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azgaar-foundry's Issues

Compatibility with Monks Enhanced Journal

First, great work.
Is there a way to make the importer compatible with Monks Enhanced journals? Whenever it is activated the only journal that appears is the first country in the .map file, and there is libWrapper conflict about Monks not chaining the clickleft2 function. If I stick a breakpoint in the importers clickleft2 function it doesn't get hit.
Hope this makes sense. It's not a bug but a feature request!

Potential bug (v10): not filling journey entries correctly and not placing province pins on scene.

Version info

FoundryVTT version: v10 (build 286)
Azgaar's version: 1.87.13
Module version: 0.3.1


When importing a map into Foundry, the module generates all the journey entries correctly (all the provinces and burgs are listed in their respective compenia), however the links inside the journal entries are oftentimes missing. It also doesn't seem to place the province pins on the scene.

The missing journey entry links are as such:




(The dropdown of burgs inside the province is empty).

Tried solutions

I have tried regenerating things in Azgaar's map maker in both orders (regenerate state->provinces->burgs and burgs->provinces->states) thinking it might be due to it assigning which province a burgh belongs to on generation. This had no effect.

If you require me to add additional info, do tell. I will do what I can to provide it.

One State pin never links

I have a world where when I import it, one specific State's pin doesn't work. It's always the same State every time. The pin gets created and placed in the correct-ish spot, but double clicking it doesn't bring up the compendium entry. When I check the pin's properties it looks the exact same as other pins that work and nothing I do seems to be able to correct it. The only way to get a working pin is to copy the compendium entry for that State to the journal, and then make a new pin manually that points to the journal entry.

I originally thought it might have been an import order issue, because the name starts with W and it was the last alphabetically, but I've since then created another State that starts with Z and that one linked correctly. (I even made one named Zzzzdonia to make it last, and THAT one works)

I've done this import on Foundry V10 and V11 and in both cases, the same pin doesn't link. I've attached my map. The State that doesn't get linked up is Woldea

Error after making map. No pins appear. Compendium for burgs doesnt exist.

Something went wrong here. I followed instructions. This is the stuff I used:
.map file:
Link to Picture:
Scale Factor 5 (didn't match up so I adjusted the X/Ysize to 12800x6360 manually)
Changed 3 icons for burgs, countries, and provinces.
Left MapNote scaling on default.
Pressed Import.

Here's what I got. I got a new scene with the linked picture, but no pins (made sure i have them visible).
The following compendiums were created: Cultures, Provinces. (No burgs??)

And looking in the Console I got:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
[Detected 1 package: azgaar-foundry]
    at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
    at ClientDatabaseBackend._preCreateDocumentArray (foundry.js:8657)
    at async ClientDatabaseBackend._createDocuments (foundry.js:8603)
    at async Function.createDocuments (document.mjs:332)
    at async compendiumUpdater (main.js:530)
    at async http:/localhost:6969/modules/azgaar-foundry/main.js:232```

Wrong culture


In the notes, you always show the next culture Id instead of the right culture.

So If the city have the X Culture, in the notes you link and show the X+1 culture.

Foundry VTT 0.8.9
Dnd5e 1.5.5
Azgaar 0.2.2

Thx, very nice plugins

City "size" left off, resulting in broken links

When importing a map, the importer appears to trim the 'size' attribute out of cities and towns, which breaks the links it creates to watabou's city generator. This attribute seems to be present in the links Azgaar itself provides.

Import floods the console with warnings about objects deprecated in v10

in commons.js:1256

Error: You are accessing the JournalEntry#data object which is no longer used. Since V10 the Document class and its contained DataModel are merged into a combined data structure. You should now reference keys which were previously contained within the data object directly.
    at logCompatibilityWarning (commons.js:1245)
    at Function._logV10CompatibilityWarning (commons.js:6166)
    at JournalEntry.get data [as data] (commons.js:6066)
    at main.js:680
    at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
    at compendiumUpdater (main.js:680)
    at async main.js:279

Mapping of .map data to journal entries is incorrect

I've noticed that the data within the .map file isn't accurately mapping to journal data correctly, As per the below image, the burg Bellstar lists its province as Flarereva however it is in the Province of Bellstar County.

