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Modernize SharePoint Applications

This repository contains generally applicable solutions and patterns to modernize SharePoint on-premises customizations for hosting in Microsoft 365 and Azure.

Note regarding Azure Logic Apps and Power Automate

Power Automate is built upon the Azure Logic Apps platform. Power Automate is targeted for Microsoft 365 users while Azure Logic Apps is targeted as a fully-featured Azure serverless platform-as-a-serivce (PaaS) offering. Connectors are typically available for both Azure Logic Apps and Power Automate, with few exceptions. Both platforms share a common set of expression syntax and functions. Therefore, most of the content in this repository will refer only to Azure Logic Apps for simplicity and brevity. When Azure Logic Apps is referenced, one can safely assume that the reference applies to both Azure Logic Apps and Power Automate interchangably. In cases where this is untrue, that will be noted as needed.

Solutions and Patterns

Load more than 10k items

Clear(gloAllItems); With( { wSets: With( { wLimits: With( { wLimit: Sort(Filter(ContractMasterData, Ticket_Contract = "Ticket", Status = "Review by Legal", LegalEmail = User().Email),SubID,Descending) }, RoundDown((First(wLimit).SubID) / 2000,0) + 1 ) }, Set(test, wLimits); AddColumns( RenameColumns( Sequence( wLimits, 0, 2000 ), "Value", "LowID" ), "HighID", LowID + 2000 ) ) }, Set(test1,wSets); ForAll( wSets As MaxMin, Collect( gloAllItems, Filter( ContractMasterData, SubID > MaxMin.LowID && SubID <= MaxMin.HighID, Ticket_Contract = "Ticket", Status = "Review by Legal", LegalEmail = User().Email ) ) ) ); ClearCollect(gloGalleryItems, gloAllItems)

Define global variable for display & hide variable

Clear(gloAllItems); With( { wSets: With( { wLimits: With( { wLimit: Sort( Contacts, SubID, Descending ) }, RoundDown( (First(wLimit).SubID) / 2000, 0 ) + 1 ) }, Set(test, wLimits); AddColumns( RenameColumns( Sequence( wLimits, 0, 2000 ), "Value", "LowID" ), "HighID", LowID + 2000 ) ) }, Set(test1,wSets); ForAll( wSets As MaxMin, Collect( gloAllItems, Filter( Contacts, SubID > MaxMin.LowID && SubID <= MaxMin.HighID ) ) ) ); ClearCollect(gloDisplayAllItems, gloAllItems);

Load 10k items using created

ClearCollect(test, TestOL2); UpdateContext({CountItems: (First(SortByColumns(TestOL2, "ID", SortOrder.Descending)).ID - First(TestOL2).ID)/2000}); ForAll( Sequence(Round(CountItems, 0)), Collect(test, Filter(TestOL2, Created >= Last(test).Created)) ); ClearCollect(test1, ForAll(Distinct(test, LookUp(test, ID = ThisRecord.ID)), Value));

Check blank for combobox

Filter( ContactsResend, StartsWith(Name, TextInput5_6.Text) || StartsWith(Code, TextInput5_6.Text) || StartsWith(CustomerName, TextInput5_6.Text), ComboBox3_7.Selected.Result = Status || IsBlank(ComboBox3_7.Selected.Result) )

thay vì If( IsBlank(ComboBox3_7.Selected.Result), ContactsResend, Filter( ContactsResend, StartsWith(Name, TextInput5_6.Text) || StartsWith(Code, TextInput5_6.Text) || StartsWith(CustomerName, TextInput5_6.Text), ComboBox3_7.Selected.Result = Status || IsBlank(ComboBox3_7.Selected.Result) ) )


UpdateContext({gloRefresh:false});UpdateContext({gloRefresh:true}) ON onvisible

Filter( ErrorCustomer, ComboBox3_4.Selected.Value = Title || IsBlank(ComboBox3_4.Selected.Value), StartsWith(CustomerName, TextInput5_3.Text) || StartsWith(Email, TextInput5_3.Text), Created >= DatePicker1.SelectedDate && Created <= DatePicker1_1.SelectedDate, gloRefresh )


Set( varSeq, RoundUp( CountRows( Filter( 'Activity Driver Mappings', 'Activity Driver ID'.'Activity Driver Name' = DataCardValue7.Text ) ) / 2000, 0 ) ); ForAll( Sequence(varSeq), UpdateIf( 'Activity Driver Mappings', 'Activity Driver ID'.'Activity Driver Name' = DataCardValue7.Text, {'Activity Driver ID': ComboBox1.Selected} ); Refresh('Activity Driver Mappings'); )


