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codewars-solutions's Introduction


My collection of solutions for Codewars


  1. Convert a string to an array - Solution
  2. Convert a Number to a String! - Solution
  3. altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe - Solution
  4. Sum of positive - Solution
  5. Remove duplicates from list - Solution
  6. Convert a String to a Number! - Solution
  7. Do I get a bonus? - Solution
  8. Total amount of points - Solution
  9. Beginner - Lost Without a Map - Solution
  10. Double Char - Solution
  11. Reversed sequence - Solution
  12. Fake Binary - Solution
  13. Rock Paper Scissors! - Solution
  14. Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List - Solution
  15. Reversed Strings - Solution
  16. Square(n) Sum - Solution
  17. Century From Year - Solution
  18. Abbreviate a Two Word Name - Solution
  19. Invert values - Solution
  20. Calculate average - Solution
  21. Jenny's secret message - Solution
  22. Is n divisible by x and y? - Solution
  23. Keep Hydrated! - Solution
  24. A Needle in the Haystack - Solution
  25. Sum without highest and lowest number - Solution
  26. Convert number to reversed array of digits - Solution
  27. Count of positives / sum of negatives - Solution
  28. Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'. - Solution
  29. Basic Mathematical Operations - Solution
  30. Grasshopper - Summation - Solution
  31. Counting sheep... - Solution
  32. Remove String Spaces - Solution
  33. Find the smallest integer in the array - Solution
  34. Return Negative - Solution
  35. String repeat - Solution
  36. Remove First and Last Character - Solution
  37. Opposite number - Solution
  38. Multiply - Solution
  39. Even or Odd - Solution
  40. Online RPG: player to qualifying stage? - Solution
  41. Who ate the cookie? - Solution
  42. Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter - Solution
  43. Enumerable Magic #3 - Does My List Include This? - Solution
  44. Is this my tail? - Solution
  45. Merge two sorted arrays into one - Solution
  46. Count by X - Solution
  47. Beginner - Reduce but Grow - Solution
  48. Twice as old - Solution
  49. Pillars - Solution
  50. Sentence Smash - Solution
  51. Sum Arrays - Solution
  52. Volume of a Cuboid - Solution
  53. Get Planet Name By ID - Solution
  54. Sort and Star - Solution
  55. Array plus array - Solution
  56. Sum Mixed Array - Solution
  57. Filter out the geese - Solution
  58. To square(root) or not to square(root) - Solution
  59. Removing Elements - Solution
  60. Find numbers which are divisible by given number - Solution
  61. I love you, a little , a lot, passionately ... not at all - Solution
  62. My head is at the wrong end! - Solution
  63. Count the Monkeys! - Solution
  64. You only need one - Beginner - Solution
  65. Get the mean of an array - Solution
  66. Dollars and Cents - Solution
  67. The 'if' function - Solution
  68. Find out whether the shape is a cube - Solution
  69. Greek Sort - Solution
  70. Are You Playing Banjo? - Solution
  71. You Can't Code Under Pressure #1 - Solution
  72. Parse nice int from char problem - Solution
  73. Opposites Attract - Solution
  74. Is he gonna survive? - Solution
  75. Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 2D - Solution
  76. Points of Reflection - Solution
  77. Geometry Basics: Circle Area in 2D - Solution
  78. Geometry Basics: Circle Circumference in 2D - Solution
  79. Surface Area and Volume of a Box - Solution
  80. Generate user links - Solution
  81. easy logs - Solution
  82. Return Two Highest Values in List - Solution
  83. Find the force of gravity between two objects - Solution
  84. Enumerable Magic #30 - Split that Array! - Solution
  85. Logical calculator - Solution
  86. Is your period late? - Solution
