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dotfiles's Issues

More a hint then a issue ;)


first of all beautiful work you did there! Maybe you want to add "even-better-ls" to the deps, i searched for nearly a day until i found out that you used this package ( tried ls-icons before ).

Greetings :)

[Arch Linux] Mouse stops moving randomly for some time on touchpad

Hi there.
First of all thank you so much for this.
My computer looks fabulous and I am planning to move to OpenBSD soon and port this awesomeness there asap. But before that I want to make it work perfectly with Arch on my girlfriends laptop/

The issue:
When I have the folder ~/.config/awesome the mouse sometimes randomly freezes on the touchpad. Only the movement stops, I can still click using the touchpad and use the computer via the keyboard.

Remove the ~/.config/awesome folder and the issue goes away.

Please let me know what I can do to fix this and if I need to provide more information!
I totally love this so I want to get it to work!
(I have another issue but I will open a different one for that)


Do you have a list of dependencies this theme requires ?

fontconfig dotfile not being applied correctly

Hello, first of all, thank you for sharing this amazing work, it helped me a ton to get started with awesome!

I'm almost done with my setup, but I'm facing some issues with fonts, for example, this is how my vim lightline looks like:


Got the same issue with the bunnyfetch script

If I remove your lightline config it works just fine

My .Xresources file looks a bit weird, i assume it should look like yours

I already got a nerd font and typicons installed, I did a bit of research and found out the fontconfing isn't being applied correctly (placed the dotfile at ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf), I suspect that's my issue, but I'm quite inexperienced with fonts:

~: fc-match monospace       
DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book"

Any pointer will be really appreciated!
btw i use Arch!

Icons installed but not showing

I think I've installed the icon fonts correctly and run fc-cache, see my fc-list | grep outputs below, and they all appear in lxappearance too, but for some reason they aren't displaying...

fc-list | grep typicons
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/typicons.ttf: Typicons:style=Book

fc-list | grep material
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf: Material Design Icons:style=Regular

fc-list | grep IcoMoon
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/IcoMoon-Free.ttf: IcoMoon\-Free:style=Regular

fc-list | grep Iosevka
/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Iosevka Term Bold Nerd Font Complete.ttf: Iosevka Term,Iosevka Nerd Font:style=Bold
... and many more on this one that I'm not going to bother listing

Oddly enough I installed IcoMoon last and then three icons appeared (left of bar and 2 in app drawer) but they don't seem to be the intended icons so I can only assume they're fallbacks? Does this mean IcoMoon worked and the others didn't? The only difference I can think of is that I got the others from the AUR and IcoMoon I installed manually, but that shouldn't matter, if anything I would expect AUR packages to be more reliable than my clumsy fingers ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ


Icons not loading

I believe I followed all the directions for installation, but I can't seem to get the icons to load. I see them in Lovelace's theme folder, but they don't show up. In addition, the min/max/close buttons don't load!

see here.

Neither do the exit menu's icons load.

Do you have an idea of what might cause this issue?

Skyfall theme font


Great work on the new skyfall theme :). I am having a problem with the weather icon font in the bottom bar. When I open the text_weather.lua file it shows the icons as empty blocks. I have the nerd-fonts-complete package installed from the AUR and had no problems with the lovelace theme. Which fonts are you using? Thank you!

Weather widget not showing information


Thank you for publishing this awesome dotfiles, you are the reason I switched from KDE to awesome WM (I am completely new to awesome and lua). I have created an account at OpenWeather and added my API key and my city code. It only shows the whatever.png icon and a "C" next to it. I did execute the API call inside the terminal to see if it returns data. I have received the following:
{"coord":{"lon":27.1,"lat":-26.72},"weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"scattered clouds","icon":"03d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":29.9,"pressure":870.23,"humidity":38,"temp_min":29.9,"temp_max":29.9,"sea_level":1015.78,"grnd_level":870.23},"wind":{"speed":3.85,"deg":307.503},"clouds":{"all":48},"dt":1547040716,"sys":{"message":0.0191,"country":"ZA","sunrise":1547004447,"sunset":1547053796},"id":964349,"name":"Potchefstroom","cod":200}%

It is as if the 01d, 01n etc. could not be found in weather_details in the weather.lua script. Can you maybe give me an idea of why this should happen? (ps. this is my first issue ever, let me know if I did anything wrong)

Fortune widget not working

I am pretty sure fortune works on my machine, I have it installed and i tried to run fortune -n 140 -sand it works fine. However, the fortune widget in the start screen is empty.

add upower as dependency

upower package needed for the battery bar in the sidebar, once installed it worked correctly.

Question about the icons

Do you manually put the icons or the system does that automatically ? i buy the icons for my phone but i have no clue how to put them in my pc.

Thanks in advance.

