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sfm.nvim's Introduction


The simple directory tree viewer for Neovim written in Lua.

I created the sfm plugin because I wanted to write my own simple and lightweight file management options for NeoVim. I wanted a plugin that would allow me to easily browse and open files in my project without being weighed down by unnecessary features or complexity.

Please note that the sfm plugin is still in development and may not be fully stable. Use at your own risk.


Here is a short demonstration of the sfm plugin in action:



The sfm plugin allows users to extend its functionality by installing extensions. Extensions are independent plugins that can add new features or customize the behavior of the sfm plugin.

The extensions must be written under lua/sfm/extensions/ folder.

Available Extensions

Here is a list of available extensions for the sfm plugin:

  • sfm-bookmark: Adds bookmarking functionality to the sfm plugin.
  • sfm-filter: Allows users to filter entries in the sfm explorer tree.
  • sfm-git: Adds git icon support to the sfm plugin's file and folder explorer view, indicating the git status of the file or folder.
  • sfm-telescope: Allows users to search for entries in the sfm explorer tree.
  • sfm-paste: Provides a convenient way to paste text or images into new files within the sfm file explorer.
  • sfm-focus: Adds the command SFMFocus. This command change current focus to explorer and open it if closed.


Install sfm on Neovim using your favorite plugin manager. For example, the below example shows how to install sfm using packer.nvim

use {
  config = function()


sfm provides the following configuration options:

local default_config = {
  view = {
    side = "left", -- side of the tree, can be `left`, `right`. this setting will be ignored if view.float.enable is set to true,
    width = 30, -- this setting will be ignored if view.float.enable is set to true,
    float = {
      enable = false,
      config = {
        relative = "editor",
        border = "rounded",
        width = 30, -- int or function
        height = 30, -- int or function
        row = 1, -- int or function
        col = 1 -- int or function
    selection_render_method = "icon" -- render method of selected entries, can be `icon`, `sign`, `highlight`.
  mappings = {
    custom_only = false,
    list = {
      -- user mappings go here
  renderer = {
    icons = {
      file = {
        default = "",
        symlink = "",
      folder = {
        default = "",
        open = "",
        symlink = "",
        symlink_open = "",
      indicator = {
        folder_closed = "",
        folder_open = "",
        file = " ",
      selection = "",
  file_nesting = {
    enabled = false,
    expand = false,
    patterns = {},
  misc = {
    trash_cmd = nil,
    system_open_cmd = nil,

You can override the default configuration by calling the setup method and passing in your customizations:

require("sfm").setup {
--- your customization configuration

File nesting

The sfm now supports nesting related files based on their names. There are several settings to control this behavior:

  file_nesting = {
    enabled = true, -- controls whether file nesting is enabled
    expand = true, -- controls whether nested files are expanded by default
    patterns = {
      { "*.cs", { "$(capture).*.cs" } },
      { "*.ts", { "$(capture).js", "$(capture)", "$(capture).*.ts", "$(capture)_*.js", "$(capture)_*.ts" } },
      { "go.mod", { "go.sum" } },
    }, -- controls how files get nested

The default mapping to expand/collapse nested files is a.

The idea of how to parse the file nesting pattern is highly inspired by VS Code. That why you can use the patterns that configure from VS Code. However, Currently I just only support $(capture) substitute as I find it not unnecessary to support basename, dirname, extname.


:SFMToggle Open or close the explorer.


To use the functionalities provided by the sfm plugin, you can use the following key bindings:

Key Action Description
cr edit Open a file or directory
ctr-v vsplit Open a file in a vertical split window
ctr-h split Open a file in a horizontal split window
ctr-t tabnew Open a file in a new tab
s-tab close_entry Close current opened directory or parent
K first_sibling Navigate to the first sibling of current file or directory
J last_sibling Navigate to the last sibling of current file or directory
P parent_entry Move cursor to the parent directory
ctr-] change_root_to_parent Change the root directory to the parent directory of the current root
] change_root_to_entry Change the root directory to the current folder entry or to the parent directory of the current file entry
R reload Reload the explorer
q close Close the explorer window
n create Create a new file/directory in the current folder
c copy Copy current/selected file/s directory/ies
x move Move/Rename current/selected file/s directory/ies
d delete Delete current/selected file/s directory/ies
a toggle_entry Expand or collapse a entry with children, which may be a directory or a nested file.
space toggle_selection Toggle the selection of the current file or directory
c-space clear_selections Clear all selections
trash Trash current/selected file/s directory/ies
system_open Open current/selected file/s directory/ies using system default program