  87. A wolf in sheep's clothing - Solution
  88. Crash Override - Solution
  89. Sort My Textbooks - Solution
  90. Multiplication table for number - Solution
  91. Collatz Conjecture (3n+1) - Solution
  92. Smallest unused ID - Solution
  93. Parse float - Solution
  94. Multiply the number - Solution
  95. How good are you really? - Solution
  96. Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes - Solution
  97. DNA to RNA Conversion - Solution
  98. String cleaning - Solution
  99. Beginner Series #1 School Paperwork - Solution
  100. Beginner Series #4 Cockroach - Solution
  101. Beginner Series #2 Clock - Solution
  102. Invalid Login - Bug Fixing #11 - Solution
  103. Switch/Case - Bug Fixing #6 - Solution
  104. Bin to Decimal - Solution
  105. Age Range Compatibility Equation - Solution
  106. Heads and Legs - Solution
  107. Who is going to pay for the wall? - Solution
  108. Capitalization and Mutability - Solution
  109. Returning Strings - Solution
  110. 101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs! - Solution
  111. Super Duper Easy - Solution
  112. Training JS #32: methods of Math---round() ceil() and floor() - Solution
  113. Thinkful - Number Drills: Pixelart planning - Solution
  114. Thinkful - Logic Drills: Traffic light - Solution
  115. Hello, Name or World! - Solution
  116. Wilson primes - Solution
  117. Exclamation marks series #6: Remove n exclamation marks in the sentence from left to right - Solution
  118. How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years? - Solution
  119. A Strange Trip to the Market - Solution
  120. Find the Integral - Solution
  121. The Feast of Many Beasts - Solution
  122. Remove exclamation marks - Solution
  123. Reverse List Order - Solution
  124. Function 2 - squaring an argument - Solution


  1. Compare Strings by Sum of Chars - Solution
  2. Recursive reverse string - Solution
  3. Calculate mean and concatenate string - Solution
  4. Partial Word Searching - Solution
  5. SequenceSum - Solution
  6. Highest and Lowest - Solution
  7. Shortest Word - Solution
  8. Complementary DNA - Solution
  9. Convert a linked list to a string - Solution
  10. Building Strings From a Hash - Solution
  11. Return substring instance count - Solution
  12. Fix string case - Solution
  13. String Reversing, Changing case, etc. - Solution
  14. Milk and Cookies for Santa - Solution
  15. Square Every Digit - Solution
  16. Disemvowel Trolls - Solution
  17. You're a square! - Solution
  18. Jaden Casing Strings - Solution
  19. Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers - Solution
  20. Growth of a Population - Solution
  21. Find Duplicates - Solution
  22. Sum of two lowest positive integers - Solution
  23. Sums of consecutive integers - Solution
  24. Sum of integers in string - Solution
  25. Who's Online? - Solution
  26. Largest 5 digit number in a series - Solution
  27. Breaking chocolate problem - Solution
  28. Odd or Even? - Solution
  29. Find the stray number - Solution
  30. Two fighters, one winner. - Solution
  31. Don't give me five! - Solution
  32. Sum of the first nth term of Series - Solution
  33. Find the divisors! - Solution
  34. Sum of odd numbers - Solution
  35. Is this a triangle? - Solution
  36. Credit Card Mask - Solution
  37. List Filtering - Solution
  38. Find the next perfect square! - Solution
  39. Get the Middle Character - Solution
  40. Mumbling - Solution
  41. Vowel Count - Solution
  42. Descending Order - Solution
  43. Exes and Ohs - Solution
  44. Averages of numbers - Solution
  45. Summing a number's digits - Solution
  46. Folding your way to the moon - Solution
  47. Gauß needs help! (Sums of a lot of numbers). - Solution
  48. Sorted? yes? no? how? - Solution
  49. Triangular Treasure - Solution
  50. Are the numbers in order? - Solution