[Arch Linux] Rofi parsing error

When I start rofi I get a message saying:

Error while parsing theme: /home/user/.config/rofi/config.rasi
       Parser error:   syntax error, unexpected Configuration block, expect end of file
       Location: line 1 column 1 to line 3 column 14.
       File: '/home/user/config/rofi/config.rasi'

Fix: Remove the @import "colors.rasi" line from config.rasi. Manually copy the contents of colors.rasi to the config.rasi file and paste them just after the Configuration block.

I hope that this is an acceptable fix and if anyone else is having this problem it might help them.

ls_color_generator not found

Hi. I'm use your .zshrc file and give me a error
".zshrc:228: command not found: ls_colors_generator"
and if type the ls command give me this
"run_ls:1: command not found: ls-i"
I missing something?
Good work and nice theme

Missing Xresources and HiDPI possibilities


first of all I honor your work and I think you really create great themes and setups for the Unix community. Thank you for your efforts!

Your latest version (Skyfall) inspired me to try out the theme. As I am using arch linux and awesomewm for a while it seems to be quite straight forward to set it up.
I would have some general questions to you.

1.) What font do you use for UI and the terminal?

2.) Where are your xst settings? Am I wrong or don't you have to configure them in the .Xresources with the st. namespace?

3.) Did you ever try, or do you have any feedback using your theme(s) on a HiDPI screen? I am precisely using a 4K screen - when I am on the way on a 15 inch notebook screen and at a 32 inch screen at work. Anything I should take care about? Other than the Xft dpi setting in the resources..

Thank you very much again for your time and your efforts!

Question: music player bottom titlebar

I am using the same terminal as you (xst) and starting ncmpcpp using the shortcut super+f3 (I believe not at cpu right now) and the music player spawns, but the bar in the bottom is not there. I tried adding the flag -c music to add the music class but the terminal fails to start then

battery_daemon help


I've noticed in your .zshrc there's a line for run battery_daemon, but no notifications are appearing on my system for when I get to low battery levels.

I found this script which seems to accomplish the intended purpose, but I was curious what you're using here?

Question: How to spawn window as floating?

I'm trying to configure the shortcut that opens htop (super+F3) to instead open gotop (much better if you've never tried it) but I also want the terminal containing gotop to be a floating terminal. How do I achieve this in my keys.lua file?

change urxvt class flag to "-T"

in the readme, you say...

urxvt -t "Music Terminal" -e ncmpcpp

however, -t is an unrecognized flag for urxvt, I think instead it should be

urxvt -T "Music Terminal" -e ncmpcpp

... btw thanks for these awesome dotfiles, I've been poking and prodding trying to get all the functionality working.

Getting errors.

I belive instant here is not a place to talk how install but i managed to understand a few things, i use arch, they have full installed awesomevm.
I have backup config file for arch, and i imported here everything and put at .config, and delete other themes exception lovelace.
Opps, an error happened!
/home/alp.config/awesome/titlebars.lua:163 attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (field 'border_radius')
Opps, there were errors during startup!
/home/alp/.config/awesome/titlebars.lua:163: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
/home/alp/.config/awesome/rc.lua:183:in main chunk
/home/alp.config/awesome/titlebars.lua:163 attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (field 'border_radius')
After i see these errors does make myseft a bit idiot, but any ideas ?

Firefox theme for lovelace


i have noticed that Firefox theme uses manta colors, what produces unreadable context menu on lovelace.

PS great job. Lovelace was main reason i have switched to awesomeWM.

[Ephemeral] Sidebar search button issue

Clicking mouse 1 on search bar inside the sidebar should open rofi with -combi and mouse 3 with - run, but what it does is just spawn rofi and dissapears momentarily. Sidebar.visible = true in sidebar.lua helps remedy this issue but it's just a workaround for the problem.

Beginner-friendly instructions?


In brief: I don't understand where to put all these files. I feel like I'm in way over my head. Would you mind adding clearer instructions for people who are new to window managers?

I'm an inexperienced WM-user. Not an inexperienced UNIX/UNIX-like user.

I did as you said and played around with the default theme at first. It went smoothly. Installed Termite, Rofi, Firefox, and Nemo. No issues, save for a path issue while installing Termite. No problem.

Cloned your repo to my Pi (Debian-based).

This is where I got lost.

Do I copy the contents of your config folder to .config ? I did this, but x-server won't start.
What do I do with the rest of the folders? Do I need to copy them to ~/ ?


Hi! Thanks, for your configs. Your theme is beautiful.

What are you using fonts? Thanks!


How to make wifi widget appear?

One of the issues I had been having with the Lovelace was that I couldn't find a way to connect to/from wifi without logging into the vanilla Ubuntu environment.

