
lib/nim/pure/xmldomparser.nim(31, 28) Error

No or slow responses for builds or docs

If clicking on hosted docs, I often find it reporting a 504 status code, with the following page

504 Gateway Time-out

After waiting multiple minutes, it usually loads successfully following a refresh.

Hosted docs not displaying at all

Looks like the hosted docs aren't displaying at all, even for packages where they build OK.

For an example, go to, then click /flower, to be taken to a blank page. In the page source I can see a hidden message saying "Sorry, that file does not exists." Seems to behave the same for all packages.

[FR] Automatically cache source code of packages?

Was looking forward to use but it seems the repo has been deleted by the author. didn't archive the source files. Domain of contact e-mail for author is expired. Maybe RIP, who knows.
Would be nice if we had a snapshot of the git source code in nimble directory for situations like these. If your project depends on a nimble package that gets nuked by the author and you don't have the code anymore for some reason, you're doomed. Not sure if this is the right repo to request this.

add "Report package" button

today i was trying to find a package for a personal project, and came across the htmlview package. this package seems to have been deleted by the author, and never updated in the index as to have it removed entirely or redirected to the new repo. On the individual package page on there seems to be no way to report a problem with said package.

  • If the package doesn't have a public visible repo/source then there should be a link to create a new PR to remove the package from package index. that process should be able to be 100% automated/scripted.
  • If the package does have a public visible repo/source then there should be either a link to create a new issue on the package repo (if using github or another similar SCM system) or a mailing address for the author or to the package's mailing-list to correspond about the problem. (this may require some changes to the submission guidelines regarding new and existing packages so that non-github hosted packages provide some way of contacting the package author).

To mitigate similar future issues, perhaps a scheduled job should be added the package index CI system to validate that package sources aren't 404'ing in addition to validating that any new packages added are valid JSON or whatever.

/cc @dom96 as you originally created the package index and since it's now part of the language org, i assume you have some say in how package validation happens and if it is part of a nightly CI job or something.

finding number of nim packages can be confusing

reposting from nim-lang/Nim#7410 (comment) to here since this seems the right project.

This came up in timotheecour/D_vs_nim#3

for someone not very familiar with nim trying to figure out how many packages does nim have, things can be confusing: shows only ~194 packages but shows ~640 packages

it's made worse by the fact that nim-lang/Nim#7400 still prevents someone browsing from seeing packages, and the fact that doesn't show the total number of packages.

<description>New and updated Nim packages</description>

but doesn't specify what it means by new and updated;

how about:

Categories and ajax search

Hello world. I just want suggest two improvements:

  • It might make research easier, to classify the packages by category.
  • It would be easier and faster to search if the search form used Ajax and auto completion.

The right way to get latest version of a package


I have notice the "new" version badge. I have looked into the code. What's magic!
I mean this request. According github APIv3 docs it's the only way to get the latest release version, BUT...

In real life the most packages don't have release version. Each time a repo is tagged, a new source code bundle will automatically show up on the github "Release" page. However, these automatic "releases" will not appear via the API. It's because I wrote about magic...

I think it's more correct from a holistic point of view to get the package version from a .nimble file. What do you think about?

For example, the following code can be placed in a except section:

let dotnimble = "" & owner_repo_name & "/master/" & repo & ".nimble"
let r = newHttpClient().get(dotnimble)
if r.code == Http200 :
  for line in splitLines(r.body) :
    if line.startsWith("version"): pkg["github_latest_version"] = split(r.body, "\"")[1]

Maybe I'm wrong.

[UPDATE]: Yes, partially wrong. Just now I found another function, which is involved with getting package version: proc fetch_github_versions(pkg: Pkg, owner_repo_name: string) from package_directory.nim file, not github.nim that I've mentioned before. It checks tags too!

So the right place for code typed above is here, instead pkg["github_latest_version"] = newJString "none" assignment. The latest attempt to get version. Better then none.

Landing page - New Packages section

The landscape should always contain packages under New Packages section (6 or 9), even if the latest package was published 3 weeks ago. So the newer package should replace the old one and so on.

This would be a better approach than listing nothing. + better exposure to newcomers (pkg authors / visitors).

save and display search strings (with search count)

I think it would be good for nim community and library devs to know what libraries people are searching for.

So, this issue proposes that every search get saved and the list of searches be viewable, and/or searchable, preferably with a searched count so that library devs can take user interest into account when they are deciding what library to write next.

Maybe just save the search string and nothing about the searcher's machine/connection to protect/respect their privacy.

perhaps to avoid moderation requirements, the strings could just be saved and this package author could just release a sanitized list periodically with search strings and their respective counts/ranked by searches, etc. Anything would be better than just not knowing what people needed for their projects.


Badges broken

Showing broken links. Reproducible in Safari and Chrome.

Star count is not enough to tell if the project is live or dead

Nim packages directory lists items by name, star count and author. While star count gives an hint to the reader, it generally doesn't say if the project is live and kicking. Wouldn't it be better to list some other indices?

I'm not sure which number is best to represent project health, but I think it should be linked with the concept of time somehow.

We could just follow what github uses: the "insights" tab has many tools but the first one that github shows is an overview of the merged / unmerged pull requests and opened / closed issues in a time frame (eg 1 month), what about this? Or maybe the number of contributors?

The intention is not to rule out inactive projects, but just give a better view projects aimed to solve same problem.
Sometimes you want slow and solid, sometimes you need new with lot of momentum, sometimes you have to adventure with a a one-man project, but in all cases a general view is needed.

Broken links with relative paths

If you're going to mirror the from packages, then you may want to rewrite relative paths into absolute ones so that any links and images show up correctly.

For example, has a link to the examples/ directory and a couple of images, all of which use relative paths and won't work on

Build with both devel and latest stable versions of Nim.

Lots of packages are failing to build now on the CI service, since they depend on nim devel to build, rather than nim stable.

Maybe the CI service can intelligently pick which version of Nim to build with, and switch to that with choosenim?

Broken links of `/packages.xml` returns broken URL of package repository.


The URL starts with https:/ .

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
    <title>Nim packages</title>
    <description>New and updated Nim packages</description>
    <lastBuildDate>Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:29:02 Z</lastBuildDate>
    <pubDate>Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:29:02 Z</pubDate>

     <description>Fast and simple calculation of polygenic scores</description>
     <guid isPermaLink="true">https:/</guid>
     <pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2020 06:22:07 Z</pubDate>
     <description>Graph With Weight Libary</description>
     <guid isPermaLink="true">https:/</guid>
     <pubDate>Tue, 10 Mar 2020 09:52:35 Z</pubDate>
     <description>Migration manager for Norm.</description>
     <guid isPermaLink="true">https:/</guid>
     <pubDate>Thu, 12 Mar 2020 01:54:38 Z</pubDate>
     <description>A library for factorization machines in Nim.</description>
     <guid isPermaLink="true">https:/</guid>
     <pubDate>Thu, 12 Mar 2020 03:14:51 Z</pubDate>

I think that public_baseurl of conf.json will be wrong.
(but this is a example file)

Feature request: Repology support

To comply with Repology's requirements, needs to export the following fields besides ones defined in packages.json:

  • Package version
  • Package upstream URL (web if defined, else url)
  • (optional) Package maintainer(s)
  • (optional) Aliases
  • (optional) Build status page URL
  • (optional) Documentation URL (doc if defined, else hosted docs)

README not taken from repository

READMEs are fetched from a github API and not from repositories themselves, so everything not hosted on github shows "Package โ€ฆ doesn't contains a README file.", which is incorrect.

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