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OLD-6470: Coupon - per product - not passed to Paypal std


When using a per-product coupon and the paypal standard payment plugin, the coupon amount is not being reflected in the paypal amount.

It appears that the amount being passed to paypal is just the original amount, without the coupon discount.

NOTE: This was tested on 2 sites and with both the std and OPC checkout.

ALSO: Tested with clean sites (no template overrides, etc.)


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

I'm moving this to 0.9.2 - with the POS because we need to work with coupons into POS. (And POS deals with checkout issues where the coupons will be used).

#10 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to In Progress

This still appears to be happening.

Although, this might be related to #5168.

Probably best to get that resolved first to see if this is then also resolved.

#9 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

OK ... issues 1 & 2 that you mention are related to the re-work.
However, issue 3 is related to another issue (possibly config) that has been addressed earlier.
However, it may be related to an incorrect value being passed.

Let's get the re-work done and then we'll test again for #3.

#8 Updated by Neil Mangan 9 months ago

Our Dev site is currently connected to live PayPal. Since we control the PayPal account, we have found it easier and faster to test with real low value test products (eg. $0.05).

Good luck with the re-work!

#7 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago


We've actually found some other issues in the plugin now that will require some significant re-working. We're trying to get those done now.

Just curious about #3 - are you using the Paypal sandbox or live?

#6 Updated by Neil Mangan 9 months ago

Tested 0.8.3 pre-release E on our Dev site, using standard checkout and a coupon for 100% off one of the two products in the cart. I encountered several problems:

  1. After applying coupon in the '2. Select Payment Method' section of the checkout, the line item notes 'Coupon Discount Applied!', but there is no change to the price in the Price, Sub-Total or Total sections.

  2. Under 'Billing Information -> Total Amount Due' the total due refers to the Sub-total amount, excluding taxes etc.

  3. When proceeding to PayPal Standard (to see if the correct post-coupon amount is passed through), upon redirect to PayPal, I receive the message 'This invoice has already been paid. For more information, please contact the merchant.'

Upon return to the site using the PayPal button to return to merchant, I am redirected back to my dev site and the Canceled Transaction message page. The order is in Tienda, but with 'pre-payment' status.

#5 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Status changed from New to Needs Testing

OK ... we're now testing with 0.8.3 pre-release E (available in the files area here)

This should be fixed in that version.

If you're able, please test again with that version (although do NOT put this on a production site)

#4 Updated by Neil Mangan 9 months ago

Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. wrote:

Neil - what version were you testing with?

Sorry, forgot to add that... version 0.8.2

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Neil - what version were you testing with?

#2 Updated by Neil Mangan 9 months ago

Have replicated this bug on a site using Paypal Standard and regular checkout.

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 11 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes

Associated Revisions

Revision 2293

Added by Lukas Polak 10 months ago

fixing problem with coupons and their js - refs #6470

OLD-6928: JText display error - on tax plugin selection


In /admin/views/geozones/tmpl/selectplugins.php line 9

It is not translating the {$suffix} in the entry and needs to be re-written to properly display on the admin side.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Status changed from Closed to Requires Feedback
Assignee set to Lukas Polak

Can you take a look at this change and let me know if you see any problems with doing it this way?

We've got a number of other language things like this that I'll need to update to use sprintf like this if this doesn't cause other problems.

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Status changed from New to Closed
% Done changed from 0 to 100

Applied in changeset r2542.

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

NOTE: You can see the effects of this on the Localization | Geo Zones \ Select Payments or Select Shippings lightbox.

Associated revisions

Revision 2542

Added by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

fix bad language string - fixes #6928

Wishlist view is broken with fatal error


if you click to view your entire wishlist you get these errors

Warning: Missing argument 2 for TiendaHelperProduct::getRatingImage(), called in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 97 and defined in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 1905

Notice: Undefined variable: num in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 1909

Notice: Undefined variable: num in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 1958

Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 1963

Fatal error: Call to a member function setLayout() on a non-object in /Users/chris/Documents/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace/ on line 1964

OLD-6945: Remove the thousands separator for custom field of type integer


Bug #6723 has been marked as fixed and closed. Lukas has pointed out that the thousands separator is controlled in currencies under the localization menu. But, changing the separator there no longer affects the "custom field of type integer" as it had in the past. There is still no easy way to disable it. In my opinion having a separator here does not look right.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Assignee set to Lukas Polak

I'm thinking that we just need to turn-off the thousands separator for the EAV fields right now.

To do anything else would require significant code and UI changes on the EAV field configuration screen - which I don't think we really want to open up at this point.

Lukas - can we just do that easily - just display the number 'raw'?

[BTW this technically isn't a 'bug' - but a change in the design of Tienda here, so I'm changing this to a FR.]

OLD-6933: Selecting country/zone options via keyboard no longer working - ajax problem?


In the 0.9.1 trunk - you can no longer select options using the keyboard.

When you enter the first letter of the country (i.e. 'U' ... for 'United States'), it displays 'processes' for a moment then 'Uganda' is displayed, but then when you use the down-arrow to move to the next country, instead of the list scrolling, the actual web page scrolls.

It appears that focus is lost after the initial letter entry.
The same thing happens in the Zone field.

NOTE: I believe that this (lost focus) has happened before on the OPC. Not sure why it is happening again.

This was working in 0.9.0 - broken somewhere in the 0.9.1 trunk.

OLD-7072: Coupon creates negative cart amount


If a user enters a coupon code for a value that is greater than the amount of the cart, it puts the cart in negative numbers and then causes problems on checkout (at least with paypal).


