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docker-ddns's Issues

[Question] Need help with configuration - Domain doesn't point to the correct IP from outside the server

First of all sorry for abusing the GitHub issues as a support board, but it's hard to find helpful ressources for this project elsewhere.

Let's assume the following values for better understanding the issue:

  • VPS with IP and domain
  • Docker command on that server: # docker run -d -v /root/ddns/:/var/cache/bind/ -p -p 53:53/udp -e SHARED_SECRET=changeme -e -e RECORD_TTL=3600 --name=ddns davd/docker-ddns
  • Nginx reverse proxy pointing to
  • Domain that should point to the dynamic IP:
  • Update URL:
  • I added two entries to my DNS records in the hoster interface of (of which I honestly don't even know whether they are necessary, DNS is witchcraft to me):
    • * A
    • @ A
    • dyndns NS ns
    • ns A
  • By visiting the update URL I told docker-ddns to set the domain to, which results in a success message. docker logs -f ddns confirms this (2020/07/18 19:01:15 A record update request: server ->

Now to the actual issue:
Using dig on the server hosting docker-ddns ( is giving me the correct DNS entry:

# dig @ +short
# dig @ +short

However when quering from another machine it alway returns instead of

$ dig @ +short

Using my default DNS server results in the same thing:

$ dig +short

It's been more than 24h since I changed my DNS records, so I don't think it is a propagation issue, especially because it still returns when queried directly (dig @

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: Redacted/modified screenshot of my hoster's interface for the DNS records (forgive my mad photoshop skillz):

Linked guide in README is not accessible

The README links to a guide, however it fails with the following error:

This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.

Attempting to visit via HTTP instead results in:

404 Site is not served on this interface

Caddy as reverse proxy returns Docker net IP

I have placed docker-ddns behind a Caddy reverse proxy, but it appears any requests are showing from the docker container IP. Examples:

ddns-sweet | 2019/12/23 20:04:39 A record update request: bar -> caddy-gen | caddy.1 | <public_ip> - - [23/Dec/2019:20:04:39 +0000] "GET /update?secret=<secret_key>&domain=bar&addr= HTTP/2.0" 200 144

I'm not sure exactly how to pass the correct public IP through Caddy to docker-ddns. It seems Caddy is seeing the correct IP, but the actualy GET is coming into docker-ddns from Caddy, so this is the IP it's taking.

help with docker stack and dns record setup

Hello, I'm pretty new with docker and I'm trying to create a stack, this is what i have in my .yml

version: '3.8'


                image: davd/docker-ddns:latest
                        - "RECORD_TTL: 60"
                        - "ZONE:"
                        - "SHARED_SECRET: secret"
                        - "80:8080"
                        - "53:53"
                        - "53:53/udp"

the service error is telling me that the SHARED_SECRET isn't set, this is the error message:
| Starting domain name service...: bind9.
| panic: open /etc/dyndns.json: no such file or directory

(I'm guessing its looking for that directory in the container?)

anyway, other than this, I was reading some other issues on this github and I'm guessing im supposed to create an A record called and also a NS record that points to this container at

I'm using namecheap so would this be right?

If so I'm a little confused as to how namecheap would know what is, would i also have to create an A record saying that is the same host as

Create a separate repository for the go source

Maybe you should consider to move the go source to a separate repository and reference it in this repository as a submodule or pull it while building. Separating a folder can be done with git filter-branch. Don't execute this command before reading the manual.

Also the go program schuld be in its own container.

Therefore it would be a good idea to separate the repository into a "go program repository" and references the "go program repository" here.

Publish on docker hub

This project looks great!
Would you mind publish it on docker hub so that we can do docker pull dprandzioch/docker-ddns:latest and automatically get the updates?

Update Dockerhub Image frequently

this Docker image in Dockerhub with the "latest" tag is now over 9 months old.

Please run your build process/pipeline regularly even without new commits in this repo to get regular security updates of the base images.


Read IP through Traefik

Wondering what headers would need to be passed for this to work through a traefik proxy. Right now unless I specify an IP it gets set to the internal traefik network IP. I tried a few things but nothing is working. I think something might need to be changed on the software side also.

badauth when trying to use DynDNS API

Hi There,

The update via Web is working - but actually only over the

http(s)//[SHARED_SECRED]&domain=[HOSTNAME]&addr=[IP] url.

When using /v2/update I'm getting a badauth back in the browser, even if i use the following auth method.


in the Log:
2020/07/24 19:07:14 Invalid shared secret:

Am I doing something wrong, or is this basic-auth feature which the Dyn-compatible url uses not working anymore??
Sadly I think I will need this working, if I want to use it with some zywall device....