To my surprise, I recently found a small grey widget in the bottom left gap of my screen that seemed to control wifi. Unfortunately, on the next boot, it was gone. Would you happen to know what shortcut I need to toggle that widget on/off?

Tiling/Floating Layout Not Working

I haven't changed the keys.lua file at all and when I press mod+s or mod+shift+s nothing is happening....just switched from this a n00b mistake or is something going wrong?

Really good work by the way, I know you've spend many hours on this

GTK Theme

Nice work, but do you also use a matching GTK2/3 theme? If so, what would you recommend?

Cheers and keep it up!

networks-rofi missing in bin


currently, the F11 shortcut does not work, because the networks-rofi script isn't in the repository. Would you mind committing it?

Full screen games are not full screen

I don't know if this is really a problem with your configuration or my awesomewm setup in general, but for me Steam games (for example Stellaris) are not working full screen. I added the executable names in the rc.lua in the part where they get flagged with the property for full screen. Now if I open such an application, it gets displayed full screen, but about 3/4 of the screen is blank. The interface of the game is shown only on about 1/4 of the screen at the bottom left. Resolution of the game is correct y configured to the native screen resolution.

Any ideas?

naughty.connect_signal nil value

I run into problems when trying to boot up the newest ephemeral setup. Using Ubuntu 19.04 and Awesome 4.3.

~/awesome ๎‚ฐ ๎‚  master ๎‚ฐ DISPLAY=:1 awesome
error while running function!
stack traceback:
	/home/julian/.config/awesome/notifications.lua:89: in main chunk
	[C]: in function 'require'
	/home/julian/.config/awesome/rc.lua:185: in main chunk
error: /home/julian/.config/awesome/notifications.lua:89: attempt to call a nil value (field 'connect_signal')
2019-08-01 16:36:53 W: awesome: a_glib_poll:438: Last main loop iteration took 0.279459 seconds! Increasing limit for this warning to that value.

Any ideas?

Many widgets do not work properly (or at all) with multiple monitors


List of fixed widgets

  • Lovelace taglist

  • Skyfall taglist

  • Sidebar

    Not sure how to handle this yet. Suggestions? How would you like the sidebar to work on your setup?

  • App drawer

    Should appear on your focused screen and maybe dim other screens.

  • Lock screen
    Thanks to @hellkitten9

  • Start screen
    Should appear on your focused screen and maybe dim other screens.


sorry for the basic question, can you please tell me how to configure firefox to make it look like the one on the picture?

Thank you.

text_taglist error

Well, I just switched from i3wm after I saw your post on r/unixporn. I'm trying to use your configuration, and this error message keeps showing on my screen:
Oops, an error happened! .config/awesome/noodle/text_taglist.lua88: attempt to index a nil value (field 'taglist_text_occupied') Oops, an error happened! .config/awesome/noodle/text_taglist.lua84: attempt to index a nil value (field 'taglist_text_focused')

I know it might be a simple error, or something I've done wrong. But as I said, I'm completely new at Awesome, and I'm enjoying it so much thank to your configuration

2019 05 01-19 10 49 screenshot

VSCode Theme


With the colors you're using, I believe you could create a great VSCode theme.

Do you plan to do it?

Great job btw. I'm enjoying a lot


Un-commenting titlebar buttons

When uncommenting the titlebar buttons ( right side, in titlebar.lua ) they appear just fine, and look great with padding, however, the buttons are not clickable. When clicking it starts dragging the window instead of clicking the buttons.

awesomewm scratchpad

I'm looking at how you're using scratchpad in your config files...

From what I understand, is it effectively a way to "minimize" a window?

I'm having trouble getting it to work (middle click on start icon). Is there a dependency required?


Hey ๐Ÿ‘‹

I noticed the refecnce in the app draw to "~/scr/Rofi/rofi_mpvtube" - any chance of adding it to the repo? More out of curiosity than anything :)

Huge fan by the way ๐Ÿ˜Š

Icon_Taglist not working

I have commented out (in the bar theme skyfall.lua) the following line:
-- Create an icon taglist
local icon_taglist = require("noodle.icon_taglist")

-- Create a custom text taglist
-- local text_taglist = require("noodle.text_taglist")

and enabled the line creating the icon taglist. When I reload awesome, however, I get no icons.

Any ideas as to why? I have poked around but am unable to find the problem.

If this is broken, how could I go about setting up my own custom text icons using the typicon font for the text_taglist.lua?

attempt to concatenate a nil value(local 'fg')

It says ~/.config/awesome/helpers.lua:28 and the above I don't understand lua and I am a beginner at coding so I couldn't solve the problem myself would you take a look at it.I cloned your repository and copied the folder into my ~/.config and there's no change but whenever I restart awesome these errors show themselves. I am using Archlinux and I am parallely running i3 and deepin if its any concern.

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