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diagrams-core's Introduction

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diagrams is a full-featured framework and domain-specific language (embedded in Haskell) for creating declarative vector graphics and animations.

This package is just a convenient wrapper around the diagrams-core, diagrams-lib, diagrams-svg, and diagrams-contrib packages, so they can be installed with a single cabal install --lib diagrams command.

The package also comes with flags to enable six different backends. The native SVG backend is enabled by the -fsvg flag and is enabled by default. If you don't want it, you must explicitly disable it with -f-svg.

The native postscript backend is disabled by default but can be enabled by the -fps flag.

The cairo backend is disabled by default but can be selected with the -fcairo flag. In addition, the GTK backend is based on the cairo backend (but split into a separate package to make installing the cairo backend easier). It can be selected with the fgtk flag.

The native rasterific backend which is disabled by default but can be selected with the -frasterific flag.

The native canvas backend which is disabled by default but can be selected with the -fcanvas flag.


cabal update && cabal install --lib diagrams

or, to get the postscript backend in addition to the SVG backend:

cabal update && cabal install --lib -fps diagrams

or, to get the cairo backend in addition to the SVG backend:

cabal update && cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools && cabal install --lib -fcairo diagrams

Reporting bugs

Issue trackers for all diagrams-related repositories are hosted under the diagrams organization on github. If you know the specific package containing the bug, report it in the issue tracker specific to that package (for example, diagrams-lib). Otherwise, just report the issue in the issue tracker for the general diagrams repository.

Further reading

For more information, including a gallery of examples, tutorial, and user manual, see the diagrams website. For help, join the #diagrams IRC channel on Freenode or the mailing list.

diagrams-core's People


bergey avatar bgamari avatar byorgey avatar cchalmers avatar chris-martin avatar cmears avatar conal avatar fryguybob avatar fumieval avatar gleachkr avatar haasn avatar igormoreno avatar jeffreyrosenbluth avatar jhrcek avatar lrworth avatar mathnerd314 avatar mchav avatar mgsloan avatar ocharles avatar ryanglscott avatar sergv avatar sfultong avatar tdox avatar vaibhavsagar avatar vilhelms avatar walck avatar


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diagrams-core's Issues

Tree structure in Backends

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on March 11, 2012, 05:14:51 PM UTC)

All of the Backends that I have seen so far flatten the UD-tree to produce output. Using a program like Inkscape to further edit an SVG image, it would be better to preserve this structure.

I also need to have such a structure to make a 3d-Backend. At first I aimed at WebGL using SceneJS, for which I need a SceneGraph (a tree structure). It seems easier to first make a Backend with lambdacubeengine (I roughly understand how the scenegraph works there) and then involve the other people here on the mailing list for the right structures for 3d.

The announcement for diagrams-0.5 mentions a new SVG-Backend. Is it preserving the structure? If yes, I would like to see the code.
Documentation about UD-trees would also help a lot.

Combine (point, bounds) pairs stored in NameMap into a single "located bounding function" data structure

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on September 23, 2011, 10:42:16 PM UTC)

This has several benefits:

  • no need to annoyingly match on a pair when using withName
  • boundaryFrom can be refactored to just work on one of these "located bounding functions" instead of taking the bounds and base point as separate arguments
  • if we ever want to remember additional information for named diagrams we just have to add a new field to the data structure.

Of course, the downside is that if all you want is the point you have to use a projection function to get it out. But you already had to pattern match on a pair to get at it anyway, so maybe this isn't a downside at all -- with a projection function you don't have to remember which of the two components comes first in the tuple!

Don't forget to update the user manual to match.

font rendering is dependent on resolution (PNG output via Cairo)

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on February 20, 2012, 03:18:29 PM UTC)

The following two commands give slightly different output:

  1. withArgs [ "-o", "test.png", "-w", "800", "-h", "800" ] $ defaultMain $ ((text "ABCDEFGHabcdefgh" # fontSize 2 # translate (8,0) <> rect 10 1 # lw 0.1) # translate (-5,0)) <> rect 12 12 # lw 0.2
  2. withArgs [ "-o", "test.png", "-w", "400", "-h", "400" ] $ defaultMain $ ((text "ABCDEFGHabcdefgh" # fontSize 2 # translate (8,0) <> rect 10 1 # lw 0.1) # translate (-5,0)) <> rect 12 12 # lw 0.2

The only difference in the commands being the resolution of the final
PNG image, this shouldn't be so. The most noticable difference is the
blank triangle enclosed by the 'A' and the rectangle lines.

