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m2m is a client module for machine-to-machine communication framework node-m2m. The module's API is a FaaS (Function as a Service) also called "serverless" making it easy for everyone to develop applications in telematics, data acquisition, process automation, IoT network gateways, workflow orchestration and many others.

Each user can create multiple client applications accessing multiple remote devices/micro servers through its user assigned device id's.

Access to remote devices/servers is restricted to authenticated users only. Communications between client and device/server applications are fully encrypted using TLS protocol.

To use this module, users must create an account and register their devices with node-m2m.

Table of contents

  1. Supported Devices
  2. Node.js version requirement
  3. Installation
  4. Quick Tour
  5. Examples
  6. Http REST API Simulation
  7. Browser Interaction
  8. Other FaaS functions

Supported Devices

  • Raspberry Pi Models: B+, 2, 3, Zero & Zero W, Compute Module 3, 3B+, 3A+ (generally all 40-pin models)
  • Linux Computer
  • Windows PC
  • Mac Computer

Node.js version requirement

  • Node.js versions: 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 14.x


$ npm install m2m

Raspberry Pi peripheral access (GPIO, I2C, SPI and PWM).

For projects requiring raspberry pi peripheral access such as GPIO, I2C, SPI and PWM, you will need to install array-gpio as a separate module.

$ npm install array-gpio

Quick Tour

For this quick tour, we will let two computers communicate with each other using the internet.

We will create a micro server (remote device) that will generate random numbers as its sole service.

And a client application (remote client) that will access the random numbers from the remote device.

The remote client will access the random numbers using two methods.

The first one using a pull-method, the client will capture the random numbers using a one time function call.

And the second one using a push-method, the client will watch the random numbers for any changes to its value
every 5 seconds. If the value changes, only then the remote device will send the new random value to the remote client.

Before you start, create an account and register your remote device with node-m2m server.

Remote Device Setup

Create a device project directory and install m2m.

$ npm install m2m

Create the file below as device.js within your device project directory.

const m2m = require('m2m');

// create a device object with a device id of 100
// this id must must be registered with node-m2m
let device = new m2m.Device(100);

// authenticate and connect with node-m2m server
device.connect(function(err, result){
    if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);

    console.log('result:', result);

    device.setChannel('random', function(err, data){
      if(err) return console.error('setData random error:', err.message);

      let value =   Math.floor(( Math.random() * 100) + 25);

Start your device application.

$ node device.js

The first time you run your application, it will ask for your credentials.

? Enter your userid (email):
? Enter your password:
? Enter your security code:

The next time you run your application, it will start automatically without asking for your credentials. It will use a saved user token for authentication.

At anytime you can renew your user token using the command line argument -r when you restart your application.

$ node device.js -r

It will ask you to enter your credentials again. Enter your credentials to renew your token.

Remote Client Setup

Similar with the remote device setup, create a client project directory and install m2m.

$ npm install m2m

Create the file below as client.js within your client project directory.

const m2m = require('m2m');

// create a client application object
let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(function(err, result){
    if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);

    console.log('result:', result);

    // create a local device object with access to remote device 100
    let device = client.accessDevice(100);

    // capture 'random' data using a one-time function call'random').getData(function(err, value){
        if(err) return console.error('getData random error:', err.message);
        console.log('random value', value); // 97

    // capture 'random' data using an event-based method
    // data value will be pushed from the remote device if 'random' data value changes
    // the remote device will scan/poll the data every 5 secs for any value changes'random').watch(function(err, value){
        if(err) return console.error('watch random error:', err.message);
        console.log('watch random value', value); // 81, 68, 115 ...

Start your application.

$ node client.js

Similar with remote device setup, you will be prompted to enter your credentials.

