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Timeline is a simple photo sharing service. Students will bring in many concepts that they have learned, and add more complex data modeling, Image Picker, CloudKit, and protocol-oriented programming to make a Capstone Level project spanning multiple days and concepts.

Swift 100.00%

timeline's Introduction


Level 3

Timeline is a simple photo sharing service. Students will bring in many concepts that they have learned, and add more complex data modeling, Image Picker, CloudKit, and protocol-oriented programming to make a Capstone Level project spanning multiple days and concepts.

Most concepts will be covered during class, others are introduced during the project. Not every instruction will outline each line of code to write, but lead the student to the solution.

Students who complete this project independently are able to:

Part One - Project Planning, Model Objects, and Controllers

  • follow a project planning framework to build a development plan
  • follow a project planning framework to prioritize and manage project progress
  • implement basic data model
  • use staged data to prototype features

Part Two - Apple View Controllers, Search Controller, Container Views

  • implement search using the system search controller
  • use the image picker controller and activity controller
  • use container views to abstract shared functionality into a single view controller

Part Three - Basic CloudKit: CloudKitManager, CloudKitSyncable, Manual Sync

  • check CloudKit availability
  • save data to CloudKit
  • fetch data from CloudKit
  • query data from CloudKit
  • sync pulled CloudKit data to local model objects

Part Four - Intermediate CloudKit: Subscriptions, Push Notifications, Automatic Sync

  • use subscriptions to generate push notifications
  • use push notifications to run a push based sync engine

Part One - Project Planning, Model Objects, and Controllers

  • follow a project planning framework to build a development plan
  • follow a project planning framework to prioritize and manage project progress
  • implement basic data model
  • use staged data to prototype features

Follow the development plan included with the project to build out the basic view hierarchy, basic implementation of local model objects, model object controllers, and helper classes. Build staged data to lay a strong foundation for the rest of the app.

View Hierarchy

Implement the view hierarchy in Storyboards. The app will have a Timeline tableview that will also use a Search Controller to display search results. Both the Timeline view and the Search Results view will display a list of Post objects and segue to a Post detail view.

The Navigation Controller should have a Plus (+) button that presents a modal Add Post scene that will allow the user to select a photo, add a caption, and submit the photo.

  1. Add a UITableViewController Timeline scene, embed it in a UINavigationController, add a Plus (+) button as the right bar button.
  2. Add a PostListTableViewController subclass of UITableViewController and assign it to the Timeline scene
  3. Add a UITableViewController Post Detail scene, add a segue to it from the Timeline scene
  4. Add a PostDetailTableViewController subclass of UITableViewController and assign it to the Post Detail scene
  5. Add a UITableViewController Add Post scene, embed it into a UINavigationController, and add a modal presentation segue to it from the Plus (+) button on the Timeline scene
    • note: Because this scene will use a modal presentation, it will not inherit the UINavigationBar from the Timeline scene
  6. Add a AddPostTableViewController subclass of UITableViewcontroller and assign it to the Add Post scene.
  7. Add a UITableViewcontroller Search Results scene. It does not need a relationship to any other view controller.
    • note: You will implement this scene in Part 2 when setting up the UISearchController on the Search scene
  8. Add a SearchResultsTableViewController subclass of UITableViewController and assign it to the Search Results scene.

Implement Model

Timeline will use a simple, non-persistent data model to locally represent data stored on CloudKit.

Start by creating model objects. You will want to save Post objects that hold the image data, and Comment objects that hold text. A Post should own an array of Comment objects.

While you will not implement sync in this portion of the project, it is important to recognize the need for syncing with CloudKit when designing your model.


Create a Post model object that will hold image data and comments.

  1. Add a new Post class to your project.
  2. Add a photoData property of type Data?, a timestamp Date property, and a comments property of type [Comment].
  3. Add a computed property, photo that returns a UIImage initialized using the data in photoData.
  4. Add an initializer that accepts photoData, timestamp, and comments array. Provide default values for the timestamp and comments arguments, so they can be ommitted if desired.


Create a Comment model object that will hold user-submitted text comments for a specific Post.

  1. Add a new Comment class to your project.
  2. Add a text property of type String, a timestamp Date property, and a post property of type Post.
  3. Add an initializer that accepts text, timestamp, and a post. Provide a default values for the timestamp argument, so it can be ommitted if desired.

Model Object Controller

Add and implement the PostController class that will be used for CRUD operations.

  1. Add a new PostController class file.
  2. Add a sharedController singleton property.
  3. Add a posts property.
  4. Add a createPostWith(image: ...) function that takes an image parameter as a UIImage and a caption as a String.
  5. Implement the createPostWith(image: ...) function to initialize a Post with the image and a Comment with the caption text.
  6. Add a addComment(toPost: ...) function that takes a text parameter as a String, and a Post parameter.
  7. Implement the addComment(toPost: ...) function to call the appropriate Comment initializer and adds the comment to the appropriate post.

Wire Up Views

Timeline Scene - Post List Table View Controller

Implement the Post List Table View Controller. You will use a similar cell to display posts in multiple scenes in your application. Create a custom PostTableViewCell that can be reused in different scenes.

