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github-markdown-toc's People


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github-markdown-toc's Issues

Global TOC for number of .md-files

I'd like to have global TOC for number of files (say,,, etc) and place it in README or (as we use gh-pages, we want index). Is it possible with your tool? Would it be possible to add this feature to your tool?

Nothing Generated (anymore)

Was able to generate TOC yesterday -- today it is not working... Not sure if something changed on my end, or upstream GitHub changed something...

➜  ~ gh-md-toc

Table of Contents

Created by [gh-md-toc](
➜  ~ echo $?

Versions of utils:

➜  ~ uname -m
➜  ~ curl --version| head -n 1
curl 7.47.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.47.1 OpenSSL/1.0.1t zlib/1.2.8
➜  ~ grep --version | head -n 1
grep (GNU grep) 2.20
➜  ~ sed --version | head -n 1
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2
➜  ~ sed --version | head -n 1
sed (GNU sed) 4.2.2
➜  ~ awk -W version
GNU Awk 4.0.2
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991-2012 Free Software Foundation.

TOC doesn't work in some markdown file.

This is a great script when it works.
But some md file I have doesn't work.



I saw another issue. Some guy reached conclusion that it is related to GNU awk version. Any suggestions to work around it? eg, use docker?

Is there a need for a build step?

Does this project solve the basic problem:

Some kind of build step is needed to create the TOC.

I use this README to have a small wiki with version control.

I like editing the page via the github text editor (without local checkout and commit+push)

Can your project create a TOC without a build step?

Cannot generate TOC when filename has colon ":"

This returns an empty TOC: $ gh-md-toc "".

Table of Contents

Created by [gh-md-toc](

This works: $ gh-md-toc

Problem with a title with a backquote at the end


First, thanks for this useful script. Second, it seems to me that there is a problem when a title has a backquote at the end. Here is an example with this simple markdown file:

# The command `foo1`


# The command `foo2` is better


# The command `bar1`


# The command `bar2` is better


I have this:

~$ ./gh-md-toc /tmp/ 

Table of Contents

 * [](#the-command-foo1)
  * [The command <code>foo2</code> is better](#the-command-foo2-is-better)
 * [](#the-command-bar1)
  * [The command <code>bar2</code> is better](#the-command-bar2-is-better)

Created by [gh-md-toc](


Insert mode does not correctly work for OS X

Table of Contents

   * [Requirements](#requirements)
   * [Installation](#installation)
      * [Installation via Download](#installation-via-download)
      * [Installation via Docker](#installation-via-docker)
         * [Plain docker usage](#plain-docker-usage)
         * [Usage on Synology devices](#usage-on-synology-devices)
   * [Setup](#setup)
      * [Configuring the database connection](#configuring-the-database-connection)
   * [Remarks](#remarks)
      * [Demo mode login](#demo-mode-login)
date: illegal option -- -
usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] ... 
            [-f fmt date | [[[mm]dd]HH]MM[[cc]yy][.ss]] [+format]
sed: 1: "/<\!--ts-->/,/<\!--te-- ...": extra characters at the end of d command
sed: 1: "": invalid command code I

!! TOC was added into: ''
!! Origin version of the file: ''
!! TOC added into a separate file: ''

generate the TOC inside the MD file

To automatize the TOC generation,
it would be nice that gh-md-toc generates the TOC inside the MD file, instead of generating some text that user has to manually insert at the desired position.

So, if the markdown file has a marker like:

<!-- TOC -->

gh-md-toc generates or re-generates the TOC at this position.
To re-generate the TOC, and delete the old TOC, the end of TOC could be marked by something like:

<!-- gh-md-toc end , generated at samedi 25 novembre 2017, 04:08:42 (UTC+0100) by jmv -->

Needs integration with sublime text (the MarkdownTOC package).

In sublime text there is a package called 'MarkdownTOC'. If can get that existing sublime package's python code to call and invoke this program, then it will auto-regenerate refresh the TOC on every save (Ctrl+S) in Sublime Text.

And that would be awesome.

Because currently MarkdownTOC does the hooks thing well. But not generate TOC correctly (which is very bad output actually). Need the best of both worlds.