You should get a similar output result as shown below.

random value 97
watch random value 81
watch random value 68
watch random value 115


Example 1 Using MCP 9808 Temperature Sensor

Remote Device Setup in Tokyo

$ npm install m2m array-gpio
const m2m = require('m2m');

// using a built-in MCP9808 i2c library using array-gpio
// you can also create your own 9808 library using other npm modules
const i2c = require('./node_modules/m2m/examples/i2c/9808.js');

let device = new m2m.Device(110);

// explicitly connecting to default node-m2m server
device.connect('', function(err, result){
  // device application logic

// or

// implicitly connecting to default node-m2m server
device.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  device.setChannel('temperature', function(err, data){
    if(err) return console.error('set temperature error:', err.message);

    let value =  i2c.getTemp();

Client application in Boston

$ npm install m2m
const m2m = require('m2m');

let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  let device = client.accessDevice(110);'temperature').watch(function(err, value){
    if(err) return console.error('temperature error:', err.message);
    console.log('temperature value', value); // 23.51, 23.49, 23.11

  // or use accessDevice() method w/ a callback

  client.accessDevice(110, function (err, device){
    if(err) return console.error('accessDevice 110 error:', err.message);'temperature').watch(function(err, value){
      if(err) return console.error('temperature error:', err.message);
      console.log('temperature value', value); // 23.51, 23.49, 23.11

Client application in London

$ npm install m2m
const m2m = require('m2m');

let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  let device = client.accessDevice(110);

  // watch temperature data
  // the remote server will scan/poll it every 15 secs for any value changes'temperature').watch({interval:15000}, function(err, value){
    if(err) return console.error('temperature error:', err.message);
    console.log('temperature value', value); // 23.51, 23.49, 23.11

  // unwatch temperature data after 5 minutes
  // client will stop receiving temperature data from the remote device
  }, 5*60*1000);

Example 2 GPIO Input Monitor and Output Control

Configure device1 for gpio input monitoring

Install array-gpio both on device1 and device2

$ npm install m2m array-gpio
const m2m = require('m2m');

let device = new m2m.Device(120);

device.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);

  console.log('result:', result);

  device.setGpio({mode:'input', pin:[11, 13]}, function(err, gpio){
    if(err) return console.error('setGpio input error:', err.message);

    console.log('input pin',, 'state', gpio.state);
    // add your custom logic here

Configure device2 for gpio output control

$ npm install m2m array-gpio
const m2m = require('m2m');

let device = new m2m.Device(130);

device.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);

  console.log('result:', result);

  device.setGpio({mode:'output', pin:[33, 35]}, function(err, gpio){
    if(err) return console.error('setGpio output error:', err.message);

    console.log('output pin',, 'state', gpio.state);
    // add your custom logic here

Client to monitor device1 gpio inputs and control device2 gpio outputs

$ npm install m2m
const m2m = require('m2m');

let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(function(err, result){
    if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
    console.log('result:', result);

    let device1 = client.accessDevice(120);
    let device2 = client.accessDevice(130);

    // using gpio() method for gpio input pin monitoring
    // and output pin control
    device1.gpio({mode:'in', pin:11}).watch(function(err, state){
      if(err) return console.error('watch pin 13 error:', err.message);
      console.log('device1 input 11 state', state);

        console.log('turn ON device2 output 33');
        device2.gpio({mode:'out', pin:33}).on();
        console.log('turn OFF device2 output 33');
        device2.gpio({mode:'out', pin:33}).off();

    // using in/input() or out/output() method
    // for gpio input pin monitoring and output pin control, state){
      if(err) return console.error('watch pin 11 error:', err.message);
      console.log('device1 input 13 state', state);

        console.log('turn OFF device2 output 35');
        console.log('turn ON device2 output 35');

Example 3 Remote Machine Control

Configure each remote machine's embedded rpi microcontroller with a unique device id
and set pin 40 for GPIO output control

Install array-gpio on all remote machines for GPIO output control

$ npm install m2m array-gpio
const m2m = require('m2m');

// assign 1001, 1002 and 1003 respectively for each remote machine
let device = new m2m.Device(1001);

device.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);
  // set pin 40 as digital output to activate the actuator
  device.setGpio({mode:'output', pin:40});

Client application to control the remote machines

$ npm install m2m
const m2m = require('m2m');

const client = new m2m.Client();

let interval;

client.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  // accessing multiple devices using an array object
  let devices = client.accessDevice([1001, 1002, 1003]);