  1. Implement the scene in Interface Builder by creating a custom cell with an image view that fills the cell.
  2. Create a PostTableViewCell class, add a post variable, and implement an updateViews function to the PostTableViewCell to update the image view with the Post's photo. Call the function in the didSet of the post variable'
  3. Choose a height that will be used for your image cells. To avoid worrying about resizing images or dynamic cell heights, you may want to use a consistent height for all of the image views in the app.
  4. Implement the UITableViewDataSource functions
    • note: The final app does not need to support any editing styles, but you may want to include support for editing while developing early stages of the app.
  5. Implement the prepare(for segue: ...) function to check the segue identifier, capture the detail view controller, index path, selected post, and assign the selected post to the detail view controller.
    • note: You may need to quickly add a post property to the PostDetailTableViewController.

Post Detail Scene

Implement the Post Detail View Controller. This scene will be used for viewing post images and comments. Users will also have the option to add a comment, share the image, or follow the user that created the post.

Use the table view's header view to display the photo and a toolbar that allows the user to comment, share, or follow. Use the table view cells to display comments.

  1. Add a vertical UIStackView to the Header of the table view. Add a UIImageView and a horizontal UIStackView to the stack view. Add 'Comment', 'Share', and 'Follow Post' UIButtonss to the horizontal stack view. Set the horizontal hugging priority of the center button (Share) to 249 to distribute the buttons correctly.
  2. Set up your constraints so that the image view is the height you chose previously for displaying images within your app.
  3. Update the cell to support comments that span multiple lines without truncating them. Set the UITableViewCell to the subtitle style. Set the number of lines to zero. Implement dynamic heights by setting the tableView.rowHeight and tableView.estimatedRowHeight in the viewDidLoad.
  4. Add an updateViews function that will update the scene with the details of the post. Implement the function by setting the imageView.image and reloading the table view if needed.
  5. Implement the UITableViewDataSource functions.
    • note: The final app does not need to support any editing styles, but you may want to include support for editing while developing early stages of the app.
  6. Add an IBAction for the 'Comment' button. Implement the IBAction by presenting a UIAlertController with a text field, a Cancel action, and an 'OK' action. Implement the 'OK' action to initialize a new Comment via the PostController and reload the table view to display it.
    • note: Do not create a new Comment if the user has not added text.
  7. Add an IBAction for the 'Share' and 'Follow' buttons. You will implement these two actions in future steps.

Add Post Scenes

Implement the Add Post Table View Controller. You will use a static table view to create a simple form for adding a new post. Use three sections for the form:

Section 1: Large button to select an image, and a UIImageView to display the selected image Section 2: Caption text field Section 3: Add Post button

Until you implement the UIImagePickerController, you will use a staged static image to add new posts.

  1. Assign the table view to use static cells. Adopt the 'Grouped' cell style. Add three sections.
  2. Build the first section by creating a tall image selection/preview cell. Add a 'Select Image' UIButton that fills the cell. Add an empty UIImageView that also fills the cell. Make sure that the button is on top of the image view so it can properly recognize tap events.
  3. Build the second section by adding a UITextField that fills the cell. Assign placeholder text so the user recognizes what the text field is for.
  4. Build the third section by adding a 'Add Post' UIButton that fills the cell.
  5. Add an IBAction to the 'Select Image' UIButton that assigns a static image to the image view (add a sample image to the Assets.xcassets that you can use for prototyping this feature), and removes the title text from the button.
    • note: It is important to remove the title text so that the user no longer sees that a button is there, but do not remove the entire button, that way the user can tap again to select a different image.
  6. Add an IBAction to the 'Add Post' UIButton that checks for an image and caption. If there is an image and a caption, use the PostController to create a new Post and dismiss the view controller. If either the image or a caption is missing, present an alert directing the user to check their information and try again.
  7. Add a 'Cancel' UIBarButtonItem as the left bar button item. Implement the IBAction to dismiss the view.

A Note on Reusable Code

Consider that this Photo Selection functionality could be useful in different views and in different applications. New developers will be tempted to copy and paste the functionality wherever it is needed. That amount of repetition should give you pause. Don't repeat yourself (DRY) is a shared value among skilled software developers.

Avoiding repetition is an important way to become a better developer and maintain sanity when building larger applications.

Imagine a scenario where you have three classes with similar functionality. Each time you fix a bug or add a feature to any of those classes, you must go and repeat that in all three places. This commonly leads to differences, which leads to bugs.

You will refactor the Photo Selection functionality (selecting and assigning an image) into a reusable child view controller in Part 2.

Polish Rough Edges

At this point you should be able view added post images in the Timeline Post List scene, add new Post objects from the Add Post Scene, add new Comment objects from the Post Detail Scene, and persist and use user profile information provided by the current user.

Use the app and polish any rough edges. Check table view cell selection. Check text fields. Check proper view hierarchy and navigation models.

Black Diamonds

  • Review the README instructions and solution code for clarity and functionality, submit a GitHub pull request with suggested changes.
  • Provide feedback on the expectations for Part One to a mentor or instructor.

