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se2-2021-04-spg's Introduction


Solidarity Purchasing Group project developed for the Software Engineering II course @ Politecnico di Torino, 2021.

Getting Started with Create React App

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Run locally


React client application routes

TODO: update with react routes

API Server

  • GET /api/products

    • Retrieves all the products.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product,
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products

    • Retrieves all the products.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {category: category of the product}.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-by-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold at that specific date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date at which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-from-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold from a certain date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date from which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-to-date

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold until a certain date.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {date: date until which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/products-between-dates

    • Retrieves all the products that can be sold between a starting date and an ending one.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {startDate: date from which the products can be sold, endDate: date until which the products can be sold }.
    • response body content:
      • products = [{
        • product_id: id of the product,
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_user: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: url of the image,
        • start_date: date and time from which the current product is salable,
        • end_date: date and time until which the current product is salable}, {...}];
  • POST /api/new-user

    • Insert a new user.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • {name: first name of the user to be inserted, surname: surname of the user to be inserted, email: email of the user to be inserted, hash: hash of the password selected by the user, Type: Type of the user (Client, Farmer, Employee or Manager), address: address of the user to be inserted, phone: phone number of the user to be inserted (as a string), country: country of the user to be inserted, city: city of the user to be inserted, zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the user to be inserted (as an Integer) }.
    • response body content:
      • user = {
        • user_id: id of the new user,
        • name: name of the new user,
        • surname: surname of the new user,
        • email: email of the new user,
        • hash: hash of the password selected by the new user,
        • Type: Type of the user just inserted,
        • wallet_balance: initial client balance in Euros (set to 0.0 โ‚ฌ initially) if Type is Client / NULL otherwise
        • address: address of the new user,
        • phone: phone number of the new user (as a string),
        • country: country of the new user,
        • city: city of the new user,
        • zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the new user (as an Integer) };
  • POST /api/order

    • Insert order in the DB.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • order: {
        • "order_id": order's id,
        • "ref_user": user's id,
        • "productList": array of: [{ "ref_product": product's id, "quantity": product's quantity }],
        • "date_order": order's date
        • "total": total amount }
    • response body content : none
  • GET /api/orders

    • Retrieves all the orders.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the client who made the order,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order (which can be "pending", "approved" or "delivered") {...}];
  • GET /api/orders/unretrieved

    • Retrieves all the orders with status "unretrieved".
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the client who made the order,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order (which can be "pending", "approved" or "delivered") {...}]
  • GET /api/client-orders/:clientID

    • Retrieves all the orders made by a specific client.
    • request parameters: clientID
    • request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • orders = [{
        • order_id: id of the order,
        • ref_product: id of the ordered product,
        • ref_user: id of the selected client,
        • date_order: date and time of the order instantiation,
        • quantity: quantity of the ordered products,
        • status: current status of the order, {...}];
  • GET /api/users

    • Retrieves all the users.
    • request parameters and request body content: //
    • response body content:
      • users = [{
        • user_id: id of the current user,
        • name: name of the current user,
        • surname: surname of the current user,
        • email: email of the current user,
        • hash: hash of the password selected by the current user,
        • Type: user type which can be Client, Farmer, Employee, Manager
        • wallet_balance: balance of the wallet in Euros, if Type is Client / NULL otherwise
        • address: address of the current user,
        • phone: phone number of the current user (as a string),
        • country: country of the current user,
        • city: city of the current user,
        • zip_code: zip code (CAP, in Italy) of the current user (as an Integer) }, {...}];
  • POST /api/set-delivered-order

    • Update the status order with delivered
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • response body content : //
  • POST /api/recharge-wallet

    • Update the client's wallet
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the clientID and the amount to recharge
    • responde body content : //
  • POST /api/new-product

    • Add a new product to the database
    • request parameters : //
    • request body content :
      • products = {
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: URL of the image
        • start_date: starting date from when the product will be available
        • end_date: ending date from when the product will be available };
    • response body content : JSON containing all the data from the product
  • POST /api/update-product