Direct insert not working on Linux Mint

I was using the direct insert flag --insert to directly insert the TOC into the I've added the two lines


into the readme but when running the script with the --insert flag I get the output:

You don't have <!--ts--> or <!--te--> in your file...exiting

I've found the part in the script that does the search for the tags

 if grep -Fxq "<!--ts-->" $gh_src && grep -Fxq "<!--te-->" $gh_src; then

which seems to fail. I've run the command manually on Linux Mint 19

grep -Fxq "<!--ts-->"

and I get the error

bash: !-: event not found

For my workaround I had to escape the syntax to this form

if grep -xq "<\!--ts-->" $gh_src && grep -xq "<\!--te-->" $gh_src; then

Line 178 returns the following error

./gh-md-toc: line 178: [: =: unary operator expected```

should probably be changed to

 if [ "$no_backup" = "yes" ]; then

New feature to cut TOC items down to a given level

This tool is great! I'd like to suggest this improvement: allow me to specify the deepest heading level I want to consider to build the TOC, e.g., --max-level 2, it will only consider # and ## headers, it will skip from ### or more.

false space character is fooling gh-md-toc

The false space character is c2 in hexadecimal (194 in decimal).
In a title, it causes gh-md-toc to skip the title.


## real space
## bad-space
The bad space is after the 2 sharp characters.

I don't know how I got that false space in the first place !

Sometimes not working

I have a

I wanted to create TOC

chmod a+x gh-md-toc
cat | ./gh-md-toc -

Sometimes it shows the contents, but sometimes it return blank. I cant understand why sometimes it works and sometimes not

Please use the Authorization HTTP header

On XXX #XX, 2020 at ##:## (UTC) your personal access token (...) using gh-md-toc v0.6.1 was used as part of a query parameter to access an endpoint through the GitHub API:

Please use the Authorization HTTP header instead, as using the access_token query parameter is deprecated and will be removed July 1st, 2020.

Depending on your API usage, we'll be sending you this email reminder once every 3 days for each token and User-Agent used in API calls made on your behalf.
Just one URL that was accessed with a token and User-Agent combination will be listed in the email reminder, not all.

Visit for more information.

The GitHub Team

Mode where the entire contents of the file are output

It would be nice to have a mode like --insert except instead of overwriting the existing file, the entire new contents of the file (not just the TOC) are output to standard output. Unlike --insert this could work on non-local files, and allow another script to upload the file. It would also let you work on local files saving the result somewhere else and avoiding the next to create the .orig. and .toc.` files which need cleaning up in scripts.

Windows binaries lack .exe on end

Thanks for this tool, I tried it out today. Maybe you want to tweak your build process for the binaries...
After unpacking the tgz then the tar file, I noticed that the windows binaries don't have a '.exe' on the end.

This confused me as I thought maybe there was a mixup and some unix binaries had got packaged instead.

I ended up testing the 386 windows binary and it works fine after I added the missing extension.

Hope it helps, Fazl

Support of non-latin characters

I tried to generate TOC gh-md-toc

Seems like gh-md-toc return non-encoded uri, that's why TOC does not work.

E.g. istead of link #Как-быстро-выучить-perl- there must be #%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA-%D0%B1%D1%8B%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%83%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C-perl-

So we need to add url escaping

Local cannot add a TOC for md file


🤥 pushaowei🍭 15:04 ➜  skill git:(master) ✗ ./gh-md-toc ~/notes/skill/

Table of Contents

Parsing local markdown file requires access to github API
Error: You exceeded the hourly limit. See:
or place github auth token here: /Users/pushaowei/notes/skill/token.txt


🤥 pushaowei🍭 15:01 ➜  skill git:(master) ✗ ./gh-md-toc --version

./gh-md-toc: line 231: lsb_release: command not found
cat: /proc/version: No such file or directory
shell:  zsh 5.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.0)

curl : curl 7.54.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.0) libcurl/7.54.0 LibreSSL/2.0.20 zlib/1.2.11 nghttp2/1.24.0
wget : GNU Wget 1.20 在 darwin17.7.0 上编译。
grep : grep (BSD grep) 2.5.1-FreeBSD
awk  : awk version 20070501
sed  : sed: illegal option -- -
usage: sed script [-Ealn] [-i extension] [file ...]
       sed [-Ealn] [-i extension] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...]

Empty links

$ gh-md-toc

Table of Contents

   * [Предисловие]()
   * [Сервисы, которые не требуют специальных навыков.]()
      * [Яндекс.Толока]()
      * [Workle]()
      * [YouDO]()
      * [Divly]()
   * [Для кодеров от сотоны]()
      * [Hack.Hands]()
      * [Bountysource]()
      * [Криптовалюта]()
         * [ICO]()
   * [Для журналистов, блоггеров и всех кто может и любит делиться оригинальным контентом]()
      * []()
      * [Тинькофф.Журнал]()
      * [Свой YouTube канал]()
   * [Для маркетологов от бога]()
      * [Арбитраж трафика]()
   * [Для мейкеров]()
   * [Для предпринимателей]()
   * [Для дизайнеров]()
   * [Для водителей]()
      * [Грузоперевозки]()
      * [Совместные междугородние поездки]()
   * [Для всех, у кого есть жильё]()
   * [Для путешественников]()
   * [Биржи удалённых работ]()
   * [Сервисы для оптимальных покупок (экономия)]()

Created by [gh-md-toc](
$ gh-md-toc --version

TOC entries only generated when online

Steps to reproduce:

  1. ensure machine is connected to the Internet.