  51. Hero's root - Solution
  52. Palindrome chain length - Solution
  53. Make a function that does arithmetic! - Solution
  54. Sort array by string length - Solution
  55. Sum of a sequence - Solution
  56. Two to One - Solution
  57. Find divisors of a number - Solution
  58. Find heavy ball - level: novice - Solution
  59. Snail crawls up - Solution
  60. Remove Duplicates - Solution
  61. Remove duplicate words - Solution
  62. Remove the minimum - Solution
  63. Ones and Zeros - Solution
  64. Strings: swap vowels' case - Solution
  65. Weird words - Solution
  66. Deletion in an array - Solution
  67. A Rule of Divisibility by 7 - Solution
  68. Is n divisible by (...)? - Solution
  69. Calculate the resultant force - Solution
  70. Simple consecutive pairs - Solution
  71. Consecutive letters - Solution
  72. Candy problem - Solution
  73. Without the letter 'E' - Solution
  74. Arithmetic sequence - sum of n elements - Solution
  75. Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters - Solution
  76. Two Oldest Ages - Solution
  77. Find the middle element - Solution
  78. Number Of Occurrences - Solution
  79. Sum of numbers from 0 to N - Solution
  80. Flatten - Solution
  81. Figurate Numbers #2 - Pronic Number - Solution
  82. Find the capitals - Solution
  83. Determine if the poker hand is flush - Solution
  84. Counting power sets - Solution
  85. Debug the functions EASY - Solution
  86. Regex validate PIN code - Solution
  87. Functional Addition - Solution
  88. Remove anchor from URL - Solution
  89. Refactored Greeting - Solution
  90. Digitize - Solution
  91. Last - Solution
  92. Sum of all arguments - Solution
  93. Head, Tail, Init and Last - Solution
  94. Unpacking Arguments - Solution
  95. Monotone travel - Solution
  96. List to Array - Solution
  97. Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array - Solution
  98. Simple string reversal II - Solution
  99. String reverse slicing 101 - Solution
  100. Principal Diagonal | VS | Secondary Diagonal - Solution
  101. Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals - Solution
  102. Slope of a Line - Solution
  103. Product of the main diagonal of a square matrix. - Solution
  104. Holiday VIII - Duty Free - Solution
  105. How Green Is My Valley? - Solution
  106. Array Manipulation - Solution
  107. Christmas baubles on the tree - Solution
  108. Green Glass Door - Solution
  109. Categorize New Member - Solution
  110. Binary Addition - Solution
  111. Printer Errors - Solution
  112. Vowel remover - Solution
  113. Simple remove duplicates - Solution
  114. Sum of array singles - Solution
  115. Isograms - Solution
  116. The highest profit wins! - Solution
  117. The Coins of Ter | Round to the Next N - Solution
  118. A function within a function - Solution
  119. Find the nth Digit of a Number - Solution
  120. Nth Root of a Number - Solution
  121. Simple beads count - Solution
  122. Odd-Even String Sort - Solution
  123. Even odd disparity - Solution
  124. FIXME: Get Full Name - Solution
  125. Float Precision - Solution


  1. Linked Lists - Length & Count - Solution
  2. Irreducible Sum of Rationals - Solution
  3. Banker's Plan - Solution
  4. Reducing by rules to get the result - Solution
  5. Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split - Solution
  6. longest_palindrome - Solution
  7. Calculate String Rotation - Solution
  8. Duplicate Encoder - Solution
  9. Counting Duplicates - Solution
  10. Multiples of 3 or 5 - Solution
  11. Decode the Morse code - Solution
  12. Persistent Bugger. - Solution
  13. Find The Parity Outlier - Solution
  14. Sum of Digits / Digital Root - Solution
  15. Equal Sides Of An Array - Solution
  16. Tribonacci Sequence - Solution
  17. Stop gninnipS My sdroW! - Solution