I'm using Diagrams 0.4 via cabal on Debian "testing".

A thought after the discussion on #diagrams:

Maybe we need a way of specifying final size explicitly? In TeX,
there's a way of rendering a font at a given resolution and then scale
it: I can either use "cmr12" or "cmr10 at 12pt", which both give fonts
of the same height, but slightly different characters.

Given that TeX knows the size on paper (and Diagrams doesn't), that
might be what we need. How about a way of specifying either
resolution (as in pixels per inch) or the printed size of the final
output? The latter would allow my two examples to look exactly the
same since the printed size is the same, only the number of pixels

Diagram-building service library + executable

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on September 2, 2011, 07:58:27 PM UTC)

We need generic tools for taking diagrams code and turning it into images, which can be called either as a library or from the command line. There is already code for doing this in the diagrams-hint project, as well as in two places in the diagrams-doc repository (one for building diagrams in the web gallery, the other for building inline diagrams in the documentation). This code ought to be factored out into one library+executable that provides a diagram-building service. Perhaps the library should be in one package which is somehow backend-agnostic; and we could then have one package providing an executable for each particular backend.

"Grouping" for transparent things

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on April 16, 2012, 02:05:29 PM UTC)

cairo and SVG both support a notion of "grouping" so that grouped things will have their transparency set as a group -- i.e. as if everything were drawn first and then the resulting bitmap made transparent. It would be nice if diagrams supported this as well, though it's not entirely obvious how this should work. At a minimum we need to work out how to expose more tree structure to backends first.

radius is wrong

>>> radius unitX (circle 1 :: D R2)


Better handling of singular transformations

The impetus for this ticket is the unfortunate code

scale :: (Transformable t, Fractional (Scalar (V t)), Eq (Scalar (V t)))
      => Scalar (V t) -> t -> t
scale 0 = error "scale by zero! Halp!" -- XXX what should be done here?

(currently found here:

What should be done, indeed?

One idea (from @mgsloan, in a comment here), is to add a tzero method to Transformable, like

class Transformable t where
  tzero :: t

where tzero is defined to be the result of applying a singular transformation.

It also occurs to me we might be able to move this even closer to the source by having a special representation for singular transformations. Then tzero is implicit in the fact that Transformable instances have to decide what to do about singular transformations.

One important thing to note is that not all singular transformations are equal. (To be clear, by "singular" I mean "linear transformation whose corresponding matrix is non-invertible".) For example, scale 0 and scaleX 0 are both singular, but they are not the same and it may be useful to distinguish them. For example, scaleX 0 can usefully be applied to any Path R2 (resulting in the "projection" of the path onto the y-axis). But scale 0 and scaleX 0 have the same result on Diagrams (that is, currently, bottom; but ideally, mempty).

allow lens-4.17

Stackage nightly doesn't have the diagrams packages, due to the lens upper bound. (This applies elsewhere, too, e.g. diagrams-lib, but...) See also #97 (which seems closable).

New release for 7.10

Any chance of a Hackage release with 7.10 compatibility? We need new releases of

  • diagrams-cairo
  • diagrams-contrib
  • diagrams-core
  • diagrams-lib
  • diagrams-solve
  • SVGFonts

as well as

  • active
  • dual-tree
  • force-layout
  • monoid-extras
  • statestack

And moreover the upper bound on lens needs to be relaxed to allow for version 4.9.

Silent failure on other image types than .png

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on August 30, 2011, 02:39:41 PM UTC)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. compile "defaultMain (image "any.jpg")
  2. ./main -o foo.pdf
  • What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

Either an error message telling that .jpg filetype is unsupported or a foo.pdf that contains
image instead of blank

  • What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

setBounds is incorrect -- throws away bounds of subsequent diagrams too

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on June 10, 2011, 05:18:21 AM UTC)

For example, consider

(circle 2 |||
square 1.5 # rotateBy (1/8) # withBounds (square 1 :: Diagram Cairo R2))

which should display a circle next to a slightly overlapping diamond. Instead the output is mostly blank (with a hint of a line on the left).

