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fattureincloud-csharp-sdk's Introduction

FattureInCloud C# SDK

NuGet unit tests

Connect your software with Fatture in Cloud, the invoicing platform chosen by more than 500.000 businesses in Italy.

The Fatture in Cloud API is based on REST, and makes possible to interact with the user related data prior authorization via OAuth2 protocol.

This C# SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: 2.0.33
  • SDK version: 2.0.26
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen

For more information, please visit

Frameworks supported

  • .NET Core >=1.0
  • .NET Framework >=4.6
  • Mono/Xamarin >=vNext


The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:

Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
Install-Package System.ComponentModel.Annotations

NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742. NOTE: RestSharp for .Net Core creates a new socket for each api call, which can lead to a socket exhaustion problem. See RestSharp#1406.


To install the bindings via Nuget, run the following command:

dotnet add package It.FattureInCloud.Sdk

Then add the following namespaces to your project:

using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;


To use the API client with a HTTP proxy, setup a System.Net.WebProxy

Configuration c = new Configuration();
System.Net.WebProxy webProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("http://myProxyUrl:80/");
webProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
c.Proxy = webProxy;

Getting Started

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Api;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Client;
using It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model;

namespace Example
    public class Example
        public static void Main()

            Configuration config = new Configuration();
            config.BasePath = "";
            // Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: OAuth2AuthenticationCodeFlow
            config.AccessToken = "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN";

            var apiInstance = new ArchiveApi(config);
            var companyId = 12345;  // int | The ID of the company.
            var createArchiveDocumentRequest = new CreateArchiveDocumentRequest(); // CreateArchiveDocumentRequest | The Archive Document. (optional) 

