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i2p's Introduction

I2P - For Everyone

Two flavours are available:

  • Entry-level experience: I2P and Tor to enable everyone to get started using the i2p and onion network. It's tagged as "current-i2p-tor".
  • For advanced users: I2P only version - very lean. It's tagged as "current".

The solutions are deployed as docker image.

If you are looking for an entry-level experience, focused on safely browsing the internet: use the docker image tagged as "current-i2p-tor". Read the "Get Started" below.

If you are experienced and looking for an I2P-only container - go for the docker imaged tagged as "current". You get the stable i2pd (C++ version) release. Lean & fast.

A great tutorial, including "How to setup your system", is found here: Introduction to “I2P”.

Entry-Level Experience - I2P & Onion: Private Browsing

Enjoy a smooth and private browsing experience on multiple networks (like or also onion and i2p sites like http://diva.i2p or http://kopanyoc2lnsx5qwpslkik4uccej6zqna7qq2igbofhmb2qxwflwfqad.onion). Use your favourite browser (like Firefox). Hence it should be suitable for beginners.

Please note: an entry-level setup is only a first - yet necessary - step to protect your privacy. You need to change your behaviour to protect your online privacy (like: use NoScript, AdBlock). Also fingerprinting (a hash of your online footprint) and obviously login data is threatening your privacy. This project helps you to get started with private browsing.

Get Started

Docker ( must be available on your system.

To get your new private browsing experience up and running:

  1. Pull the docker image (in a shell/powershell): docker pull divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor or docker pull divax/i2p:current
  2. Run the Docker container
  3. Adapt your browser proxy settings

As said, this tutorial might be helpful: Introduction to “I2P”.

How to Run the Docker Container

On Linux, OSX and Windows

Run one of the following command in a shell (powershell on Windows).

To run the I2P/TOR-proxy only (entry-level):

docker run --env PORT_TOR=9950 --env PORT_HTTP_PROXY=4544 --env ENABLE_HTTPPROXY=1 -p 7170:7070 -p 4544:4444 -p 9950:9050 -p 8080:8080 -d --name i2p-tor divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor

To run I2P only (advanced):

docker run --env ENABLE_HTTPPROXY=1 --env ENABLE_SOCKSPROXY=1 -p 7070:7070 -p 4444:4444 -p 4445:4445 -d --name i2p divax/i2p:current

Check the Status of your Container

Check your now-running docker container with docker ps -a (within your shell/powershell) and look for the container "i2pd".

Entry-Level: How to Adapt the Proxy Settings of Your Browser

Open your favourite browser, like Firefox. Open the settings. Search for "proxy". Then enable "Automatic proxy configuration URL" and set it to "http://localhost:8080/proxy.pac".

This proxy configuration (see source code below for details) uses your new docker container to route all your browser traffic through either I2P or Tor. If you now browse the clearnet (like you'll be using automatically Tor.

If you prefer a weaker configuration you can also use the proxy file proxy-ip2-onion-clearnet.pac and set the "Automatic proxy configuration URL" to "http://localhost:8080/proxy-ip2-onion-clearnet.pac". This will only route .i2p and .onion addresses through the docker container. Routes to the clearnet won't be affected.

Advanced: Using Configuration Files on the Host System

If configuration files are located on the host system and shall be used within the container, then bind the configuration folders on the host to the container.

Assume the configuration folder is located at /tmp/i2pd-test/conf on your host. Assume the tunnel configuration files are located within /tmp/i2pd-test/tunnels.test/ on your host. Now run the container like this:

docker run \
    --env ENABLE_TUNNELS=1  \
    --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/i2pd-test/conf,target=/home/i2pd/conf \
    --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/i2pd-test/tunnels.test,target=/home/i2pd/tunnels.source.conf.d \
    -p \
    -d \
    --name i2pd-conf-test \

Advanced: Configuration Using Environment Variables


The most important bits of the configuration of I2Pd running within a container can be controlled using environment variables.


Example: The docker container might expose a http and a socks proxy. To enable the http and/or socks proxy, set the environment variables ENABLE_HTTPPROXY and/or ENABLE_SOCKSPROXY to 1. If enabled, the container exposes the http proxy on port 4444 and the socks proxy on port 4445 by default. These ports might be changed by setting the environment variables PORT_HTTPPROXY or PORT_SOCKSPROXY.