The problem is that a Forgetful monoid is not the right way to override u annotations traveling up the diagram tree (such as bounds). A Forgetful value ends up annihilating not only u values from below it in the tree, but also any from subtrees to the right.

Perhaps the solution is to allow applying extra u annotations both on the left and the right, then making a special monoid (like Forgetful) that can annihilate a "bracketed" section. A ForgetR value kills values to its right, and ForgetL kills to its left, and when they meet they turn into the identity.

Constraint synonym for any valid back end?

So I am learning diagrams for like 2 days. At first it was smooth sailing, but then I decided to
split some diagram definitions out from the Main module. This is when I met type errors like

src/Draw.hs:10:74: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘V t0’ with ‘V2’
        arising from a use of ‘circle’
      The type variable ‘t0’ is ambiguous
    • In the expression: circle 0.1
      In the expression:
        let r = (sqrt $ fromIntegral $ Graph.size graph :: Double)
        in circle 0.1
      In an equation for ‘node’:
            = let r = (sqrt $ fromIntegral $ Graph.size graph :: Double)
              in circle 0.1
    • Relevant bindings include node :: t0 (bound at src/Draw.hs:10:5)


src/Draw.hs:1:1: error:
    solveWanteds: too many iterations (limit = 4)
      Unsolved: WC {wc_simple =
                      [W] $dTrailLike_a27Vn {0}:: TrailLike
                                                    (QDiagram backEnd s0 s1 Any) (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {2}:: base-
                                    s0 (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {2}:: RealFloat s0 (CDictCan(psc))
                      [D] _ {1}:: Renderable (Path V2 s0) backEnd (CDictCan(psc))
                      [WD] $dFloating_a27Vo {2}:: Floating s0 (CDictCan)
                      [WD] $dOrd_a27Vp {2}:: Ord s0 (CDictCan)
                      [W] $dMetric_a27Vq {1}:: Metric s0 (CDictCan)
                      [WD] $dFractional_a27Vr {0}:: Fractional s0 (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {0}:: Num s0 (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {2}:: Eq s0 (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {2}:: RealFrac s0 (CDictCan)
                      [D] _ {2}:: Real s0 (CDictCan)
                      [WD] hole{co_a27Vk} {8}:: s0 ~ V2 (CNonCanonical)}
      Set limit with -fconstraint-solver-iterations=n; n=0 for no limit


I would probably be struggling with them for a lot longer, have I not found this awesome Stack
Overflow answer
from Daniel @bergey. In short, there is defined a type synonym like this:

type Back b = (V b ~ V2, N b ~ Double,
    Renderable (Path V2 Double) b, Renderable (Text Double) b)

dia2 :: Back b => Diagram b
dia2 = circle 1 # fc blue

I tried it and it actually solves all those type errors!

I understand that this type synonym only covers 2D back ends. But is it not nevertheless awesome?

I propose that type synonyms like this are included in Diagrams.Prelude and written about in the
awesome official manual.

Warn against GND for IsName

I just had a hard time debugging a problem here; the reason was that

newtype WordN = WordN Int deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Typeable, IsName)

did not make WordN 1 and 1 :: Int different names. The proper code would be

newtype WordN = WordN Int deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Typeable)
instance IsName

I think the documentation of IsName should comment on that, and maybe give the latter as the suggested way to have dedicated names.

space is not left for empty diagram when using e.g. hcat' with {sep = ... }

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on May 24, 2011, 10:09:35 PM UTC)

I was surprised today to find that

hcat' with {sep = 1} [square, mempty, square]


hcat' with {sep = 1} [square, square]

produce the same output. However, the first ought to produce two squares with two units of space between them: one unit between the first square and mempty, and one unit between mempty and the second square.

Freezing does not appear to work with the SVG backend

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on August 4, 2012, 05:52:42 PM UTC)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Install diagrams with the SVG backend
  2. Do the diagrams tutorial
  3. Be puzzled when you hit the Freezing section

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
"On the left is an untransformed circle drawn with a line 0.1 units thick. The next circle is a scaled version of the first: notice how the line thickness is the same. The third circle was produced by first freezing, then scaling the first circle, resulting in a line twice as thick. The last two circles illustrate a non-uniform scale applied to an unfrozen circle (which is drawn with a uniform line) and to a frozen one (in which the line gets thicker and thinner according to the non-uniform scale)."

