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llambda's Introduction


Llambda is a natively compiled Scheme with optional strong typing. The core language is based on R7RS with a number of extensions influenced by Typed Racket and the SRFI community.

Llambda implements many of the features expected from a modern programming language including:

  • First class functions
  • Unicode support including UTF-8 strings
  • Support for functional programming including higher-order functions such as map, reduce and fold
  • Safe programming environment with garbage collected memory, enforced bounds checking and checked integer overflow
  • Concurrency support via an implementation of the Actor model
  • Pattern matching
  • Read-evaluate-print loop

Llambda is implemented with a Scala frontend, LLVM backend and a Scheme and C++11 runtime.

The language is currently very experimental with all non-R7RS language features in flux. Although it's well tested through an extensive functional test suite very few non-trivial programs have been written in Llambda. The lack of bindings for any non-system libraries make it only suitable for standalone programs operating on standard I/O and files.


  • Modern Unix-like operating system such as Mac OS X, Linux or FreeBSD. Llambda is explicitly tested on Mac OS X 10.10, Ubuntu 15.04 and FreeBSD 10.1 after every major change.
  • CMake 2.8
  • LLVM 4.0
  • Clang 4.0
  • sbt


Ensure that the above requirements are met and the related programs are in your user's path. Then, the runtime can be built using CMake.

$ cd llambda
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../runtime && make


Llambda takes Scheme source files as input and produces standalone statically linked executables. A trivial "Hello, World" application would look like:

(import (llambda base))
(import (llambda write))

(write "Hello, world!")

The llambda shell script be can used used to compile Scheme programs by passing their path on the command line. It supports various options which are described by llambda --help. Of particular interest is the -s option which will immediately run the program instead of producing an exectuable. This can be useful for scripting tasks.

For frequent compilation it is more efficient to use sbt to run the compiler from within the sbt environment. This avoids the overhead of launching a JVM for every invokation of the compiler. For example, to compile a program located at /home/example/test.scm would work as follows:

$ cd llambda/
$ sbt
> project compiler
> run /home/ryan/Code/test/test.scm


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llambda's Issues

Support vector types

(Vector) and (Vectorof) type constructors from Typed Racket should be supported. These are unstable types due to vectors being immutable; however they are useful for typing arguments and can be used to eliminate bounds checking in some instances.

Allow optional typing for normal forms in llamda dialect

In the llambda Scheme dialect we should allow optional type specifiers in (define), (lambda) etc. to make it easier to opt-in to typing. This shouldn't require importing (llambda typed) although it won't be very useful without the builtin types it defines.

The (define:), (lambda:) etc. forms should still require types on all of their arguments and remain usable from the R7RS dialect

Implement value cloning

To support cross-world communication we first need to support cloning of arbitrary values. We should introduce a new (llambda clone) library which exports a (clone) procedure for cloning values in the current world. This can be used to build functional tests that ensure cloning works as expected before building communication and concurrency primitives on top of it.

Don't allow redefinitions in llambda dialect

Redefining top-level bindings in R7RS is allowed to silently succeed. In the case of storage locations the second (define) will actually implicitly create a mutable. This needs to be maintained for R7rS compatibility but should be disabled in the "llambda" dialect as its error prone and confusing.

Typed (case-lambda)

Instead of using the existing R7RS (case-lambda) macro (case-lambda) should become a primitive expression that explicitly tracks the signature of each case. This provides a number of benefits:

  1. The sanity of the (case-lambda)'s arities can be checked at declaration time with useful diagnostics

  2. The arity of (case-lambda)applications can be validated at compile time

  3. (case-lambda:) with type feedback can be implemented using the existing typed lambda infrastructure

  4. Code generation and closure handling could be improved, particularly with mutable pairs

Cleaner support for defining procedures in libraries

Currently there are two problems with defining Scheme procedures in libraries like (scheme base):

  • The InferArgumentTypes unit test assumes there are no planned functions besides the __lambda_exec and the tested procedure
  • Unused procedures are emitted by codegen which will result in clutter if many are defined.

Implement (letrec)

This needs to properly catch uses of uninitialized values as required by R7RS. Preferably this should also optimize the same as a normal (let) where possible.

Fix runtime threading with GCC

GCC/libstdc++ requires -pthread to be passed to enable C++11 thread support. cmake 2.8 doesn't appear to reflect that when FindThreads is used. As a result the runtime will crash when it first attempts to use C++11 threads.

