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Opinionated platform that runs on Kubernetes to take you from Code to URL in one step.

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What problem does Epinio solve?

Epinio makes it easy for developers to develop their applications running in Kubernetes clusters. Easy means:

  • No experience with Kubernetes is needed
  • No steep learning curve
  • Quick local setup with minimal configuration
  • Deploying to production the same as deploying in development

Kubernetes is the standard for container orchestration. Developers may want to use Kubernetes for its benefits or because their Ops team has chosen it. In either case, working with Kubernetes can be complex depending on the environment. It has a steep learning curve and doing it right is a full-time job. Developers should spend their time working on their applications, not doing operations.

Epinio adds the needed abstractions and tools to allow developers to use Kubernetes as a PaaS.


Documentation is available at


Requires a Kubernetes cluster, an Ingress Controller and a Cert Manager as explained in the installation documentation. Once this is in place, and leaving out DNS setup, an installation reduces to:

helm repo add epinio
helm repo update

helm install --namespace epinio --create-namespace epinio epinio/epinio \

CLI installation

Installation of the Epinio CLI is by downloading a binary from the release page, or usage of brew, i.e.

brew install epinio

There is further documentation here.

Quick Start Tutorial

Our QuickStart Tutorial works through how to create a namespace and push an application.

Reach Us


Epinio uses Github Project for tracking issues.

Find more information in the Contribution Guide.

The developer documentation explains how to build and run Epinio from a git source checkout.


  • Security
    • TLS secured API server
    • Basic Authentication to access the API
    • or OIDC-based token
  • Epinio Clients
    • Web UI
    • Epinio CLI
  • Apps
    • Push code directly without further tools or steps
    • Basic operation of your application once pushed
    • Cloud Native Buildpacks build and containerize your code for you
  • Configurations
    • CRUD operations on your configuration. A configuration can be a database, SaaS etc. A configuration can be an external component or can be created using epinio configuration.
    • Bind configurations to apps.

Example apps


Copyright (c) 2020-2023 SUSE, LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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docs's Issues

Quickstart: full rewriting

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Rewrite the quickstart in order to have an end-to-end example.

Solution you'd like

Currently the quickstart, while needed to be concise, is lacking prerequisites. The goal is to have, in one page, an end-to-end working example.

And at the end, a next steps section should be added, so the reader is provided directions.

Alternatives you've considered


Anything else?

No response

Create documentation for upgrading epinio

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

The documentation contains no page describing how to upgrade epinio (server, and cli binary)

Note: The cli binary can be handled by referencing the existing page describing how to install it.

Expected Behavior

To have a page describing the upgrade process.

Steps To Reproduce

No response


No response


No response

Anything else?

No response

Improve home page

@catherineluse suggested the following improvements to the front page:

  • put the epinio push command at the top, so you can see it without scrolling down. The top says in words "go from Code to URL in one step" but it isn't clear what that step is, as the epinio push isn't actually mentioned until the bottom of the page.
  • we should mention that you don't need to build the application container image yourself
  • we should mention that it comes with a UI
  • The install steps on the landing page have too many steps, so at a glance it looks like a lot. I think the steps should be more like:
    1. Get access to a Kubernetes cluster
    2. Install Epinio in the cluster with Helm
    3. Log in to the cluster with epinio login
    4. Do epinio push (or whatever is needed to get to epinio push.)
      It should just link to docs for details instead of trying to put everything on the landing page

We should also mention a newer (supported) version of cert-manager (if at all)

Warn about the default namespace "workspace"

If Epinio is uninstalled, all components deployed in the default namespace workspace will be removed too.
We should warn the users about such a difference between the default namespace and the ones they might create.
Likely in the uninstall page.

Item6. Learn more in the installation instructions url from - page not found

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

Page , under section "Install Epinio in under 5 minutes",
under item 6. Learn more in the Installation, which resolves to - comes up with page not found

Expected Behavior

should resolve to

Steps To Reproduce



No response


No response

Anything else?

No response

Test and Document splitting control plane and workload

We should test and document a configuration where the control plane is being exposed through one ingress class and the workload is exposed through another. This can help increase security by allowing for control plane to be on an internal only network instead of exposing to the internet.