                // Create Archive Document
                CreateArchiveDocumentResponse result = apiInstance.CreateArchiveDocument(companyId, createArchiveDocumentRequest);
            catch (ApiException e)
                Debug.Print("Exception when calling ArchiveApi.CreateArchiveDocument: " + e.Message );
                Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ArchiveApi CreateArchiveDocument POST /c/{company_id}/archive Create Archive Document
ArchiveApi DeleteArchiveDocument DELETE /c/{company_id}/archive/{document_id} Delete Archive Document
ArchiveApi GetArchiveDocument GET /c/{company_id}/archive/{document_id} Get Archive Document
ArchiveApi ListArchiveDocuments GET /c/{company_id}/archive List Archive Documents
ArchiveApi ModifyArchiveDocument PUT /c/{company_id}/archive/{document_id} Modify Archive Document
ArchiveApi UploadArchiveDocumentAttachment POST /c/{company_id}/archive/attachment Upload Archive Document Attachment
CashbookApi CreateCashbookEntry POST /c/{company_id}/cashbook Create Cashbook Entry
CashbookApi DeleteCashbookEntry DELETE /c/{company_id}/cashbook/{document_id} Delete Cashbook Entry
CashbookApi GetCashbookEntry GET /c/{company_id}/cashbook/{document_id} Get Cashbook Entry
CashbookApi ListCashbookEntries GET /c/{company_id}/cashbook List Cashbook Entries
CashbookApi ModifyCashbookEntry PUT /c/{company_id}/cashbook/{document_id} Modify Cashbook Entry
ClientsApi CreateClient POST /c/{company_id}/entities/clients Create Client
ClientsApi DeleteClient DELETE /c/{company_id}/entities/clients/{client_id} Delete Client
ClientsApi GetClient GET /c/{company_id}/entities/clients/{client_id} Get Client
ClientsApi ListClients GET /c/{company_id}/entities/clients List Clients
ClientsApi ModifyClient PUT /c/{company_id}/entities/clients/{client_id} Modify Client
CompaniesApi GetCompanyInfo GET /c/{company_id}/company/info Get Company Info
CompaniesApi GetCompanyPlanUsage GET /c/{company_id}/company/plan_usage Get Company Plan Usage
EmailsApi ListEmails GET /c/{company_id}/emails List Emails
InfoApi ListArchiveCategories GET /c/{company_id}/info/archive_categories List Archive Categories
InfoApi ListCities GET /info/cities List Cities
InfoApi ListCostCenters GET /c/{company_id}/info/cost_centers List Cost Centers
InfoApi ListCountries GET /info/countries List Countries
InfoApi ListCurrencies GET /info/currencies List Currencies
InfoApi ListDeliveryNotesDefaultCausals GET /info/dn_causals List Delivery Notes Default Causals
InfoApi ListDetailedCountries GET /info/detailed_countries List Detailed Countries
InfoApi ListLanguages GET /info/languages List Languages
InfoApi ListPaymentAccounts GET /c/{company_id}/info/payment_accounts List Payment Accounts
InfoApi ListPaymentMethods GET /c/{company_id}/info/payment_methods List Payment Methods
InfoApi ListProductCategories GET /c/{company_id}/info/product_categories List Product Categories
InfoApi ListReceivedDocumentCategories GET /c/{company_id}/info/received_document_categories List Received Document Categories
InfoApi ListRevenueCenters GET /c/{company_id}/info/revenue_centers List Revenue Centers
InfoApi ListTemplates GET /info/templates List Templates
InfoApi ListUnitsOfMeasure GET /info/measures List Units of Measure
InfoApi ListVatTypes GET /c/{company_id}/info/vat_types List Vat Types
IssuedDocumentsApi CreateIssuedDocument POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents Create Issued Document
IssuedDocumentsApi DeleteIssuedDocument DELETE /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id} Delete Issued Document
IssuedDocumentsApi DeleteIssuedDocumentAttachment DELETE /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/attachment Delete Issued Document Attachment
IssuedDocumentsApi GetEmailData GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/email Get Email Data
IssuedDocumentsApi GetExistingIssuedDocumentTotals POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/totals Get Existing Issued Document Totals
IssuedDocumentsApi GetIssuedDocument GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id} Get Issued Document
IssuedDocumentsApi GetIssuedDocumentPreCreateInfo GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/info Get Issued Document Pre-Create Info
IssuedDocumentsApi GetNewIssuedDocumentTotals POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/totals Get New Issued Document Totals
IssuedDocumentsApi JoinIssuedDocuments GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/join Join Issued Documents
IssuedDocumentsApi ListIssuedDocuments GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents List Issued Documents
IssuedDocumentsApi ModifyIssuedDocument PUT /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id} Modify Issued Document
IssuedDocumentsApi ScheduleEmail POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/email Schedule Email
IssuedDocumentsApi TransformIssuedDocument GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/transform Transform Issued Document
IssuedDocumentsApi UploadIssuedDocumentAttachment POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/attachment Upload Issued Document Attachment
IssuedEInvoicesApi GetEInvoiceRejectionReason GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/e_invoice/error_reason Get E-Invoice Rejection Reason
IssuedEInvoicesApi GetEInvoiceXml GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/e_invoice/xml Get E-Invoice XML
IssuedEInvoicesApi SendEInvoice POST /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/e_invoice/send Send E-Invoice
IssuedEInvoicesApi VerifyEInvoiceXml GET /c/{company_id}/issued_documents/{document_id}/e_invoice/xml_verify Verify E-Invoice XML
ProductsApi CreateProduct POST /c/{company_id}/products Create Product
ProductsApi DeleteProduct DELETE /c/{company_id}/products/{product_id} Delete Product
ProductsApi GetProduct GET /c/{company_id}/products/{product_id} Get Product
ProductsApi ListProducts GET /c/{company_id}/products List Products
ProductsApi ModifyProduct PUT /c/{company_id}/products/{product_id} Modify Product
ReceiptsApi CreateReceipt POST /c/{company_id}/receipts Create Receipt
ReceiptsApi DeleteReceipt DELETE /c/{company_id}/receipts/{document_id} Delete Receipt
ReceiptsApi GetReceipt GET /c/{company_id}/receipts/{document_id} Get Receipt
ReceiptsApi GetReceiptPreCreateInfo GET /c/{company_id}/receipts/info Get Receipt Pre-Create Info
ReceiptsApi GetReceiptsMonthlyTotals GET /c/{company_id}/receipts/monthly_totals Get Receipts Monthly Totals
ReceiptsApi ListReceipts GET /c/{company_id}/receipts List Receipts
ReceiptsApi ModifyReceipt PUT /c/{company_id}/receipts/{document_id} Modify Receipt
ReceivedDocumentsApi CreateReceivedDocument POST /c/{company_id}/received_documents Create Received Document
ReceivedDocumentsApi DeleteReceivedDocument DELETE /c/{company_id}/received_documents/{document_id} Delete Received Document
ReceivedDocumentsApi DeleteReceivedDocumentAttachment DELETE /c/{company_id}/received_documents/{document_id}/attachment Delete Received Document Attachment
ReceivedDocumentsApi GetExistingReceivedDocumentTotals POST /c/{company_id}/received_documents/{document_id}/totals Get Existing Received Document Totals
ReceivedDocumentsApi GetNewReceivedDocumentTotals POST /c/{company_id}/received_documents/totals Get New Received Document Totals
ReceivedDocumentsApi GetReceivedDocument GET /c/{company_id}/received_documents/{document_id} Get Received Document
ReceivedDocumentsApi GetReceivedDocumentPreCreateInfo GET /c/{company_id}/received_documents/info Get Received Document Pre-Create Info
ReceivedDocumentsApi ListReceivedDocuments GET /c/{company_id}/received_documents List Received Documents
ReceivedDocumentsApi ModifyReceivedDocument PUT /c/{company_id}/received_documents/{document_id} Modify Received Document
ReceivedDocumentsApi UploadReceivedDocumentAttachment POST /c/{company_id}/received_documents/attachment Upload Received Document Attachment
SettingsApi CreatePaymentAccount POST /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_accounts Create Payment Account
SettingsApi CreatePaymentMethod POST /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_methods Create Payment Method
SettingsApi CreateVatType POST /c/{company_id}/settings/vat_types Create Vat Type
SettingsApi DeletePaymentAccount DELETE /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_accounts/{payment_account_id} Delete Payment Account
SettingsApi DeletePaymentMethod DELETE /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Delete Payment Method
SettingsApi DeleteVatType DELETE /c/{company_id}/settings/vat_types/{vat_type_id} Delete Vat Type
SettingsApi GetPaymentAccount GET /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_accounts/{payment_account_id} Get Payment Account
SettingsApi GetPaymentMethod GET /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Get Payment Method
SettingsApi GetVatType GET /c/{company_id}/settings/vat_types/{vat_type_id} Get Vat Type
SettingsApi ModifyPaymentAccount PUT /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_accounts/{payment_account_id} Modify Payment Account
SettingsApi ModifyPaymentMethod PUT /c/{company_id}/settings/payment_methods/{payment_method_id} Modify Payment Method
SettingsApi ModifyVatType PUT /c/{company_id}/settings/vat_types/{vat_type_id} Modify Vat Type
SuppliersApi CreateSupplier POST /c/{company_id}/entities/suppliers Create Supplier
SuppliersApi DeleteSupplier DELETE /c/{company_id}/entities/suppliers/{supplier_id} Delete Supplier
SuppliersApi GetSupplier GET /c/{company_id}/entities/suppliers/{supplier_id} Get Supplier
SuppliersApi ListSuppliers GET /c/{company_id}/entities/suppliers List Suppliers
SuppliersApi ModifySupplier PUT /c/{company_id}/entities/suppliers/{supplier_id} Modify Supplier
TaxesApi CreateF24 POST /c/{company_id}/taxes Create F24
TaxesApi DeleteF24 DELETE /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Delete F24
TaxesApi DeleteF24Attachment DELETE /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id}/attachment Delete F24 Attachment
TaxesApi GetF24 GET /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Get F24
TaxesApi ListF24 GET /c/{company_id}/taxes List F24
TaxesApi ModifyF24 PUT /c/{company_id}/taxes/{document_id} Modify F24
TaxesApi UploadF24Attachment POST /c/{company_id}/taxes/attachment Upload F24 Attachment
UserApi GetUserInfo GET /user/info Get User Info
UserApi ListUserCompanies GET /user/companies List User Companies
WebhooksApi CreateWebhooksSubscription POST /c/{company_id}/subscriptions Create a Webhook Subscription
WebhooksApi DeleteWebhooksSubscription DELETE /c/{company_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Delete Webhooks Subscription
WebhooksApi GetWebhooksSubscription GET /c/{company_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Get Webhooks Subscription
WebhooksApi ListWebhooksSubscriptions GET /c/{company_id}/subscriptions List Webhooks Subscriptions
WebhooksApi ModifyWebhooksSubscription PUT /c/{company_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id} Modify Webhooks Subscription