Part Two - Search Controller, Container Views, Apple View Controllers

  • implement search using the system search controller
  • use the image picker controller and activity controller
  • use container views to abstract shared functionality into a single view controller

Add and implement search functionality to the search view. Implement the Image Picker Controller on the Add Post scene. Decrease the amount of repeated code by refactoring the similar functionality in the Add Post scenes into a child view controller that is used in both classes.

Search Controller

Build functionality that will allow the user to search for posts with comments that have specific text in them. For example, if a user creates a Post with a photo of a waterfall, and there are comments that mention the waterfall, the user should be able to search the Timeline view for the term 'water' and filter down to that post (and any others with water in the comments).

Update the Model

Add a SearchableRecord protocol that requires a matchesSearchTerm function. Update the Post and Comment objects to conform to the protocol.

  1. Add a new SearchableRecord.swift file.
  2. Define a SearchableRecord protocol with a required matches(searchTerm: String) function that takes a searchTerm parameter as a String and returns a Bool.

Consider how each model object will match to a specific search term. What searchable text is there on a Comment? What searchable text is there on a Post?

  1. Update the Comment class to conform to the SearchableRecord protocol. Return true if text contains the search term, otherwise return false.
  2. Update the Post class to conform to the SearchableRecord protocol. Return true if any of the Post comments match, otherwise return false.

Use a Playground to test your SearchableRecord and matches(searchTerm: String) functionality and understand what you are implementing.

Search Results Controller

Search controllers typically have two views: a list view, and a search result view that displays the filtered results. The list view holds the search bar. When the user begins typing in the search bar, the UISSearchController presents a search results view. Your list view must conform to the SearchResultsUpdating protocol function, which implements updates to the results view.

Understanding Search Controllers requires you to understand that the main view controller can (and must) implement methods that handle what is being displayed on another view controller. The results controller must also implement a way to communicate back to the main list view controller to notify it of events. This is a two way relationship with communication happening in both directions.

  1. Create a SearchResultsTableViewController subclass of UITableViewController and assign it to the scene in Interface Builder.
  2. Add a resultsArray property that contains a list of SearchableRecords
  3. Implement the UITableViewDataSource functions to display the search results.
    • note: For now you will only display Post objects as a result of a search. Use the PostTableViewCell to do so.

Update Timeline Scene

  1. Add a function setUpSearchController that captures the resultsController from the Storyboard, instantiates the UISearchController, sets the searchResultsUpdater to self, and adds the searchController's searchBar as the table's header view.
  2. Implement the UISearchResultsUpdating protocol updateSearchResults(for searchController: UISearchController) function. The function should capture the resultsViewController and the search text from the searchController's searchBar, filter the local posts array for posts that match, assign the filtered results to the resultsViewController's resultsArray, and reload the resultsViewController's tableView.
    • note: Consider the communication that is happening here between two separate view controllers. Be sure that you understand this relationship.
Segue to Post Detail View

Remember that even though the Timeline view and the Search Results view are displaying similar cells and model objects, you are working with separate view controllers with separate cells and instances of table views.

The segue from a Post should take the user to the Post Detail scene, regardless of whether that is from the Timeline view or the Search Results view.

To do so, implement the UITableViewDelegate didSelectRowAt indexPath function on the Search Results scene to manually call the toPostDetail segue from the Search scene.

  1. Adopt the UITableViewDelegate on the Search Results scene and add the didSelectRowAt indexPath delegate function. Implement the function by capturing the sending cell and telling the Search Result scene's presentingViewController to performSegue(withIdentifier: String...) and send the selected cell so that the Search scene can get the selected Post.
    • note: Every view controller class has an optional presentingViewController reference to the view controller that presented it. In this case, the presenting view controller of the Search Results scene is the Timeline scene. So this step will manually call the performSegueWithIdentifier on the Search scene.
  2. Update the performSegue(withIdentifier: String...) function on the Search Scene to capture and segue to the Post Detail scene with the correct post. Try to do so without looking at the solution code.
    • note: You must check if the tableView can get an indexPath for the sender. If it can, that means that the cell was from the Search scene's tableView. If it can't, that means the cell is from the Search Result scene's tableView and that the user tapped a search result. If that is the case, capture the Post from the resultsArray on the searchResultscontroller.
    • note: You can access the searchResultsController by calling (searchController.searchResultsController as? SearchResultsTableViewController)

Try to work through the Search segue without looking at the solution code. Understanding this pattern will solidify your understanding of many object-oriented programming patterns.

Image Picker Controller

Photo Select Child Scene

Implement the Image Picker Controller in place of the prototype functionality you built previously.

  1. Update the 'Select Image' IBAction to present a UIImagePickerController. Give the user the option to select from their Photo Library or from the device's camera if their device has one.
  2. Implement the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate function to capture the selected image and assign it to the image view.

Reduce Code Repetition

Refactor the photo selection functionality from the Add Post scene into a child view controller.

Child view controllers control views that are a subview of another view controller. It is a great way to encapsulate functionality into one class that can be reused in multiple places. This is a great tool for any time you want a similar view to be present in multiple places.

In this instance, you will put 'Select Photo' button, the image view, and the code that presents and handles the UIImagePickerController into a PhotoSelectorViewController class. You will also define a protocol for the PhotoSelectorViewController class to communicate with it's parent view controller.