Below is a list of deprecated actions that should not be used anymore and might be removed anytime:


You can customize these key bindings by defining custom functions or action names in the mappings configuration option. For example, you can assign a custom function to the t key:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {
  mappings = {
    list = {
        key = "c",
        action = function()
          print("Custom function executed")
        key = "x",
        action = "close",

In this example, when the user presses the c key in the explorer, the custom function function() print("Custom function executed") end will be executed. Pressing the x key will perform the default action close. Please note that if the action for a key is set to nil or an empty string, the default key binding for that key will be disabled. Also, ensure that the action provided is a valid function or action name, as listed in the above table.


The sfm plugin uses the following highlight values:

  • SFMRootFolder: This highlight value is used to highlight the root folder in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is purple.
  • SFMSymlink: This highlight value is used to highlight symbolic links in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is cyan.
  • SFMFileIndicator and SFMFolderIndicator : These highlight values are used to highlight file and folder indicators in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is fg=#3b4261.
  • SFMFolderName and SFMFolderIcon : These highlight values are used to highlight folder names and icons in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is Directory.
  • SFMFileName and SFMDefaultFileIcon : These highlight values are used to highlight file names and icons in the file explorer. The default color scheme for this highlight value is Normal.

In addition to the above highlight values, the sfm plugin also uses the following highlight values:

  • SFMNormal, SFMNormalNC, SFMEndOfBuffer, SFMCursorLine, SFMCursorLineNr, SFMLineNr, SFMWinSeparator, SFMStatusLine, SFMStatuslineNC, SFMSignColumn these highlight values are used to link to the default Neovim highlight groups.


The sfm plugin provides several customization mechanisms, including remove_renderer, register_renderer, remove_entry_filter, register_entry_filter, and set_entry_sort_method, that allow users to alter the appearance and behavior of the explorer tree.


The remove_renderer function allows users to remove a renderer components from the list of renderers used to render the entry of the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to disable a specific renderer provided by the sfm plugin or by an extension.


The register_renderer function allows users to register their own renderers for the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to customize the appearance of the tree or add new features to it.

Here is an example of an extension for the sfm plugin that adds a custom renderer to display the entry size:

-- define a custom renderer that displays the entry size
local function size_renderer(entry)
  local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(entry.path)
  local size = stat.size
  local size_text = string.format("[%d bytes]", size)

  return {
    text = size_text,
    highlight = "SFMSize",

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
-- register the custom renderer
sfm_explorer:register_renderer("custom", 100, size_renderer)

The default entry renderers, in order of rendering priority, are:

  • indent (priority 10)
  • indicator (priority 20)
  • icon (priority 30)
  • name (priority 40)


The register_entry_filter function allows users to register their own filters for the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to filter out certain entries based on certain criteria. For example, a user can filter out files that are larger than a certain size, or files that have a certain file extension.


The remove_entry_filter function allows users to remove a filter component from the list of filters used to filter the entries of the explorer tree. This can be useful if a user wants to disable a specific filter provided by the sfm plugin or by an extension.

Here is an example of an extension for the sfm plugin that adds a custom entry filter to hide the big entry size:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:register_entry_filter("big_files", function(entry)
  local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(entry.path)
  local size = stat.size
  if size > 1000000 then
    return false
    return true


This method allows you to customize the sorting of entries in the explorer tree. The function passed as a parameter should take in two entries and return a boolean value indicating whether the first entry should be sorted before the second. For example, you can use the following function to sort entries alphabetically by name:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:set_entry_sort_method(function(entry1, entry2)
  return <


sfm dispatches events whenever an action is made in the explorer. These events can be subscribed to through handler functions, allowing for even further customization of sfm.