If a coupon is worth $500.00
And the user's cart total is $400.00

If the user enters the coupon, the total in the cart becomes -$100.00.

Then if you click to checkout, and go to paypal, Paypal gives you an error saying that this invoice has already been paid.

We need to have some config options on how to handle this instance. It should be able to be set globally in the config. The two options would be:

  1. Limit all coupons to the total value of the cart.
    i.e. the coupon is 'used up' no matter what the value is. So if you use the coupon, it's considered 'used' and no 'credit' is given for the difference in the order.
    Just set the total of the cart to "0.00" if it goes into negative amounts.
  2. Give 'store credit' for the difference.
    In the example above, give the user a $100 store credit to be used later.

I thought that we had dealt with this issue a while ago (back in the 0.7.x days), but it appears that it either wasn't resolved ... or I'm just imagining that (I can't find any tickets here that deal with that).

NOTE: I'm adding this to the POS (0.9.2) release because we've also got some tickets there for coupons - so probably should do them together.


Updated by Bourreau Clément 23 days ago


For some people who want to resolve this problem quickly, i made a rapid fix :

  1. In database, add a field named "coupon_subtotal_minimum" as a float (13,2) in #__tienda_coupons table ;
  2. Add in /administrator/components/com_tienda/views/coupons/tmpl/form.php at line 162 for example :
      <td class="key" align="right" width="100">
          <label for="subtotal_minimum">
                 <?php echo JText::_( 'Minimum Subtotal Required' ); ?>:
           <input id="coupon_subtotal_minimum" type="text" size="30" value="<?php echo @$row->coupon_subtotal_minimum; ?>" name="coupon_subtotal_minimum">
  </tr>  ```
3. Add in /components/com_tienda/controllers/checkout.php in function "validateCouponCode" around line 2300 the following code :

```  // Check subtotal minimum
  Tienda::load( 'TiendaHelperCurrency', 'helpers.currency' );

  //Calculate amount of order
  $order =& $this->_order; 

  // set the currency
  $order->currency_id = TiendaConfig::getInstance()->get( 'default_currencyid', '1' ); // USD is default if no currency selected

  // set the shipping method
  $order->shipping = new JObject();
  $order->shipping->shipping_price      = @$values['shipping_price'];
  $order->shipping->shipping_extra      = @$values['shipping_extra'];
  $order->shipping->shipping_name       = @$values['shipping_name'];
  $order->shipping->shipping_tax        = @$values['shipping_tax'];

  // get the items and add them to the order
  Tienda::load( 'TiendaHelperCarts', 'helpers.carts' );
  $items = TiendaHelperCarts::getProductsInfo();
  foreach ($items as $item)
      $order->addItem( $item );


  //Check order_total
  if ($order->order_total < $coupon->coupon_subtotal_minimum)
      $response['error'] = '1';
      $response['msg'] = $helper->generateMessage( sprintf( JText::_("SUBTOTAL_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_NOT_REACHED") , TiendaHelperCurrency::currency($coupon->coupon_subtotal_minimum) ) );
      echo json_encode($response);
4. Add in translate file traduction of "SUBTOTAL_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_NOT_REACHED" without forget "%s"

Perhaps it's not the best way but if it can help some one...

OLD-6975: POS: Unable to add product to cart if it has a custom date EAV field


Attempting to add a product to an order via POS results in an error (and product not added to cart) if the product has a custom date field associated with it).

TiendaTableCarts::store failed - Unknown column 'custom-field-3-date- in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO '..._tienda_carts' ('user_id','session_id....

NOTE: The error only appears for a few seconds and then the lighbox closes, without the product being added to the cart.

OLD-6932: Keyboard select of country field not synchronized with zone field



If you select a country by:

  • Entering "U" for "United States"
  • Press 'down arrow' to then select the 'united states entry'

The Zone Field doesn't get synchronized with the country that is selected (it is still the initial country zones from the first entry in the country list).

If you instead, use the mouse and select the country the list gets synchronized.

This was working properly in 0.8.x series. Broken in 0.9.0

Inputs elements are too big

Input elements of 30px's are to tall, and the don't align well with select lists or graphical buttons.

they should be smaller 18px i think

OLD-6935: Leaving any 'validation required' field should update the status


If you leave a field blank (like the 'Address Title' field) and then continue completing the form, after entering the 'country' the data is 're-validated' and you get an error notice (no address title).

However, if you go and add an address title, there's no way obvious way to update the order again.

We either need a 'refresh' button or have the validation process run after ANY 'required' field is updated (i.e. when focus leaves that entry box).

[NOTE: Not sure which release this should be placed in - possibly not in 0.9.1]


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Actually, it would probably be a good idea to allow two different methods (with a config option).

  1. Automatic update after data is entered
    Run the data verification of all fields after any 'required' field is exited
  2. Manual update - add a refresh button
    Have an 'update address' button available on the screen that manually updates the data and runs the test.
  3. Both
    Have the data verification run as in #1 AND display a refresh button.

OLD-5168: Tax not being recalculated after coupon applied


After applying a coupon, the tax charged in the cart, and throughout transaction, does not recalculate to reflect the discounted product price. Tax must be recalculated before checkout completes.

"Apply Coupon Discount Before Tax" under General Configuration -> Coupon Settings is set to 'Yes'

5168_-_coupons.png.png (40 kB) Chris DioscouriChris Paschen., 02/03/2012 03:48 pm


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

Moving to 0.9.2 with the POS (and other coupon issues).

#22 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

NOTE: Just tested on my test site using code 'd50'.

The coupon gets applied, but the taxes stay the same.

Taxes need to decrease after coupon is added.

#21 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Status changed from Requires Feedback to In Progress
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

#20 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Flat Rate, Per Order

#19 Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.

Can anybody tell me what kind of coupon are they using when the tax is not recalculated? I cant reproduct this problem on my localhost :/


Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. wrote:


Actually, the 'prepaid voucher' would be related to the 'store credit' system (that is already part of Tienda), not the coupon system.

And yes, the coupon system should work as you expect ... it's still having problems though.

#18 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago


Actually, the 'prepaid voucher' would be related to the 'store credit' system (that is already part of Tienda), not the coupon system.

And yes, the coupon system should work as you expect ... it's still having problems though.

#17 Updated by Rod Farrell 8 months ago

FYI, In Australia tax (GST) is calculated on the actual amount paid. If a coupon represents a discount the the tax should reduce.

