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dvmhost's Introduction

Digital Voice Modem Host

The DVM Host software provides the host computer implementation of a mixed-mode DMR, P25 and/or NXDN or dedicated-mode DMR, P25 or NXDN repeater system that talks to the actual modem hardware. The host software; is the portion of a complete Over-The-Air modem implementation that performs the data processing, decision making and FEC correction for a digital repeater.

This project is a direct fork of the MMDVMHost ( project, and combines the MMDVMCal ( project into a single package.

Please feel free to reach out to us for help, comments or otherwise, on our Discord:


This project utilizes CMake for its build system. (All following information assumes familiarity with the standard Linux make system.)

The DVM Host software requires the library dependancies below. Generally, the software attempts to be as portable as possible and as library-free as possible. A basic GCC/G++ install, with libasio and ncurses is usually all that is needed to compile.


apt-get install libasio-dev libncurses-dev

  • ASIO Library (; on Debian/Ubuntu Linux's: apt-get install libasio-dev
  • ncurses; on Debian/Ubuntu Linux's: apt-get install libncurses-dev

Alternatively, if you download the ASIO library from the ASIO website and extract it to a location, you can specify the path to the ASIO library using: -DWITH_ASIO=/path/to/asio. This method is required when cross-compiling for old Raspberry Pi ARM 32 bit.

If cross-compiling ensure you install the appropriate libraries, for example for AARCH64/ARM64:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture arm64
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libasio-dev:arm64 libncurses-dev:arm64

Build Instructions

  1. Clone the repository. git clone
  2. Switch into the "dvmhost" folder. Create a new folder named "build" and switch into it.
    # cd dvmhost
    dvmhost # mkdir build
    dvmhost # cd build
  3. Run CMake with any specific options required. (Where [options] is any various compilation options you require.)
    dvmhost/build # cmake [options] ..
    -- Build files have been written to: dvmhost/build
    dvmhost/build # make

If cross-compiling is required (for either ARM 32bit, 64bit or old Raspberry Pi ARM 32bit), the CMake build system has some options:

  • -DCROSS_COMPILE_ARM=1 - This will cross-compile dvmhost for generic ARM 32bit. (RPi4 running 32-bit distro's can fall into this category [on Debian/Rasbpian anything bullseye or newer])
  • -DCROSS_COMPILE_AARCH64=1 - This will cross-compile dvmhost for generic ARM 64bit. (RPi4 running 64-bit distro's can fall into this category [on Debian/Rasbpian anything bullseye or newer])
  • -DCROSS_COMPILE_RPI_ARM=1 - This will cross-compile for old Raspberry Pi ARM 32 bit. (typically this will be the RPi1, 2 and 3 platforms; see build notes, linked below)

Please note cross-compliation requires you to have the appropriate development packages installed for your system. For ARM 32-bit, on Debian/Ubuntu OS install the "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc" and "arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++" packages. For ARM 64-bit, on Debian/Ubuntu OS install the "aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc" and "aarch64-linux-gnu-g++" packages.

See build notes.

Setup TUI (Text-based User Interface)

Since, DVM Host 3.5, the old calibration and setup modes have been deprecated in favor of a ncurses-based TUI. This TUI is optional, and DVM Host can still be compiled without it for systems or devices that cannot utilize it.

  • -DENABLE_SETUP_TUI=0 - This will disable the setup/calibration TUI interface.
  • -DENABLE_TUI_SUPPORT=0 - This will disable TUI support project wide. Any projects that require TUI support will not compile, or will have any TUI components disabled.

Compiled Protocol Options

These are the protocols that are compiled-in to the host for data processing. By default, support for both DMR and P25 protocols are enabled. And, support for the NXDN protocol is disabled. What "compiled-in" support means is whether or not the host will perform any processing for the specified protocol (and this is regardless of whether or not the config.yml has a protocol specified for being enabled or not).

In order to change what protocol support is compiled into the host, these are the CMake options to supply:

  • -DENABLE_DMR=1 - This will enable compiled-in DMR protocol support.
  • -DENABLE_P25=1 - This will enable compiled-in P25 protocol support.
  • -DENABLE_NXDN=1 - This will enable compiled-in NXDN protocol support.

NXDN Support Note: NXDN support is currently experimental.


When first setting up a DVM instance, it is required to properly set the "Logical Channel ID" (or LCN ID) data and then calibrate the modem.