  // iterate over the remote machines every 15 secs
  // turn on each actuator one by one every 2 seconds
  // then, turning them off likewise
  interval = setInterval(machineControl, 15000, devices);

  // or

  client.accessDevice([1001, 1002, 1003], (err, devices) => {
    if(err) return console.error('accessDevice error:', err.message);

    interval = setInterval(machineControl, 15000, devices);

function machineControl(devices){
  let t = 0;    // initial output time delay
  let pin = 40; // actuator gpio output pin
  devices.forEach((device) => {
    t += 2000;
    // turn ON device gpio output pin 40
    device.output(pin).on(t, (err, state) => {
      if(err) return console.error('actuator ON err:', err.message);
      console.log('machine ',, ' pin ', pin, ' output ON', state);
      // turn OFF device gpio output pin 40
      device.output(pin).off(t + 400, (err, state) => {
        if(err) return console.error('actuator OFF err:', err.message);
        console.log('machine ',, ' pin ', pin, ' output OFF', state);

Example 4 Sending Data to Remote Device or Server

Sending Data To Remote Server


const fs = require('fs');
const m2m = require('m2m');

let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  let server = client.accessDevice(500);

  // sending a text file to a remote server
  let myfile = fs.readFileSync('myFile.txt', 'utf8');'send-file').sendData( myfile , function(err, result){
    if(err) return console.error('send-file error:', err.message);

    console.log('send-file', result); // {result: 'success'}

  // sending json data to a remote server
  let mydata = [{name:'Ed'}, {name:'Jim', age:30}, {name:'Kim', age:42, address:'Seoul, South Korea'}];'send-data').sendData( mydata , function(err, result){
    if(err) return console.error('send-data error:', err.message);

    console.log('send-data', result); // {data: 'valid'}

  // sending data to a remote server w/o a response
  let num = 1.2456;'number').sendData(num);



const m2m = require('m2m');
const fs = require('fs');

let server = new m2m.Device(500);

server.connect(function(err, result){
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  // channel 'send-file' service
  server.setChannel('send-file', function(err, data){
    if(err) return console.error('send-file error:', err.message);

    let file = data.payload;

    fs.writeFile('myFile.txt', file, function (err) {
      if (err) throw err;
      console.log('file has been saved!');
      // send a response
      data.send({result: 'success'});

  // channel 'send-data' service
  server.setChannel('send-data', function(err, data){
    if(err) return console.error('send-data error:', err.message);

    // data.payload  [{name:'Ed'}, {name:'Jim', age:30}, {name:'Kim', age:42, address:'Seoul, South Korea'}];
    console.log('data.payload', data.payload);
    // send a response
      data.send({data: 'valid'});
      data.send({data: 'invalid'});

  // channel 'number' service
  server.setChannel('number', function(err, data){
    if(err) return console.error('number error:', err.message);

    console.log('data.payload', data.payload); // 1.2456


Http REST API Simulation

Client GET and POST method request

const m2m = require('m2m');

const client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  // access server 300 using a callback
  client.accessServer(300, (err, server) => {
    if(err) return console.error('accessDevice 300 error:', err.message);

    // GET method api request
    server.api('/random').get((err, result) => {
      if(err) return console.error('/random error:', err.message);
      console.log('/random result', result); // 24

    // POST method api request
    server.api('/findData').post({name:'ed'}, (err, result) => {
      if(err) return console.error('/findData error:', err.message);
      console.log('/findData result', result); // {result: 'ok'}


Server GET and POST method setup

const m2m = require('m2m');

const server = new m2m.Server(300);

server.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  // GET method api setup
  server.getApi('/random', (err, data) => {
    if(err) return console.error('/random error:', err.message);

    data.send(Math.floor(( Math.random() * 100) + 25));

  // POST method api setup
  server.postApi('/findData', (err, data) => {
    if(err) return console.error('/findData error:', err.message);
    setTimeout(() => {
      // received a data.body
      console.log('data.body', data.body); // {name:'ed'}
      // send a response
      data.send({result: 'ok'});
    }, 5000);

Browser Interaction

Naming Your Client Application for Tracking Purposes

Unlike device/server applications, users can create client applications without registering it with node-m2m server.