  18. WeIrD StRiNg CaSe - Solution
  19. Convert string to camel case - Solution
  20. Format words into a sentence - Solution
  21. Playing with digits - Solution
  22. Take a Ten Minute Walk - Solution
  23. IQ Test - Solution
  24. Who likes it? - Solution
  25. Find the odd int - Solution
  26. Your order, please - Solution
  27. Does my number look big in this? - Solution
  28. Look and say numbers - Solution
  29. Unique In Order - Solution
  30. Which are in? - Solution
  31. Odd/Even number of divisors - Solution
  32. up AND down - Solution
  33. Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n - Solution
  34. Highest Scoring Word - Solution
  35. Linked Lists - Remove Duplicates - Solution
  36. Simple Sentences - Solution
  37. Word a10n (abbreviation) - Solution
  38. Sort the odd - Solution
  39. Find the unique number - Solution
  40. Create Phone Number - Solution
  41. Array.diff - Solution
  42. Case Reversal of Consecutive Duplicates - Solution
  43. Prefill an Array - Solution
  44. A Rule of Divisibility by 13 - Solution
  45. Fold an array - Solution
  46. Sort the columns of a csv-file - Solution
  47. Sum consecutives - Solution
  48. Consecutive strings - Solution
  49. Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times - Solution
  50. XOR string reduction - Solution
  51. Possibilities of throwing a coin n times - Solution
  52. Two Sum - Solution
  53. Custom Array Filters - Solution
  54. Mexican Wave - Solution
  55. Bit Counting - Solution
  56. Hamming Distance - Solution
  57. The Supermarket Queue - Solution
  58. Binding within the List Monad - Solution
  59. String average - Solution
  60. Running Average - Solution
  61. Positions Average - Solution
  62. Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection - Solution
  63. Matrix Addition - Solution
  64. Find the Mine! - Solution
  65. The Freeway Game - Solution
  66. Binary Tree Compare - Solution
  67. Vasya - Clerk - Solution
  68. Find the missing letter - Solution
  69. Valid Braces - Solution
  70. Format a string of names like 'Bart, Lisa & Maggie'. - Solution
  71. Replace With Alphabet Position - Solution
  72. Build a pile of Cubes - Solution
  73. Build Tower - Solution
  74. Roman Numerals Encoder - Solution
  75. Bouncing Balls - Solution
  76. Give me a Diamond - Solution
  77. Tortoise racing - Solution
  78. Reverse or rotate? - Solution
  79. IP Validation - Solution
  80. Base Conversion - Solution
  81. Split Strings - Solution
  82. Triple trouble - Solution
  83. Help the bookseller ! - Solution
  84. Checking Groups - Solution
  85. Length of missing array - Solution
  86. Maze Runner - Solution
  87. Valid Phone Number - Solution
  88. Two Joggers - Solution
  89. Coordinates Validator - Solution
  90. Srot the inner ctonnet in dsnnieedcg oredr - Solution
  91. Function Composition - Solution
  92. extract file name - Solution
  93. IPv4 to int32 - Solution
  94. +1 Array - Solution
  95. Parse HTML/CSS Colors - Solution
  96. Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine) - Solution
  97. Calculating Batting Average - Solution
  98. HTML Complementary Color - Solution
  99. Counting DNA Nucleotides - Solution
  100. Routes in a square grid - Solution
  101. Point in Polygon - Solution
  102. Run-length encoding - Solution
  103. Once - Solution
  104. Walter's miraculous FizzBuzz factory - Solution
  105. Frog jumping - Solution
  106. Simple time difference - Solution
  107. The maximum and minimum difference -- Simple version - Solution
  108. Simple arithmetic progression - Solution
  109. Simple frequency sort - Solution
  110. Checkerboard Generation - Solution
  111. Twisted Sum - Solution
  112. Sorting on planet Twisted-3-7 - Solution
  113. Coding Meetup #15 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the odd names - Solution