Solution requirements:

  • Traffic is split between different domains
  • Developers should be easily able to specify which ingress/network to expose app on
  • App exports should work as expected

Out of scope:

  • Epinio would not provide ingress or IngressClasses
  • Epinio would not control any networking before ingress (security groups for example)

Traefik LoadBalancer not found in k3d

With Traefik installed in other namespaces (kube-system with k3d for example), this command will not work.

kubectl  get svc -n traefik -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}"

$ kubectl get svc -n traefik -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0]}"

A more resilient way would be look in any namespace:

kubectl get svc -A -o jsonpath="{.items[*].status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]}"

Missing information about websocket timeout in Advanced Topics

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior


If the staging process is long (ie. npm install in NodeJS) the CLI and UI may exprerience websocket timeout.

In case of nginx used as Ingress or Proxy you have to increase the read timeout

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: nginx-ingress
  namespace: production
  annotations: "nginx" "360s"```

### Expected Behavior

_No response_

### Steps To Reproduce

_No response_

### Environment

- Architecture: x86
- Epinio Version: 0.7.3
- Cluster:
  - Provider: Self RKE2
  - Options:
  - Kubernetes Version: 1.21


EpinioServer/streamer-to-websockets: "msg"="failed to write to websockets" "error"="write tcp> write: broken pipe"

Anything else?

No response

Feature Request: Document how to lock down the platform

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Some users might be more security conscious than others so it would be useful to include some writing about how to improve the security of Epinio.

Solution you'd like

We can use several of the features already built into Epinio to dramatically improve security:

  • Separate ingresses for control plane vs workload to allow for DMZ style networking
  • mTLS with linkerd (or other mesh)
  • NeuVector
    • Both networking and container scanning
  • Kubewarden to only allow scheduling of Epinio workloads
  • Custom app template with NetworkPolicies along with a "deny-all" base policy

I'm sure there are more places where we can increase our security stance as well

Alternatives you've considered

No response

Anything else?

No response

Add a how to document about working with multiple namespaces

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Issue epinio/epinio#1635 is IMHO clearly rooted in missing documentation.

The submitter was unaware of the target command and actually edited the settings file directly to change the target namespace.
Looking over the docs I see only the manpage for target in the reference block.
And the description there is relatively short.

Solution you'd like

I believe that we need a How to work with multiple namespaces document.

Alternatives you've considered

No response

Anything else?


Docs structure: re-apply the Divio structure

Is your feature request related to a problem?

The current docs structure is based on the Divio documentation structure, however some areas have started to be mixed up.

Solution you'd like

Re-apply the Divio documentation structure to the docs and have the different topics re-ordered.

Also, whenever possible, add a Next Steps section to docs in order to provide the reader with a "suggested reading path".

Alternatives you've considered


Anything else?

No response

Update documentation for single chart

The only supported way to install Epinio is now the single helm chart:

Out documenation site still describes the installation using the epinio-installer chart.

Acceptance Criteria

Remove fixed containerd issue?

Going through the doc I've found this troubleshooting section:

### Troubleshooting
While Kubernetes 1.22 is supported there is an issue when the container runtime is `containerd > 1.5.6`.
The [pack cli]( is placing too much information into the
image layers. The relevant issue is:


While Kubernetes 1.22 is supported there is an issue when the container runtime is containerd > 1.5.6.
The pack cli is placing too much information into the image layers.
The relevant issue is: paketo-buildpacks/full-builder#415

The referenced issue is still open but it seems that it has been resolved.

The containerd issue was fixed and added to the v1.5.8.

Since containerd was updated in the v1.22.4 of k3s I guess we can assume that it's fixed and remove the troubleshooting section, or maybe reference to update to the 1.22.4, and update and close the paketo-buildpacks/full-builder#415 as well.

/cc @jimmykarily

Not working command for starting K3d

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

This line of docu does not work

Error in running this command

k3d cluster create epinio -p '80:80@server[0]' -p '443:443@server[0]'


FATA[0000] failed to transform ports: Failed to parse node filters (with suffix): invalid format or empty subset in 'server[0]' 

I get pass by running

k3d cluster create epinio -p '80:80@loadbalancer' -p '443:443@loadbalancer'

Expected Behavior

k3d cluster being created

Steps To Reproduce

see above


- OS: Linux Ubuntu
- Architecture:
- Epinio Version: 0.6.1
- Cluster:
  - Provider:
  - Options:
  - Kubernetes Version:



Anything else?


