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php-barcode's People


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php-barcode's Issues

locales problem. results depend on chosen OS keyboard layout.

I'm not sure if this is a general thing with barcodes. When I generate a barcode for "123/456" and read it with my barcode reader on an OS with the keyboard layout set to German, I get "123-456".

On the German keyboard there's a hyphen instead of the slash on the key to the left of the right shift key.

So do the barcodes actually encode keyboard codes instead of characters?

Weird String Appearance

I'm using CodeIgniter for my project, and I put this code under Controller as a function like this :

public function barcode($barcode_data)
// print_r($this->input->get());
* Author David S. Tufts
* Company
* Date: 05/25/2003
* Usage: testing
// For demonstration purposes, get pararameters that are passed in through $_GET or set to the default value
$filepath = (!empty($barcode_data["filepath"])?$barcode_data["filepath"]:"");
$text = (!empty($barcode_data["text"])?$barcode_data["text"]:"0");
$size = (!empty($barcode_data["size"])?$barcode_data["size"]:"20");
$orientation = (!empty($barcode_data["orientation"])?$barcode_data["orientation"]:"horizontal");
$code_type = (!empty($barcode_data["codetype"])?$barcode_data["codetype"]:"code128");
$print = (!empty($barcode_data["print"])&&$barcode_data["print"]=='true'?true:false);
$sizefactor = (!empty($barcode_data["sizefactor"])?$barcode_data["sizefactor"]:"1");

	// This function call can be copied into your project and can be made from anywhere in your code
	$this->barcode_generator( $filepath, $text, $size, $orientation, $code_type, $print, $sizefactor );

public function barcode_generator( $filepath="", $text="0", $size="20", $orientation="horizontal", $code_type="code128", $print=false, $SizeFactor=1 )
	$code_string = "";
	// Translate the $text into barcode the correct $code_type
	if ( in_array(strtolower($code_type), array("code128", "code128b")) ) {
		$chksum = 104;
		// Must not change order of array elements as the checksum depends on the array's key to validate final code
		$code_array = array(" "=>"212222","!"=>"222122","\""=>"222221","#"=>"121223","$"=>"121322","%"=>"131222","&"=>"122213","'"=>"122312","("=>"132212",")"=>"221213","*"=>"221312","+"=>"231212",","=>"112232","-"=>"122132","."=>"122231","/"=>"113222","0"=>"123122","1"=>"123221","2"=>"223211","3"=>"221132","4"=>"221231","5"=>"213212","6"=>"223112","7"=>"312131","8"=>"311222","9"=>"321122",":"=>"321221",";"=>"312212","<"=>"322112","="=>"322211",">"=>"212123","?"=>"212321","@"=>"232121","A"=>"111323","B"=>"131123","C"=>"131321","D"=>"112313","E"=>"132113","F"=>"132311","G"=>"211313","H"=>"231113","I"=>"231311","J"=>"112133","K"=>"112331","L"=>"132131","M"=>"113123","N"=>"113321","O"=>"133121","P"=>"313121","Q"=>"211331","R"=>"231131","S"=>"213113","T"=>"213311","U"=>"213131","V"=>"311123","W"=>"311321","X"=>"331121","Y"=>"312113","Z"=>"312311","["=>"332111","\\"=>"314111","]"=>"221411","^"=>"431111","_"=>"111224","\`"=>"111422","a"=>"121124","b"=>"121421","c"=>"141122","d"=>"141221","e"=>"112214","f"=>"112412","g"=>"122114","h"=>"122411","i"=>"142112","j"=>"142211","k"=>"241211","l"=>"221114","m"=>"413111","n"=>"241112","o"=>"134111","p"=>"111242","q"=>"121142","r"=>"121241","s"=>"114212","t"=>"124112","u"=>"124211","v"=>"411212","w"=>"421112","x"=>"421211","y"=>"212141","z"=>"214121","{"=>"412121","|"=>"111143","}"=>"111341","~"=>"131141","DEL"=>"114113","FNC 3"=>"114311","FNC 2"=>"411113","SHIFT"=>"411311","CODE C"=>"113141","FNC 4"=>"114131","CODE A"=>"311141","FNC 1"=>"411131","Start A"=>"211412","Start B"=>"211214","Start C"=>"211232","Stop"=>"2331112");
		$code_keys = array_keys($code_array);
		$code_values = array_flip($code_keys);
		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			$activeKey = substr( $text, ($X-1), 1);
			$code_string .= $code_array[$activeKey];
			$chksum=($chksum + ($code_values[$activeKey] * $X));
		$code_string .= $code_array[$code_keys[($chksum - (intval($chksum / 103) * 103))]];