Cheers, Rainer

[Question] Are the SOA/NS records correct?

First of all, thank you so much for this project! I’ve been using (/trying to use) it to keep a single subdomain pointed to my home Internet’s public IP address so that I can VPN back to the home network from anywhere, anytime – without paying for overpriced DDNS services. Thank you for this convenient package!

I wanted to ask, however, if the SOA record that is created by default is correct. Let me describe my setup:

  • docker-ddns runs on (update API endpoints are accessible here), and I want it to manage records in the subdomain, for example
  • DNS records for are managed on Cloudflare, and I created the following three records:
    • Type: NS, name: ns, value:
    • Type: A, name: ddns, value: <ipv4-address-of-my-server>, not Cloudflare-proxied
    • Type: AAAA, name: ddns, value: <ipv6-address-of-my-server>, not Cloudflare-proxied
  • I run docker-ddns in Dokku, with the following configuration:
$ dokku config ddns
=====> ddns env vars
DOKKU_DOCKERFILE_PORTS:  53/tcp 8080/tcp
DOKKU_PROXY_PORT_MAP:    http:80:8080 https:443:8080
RECORD_TTL:              3600
SHARED_SECRET:           supersecret
$ dokku storage:report ddns
=====> ddns storage information
       Storage build mounts:
       Storage deploy mounts:         -v /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/ddns:/var/cache/bind
       Storage run mounts:            -v /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/ddns:/var/cache/bind
$ dokku docker-options:report ddns
=====> ddns docker options information
       Docker options build:
       Docker options deploy:         -p 53:53 -p 53:53/udp --restart=on-failure:10 -v /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/ddns:/var/cache/bind
       Docker options run:            -v /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/ddns:/var/cache/bind
$ dokku proxy:report ddns
=====> ddns proxy information
       Proxy enabled:                 true
       Proxy port map:                http:80:8080 https:443:8080
       Proxy type:                    nginx

In other words, mount /var/cache/bind as persistent storage, make port 53 (both TCP and UDP) directly accessible, and proxy port 8080 through nginx; on top of that, manage subdomain I hope all of the above is correct and expected.

Now to my question, finally 😅 After setting everything up, I ran a few dig commands, with not always correct results:

$ dig @ +short NS
localhost. # incorrect
$ dig @ +short NS
localhost. # incorrect
$ dig @ +short A
<correct IPv4 address>
$ dig @ +short AAAA
<correct IPv6 address>
$ dig @ +short <subdomain>
<SOMEHOW correct IPv4 address from docker-ddns>
$ dig @ +short <subdomain>
<now that I’m writing this, it’s also correct but it definitely wasn’t 5 minutes ago>

And for example, if I run a dig on the server running docker-ddns:

$ dig @ <subdomain>                                                  Čt 23. dubna 2020, 09:08:26 JST

; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.11-Ubuntu <<>> @ <subdomain>
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 54383
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 3
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: 9589e6d074039310da7536b55ea0dc928ee6ca78a38cc782 (good)
;<subdomain>          IN      A

<subdomain>   3600    IN      A       <correct IP address>

;; AUTHORITY SECTION:        86400   IN      NS      localhost. # that’s not right, right?

localhost.              604800  IN      A
localhost.              604800  IN      AAAA    ::1

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Thu Apr 23 09:08:50 JST 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 160

I wonder, are the NS and SOA records correct? Should they really point at localhost? Or is it something that we should manually change after the zone files are initially created? I originally thought it’s a problem with my DNS configuration, but after asking the same question at Cloudflare Community Forums, I was told it’s configuration problem…

Sorry for very lengthy explanation, but thank you for your insights!

Autocleanup of unused names

Hi there.
First of thanks for this wonderful software. I've been desperately needing exactly this.

Anyways, what I would love to have is (an optional) way for the service to start cleaning up old entries. To give them a TTL for their existance. (Please don't use the TTL value for that. It should be a different one)
The main reason I'm asking for this is quite simple. We use this to identify devices. They all get their own unique ID and that's how we address them. Now the setup they are a part of is very volatile. Meaning that IP addresses get reassigned often. And devices get added and removed from the pool frequently too. This means that for a device that has been removed from the pool could still have a DNS entry. And a new device might have gotten that IP. So then instead of getting an error that the name cannot be resolved, we would connect to the wrong device without even knowing really.

I hope that request makes sense to you. And I also hope that it won't be too much work to implement.

