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ci_ms4_elginis_restaurant's Issues

USER STORY:Account logout (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to log out of their account

Satisfied by #16
EPIC #37

Given the user is on any page
And the header is visible
And the user is logged in to my account
When the user selects the logout link
And the user confirms they want to sign out
Then the user is logged out of my account and taken back to the home page

USER STORY:View full menu (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be to view our full menu

Given the user is on the any page of the website
When the user clicks the navigation bar link to go to a the full menu option
Then the user is taken to the full-menu page
And the restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

USER STORY:Ethos (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to find out about our business ethos

Satisfied by #13
EPIC #39

Given the user is on any page on the website
And the user selects the about us link on the header
When the user scrolls down the page they can read the business’ history
And the user can explore the text accordion
And the user can view the relevant imagery
Then the user can find out about the business and it’s ethos

USER STORY: Make reservation

As a first time user, I want to be able to make a reservation so that I can secure a table at the restaurant.

Satisfies #23
EPIC #41

Given I am on the contact us page
When I have located restaurant’s contact number
Then I can call the restaurant to make a reservation

Given I am on the reserve table page
When I have filled in every required field
And I select the request booking button
Then I receive visual feedback my booking request has been made

  • Create Booking app
  • Create model
  • Create view
  • Create URLS and link
  • Create templates
  • Create forms
  • Add to admin
  • Update internal links
  • Test user story
  • Style with CSS
  • Add js to prevent early date and none open times

USER STORY:Account create, sign in owner

As a site owner, I want users to be able to sign in to, or create an account

Satisfied by #15
EPIC #37

Given the user is on any page
And the header is visible
And the user selects the login/signup link
When the user is taken to the sign in page
And the user has already registered with an email and password
And the user can select the sign in button
Then the user will be signed into my account and taken back to the home page

USER STORY:Login or create accounts

As a first time user, I want to be able to to sign in to, or create an account

Satisfies #33
EPIC #37

Given I am on any page
And the header is visible
And I select the login/signup link
When I am taken to the sign in page
And I have already registered with an email and password
And I select the sign in button
Then I will be signed into my account and taken back to the home page

Given I am on any page
And the header is visible
And I select the login/signup link
And I am taken to the sign in page
When I select the sign up link
And I fill in all required fields
Then my account will be created and I will be taken back to the home page

  • Add allauth
  • Add allauth URLS
  • Style all auth templates

USER STORY:View food price and description

As a first time user, I want to be able to view a description and price of the food

Satisfies #21

Given I am on the any menu page of the website
When I click the meal image
Then I am taken to the meal details page
And The meal image and detailed information is displayed

USER STORY: Comments/reviews (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to leave a comment or review

Satisfied by #7
EPIC #37

Given the user is on the about page comments section

And the user is logged into the site

When the user is able to write and submit a comment

Then the comment is submitted for approval
And the user receives visual feedback

  • Create comment model
  • Add to admin
  • Create view with auth
  • Create template with auth
  • Create form
  • Create url and views
  • Style template

USER STORY: View social media (Owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to view the business’ social media
Given the user is on any page
And the footer is visible
Then the user can select on the instagram, facebook or Twitter link and be taken to the appropriate page in a new separate browser tab

  • add social media icons to footer bar with URL
  • style with CSS
  • import font awesome icons

USER STORY:Descriptions and prices

As a site owner, I want users to be able to view the food descriptions and prices

Satisfied by #6
Inherits from #5
EPIC #40

Given the user is on the any menu page of the website
When the user click the meal image
Then the user is taken to the meal details page
And the meal image and detailed information is displayed

  • Create image description content and add through admin panel
  • Style and add scroll functionality
  • Test user story

USER STORY:Edit delete comments (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to edit and delete comments or reviews

Given the user is on the about page comments sections
And the user is logged into the site
And the user selects one of their comments to be edited
And the user has made the appropriate changes
When the user’s comment has been resubmitted
Then the user receives the appropriate visual feedback

Given I am on the about page comments sections
And the user is logged into the site
And the user has selected one of their comments to be deleted
When the user selects the confirm delete request
Then the user receieves the appropriate visual feedback that the comment is removed

USER STORY:View allergies and calories

As a first time user, I want to be able to view food allergies and calories

Satisfies #22
EPIC #40

Given I am on the any menu page of the website
When I click the meal image
Then I am taken to the meal details page
And The meal allergens and calorie information is displayed

  • Create view
  • Create URL
  • Create template
  • Create allergen model
  • Add to admin
  • Create and upload allergen icons
  • Update meal model
  • Update CSS

USER STORY: Administrator panel

As a logged in administrator, I want to be able to create, edit or remove content on the website.

