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Support for custom JDBC Connection properties

We use play-hikaricp plugin to pool database connection with Vertica. Vertica supports automatic switchover to one of the nodes in the cluster if the primary node goes down through the jdbc property BackupServerNode. However, play-hikaricp plugin doesn't seem to honour the custom connection property and hence we are not able to fallback to a different node in the cluster if the node mentioned in db.default.url property goes down. Is there a way to make this property work with HikariCP? We have verified that if we actually create a java.util.Properties and use that to create a JDBC Connection using HikariCP, it works.


Bad mapping for some properties & incoherent default values


I found that some DB properties are not retrieved with the right key in PlayConfig mode.

In play-hikari

properties.setPropertyFromConfig("autoCommit",          "defaultAutoCommit", "true")
properties.setPropertyFromConfig("transactionIsolation", "defaultTransactionIsolation")
properties.setPropertyFromConfig("readOnly",             "defaultReadOnly", "false")

In play (doc) (source) :


In addition, some default properties doesn't match with the Hikaricp or Play default values.
For example :

Property Play default Hikaricp default Play-Hikaricp default
maximumPoolSize 2*5 = 10 10 1*30 = 30
minimumIdle 2*5 = 10 10 1*5 = 5

If it's an intended optimization, it should be explained in the Readme.

Can't download the package


Is there an issue with the hosting of your packages ?
Can't download it.

[info] Resolving com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;2.0.1 ...
[warn]  module not found: com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;2.0.1
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sbt-plugin-releases: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn]   /Users/nicolas/.ivy2/local/com.edulify/play-hikaricp_2.11/2.0.1/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn]   /Users/nicolas/.ivy2/local/com.edulify/play-hikaricp_2.11/2.0.1/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== Maven2 Local: tried
[warn]   file:/Users/nicolas/.m2/repository/com/edulify/play-hikaricp_2.11/2.0.1/play-hikaricp_2.11-2.0.1.pom
[warn] ==== typesafe-releases: tried
[warn] ==== typesafe-snapshots: tried
[warn] ==== sonatype-releases: tried
[warn] ==== sonatype-snapshots: tried
[warn] ==== Edulify Repository: tried


allow play to start when a configured db is unavailable

Hi There, thanks for the project!

The initializationFailFast = false semantics are not what I expected. I was hoping to be able to start the application even if a configured db is unavailable (a data warehouse we're connecting to sometimes goes down for maintenance).

We could extend your plugin and probably figure out how to do that, but before we do, was wondering if you had any plans for adding this, or pointers for us?


Instructions to use latest hikari plugin with Play 2.2.x

In the README it says "Note, it can be made to work with Play 2.2.x of the PlayFramework, but it requires changing the dependencies as the current build relies on the Play 2.3.x plugin."

It is not very clear regarding what to do. Can I use 1.5.0 hikari play plugin with Play 2.2.x? If yes, what dependencies do I need to change and where and how??

When I try to use 1.5.0 with 2.2.x, I get this on play start:

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: play.core.server.NettyServer.mainDevHttpMode(play.core.SBTLink, play.core.SBTDocHandler, int)
    at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
    at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:232)
    at play.PlayRun$$anonfun$playRunTask$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(PlayRun.scala:91)
    at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:35)
    at scala.Function7$$anonfun$tupled$1.apply(Function7.scala:34)
    at scala.Function1$$anonfun$compose$1.apply(Function1.scala:47)
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last main/compile:run for the full output.
[error] (main/compile:run) java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: play.core.server.NettyServer.mainDevHttpMode(play.core.SBTLink, play.core.SBTDocHandler, int)
[error] Total time: 14 s, completed Sep 26, 2014 3:18:19 PM

add sensible pool names by default

Hey, would it be possible to set the HikariCP pool name to the name of the DataSource as it appears in the play config? I've submitted a pull request that implements this behaviour.

Play way is not correct

In HikariCPConfig the maxPoolSize is incorrect. Should it not be the following in line 82:

val maxConnectionsPerPartition = config.getInt("maxPoolSize").get

The same goes for the minPoolSize in line 88.

Please use git tags


I was just wondering why you are not using git tags for tagging each new version? It would make it much more easier for developers/contributers to dig in the source code if we could e.g. see a diff between the differents tagged versions.
Right now you just have a master branch which means we have to go through the whole commit history to find out what exactly changed between versions.


Upgrade HikariCP to 1.3.8.

The latest release is 1.3.8, and HikariCP 1.3.7 included a critical reliability fix when using the JDBC4 isValid() method for checking connection-aliveness (the default).