To subscribe to an event, use the subscribe function provided by sfm and specify the event name and the handler function:

local sfm_explorer = require("sfm").setup {}
sfm_explorer:subscribe(event.ExplorerOpened, function(payload)
  local bufnr = payload["bufnr"]
  local options = {
    noremap = true,
    expr = false,

    "<CMD>lua require('sfm.extensions.sfm-bookmark').set_mark()<CR>",
    "<CMD>lua require('sfm.extensions.sfm-bookmark').load_mark()<CR>",

Available events:

  • ExplorerOpened: Triggered when the explorer window is opened. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • winnr: The number of the window where the explorer is opened.
    • bufnr: The number of the buffer associated with the explorer window.
  • ExplorerClosed: Triggered when the explorer window is closed. It does not provide any payload.
  • ExplorerReloaded: Triggered when a explorer is reloaded. This event is emitted after the explorer tree has finished reloading, and all the files and folders have been re-read. Listeners can use this event to update or refresh any state or information that is dependent on the explorer tree. It does not provide any payload.
  • ExplorerRendered: Triggered when a explorer is rendered. This event can be used to perform additional customizations or updates after the explorer has been rendered. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • winnr: The number of the window explorer.
    • bufnr: The number of the buffer associated with the explorer window.
  • ExplorerRootChanged: This event is fired when the root of the explorer changes. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
    • path: The new root path
  • FileOpened: Triggered when a file is opened in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
    • path: The path of the file that was opened.
  • FolderOpened: Triggered when a folder is opened in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
    • path: The path of the folder that was opened.
  • FolderClosed: Triggered when a folder is closed in the explorer. The payload of the event is a table with the following key:
    • path: The path of the folder that was closed.
  • EntryCreated: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • path: The entry path of the newly created entry
  • EntryDeleted: Dispatched when a new file/directory is created. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • path: The entry path of the deleted/trashed entry
  • EntryWillRename: Dispatched when a file/directory will be renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • from_path: The old path
    • to_path: The new path
  • EntryRenamed: Dispatched when a file/directory is renamed. The payload of the event is a table with the following keys:
    • from_path: The old path
    • to_path: The new path


The sfm plugin exposes a number of APIs that can be used to customize the explorer tree and write extensions for the plugin. These functions are located in the lua/sfm/api.lua file and can be accessed by requiring it. Below are the available functions and their usage:


  • api.explorer.toggle(): Toggles the visibility of the explorer window.
  • Opens the explorer window.
  • api.explorer.close(): Closes the explorer window.
  • api.explorer.is_open(): Returns true if the explorer window is currently open, false otherwise.
  • api.explorer.reload(): Reloads the explorer tree.
  • api.explorer.refresh(): Refreshes the current view of the explorer tree.
  • api.explorer.change_root(cwd: string): Changes the root directory of the explorer tree to the specified directory. If the directory is not valid, an error message will be displayed.


  • api.entry.root(): Returns the root entry of the explorer tree.
  • api.entry.current(): Returns the current entry in the explorer tree.
  • api.entry.all(): Returns a table containing all the entries in the explorer tree.


  • api.navigation.focus(p: string): Focuses on the specified file or directory in the explorer tree.


  • api.path.clean(p: string): Cleans up a file path to make it more standard.
  • api.path.split(p: string): Splits a file path into a table of its parts.
  • api.path.join(...): Joins a list of parts into a file path.
  • api.path.dirname(p: string): Returns the directory name of a file path.
  • api.path.basename(p: string): Returns the base name of a file path.
  • api.path.remove_trailing(p: string): Removes the trailing path separator from a file path.
  • api.path.has_trailing(p: string): Returns true if the file path has a trailing path separator, false otherwise.
  • api.path.add_trailing(p: string): Add trailing separator to the given path
  • api.path.exists(p: string): Check if the given path exists
  • api.path.isfile(p: string): Check if the given path is a file
  • api.path.isdir(p: string): Check if the given path is a directory
  • api.path.islink(p: string): Check if the given path is a symbolic link
  • api.path.unify(paths: table): Unify ancestor for the given paths
  • api.path.path_separator: Get the system path separator


  • api.debounce(name: string, delay: integer, fn: function): Create a debounced version of the given function


  • string): Log an informational message
  • api.log.warn(message: string): Log a warning message
  • api.log.error(message: string): Log an error message


  • api.context.is_selected(path: string): Check if the given path is selected
  • api.context.set_selection(path: string): Bookmark the given path
  • api.context.remove_selection(path: string): Unbookmark the given path
  • api.context.clear_selections(): Clear all bookmarks
  • api.context.get_selections(): Get all bookmarks


  • api.event.dispatch(event_name: string, payload: table?): Dispatches an event with the given name and payload to all registered event handlers.

