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Comments (8)

emnikhil avatar emnikhil commented on May 27, 2024

The error shows that you have missing libraries for Keras, try to re install tensor flow and Keras libraries again.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

shreyanscrystal avatar shreyanscrystal commented on May 27, 2024

I reinstalled keras (pip uninstall keras -> pip install keras) and tensorflow (pip install tensorflow). I think it solved the error but here is a new one that I am getting:

Starting Application...
TypeError: function takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 361, in
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 28, in init
self.hs = HunSpell('en_US')
SystemError: <class 'HunSpell'> returned a result with an exception set

In my code, I am not able to import "HunSpell" from my hunspell library. I had a lot of issues installing it but I eventually got it to work. How can I solve this? Thank you so much for your help.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

shreyanscrystal avatar shreyanscrystal commented on May 27, 2024

And then I get this error too

shreyansjain@Shreyanss-MBP Shreyans's Coding % /usr/local/bin/python3 "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/Application.p
Starting Application...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 361, in
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 36, in init
self.loaded_model = model_from_json(self.model_json)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/models/", line 571, in model_from_json
return serialization_lib.deserialize_keras_object(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/saving/", line 687, in deserialize_keras_object
cls = _retrieve_class_or_fn(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/saving/", line 805, in _retrieve_class_or_fn
raise TypeError(
TypeError: Could not locate class 'Sequential'. Make sure custom classes are decorated with @keras.saving.register_keras_serializable(). Full object config: {'class_name': 'Sequential', 'config': {'name': 'sequential', 'layers': [{'class_name': 'InputLayer', 'config': {'batch_input_shape': [None, 128, 128, 1], 'dtype': 'float32', 'sparse': False, 'ragged': False, 'name': 'conv2d_input'}}, {'class_name': 'Conv2D', 'config': {'name': 'conv2d', 'trainable': True, 'batch_input_shape': [None, 128, 128, 1], 'dtype': 'float32', 'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': [3, 3], 'strides': [1, 1], 'padding': 'same', 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'dilation_rate': [1, 1], 'groups': 1, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'MaxPooling2D', 'config': {'name': 'max_pooling2d', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'pool_size': [2, 2], 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': [2, 2], 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Conv2D', 'config': {'name': 'conv2d_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': [3, 3], 'strides': [1, 1], 'padding': 'same', 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'dilation_rate': [1, 1], 'groups': 1, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'MaxPooling2D', 'config': {'name': 'max_pooling2d_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'pool_size': [2, 2], 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': [2, 2], 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Flatten', 'config': {'name': 'flatten', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 128, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 128, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dropout', 'config': {'name': 'dropout', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'rate': 0.4, 'noise_shape': None, 'seed': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_2', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 96, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dropout', 'config': {'name': 'dropout_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'rate': 0.4, 'noise_shape': None, 'seed': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_3', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 64, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_4', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 27, 'activation': 'softmax', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}]}, 'keras_version': '2.4.0', 'backend': 'tensorflow'}
shreyansjain@Shreyanss-MBP Shreyans's Coding % pip install from keras.models model_from_json
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement from (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for from
shreyansjain@Shreyanss-MBP Shreyans's Coding % /usr/local/bin/python3 "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/Application.p
Starting Application...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 362, in
File "/Users/shreyansjain/Documents/Shreyans's Coding/eduASL/ASL model/", line 37, in init
self.loaded_model = model_from_json(self.model_json)
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/models/", line 571, in model_from_json
return serialization_lib.deserialize_keras_object(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/saving/", line 687, in deserialize_keras_object
cls = _retrieve_class_or_fn(
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/keras/src/saving/", line 805, in _retrieve_class_or_fn
raise TypeError(
TypeError: Could not locate class 'Sequential'. Make sure custom classes are decorated with @keras.saving.register_keras_serializable(). Full object config: {'class_name': 'Sequential', 'config': {'name': 'sequential', 'layers': [{'class_name': 'InputLayer', 'config': {'batch_input_shape': [None, 128, 128, 1], 'dtype': 'float32', 'sparse': False, 'ragged': False, 'name': 'conv2d_input'}}, {'class_name': 'Conv2D', 'config': {'name': 'conv2d', 'trainable': True, 'batch_input_shape': [None, 128, 128, 1], 'dtype': 'float32', 'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': [3, 3], 'strides': [1, 1], 'padding': 'same', 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'dilation_rate': [1, 1], 'groups': 1, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'MaxPooling2D', 'config': {'name': 'max_pooling2d', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'pool_size': [2, 2], 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': [2, 2], 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Conv2D', 'config': {'name': 'conv2d_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'filters': 32, 'kernel_size': [3, 3], 'strides': [1, 1], 'padding': 'same', 'data_format': 'channels_last', 'dilation_rate': [1, 1], 'groups': 1, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'MaxPooling2D', 'config': {'name': 'max_pooling2d_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'pool_size': [2, 2], 'padding': 'valid', 'strides': [2, 2], 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Flatten', 'config': {'name': 'flatten', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'data_format': 'channels_last'}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 128, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 128, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dropout', 'config': {'name': 'dropout', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'rate': 0.4, 'noise_shape': None, 'seed': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_2', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 96, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dropout', 'config': {'name': 'dropout_1', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'rate': 0.4, 'noise_shape': None, 'seed': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_3', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 64, 'activation': 'relu', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}, {'class_name': 'Dense', 'config': {'name': 'dense_4', 'trainable': True, 'dtype': 'float32', 'units': 27, 'activation': 'softmax', 'use_bias': True, 'kernel_initializer': {'class_name': 'GlorotUniform', 'config': {'seed': None}}, 'bias_initializer': {'class_name': 'Zeros', 'config': {}}, 'kernel_regularizer': None, 'bias_regularizer': None, 'activity_regularizer': None, 'kernel_constraint': None, 'bias_constraint': None}}]}, 'keras_version': '2.4.0', 'backend': 'tensorflow'}

My camera turns on for a second and then it just turns off. How do I solve this?

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

sanjeeey avatar sanjeeey commented on May 27, 2024

Hey bro, I have got same error as yours. Can u help me how u solved these errors if u are done with this project.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

shreyanscrystal avatar shreyanscrystal commented on May 27, 2024

@sanjeeey nope, I'm still trying to solve the problem. I just hope that @emnikhil can respond when they have time.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

emnikhil avatar emnikhil commented on May 27, 2024

I checked on the error, may be It is because of the function tf.keras.models.Sequential in the Model.ipynb file
Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 3 44 56 PM

So, check this link
and try to update it and re run the model.

And it may resolve the issue.
As I haven't worked on Machine Learning projects since 2021 so, might not be able to dive deep into the error logic.

Or try to check the error log on chatgpt may be you can find some information from there.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

AyushKatre05 avatar AyushKatre05 commented on May 27, 2024

i want to know how you add images in corresonding folder by training

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

emnikhil avatar emnikhil commented on May 27, 2024

@AyushKatre05 There are two python files and which I have created and used for adding images to the training and testing folders.
So, you can use those files for adding more images to the training or testing folders.

from sign-language-to-text-conversion.

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