Container View and Embed Segues

Use a container view to embed a child view controller into the Add Post scene.

Container View defines a region within a view controller's view subgraph that can include a child view controller. Create an embed segue from the container view to the child view controller in the storyboard.

  1. Open Main.storyboard to your Add Post scene.
  2. Add a new section to the static table view to build the Container View to embed the child view controller.
  3. Search for Container View in the Object Library and add it to the newly created table view cell.
    • note: The Container View object will come with a view controller scene. You can use the included scene, or replace it with another scene. For now, use the included scene.
  4. Set up contraints so that the Container View fills the entire cell.
  5. Move or copy the Image View and 'Select Photo' button to the container view controller.
  6. Create a new PhotoSelectViewController file as a subclass of UIViewController and assign the class to the scene in Interface Builder.
  7. Create the necessary IBOutlets and IBActions, and migrate your Photo Picker code from the Add Post view controller class. Delete the old code from the Add Post view controller class.
  8. Repeat the above steps for the Add Post scene. Instead of keeping the included child view controller from the Container View object, delete it, and add an 'Embed' segue from the container view to the scene you set up for the Add Post scene.

You now have two views that reference the same scene as a child view controller. This scene and accompanying class can now be used in both places, eliminating the need for code duplication.

Child View Controller Delegate

Your child view controller needs a way to communicate events to it's parent view controller. This is most commonly done through delegation. Define a child view controller delegate, adopt it in the parent view controller, and set up the relationship via the embed segue.

  1. Define a new PhotoSelectViewControllerDelegate protocol in the PhotoSelectViewController file with a required photoSelectViewControllerSelected(image: UIImage) function that takes a UIImage parameter to pass the image that was selected.
    • note: This function will tell the assigned delegate (the parent view controller, in this example) what image the user selected.
  2. Add a weak optional delegate property.
  3. Call the delegate function in the didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo function, passing the selected media to the delegate.
  4. Adopt the PhotoSelectViewControllerDelegate protocol in the Add Post class file, implement the photoSelectViewControllerSelectedImage function to capture a reference to the selected image.
    • note: In the Add Post scene, you will use that captured reference to create a new post.

Note the use of the delegate pattern. You have encapsulated the Photo Selection workflow in one class, but by implementing the delegate pattern, each parent view controller can implement it's own response to when a photo was selected.

You have declared a protocol, adopted the protocol, but you now must assign the delegate property on the instance of the child view controller so that the PhotoSelectViewController can communicate with it's parent view controller. This is done by using the embed segue, which is called when the Container View is initialized from the Storyboard, which occurs when the view loads.

  1. Assign segue identifiers to the embed segues in the Storyboard file
  2. Update the prepare(forSegue: ...) function in the Add Post scene to check for the segue identifier, capture the destinationViewController as a PhotoSelectViewController, and assign self as the child view controller's delegate.

Post Detail View Controller Share Sheet

Use the UIActivityController class to present a share sheet from the Post Detail view. Share the image and the text of the first comment.

  1. Add an IBAction from the Share button in your PostDetailTableViewController.
  2. Initialize a UIActivityController with the Post's image and the text of the first comment as the shareable objects.
  3. Present the UIActivityController.

Black Diamonds:

  • Some apps will save photos taken or processed in their app in a custom Album in the user's Camera Roll. Add this feature.
  • Review the README instructions and solution code for clarity and functionality, submit a GitHub pull request with suggested changes.
  • Provide feedback on the expectations for Part Two to a mentor or instructor.

Part Three - Basic CloudKit: CloudKitManager, CloudKitSyncable, Manual Sync

  • check CloudKit availability
  • save data to CloudKit
  • fetch data from CloudKit

Following some of the best practices in the CloudKit documentation, add CloudKit to your project as a backend syncing engine for posts and comments. Check for CloudKit availability, save new posts and comments to CloudKit, and fetch posts and comments from CloudKit.

When you finish this part, the app will support syncing photos, posts, and comments from the device to CloudKit, and pulling new photos, posts, and comments from CloudKit. When new posts or comments are fetched from CloudKit, they will be turned into model objects, and the Fetched Results Controllers will automatically update the user interface with the new data.

You will implement push notifications, subscriptions, and basic automatic sync functionality in Part Four.

CloudKit Manager

Add a CloudKit Manager that abstracts your CloudKit code into a single helper class that implements basic CloudKit functionality. You will not necessarily use all of the CloudKitManager functionality in this application, but this will be a great reusable class for CloudKit applications that you build in the future.