If the coupon is is a prepaid voucher then the purchase price is not changing, only the method of payment therefore in that case the tax would not change. I would tend to stay away from the prepaid concept as this gives rise to a whole new world of bookkeeping pain where the store owner is deemed to be holding money on deposit for the voucher purchaser until it is spent etc, etc, etc.

#16 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to In Progress
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak
Resolution deleted (Fixed)

I just tested this with preJ and the taxes are still not changing.

When I enter a coupon code, the Discount is taken off the total of the order, but the taxes don't change.

The taxes need to be re-calculated on the Subtotal minus the discount (after the discount code is entered).

NOTE: I tested on all OPC layouts, and on std checkout. All are having this problem still.

#15 Updated by Lukas Polak 8 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to Needs Testing
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.
Resolution set to Fixed

Error fixed in r2402

#14 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

that error is on line tienda.js:797

#13 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to In Progress
Resolution deleted (Fixed)

Still having a problem with this.

Now ... when you click 'add coupon to order' the "Discount" line is added, and then the coupon code area is grayed out 'processing', but the taxes don't get updated.

I get:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'setStyle' of null
(after pressing the 'Add Coupon to Order'.
Although this error appears to happen before the product review box gets updated.

#12 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to Needs Testing

#11 Updated by Lukas Polak 8 months ago

Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. wrote:

Ooops ... forgot to add...

The error that I get on the never ending validation is "$(container) is null on tienda.js:797

This should be fixed in r2388 :) Now I'm going to fix the rest.


#10 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Ooops ... forgot to add...

The error that I get on the never ending validation is "$(container) is null on tienda.js:797

#9 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

File 5168_-_coupons.png.png added
Status changed from Needs Testing to In Progress
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

Looks like there are still some 'issues' in this one.

After you enter the discount code and click the button (see screen shot):

The 'discount' line IS added to the order
Tax amount did NOT change
Total of order DID change (although it has the wrong tax amount included).
Never-ending validation on the coupon code area

The main issues remaining:

  1. The tax amount should reflect the subtotal minus the discount
  2. The coupon code validation needs to be resolved.
#8 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

NOTE - If you LEGALLY can offer a coupon that actually discounts the tax amount collected for your government, please let us know. We did some initial research (as well as over a year talking with users) and we can't find any place where this is permitted (greedy governments! :-) ).
But if you've got a government that allows discounting the tax rate, we'd love to know so that we can add that feature back in (and consider moving there too :-) )

#7 Updated by Lukas Polak 9 months ago

Affects Template Files changed from No to Yes

#6 Updated by Lukas Polak 9 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to Needs Testing
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.
% Done changed from 0 to 100
Resolution set to Fixed
Documentation Status set to Nonexistent

Due to possible legal issues in some countries, we deleted an option to apply coupons after tax calculation so now, coupons are always applied before tax calculation.


#5 Updated by Lukas Polak 9 months ago

Status changed from New to In Progress

#4 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Category set to Admin - Coupons
Priority changed from Normal to High
Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes
Affected Version changed from 0.7.1 to 0.7.1 \ 0.8.3 preE

Just confirmed that this is still an issue - this makes coupons non-useable.

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago

Target version changed from Version 0.8.1 - Bug Fixes to Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features

#2 Updated by Lukas Polak about 1 year ago

Assignee set to Lukas Polak
Affects Template Files set to No

#1 Updated by Lukas Polak over 1 year ago

Target version set to Version 0.8.1 - Bug Fixes

Associated revisions

Revision 2403

Added by Lukas Polak 8 months ago

using JText in JS - refs #6695
fixing js error in checkout - refs #5168

Revision 2369

Added by Lukas Polak 9 months ago

updating language base - refs #5168

Revision 2368

Added by Lukas Polak 9 months ago

fixed problem with tax calculation after applying coupons and tax calculation in general (feature "apply coupon before tax calculation" was removed) - refs #5168

Publishing a Zone in a GEOZone fails

when creating a new zone, you create zone and select type that works.

if you try to publish zones to your geozone it fails with this error

Error: 3613: TiendaTableZonerelations: :store failed
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (ammonite.b3hq7_tienda_zonerelations, CONSTRAINT fk_geozone_zonerelations FOREIGN KEY (geozone_id) REFERENCES b3hq7_tienda_geozones (geozone_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) SQL=INSERT INTO b3hq7_tienda_zonerelations (zone_id,geozone_id,created_date) VALUES ('3613','3613','2012-09-27 22:19:23')

OLD-4917: lost parent attribute when "save as"


No parent attribute for a new product created by "save as" of a product with partent attribute.

Only a parent links is lost, all attrributes are still alive!


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to Requires Feedback
#6 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

This still doesn't appear to be working here.

(Do I need to wipe the data tables out completely to make this work)?

#5 Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

Status changed from New to Needs Testing
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.
% Done changed from 0 to 100
Resolution set to Fixed
Documentation Status set to Unnecessary

#4 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Priority changed from Low to High

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Assignee set to Lukas Polak
Priority changed from Normal to Low
Affected Version changed from 0.7.0 / 0.8.1 to 0.7.0 / 0.8.1/0.8.3 PreE

Confirmed on 0.8.3 preE

However, there is a workaround - by just re-building the parent relationships.

Lukas - is this something that SHOULD be working (saving the parent relationships) or is this something that should be part of the AttributeTemplate system?

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago

Category set to Admin - Product Attributes
Target version set to Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features
Affected Version changed from 0.7.0 to 0.7.0 / 0.8.1
Users to notify set to 13032
Affects Template Files set to No

This is still an issue in 0.8.1.

However, I'm wondering if the Save As function is even capable of saving complex parent/child attributes - or is this something for the enterprise attribute system?

Associated revisions

Revision 2503

Added by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

preserve attribute's parent relationship when using "save as" feature - refs #4917

OLD-7047: invalid shipping address error message on checkout echoes php var prefix


on the file: site / controllers / checkout.php

line 836:
```$response['msg'] = $helper->generateMessage( JText::_('COM_TIENDA_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_ERROR').$this->shipping_input_prefix." :: ".$this->getError() );`