DNS Setup

I can see that a couple people have [had] the same issue as I did starting, but with no clear resolution typed out. I've set up everything as per how-to.
I'm using GoDaddy as a hosting site for [], and have exported my DNS records. The ones in question look like this:
; A Records
ns 3600 IN A
; NS Records
dyndns 3600 IN NS ns

the envfile:

In the browser:
{"Success":true,"Message":"Updated A record for googleTest to IP address"}

In the browser
This site can’t be reached’s server DNS address could not be found.

What am I missing and thank you for your time.

filter for domains that use the fqdn (Zone) in the submit

The newer versions of the AVM fritz!box routers, now require the DDNS domain to be a FQDN, including the zone. This leads to entries in the zone file that are like this:

request url:<ipaddr>&password=<passwd>

Resulting entry in the zone file:

The obvious solution of not using the FQDN but only the hostname results in tons of error messages.

Request: would it be possible to add a filter to the go scripts that checks if the hostname string contains a substring that is equal to the zone string and remove .zone from the hostname? (or any other solution that would yield the same result).

PS: this seems like a little patch, but unfortunately I have very limited go skills.

[feature request] Add support for multiple domains/all subdomains


thanks for this project. I'm using it for half a year now, it works fine.
However, I use FritzBox as DDNS requester and it does not allow to send multiple requests. Can you add functionality, so that I can send mutliple domains (maybe separated by ,)?

My current workaround is the following:

        result := UpdateRecord(response.Domain, response.Address, response.AddrType)
+       UpdateRecord("*." + response.Domain, response.Address, response.AddrType)


Persist state using docker volumes

Can I persist current state (dyndns hostnames and ip data) using docker volumes? Currently, I'm loosing this information when I restart the container.

Suggestion: Switch to coredns

Since the REST API is written in go, it seems natural to go for coredns as a more lightweight (?) dns server for this project. Can't think of any downsides right now.

new REST api port and curl feature

I tried this server running on a droplet and with this command


on my local machine's browser it returns

{"Success":true,"Message":"Updated A record for node1 to IP address","Domain":"node1","Domains":["node1"],"Address":"","AddrType":"A"}

but by using curl on another droplet it returns

{"Success":false,"Message":"Domain not set","Domain":"","Domains":[""],"Address":"","AddrType":""}

what could be the problem?

and also please guide me on how to change the default port 8080 to something like 9010 if possibe.

Wildcard subdomains and dnsmasq on a local machine

As of now, the API allows the configuration of subdomains, i.e. foo.dyndns.domain.tld or

Is it possible to configure a wildcard subdomain, like *.foo.dyndns.domain.tld and have a dnsmasq running on a local machine, which handles all the rest?

Unable to run if systemd-resolved claims port 53

thank you for putting this together.

Running the make deploy part of the install instructions gave me an error that something is blocking port 53.

sudo lsof -Pnl +M -i4 | grep 53 lead to systemd-resolved.service occupying port 53.

I was able to fix the problem by adding the line DNSStubListener=no to /etc/systemd/resolved.conf followed by sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service.

Maybe this could be added to a troubleshooting section, as I think this problem could be rather present these days.

Can't get it to work

I hope someone has an Idea what is going wrong here:

I have the following dns setup at my hoster: | NS | | A | | A |

this call works:

Docker logs this:
A record update request: home ->

I can't ping
when I check dns with mxtoolbox i get this:

_NS | localhost | | 24 hrs |   |   |   |   |  
NS | |

Local NS list does not match Parent NS list was reported by the parent, but not locally was reported locally, but not by the parent_

When I dig:
dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5159
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 3
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; IN A


;; AUTHORITY SECTION: 86400 IN NS localhost.

localhost. 604800 IN A
localhost. 604800 IN AAAA ::1

;; Query time: 37 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 06 17:32:48 CEST 2018
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 133

And I can't ping
What is missing here?

Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known

i have done setup. and also update ddclient.
and no any error.

but after that i am ping mine created subdomain that is not ping or ssh.
i have also done port forwarding in my router port 80 and 22.
getting below error.

Could not resolve hostname : Name or service not known
i have setup my ddns server on cloud with static ip with hostname .

A-record timestamp as TXT-record

I would love to have a way to query the age of a specific A-record. (Did this device register with us yesterday or three months ago?) . This way, I can monitor for hosts silently dropping off the LTE network.

A TXT record with a timestamp for the latest A-record update is an indirect way of resolving this, which is useable with regular DNS query tools.

Make deploy issue

~/docker-ddns$ make deploy
docker build -t davd/dyndns-server .
make: docker: Command not found
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 127

I get this on both Ubuntu Server 16 32- and 64-bit after update/upgrade.

Am I missing something?