UpdateContext({locGetMemberID: MicrosoftEntraID.GetUser(cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.UserPrincipalName).id}); If( !IsBlank(cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.SelectedItems) And IsBlank( LookUp( colAppUserPermission, mail = cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail ).mail ) And IsBlank( LookUp( colAddMember, mail = cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail ).mail ), IfError( MicrosoftEntraID.AddUserToGroup( gblSecurityGroup, locGetMemberID ), Notify( If( !IsBlank( First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Error Adding Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation ), First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Error Adding Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation, First( Filter( colDvDefaultLocalizations, Key = "Error Adding Notify Msg" ) ).Translation ) & " " & cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail & ". " & If( !IsBlank( First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Contact Site Super Admin Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation ), First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Contact Site Super Admin Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation, First( Filter( colDvDefaultLocalizations, Key = "Contact Site Super Admin Notify Msg" ) ).Translation ), NotificationType.Error, 3000 ), Notify( cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail & " " & If( !IsBlank( First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Add Member Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation ), First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Add Member Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation, First( Filter( colDvDefaultLocalizations, Key = "Add Member Notify Msg" ) ).Translation ), NotificationType.Success, 1000 ); Collect( colAddMember, { mail: cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail, displayName: cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.DisplayName, userPrincipalName: cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.UserPrincipalName } ) ), If( !IsBlank( LookUp( colAppUserPermission, mail = cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail ).mail ) Or !IsBlank( LookUp( colAddMember, mail = cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail ).mail ), Notify( cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember.Selected.Mail & " " & If( !IsBlank( First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Member Exist Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation ), First( Filter( colDvLocalizations, Key = "Member Exist Notify Msg" And Language = gblLanguage ) ).Translation, First( Filter( colDvDefaultLocalizations, Key = "Member Exist Notify Msg" ) ).Translation ), NotificationType.Warning, 2000 ) ) ); Reset(cmb_SiteSuperAdminSettings_PermissionsSearchNewMember); ClearCollect( colADGroupMembers, Office365Groups.ListGroupMembers(gblSecurityGroup).value );


Concurrent(    Set(glo_AccountsFirstItemID, First('2.1. Accounts').ID),    Set(glo_AccountsLastItemID, First(SortByColumns('2.1. Accounts', "ID", SortOrder.Descending)).ID),    Clear(col_AccountMaxMin) ); ForAll(    If(        glo_AccountsLastItemID = glo_AccountsFirstItemID,        Sequence(1),        Sequence(RoundUp((glo_AccountsLastItemID -  glo_AccountsFirstItemID)/2000, 0))    ),    If(        CountRows(col_AccountMaxMin) = 0,        Collect(col_AccountMaxMin,{Min: glo_AccountsFirstItemID, Max: glo_AccountsFirstItemID-1+2000}),        Collect(col_AccountMaxMin,{Min: Last(col_AccountMaxMin).Max+1, Max: 2000+Last(col_AccountMaxMin).Max})    ) ); Concurrent(    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account1, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,1).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,1).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account2, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,2).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,2).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account3, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,3).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,3).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account4, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,4).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,4).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account5, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,5).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,5).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account6, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,6).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,6).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account7, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,7).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,7).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account8, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,8).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,8).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account9, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,9).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,9).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account10, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,10).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,10).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account11, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,11).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,11).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account12, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,12).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,12).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account13, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,13).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,13).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account14, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,14).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,14).Max)), Blank()), IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account15, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,15).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,15).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account16, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,16).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,16).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account17, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,17).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,17).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account18, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,18).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,18).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account19, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,19).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,19).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account20, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,20).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,20).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account21, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,21).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,21).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account22, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,22).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,22).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account23, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,23).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,23).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account24, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,24).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,24).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account25, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,25).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,25).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account26, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,26).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,26).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account27, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,27).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,27).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account28, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,28).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,28).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account29, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,29).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,29).Max)), Blank()),    IfError(ClearCollect(col_Account30, Filter('2.1. Accounts', SubID >= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,30).Min && SubID <= Index(col_AccountMaxMin,30).Max)), Blank()) ); ClearCollect(    col_AccountsAllItem,    col_Account1, col_Account2, col_Account3, col_Account4, col_Account5, col_Account6, col_Account7, col_Account8, col_Account9, col_Account10,    col_Account11, col_Account12, col_Account13, col_Account14, col_Account15, col_Account16, col_Account17, col_Account18, col_Account19, col_Account20, col_Account21, col_Account22, col_Account23, col_Account24, col_Account25, col_Account26, col_Account27, col_Account28, col_Account29, col_Account30 );

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