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php-stanford-corenlp-adapter's Issues

Adding annotators

FYI, if you are using Guzzle, then the code needs to be changed to this if you want to add specific annotators:

define('CURLPROPERTIES' , '"annotators":"ner","prettyPrint":"true"');

    $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
    $res = $client->request('POST', CURLURL.'?properties={'.CURLPROPERTIES.'}', [
        'body' => $text

`$sentence['parse']` not working

Hello i'm working on coreNLP adapter and i'm facing a problem with the function getTreeWithTokens where $parse = $sentence['parse']; is giving me Unidentified index.
I've made a var_dump on $sentence with the text " What fox say Hi bob how you " to see whats the problem i got these:
array(7) { ["index"]=> int(0) ["basicDependencies"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["governor"]=> int(0) ["governorGloss"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["dependent"]=> int(3) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "say" } [1]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "det" ["governor"]=> int(2) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" ["dependent"]=> int(1) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(4) "What" } [2]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "nsubj" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(2) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" } [3]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(9) "discourse" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(4) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(2) "Hi" } [4]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "ccomp" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(5) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" } [5]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(6) "advmod" ["governor"]=> int(7) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "you" ["dependent"]=> int(6) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "how" } [6]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "dep" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(7) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "you" } } ["enhancedDependencies"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["governor"]=> int(0) ["governorGloss"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["dependent"]=> int(3) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "say" } [1]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "det" ["governor"]=> int(2) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" ["dependent"]=> int(1) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(4) "What" } [2]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "nsubj" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(2) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" } [3]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(9) "discourse" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(4) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(2) "Hi" } [4]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "ccomp" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(5) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" } [5]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(6) "advmod" ["governor"]=> int(7) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "you" ["dependent"]=> int(6) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "how" } [6]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "dep" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(7) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "you" } } ["enhancedPlusPlusDependencies"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["governor"]=> int(0) ["governorGloss"]=> string(4) "ROOT" ["dependent"]=> int(3) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "say" } [1]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "det" ["governor"]=> int(2) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" ["dependent"]=> int(1) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(4) "What" } [2]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "nsubj" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(2) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "fox" } [3]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(9) "discourse" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(4) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(2) "Hi" } [4]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(5) "ccomp" ["governor"]=> int(3) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "say" ["dependent"]=> int(5) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" } [5]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(6) "advmod" ["governor"]=> int(7) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "you" ["dependent"]=> int(6) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "how" } [6]=> array(5) { ["dep"]=> string(3) "dep" ["governor"]=> int(5) ["governorGloss"]=> string(3) "bob" ["dependent"]=> int(7) ["dependentGloss"]=> string(3) "you" } } ["kbp"]=> array(0) { } ["entitymentions"]=> array(0) { } ["tokens"]=> array(7) { [0]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(1) ["word"]=> string(4) "What" ["originalText"]=> string(4) "What" ["lemma"]=> string(4) "what" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(0) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(4) ["pos"]=> string(3) "WDT" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(0) "" ["after"]=> string(1) " " } [1]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(2) ["word"]=> string(3) "fox" ["originalText"]=> string(3) "fox" ["lemma"]=> string(3) "fox" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(5) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(8) ["pos"]=> string(2) "NN" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(1) " " ["after"]=> string(1) " " } [2]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(3) ["word"]=> string(3) "say" ["originalText"]=> string(3) "say" ["lemma"]=> string(3) "say" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(9) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(12) ["pos"]=> string(3) "VBP" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(1) " " ["after"]=> string(5) " " } [3]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(4) ["word"]=> string(2) "Hi" ["originalText"]=> string(2) "Hi" ["lemma"]=> string(2) "hi" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(17) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(19) ["pos"]=> string(2) "UH" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(5) " " ["after"]=> string(1) " " } [4]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(5) ["word"]=> string(3) "bob" ["originalText"]=> string(3) "bob" ["lemma"]=> string(3) "bob" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(20) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(23) ["pos"]=> string(2) "NN" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(1) " " ["after"]=> string(2) " " } [5]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(6) ["word"]=> string(3) "how" ["originalText"]=> string(3) "how" ["lemma"]=> string(3) "how" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(25) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(28) ["pos"]=> string(3) "WRB" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(2) " " ["after"]=> string(1) " " } [6]=> array(11) { ["index"]=> int(7) ["word"]=> string(3) "you" ["originalText"]=> string(3) "you" ["lemma"]=> string(3) "you" ["characterOffsetBegin"]=> int(29) ["characterOffsetEnd"]=> int(32) ["pos"]=> string(3) "PRP" ["ner"]=> string(1) "O" ["speaker"]=> string(4) "PER0" ["before"]=> string(1) " " ["after"]=> string(1) " " } } }
the problem is that there's no ["parse"] section in the sentence in there a way to fix it?

How to submit parameters?

Hey there, great job this adapter!

for a first round, I'd like to simply use those parameters for OpenNLP:

-annotators tokenize,ssplit

How is it possible to make this happen via the CorenlpAdapter?

Problem: function OpenIE "long document"

hello Mr. Swart,

I am using functional OpenIE for English from your adapter, but when I enter a long English article, the following error occurred:

Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: POST http://localhost:9000/` resulted in a 500 Internal Server Error response: CoreNLP request timed out. Your document may be too long. in D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php:113 Stack trace: #0 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Middleware.php(65): GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException::create(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response)) #1 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\promises\src\Promise.php(203): GuzzleHttp\Middleware::GuzzleHttp{closure}(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response)) #2 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\promises\src\Promise.php(156): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::callHandler(1, Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response), Array) #3 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\promises\src\TaskQueue.php(47): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::GuzzleHttp\Promise{closure}() #4 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\prom in D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php on line 113`

so i have re-set the java server response time, like this:
java -mx8g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000

the following error occurred:

Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Error creating resource: [message] fopen(http://localhost:9000/): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! [file] D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\StreamHandler.php [line] 324 in D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\StreamHandler.php:252 Stack trace: #0 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\StreamHandler.php(335): GuzzleHttp\Handler\StreamHandler->createResource(Object(Closure)) #1 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\StreamHandler.php(52): GuzzleHttp\Handler\StreamHandler->createStream(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Array) #2 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\PrepareBodyMiddleware.php(66): GuzzleHttp\Handler\StreamHandler->__invoke(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Array) #3 D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Middleware.php(30): GuzzleHttp\PrepareBodyMiddleware->__invoke(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Array) # in D:\Apache24\htdocs\stanford1\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Exception\RequestException.php on line 52

**how can i solve this problem?

Thank you and best regards**


Error composer update (windows 10)

Hello Mr. Swart

there ist a problem, wenn i enter "composer update",

Root package 'dennis-de-swart/php-stanford-corenlp-adapter' cannot require itself in its composer.json
Did you accidentally name your root package after an external package?

How can i Solve this problem.

thank you very much


[] operator not supported for strings

I am running

$coreNLP = new CorenlpAdapter();
$text1 = 'I will meet Mary in New York at 10pm';
$ouput = $coreNLP->getOutput($text1);

Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings in /stanford/vendor/dennis-de-swart/php-stanford-corenlp-adapter/src/CoreNLP/CorenlpAdapter.php:106 Stack trace: #0 /home/solvecastmz/public_html/stanford/example.php(18): CorenlpAdapter->getOutput('I will meet Mar...') #1 {main} thrown in /home/solvecastmz/public_html/stanford/vendor/dennis-de-swart/php-stanford-corenlp-adapter/src/CoreNLP/CorenlpAdapter.php on line 106

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