  114. Kebabize - Solution
  115. Linked Lists - Recursive Reverse - Solution
  116. Longest 2-character substring - Solution
  117. Linked Lists - Insert Nth Node - Solution
  118. Linked Lists - Iterative Reverse - Solution
  119. Reverse a singly-linked list - Solution
  120. Linked Lists - Merge Sort - Solution
  121. Linked Lists - Sorted Intersect - Solution
  122. Linked Lists - Sorted Merge - Solution
  123. Linked Lists - Shuffle Merge - Solution
  124. Linked Lists - Insert Sort - Solution


  1. Convert A Hex String To RGB - Solution
  2. Square Matrix Multiplication - Solution
  3. Directions Reduction - Solution
  4. Greed is Good - Solution
  5. Sort - one, three, two - Solution
  6. k-Primes - Solution
  7. Moving Zeros To The End - Solution
  8. Rotate a square matrix like a vortex - Solution
  9. Rotate a square matrix in place - Solution
  10. Consecutive k-Primes - Solution
  11. Some Egyptian fractions - Solution
  12. Pick peaks - Solution
  13. Going to zero or to infinity? - Solution
  14. PaginationHelper - Solution
  15. Simple digit code breaker - Solution
  16. Escape the Mines ! - Solution
  17. Conway's Game of Life - Solution
  18. Knapsack Part 1 - The Greedy Solution - Solution
  19. Complete Binary Tree - Solution
  20. Radix Tree - Solution
  21. Binary search tree validation - Solution
  22. Tree to list - Solution
  23. The Clockwise Spiral - Solution
  24. Can you get the loop ? - Solution
  25. Simple Time Bomb - Solution
  26. First non-repeating character - Solution
  27. Linked Lists - Alternating Split - Solution
  28. Return substring instance count - 2 - Solution
  29. The longest bracket substring in the string - Solution
  30. Alphabet war - Wo lo loooooo priests join the war - Solution
  31. Alphabet wars - nuclear strike - Solution
  32. Sat Nav directions - Solution
  33. Coding with Squared Strings - Solution
  34. The Hashtag Generator - Solution
  35. Secret knock - Solution
  36. int32 to IPv4 - Solution
  37. Extract the domain name from a URL - Solution
  38. String incrementer - Solution
  39. Sum of Pairs - Solution
  40. Molecule to atoms - Solution
  41. Count IP Addresses - Solution
  42. Morse Encoding - Solution
  43. All that is open must be closed... - Solution
  44. Domain name validator - Solution
  45. Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine - Solution
  46. Count the Domain Names - Solution
  47. Langton's Ant - Advanced Version - Solution
  48. Translate DNA in 6 frames - Solution
  49. Langton's ant - Solution
  50. Prime Ant - Performance Version - Solution
  51. Ant Bridge - Solution
  52. Largest rectangle in background - Solution
  53. Retirement Planning as a Service - Solution
  54. My Very Own Python's Split Function - Solution
  55. Video Digest - Solution
  56. Python's Dynamic Classes #3 - Solution
  57. Connect 4 - Solution
  58. Snakes and Ladders - Solution
  59. Mastermind - Solution
  60. Solve For X - Solution
  61. Write out numbers - Solution
  62. Loose Change (Part 2) - Solution
  63. Perimeter of squares in a rectangle - Solution
  64. Generate Numbers From Digits #2 - Solution
  65. Generating Numbers From Prime Factors I - Solution
  66. Binary Genetic Algorithms - Solution
  67. The Binary Binary Expansion - Solution
  68. Find the smallest - Solution
  69. @validate_args - Solution
  70. Esolang: Stick - Solution
  71. Esolang: InfiniTick - Solution
  72. Esolang: Ticker - Solution
  73. Esolang Interpreters #2 - Custom Smallfuck Interpreter - Solution
  74. Vigenère Autokey Cipher Helper - Solution
  75. Vector class - Solution
  76. Geohashing - Solution
  77. Caesar Cipher Helper - Solution
  78. First Variation on Caesar Cipher - Solution
  79. Closest Neighbouring Points I - Solution
  80. Simple string expansion - Solution