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: accessCode
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
    • entity.clients:r: Read permission to the Clients registry
    • entity.clients:a: Write permission to the Clients registry
    • entity.suppliers:r: Read permission to the Suppliers registry
    • entity.suppliers:a: Write permission to the Suppliers registry
    • products:r: Read permission to the Products
    • products:a: Write permission to the Products
    • issued_documents.invoices:r: Read permission to the issued Invoices
    • issued_documents.credit_notes:r: Read permission to the issued Credit Notes
    • issued_documents.receipts:r: Read permission to the issued Receipts
    • issued_documents.orders:r: Read permission to the issued Orders
    • issued_documents.quotes:r: Read permission to the issued Quotes
    • issued_documents.proformas:r: Read permission to the issued Proformas
    • issued_documents.delivery_notes:r: Read permission to the issued Delivery Notes
    • issued_documents.work_reports:r: Read permission to the issued Work Reports
    • issued_documents.supplier_orders:r: Read permission to the issued Supplier Orders
    • issued_documents.self_invoices:r: Read permission to the issued Self Invoices
    • issued_documents.invoices:a: Write permission to the issued Invoices
    • issued_documents.credit_notes:a: Write permission to the issued Credit Notes
    • issued_documents.receipts:a: Write permission to the issued issued Receipts
    • issued_documents.orders:a: Write permission to the issued Orders
    • issued_documents.quotes:a: Write permission to the issued Quotes
    • issued_documents.proformas:a: Write permission to the issued Proformas
    • issued_documents.delivery_notes:a: Write permission to the issued Delivery Notes
    • issued_documents.work_reports:a: Write permission to the issued Work Reports
    • issued_documents.supplier_orders:a: Write permission to the issued Supplier Orders
    • issued_documents.self_invoices:a: Write permission to the issued Self Invoices
    • received_documents:r: Read permission to the Received Documents
    • received_documents:a: Write permission to the Received Documents
    • stock:r: Read permission to the Stock movements
    • stock:a: Write permission to the Stock movements
    • receipts:r: Read permission to the Receipts
    • receipts:a: Write permission to the Receipts
    • taxes:r: Read permission to the Taxes
    • taxes:a: Write permission to the Taxes
    • archive:r: Read permission to the Archive Documents
    • archive:a: Read permission to the Archive Documents
    • cashbook:r: Read permission to the Cashbook
    • cashbook:a: Write permission to the Cashbook
    • settings:r: Read permission to the Settings
    • settings:a: Write permission to the Settings
    • situation:r: Read permission to the company Situation