Add documentation on how to configure buildpacks

Preview Documentation site

When we make big changes in documentation (like switching to docusaurus for example), it's nice if we can see the result before we merge. netlify or similar could be useful here.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When a PR is opened in epinio/docs there is a URL that serves the rendered result.

Feature Request: Document Example integration with Crossplane

Is your feature request related to a problem?

We tell people that they can use our service marketplace to integrate with other providers, but this may not be as trivial as we assume.

Solution you'd like

Our docs should have an example of integration with the Crossplane AWS provider and a service like PostgreSQL in RDS. This should include any additional provider setup other than what Crossplane's getting started guide shows along with binding of the service to an app.

Alternatives you've considered

No response

Anything else?

I tried to get this working and ran into an issue where the secret that crossplane produces doesn't have the correct labels. A "hacky" way to fix this may be using a post-install hooks in helm that waits for the secret to exist then adds the appropriate labels. There is likely a better way to do this...

[DOCS] - Fix helm chart links on 1.0.0 pointing to 0.7.1

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

After 1.0.0 release some helm chart links are still poinint to 0.7.1 as can be seen:

There are a few examples in the 'How to pages' but potentially can be more:

Expected Behavior

They should point to 1.0.0 (24 Jun, 2022)

Steps To Reproduce

No response


- OS:
- Architecture:
- Epinio Version:
- Cluster:
  - Provider:
  - Options:
  - Kubernetes Version:


No response

Anything else?

No response

Wrong link for System Requirements

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

The link for System Requirements page is wrong in the Installation page.

This issue has been reported on Slack as follow:

Just a random heads-up: returns 404 (linked from

[ link ]

Expected Behavior

The link opens the System Requirements page.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to page
  2. Click on the link "See system requirements"
  3. Page not found is displayed


Docs issue affecting all browsers.



Anything else?

No response

Make epinio RKE2 documentation less confusing

Alejandro Bonilla found RKE2 documentation a bit confusing. According to him RKE2 is most important product we sell so we should polish it more.

Especially the part RKE2 Prerequisites related to Ingress where we don't mention RKE2 native nginx-ingress controller but describing something about MetalLB instead.

We should simplify that section and describe how to:

  • expose epinio in a POC Lab env - internal IP/wild-card DNS
  • expose epinio and its workload on Public Internet - by using node's EXTERNAL-IP assigned to internal nginx-ingress
    • find a way how can RKE2 assign EXTERNAL-IP to nodes
    • configure nginx-ingress to use that EXTERNAL-IP(s)
  • expose epinio and its workload on Public Internet - by using some sort of external Load Balancer running on extra VM with a public IP/Domain(s) assingned
  • (handle TLS certs - probably described elsewhere)
  • install a storage provider/driver which is not preinstalled by default in RKE2 (k3s has local-path by default including a SC for it)

Another document related to DNS topic is which should be revisited.


helm install traefik fails: not found

The helm chart tarball listed in the Traefik installation instructions no longer exists at that URL

$ kubectl create namespace traefik
$ export LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(LOAD_BALANCER_IP:-) # Set this to the IP of your load balancer if you know that
$ helm install traefik --namespace traefik "" \
--set globalArguments='' \
--set-string ports.web.redirectTo=websecure \
--set-string ingressClass.enabled=true \
--set-string ingressClass.isDefaultClass=true \
--set-string service.spec.loadBalancerIP=$LOAD_BALANCER_IP

Update Minikube docs on how to install metrics server

When running an app on Minikube the following message appears on status:

failed to get replica details:`the server could not find the requested resource get 
โžœ  ~ epinio app list           

๐Ÿšข  Listing applications
Namespace: workspace

โœ”๏ธ  Epinio Applications:
| NAME |            CREATED            |             STATUS             |            ROUTES            | CONFIGURATIONS | STATUS DETAILS |
| app1 | 2023-01-18 16:09:02 +0100 CET | failed to get replica details: | |                |                |
|      |                               | the server could not find      |                              |                |                |
|      |                               | the requested resource (get    |                              |                |                |
|      |                               |           |                              |                |                |

This can be corrected by adding:

minikube addons enable metrics-server

We should update accordingly

Documentation fixes

Our docs have a lot of outdated information. Let's fix what we can.