  2. find or write a Markdown document that should generate a good TOC, e.g.
    this gist.

  3. use gh-md-toc to generate a TOC for it, to stdout.

    $ ~/bin/gh-md-toc ~/Desktop/
    Table of Contents
    * ["The Modern Day Sisyphus: \#libtech Burnout and You": <a href="https://twitter\.com/yo\_bj">Becky Yoose</a>](#the-modern-day-sisyphus-libtech-burnout-and-you-becky-yoose)
      * [Abstract &amp; slides](#abstract--slides)
      * [twelve phases of burnout](#twelve-phases-of-burnout)
      * [what's special about \#libtech burnout](#whats-special-about-libtech-burnout)
      * [how to prevent/recover](#how-to-preventrecover)
      * [\.\.\.but this isn't about what the victim should do](#but-this-isnt-about-what-the-victim-should-do)
        * [co\-workers](#co-workers)
        * [managers](#managers)
        * [community](#community)
      * [community privilege](#community-privilege)
    Created by [gh-md-toc](
  4. turn off networking

  5. attempt to generate the TOC again.


  • same TOC is generated as in step 3.


  • only header is generated:

    $ ~/bin/gh-md-toc ~/Desktop/
    Table of Contents
    Created by [gh-md-toc](


  • MacOS X 10.10.5
  • go version go1.6 darwin/amd64
  • gh-md-toc 5.0 built from commit 0523167dffc9cedcbc55996e3717716760bb4454

Error: unsupported protocol scheme "c"

Running on the local source of stoptracking/windows10/blob/Virt/

.\gh-md-toc.exe --debug C:\Users\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\

Table of Contents
2020/05/11 14:51:41 Convert2HTML: start.
2020/05/11 14:51:41 IsRemoteFile: true

2020/05/11 14:51:41 Convert2HTML: remote file. content-type:
2020/05/11 14:51:41 Convert2HTML: done.
2020/05/11 14:51:41 Get c:\Users\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\xxx\ unsupported protocol scheme "c"

Am I doing something wrong here? No idea why file type is identified as "remote".

TOC not generated correctly

I'm not getting the expected results:

Here's what I've done:

  1. curl -o gh-md-toc
  2. chmod a+x gh-md-toc
  3. ./gh-md-toc /Users/seamus/Documents/GitHub/PiFormulae/ > new-with-toc.txt
  4. cat new-with-toc.txt

Table of Contents

  * [Create a Rational and Portable File Server for Your Music Library](#create-a-rational-and-portable-file-server-for-your-music-library)
        * [0. Objective](#0-objective)
        * [1. Select the USB storage media](#1-select-the-usb-storage-media)
        * [2. Create and format a partition](#2-create-and-format-a-partition)
        * [2. Mounting a network storage device:](#2-mounting-a-network-storage-device)
        * [3. Copy/Sync Music repositories](#3-copysync-music-repositories)
        * [3.ALT Copy Music repositories using install](#3alt-copy-music-repositories-using-install)
        * [4. Serve!](#4-serve)
        * [Linux vs. Samba <em><strong>permissions</strong></em>](#linux-vs-samba-permissions)
        * [Samba profile for single user pi](#samba-profile-for-single-user-pi)
        * [Samba profile for read-only guest access, write access for user pi](#samba-profile-for-read-only-guest-access-write-access-for-user-pi)

Created by gh-md-toc

After a select+C&P into my .md file & uploading, this doesn't render properly on my github page:


Missing first `<code></code>` in TOCs.

This is my first time to submit an issue.

The first segment of code is into normal words in generated TOCs.

gh-md-toc should generate

* [Functions and Closures <code>def</code> <code>with</code> <code>as</code>](#functions-and-closures-def-with-as)


## Functions and Closures `def` `with` `as`
instead of
* [Functions and Closures def <code>with</code> <code>as</code>](#functions-and-closures-def-with-as)

no TOC lines returned under OS X


Thanks for such a convenient tool! Works great for me on multiple linux platforms.

Unfortunately in OS X the current version returns no TOC lines, even with input .md files that produce the expected output in linux. Looks like it may be related to argument to $GH_GREP in gh_toc_grab().Any ideas?