The configuration files for I2P are found within the folder ./conf, whereas contains the main I2P configuration. The configuration files for DNS and Tor ./network: resolv.conf is containing nameserver information. The Tor configuration file is found within the folder ./network: torrc configures the behaviour of the Tor service.

Set ENABLE_TUNNELS to 1 to use the tunnels configuration within the container. Defaults to 0 and therefore tunnels are disabled by default.

List of Created Environment Variables

The entrypoint script of the container creates some environment variables which can be used within configuration files (useful also within tunnel configuration files).

IP_CONTAINER holds the ip address of the container.

IP_BRIDGE contains the docker host interface.

List of Used Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used withinthe I2Pd configuration file:

Set ENABLE_HTTPPROXY to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to enable the HTTP proxy. Defaults to 0.

Use PORT_HTTPPROXY to define the http proxy port. Defaults to 4444.

Set ENABLE_SOCKSPROXY to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to enable the SOCKS proxy. Defaults to 0.

Use PORT_SOCKSPROXY to define the socks proxy port. Defaults to 4445.

Set ENABLE_SAM to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to enable the SAM bridge. Defaults to 0.

Use PORT_SAM to define the SAM bridge port. Defaults to 7656.

Set ENABLE_FLOODFILL to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to create a floodfill router. Defaults to 0.

Set BANDWIDTH to control or limit the bandwidth used by the router. Use "L" (32KBs/sec), "O" (256KBs/sec), "P" (2048KBs/sec) or "X" (unlimited). By default, the bandwidth is set to "L" for non-floodfill routers and to "X" for floodfill routers.

Set TRANSIT_SHARE to a value between 0 (zero) and 100 to limit the bandwidth used by the router for transit. Defaults to 100.

Set ENABLE_UPNP to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to enable UPNP. Defaults to 0 (false).

Set ENABLE_HIDDEN to 1 (true) or 0 (false) to enable hidden mode. Defaults to 0 (false).

Set LOGLEVEL to the desired logging level: debug, info, warn, error or none. Defaults to info.


Some examples on how to use environment variables:

docker run --env ENABLE_TUNNELS=1 -p -d --name i2pd divax/i2p:current

docker run --env ENABLE_SOCKSPROXY=1 --env ENABLE_SAM=1 --env ENABLE_FLOODFILL=1 -p -p -p -d --name i2pd divax/i2p:current

docker run --env LOGLEVEL=error --env BANDWIDTH=X --env TRANSIT_SHARE=50 -p -p -d --name i2pd divax/i2p:current

Advanced: Tunnel Configuration

Tunnels are exposing specific services to the I2P network. Like a web server, an application or a blockchain.

Tunnels might be configured on the host within a folder, like tunnels.conf.d. Then this folder gets mounted into the container as a bind mount.

Example of such a bind mount (adapt /PATH/TO/tunnels.conf.d to your needs):

docker run \
    --env ENABLE_TUNNELS=1  \
    --mount type=bind,source=/PATH/TO/tunnels.conf.d,target=/home/i2pd/tunnels.source.conf.d \
    -p \
    -p \
    -d \
    --name i2pd \

Some examples of tunnel configuration files are found within the folder tunnels.example.conf.d.

Build from Source on Linux

Get the source code from the public repository:

git clone -b master && cd i2p

To rebuild the docker image and all the contained binaries from source, execute ./bin/ To pass a specific tag, set the environment variable TAG, like TAG=local-development ./bin/ This will result in a docker image called divax/i2p:local-development.


Run a local testnet using docker compose, like docker compose -f i2p-testnet.yml up -d and stop it using docker compose -f i2p-testnet.yml down --volumes. This will create two containers, n1.i2pd.local and n2.i2pd.local. Examine the logs by using docker logs n1.i2pd.local. Access the web console through http://localhost:7770 (n1) or http://localhost:7771 (n2).

Source Code

GPLv3 licensed and the source code is available here:

The source code of the underlying "I2Pd" project is found here:


Contributions are very welcome. This is the general workflow:

  1. Fork from
  2. Pull the forked project to your local developer environment
  3. Make your changes, test, commit and push them
  4. Create a new pull request on

It is strongly recommended to sign your commits:

If you have questions, please just contact us (see below).