		$code_string = "211214" . $code_string . "2331112";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code128a" ) {
		$chksum = 103;
		$text = strtoupper($text); // Code 128A doesn't support lower case
		// Must not change order of array elements as the checksum depends on the array's key to validate final code
		$code_array = array(" "=>"212222","!"=>"222122","\""=>"222221","#"=>"121223","$"=>"121322","%"=>"131222","&"=>"122213","'"=>"122312","("=>"132212",")"=>"221213","*"=>"221312","+"=>"231212",","=>"112232","-"=>"122132","."=>"122231","/"=>"113222","0"=>"123122","1"=>"123221","2"=>"223211","3"=>"221132","4"=>"221231","5"=>"213212","6"=>"223112","7"=>"312131","8"=>"311222","9"=>"321122",":"=>"321221",";"=>"312212","<"=>"322112","="=>"322211",">"=>"212123","?"=>"212321","@"=>"232121","A"=>"111323","B"=>"131123","C"=>"131321","D"=>"112313","E"=>"132113","F"=>"132311","G"=>"211313","H"=>"231113","I"=>"231311","J"=>"112133","K"=>"112331","L"=>"132131","M"=>"113123","N"=>"113321","O"=>"133121","P"=>"313121","Q"=>"211331","R"=>"231131","S"=>"213113","T"=>"213311","U"=>"213131","V"=>"311123","W"=>"311321","X"=>"331121","Y"=>"312113","Z"=>"312311","["=>"332111","\\"=>"314111","]"=>"221411","^"=>"431111","_"=>"111224","NUL"=>"111422","SOH"=>"121124","STX"=>"121421","ETX"=>"141122","EOT"=>"141221","ENQ"=>"112214","ACK"=>"112412","BEL"=>"122114","BS"=>"122411","HT"=>"142112","LF"=>"142211","VT"=>"241211","FF"=>"221114","CR"=>"413111","SO"=>"241112","SI"=>"134111","DLE"=>"111242","DC1"=>"121142","DC2"=>"121241","DC3"=>"114212","DC4"=>"124112","NAK"=>"124211","SYN"=>"411212","ETB"=>"421112","CAN"=>"421211","EM"=>"212141","SUB"=>"214121","ESC"=>"412121","FS"=>"111143","GS"=>"111341","RS"=>"131141","US"=>"114113","FNC 3"=>"114311","FNC 2"=>"411113","SHIFT"=>"411311","CODE C"=>"113141","CODE B"=>"114131","FNC 4"=>"311141","FNC 1"=>"411131","Start A"=>"211412","Start B"=>"211214","Start C"=>"211232","Stop"=>"2331112");
		$code_keys = array_keys($code_array);
		$code_values = array_flip($code_keys);
		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			$activeKey = substr( $text, ($X-1), 1);
			$code_string .= $code_array[$activeKey];
			$chksum=($chksum + ($code_values[$activeKey] * $X));
		$code_string .= $code_array[$code_keys[($chksum - (intval($chksum / 103) * 103))]];

		$code_string = "211412" . $code_string . "2331112";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code39" ) {
		$code_array = array("0"=>"111221211","1"=>"211211112","2"=>"112211112","3"=>"212211111","4"=>"111221112","5"=>"211221111","6"=>"112221111","7"=>"111211212","8"=>"211211211","9"=>"112211211","A"=>"211112112","B"=>"112112112","C"=>"212112111","D"=>"111122112","E"=>"211122111","F"=>"112122111","G"=>"111112212","H"=>"211112211","I"=>"112112211","J"=>"111122211","K"=>"211111122","L"=>"112111122","M"=>"212111121","N"=>"111121122","O"=>"211121121","P"=>"112121121","Q"=>"111111222","R"=>"211111221","S"=>"112111221","T"=>"111121221","U"=>"221111112","V"=>"122111112","W"=>"222111111","X"=>"121121112","Y"=>"221121111","Z"=>"122121111","-"=>"121111212","."=>"221111211"," "=>"122111211","$"=>"121212111","/"=>"121211121","+"=>"121112121","%"=>"111212121","*"=>"121121211");