Given I am logged in as the administrator
When I am in the administration panel
Then I am able to create, edit or remove content

  • register models to admin
  • style admin

USER STORY:Contact restaurant

As a first time user, I want to be able contact the restaurant

Satisfied by #27

Given I am on the contact us page
When I have located restaurant’s contact number
Then I can contact the restaurant

Given I am on the contact us page
When I have filled in every required field
And I select the send message button
Then my message will be sent to the restaurant
And I receive visual feedback

USER STORY:Comment approval

As a site owner, I want to be able to review and approve user comment

Given I am logged in to the admin panel
And one or more comments have been submitted to the site
And I am in the comments section of the admin panel

When I click the approved button for the comment(s)

Then The comments are rendered on the site for all users to see.

  • Add comments to site admin
  • Add bulk approve option to admin site
  • Add render to view, only if approved is true
  • Add render in template if approved

USER STORY:Location and opening times

As a first time user, I want to be able to view the restaurants location and opening hours

Satisfies #28

Given I am on the contact us page
When I land on the top of the page
Then I can view the restaurants location address and opening hours

Given I am on the about us page
When I scroll down the page
And I select the find us here link
Then I am taken to the contact us page where the location and opening hours are visible at the top of page

USER STORY:Site navigation (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to navigate the site easily and quickly

Given the user is on the any page of the website
When the user clicks the main navigation bar links to go to a different site
Then the user is taken to the menu page
And the navigation bar should remain on each page

Given the user is on the any page of the website
When the user clicks the footer navigation bar links to go to a different site
Then the user is taken to the appropriate page
And the footer bar should remain on each page

Given the user is on the any menu of the website
When the user clicks the categories’ internal navigation bar links to go to a food category
Then the user is taken to the category they have clicked

USER STORY:Appealing food images

As a first time user, I want to see professional and appealing images of the food

Satisfies #19
EPIC #40

Given I am on the any page of the website
When I click the navigation bar link to go to the any menu option
Then I am taken to the full menu page
And The restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

Given I am on the any menu page of the website
When I click the meal image
Then I am taken to the meal details page
And The meal image and detailed information is displayed

  • Setup cloudinary
  • Setup Heroku
  • Get images for food from unsplash
  • Setup admin panel for meal images
  • Upload images
  • Put into HTML template
  • Style with CSS
  • Set up views and URLs
  • Test user stories

USER STORY:Edit and delete comments

As a first time user, I want to be able to edit and delete a comment I have made

Satisfies #26

Given I am on the about page comments sections
And I am logged into the site
And I have selected one of my comments to be edited
And I have made the appropriate changes
When my comment has been resubmitted
Then I have the appropriate visual feedback

Given I am on the about page comments sections
And I am logged into the site
And I have selected one of my comments to be deleted
When I confirm the delete request
Then I have the appropriate visual feedback that the comment is removed

USER STORY:Promote offers/events (owner)

As a site owner, I want to be able to promote special offers and events

Satisfies #14
EPIC #38

Given the user is on any page
And the header is visible
And the user selects the login/signup link
When the user is taken to the sign in page
And the user has already registered with an email and password
And the user can select the sign in button
Then the user will be signed into my account and taken back to the home page

  • Create home app
  • Create models
  • Create urls
  • Create views
  • Create template
  • Add to admin
  • Create carousel
  • Add imagery and messages
  • Test user stories

USER STORY:Promote atmosphere (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to have an idea of the restaurant’s welcoming atmosphere so they will make a reservation

Satisfied by #29
EPIC #39

Given the user is on the about us page
When the user scrolls down the page they can read the business’ history
And the user can view the relevant imagery
Then the user can find out about the business be compelled to make a reservation

USER STORY:Allergens and calories (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to view allergies and calories

Satisfied by #5
EPIC #40

Given the user is on the any menu page of the website
When the user clicks the meal image
Then the user is taken to the meal details page
And the meal allergens and calorie information is displayed

USER STORY:Contact business (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to contact the business

Satisfies #10
EPIC #42

Given the user is on the contact us page
When I have located restaurant’s contact number
Then I can contact the restaurant

Given I am on the contact us page
When I have filled in every required field
And I select the send message button
Then my message will be sent to the restaurant
And I receive visual feedback

  • Create contact app
  • Create model
  • Create view
  • Create URLS
  • Create template
  • Create forms
  • Style with CSS
  • Test story

USER STORY:Easy site navigation

As a first time user, I want to be able to navigate the website quickly and easily

Satisfies #31

Given I am on the any page of the website
When I click the main navigation bar links to go to a different site
Then I am taken to the menu page
And the navigation bar should remain on each page

Given I am on the any page of the website
When I click the footer navigation bar links to go to a different site
Then I am taken to the appropriate page
And the footer bar should remain on each page

Given I am on the any menu of the website
When I click the categories’ internal navigation bar links to go to a food category
Then I am taken to the category I have clicked

  • Create Navbar
  • Create footer
  • Create internal nav bars and link
  • Style
  • Link to urls
  • Add home page lunch and dinner sorted links.