Here's an example of how you might use the API provided by the sfm plugin in your own extension or configuration file:

local api = require('sfm.api')
-- use the `path.remove_trailing` function to remove trailing slashes from a file path
local cleaned_path = api.path.remove_trailing('/path/to/file/')
-- use the `debounce` function to debounce a function call
api.debounce("debounce-context", 1000, function()
  -- your code


  • This plugin was developed using NeoVim.
  • The file explorer functionality is based on the nvim-tree plugin. I also copied some code from there.
  • The icons used in the file explorer are from the nvim-web-devicons.

sfm.nvim's People


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sfm.nvim's Issues

`<leader>` KEY CLASH

FROM : #12 (comment)

Terribble news !

im having new issue :(

due to <leader> key
i have set sfmtoggle to <leader>e , when i do it when sfm is open it start the SELECT mode which mean SFMTOGGLE is not going to work ! ,
also , NOTICED! SFM is takiing over leader key means anythign relative to leader won't work in SFM window :(
i already addressed this is messed up SPACE vs LEADER
demonstration :


Remove unused actions

The following actions are deprecated:


Remove these actions and update the

`P` , `paren_entry`: not working !

i want to use h as parent_entry
but it only goes to the name of DIR , not goes to ../

also as described here

width = X , should not work in float , but its workign ! which is so confusing , since floatign window is usefull ,

please add more commets in config please
describe what options can be set, 🙏 im so confused, can't get window to way i want ! ,

also SFM is great im loving its simplicity, there is not much need of big heavy explorer, which is hard to configure like nvim-tree as beginner :(

Can't open a file with a `#` in its name

I believe this is a simple matter of escaping #.
The actual vim error is Vim E194: No alternate file name to substitute for '#'

The same happens if # is present in any parent dir

how to use `load_extension` in `opts = `?

my old SFM was just a single file with using conifg = function
but now im switched to opts = true things for lazy.nvim
i im soo much confused how to use load_extension "sfm-git" method between opts = { }

please telll where im wrong !

Add file nesting

This feature greatly de-clutters the file tree, for example:

typescript transpile, source maps and type definitions


latex projects


env var files


front end jsx components


whatever operation happens to the parent file happens to the nested files (copy, move, delete, trash .. etc)

File actions

I usually use my side-tree to visualize my project folders/files hierarchy but also to perform some actions on the files like create/delete files. Do you plan on adding basic file actions into sfm?

Thank you.

Unable to disable "space" key binding.

The key binding space to toggle_selection prevents to use my others <leader> key bindings when the focus is on explorer.
I have tried configure mapping in setup passing the action to nil and to "", but the key bind continue work.

local sfm = require("sfm").setup({
  mappings = {
    list = {
        key = "space",
        action = "",

`Width View` conflict with window.nvim

this ISSUE is extended of #9 where i showd that left window is too large no matter what config

here is what i found

i use window.nvim everyday , but it conficts with autoResize

needed solution is that, it should be compatible with window.nvim as nerdtree is !

workaround i tried

there is ignore config for window.nvim , however , i dont what is the filetype or somthign of SFM ,
i tried this

      filetype = { "NvimTree", "neo-tree", "undotree", "gundo","sfm" }

ps : din't work :(


just tell me what is the filetype name of SFM is?
or modify code so it won't conflict with window.nvim !

Implement missing actions: open_entry, open_all_entries, close_all_entries.

Accoding to @RaafatTurki comment:

I've figured since we have "folding" in sfm we would want the entry related actions to match the actual features provided by n/vim for text folding:

is_implemented action equivalent text fold shortcut description
yes close_entry zc close a fold
no open_entry zo open a fold
yes toggle_entry za toggle a fold
no close_all_entries zM close all folds
no open_all_entries zR open all folds

open_entry mean to only expand the dir or nested file without attempting to edit them.

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