    • Add a new product to the database
    • request parameters : //
    • request body content :
      • products = {
        • product_id: id of the product
        • name: name of the product,
        • description: description of the product ,
        • category: category of the product,
        • ref_farmer: id of the user (specifically farmer) which the product is related to,
        • price: price (per unit of measure,
        • availability: number of products of that type available,
        • unit_of_measure: unit of measure of the product
        • image_path: URL of the image
        • start_date: starting date from when the product will be available
        • end_date: ending date from when the product will be available };
    • response body content : JSON containing all the data from the product after the edit
  • POST /api/set-pending-cancellation-order

    • Update the status order with pending_cancellation
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • responde body content : //
  • GET /api/set-all-pending-cancellation-order

    • Update the status of all orders with pending_cancellation
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : //
    • responde body content : True if the operation has been completed, otherwise error 503
  • GET /api/delete-all-pending-cancellation-order

    • Delete all orders with pending_cancellation or reset the status if the wallet has been updated
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : //
    • responde body content : True if the operation has been completed, otherwise error 503
  • DELETE /api/delete-order/:orderID

    • Delete a specific order
    • request parameters : order's id
    • request body : none
    • responde body content : //
  • POST /api/set-unretrieved-order

    • Update the status order with unretrieved
    • request parameters : none
    • request body content : json containing the orderID
    • response body content : //
  • POST /api/insert-scheduled-order

    • Insert order in the DB with the schedule.
    • request parameters and request body content:
      • order: {
        • "order_id": order's id,
        • "ref_user": user's id,
        • "productList": array of: [{ "ref_product": product's id, "quantity": product's quantity }],
        • "date_order": order's date
        • "total": total amount
        • "address": address for the delivery
        • "country": country for the delivery
        • "city": city for the delivery
        • "zip_code": city's zip_code
        • "schedule_date": date scheduled for the delivery
        • "schedule_time": time scheduled for the delivery }
    • response body content : none

    Server Database

    • Table USER - it contains id, name, surname, email, password, Type, balance, address, phone, country, city, zip code and company name for a farmer.
    • Table PRODUCT - it contains id, name, description, category, farmer's id, price, availability,unit of measure, path for images, start date and end date
    • Table ORDERS - it contains id, product's id, user's id, date, quantity and status.


    • update_availability
      • This trigger is used to update the availability value on products.

        CREATE TRIGGER update_availability



        UPDATE PRODUCT SET availability = availability - new.quantity

        WHERE product_id = new.ref_product;


    • cancellation_update_availability
      • This trigger is used to restore the availability value on products after a pending cancellation order is deleted.

        CREATE TRIGGER cancellation_update_availability


        WHEN OLD.status = 'pending_cancellation'



        SET availability = availability + OLD.quantity

        WHERE product_id = OLD.ref_product; END

    • update_wallet
      • This trigger is used to update the user wallet when an order is accepted.

        CREATE TRIGGER update_wallet

        AFTER UPDATE ON ORDERS FOR EACH ROW WHEN NEW.status = 'approved'



        SET wallet_balance = wallet_balance -

        (SELECT price*NEW.quantity

        FROM PRODUCT WHERE product_id = NEW.ref_product)

        WHERE user_id = NEW.ref_user;


    Workflow notes

    • At Monday 9 AM, the orders for each users are checked and eventually put on pending cancellation.
    • At Monday 9 PM, all the orders still in pending cancellation are deleted.

    Built with


se2-2021-04-spg's People


djemar avatar lesimo avatar cannarelladev avatar stormz4 avatar movdario avatar katellgourlet avatar claudione996 avatar


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se2-2021-04-spg's Issues

Storing images

As a farmer I would like to have my images of products stored locally in your system

Registration form

All the data remains editable after che confermation of registration so you can still edit

UI navbar

Fix the design of menu and category

Orders list

In the orders list (logged as employee) in the tag "date and hours" there is only the date (also in the profile of the client)

Order status

to update the order status you have to refresh the page

Fix product card

It might be useful for the shop employee to have a small card for each product avoiding the white space between information and a larger font size for the most important information (like the price of the product).


Add a reminder if the login is failed

Search of a client missing

It might be useful for the shop employee to have a client search function so that they don't have to remember all IDs

Date inserted in order

The date used for create an order isn't the virtual clock's date that we can modify. It is needed to switch the date used in the function

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