  • Installation
  • Explanations
  • Howtos


[Doc] - Revamp installation pages

Already discussed with @nunix and @mmartin24

When you land on the documentation website, I find very confusing the way to get the installation instructions for Epinio.

You have to click on Installation to print the instructions.
As a user (and it already happened with newcomer), I would click on the down arrow next to installation and then, click on Install Epinio CLI because I see Install Epinio there.
And it will result with a bad experience because you will install the epinio CLI and it's useless without an epinio server instance.
I would prefer something like:

    Install Epinio
    Install Epinio CLI

Update the `epinio` CLI installation

Now epinio is available on brew

We have to update the documentation to show how to do this.

Note: remember to document both the tap (to have the latest version) and the core installation method.

Nice to have

It will be nice to use updatecli to update the links to the latest version, so the user will have a working link and avoid to look for the released versions.


    name: 'Update Installation URL'
    kind: file
      file: content/docs/prologue/installation.adoc
      matchPattern: '*)/'
      replacePattern: '{{ source "updatecli" }}/'
    scmID: default

Feature Request: document deployment vs stateful set template

Is your feature request related to a problem?

We are now adding in the stateful set template to the default epinio chart. This could cause confusion so we should document when to use one over the other.

Solution you'd like

No response

Alternatives you've considered

No response

Anything else?

No response

Default blog post is shown and indexed

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

The default blog posts are still in the repo.

Expected Behavior

No response

Steps To Reproduce

No response


- OS:
- Architecture:
- Epinio Version:
- Cluster:
  - Provider:
  - Options:
  - Kubernetes Version:


No response

Anything else?

No response

Describe how to specify an ingressClass for workload only

According to epinio/epinio#1954 user may define a ingressClass for workload only, this is probably not covered by documentation.

  • Epinio itself and its Workload uses the default ingressClass if not defined by --set ingress.ingressClassName=traefik
  • NEW in addition users may define also an ingressClass for epinio Workload only by --set server.ingressClassName=nginx

Use numbered prefix in filenames

While going through the doc files it's hard to understand which file matches just from the name.

Since they are numbered paragraph I would suggest to rename files and folders with a prefixed number.
I've done this in the past and I found it useful.


At the moment the index is written like this:

- [Introduction](
- [Quick Start](tutorials/
- [Installation](installation/
  - [System Requirements](installation/
  - [Method 1: Install Epinio and automatically install dependencies](installation/
  - [Method 2: Install Epinio and manually install dependencies](installation/
  - [Install Epinio cli](installation/

while the files are unordered

โ”œโ”€โ”€ installation/
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€
โ”œโ”€โ”€ tutorials/
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€

I would suggest to modify it like this:

โ”œโ”€โ”€ 01_tutorials/
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€
โ”œโ”€โ”€ 02_installation/
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€

Feature Request: Document what procfile is about

Is your feature request related to a problem?

While trying to install mirrorbits, the deployment failed and @enrichman suggested to add the file Procfile with the content set to web: mirrorbits where mirrorbits is the name of the binary.

Solution you'd like

I think we should add some documentation about it\

Alternatives you've considered

No response

Anything else?

No response

[Doc] - Rethink Load balancer wording on installation when using Minikube

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
When doing a Minikube installation the need for setting a load balancer ip is not needed; however, when following the installation steps and being redirected to the installation page the next point after creating namespace traefik is:

export LOAD_BALANCER_IP=$(LOAD_BALANCER_IP:-) # Set this to the IP of your load balancer if you know that

I did not know what value to assigned and gave randomly the first one on the range; however this could have been skipped for minikube

Describe the solution you'd like
One solution could be add a comment like "Not needed for minikube installation" or "If you don't mind the loadbalancer giving you a random IP address, you can skip this option"
Another possibility could be explain better what this option is

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