Alpine docker, domain updates for x-hosts, SmartDNS, port change

Hi from Toronto !

Exactly what I was looking for...just read the article.

Newbie here so bear with me 👺👺👺

  1. Can this be run in an Alpine base Docker, x86 or aarch64?

How would a router with hosts behind connect to the Docker dynDNS server?

  1. How many hosts behind multiple routers in different homes can this support?

Are domain hoster updates for adding each host machine automatic?
Can updates be automated?

  1. If I want to use SmartDNS Proxy services (for multiple sites geo unlocking without encryption for good speeds) with this DIY dynDNS , how would I ?

Do I just have to use DNS addresses provided by SmartDNS Proxy provider plugged into my home router?

  1. On above note, any links to DIY SmartDNS Proxy server, possibly a combo DIY dynDNS+ SmartDNS Proxy server?

  2. As you know the standard port 53 is prone to ISP DNS hijacking, so many external DNS providers recommend you change the port to say 54 in your router configuration.

Can we do the port change here?

I need help setting up my domain entries.


I neet help setting up my domain entries.

Docker Container is running on 213.109.160.XX.

$ nslookup 213.109.160.XX
Server: 213.109.160.XX
Address: 213.109.160.XX#53

Address: (correct IP)

But if i dont specifiy the NS Server IP:

$ nslookup
;; Got SERVFAIL reply from, trying next server

** server can't find SERVFAIL

Can you help me please and figure out what the problem is?

(IPs are masked)

subdomain of mydomain can't work

It can work well, if use subdomain of subdomain of mydomain. such as:
in envfile,

I chage envfile in it:
and I want to use subdomain of mydomain,, but It don't work.

Can this docker support subdomain of mydomain?

[Feature Request] Per Subdomain Secret

Please add the ability to specify a dedicated secret for a given subdomain.

E.g. via environment variable

docker run -it -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 53:53 \
    -p 53:53/udp \
    -e SHARED_SECRET=changeme \
    -e SECRET_mysubdomain1=changeme1 \
    -e SECRET_mysubdomain2=changeme2 \
    -e \
    -e RECORD_TTL=3600 \
    --name=dyndns \

can i set up forwarders?

I want to use this as a full lab DNS server but I need to be able to use forwarders as well. Can this work?

Chellenge with Resolving my NS

I had to redirect port 53, but I haven't been able to get dig to resolve my NS. If I run it from the server itself it resolves as When I run it from my desktop, I get connection timeout.

I have the firewall open on ports 53, 5353, 8080. The records on my DNS appear correct... Running the docker on UBUNTU. Its a shared VPS, where I am hosting 3 domains on 2 IPs.
I put it on its own IP that resolves a reverse DNS (Just in case). No improvement.

Suggestion: add A record in zone

thanks for your project! I have adapt it to a kvm VM and it works smoothly there. In your example the zone was but for me it had to be - that is a bit confusing.

Anyway now it works but I could still not ping, for this I had to add a A record in my zone file, like:

$TTL 86400      ; 1 day         IN SOA  localhost. root.localhost. (
                                76         ; serial
                                3600       ; refresh (1 hour)
                                900        ; retry (15 minutes)
                                604800     ; expire (1 week)
                                86400      ; minimum (1 day)
                        NS      localhost.
... should be the world IP, not from the container.

Maybe you want to add this to your setup?

Reverse search

I can't reverse search on the server :/
Is it normal? I'm using a VPN and all IP addresses on the DNS are from the VPN.



Update TXT record

Is there a way to update TXT record for the sake of Let's Encrypt dns-01 challenge?

Update to stretch

This image still uses jessie (old-stable) and should be updated to the current stable release stretch.

Domain not set

Hey, probably I only configured or understood something wrong, but unfortunately I can't get any further, so I hope someone can help me.

If I run the following command ( is a place holder):
I get:
{"Success":false,"Message":"Domain not set","Domain":"","Domains":[""],"Address":"","AddrType":""}

I also tried to setup a reserve proxy with SSL (haproxy), but i just get 503 Error.
503 Service Unavailable

Here is what I configured:


backend dyndns_backend
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
    http-request add-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
    #http-request set-header Host
    hash-type consistent
    option forwardfor
    cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache

    #<name> <adress>
    server is_dyndns ddns:8044 


                image: davd/docker-ddns:latest
                        - "53:53"
                        - "53:53/udp"
                        - "8044:8080"
                        - gateway
                        RECORD_TTL: 60
                        SHARED_SECRET: testpw
                restart: unless-stopped

Trouble trying to use FreeNAS with docker-ddns

OK so I appreciate this project and it fits a need I have to be able to give a FreeNAS server a resolved DNS name on my domain.