Sadly the line thickness is the same between the frozen and unfrozen versions.

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
OSX Snow Leopard (10.6), newest diagrams (0.5).

Please provide any additional information below.
Discovered at hac-phi.

Function to extract matrix coefficients from a Transformation

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on April 29, 2012, 02:28:27 AM UTC)

The Transform module in diagrams-core ought to export function(s) for converting a Transformation into a matrix form. It's generally useful and not difficult. See the cairo backend for an example of how it's done for T2:

To make it work generically over the vector space requires a tiny bit more work -- i.e. get a list of basis vectors and then apply the transformation to them. Maybe it ought to result in a Map from basis vectors to result vectors, plus an extra vector representing translation.

We can then also put a specialized version for T2 (and for T3) into diagrams-lib.

"type instance V (Point v) = v" is not visible without explicit import.

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on January 23, 2012, 04:01:35 AM UTC)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Use GHC 7.2.1
  2. Write an expression which depends on V (Point (V a)) = V a, such as "transform (translation zeroV)"

Prelude Diagrams.Prelude> :t transform (translation zeroV) . P
transform (translation zeroV) . P
:: (Data.MemoTrie.HasTrie (Data.Basis.Basis a),
Data.MemoTrie.HasTrie (Data.Basis.Basis (V (Point a))),
Data.Basis.HasBasis a,
Data.Basis.HasBasis (V (Point a))) =>
a -> Point a
Prelude Diagrams.Prelude> :m + Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Points
Prelude Diagrams.Prelude Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Points> :t transform (translation zeroV) . P
transform (translation zeroV) . P
:: (Data.MemoTrie.HasTrie (Data.Basis.Basis a),
Data.Basis.HasBasis a) =>
a -> Point a

Add memoization to Envelopes

Currently, every time an Envelope is queried it has to do O(n) work (where n is the number of primitives) since it has to evaluate a tree of n-1 applications of max. Envelopes ought to be memoized to cut down on the asymptotic time needed to e.g. lay out a list of diagrams using cat.

Support for modifying named subdiagrams

Currently there is no functionality to let you modify a named subdiagram. The problem is that name maps are represented as just a finite map from names to subdiagrams---in particular the information about where a subdiagram sits within the tree corresponding to its parent diagram is not stored. One idea is to store along with each subdiagram the path from the root to the subdiagram. Modifying a given subdiagram is then just a matter of following the path into the tree, replacing the subdiagram, and rebuilding the spine of the tree (along upwards monoidal annotations) along the path. It seems like this should work in principle though there may be some trickiness involved that I haven't thought of.

Does not build against containers-

Today I tried to build diagrams-core with the dependency versions listed as lower bounds in the .cabal. Results below. Now I'm looking for some guidelines for deciding which versions to bump, and when to instead change the code to build with older versions.

My own feeling is that it's good to support the current version and at least one earlier; but supporting older versions is less important if the current version has been out a long time (vector-space) and more for frequent releases (semigroups).

  • containers- fails in semigroupoids
  • containers- doesn't work with TH, ghc-7.6.3; could try with ghc-7.4
  • semigroups-0.3.4 is incompatible with lens>=3.8; semigroups-0.8.4 builds
  • vector-space-0.8.4 builds
  • lens-3.8 works following today's commits (turned out to be very easy)

Containers is the only non-obvious one here. But I'd like general advice so I can do the same for diagrams-lib.

Allow specifying the "target" attribute for links in SVG elements

To make embedded hyperlinks (created via the href function) in an SVG clickable within a web page, the <object data="path-to-file.svg"> element must be used instead of the <img src="path-to-file.svg"> element. The links are not clickable if the <img> element is used, although if the SVG file is opened on its own in a new browser tab (outside of embedding in a HTML page), the links are clickable.

However, when using the <object> element, the SVG element exists in its own "iframe". If a hyperlink is clicked, only the iframe content changes, rather than navigating the root page to the link destination.