Incorrect Data

I've looked through the .map file and the Bellstar burg index is in the list of province indices for Bellstar County and not in Flarereva's list.

Unofficial Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator Import version: 0.2.8
FMG version: 1.8 (current stable version used here)
Foundry Version: 9.269

Resolution and Pins

Greetings! awesome mod...very happy to use it for an upcoming game. I have two questions to understand the limitations of the tool:

  • How can I get the highest resolution..I export SVG (which should not de rez) and import it into Foundry and it gets fuzzy.. I tried scaling and setting resolutions but whats needed for a sharp 4k image (and I assume SVG is being converted in Foundry to raster...)
  • I dont see any of the towns, despite zomming in and out...could the pins not be working currently?

MINOR BUG - Error: Required field "name" not present in SceneData

Environment Details

Foundry VTT Version: 0.8.9

Operating System: [Linux]

How Are You Using Foundry: [Linux,Native Application (Electron), Chrome]

Which Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, version 1.4.2

Modules Enabled?: Yes (if you need i can give you the full list)

Module version: 0.2.1

OS, Hosting, Browser (if applicable): Linux/Node/Chrome

Description of the issue:

Ater load the ".map" file ad hit the button "Import" i get this error:


it's because i forgot to set a image for the "Link to picture" module setting, after that the panel form is broke, so for now the solution is a simplerefresh.

A solution can be to add a mandatory validation for that field.

Quality of Life

I do encounter an issue where Provinces with no under lying Burgs don't produce pins, and creating pins for them then creates a journal entry which is separate to the compendium entry, and both can be edited independently with no way (that I have found) to easily identify between the 2 to ensure integrity of information added/saved.

but I wanted to suggest some what I think (I haven't looked at code in 12 years) should be simple additions that would make navigating through so much more intuitive just by editing the templates.

suggested edits below


<h4>State: @Compendium[world.Countries.{{}}]</h4>
<h4>Province:` @Compendium[world.Provinces.{{}}]</h4>
<h4>Culture: @Compendium[world.Cultures.{{}}]</h4>


<h4>Full Name: {{iter.fullName}}</h4>
<h4>State: @Compendium[world.Countries.{{}}]</h4>
        {{#each iter.selBurgs}}
<h4><b>Color: </b>

I don't know if it would be that simple their might be some changes needed to the way the data is stored/retrieved was just something I noticed might be a nice win for anyone else starting a new setting/continent

I otherwise love this module its saved me unfathomable amounts of time and has made importing a map super simple

3D Export

Hi. Amazing job.

Can you make azgaar export a GLB file to use with the 3D module?

Feature request: Import GeoJSON instead of raster image

Currently this asks for a raster image (e.g. PNG) of the Azgaar map for displaying in the Scene.
This has limitations, especially if the map is very big, so the raster image must be very big, or else zooming in will be pixelated.

Azgaar allows exporting vector data in GeoJSON format.

It's trivial to render GeoJSON in Web using a library like Leaflet

This can allow arbitrary zoom levels without losing resolution,
and also smarter showing/hiding of markers based on zoom level.

Support Markers

Being able to export Markers from FMG into foundry would be really useful to me, as my map mainly has those and doesn't have any cities or burgs.

Failure to Complete

On foundry 8.8 linux, Libwrapper and Pin-Fixer likewise:
Uploading map file and map image work fine, however it throws this error after making the journal entries and the scene, but does not place the pins on the map. Likewise the module setup window becomes impossible to close but does not hard-lock the software. Rebooting the world and or program leaves what it has already placed but aborts the process.

Some kind of missunderstanding

Hi there!
I'm using Foundry vtt v.10 and installing your module for importing generated azgaar map, but it doesn't work correctly. maiby i'm too dumb, but i generate random map with default settings, i exporting svg file, i saving a .map file on my machine. I launched new clean world on my Foundry, activate your module, step-by-step i select first .map file, choose link to svg file and push "import". System show me messages lice creating cultural journals and other things, but at the end i got one scene - world map, and no journals, except blank journal with words about azgaar imported journal (sample). what i doing wrong? version of module 0.3.3

Links to watabou...