should be:
$response['msg'] = $helper->generateMessage( JText::_('COM_TIENDA_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_ERROR')." :: ".$this->getError() );

the var : $this->shipping_input_prefix does not belong there, it's to build php vars not language strings.

As it is now, the error message printed on the frontend gets "shipping_input_" added in the middle:

Shipping Address Errorshipping_input_ :: Please include an Address Title2

I attached the corrected file.

checkout.php (100 kB) Mikael Colboc, 06/07/2012 01:54 pm

OLD-6931: OPC Ajax Problems


It appears that we've broken a few things in the ajax processing of the OPC.

The fact that all of these things have broken in the current trunk (in 0.9.1 somewhere) leads me to think that they are somewhat related.

However, I'm going to create each as a sub-task of this so that they can be looked at individually.

(Hope that makes sense)

OLD-6791: EAV entries have eaventity_type of 'carts' even after order is completed


In testing, using eavvarchar - the eaventity_type is remaining as 'carts' and not 'orderitems'.

In testing I can't identify any specific pattern why this is happening. Almost appears to be either related to a loop counter issue or???

NOTE: The fix in #6776 does NOT appear to change this in any way.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

OK ... I just tested this again with a completely clean version of Tienda from the trunk (r2559).

Now I'm getting something even more strange.

(First, the 'textarea' is still going into the 'eavValuesText' (instead of the varcar table - which is confusing).

But now I'm getting THREE entries in the _tienda_eavvaluestext table.

Each have successive eavvalue_id values.
2 are set to type 'carts', 1 to 'orderitems.
the eaventity_id is also different for each.
The created_date and modified_dates are blank.

Here's what I'm seeing.

eavvalue_id eavattribute_id eaventity_type table name of the entity eaventity_id eavvalue_value created_date modified_date 1 5 carts 3 Add some description here for the subscription. E... 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 2 5 orderitems 2 Add some description here for the subscription. E... 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 3 5 carts 5 Add some description here for the subscription. E... 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00

#4 Updated by Lukas Polak 6 months ago

Status changed from New to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.

Chris, are you sure that this is still an issue? I tried to reproduce this, but it seems to be working for me. Here is what I tried (and checked table in DB after every step):

  • i created a custom field of type text area, assigned it to a product and add the product into cart
  • then i proceed to checkout (OPC)
  • logged in
  • selected shipping & payment method
  • click on "Click here to continue"
  • finished order (set as completed in the back-end)

Can you tell me what you did exactly when you experienced this problem?

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Priority changed from Normal to High

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Priority changed from High to Normal
Update Log time Watch Copy Delete

OLD-6750: EAV Custom Fields TEXT being stored in VarChar table (not text table)


All 'text' fields are being stored in the eavValuesVarchar table, not the ...Text table.

Not sure if this is correct.

(If it is, then why do we have a 'eavValuesText' table?)


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

Add to Wishlist button - broken in 2.5 when not logged in.

if you have wish lists enabled it redirects to com_user but the 1.5 way so it gets


if you are logged it works

we probably just need a method for this so maybe we add this to acl a method that redirects to a login for based on what version we are using

OLD-6918: wrong yesterday statistics in mod_SaleStatistics


for example, if you set timezone +2, then you find wrong data from 00:00 to 02:00am

bug fix in attachment file


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Category set to Admin - Dashboard
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak
Target version set to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

Thanks .. I'll have lukas take a look at this one also.

OLD: Replace all language strings with J2.5 compatible strings

J2.5 requires that all translation strings (the part to the LEFT of the = in the language files) be an entry with NO SPACE (i.e. a 'variable name').

In addition, there are some forbidden entries in the language files:


These need to be replaced with:


(although they could be anything you want.

We'll replace them with the above, prepended with COM_TIENDA_

OLD-852: Add weight to attribute options


It would be great to be able to add additional weight to an attribute option that would then be added to the base weight for shipping purposes.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

#10 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

OK ... after doing some more testing it looks like it isn't working.

It's not actually having any effect on the shipping plugin (at least not for the Standard shipping).

Not sure if it should at this point or if we need to now update all the shipping plugins to recognize this new functionality.
(If it is the latter then we need to note that).

#9 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Looks like it's working.

However, we now need to change the 'prefix' column header for the 'price prefix' so that it says "Price Prefix" (similar to the way the "Weight Prefix" appears. [I'll create a new ticket for that.]