  1. Add a CloudKitManager helper class.
  2. Add the following properties and function signatures that perform basic CloudKit functionality.
    let publicDatabase: CKDatabase
    let privateDatabase: CKDatabase

    // check CloudKit availability

    // MARK: - User Info Discovery

    func fetchLoggedInUserRecord(_ completion: ((_ record: CKRecord?, _ error: Error? ) -> Void)?)

    func fetchUsername(for recordID: CKRecordID,
                    completion: @escaping ((_ givenName: String?, _ familyName: String?) -> Void) = { _,_ in }) 

	func fetchAllDiscoverableUsers(completion: @escaping ((_ userInfoRecords: [CKUserIdentity]?) -> Void) = { _ in })

    // MARK: - Fetch Records

	func fetchRecord(withID recordID: CKRecordID, completion: ((_ record: CKRecord?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

    func fetchRecordsWithType(_ type: String,
                              predicate: NSPredicate = NSPredicate(value: true),
                              recordFetchedBlock: ((_ record: CKRecord) -> Void)?,
                              completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

	func fetchCurrentUserRecords(_ type: String, completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

	func fetchRecordsFromDateRange(_ type: String, recordType: String, fromDate: Date, toDate: Date, completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

    // MARK: - Delete Records

    func deleteRecordWithID(_ recordID: CKRecordID, completion: ((_ recordID: CKRecordID?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) {

    func deleteRecordsWithID(_ recordIDs: [CKRecordID], completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ recordIDs: [CKRecordID]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

    // MARK: - Save Records

    func saveRecords(_ records: [CKRecord], perRecordCompletion: ((_ record: CKRecord?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?, completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) 

    func saveRecord(_ record: CKRecord, completion: ((_ record: CKRecord?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) 

    func modifyRecords(_ records: [CKRecord], perRecordCompletion: ((_ record: CKRecord?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?, completion: ((_ records: [CKRecord]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) 

    // MARK: - CloudKit Availability

    func checkCloudKitAvailability()

    func handleCloudKitUnavailable(_ accountStatus: CKAccountStatus, error:Error?) 

    func displayCloudKitNotAvailableError(_ errorText: String) 

    // MARK: - CloudKit User Discoverability

    func requestDiscoverabilityPermission()

    func handleCloudKitPermissionStatus(_ permissionStatus: CKApplicationPermissionStatus, error:Error?) 

    func displayCloudKitPermissionsNotGrantedError(_ errorText: String)
  1. Using the documentation for CloudKit, fulfill the contract of each function signature. Using the data passed in as a parameter, write code that will return the requested information. When it makes sense to do so using the NSOperation subclasses, try to use them over the convenience functions.


Write a protocol that will define how the app will work with CloudKit and our model objects. Add a protocol extension that adds predefined convenience functionality to each object that adopts that protocol.

The CloudKitSyncable protocol will define the required properties and functions that our Post and Comment objects will need.

The protocol extension will add some shared functionality that our Post and Comment objects will need.


init?(record: CKRecord)

var cloudKitRecordID: CKRecordID? { get set }
var recordType: String { get }

The CloudKitSyncable types will need to have a way to tie instances to a particular CKRecord on the server along with a record type that will be used to separate CKRecord types on CloudKit. We'll also need a way to represent the model object as a CKRecord for when we want to push the data to CloudKit, and a way to create a new model instance from CKRecords we fetch from the server.

  1. Create a new CloudKitSyncable file that defines a new protocol named CloudKitSyncable.
  2. Add an intializer that takes a CKRecord.
  3. Add a required gettable and settable property cloudKitRecordID as an optional CKRecordID?.
  4. Add a required gettable computed properties for the recordType as a String

Protocol Extension

    var isSynced: Bool // helper variable to determine if a CloudKitSyncable has a CKRecordID, which we can use to say that the record has been saved to the server
    var cloudKitReference: CKReference? // a computed property that returns a CKReference to the object in CloudKit
  1. Add a protocol extension for the CloudKitSyncable
  2. Add a computed property isSynced: Bool that returns true if cloudKitRecordID is not nil
    • note: When a record is synced to CloudKit, CloudKit returns a CKRecord object. You will pass that CKRecord object's recordID into the cloudKitRecordID property. So if the cloudKitRecordID property has a value (is not nil), then the object has been synced. If not, it hasn't.
  3. Add a computed property cloudKitReference: CKReference? that guards for the cloudKitRecordID and returns a CKReference initialized with the CKRecordID. Otherwise, return nil.
    • note: In a future step, this will be used to help us pass a list of all synced objects to CloudKit so that we can request any new objects.

Post Controller Manual Sync

Adopt the CloudKitSyncable protocol in the Post and Comment classes. Update the PostController to use push Post and Comment objects to CloudKit and pull new Post or Comment objects from CloudKit.

Update Post for Sync Functionality

Adopt the CloudKitSyncable protocol in the Post class.

  1. Add a computed property recordType and return the type you would like used to identify 'Post' objects in CloudKit.
  2. Add an extension to CKRecord that implements a convenience initializer to create a CKRecord using a Post object. It should be initialized to include the timestamp and a CKAsset that points to a URL of the photo data.
    • note: CKAsset is initialized with a URL. When creating a CKAsset on the local device, you initialize it with a URL to a local file path where the photo is located on disk. When you save a CKAsset, the data at that file path is uploaded to CloudKit. When you pull a CKAsset from CloudKit, the URL will point to the remotely stored data.

You must initialize a CKAsset with a file path URL. You will need to create a variable temporaryPhotoURL that copies the contents of the photoData: NSData? property to a file in a temporary directory and returns the URL to the file.