  81. Solve the Grid! Binary Toggling Puzzle - Solution
  82. Counting the Webdesigns based on Used Colours - Solution
  83. Max Collatz Sequence Length - Solution
  84. Find the most adjacent integers of the same value in a grid - Solution
  85. Chess Fun #7: Chess Triangle - Solution
  86. Limited number of instances - Solution
  87. Refactor a node-based calculator (DRY) - Solution
  88. Mistaking a forest for a tree - Solution
  89. Constructing polynomials - Solution
  90. Diophantine Equation - Solution
  91. Cryptic Cave: Episode 1 - Solution
  92. What Would They Have in Common? - Solution
  93. The Sum and The Rest of Certain Pairs of Numbers have to be Perfect Squares (more Challenging) - Solution
  94. Rearrangement of Numbers to Have The Minimum Divisible by a Given Factor - Solution
  95. A Chain adding function - Solution
  96. Human Readable Time - Solution
  97. Double Cola - Solution
  98. Bulk up! - Solution
  99. Ziggurat Ride of Fortune - Solution
  100. Interlaced Spiral Cipher - Solution
  101. Transposing Guitar Tabs - Solution
  102. Haiku Checker - Solution
  103. Merged String Checker - Solution
  104. Help Suzuki pack his coal basket! - Solution
  105. Simple Finite State Machine Compiler - Solution
  106. Working With Coloured Numbers - Solution
  107. Sequence of Power Digits Sum - Solution
  108. self_converge - Solution
  109. Mean without outliers - Solution
  110. Equivalent Dice - Solution
  111. Word Search Grid - Solution
  112. Least Common Multiple - Solution
  113. Binary Search Trees - Solution
  114. Resistor Color Codes, Part 2 - Solution
  115. Family Tree - Ancestors - Solution
  116. Map and Filter to Get a Special Sequence of Integers - Solution
  117. Shuffle It Up - Solution
  118. Is my friend cheating? - Solution
  119. Did I Finish my Sudoku? - Solution
  120. What's a Perfect Power anyway? - Solution
  121. Memoized Fibonacci - Solution
  122. Compute the Largest Sum of all Contiguous Subsequences - Solution
  123. Rule 30 - Solution
  124. Josephus Permutation - Solution
  125. Josephus Survivor - Solution


  1. Snail - Solution
  2. Twice linear - Solution
  3. Sum by Factors - Solution
  4. Pascal's Triangle - Solution
  5. Hamming Numbers - Solution
  6. Sums of Perfect Squares - Solution
  7. Magnet particules in boxes - Solution
  8. Matrix Determinant - Solution
  9. Square into Squares. Protect trees! - Solution
  10. Sort binary tree by levels - Solution
  11. One Line Task: Squirrel And Tree - Solution
  12. Strings Mix - Solution
  13. How many numbers III? - Solution
  14. BasE91 encoding & decoding - Solution
  15. Regular expression for binary numbers divisible by 5 - Solution
  16. Range Extraction - Solution
  17. Most frequently used words in a text - Solution
  18. parseInt() reloaded - Solution
  19. Breadcrumb Generator - Solution
  20. Simplifying multilinear polynomials - Solution
  21. Decode the Morse code, advanced - Solution
  22. Simplexer - Solution
  23. Bridge Puzzle - Solution
  24. Bribe the Guards of the Crown Jewels - Solution
  25. Dynamic Connectivity - Solution
  26. Connect Four - Solution
  27. Mystery Function - Solution
  28. The fusc function -- Part 2 - Solution
  29. Factorial tail - Solution
  30. Befunge Interpreter - Solution
  31. Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintf**k Interpreter - Solution
  32. Vigenère Cipher Helper - Solution
  33. Social Golfer Problem Validator - Solution
  34. Codewars style ranking system - Solution
  35. Exponentials as fractions - Solution
  36. Binary sXORe - Solution
  37. Numbers with Collatz Starting Patterns - Solution
  38. Count Squares In the Chess Board - Solution
  39. Stack Arithmetic Machine - Solution
  40. 4 By 4 Skyscrapers - Solution
  41. Counting Change Combinations - Solution
  42. Route Calculator - Solution