#8 Updated by Lukas Polak 6 months ago

Status changed from New to Needs Testing
Assignee set to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.
% Done changed from 0 to 100
Resolution set to Fixed
Documentation Status set to Nonexistent

#7 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Priority changed from Normal to High

#6 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.8.9 - Old issue that have already been fixed to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization
Affects Template Files set to No

Not sure if we can get this added in.

To allow EAVs to modify other fields than just price (like weight).

This has been requested quite a bit and really is a basic need (esp. when choosing a size of an item changes the weight - related to shipping).

#5 Updated by Cristina Solana about 2 years ago

Cool deal, I look forward to seeing this - hopefully in the near future. :)

#4 Updated by Rafael Diaz-Tushman about 2 years ago

We have an idea how this could work -- I saw Daniele do it for a client of Weble's -- but we don't have it ready for the public release yet. It may just be an additional field in the PAO input form and a little additional logic in the shipping plugins, but I'd prefer to put that logic directly in the orders table, so we're still ironing this out...

#3 Updated by Cristina Solana about 2 years ago

Any new thoughts on this now that increment 6 is around the corner? I don't see it on the road map is why I ask. I am really looking forward to this one...

#2 Updated by Rafael Diaz-Tushman over 2 years ago

Target version set to Version 0.8.9 - Old issue that have already been fixed

We've been internally discussing this. It will require a DB change at the minimum, and may be pushed to Increment 6

#1 Updated by Robert G. Mears over 2 years ago

Very important addition.

If a photographer, for example, is selling prints, there would be a base price for the cost of packaging and shipping; the number of prints ordered could add to this amount incrementally. The overall packaging and shipping cost would not be simply X times the number of prints. It would be the base cost + (X times the number of prints). Although this could become quite complicated because there would be a limit to the number of prints one could place in a package; then it would be necessary to start a second package. Also the cost to ship three or four prints might be the same as the cost to ship one. Thresholds.

Rudimentary though it is, the javascript I submitted earlier in FR #94 ( nopercart_rgm.js ) sort of has this worked out for use with Canada Post.

Associated revisions

Revision 2535

Added by Lukas Polak 6 months ago

added db fields for weight in product attributes to sql install scripts - refs #852

Revision 2519

Added by Lukas Polak 6 months ago

product attributes can change product weight - refs #852

OLD-6754: records being saved in eavvaluesvarchar have wrong eaventity_type


In testing with a large number of EAV Custom Fields, all of which are associated with products, the system is saving many records with the type "carts" instead of "orderitems".


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

It appears that the entries that are assigned to the 'cart' entity_type are ones that are associated with an eaventity_id (and product) where that specific entity shouldn't be applied (i.e. the custom field should not be applied to that product).

And it's retaining content from a previously entered field.

However, in reviewing the contents of the eavValuesVarChar, I can't 100% confirm this as I can't completely follow how the data is stored in this file.

It appears that the eaventity_id references the orderitems ID field; however, there are custom fields being displayed (on the orders screen) that are not in this table.

Bottom line ... I think we need a short explanation on how the data is stored in the EAV (how it works) and what fields reference what tables. (A data diagram would be VERY handy about now)

OLD-6813: City Sales Tax


We really need to ad the ability to add one more 'level' of taxing.

Many locations (at least here in the US) already have City sales tax. (If you sell within the city of Minneapolis there is an additional sales tax).

Right now we can't handle that in Tienda.

We could possibly add a zone (Minnesota - Minneapolis), but that really starts to make the zone file a bit messy. AND it makes the address fields not valid for postal use.

We really need to get this last tax issue resolved before hitting 1.0.

(I'm adding this to POS because it would directly effect POS and other checkout processes)

Image Uploading doesn't work in new Product

When creating a product there is a form to upload an image but it doesn't save, if you apply you get the uploader.

We should either hide the uploader until applied or fix it

Getting JS error

Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'setText' Stickman.MultiUpload.js:232
Class.addRow Stickman.MultiUpload.js:232
i.extend.$owner mootools-core.js:141
(anonymous function) Stickman.MultiUpload.js:317
(anonymous function) mootools-core.js:88
e mootools-core.js:368

OLD-6913: Impossible edit addressed w/o address name


if "Show Address Name Field" is setted OFF, then the address will be inserted in table without Name.

If an address hasn't a name, customer can't modify it in "Manage Your Addresses"

this problem is not present during OPC, in OPC you see address_id as a name.
I used this trick as starting point e to fix this bug in "Manage Your Addresses"

bug fix is attachment file

edit_addresses_wo_name.patch (723 Bytes) Alessandro Manfré, 04/05/2012 01:29 am


Updated by Mikael Colboc 6 months ago

Not only it can not be edited by customer, but trying to delete it fails with error: COM_TIENDA_UNABLE_TO_CHANGE: # (address_id)

I think a automatic name like "Default #" should be set whenever an address is saved and its title field is empty, without adding any extra checkbox.
Because if you display the address title field, but do not validate it, the customer can leave it empty and the same problem happens.

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Category set to Admin - Configuration
Status changed from New to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak
Target version set to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

Actually, I'm not sure that we want to do it this way - this 'covers up' a missing field/data.

I think it would be better to add a feature on the admin-side (under the 'show/hide' address name) that IF a user turns off the display of the address name field that there is a checkbox that can be set in config to 'Automatically name the address entry using generated name' ... and then just insert 'Default' as the address name.

Lukas - what do you think about this?