		// Convert to uppercase
		$upper_text = strtoupper($text);

		for ( $X = 1; $X<=strlen($upper_text); $X++ ) {
			$code_string .= $code_array[substr( $upper_text, ($X-1), 1)] . "1";

		$code_string = "1211212111" . $code_string . "121121211";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code25" ) {
		$code_array1 = array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0");
		$code_array2 = array("3-1-1-1-3","1-3-1-1-3","3-3-1-1-1","1-1-3-1-3","3-1-3-1-1","1-3-3-1-1","1-1-1-3-3","3-1-1-3-1","1-3-1-3-1","1-1-3-3-1");

		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			for ( $Y = 0; $Y < count($code_array1); $Y++ ) {
				if ( substr($text, ($X-1), 1) == $code_array1[$Y] )
					$temp[$X] = $code_array2[$Y];

		for ( $X=1; $X<=strlen($text); $X+=2 ) {
			if ( isset($temp[$X]) && isset($temp[($X + 1)]) ) {
				$temp1 = explode( "-", $temp[$X] );
				$temp2 = explode( "-", $temp[($X + 1)] );
				for ( $Y = 0; $Y < count($temp1); $Y++ )
					$code_string .= $temp1[$Y] . $temp2[$Y];

		$code_string = "1111" . $code_string . "311";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "codabar" ) {
		$code_array1 = array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","$",":","/",".","+","A","B","C","D");
		$code_array2 = array("1111221","1112112","2211111","1121121","2111121","1211112","1211211","1221111","2112111","1111122","1112211","1122111","2111212","2121112","2121211","1121212","1122121","1212112","1112122","1112221");

		// Convert to uppercase
		$upper_text = strtoupper($text);

		for ( $X = 1; $X<=strlen($upper_text); $X++ ) {
			for ( $Y = 0; $Y<count($code_array1); $Y++ ) {
				if ( substr($upper_text, ($X-1), 1) == $code_array1[$Y] )
					$code_string .= $code_array2[$Y] . "1";
		$code_string = "11221211" . $code_string . "1122121";

	// Pad the edges of the barcode
	$code_length = 20;
	if ($print) {
		$text_height = 30;
	} else {
		$text_height = 0;
	for ( $i=1; $i <= strlen($code_string); $i++ ){
		$code_length = $code_length + (integer)(substr($code_string,($i-1),1));

	if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" ) {
		$img_width = $code_length*$SizeFactor;
		$img_height = $size;
	} else {
		$img_width = $size;
		$img_height = $code_length*$SizeFactor;

	$image = imagecreate($img_width, $img_height + $text_height);
	$black = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0);
	$white = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);

	imagefill( $image, 0, 0, $white );
	if ( $print ) {
		imagestring($image, 5, 31, $img_height, $text, $black );

	$location = 10;
	for ( $position = 1 ; $position <= strlen($code_string); $position++ ) {
		$cur_size = $location + ( substr($code_string, ($position-1), 1) );
		if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" )
			imagefilledrectangle( $image, $location*$SizeFactor, 0, $cur_size*$SizeFactor, $img_height, ($position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black) );
			imagefilledrectangle( $image, 0, $location*$SizeFactor, $img_width, $cur_size*$SizeFactor, ($position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black) );
		$location = $cur_size;
	// Draw barcode to the screen or save in a file
	// if ( $filepath=="" ) {
	// 	header ('Content-type: image/png');
	// 	imagepng($image);
	// 	imagedestroy($image);
	// } else {
	// 	imagepng($image,$filepath);
	// 	imagedestroy($image);		
	// }

	return "<img src=".imagepng($image)."/>";

	// return imagepng($image);
	// imagedestroy($image);


and I call the function like this :
$barcode_data = [ 'filepath' => null, 'text' => '1234567', 'size' => 60, 'orientation' => null, 'code_type' => 'code128', 'print' => true, 'sizefactor' => null ]; $barcode = $this->barcode($barcode_data);

and used it in here

Please Save This Code

<'img' src='$barcode_text' width="20%" />

why is it showing weird string like this

Barcode scratchy display

barcode issues


I am experiencing issues with the bar code generator output on certain bar codes, not all.

Is there a fix to the improper display of bar code? Not sure why this is happening.

Any help will be much appreciated!