  43. Boggle Word Checker - Solution
  44. A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM) - Solution
  45. Find all possible number combos that sum to a number - Solution
  46. Simple maze - Solution
  47. The Greatest Warrior - Solution
  48. Next smaller number with the same digits - Solution
  49. Explosive Sum - Solution
  50. Path Finder #1: can you reach the exit? - Solution
  51. Next bigger number with the same digits - Solution
  52. Sum of Intervals - Solution
  53. Binary multiple of 3 - Solution
  54. Permutations - Solution
  55. Count ones in a segment - Solution
  56. Differentiate a polynomial - Solution
  57. Catching Car Mileage Numbers - Solution
  58. NIM the game - Solution
  59. Number of Proper Fractions with Denominator d - Solution
  60. SKRZAT!!! - Solution
  61. Shallowest path across the river - Solution
  62. Roman Numerals Helper - Solution
  63. Linear Equation Solver - Solution
  64. 'Magic' recursion call depth number - Solution
  65. Multiples of 3, you say? - Solution
  66. Sudoku Solution Validator - Solution
  67. Permutational Primes - Solution
  68. Tournament Cross Table with Sonneborn-Berger Score - Solution
  69. Sortable Poker Hands - Solution
  70. Simple Fun #148: Exchange Sort - Solution
  71. Ranking Poker Hands - Solution
  72. Recover a secret string from random triplets - Solution
  73. Dice rolls threshold - Solution
  74. Getting along with Integer Partitions - Solution
  75. Validate Sudoku with size NxN - Solution
  76. Square and Cube of a Number Become Prime When Reversed - Solution
  77. Memoized Log Cutting - Solution
  78. We are Family - Solution
  79. Helpers For a 3DGame I: Biggest Triangle in a Sphere - Solution
  80. Counting String Subsequences - Solution
  81. Counting inner calls in an unknown function. - Solution
  82. Can you really count divisors? - Solution
  83. Human readable duration format - Solution
  84. Burrows-Wheeler-Transformation - Solution
  85. Great Total Additions of All Possible Arrays from a List. - Solution
  86. Coloured Lattice Points Forming Coloured Triangles - Solution
  87. Unflatten a list (Harder than easy) - Solution
  88. Pyramid Slide Down - Solution
  89. Top Down Movement System - Solution
  90. Bad Exception Handling - Solution
  91. Decimal to any Rational or Irrational Base Converter - Solution
  92. Path Finder #2: shortest path - Solution
  93. Shortest Knight Path - Solution
  94. Nesting Structure Comparison - Solution
  95. Algebraic Lists - Solution
  96. 5x5 Nonogram Solver - Solution
  97. Tracking pawns - Solution
  98. Conway's Game of Life - Unlimited Edition - Solution
  99. Smallest possible sum - Solution
  100. Instant Runoff Voting - Solution
  101. Text align justify - Solution
  102. Product-Sum Numbers - Solution
  103. Matunga coins - Solution
  104. Domino Tiling - 2 x N Board - Solution
  105. The learning game - Machine Learning #1 - Solution
  106. Brainfuck Translator - Solution
  107. String -> X-Iterations -> String - Solution
  108. Chess Fun #8: Amazon Checkmate - Solution
  109. Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation - Solution
  110. Find the unknown digit - Solution
  111. Simple Fun #27: Rectangle Rotation - Solution
  112. Total increasing or decreasing numbers up to a power of 10 - Solution
  113. Ten-Pin Bowling - Solution
  114. Mahjong - #1 Pure Hand - Solution
  115. Convex hull area - Solution
  116. Compute a convex hull - Solution
  117. Splitting the Workload (part II) - Solution
  118. Tower Defense: Risk Analysis - Solution
  119. Number of integer partitions - Solution
  120. Bernoulli numbers - Solution
  121. Spinning Rings - Fidget Spinner Edition - Solution
  122. Bezier Curves - Solution
  123. Generic number class - Solution
  124. Currying vs. Partial Application - Solution