And thanks for creating this plugin!

why use play.utils.ProxyDriver


I have a question about the use of play.utils.ProxyDriver class when register the driver and not the Driver class directly ??

Mask password from logging

It think the password printed in line 47 of HikariCPConfig should be masked. Maybe just print the first letter, so one can check that it is using the correct value.

Info level messages leaking into logs despite error level set

I just upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.5.2 and now have "[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-114 is shutting down." in logs despite having "" in my application.conf.

This message adds alot of noise to the test results. I apologize if this is a silly question but how can I turn off all HikariPool message in this new version so unit tests go back to ERROR only.

✗ activator test
[info] The Collections utility should
[info] + return the previous element in the collection
[info] Total for specification CollectionsSpec
[info] Finished in 2 ms
[info] 1 example, 0 failure, 0 error
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-26 is shutting down.
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-27 is shutting down.
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-28 is shutting down.
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-29 is shutting down.
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-30 is shutting down.
[info] HikariPool - HikariCP pool HikariPool-31 is shutting down.

It seems that 2.0.0-M1 cannot be resolved from the repository


After I added

resolvers += Resolver.url("Edulify Repository", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

to the build.sbt, the module still cannot be resolved.

The scala version is set to 2.11.5:

scalaVersion := "2.11.5"

Am I wrong?

Best Regards,
Wei Zheng

Invalid time conversion on IdleMaxAge

There is an error in the idleTimeout method, the config.getMilliseconds("idleMaxAge") is mistakenly multiplied by 1000.

// Good: only the previous maxLife is multiplied by 1000
private def maxLifetime(config: Configuration) = {
    var maxLife = config.getLong("maxConnectionAgeInMinutes").getOrElse(30L)
    maxLife     = config.getLong("maxConnectionAgeInSeconds").getOrElse(maxLife * 60)
    maxLife     = config.getMilliseconds("maxConnectionAge").getOrElse(maxLife * 1000)

// Invalid! The idleMaxAge config itself is multiplied by 1000
private def idleTimeout(config: Configuration) = {
  var idleMaxAge = config.getLong("idleMaxAgeInMinutes").getOrElse(10L)
  idleMaxAge     = config.getLong("idleMaxAgeInSeconds").getOrElse(idleMaxAge) * 60
  idleMaxAge     = config.getMilliseconds("idleMaxAge").getOrElse(idleMaxAge) * 1000

Having many evolution files or one file with more than 30 statements dies with exception (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 32)

Having evolution file with:

SELECT 2...30;

And running with:

JAVA_OPTS="-DapplyEvolutions.default=true" sbt "start 9000"

Gives error:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 32
at com.zaxxer.hikari.util.FastList.get(
at com.zaxxer.hikari.proxy.ConnectionProxy.close(
at play.api.db.evolutions.Evolutions$.applyScript(Evolutions.scala:293)
at play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin$$anonfun$onStart$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply$mcV$sp(Evolutions.scala:496)
at play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin.withLock(Evolutions.scala:531)
at play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin$$anonfun$onStart$1.apply(Evolutions.scala:485)
at play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin$$anonfun$onStart$1.apply(Evolutions.scala:483)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
at play.api.db.evolutions.EvolutionsPlugin.onStart(Evolutions.scala:483)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Play.scala:91)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Play.scala:91)
at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply$mcV$sp(Play.scala:91)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply(Play.scala:91)
at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply(Play.scala:91)
at play.utils.Threads$.withContextClassLoader(Threads.scala:21)
at play.api.Play$.start(Play.scala:90)
at play.core.StaticApplication.(ApplicationProvider.scala:55)
at play.core.server.NettyServer$.createServer(NettyServer.scala:244)
at play.core.server.NettyServer$$anonfun$main$3.apply(NettyServer.scala:280)
at play.core.server.NettyServer$$anonfun$main$3.apply(NettyServer.scala:275)
at play.core.server.NettyServer$.main(NettyServer.scala:275)
at play.core.server.NettyServer.main(NettyServer.scala)

This has been fixed with HikariCP 2.0.1 (brettwooldridge/HikariCP#107 - brettwooldridge/HikariCP@19eaea9) and normally I would just use newer version of package, but for Hikari 2.x you need to use package HikariCP-java6 if support for JRE 7.0 is needed. HikariCP is only for JRE 8.0

Duplicate Pools - Resolved By Removing Plugin Config Line

I've been using this in a Play 2.3.10 application and I noticed that the pools were being initialised twice - using twice as many connections as I anticipated. I've not really been able to figure out why, but removing the entry from the play.plugins file seems to have stopped the duplication and resolved my problem but it seems contrary to the instructions. Have you any ideas about what might be going on?