$ grep --version
grep (BSD grep) 2.5.1-FreeBSD

$ uname -a
Darwin macbookone.local 14.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 14.4.0: Thu May 28 11:35:04 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.30.5~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

$ ./gh-md-toc ~/src.mywork.gitRepos/stowlerGeneralComputing/docs/

Table of Contents

Created by [gh-md-toc](


Letters with diacritical signs get "messed up"

Hi. I just wanted to let You know that while this works perfectly for English-only characters, some letters with accents and other diacritical signs get "messed up" in the process.

For example, ň goes to %C5%88, and í goes to %C3%AD.

I guess the links still work, but it's ugly, and modern browsers can handle these special accentuated letters without a problem.

I suspect this has to do with character encoding, but I am not sure whether this is intentional, or, if not, how to fix this. Thus this issue.

Thank You for Your time and effort

Error: "grep: unrecognized option `--null-data' "


Your tool looks great and would save a lot of work for me.

However when I tried your tool with one of my wiki page


I got the following error

Table of Contents

grep: unrecognized option `--null-data'
usage: grep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
        [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color=when]
        [--context[=num]] [--directories=action] [--label] [--line-buffered]
      [--null] [pattern] [file ...]

Created by [gh-md-toc](

I got the same error when I run it with a local .md file.

What did I miss?

Don't Backup

Would it be possible to not back up the using a command line switch? We already have git?

Support numbered lists

Consider supporting ordered lists instead of assuming unordered lists. Wikipedia uses this TOC style.

No TOC returned under OS X

Under OS X no TOC is returned. I tried the current master as well as version 0.4.4 as recommended in issue #15.

This is the output of version 0.4.4:

$ gh-md-toc

Table of Contents

grep: unrecognized option `--null-data'
usage: grep [-abcDEFGHhIiJLlmnOoqRSsUVvwxZ] [-A num] [-B num] [-C[num]]
    [-e pattern] [-f file] [--binary-files=value] [--color=when]
    [--context[=num]] [--directories=action] [--label] [--line-buffered]
    [--null] [pattern] [file ...]

(23) Failed writing body

Created by [gh-md-toc](

The current master has no output at all.

TOC creating from STDIN on Mac OS X without coreutils fails, because BSD version of mktemp command require an argument.

TOC creating from STDIN on Mac OS X without GNU coreutils will fail, the error raised out like below:

$ cat | gh-md-toc -
gh-md-toc: line 144: $gh_tmp_md: ambiguous redirect

It fails because the mktemp command shipped with Mac OS X comes from FreeBSD, witch has different behaviour from the GNU coreutils one.

$ mktemp
usage: mktemp [-d] [-q] [-t prefix] [-u] template ...
       mktemp [-d] [-q] [-u] -t prefix

I've send a pull request to fix this.

# comments in indent block triggers TOC entry

here is an example:

    root@myserver:~# cat /etc/redis/redis.conf | grep keep
    # TCP keepalive.
    tcp-keepalive 0

the above markdown snippet triggers an TOC entry:

* [TCP keepalive.](#tcp-keepalive)

which is wrong. the TOC should not generated based on the indent block.

Gutenberg dynamic blocks that insert headers

I've been working on some dynamic blocks for Gutenberg (dynamic in that they output html in the render_callback of block registration). Any headings I insert into the content in this way are not picked up by Easy TOC. Not inserted into the TOC at all.

I'm using the shortcode, not automatic TOC insertion.

I think this is because the shortcode runs before the blocks are rendered and builds the TOC against the stored post content, not the actual final output.

Is there anything i can do to easily change easy TOC so that the shortcode just adds filters to insert the TOC that run on the final content?

Add support for alternate versions of Linux?

Really useful idea.

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on Arch Linux with either Bash/ZSH at the moment. I can try out the go-based version in the meantime, but just thought I would report in case it is an easy fix to extend support beyond Ubuntu.

Just let me know if there is any other info you need.

$ gh-md-toc --version
$ bats --version
Bats 0.4.0
$ zsh --version
$ bash --version

make test

9 tests, 6 failures
make: *** [Makefile:6: test] Error 1

For example, for the document:



### h3


### h3 2


### h3 3


h2 2


The TOC generated is:

$ gh-md-toc   

Table of Contents

  * [title</h1>  <h2> <a id="user-content-h2" class="anchor" href="#h2" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>h2</h2>  <h3> <a id="user-content-h3" class="anchor" href="#h3" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>h3</h3>  <p>...</p>  <h3> <a id="user-content-h3-2" class="anchor" href="#h3-2" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>h3 2</h3>  <p>...</p>  <h3> <a id="user-content-h3-3" class="anchor" href="#h3-3" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>h3 3</h3>  <p>...</p>  <h2> <a id="user-content-h2-2" class="anchor" href="#h2-2" aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true" class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>h2 2](#title)

Created by [gh-md-toc](

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