Code128 machine didn't capture the barcode at all

Hi! Code 128 doesn't match with universal barcode maker and I was using a barcode reader machine for code 128 and it only capture the given barcode image by universal barcode maker software. Please check the attachment, there is a significant difference between both barcode [check the red mark section in image] for same data. one is from "php-barcode" and another one is from "universal barcode maker".


show text

hi how can show the text down the barcode

Incorrectly encoded strings

I am finding on rare occasions that the encoded result does not match the input string. Example encountered today was:


Resulting string read from the barcode by a Datalogic QBT2400 scanner was 'kqk&'. I have tried each of the encodings, though the scanner appears not to be able to read any other than the code128* family, all of which appear to suffer the same issue.

Adjust Barcode Width Resolution

This is an awesome plugin that took no time to implement, and I'll be giving it a test later to see if it works as expected (in terms of the scanners reading the barcode properly, not so much the barcode itself not being correct).

I do have a question, though: Is there a way to change the width of the barcode?

I'm using this in an application developed to be used solely from a mobile phone. I have quite a high-resolution screen (1440px wide), but even for the 720px screen, it would be nice to widen it so that it remains clear and scanner-readable.

For the time being, I'm just resizing the image to fit 95% of the screen, but if there is a way to do it in code so it renders sharply, that'd be better.


Vertical barcode not showing text

Originally by Abbas on here is the updated code, may need to merge this.


 *  Author	David S. Tufts
 *  Company
 *  Date:	05/25/2003
 *  Usage:	<img src="/barcode.php?text=testing" alt="testing" />

// For demonstration purposes, get pararameters that are passed in through $_GET or set to the default value
$filepath = (isset($_GET["filepath"])?$_GET["filepath"]:"");
$text = (isset($_GET["text"])?$_GET["text"]:"0");
$size = (isset($_GET["size"])?$_GET["size"]:"20");
$orientation = (isset($_GET["orientation"])?$_GET["orientation"]:"horizontal");
$code_type = (isset($_GET["codetype"])?$_GET["codetype"]:"code128");
$print = (isset($_GET["print"])&&$_GET["print"]=='true'?true:false);

// This function call can be copied into your project and can be made from anywhere in your code
barcode( $filepath, $text, $size, $orientation, $code_type, $print );

function barcode( $filepath="", $text="0", $size="30", $orientation="horizontal", $code_type="code128", $print=false ) {
	$code_string = "";
	// Translate the $text into barcode the correct $code_type
	if ( in_array(strtolower($code_type), array("code128", "code128b")) ) {
		$chksum = 104;
		// Must not change order of array elements as the checksum depends on the array's key to validate final code
		$code_array = array(" "=>"212222","!"=>"222122","\""=>"222221","#"=>"121223","$"=>"121322","%"=>"131222","&"=>"122213","'"=>"122312","("=>"132212",")"=>"221213","*"=>"221312","+"=>"231212",","=>"112232","-"=>"122132","."=>"122231","/"=>"113222","0"=>"123122","1"=>"123221","2"=>"223211","3"=>"221132","4"=>"221231","5"=>"213212","6"=>"223112","7"=>"312131","8"=>"311222","9"=>"321122",":"=>"321221",";"=>"312212","<"=>"322112","="=>"322211",">"=>"212123","?"=>"212321","@"=>"232121","A"=>"111323","B"=>"131123","C"=>"131321","D"=>"112313","E"=>"132113","F"=>"132311","G"=>"211313","H"=>"231113","I"=>"231311","J"=>"112133","K"=>"112331","L"=>"132131","M"=>"113123","N"=>"113321","O"=>"133121","P"=>"313121","Q"=>"211331","R"=>"231131","S"=>"213113","T"=>"213311","U"=>"213131","V"=>"311123","W"=>"311321","X"=>"331121","Y"=>"312113","Z"=>"312311","["=>"332111","\\"=>"314111","]"=>"221411","^"=>"431111","_"=>"111224","\`"=>"111422","a"=>"121124","b"=>"121421","c"=>"141122","d"=>"141221","e"=>"112214","f"=>"112412","g"=>"122114","h"=>"122411","i"=>"142112","j"=>"142211","k"=>"241211","l"=>"221114","m"=>"413111","n"=>"241112","o"=>"134111","p"=>"111242","q"=>"121142","r"=>"121241","s"=>"114212","t"=>"124112","u"=>"124211","v"=>"411212","w"=>"421112","x"=>"421211","y"=>"212141","z"=>"214121","{"=>"412121","|"=>"111143","}"=>"111341","~"=>"131141","DEL"=>"114113","FNC 3"=>"114311","FNC 2"=>"411113","SHIFT"=>"411311","CODE C"=>"113141","FNC 4"=>"114131","CODE A"=>"311141","FNC 1"=>"411131","Start A"=>"211412","Start B"=>"211214","Start C"=>"211232","Stop"=>"2331112");
		$code_keys = array_keys($code_array);
		$code_values = array_flip($code_keys);
		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			$activeKey = substr( $text, ($X-1), 1);
			$code_string .= $code_array[$activeKey];
			$chksum=($chksum + ($code_values[$activeKey] * $X));
		$code_string .= $code_array[$code_keys[($chksum - (intval($chksum / 103) * 103))]];