fattureincloud-csharp-sdk's People


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fattureincloud-csharp-sdk's Issues

Installazione via Nuget

sto cercando di installare SDK via Nuget, ma ricevo sempre il segunete errore:
Non è stato possibile installare il pacchetto 'It.FattureInCloud.Sdk 2.0.8'. Si sta tentando di eseguire l'installazione in un progetto destinato a '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2', ma il pacchetto non contiene riferimenti ad assembly o file di dati compatibili con il framework. Per altre informazioni, contattare l'autore del pacchetto.

Ho provato anche ad installare da console prima le dipendenze (minime) e poi l'sdk
Install-Package It.FattureInCloud.Sdk -Version 2.0.8 -IgnoreDependencies
ma il risultato è lo stesso:

Install-Package : Non è stato possibile installare il pacchetto 'It.FattureInCloud.Sdk 2.0.8'. Si sta tentando di eseguire l'installazione in un progetto destinato a '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2', ma il pacchetto non contiene riferimenti ad assembly o file di dati compatibili con il framework. Per altre informazioni, contattare l'autore del pacchetto.
In riga:1 car:16

  • Install-Package <<<< It.FattureInCloud.Sdk -Version 2.0.8 -IgnoreDependencies
    • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
    • FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand**


Errore durante chiamata Api "Method not found: Void RestSharp.RestRequest..ctor(RestSharp.Method)"

Ogni volta che provo ad eseguire una chiamata alle api, ottengo come exception "Method not found: Void RestSharp.RestRequest..ctor(RestSharp.Method)", senza stacktrace oltre a questo errore.
Ho avuto questo problema facendo le seguenti chiamate:

  • IssuedDocumentsApi.ListIssuedDocumentsAsync
  • IssuedDocumentsApi.CreateIssuedDocumentWithHttpInfo
  • IssuedDocumentsApi.CreateIssuedDocumentWithHttpInfoAsync

Al momento, ho provato a:

  • Reinstallare l'sdk
  • Downgrade dell'sdk
  • Downgrade di RestSharp

Get Issued Document Pre-create info


I used the SDK to perform various operations on my account such as creating or retrieving an invoice.

When I use this GetIssuedDocumentPreCreateInfo method to retrieve data in IssuedDocumentsApi I have null as an answer, if I look at the logs in the portal the status is 200.

If I try to make the call from the API reference page I have results?