Cannot find config

I am using Play 2.2.x, Scala 2.10.4 and play-hikaricp 1.0.0 (on 1.0.0 since that is what you I should use with Play 2.2 and I am not in a position to upgrade play now) and I am including config files using (my database is not under default but under foo)

When I do play run, it works fine. If I do play start, I get this stacktrace:

Play server process ID is 78193
2014-09-26 14:46:30,869 [main] [info] application - Starting HikariCP connection pool...
2014-09-26 14:46:33,825 [main] [info] application - Loading Hikari configuration from Play configuration.
2014-09-26 14:46:33,846 [main] [info] application - Loading from file configured by db.default.hikaricp.file that is Some(conf/db/merlin/TickerLife/
2014-09-26 14:46:33,847 [main] [info] application - Loading Hikari configuration from conf/db/merlin/TickerLife/
2014-09-26 14:46:33,878 [main] [info] application - Properties: {dataSource.password=**secret stuff**, dataSource.user=**not putting here****, dataSource.url=jdbc:sqlserver:/localhost:1433,}
2014-09-26 14:46:36,905 [main] [info] application - Loading Hikari configuration from Play configuration.
Oops, cannot start the server.
java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:313)
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:311)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:244)
    at scala.collection.immutable.Set$Set3.foreach(Set.scala:115)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at scala.collection.AbstractSet.scala$collection$SetLike$$super$map(Set.scala:47)
    at scala.collection.SetLike$
    at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Play.scala:88)
    at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1$$anonfun$apply$mcV$sp$1.apply(Play.scala:88)
    at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
    at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply$mcV$sp(Play.scala:88)
    at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply(Play.scala:88)
    at play.api.Play$$anonfun$start$1.apply(Play.scala:88)
    at play.utils.Threads$.withContextClassLoader(Threads.scala:18)
    at play.api.Play$.start(Play.scala:87)
    at play.core.StaticApplication.<init>(ApplicationProvider.scala:52)
    at play.core.server.NettyServer$.createServer(NettyServer.scala:243)
    at play.core.server.NettyServer$$anonfun$main$3.apply(NettyServer.scala:279)
    at play.core.server.NettyServer$$anonfun$main$3.apply(NettyServer.scala:274)
    at play.core.server.NettyServer$.main(NettyServer.scala:274)
    at play.core.server.NettyServer.main(NettyServer.scala)

Looks like it is still looking for configs in the .conf files. (To be clear, I have 2 databases under db.foo1 and db.foo2).

How to use Hikaricp with Slick 2.1?

I'd like to use Hickaricp with Slick in play 2.3.3. I've configured the app regarding the instruction:

  "com.edulify" %% "play-hikaricp" % "1.5.0",
  "" %% "play-slick" % "0.8.0" exclude("com.jolbox","bonecp"),
  "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.32",

Step 2: Disable default dbplugin




# Slick Evolutions
# ~~~~~


However, when I'm running the app I get the following error:

Configuration error: Configuration error[Slick error : jdbc driver not defined in application.conf for db.default.driver key

I have to specify in application.conf following to make app working:


But it seem that Slick is not using Hikaricp and use old BoneCP with play. I'm wondering how would be a proper way to customize slick with hikaricp?

Config translation for JDBC connection settings

Config translation was removed at ffcbc78. However I think it causes duplicated configuration if we use play-hikaricp with other plugins such as flyway-play because they expect default Play2 configuration.

# for play-hikaricp

# for flyway-play

Therefore I think it's useful to provide translation for basic JDBC connection settings.

[Play framwork] Cannot loading Configuration from application.conf

Hi, I am using Play 2.3.2 and scala 2.11.1 and HikariCP version 1.4.1.


db {
  default {


play.api.UnexpectedException: Unexpected exception[NoSuchElementException: None.get]
    at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:151) ~[play_2.11-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]
    at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:115) ~[play_2.11-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]
    at ~[scala-library-2.11.2.jar:na]
    at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:115) ~[play_2.11-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]
    at play.core.ReloadableApplication$$anonfun$get$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(ApplicationProvider.scala:113) ~[play_2.11-2.3.2.jar:2.3.2]
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:322) ~[scala-library-2.11.2.jar:na]
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:320) ~[scala-library-2.11.2.jar:na]
    at ~[play-hikaricp_2.11-1.4.1.jar:1.4.1]
    at ~[play-hikaricp_2.11-1.4.1.jar:1.4.1]
    at$$anonfun$1.apply(HirakiCPDBApi.scala:34) ~[play-hikaricp_2.11-1.4.1.jar:1.4.1]

UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES error, play framework 2.3.5

I'm using Play framework 2.3.5 and I've followed your instruction to set up this plugin but my application continuously show me this error.