		$code_string = "211214" . $code_string . "2331112";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code128a" ) {
		$chksum = 103;
		$text = strtoupper($text); // Code 128A doesn't support lower case
		// Must not change order of array elements as the checksum depends on the array's key to validate final code
		$code_array = array(" "=>"212222","!"=>"222122","\""=>"222221","#"=>"121223","$"=>"121322","%"=>"131222","&"=>"122213","'"=>"122312","("=>"132212",")"=>"221213","*"=>"221312","+"=>"231212",","=>"112232","-"=>"122132","."=>"122231","/"=>"113222","0"=>"123122","1"=>"123221","2"=>"223211","3"=>"221132","4"=>"221231","5"=>"213212","6"=>"223112","7"=>"312131","8"=>"311222","9"=>"321122",":"=>"321221",";"=>"312212","<"=>"322112","="=>"322211",">"=>"212123","?"=>"212321","@"=>"232121","A"=>"111323","B"=>"131123","C"=>"131321","D"=>"112313","E"=>"132113","F"=>"132311","G"=>"211313","H"=>"231113","I"=>"231311","J"=>"112133","K"=>"112331","L"=>"132131","M"=>"113123","N"=>"113321","O"=>"133121","P"=>"313121","Q"=>"211331","R"=>"231131","S"=>"213113","T"=>"213311","U"=>"213131","V"=>"311123","W"=>"311321","X"=>"331121","Y"=>"312113","Z"=>"312311","["=>"332111","\\"=>"314111","]"=>"221411","^"=>"431111","_"=>"111224","NUL"=>"111422","SOH"=>"121124","STX"=>"121421","ETX"=>"141122","EOT"=>"141221","ENQ"=>"112214","ACK"=>"112412","BEL"=>"122114","BS"=>"122411","HT"=>"142112","LF"=>"142211","VT"=>"241211","FF"=>"221114","CR"=>"413111","SO"=>"241112","SI"=>"134111","DLE"=>"111242","DC1"=>"121142","DC2"=>"121241","DC3"=>"114212","DC4"=>"124112","NAK"=>"124211","SYN"=>"411212","ETB"=>"421112","CAN"=>"421211","EM"=>"212141","SUB"=>"214121","ESC"=>"412121","FS"=>"111143","GS"=>"111341","RS"=>"131141","US"=>"114113","FNC 3"=>"114311","FNC 2"=>"411113","SHIFT"=>"411311","CODE C"=>"113141","CODE B"=>"114131","FNC 4"=>"311141","FNC 1"=>"411131","Start A"=>"211412","Start B"=>"211214","Start C"=>"211232","Stop"=>"2331112");
		$code_keys = array_keys($code_array);
		$code_values = array_flip($code_keys);
		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			$activeKey = substr( $text, ($X-1), 1);
			$code_string .= $code_array[$activeKey];
			$chksum=($chksum + ($code_values[$activeKey] * $X));
		$code_string .= $code_array[$code_keys[($chksum - (intval($chksum / 103) * 103))]];

		$code_string = "211412" . $code_string . "2331112";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code39" ) {
		$code_array = array("0"=>"111221211","1"=>"211211112","2"=>"112211112","3"=>"212211111","4"=>"111221112","5"=>"211221111","6"=>"112221111","7"=>"111211212","8"=>"211211211","9"=>"112211211","A"=>"211112112","B"=>"112112112","C"=>"212112111","D"=>"111122112","E"=>"211122111","F"=>"112122111","G"=>"111112212","H"=>"211112211","I"=>"112112211","J"=>"111122211","K"=>"211111122","L"=>"112111122","M"=>"212111121","N"=>"111121122","O"=>"211121121","P"=>"112121121","Q"=>"111111222","R"=>"211111221","S"=>"112111221","T"=>"111121221","U"=>"221111112","V"=>"122111112","W"=>"222111111","X"=>"121121112","Y"=>"221121111","Z"=>"122121111","-"=>"121111212","."=>"221111211"," "=>"122111211","$"=>"121212111","/"=>"121211121","+"=>"121112121","%"=>"111212121","*"=>"121121211");