  1. Add a temporaryPhotoURL computed property that returns an NSURL reference to the data the CKAsset should upload.
  2. Implement the computed property by getting the path of the temporary directory, initializing an NSURL with that path, initializing a file URL that uses a unique name with jpg as the file extension. Write self.photoData to that file URL, and then return the file URL.
private var temporaryPhotoURL: URL {
	// Must write to temporary directory to be able to pass image file path url to CKAsset
	let temporaryDirectory = NSTemporaryDirectory()
	let temporaryDirectoryURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: temporaryDirectory)
	let fileURL = temporaryDirectoryURL.appendingPathComponent(UUID().uuidString).appendingPathExtension("jpg")
	try? photoData?.write(to: fileURL, options: [.atomic])
	return fileURL
  1. Add the required convenience initializer init?(record: CKRecord).
  2. Implement the convenience initializer by guarding for the timestamp and photo data, calling the designated initializer, then setting the cloudKitRecordID property.

Update Comment for Sync Functionality

Adopt the CloudKitSyncable protocol in the Comment class.

  1. Add a computed property recordType and return the type you would like used to identify 'Comment' objects in CloudKit.
  2. Add an extension to CKRecord that implements a convenience initializer to create a CKRecord using a Comment object. It should be initialized to include the timestamp, text, and a CKReference to the Comment's Post's CKRecord.
    • note: You will need to guard for the Comment's Post and the Post's cloudKitRecord to be able to initialize the CKReference.
  3. Add the required convenience initializer init?(record: CKRecord).
  4. Implement the convenience initializer by guarding for the timestamp and post reference, calling the designated initializer, then setting the cloudKitRecordID property.

Remember that a Comment should not exist without a Post. When a Comment is created from a CKRecord, you will also need to set the new comment's Post property. Consider how you would approach this. We will address it in the next section.

Update the Post Controller for Manual Sync

Update the PostController to support pushing and pulling data from CloudKit using the CloudKitManager class.

To implement sync, you will need to save a record to CloudKit when a new Post or Comment is created, fetch new records from CloudKit and serialize them into Post and Comment objects, write a performFullSync function that will push all unsynced objects to CloudKit and check for any new Post or Comment objects, and then update the user interface to support the new functionality.

  1. Add a cloudKitManager property and set it to a new instance of the CloudKitManager class in the initializer.
  2. Update the createPost function to create a CKRecord using the custom convenience initializer you created, and call the cloudKitManager.saveRecord function. Use the completion closure to set the cloudKitRecordID property on the Post to persist the CKRecordID.
  3. Update the addCommentToPost function to to create a CKRecord using the custom convenience initializer you created, and call the cloudKitManager.saveRecord function. Use the completion closure to set the cloudKitRecordID property on the Comment to persist the CKRecordID.

At this point, each new Post or Comment should be pushed to CloudKit when new instances are created from the Add Post or Post Detail scenes.

Synced and Unsynced Records

As you implement the next few steps, you will want to be able to get a list of synced records and unsynced records. Create two helper functions that will help you do so.

  1. Add a syncedRecords function that takes a type parameter as a String and returns an array of CloudKitSyncables.
  2. Implement the function.
    • note: There are many ways you could approach this. Choose one and implement it independently.
  3. Add a unsyncedRecords function that takes a type parameter as a String and returns an array of CloudKitSyncables.
  4. Implement the function.
    • note: There are many ways you could approach this. Choose one and implement it independently.

You should now be able to fetch either synced or unsynced Post and Comment objects, which will help you determine which objects need to be saved, or which objects need to be excluded from any new fetches.

Fetch New Records

There are a number of approaches you could take to fetching new records. You could save a lastSyncDate and fetch any new records created since that date. You could also create a list of objects you already have stored locally, and send that to CloudKit and basically say 'Give me any record that isn't in this list.'

Not every backend service will support a request like the latter. CloudKit does. Doing it this way will avoid a lot of date logic, and will be a more comprehensive fetch with fewer points of failure.

  1. Add a fetchNewRecords function that takes a type parameter as a String, and an optional completion closure.
    • note: You will use this function to fetch Post objects, then fetch Comment objects after the first call completes. You want to fetch Comments after Post objects because you want to make sure you have all Post objects before you initialize a Comment that may not have an accompanying Post downloaded yet.
  2. Create an array of CKReference objects to exclude from the new query by calling the syncedRecords function and using flatMap to capture the CKReference objects.
    • note: The list of objects to exclude that you will send to CloudKit must be made up of CKReference objects. It will not work if you use CKRecordIDs or CKRecords.
  3. Create a predicate that says that 'do not give me any CKRecords with recordIDs that match this list of references to exclude'.
    • note: NSPredicate(format: "NOT(recordID IN %@)", argumentArray: [referencesToExclude])
  4. If the referencesToExclude is empty, you need to use a simple true NSPredicate. Otherwise the above predicate will not work.
  5. Call the cloudKitManager.fetchRecordsWithType function. Use the recordFetchedBlock to switch on the type, and initialize the correct Post or Comment object. Use the function's completion block to check for errors and run the optional completion block parameter.
Push Changes

Add functionality that will check for any unsynced records and attempt to save them to CloudKit. Theoretically, if you save each new Post and Comment to CloudKit as they are initialized, this function will not need to be used very often. But your users may have connectivity issues, or CloudKit may be down right when they create a Post or Comment, so you should build a backstop that will push them the next time the user opens the app or attemps a sync.