Add function types

First-class function types should be added as subtypes of the existing type. They do not need to be testable at runtime; we can require all function types to statically satisfied at compile time.

If possible a type-specific trampoline should be generated for procedures passed as a typed function. This will make higher-order functional code more efficient as it can reduce the overhead of calling through the default trampoline.

Investigate parser performance

Currently the compiler spends most of its time parsing Scheme code. As the standard library grows and incorporates more functionality implemented in Scheme this will become worse.

At the same time support for datum labels and case sensitivity directives should be considered.

It would be interesting to use a common definition that could generate code both for Scala and for C++. This could be used to implement (read).

Integer overflow is undefined

Integer overflow should either silently convert to inexact or raise an error. Currently the behaviour is undefined and varies depending where the overflow occurred (reducer, generated code or runtime)

Fix typegen to deal with World&

Currently typegen is generating a World* argument for the procedure typedef because it doesn't understand references. It either needs to learn about references or special case the world reference

Support for multiple return values

Multiple return types can be an additional "meta" return type on top of the existing unit/single return system. Internally it could return a vector and reuse the typed vector machinery from #36.

Add JUnit style asserts to Scheme tests

Now that error/exit are supported it's possible to terminate execution early. It should be possible to write a simple JUnit-style test system with (assert-true), (assert-equal) etc inside test-util

Support source level debugging

Now that LLVM IR had proper metadata support we should:

  • Pass the source location through the planner
  • Add DWARF metadata helpers in LLVM IR
  • Generate DWARF metadata if -g is passed to the compiler

Simply being able to produce readable, line-numbered backtraces through Scheme functions would be a huge win. Any other DWARF/GDB features that could be supported would be bonus functionality.

Retype procedures to use native arguments

If a procedure does nothing with a boxed argument except unboxing it then that argument should be rewritten to be of the unboxed type. This allows for more efficient calls and reduces unnecessary boxing and unboxing.

Rename the "unspecific" value to "unit"

The references to unspecific values in R7RS are conceptually similar to unit values in other languages (Haskell, ML, Scala, etc). The current name of "unspecific" is a side effect of the language in the Scheme report and not very clear for outside developers.

Rename the type to and the value to #!unit

Improve trampoline error reporting

Generated trampolines currently produce generic type cast failure messages when the wrong number of arguments are passed to the trampoline. This should be replaced with a human-readable message.

Fix intersection of indeterminate types

If two types don't have a strict super/subtype relationship they will currently intersect to the empty type. For example, the intersection of (Pairof <any> (Listof <any>)) and (Listof <number>) results in (U)where it should ideally be (Pairof <number> (Listof <number>)).

This may have to be resolved on a per-type basis. The list example could be resolved by intersecting the car and cdr of a pair separately.

Allow square bracketed lists

Like in Racket we should allow lists to be delimited with [] in addition to the normal (). This gives the developer more options to visual distinguish program parts. In particular, Typed Racket uses it for type annotations by convention.

This would ideally be disabled in the R7RS dialect but that's not strictly required.

Group functional tests in to a single executable

Currently every functional test is contained in a separate executable. It should be possible to combine the (expect)-style tests in to a single executable and only split it up in the case of failure.

Remove shadowstack usage

shadowstack is not thread safe. It should be possible to implement something almost identical ourselves using the world pointer. It's not worth the build system overhead of making this a full LLVM plugin. Instead, just directly manipulate the world ourselves as we do for allocations.

Support (plambda)

(plambda) is an deprecated form from Typed Racket that allows polymorphic (lambda)s to be declared. At the moment out frontend only supports polymorphic procedures by type annotating (define) even though the planner supports polymorphic procedures generally.

The current recommended Racket syntax for polymorphic lambdas depends on reader extensions which we have no plans to support.

(pcase-lambda) could be done as part of this work if it's trivial.

Generated LLVM IR is unstable between runs

Generated LLVM IR varies greatly between runs due to codegen depending on collection and operations with undefined order. GC code is particularly fragile. This makes comparing generated code for differences needlessly difficult.

Generate stable IR for union type checks

Union types have their member types checked in an undefined order. This should be made to be consistent between compiler runs, at least for common cases such as proper lists.