Within the website, links at the burg level to watabou's city generator seem to pass through the "layout" of adjacent water bodies etc.

Once the map is imported to Foundry, the city names pass through to City Generator but the "layout" does not.


Black Map With No Pins

I have just done a first time install of the module(v 0.3.3) and of Pin Fixer(v 1.2.2). I followed the instructions and uploaded a .map and its respective .png file. It worked as it seemed it should however I didnt see any pins however I had also noticed that i had the labels visible on the png file and so deleted it as a scene and went back through the settings to import a new one. This time it showed nothing but black. Thought i had missed something so i redid it and same thing. Reset foundry, same thing. ReSaved and imported the .map, same thing. Uninstalled and reinstalled both this module and Pin Fixer and saved and exported the map again, still showing nothing but black. Did i break something deeper into the files? All of the rest of my scenes still work fine to not much supprise.

Integration options

Hello. Thanks for making the module! Personally I don't use Foundry and don't know a lot about VTT. But the module looks cool and useful and I would like to link this project from the FMG GUI.

I believe we can add a link to the Save map dialog:

What is the description I can add to the link? Any other ideas?

All Journal entries are offset from correct map coordinate

All journal entires are placed in the incorrect location. Near the bottom of the image, the entries are placed slightly below where they should be. Near the top of the image, the journal entries are very far below their POI on the map image

Does not generate Pins

I have noticed a glaring error. Tried with multiple maps, of multiple sizes.

It appears to not be creating any map pins. Even with all dependencies turned on (as far as I am aware).
The image loads but for the life of me, no pins are ever generated.

Import chokes on religions without culture.

There's a check for this.cultures[cultureIndex].Religions == undefined
Sometimes Azgaar generates such that this.cultures[cultureIndex] is undefined
so this throws an exception and stops the import.

Feature Request: Allow user to create Journal Entries in the Journal instead of Compendium

While a character might have knowledge of their continent, they may not have knowledge of smaller bergs.
In order to facilitate this in game, the permissions system could be used, effectively hiding a berg until your players stumble on it and get to know the place a bit. This is not possible when all entries are in the compendium.
Which version of import a DM wants to use should be configurable.

Possibile to turn off icon colors

Just wondering if it'd be possible to turn off icon colors with like a check box under each icon selection or something.

Otherwise love it!

Map notes disappear from the map

I'll explain in detail and provide a reproduction of this issue
Map notes without corresponding journals disappear from the map after you switch to any other control (token, measurements, tiles etc)
They still exist but in order to see them again you need to switch out of the scene and go back to it and you'll see it again but as soon as you'll switch controls again it disappears.

To reproduce

  1. Go to a scene and create a map note from journal notes on the left
  2. Create a map note anywhere on the map (details like name, icon or anything like that don't matter afaik)
  3. You'll notice that the icon is fine. Now click for example on select notes (the mode of journal notes) or any other control mode.
  4. The journal note disappears
  5. Switch to a different scene and go back to the scene you made the above note.
  6. Repeat step 3 (just once, don't want to script you into a loop and explode lol)

Hopefully this is enough for you to reproduce the problem, if not, do update me and I'll see what else could be the problem (maybe it's on my end). If I disable your module (along with the pin fixer) the map notes stay there and are visible as normal.

Doesn't work at all

There's no way I can open this at all, it's just images and some weird ass json files. Nothing useful at all
Can't open anything

Map and pins not aligning

When I upload a .map file and the photo that corresponds with that .map file and I make sure that the scale is correct. Sometimes the picture is blurry and the pins line up but if the picture is at the proper resolution the pins do not line up

City Map link in Burgs Journals cause incorrect sized map generated by period in the number.

Within the burgs journal entry, you'll find the city map link can have problematic values for population when a city has more population than 999.
for example, my city has 21.869 population, which causes the map generator to just take 21

This should easily be fixed by removing the period in population before inserting it into the url.

Link to city map not being generated correctly

Notes won't appear

I don't know what I'm doing wrong or if it is a bug. I cannot for the life of me get the notes to appear on the map in foundry. Like the .map data isn't showing.

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