OLD-6182: POS Paypal payment process not working - wrong link used


when you insert an order with pos procedure, if you select Paypal as payment method, the procedure ask you to complete the paypal payment, but it is wrong.
When paypal is selected, the system has to send a payment request to customer


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

#19 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

OK ... that will help a LOT to get 0.8.3 out the door faster.

It will also give us time to focus on POS more in 0.8.4.

I'm going to do some more detailed testing on POS (esp. UI issues).
Anyone else 'lurking', please join me in testing the POS system.
Let's add Bug reports and FRs so that we can get everything written down and tackle the main issues.
(We aren't going to create the best POS in 0.8.4, but please do add your 'dreams' as FRs now - so that they don't get missed/forgotten as we move ahead).

#18 Updated by Lukas Polak 8 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to New
Target version changed from Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes to Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features

I agree Chris. We can try to fix POS related issues in 0.8.4 -> that should take some pressure off our shoulders when working on 0.8.3.


#17 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Lukas ... I'm thinking we should move this (along with all other POS issues) to 0.8.4 so that POS would be the main focus for 0.8.4 - other than plugins.
The entire POS process really isn't intuitive (OR has some significant workflow problems).
If you agree, please go ahead and move this to 0.8.4.

#16 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Subject changed from send Paypal invoice during POS to POS Paypal payment process not working - wrong link used

#15 Updated by Alessandro Manfré 9 months ago

Don't worry Chris ;)

#14 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Priority changed from Normal to High

Sorry - I've been testing and getting error screens.

It appears that it's taking you to the main PayPal login page - not a payment page.

HOWEVER ... I'm seeing 2 different bugs in this process right now (0.8.3 E).

  1. In FF - the popup box appears, but when you click the paypal button, no window opens
  2. In Chrome - the popup box never appears
  3. In IE9 - the popup box appears with this warning:
    "This content cannot be displayed in a frame / To help protect the security of the information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame. / What you can try: Open this content in a new window"
    When you click on this link (to open in a new window), you get the main PayPal login page (not a payment page).

So it looks like we've got a wrong URL posting here.

(Alessandro - sorry this took so long).

So we've got two problems here.

#13 Updated by Alessandro Manfré 9 months ago

sorry Chris, I think there is an missunderstanding. I don't need additionl feature about this topic.

For example, when you take an order by phone, and your custumer asks to pay with paypal, then you insert a POS order and select Paypal as payment method. At this point an popup windows is showed and here you see the paypal button. If you click on this button, you go to paypal website and paypal asks Username and Password (or credit card details), but You can't ask to your customer username e password of his paypal accout.

It is a paypal pluging bug, when you place a pos order, plugin has to send to paypal the right information to send request payment to user

#12 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

That would need to be a FR (to 'request payment').

The original intention of the POS was to take orders by phone - esp. for users who aren't using online services (esp. older users). So for this 'bug', we just need to be able to take the card info and process right in the admin side. (Which I believe it should if the link was working properly.)

If you want the other function, I'd suggest creating a new FR to have a button to click to 'request payment from user'.

#11 Updated by Alessandro Manfré 9 months ago

if you click on the paypal button so paypal ask you username e password, then it's no possbile complete payment for admin who has inserted the order.

from my point of view, the best way is send a payment requet by paypal when admin click on paypal button at the end of POS

#10 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 9 months ago

Status changed from Unconfirmed to In Progress
Assignee set to Lukas Polak
Affected Version changed from 0.8.0 to 0.8.0 / 0.8.3 pre-release d

Sorry for the delay in this one.

In going back to the original note on this:

When paypal is selected, the system has to send a payment request to customer

This is NOT the functionality that was designed into the POS system.

It should open a window that allows you to click on the Paypal button - which it does.

However, when you click on the paypal button, it should open the paypal screen so that you can enter the buyer's CC info.

It DOES NOT do that presently.

When you click on the paypal button it doesn't open the paypal window (although the link looks like it is proper).

So the only present 'bug' is that it doesn't open the window to paypal when you click the paypal button.

#9 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 12 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.8.2 - New Features and Bug Fixes to Version 0.9.0 - Major Core Fixes

#8 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago

Target version changed from Version 0.8.1 - Bug Fixes to Version 0.8.2 - New Features and Bug Fixes

#7 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago


Alessandro is using STD paypal (not pro) so it 'shouldn't' be against the terms to turn it off.

In addition, I didn't mean permanently, but just to turn it off temporarily to test - to see if the express is causing the problem.

NOTE: Paypal Pro plugin is causing random users problems right now. It's already listed for review.

#6 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago


That is strange - you shouldn't have to click on any link.

I'll give it a look and see what I can see.

#5 Updated by Alessandro Manfré about 1 year ago

Sorry I'm not sure we are align

My issue is in back-end, when an admin inserts an order manually and sets as payment method paypal.

form "is wrong" means that It is impossible for an admin to insert an order and pay the same order itself.
admin inserts the order so the order has paid from the customer clicking on a paypal link sent by tienda system

#4 Updated by Zoltan Janosi about 1 year ago


FYI - the last time I checked the PayPal pro terms of use, it seemed that you were required to have the PayPal Express checkout featured along with the credit card option, on your checkout page. Unless I mis-read something, this would be something to think with in the optimization of the payment plugins. (I.e. it's not something "nice to have" to have the Express checkout work correctly in PayPal Pro, but a contractual requirement for those using PayPal Pro.)

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago

Paypal is now offering 'express payment' features. You can disable those through paypal (last I checked). Having the express payment features enabled is known to be causing problems with the paypal pro plugin.

#2 Updated by Alessandro Manfré about 1 year ago

paypal std
what do you mean "express payments enabled"?