Impostare una property di un modello a null fa fallire la chiamata

Describe the bug
Se imposto una property di un modello a null, questo può far fallire la chiamata in quanto la property, anche se impostata a null, viene flaggata come "da serializzare" e inclusa quindi nella chiamata.
Il server poi non accetta il valore di questa property e ritorna un errore di validazione.

To Reproduce
Per chiamare la CreateIssuedDocumentAsync, compilo la Entity in base ai dati che ho sul mio DB.
Provo a compilare tutti i dati, ma alcuni non sono presenti sul mio DB (Fax, VatNumber, TaxCode), poiché quello specifico cliente non li ha compilati.
Il codice quindi imposta Fax, VatNumber e TaxCode a null.
La chiamata CreateIssuedDocumentAsync ritorna il seguente errore:

    "error": {
        "message": "Invalid request.",
        "validation_result": {
            "data.entity.vat_number": ["The data.entity.vat number must be a string."],
            "data.entity.tax_code": ["The code must be a string."],
            "data.entity.fax": ["The data.entity.fax must be a string."]

Expected behavior
Se imposto il valore a null, questo non dovrebbe essere considerato e non deve essere serializzato se il server non lo accetta.

GetXmlDocument Sdk


sto utilizzando la versione 2.0.10 del SDK e se utilizzo il metodo GetEInvoiceXml delle IssuedEInvoicesApi il valore che mi viene restituito per il documento è un valore nullo.

lanciando il metodo GetEInvoiceXmlWithHttpInfo ho più informazioni:

nel campo ErrorText: Nessun costruttore senza parametri definito per l'oggetto. ma il testo della fattura è nel campo RawContent.

è un problema dalla nostra fattura o del SDK?

Errore di conversione in json per gli oggetti anonimi associati ai campi custom della fatturazione elettronica

Penso di aver trovato un problema di conversione in json che si verifica vengono compilati i campi custom associati alla fatturazione elettronica nei vari modelli di questa libreria.
Il bug che ho rilevato avviene durante la conversione in json di oggetti che contengono proprietà di tipo object da utilizzare con oggetti anonimi. Un esempio è la proprietà EiRaw nella classe It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model.IssuedDocument.
Il problema si verifica ad esempio se creo un oggetto di tipo It.FattureInCloud.Sdk.Model.CreateIssuedDocumentResponse per la creazione di una fattura e compilo il campo EiRaw dentro Data nel seguente modo:

request.Data.EiRaw = new
    FatturaElettronicaBody = new
        DatiGenerali = new
            DatiDDT = new[] {
                    NumeroDDT = "Fatt1",
                    DataDDT = "2022-01-01",
                    NumeroDDT = "Fatt2",
                    DataDDT = "2022-02-02",


Quando chiamerò la Create Issued Document, l'oggetto della richiesta verrà convertito in json correttamente tranne che per il campo EiRaw che verrà convertito nel seguente modo:

 "ei_raw": {
        "fatturaElettronicaBody": {
          "datiGenerali": {
            "datiDDT": [
                "numeroDDT": "Fatt1",
                "dataDDT": "2022-01-01"
                "numeroDDT": "Fatt2",
                "dataDDT": "2022-02-02"

Il salvataggio e la creazione avvengono con successo anche se si porterà dietro l'errata conversione in json delle lettere iniziali dei nodi che fanno riferimento al tracciato xml. Infatti il problema è la conversione standard delle iniziali dei nomi da maiuscole a minuscole.
A questo punto chiamando la GetIssuedDocument il campo ei_raw conterrà i nodi dentro ei_raw coi nomi in minuscolo.
La problematica è che il sistema si aspetta dei nomi esattamente uguali al tracciato XML della fattura elettronica. Infatti aprendo il documento nell'interfaccia grafica di FattureInCloud, i dati inviati non compariranno perché non conformi e quindi ignorati.

Per risolvere il bug bisognerebbe fare in modo che gli oggetti anonimi passati a proprietà come EiRaw vengano convertiti mantenendo le le maiuscole iniziali come nel seguente modo:

 "ei_raw": {
        "FatturaElettronicaBody": {
          "DatiGenerali": {
            "DatiDDT": [
                "NumeroDDT": "Fatt1",
                "DataDDT": "2022-01-01"
                "NumeroDDT": "Fatt2",
                "DataDDT": "2022-02-02"

Purtroppo questo è un bug abbastanza importante perché impedisce la compilazione dei campi custom dei documenti elettronici tramite il vostro servizio C#.
Vi ringrazio e vi auguro un buon lavoro.

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