Node-m2m tracks all client applications through a dynamic string client id. If you have multiple client applications,
it may be difficult to track all your clients by just referring to its client id from the browser interface.

You can assign a name, location and a description properties to your clients as shown below.

This will make it easy to track your clients using the browser interface by referring to its name, location and description.

const m2m = require('m2m');

const client = new m2m.Client({name:'Main client', location:'Boston, MA', description:'Test client app'});

client.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

Remote Application Code Editing

Using the browser interface, you can download, edit and upload your application code from or into your remote clients and devices from anywhere.

To allow the browser to communicate with your application, you need to edit your project's package.json and add the following m2mConfig property as shown below.

"m2mConfig": {
  "code": {
    "allow": true,
    "filename": "device.js"

You need to set the property allow to true and provide the filename of your application.

From the example above, the filename of the application is device.js. Replace it with the actual filename of your application.

Auto Restart Setup

Using the browser interface, you may need to restart your application after a module update, application code edit/update, remote restart command etc.

Node-m2m uses the nodemon module to restart your application process.

You can add the following nodemonConfig and scripts properties in your project's npm package.json as a basic auto restart configuration.

"nodemonConfig": {
  "verbose": true,
  "restartable": "rs",
  "ignore": [".git", "public"],
  "ignoreRoot": [".git", "public"],
  "execMap": {"js": "node"},
  "watch": ["node_modules/m2m/mon"],
  "ext": "js,json"
"scripts": {
  "start": "nodemon device.js"

From the example above, the filename of the application is device.js. Replace it with the actual filename of your application when adding the scripts property. Then restart your node process using npm start command as shown below.

$ npm start

For other custom nodemon configuration, please read the nodemon documentation.

Auto Configuration for Code Edit and Auto Restart

To automatically configure your package.json for code editing and auto restart, start your node process with -config flag.

m2m will attempt to configure your package.json by adding/creating the m2mConfig, nodemonConfig, and scripts properties to your existing project's package.json. If your m2m project does not have an existing package.json, it will create a new one.

Assuming your application filename is device.js, start your node application as shown below.

$ node device -config

Stop your node process using ctrl-c. Check and verify your package.json if it was properly configured.

If the configuration is correct, you can now run your node process using npm start command.

$ npm start

Your node process or application will automatically restart after a remote code update, an npm module update, a remote restart command etc. using the browser interface.

Other FaaS functions

Client request to get all available remote devices

const m2m = require('m2m');

const client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err.message);
  console.log('result:', result);

  // user request to get all registered devices
  client.getDevices((err, devices) => {
    if(err) return console.error('getDevices err:', err);
    console.log('devices', devices);
    // devices output
      { id: 100, name: 'Machine1', location: 'Seoul, South Korea' },
      { id: 200, name: 'Machine2', location: 'New York, US' },
      { id: 300, name: 'Machine3', location: 'London, UK' }

Client request to get each device resources setup

const m2m = require('m2m');

const client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect((err, result) => {
  if(err) return console.error('connect error:', err);
  console.log('result:', result);

  client.accessDevice(300, (err, device) => {
    if(err) return console.error('accessDevice 300 error:', err.message);

    // client request to get device 300 resources
    // e.g. gpio input/output pins, available channels, system information
    device.setupInfo(function(err, data){
      if(err) return console.log('device1 setup error:', err.message);
      console.log('device1 setup data', data);
      // data output
        id: 300,
        systemInfo: {
          cpu: 'arm',
          os: 'linux',
          m2mv: '1.2.5',
          totalmem: '4096 MB',
          freemem: '3160 MB'
        gpio: {
          input: { pin: [11, 13], type: 'simulation' },
          output: { pin: [33, 35], type: 'rpi' }
        channel: { name: [ 'voltage', 'gateway1', 'tcp' ] }

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