[info] Updating {file:/Users/xxxxxxxx/workspace/dottegi_api/}root...
[info] Resolving com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;1.5.0 ...
[warn] module not found: com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;1.5.0
[warn] ==== local: tried
[warn] /Users/xxxxxxxx/.ivy2/local/com.edulify/play-hikaricp_2.11/1.5.0/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== activator-local: tried
[warn] file:/Users/xxxxxxxx/workspace/activator/repository/com.edulify/play-hikaricp_2.11/1.5.0/ivys/ivy.xml
[warn] ==== public: tried
[warn] ==== typesafe-releases: tried
[warn] ==== typesafe-ivy-releasez: tried
[warn] ==== Typesafe Releases Repository: tried
[info] Resolving jline#jline;2.11 ...
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[warn] :: com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;1.5.0: not found
[warn] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last *:update for the full output.
error sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: com.edulify#play-hikaricp_2.11;1.5.0: not found

[error] Total time: 11 s, completed Oct 23, 2014 10:41:42 AM

The other settings are as follows.

// Comment to get more information during initialization
logLevel := Level.Warn

resolvers += Resolver.url("Edulify Repository", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

// The Typesafe repository
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Typesafe repository" at "",
Resolver.url("jets3t", url(""))(Resolver.ivyStylePatterns)

// Use the Play sbt plugin for Play projects
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.3.5")

scalaVersion := "2.11.1"

incOptions := incOptions.value.withNameHashing(true)

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.apache.httpcomponents" % "httpmime" % "4.3.5",
"com.edulify" % "play-hikaricp" % "1.5.0",


Something wrong with my configurations?
Why the framework doesn't try to find the plugin in your repository?

Problem loading the file

I had a problem loading the configuration file of Hikari. This only happens when I set up with Shell, not the play console.

The configuration suggest adding in the application.conf
db.default.hikaricp.file = "conf/"

Which is fine, but via shell I get an error stating:

[Loading from file configured by db.default.hikaricp.file That Is Some ("conf/")]

If you strip the quotes to the configuration file, then it works fine for command line and Shell.
=> db.default.hikaricp.file = conf/

How to specify JNDI datasource

I'm looking a way to specify the connection using JNDI so it can be used in my persistance.xml


I tried Googling for sometime now but couldn't find a good reference.

I just want to know is there any straight forward way of doing this


Get rid of "jdbcConnectionTest" warning when using Play configuration

When HikariCP is configured through play application.conf, a warning is always displayed in the console.

[warn] c.z.h.HikariConfig - The jdbcConnectionTest property is now deprecated, see the
documentation for connectionTestQuery

This warning is triggered when the jdbc4ConnectionTest property is setted

It's not possible to remove this warning by tweaking play configuration, due to this line which always set this property.

Enabling hikaricp logging on play 2.3

I am trying to to debug my communication link failure problem. I am not seeing any hikari related log on the application.log and I already set the logger.root = TRACE. I assume the hikari is just not enabled. What is the best way to enable hikari on the log file?

Play 2.2.2 with play hikari plugin 1.0.0 not working

I am using Play 2.2.2 version and I followed the instruction details as specified in Readme.
My scala version being 2.10, still I got the following error.

com.edulify#play-hirakicp_2.10;1.0.0: not found

Also got anoother error which is
                    <pre><span class="line">&nbsp;</span><span class="code"></span></pre>             
                    <pre><span class="line">&nbsp;</span><span class="code"></span></pre>              
                    <pre><span class="line">&nbsp;</span><span class="code">$$anonfun$1.apply(HirakiCPDBApi.scala:34)</span></pre>
                    <pre><span class="line">&nbsp;</span><span class="code">$$anonfun$1.apply(HirakiCPDBApi.scala:32)</span></pre>

Any help appreciated.

Dynamically translate typesafe HOCON properties to Hikari properties

I'm trying out this plugin and noticed that the preferred way to use it is to reference a properties file in the app's .conf file. In our particular application, we have references to many databases (over 16). I feel that defining a property file for each database is a bit messy and will lead to many files. Ideally, I'd like to have the configuration for our databases all defined in one file (production.conf) using the HOCON syntax.

I could use the Play way of defining the config, but the issue is that I'm limited to what Play defines. Why be constrained to what Play defines? Would it be possible to allow using the actual Hikari properties, and just pass them to the HikariConfig object as is (could be done by getting the property names of the hikari's hocon subtree dynamically).


db.default.hikaricp {

new release?

I recently submitted this pull request:

I made this change hoping that I would be able to use it, but there hasn't been a release since. Can you please make a release?

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