Support for dynamically growing GC heap

We should switch to a segmented stack approach where we initially have a small heap and incrementally add new segments as allocations occur. Ideally the first segment would live in the same page-sized allocation as the World structure

Support (guard)

The example implementation of (guard) makes extensive use of (call/cc) that could probably be replaced by either (call/ec) or explicit dynamic state switching for better performance. It also uses multiple return values which would require #37 but it's unclear how essential that is to the implementation.

Support (parameterize)

Support (parameterize) before working on the garbage collector to ensure they interact properly

Runtime support for circular lists

Certain R7RS procedures such as (write) and (list?) are required to handle lists of infinite length. Even without parser support for datum labels these can be easily created at runtime by mutating an existing list.

Support recursive record types

Record type fields should be allowed to reference the parent record type. This is difficult because the record type itself contains the record field types. Using the recursive type infrastructure would be helpful but this might involve supporting type references in union types.

Support garbage collection

A simple garbage collector should be implemented. The stdlib should be GC safe and register/root all the pointers it uses before potentially entering the GC

Proper support for Llambda libraries

Right now linking to liblliby is hardcoded in to the compiler and the native function definitions are all included in the compiler itself. One approach would be:

  • The runtime would be split in to libllcore and libllstd. libllcore would contain the GC, bindings, World support, helper procedures for quasiquotation etc. libllstd would contain the R7RS runtime functions.
  • libllcore would be unconditionally linked by the compiler as liblliby currently is
  • A directive would be added to (llambda nfi) to require linking against arbitrary libraries. this would be used by the stdlib Scheme library to pull in libllstd.
  • The stdlib Scheme library would be moved out of the compiler proper and live near its C++ implementation. However this is accomplished should become a generalized pattern for Llambda libraries. The only thing special about libllstd would be its default inclusion in the library search path.

Fix debug information on LLVM 3.5

llc 3.5 crashes when attempting to compile programs produced with llambda -g. Running under Valgrind reveals invalid reads in the DWARF generation code.

Categorize runtime exceptions

We only support the exception classes required by R7RS: (file-error?) and (read-error?). This isn't very precise, in particular for functional tests which can currently only assert that any error should occur during a test. We should:

  1. Choose a logical group of error classes and ensure the compile-time exceptions conform to them. Racket seems to distinguish range, syntax, type, arguments and arity errors which could be a good start.
  2. Add our own error classes that are harmonized with the ones in the compiler and add custom classes and predicates for those errors.
  3. Change the functional test framework to recognize the error classes we introduce regardless if they're raised at compile or run time
  4. Evaluate the existing functional tests and use the more specific error expectations where possible

Support full call/cc

This should be possible, albeit very difficult, with stack copying and meticulous handling of GC roots and dynamic stack entries of captured continuations. If #10 is implemented this does not need to be fast, but it is required to be a full-fledged Scheme implementation;

Generalize support for inline data

Strings, symbol, vectors and bytevectors should support inline data for small values. This will require assistance from typegen to do properly. Inline records should be ported to this new system.

Remove shadow stack entry before tail calls

Currently tail recursive Scheme calls that use GC will have unbounded stack usage due to the shadow stack. It should be possible to remove our shadow stack entry before the tail call. This should allow tail recursion to work in bounded space in more situations.

Support user-defined type constructors

It should be possible to define type constructors in the same way Typed Racket does. This would allow type constructors to be defined in the library instead of requiring hardcoded support in the frontend.

Support (case-lambda) tail recursion

R7RS requires (case-lambda) to be tail recursive. However, our new (case-lambda) generation has a few issues:

  • We always generate (case-lambda) with the same signature as TopProcedureType regardless of the types of the clause lambdas. This usually means we'll need to allocate a multiple values list at return which prevents tail recursion. It also uses the C calling convention which isn't required to support tail calls.
  • Clause lambdas don't have their recursive self values passed so they need to call through a cell which isn't supported
  • We never produce fixed arguments for (case-lambda)'s signature which means the a tail caller will always need to allocate a rest argument list. This doesn't prevent tail recursion but makes it potentially expensive

Support datum labels for shared data

Datum labels for circular data are problematic until infinite lists are supported. However, simple shared data can be supported by only making the datum label visible until its inner data has been parsed.

Convert trivial call/cc in to return

When optimization is enable we should convert trivial (non-capturing, never used as value) continuations to simple early returns. Full continuations would be needlessly slow for this purpose and the planner output already has (untested) support for early returns

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