This behavior can be overridden with the target="_top" attribute (see StackOverflow answer). However, since I haven't seen a way to specify the target attribute via the diagrams API, I ended up modifying the <a> elements in the SVG dynamically when the page loads:

var svg_element = document.getElementById("my-svg-element");
var svg_document = svg_element.contentDocument;

var anchor_elements = svg_document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i=0; i<anchor_elements.length; i++) {
    anchor_elements[i].setAttribute("target", "_top");

Note that this dynamic solution does not work when testing locally, due to browser security policy; in Chrome, I observe the following error message:

Uncaught SecurityError: Failed to read the 'contentDocument' property from 'HTMLObjectElement': Blocked a frame with origin "null" from accessing a frame with origin "null". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

This can be bypassed by executing Google Chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files command-line option.

Named subdiagrams lose their names after being looked up

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

import           Diagrams.Prelude

aCircleNamedBob :: D R2
aCircleNamedBob = circle 1 # named "bob"

  = case lookupName "bob" aCircleNamedBob of
      Nothing -> error "this doesn't happen"
      Just c  -> getSub c

  = case lookupName "bob" whatIsTheNameOfThisCircle of
      Nothing  -> putStrLn "wah!"
      Just bob -> putStrLn "found bob"

main = itTurnsOutTheCircleAboveHasNoName

I would argue that the above program ought to print found bob, though I am open to other opinions. This bit me when building some animations via keyframing---the diagrams used to build the actual animation are looked-up subdiagrams, so one can no longer use frames of the animation as keyframes for building further animations (since there are no longer any names to match up).

Attributes aren't type safe

There's three different types of Attribute but all attributes can be used with the standard Attribute.

It's an easy mistake to wrap up an attribute incorrectly, I've seen (and done) it a few times. After spending over an hour debugging to find out splitAttr does this too I want this to be fixed :)

One way is to use data kinds:

data AttrKind = Attr | MAttr | TAttr

class AttributesClass where
  type AttrType :: AttrKind

applyAttribute :: (AttributeClass a, AttrType a ~ Attr, HasStyle d) => a -> d -> d
applyTAttribute :: (AttributeClass a, AttrType a ~ TAttr, HasStyle d) => a -> d -> d
atAttr :: (AttributeClass a, AttrType a ~ Attr) :: Lens' (Style v n) (Maybe a)

Terminology: rename "bounding function" -> "envelope"; "boundary function" -> "boundary"

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on November 13, 2011, 08:34:39 PM UTC)

I've never really liked the locution "bounding function", and now that Taejo is working on an implementation of "boundary functions" (to give you points actually on the boundary), the terminology situation looks quite dire. I propose renaming "bounding function" to "envelope" and calling the new "boundary function" just the "boundary".

Concretely, this would mean changing

  • The "Boundable" class to "Enveloped"
  • getBounds to getEnvelope, etc. etc.
  • Go through the tutorial and user manual and change every occurrence of the terminology

These changes would be annoying and tedious, but I fear otherwise users will just be confused. Suggestions for alternative names are also welcome.

PS and PDF backends silently fail / give bad output (diagrams 0.4) on os x lion

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on December 22, 2011, 12:13:00 AM UTC)

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. use the Dec 2011 haskell platform 64 bit release
  2. use mac homebrew to install gtk, cairo, etc
  3. cabal install all the gtk2hs, cairo (doesn't matter if the ps and pdf flags are included or not) dependencies
  4. cabal install diagrams
  5. try the very first example in the tutorial, drawing a circle. run the resulting executable on the command line, when given the png output file it will output a valid png with the desired shape. when given a .ps or .pdf output name, it will silently return an invalid ps/ pdf file (it looks like the cairo ff code is silently crashing or something while writing to the file)

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
0.4 , os x lion

Support for monoid-extras-


I tried to package diagrams-core in NixOS, but failed because we have updated to monoid-extras 0.3.x already, which diagrams-core doesn't support:

Building diagrams-core-
Preprocessing library diagrams-core-

    Could not find module `Data.Monoid.PosInf'
    Perhaps you meant Data.Monoid.Inf (from monoid-extras-
    Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.

Is there maybe a simple fix for this issue?

Problem installing diagrams with cabal...