  125. Regular Expressions (groups): Splitting phone numbers into their separate parts. - Solution


  1. 7×7 Skyscrapers - Solution
  2. Evaluate mathematical expression - Solution
  3. Odd + Even = Odd? Prove it! - Solution
  4. GET TO THE CHOPPA! - Solution
  5. The builder of things - Solution
  6. Alphabetic Anagrams - Solution
  7. Church Numbers - Add, Multiply, Exponents - Solution
  8. Last digit of a huge number - Solution
  9. Regular Expression for Binary Numbers Divisible by n - Solution
  10. Regular expression parser - Solution
  11. Regular Expression - Check if divisible by 0b111 (7) - Solution
  12. Calculator - Solution
  13. Simpler Interactive Interpreter - Solution
  14. Expression Transpiler - Solution
  15. Tiny Three-Pass Compiler - Solution
  16. Prime Ant - Crazy Version - Solution
  17. Prime Streaming (PG-13) - Solution
  18. Connect Letters - Solution
  19. Count Connectivity Components - Solution
  20. Whitespace Interpreter - Solution
  21. Esolang Interpreters #4 - Boolfuck Interpreter - Solution
  22. Papers, Please - Solution
  23. Find the cheapest path - Solution
  24. One Line Task: Circle Intersection - Solution
  25. Make a spiral - Solution
  26. Gerrymander Solver - Solution
  27. Hard Sudoku Solver - Solution
  28. Sudoku Solver - Solution
  29. Alphametics Solver - Solution
  30. Hard Sudoku Solver - Solution
  31. 6 By 6 Skyscrapers - Solution
  32. Line Safari - Is that a line? - Solution
  33. The Millionth Fibonacci Kata - Solution
  34. N-Parasitic Numbers Ending in N - Solution
  35. Euclidean distance in n dimensions - Solution
  36. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions - Solution
  37. Simplifying - Solution
  38. To BrainFuck Transpiler - Solution
  39. Type Transpiler - Solution
  40. Four Pass Transport - Solution
  41. Break the pieces (Evilized Edition) - Solution
  42. Check and Mate? - Solution
  43. Rail Fence Cipher: Encoding and Decoding - Solution
  44. Break the pieces - Solution
  45. Decode the Morse code, for real - Solution
  46. Unique digit sequence II - Optimization problem - Solution
  47. Screen Locking Patterns - Solution
  48. Huffman Encoding - Solution
  49. Stargate SG-1: Cute and Fuzzy (Improved version) - Solution
  50. Debugger - Solution
  51. Full Metal Chemist #1: build me... - Solution
  52. Blobservation - Solution
  53. Closest pair of points in linearithmic time - Solution
  54. Path Finder #3: the Alpinist - Solution
  55. Multisize Nonogram Solver - Solution
  56. 15x15 Nonogram Solver - Solution
  57. Bloxorz Solver - Solution
  58. Transforming Maze Solver - Solution
  59. Centre of attention - Solution
  60. Battleship field validator - Solution
  61. Battleship field validator II - Solution
  62. Game of Go - Solution
  63. The boolean order - Solution
  64. Square sums - Solution
  65. Mine Sweeper - Solution
  66. BECOME IMMORTAL - Solution
  67. Sliding Puzzle Solver - Solution
  68. Insane Coloured Triangles - Solution
  69. Cut the cake - Solution
  70. Ludicrous Coloured Triangles - Solution
  71. The position of a digital string in a infinite digital string - Solution
  72. Mahjong - #2 Seven-pairs - Solution
  73. Binomial Expansion - Solution
  74. Assembler interpreter (part II) - Solution
  75. Blaine is a pain - Solution
  76. Insane Tri-Bicolor Tiling - Solution
  77. Insane Circular Limited Sums - Solution
  78. Upside-Down Numbers - Challenge Edition - Solution
  79. Fabergè Easter Eggs crush test - Solution
  80. RoboScript #4 - RS3 Patterns to the Rescue - Solution
  81. Plants and Zombies - Solution
  82. The Lift - Solution
  83. Simple Interactive Interpreter - Solution
  84. RoboScript #5 - The Final Obstacle (Implement RSU) - Solution
  85. Faberge easter eggs crush test [linear] - Solution

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