So I set up the docker instance and I can test it fine using the provided JSON string.


That works and a DNS A record is created.

However when I try and set it up from FreeNAS it does not seem to work with the 3 revolvers mentions for standard DynDNS lookups. Namely.


FreeNAS uses inadyn and the config file is such.

    period = 300
    custom customProvider {
    ddns-server = ""
    ddns-path = "/v3/update/"
    ssl = false
    username = "randomuser"
    password = 'SuperSecret'
    hostname = { "myhostname" }

However when running the daemon in debug mode I am getting a 404 Error.

 inadyn[2178]: In-a-dyn version 2.5 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
 inadyn[2178]: Resolving hostname myhostname => IP#
 inadyn[2178]: Base64 encoded string: YWxsYXN2YXVsdDpMGpGeWxoVWdpSGI0
 inadyn[2178]: Get address for custom
 inadyn[2178]: Checking for IP# change, connecting to[]:80)
 inadyn[2178]: Querying DDNS checkip server for my public IP#: GET / HTTP/1.0
 User-Agent: inadyn/2.5
 inadyn[2178]: Server response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: text/html
 Server: DynDNS-CheckIP/1.0.1
 Connection: close
 Cache-Control: no-cache
 Pragma: no-cache
 Content-Length: 107
 <html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address: n.n.n.n</body></html>
 inadyn[2178]: Checked my IP, return code 0: OK
 inadyn[2178]: IP server response:
 inadyn[2178]: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Content-Type: text/html
 Server: DynDNS-CheckIP/1.0.1
 Connection: close
 Cache-Control: no-cache
 Pragma: no-cache
 Content-Length: 107
 <html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address: n.n.n.n</body></html>
 inadyn[2178]: Checking IPv4 address n.n.n.n ...
 inadyn[2178]: IPv4 address n.n.n.n is valid.
 inadyn[2178]: Current IP# n.n.n.n at custom
 inadyn[2178]: Update forced for alias myhostname, new IP# n.n.n.n
 inadyn[2178]: Sending IP# update to DDNS server, connecting to[y.y.y.y]:8080)
 inadyn[2178]: Sending alias table update to DDNS server: GET /v3/update/myhostname HTTP/1.0
 Authorization: Basic YWxsYXN2YXVsdDpMGpGeWxoVWdpSGI0
 User-Agent: inadyn/2.5
 inadyn[2178]: DDNS server response: HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
 X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
 Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 09:44:20 GMT
 Content-Length: 19
 404 page not found
 inadyn[2178]: Fatal error in DDNS server response:
 inadyn[2178]: [404 Not Found] 404 page not found
 inadyn[2178]: Error response from DDNS server, exiting!
 inadyn[2178]: Error code 48: DDNS server response not OK

What is odd is I am not even getting any logging back from the server.

I am using docker logs --tail 100 -f dyndns and all I am getting is this:

creating zone...
creating zone file...
creating REST api config...
[ ok ] Starting domain name service...: bind9.
2020/06/18 17:01:26 Serving dyndns REST services on

As I say I have tried all 3 variants above but nothing seems to work? Am I missing something here?

Any insights would be appreciated.

Update failed

Hi there,

I have a problem updating the dns record using the following url:

I only get the results:

HTTP-GET Response
{"Success":false,"Message":"exit status 2: update failed: NOTAUTH\n","Domain":"foo","Address":"","AddrType":"A"}

Server-Log shows only (no following messages):
2018/02/19 17:08:07 A record update request: foo ->


Let's Encrypt

Should probably consider integrating Let's Encrypt support into the web/update server, this way you can send updates over HTTPS so they cannot be intercepted.

Sub-domains are not-able to ping from same server and external network

I was trying to use your solution for my testing purpose but in that i'm facing an issue.
The issue was

  1. I can't see the list of domains added to the server
  2. The domain registered through the rest API is not able to ping
    please help me to sort out this issue

Thanks & Regards
Tamilvalavan shanmugam

Auto start docker

I got your system up and running.

You need to update your tutorial to tell people to auto start their docker. After the system reboots all DynDNS resolution borked and I was scratching my head as to why.

From the command prompt:
docker update --restart unless-stopped dyndns

I also hate how I have to modify the /etc/systemd/resolved.conf > flip =no <-- to "yes" > reboot > apt update && apt upgrade -y <-- so my system can resolve DNS and update > go back into the file and flip it to "yes" > reboot again.

^^^^ is that necessary? It's terrible! We need a fix please! :-)


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  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.