		// Convert to uppercase
		$upper_text = strtoupper($text);

		for ( $X = 1; $X<=strlen($upper_text); $X++ ) {
			$code_string .= $code_array[substr( $upper_text, ($X-1), 1)] . "1";

		$code_string = "1211212111" . $code_string . "121121211";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "code25" ) {
		$code_array1 = array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0");
		$code_array2 = array("3-1-1-1-3","1-3-1-1-3","3-3-1-1-1","1-1-3-1-3","3-1-3-1-1","1-3-3-1-1","1-1-1-3-3","3-1-1-3-1","1-3-1-3-1","1-1-3-3-1");

		for ( $X = 1; $X <= strlen($text); $X++ ) {
			for ( $Y = 0; $Y < count($code_array1); $Y++ ) {
				if ( substr($text, ($X-1), 1) == $code_array1[$Y] )
					$temp[$X] = $code_array2[$Y];

		for ( $X=1; $X<=strlen($text); $X+=2 ) {
			if ( isset($temp[$X]) && isset($temp[($X + 1)]) ) {
				$temp1 = explode( "-", $temp[$X] );
				$temp2 = explode( "-", $temp[($X + 1)] );
				for ( $Y = 0; $Y < count($temp1); $Y++ )
					$code_string .= $temp1[$Y] . $temp2[$Y];

		$code_string = "1111" . $code_string . "311";
	} elseif ( strtolower($code_type) == "codabar" ) {
		$code_array1 = array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","-","$",":","/",".","+","A","B","C","D");
		$code_array2 = array("1111221","1112112","2211111","1121121","2111121","1211112","1211211","1221111","2112111","1111122","1112211","1122111","2111212","2121112","2121211","1121212","1122121","1212112","1112122","1112221");

		// Convert to uppercase
		$upper_text = strtoupper($text);

		for ( $X = 1; $X<=strlen($upper_text); $X++ ) {
			for ( $Y = 0; $Y<count($code_array1); $Y++ ) {
				if ( substr($upper_text, ($X-1), 1) == $code_array1[$Y] )
					$code_string .= $code_array2[$Y] . "1";
		$code_string = "11221211" . $code_string . "1122121";

	// Pad the edges of the barcode
	$code_length = 20;
	if ($print) {
		if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" ) {
			$text_width = 0;
			$text_height = 20;
			$text_width = 20;
			$text_height = 0;
	} else {
		$text_width = 0;
		$text_height = 0;
	for ( $i=1; $i <= strlen($code_string); $i++ ){
		$code_length += (integer)(substr($code_string,($i-1),1));

	if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" ) {
		$img_width = $code_length;
		$img_height = $size;
	} else {
		$img_width = $size;
		$img_height = $code_length;

	$image = imagecreate($img_width + $text_width, $img_height + $text_height);
	$black = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0);
	$white = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255);

	imagefill( $image, 0, 0, $white );
	if ( $print ) {
		if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" ) {
			imagestring($image, 5, 31, $img_height, $text, $black );
		}else if ( strtolower($orientation) == "vertical" ) {
			imagestringup ( $image, 2, $img_width, $img_height-40, $text, $black );
	$location = 10;
	for ( $position = 1 ; $position <= strlen($code_string); $position++ ) {
		$cur_size = $location + ( substr($code_string, ($position-1), 1) );
		if ( strtolower($orientation) == "horizontal" )
			imagefilledrectangle( $image, $location, 0, $cur_size, $img_height, ($position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black) );
			imagefilledrectangle( $image, 0, $location, $img_width, $cur_size,  ($position % 2 == 0 ? $white : $black) );
		$location = $cur_size;
	// Draw barcode to the screen or save in a file
	if ( $filepath=="" || $filepath==null ) {
		header ('Content-type: image/png');


How can i use CR in barcode Code 128??

i want to use carry return in my barcode. but i don't know how to use it.
i try to use \r ,\n ,CR,%0D,%0A,chr(13) but result is wrong.

<img alt="testing" src="http://localhost/php-barcode/barcode.php?text=|1234436775\r43255\r3000&print=true" />
help me please.
thank you.

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