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. about 1 year ago

Category set to Admin - Order Management
Status changed from New to Unconfirmed
Target version set to Version 0.8.1 - Bug Fixes


What do you mean that 'it is wrong'?

Is this using paypal std or pro (and are you testing with the express payments enabled?)

OLD-7027: Same as billing checkbox not updating correctly


When the user UNCHECKS the 'same as billing' the script is still using the billing address (and not the shipping address).

Tested and it's using the billing address to determine if there is a valid shipping method AND storing the Billing address as the shipping address.

Tested on 0.9.0 AND the latest trunk.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

It looks like it's ALMOST working now;
However, when you UNCHECK the 'same as billing' box, I think it should trigger the ajax verification at that point.
This is because IF I just UNCHECK that box, the shipping options don't update (i.e. when you first uncheck the box there is no shipping address - so the 'select a shipping method' area should show 'no shipping options available'.
But now they don't. I can now go on and click the 'continue' button. {Yes, it does perform a final data check there, but it would make more sense in the workflow for users to check it when you actually change that box - which should be changing the 'state' of the order from 'same address' to 'different address'.)

And if I un-check the box, start to fill in the form, then re-check the box (to go back to using 'same as billing') it doesn't update the shipping availability,etc.

If this is a minor change I think we should make it for this next release.

#1 Updated by Lukas Polak 5 months ago

Status changed from New to Needs Testing
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.
% Done changed from 0 to 100
Resolution set to Fixed
Documentation Status set to Unnecessary
Update Log time Watch Copy Delete

Associated Revisions

Revision 2570

Added by Lukas Polak 5 months ago

fixed problem with shipping address when "same as billing" is unchecked in OPC - refs #7027

OLD-6938:Delete cart items not working with CHROME- POS


in POS Delete cart itemes not working with browser CHROME


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

Status changed from Unconfirmed to New
Affected Version changed from 0.9.0 to 0.9.0 -0.9.1 r2561

Just confirmed this here.

It appears to be effecting both the ability to remove items AND adjust the quantities.
(Maybe something related to the buttons themselves - as the checkbox and the quantity fields work properly).

NOTE: It also doesn't work in Safari on Windows or IE9. I can only get to actually work on FF

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Category set to Admin - POS
Status changed from New to Unconfirmed
Target version set to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

OLD-6973: Set default 'Maximum Subtotal Allowed' value to "-1" on new entry



When you create a new shipping option in the Standard Shipping (and possibly others), the 'Maximum Subtotal Allowed' value should be set to "-1" by default (i.e. unlimited); however, it's presently being set to 0.
That means that by default, none of the new shipping options is available for any orders.

This is causing confusion for users and we need to change this to prevent confusion (and support issues).


Updated by Mikael Colboc 5 months ago

actually it seems to be saved by function save() on line 45 of:

tienda_plugin_shipping_standard / shipping_standard / controller.php

which cannot be really changed....but I got a quick fix for that issue:

tienda_plugin_shipping_standard / shipping_standard / tmpl / view.php at line 71:

just use
< ? php echo ($row->subtotal_maximum) ? $row->subtotal_maximum : '-1'; ? > instead of < ? php echo @$row->subtotal_maximum; ? >

it could even have a tooltip to explain why -1 is there as the default value...

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

Not sure about this - but the mentioned code line is at 3672 in r2559 and presently is:

$definitions['subtotal_maximum'] = 'DECIMAL( 12, 5 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'-1\'';

#1 Updated by Mikael Colboc 5 months ago

I think it's on line 3656 of admin/helper/diagnostics.php (v0.9.1 EAV) :

$definitions['subtotal_maximum'] = 'DECIMAL NOT NULL DEFAULT \'-1\'';

OLD-6749: Entries in eavvaluesvarchar are not deleted when orders are deleted


the eavvaluesvarchar (and probably other eavvaules_______ tables) are not having their data deleted from the table when an order is deleted.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Priority changed from Normal to High

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.9.9 - Misc Bug Fixes and New Features to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization

OLD-6879: Postal code change (OPC) causes all billing/shipping data to clear


Using OPC-Standard, when you enter and address it works fine, but if you go back and CHANGE the postal code it clears all the name/address fields.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

Well ... I just tested this from the trunk and still it's having the same issue - the missing postal code notice is not being removed.

#8 Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

Status changed from In Progress to Requires Feedback
Assignee changed from Lukas Polak to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.

#7 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Status changed from Needs Testing to In Progress
Assignee changed from Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. to Lukas Polak

#6 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Nope ... now when you go through the checkout process....

  1. (after entering a complete address BEFORE you enter the postal code) you see "Billing Address Error :: Postal Code Required (which is correct at this point.
  2. After entering the postal code, the above notice (postal code required) doesn't clear.

Looks almost like the ajax got killed.

NOTE: The form does refresh if I go back and change the Zone (or any other field).

So it looks like it's still broken with this fix.

#5 Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

Status changed from Unconfirmed to Needs Testing

#4 Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

% Done changed from 0 to 100
Resolution set to Fixed
Documentation Status set to Unnecessary
Affects Template Files changed from No to Yes

Chris, I found the problem :) it was with automatic updates of shipping methods when you changed postal code field and the order did not require shipping (it was not working correctly). Everything should be OK now.


#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Assignee set to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.

OK ... I'm only getting this on a fresh Joomla site with a clean Tienda install.

Installing on my older test site (upgrade from previous versions of Tienda - including most pre-releases - this issue doesn't happen).

After the Monday webinar I'll wipe out the old tienda on the other test site and re-install and see if I can duplicate this there.

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Happens on 2-column also.