USER STORY:View location and opening hours (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to view the location and opening times

EPIC #42
Inherits from #27

Given the user is on any page on the website
And the user selects the about us link on the header
When the user scrolls down the page they can read the business’ history
And the user can explore the text accordion
And the user can view the relevant imagery
Then the user can find out about the business and it’s ethos

  • Add address and opening hours at top of Contact html

USER STORY:View full menu

As a first time user, I want to be able to view the full menu

Satisfies #20
EPIC #40

Given I am on the any page of the website
When I click the navigation bar link to go to the full menu option
Then I am taken to the full menu page
And The restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

  • Create base HTML
  • Create Meals App
  • Create URLs and link to main URLs
  • Create HTML templates
  • Create models
  • Create views
  • Add to admin
  • Add links to navbar
  • Test story

USER STORY:Reservations (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to make a reservation

Given the user is on the contact us page
When the user has located restaurant’s contact number
Then the user can call the restaurant to make a reservation

Given the user is on the reserve table page
When the user has filled in every required field
And the user selects the request booking button
Then the user receives visual feedback my booking request has been made

USER STORY:Offers and Promo's

As a first time user, I want to be able to see special offers and promotions.

Satisfied by #32
EPIC #38

Given I am on the home page
When I view the carousel that plays automatically
Then I will able to view the restaurant’s current special offers and promotions

USER STORY:Leave comments or reviews

As a first time user, I want to be able to leave a comment or review

Satisfies #24
EPIC #37

Given I am on the about page comments section
And I am logged into the site
When I write and submit a comment
Then The comment is submitted for approval
And I receive visual feedback

USER STORY:View individual menus

As a first time user, I want to be able to see separate menus for lunch, dinner and drinks

Satisfies #35
Inherits from #1
EPIC link #40

Given I am on the home page
And I scroll down the page to the separate image and button for lunch, dinner and drinks
When I select the relevant button for the menu I want to see
Then I am taken to the relevant menu page

  • Add boolens to model for lunch and dinner
  • Create HTML templates
  • Create views
  • Links in Navbar
  • Test story

USER STORY:Account logout

As a first time user, I want to be able to log out of an account

Satisfies #34
Epic #37

Given I am on any page
And the header is visible
And I am logged in to my account
When I select the logout link
And I confirm I want to sign out
Then I am logged out of my account and taken back to the home page

  • Style logout template and update URLs

USER STORY: View comments

As a first time user, I want to be able to see other user’s comments and reviews

Satisfies #25

Given I am on the about page 
When I scroll to comments section at the bottom of the page
Then I see other users comments and reviews

USER STORY: Business ethos

As a first time user, I want to know about the business and it’s ethos so that I can decide if it's somewhere I want to eat.

Satisfies #29
EPIC #39

Given I am on any page on the website
And I select the about us link on the header
When I scroll down the page I can read the business’ history
And I can explore the text accordion
And I can view the relevant imagery
Then I can find out about the business and it’s ethos

  • Create about app
  • Create heritage model
  • Create Chef model
  • Create Reasons model
  • Create urls
  • Create template
  • Create views
  • Add to admin panel
  • Add images and content to models
  • Create accordion for reasons
  • Create carousel for reasons

USER STORY:View comments and reviews

As a site owner, I want users to be able to view other comments and reviews

Given the user is on the about page 

When the user scrolls to comments section at the bottom of the page
Then the user can see other users comments and reviews

USER STORY:Food Imagery

As a site owner, I show appealing and professional images of our food

Satisfied by #2
EPIC #40

Given the user is on the any page of the website
When the user clicks the navigation bar link to go to a menu option
Then the user is taken to the menu page
And The restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

USER STORY:View menus (owner)

As a site owner, I want users to be able to see separate menus for lunch, dinner and drinks

Given I am on the any page of the website
When I click the navigation bar link to go to a menu option (full, lunch, dinner, drinks)
Then I am taken to the appropriate menu page
And The restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

USER STORY 1:View food types

As a first time user, I want to be able to view the type of food the restaurant provides so I can see if I like the food served.

EPIC #40

Given I am on the home page of the website
When I click the navigation bar link to go to a menu option
Then I am taken to the menu page
And The restaurant image gallery and summary information is displayed by category

  • Add main nav bar to home
  • Create project
  • Create meals app
  • Create urls, models and views
  • Add to admin panel
  • Upload images and descriptions
  • Add categories
  • HTML templates and linkage
  • Create base
  • Add styling main menu page in SS
  • Test story

EPIC link #40

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