Running cabal install diagrams fails with the following:

Resolving dependencies...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
trying: diagrams- (user goal)
trying: base- (dependency of diagrams-svg-
next goal: diagrams-contrib (dependency of diagrams-
rejecting: diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-1.3.0
(conflict: base==, diagrams-contrib => base>=4.2 &&
rejecting: diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-1.1.2, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-1.1.1, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-1.1, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-1.0,
diagrams-contrib-0.7, diagrams-contrib-0.6.1, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib-0.6, diagrams-contrib-, diagrams-contrib-,
diagrams-contrib- (conflict: diagrams => diagrams-contrib>=1.3 && <1.4)
Dependency tree exhaustively searched.

Is this something to do with the fact that I'm running the latest GHC (version 8.0.1 on OSX) ?
Any workarounds?

I got the 'hello-world' (drawing a unit-circle) program to work by using the stack build system instead (which picked the lts-6.2 & hence GHC version 7.10.3 by default)

A release with constraintskinds fix?

Could the (patch) release be made with that fix?

I made a revision for 1.4.1 so there aren't an install plan lens-4.16 and diagrams-1.4 for GHC-7.8/7.6 now. (other diagrams-core-1.4 versions have lens <4.16).

Remember more structure when building diagrams

(Imported from Original issue from [email protected] on April 2, 2011, 05:58:00 PM UTC)

Currently when composing diagrams, applying transformations, etc. we forget all structure and just flatten everything into a list of primitives paired with attributes. It would be much nicer to retain as much structure as possible, so we end up with a tree where leaves are primitives, and internal nodes correspond to composition of diagrams, transformations, or applications of attributes. The transformation and set of attributes corresponding to any particular leaf node can be reconstructed by computing an appropriate mconcat along the path from the root.

Benefits include:

  • the ability to "reach into" a diagram and alter subparts
  • better memory + time performance (composition and transformation are O(1) instead of O(n); no need to store duplicate copies of attributes with every primitive)
  • ability to handle transformed attributes correctly -- I don't think it can actually be done correctly otherwise.

Extracting things from Prim wrappers

We should look into adding a Typeable constraint, in order to be able to cast things out of Prim wrappers. On the one hand, one could argue that you "shouldn't do that" and that you could just write a backend... but that's probably a pretty weak argument (it's impossible to predict how people will want to use diagrams) and adding a Typeable constraint and some convenience functions for extracting primitives from diagrams wouldn't actually be very difficult.

Relevant IRC conversation:

(07:03) <  gordon88> Hi all!  let x = foobar :: Prim NullBackend R2.  I know it's a Path R2.  How do I extract the path from the Prim with an ordinary function?
(07:05) <  gordon88> writing a backend instance just for extracting the content of a primitive sounds insane to me
(07:09) <  gordon88> so I'd like to have something like a cast, is it possible in spite of the wall of typeclass-maddness that is going on?
(07:38) < fryguybob> gordon88: What are you doing that is forcing the type of foobar to be Prim?
(07:40) <  gordon88> foobar d = (prims d !! 0)   (but with a transform thrown in)
(07:41) < fryguybob> gordon88: Perhaps you could make the parameter d be something PathLike instead of a Diagram?
(07:42) <  gordon88> basically, would just like to map prims to a more deeply embedded format, suitable for further processing. I'll investigate that
(07:42) < fryguybob> gordon88: By the way we do want to allow for more interesting queries on diagrams that should let you extract specific parts of the diagram.
(07:43) < fryguybob> gordon88: If that is the case, perhaps you really do want to write a backend.
(07:43) < fryguybob> gordon88: It isn't too complicated.
(07:44) <  gordon88> yes, that's what I had to do and did.  but it's a bit insane
(07:45) <  gordon88> (conceptually really ugly imho)
(07:47) < fryguybob> gordon88: Sure.  I think we could provide some sort of  extractPaths :: Diagram b v -> Path v  which gives absolute paths in order and ignores the styles.

Improve description of Envelope in Haddock documentation

Currently, the explanation of Envelope in its Haddock documentation is horrible: it uses a bunch of math and then insults the reader. The reference to Galois connections should be taken out and the description improved to be more readable (while still being technically accurate). One starting point might be the explanation of envelopes in the monoids pearl.

Out of date git repo?

For diagrams-core:

  • Hackage's most recent version is
  • But Github's most recent version is 1.2

Is there a branch I should be looking at? Or another repo?

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