Your donation goes entirely to the project. Your donation makes the development of DIVA.EXCHANGE faster. Thanks a lot.




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Contact the Developers

On DIVA.EXCHANGE you'll find various options to get in touch with the team.

Talk to us via Telegram (English or German).

i2p's People


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i2p's Issues

[BUG] Host network binding not configurable

Because of #5, it's not possible to configure any setting that's not exposed explicitly via the

Binding the host network IP that's allowed is a standard feature most users will need. It's currently not settable.

Roadmap I2P SAM

  • 2023 - Migrate Tests to be ESM compatible (handle related Testdeck, Mocha, Chai issues)
  • 2023 - Migrate to ESM (remove CommonJS support)

[BUG] i2pd.conf is always unconditionally overwritten

The says to mount over the /home/i2pd/conf/ folder, but the is always unconditionally overwriting the i2pd.conf in this folder based on the /home/i2pd/ template file and then substituting the variables in it.

I think the intent was to make the i2pd.conf configurable, but it's not at all based on the

UPnP: this module was disabled at compile-time


I've got the following error when using ENABLE_UPNP=1 as environment variable with the latest divax/i2p:current-i2p-tor docker image.

[01/Jan/2024:16:23:22 +0000]@579/warn - UPnP: this module was disabled at compile-time

Kind Regards,

[BUG] Document web console port

The port for accessing the configuration webconsole appears to be port 7070 according to the hardcoded This isn't documented anywhere in the

[BUG] Interface binding unavailable/`IP_BRIDGE` unused.

Because of #5, only settings which are exposed as environment variables are available for configuration.
This doesn't include the ifname, ifname4, or ifname6. A very common option needing configuration is the interface binding to ensure traffic goes thru a specific network.

There seems to be an attempt to set this automatically that's only half setup. The parses the default route interface as IP_BRIDGE and does a sed replacement of it in the copy of the, but there's no appearance of that variable anywhere in the

I'm not sure this is even necessary, I believe the i2pd application will use the default route if none is specified.

Illegal instruction (core dumped)

I ran this in docker using your beginner instructions and unfortunately it errors out. Have you seen this before?

`darkhttpd/1.12, copyright (c) 2003-2016 Emil Mikulic.

listening on:

[14:50:29.608126] STUBBY: Stubby version: Stubby 0.3.0

[14:50:29.610035] STUBBY: Read config from file /home/i2pd/network/stubby.yml

[14:50:29.610171] STUBBY: DNSSEC Validation is OFF

[14:50:29.610177] STUBBY: Transport list is:

[14:50:29.610180] STUBBY: - TLS

[14:50:29.610184] STUBBY: Privacy Usage Profile is Strict (Authentication required)

[14:50:29.610187] STUBBY: (NOTE a Strict Profile only applies when TLS is the ONLY transport!!)

[14:50:29.610190] STUBBY: Starting DAEMON....

Oct 18 14:50:29.611 [notice] Tor running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.11-stable, OpenSSL 1.1.1g, Zlib 1.2.11, Liblzma 5.2.5, and Libzstd 1.4.5.

Oct 18 14:50:29.611 [notice] Tor can't help you if you use it wrong! Learn how to be safe at

Oct 18 14:50:29.611 [warn] Tor was compiled with zstd 1.4.4, but is running with zstd 1.4.5. For safety, we'll avoid using advanced zstd functionality.

Oct 18 14:50:29.611 [notice] Read configuration file "/home/i2pd/network/torrc".

Oct 18 14:50:29.614 [notice] Wow! I detected that you have 24 CPUs. I will not autodetect any more than 16, though. If you want to configure more, set NumCPUs in your torrc

Oct 18 14:50:29.614 [warn] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.

Oct 18 14:50:29.614 [notice] Opening Socks listener on

Oct 18 14:50:29.614 [notice] Opened Socks listener on

Illegal instruction (core dumped)

How to set up reseed proxy?

It seems that Reseed's websites are all blocked in my country. The log says " Reseed: SU3 download failed" and I can't access the webconsole.

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