#1 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 7 months ago

Appears to happen on 1-column also.

Associated revisions

Revision 2501

Added by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

attached AJAX call to Postal Code field during checkout - refs #6879

Revision 2479

Added by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

fixed error during tienda uninstallation + fixed problem with postal code + fixed syntax issue with JText in productcompare.php - refs #6870, #6879, #6807

Fatal error in confirmation email

In thank you you email.

Thank you for your Order!

You can view your order here (login may be required):

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property TiendaQuery::$_where in /home/website/public_html/admi nistrator/components/com_tienda/helpers/manufacturer.php on line 84

When clicked inside email after purchase

OLD: Email text customization broken

In the process of the language updates, I managed to break the Localization/Emails system.

It used to (in 0.9.0) show one string that could be edited ("EMAIL_NEW_ORDER_TEXT").

I can't seem to figure out how it got broken.

Sorry :-(

OLD-3566: Add attribute error returned by server...



When I add several attribute options to an attribute I stert getting the following error in the popup after I submit:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 207 bytes) in /home/.../public_html/administrator/components/com_tienda/helpers/product.php on line 1087

When I close the popup & click apply the attribute option has been added. At the time this started happening there was two attributes with 80 attribute options each and another 3 attributes still needs to be added with about 20 attribute options each.

I understand that it is a size issue, but is not sure if it is my server's problem or something that needs to be changed in Tienda, So I post it here in the hope it is helpful.



VER: 0.56 0.7.3


Updated by Lukas Polak 7 months ago

Assignee set to Lukas Polak

#5 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 8 months ago

Target version changed from Version 0.8.9 - Old issue that have already been fixed to Version 0.9.1 - EAV (Custom Fields) Finalization
Affects Template Files set to No

#4 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. over 1 year ago

Category set to Admin - Product Attributes
Target version set to Version 0.8.9 - Old issue that have already been fixed
Affected Version changed from 0.56 to 0.56 0.7.3

It appears that this is a server problem, but it appears that it might be caused by Tienda trying to load all of the options and attributes into memory at the same time (speculation).

Once you go over 40 options (total) it starts slowing down and depending on your server configs, can actually time out or error-out.

We need to review how options and attributes are being handled in the lightboxes.

#3 Updated by Antonio Scribano over 1 year ago

No, I use 0.70. I have a product with 5 attributes of 12 records (so, in total 60 records).
Any idea?
Thank you!

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. over 1 year ago

Antonio, are you also using 0.5.6?

If so, please update to 0.7.0 and let us know if this error still exists.

#1 Updated by Antonio Scribano over 1 year ago

Same problem:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 524288 bytes) in /home/palomarw/public_html/web/administrator/components/com_tienda/helpers/product.php on line 1443

also, the script takes a lot of time.
Thank you

OLD-6934: JText:: error display needs to be re-configured


in the /admin/tables/addresses.php line 97-120
the address error notice method doesn't work with the new JText language string usage.

The arrays for the $address_checks don't get translated.

We need to re-work this code to properly display error messages and have them be translatable.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Status changed from New to Requires Feedback
Assignee set to Lukas Polak

Can we just change the last item in each of these 'array' entries to a "JText::_(...)" entry?

OLD-6919: make uniform Addresses management


There are a lot part where admmin e client can insert and modify addresses, in add there are not all fields in admin-->Configuration->Address Fields Management to handle.

Maybe could be better make uniform all these parts, to align the fields to database table.

when it happens:
for the Users during checkout and modify my address
for Admin in POS maybe in the future in user page (ref. #2401)


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

FYI ... Actually, I don't think that #6002 is related to this. That one is really dealing with the payment method issue.

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Category set to Admin - Addresses
Target version set to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

Yes, this idea has actually been discussed already (although I can't find a ticket here) - to create a main 'helper' system for address management.
Actually, it would probably need to be 2 of them - one for admin and one for front-end.

For now, I'm going to add this to the POS release round to see if we can do that as part of the POS system upgrades.

#1 Updated by Alessandro Manfré 6 months ago

I saw also #6002 can be correlated

OLD-6958: Add admin control of display for fax/cell fields in edit and checkout


Add display control for the 'fax' and 'cell' fields for the address edit screen.

Also, add these to the checkout (they presently only appear on the address edit screen).

NOTE: Original text of this ticket was this:

  1. some fields (fax,cell) in the edit an address form are not listed in "Address Fields Management" on the backend configuration.
  2. the field "company" is in different positions on the checkout and the edit saved address forms. Below the name makes more sense than after the zip code.


Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

% Done changed from 0 to 50

With the change in r2562 you can configure the show/no-show of the cell and fax fields for the dashboard editing of the address records.

Still need to add the functionality to the checkout views (so that you can actually display those fields there and even require a fax or cell phone on checkout).

#3 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 5 months ago

Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Subject changed from inconsistent fields in address forms to Add admin control of display for fax/cell fields in edit and checkout
Status changed from Unconfirmed to In Progress
Assignee set to Chris DioscouriChris Paschen.

This really is a feature request, not a bug report (because there's no code that does this, so it's not a bug).

I've modified the original title and text to reflect the feature request.

Also, this actually had 2 different requests in the same ticket, so the 2nd point has been split out into ticket #6974.

#2 Updated by Chris DioscouriChris Paschen. 6 months ago

Category set to Admin - POS
Status changed from New to Unconfirmed
Target version set to Version 0.9.2 - POS Finalization

Yes, this is part of the general POS clean-up process for 0.9.2.

#1 Updated by Alessandro Manfré 6 months ago

Chris, I think this could be related to #6919

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.