  1. Add a pushChangestoCloudKit function that takes a completion parameter with a success Bool and an optional NSError parameters.
  2. Create an array of unsaved Post objects, and an array of unsynced Comment objects.

You will need a way to match the saved CKRecords to their corresponding Posts and Comments in the completion handler for the save. Think about how you would accomplish this.

  1. Declare and initialize an empty [CKRecord : CloudKitSyncable] dictionary variable.
  2. For each post in the array of unsaved posts, create a CKRecord for it, and add the record and the post to the dictionary.
  3. For each comment in the array of unsaved comment, create a CKRecord for it, and add the record and the comment to the dictionary.
  4. Create a single array containing all the unsaved CKRecords. You can use Array(unsavedObjectsByRecord.keys) to create an array of all the dictionary's keys, which are CKRecord objects.
  5. Call the cloudKitManager.saveRecords function. Use the perRecordCompletion to update the matching object with the CKRecord's recordID. Use the completion handler to call the optional completion with a success flag.
Full Manual Sync

Add functionality that will perform a full sync by pushing all unsynced changes to CloudKit, then fetching and serializing any new records.

  1. Add a performFullSync function that takes an optional completion closure.
  2. Implement the function by calling pushChangesToCloudKit, when it completes, call the fetchNewRecords to fetch new Post objects, when that completes, call the fetchNewRecords to fetch new Comment objects, when that completes call the optional completion closure.
    • note: You want to nest these calls because you only want one to happen after the previous one has completely finished. If you call them asynchronously, you may get Comment objects that do not have an initialized Post, or other unexpected behavior.
  3. Call the performFullSync function in the PostController initializer.

If performFullSync() is called while a previously initiated sync is still in progress, we don't want to start another sync. How can we prevent this?

  1. Add an isSyncing property to PostController.
  2. In performFullSync() guard to make sure isSyncing is false. If it is true, call the completion closure immediately and bail out.
  3. Set isSyncing to true before starting the sync process.
  4. Set isSyncing to false after the sync is complete.

When a sync is complete, and new data has been fetched, the user interface will need to be updated to display the new data. In other words, the UI portion of our code needs a way to know that new data has been fetched. Think about how you might accomplish this.

  1. Add static PostsChangedNotification and PostCommentsChangedNotification string properties.
  2. Add a didSet property observer to the posts property.
  3. In the didSet, post a PostController.PostsChangedNotification NSNotification to notify any interested listeners that the array of posts has changed. Post the notification on the main queue since observers will be updating UI in response, and that can only be done on the main queue.
  4. In addCommentToPost() post a PostController.PostCommentsChangedNotification. Again this must be done on the main queue. Use the Post whose comments changed as the object of the notification.

Update the Post List Table View Controller

Update the Post List view to support Pull to Refresh to initiate a sync operation.

  1. Add a new function to request a full sync operation that takes an optional completion closure. Implement the function by turning on the network activity indicator, calling the performFullSync function on the PostController, and turning off the network activity indicator in the completion.
  2. Call the function in the viewDidLoad lifecycle function to initiate a full sync when the user first opens the application.
  3. Add and implement a UIRefreshControl IBAction that uses the sync function.
  4. In viewDidLoad(), start observing the PostController.PostsChangedNotification. In your observation method, reload the table view.

Update the Post Detail Table View Controller

  1. In viewDidLoad(), start observing the PostController.PostCommentsChangedNotification.
  2. In your observation method, check that the notification's object is the post whose detail is being displayed, and if so, reload the table view.

Check Functionality

At this point the app should support basic push and fetch syncing from CloudKit. Use your Simulator and your Device to create new Post and Comment objects. Use the Refresh Control to initiate new sync operations between the two instances of your app. Check for and fix any bugs.

Part Four - Intermediate CloudKit: Subscriptions, Push Notifications, Automatic Sync

  • use subscriptions to generate push notifications
  • use push notifications to run a push based sync engine

Implement Subscriptions and push notifications to create a simple automatic sync engine. Add support for subscribing to new Post records and for subscribing to new Comment records on followed Postss. Request permission for remote notifications. Respond to remote notifications by initializing the new Post or Comment with the new data.

When you finish this part, the app will support syncing photos, posts, and comments from remote notifications generated when new records are created in CloudKit. This will allow all devices that have given permission for remote notifications the ability to sync new posts and comments automatically. When new posts or comments are created in CloudKit, they will be serialized into model objects, and the UI will update with the new data.

Add Subscription Support to the CloudKitManager

Build functionality into your CloudKitManager that can be used to manage subscriptions and push notifications. Add support for adding a subscription, fetching a single subscription, fetching all subscriptions, and deleting a subscription.

  1. Add the following properties and function signatures that perform basic CloudKit subscription management functionality.
    // MARK: - Subscriptions
    func subscribe(_ type: String,
                    predicate: NSPredicate,
                    subscriptionID: String,
                    contentAvailable: Bool,
                    alertBody: String? = nil,
                    desiredKeys: [String]? = nil,
                    options: CKQuerySubscriptionOptions,
                    completion: ((_ subscription: CKSubscription?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

    func unsubscribe(_ subscriptionID: String, completion: ((_ subscriptionID: String?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) 

    func fetchSubscriptions(_ completion: ((_ subscriptions: [CKSubscription]?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)

    func fetchSubscription(_ subscriptionID: String, completion: ((_ subscription: CKSubscription?, _ error: Error?) -> Void)?)
  1. Using the documentation for CloudKit, fulfill the contract of each function signature. Using the data passed in as a paremeter, write code that will return the requested information. When it makes sense to do so using the NSOperation subclasses, try to use them over the convenience functions.

PostController Subscription Based Sync

Update the PostController class to manage subscriptions for new posts and new comments on followed posts. Add functions for following and unfollowing individual posts.

When a user follows a Post, he or she will receive a push notification and automatic sync for new Comment records added to the followed Post.

Subscribe to New Posts

Create and save a subscription for all new Post records.

  1. Add a function subscribeToNewPosts that takes an optional completion closure with success Bool and error NSError? parameters.
    • note: Use an identifier that describes that this subscription is for all posts.
  2. Implement the function by using the CloudKitManager to subscribe to newly created Post records. Run the completion closure, passing a successful result if the subscription is successfully saved.
  3. Call the subscribeToNewPosts in the initializer for the PostController so that each user is subscribed to new Post records saved to CloudKit.

Subscribe to New Comments

Create and save a subscription for all new Comment records that point to a given Post

  1. Add a function addSubscriptionTo(commentsForPost post: ...) that takes a Post parameter, an optional alertBody String parameter, and an optional completion closure with success Bool and error Error parameters.
  2. Implement the function by using the CloudKitManager to subscribe to newly created Comment records that point to the post parameter. Run the completion closure, passing a successful result if the subscription is successfully saved.
    • note: You will need to be able to identify this subscription later if you choose to delete it. Use a unique identifier on the Post as the identifier for the subscription so you can manage the matching subscription as needed.
    • note: You will need an NSPredicate that checks if the Comment's post is equal to the post parameter's CKRecordID

Manage Post Comment Subscriptions

The Post Detail scene allows users to follow and unfollow new Comments on a given Post. Add a function for removing a subscription, and another function that will toggle a subscription for a given Post.

  1. Add a function removeSubscriptionTo(commentsForPost post: ...) that takes a Post parameter and an optional completion closure with success and error parameters.
  2. Implement the function by using the CloudKitManager to unsubscribe to the subscription for that Post.
    • note: Use the unique identifier you used to save the subscription above. Most likely this will be your unique recordName for the Post.
  3. Add a function checkSubscriptionToPostComments that takes a Post parameter and an optional completion closure with a subscribed Bool parameter.
  4. Implement the function by using the CloudKitManager to fetch a subscription with the post.recordName as an identifier. If the subscription is not nil, the user is subscribed. If the subscription is nil, the user is not subscribed. Run the completion closure with the appropriate parameters.
  5. Add a function toggleSubscriptionTo(commentsForPost post: ...) that takes a Post parameter and an optional completion closure with success, isSubscribed, and error parameters.
  6. Implement the function by using the CloudKitManager to fetch subscriptions, check for a subscription that matches the Post, removes it if it exists, or adds it if it does not exist. Run the optional completion closure with the appropriate parameters.

Update User Interface

Update the Post Detail scene's Follow Post button to display the correct text based on the current user's subscription. Update the outlet to toggle subscriptions for new comments on a Post.

  1. Update the updateViews function to call the checkSubscriptionTo(commentsForPost: ...) on the PostController and set appropriate text for the button based on the response.
  2. Implement the Follow Post button's IBAction to call the toggleSubscriptionTo(commentsForPost: ...) function on the PostController and update the Follow Post button's text based on the new subscription state.

Add Permissions

Update the Info.plist to declare backgrounding support for responding to remote notifications. Request the user's permission to display remote notifications.

  1. Open the Info.plist file and add the following code to declare backgrounding support to respond to remote notifications:
  1. Request the user's permission to display notifications in the AppDelegate didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function.
    • note: Use the requestAuthorization function that is a part of UNUserNotificationCenter.

Handle Received Push Notifications

At this point the application will save subscriptions to the CloudKit database, and when new Post or Comment records are created that match those subscriptions, the CloudKit database will deliver a push notification to the application with the record data.

Handle the push notification by serializing the data into a Post or Comment object. If the user is actively using the application, the user interface will be updated in response to notifications posted by the PostController. s

  1. Add the didReceiveRemoteNotification delegate function to the AppDelegate.
  2. Implement the function by telling the PostController to perform a full sync, which will fetch all new Posts and all new Comments. Run the completion handler by passing in the UIBackgroundFetchResult.NewData response.
    • note: Fetch all new posts and comments here is somewhat inefficient, since we really only want the new record that triggered the push notification. However, it has the advantage of being very simple, and most of the time there will only be one new record anyway.

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