Initial Setup

  1. Edit config.yml and ensure the settings for the modem are correct, find the "modem" section in "system". Check that the uart protocol has the appropriate UART port and port speed set (the config.yml defaults to /dev/ttyUSB0 and 115200).
  2. Start dvmhost as follows: /path/to/dvmhost -c /path/to/config.yml --setup. This will start the dvmhost setup mode.
  3. Set the channel ID using the "i" command. This will select the identity table bandplan entry to use for frequency selection. The bandplan information is contained within the iden_table.dat file. The identity table information will also appear during dvmhost startup like this:
M: ... (HOST) Channel Id 0: BaseFrequency = 851006250Hz, TXOffsetMhz = -45.000000MHz, BandwidthKhz = 12.500000KHz, SpaceKhz = 6.250000KHz
M: ... (HOST) Channel Id 1: BaseFrequency = 762006250Hz, TXOffsetMhz = 30.000000MHz, BandwidthKhz = 12.500000KHz, SpaceKhz = 6.250000KHz
M: ... (HOST) Channel Id 15: BaseFrequency = 935001250Hz, TXOffsetMhz = -39.000000MHz, BandwidthKhz = 12.500000KHz, SpaceKhz = 6.250000KHz
M: ... (HOST) Channel Id 2: BaseFrequency = 450000000Hz, TXOffsetMhz = 5.000000MHz, BandwidthKhz = 12.500000KHz, SpaceKhz = 6.250000KHz
  1. Set the channel number using either the "c" or "f" command. The "f" command is recommended as it will automatically calculate the appropriate channel number from the DVM's transmit frequency.
  2. Save the configuration using "s" and quit setup mode with "q".

Transmit Calibration

  1. Start dvmhost as follows: /path/to/dvmhost -c /path/to/config.yml --cal. This will start the dvmhost calibration mode. The best way to calibrate the DVM is to use a radio from which you can receive and transmit the appropriate test patterns (for example using ASTRO25 Tuner and an XTS radio to use the "Bit Error Rate" functions under Performance Testing).
  2. Depending on which protocol you are calibration with, enter DMR BS 1031 Hz Test Pattern (M) or P25 1011 Hz Test Pattern (NAC293 ID1 TG1) (P).
  3. Ensure the TXLevel is set to 50 (it should be by default, "`" will display current values, use "T" [increase] and "t" [decrease] if necessary to set it to 50).
  4. If the hardware in use has a TX potentiometer, set it to the to minimum level.
  5. Start Tx (press spacebar to toggle Tx).
  6. While observing the BER via whatever means available, adjust the TX potentiometer for the lowest received BER. If necessary also adjust the software TXLevel for some fine tuning with the "T" (increase) and "t" (decrease).
  7. Stop Tx (press spacebar to toggle Tx).
  8. Save the configuration using "s" and quit calibration mode with "q".

Receive Calibration

  1. Start dvmhost as follows: /path/to/dvmhost -c /path/to/config.yml --cal. This will start the dvmhost calibration mode. The best way to calibrate the DVM is to use a radio from which you can receive and transmit the appropriate test patterns (for example using ASTRO25 Tuner and an XTS radio to use the "Transmitter Test Pattern" functions under Performance Testing).
  2. Depending on which protocol you are calibration with, enter DMR BS 1031 Hz Test Pattern (M) or P25 1011 Hz Test Pattern (P).
  3. Ensure the RXLevel is set to 50 (it should be by default, "`" will display current values, use "R" [increase] and "r" [decrease] if necessary to set it to 50).
  4. If the hardware in use has a RX potentiometer, set it to the to minimum level. (If using something like the RepeaterBuilder STM32 board, decrease both the coarse and fine potentiometers to minimum level.)
  5. Depending on which protocol you are calibration with, enter DMR MS 1031 Hz Test Pattern (J) or P25 1011 Hz Test Pattern (j).
  6. While observing the BER via the calibration console, adjust the RX potentiometer(s) for the lowest received BER. If necessary also adjust the software RXLevel for some fine tuning with the "R" (increase) and "r" (decrease).
  7. Save the configuration using "s" and quit calibration mode with "q".

Calibration Notes

  • During Transmit Calibration, it may be necessary to adjust the symbol levels directly. Normally this isn't required as the DVM will just work, but some radios require some fine adjustment of the symbol levels, this is exposed in the calibration mode.
  • Unusually high BER >10% and other various receive problems may be due to the radio/hotspot being off frequency and requiring some adjustment. Even a slight frequency drift can be catastrophic for proper digital modulation. The recommendation is to ensure the interfaced radio does not have an overall reference frequency drift > +/- 150hz. An unusually high BER can also be explained by DC level offsets in the signal paths, or issues with the FM deviation levels on the interfaced radio being too high or too low.

Command Line Parameters

usage: ./dvmhost [-vhf] [--setup] [--fne] [-c <configuration file>] [--remote [-a <address>] [-p <port>]]

  -v        show version information
  -h        show this screen
  -f        foreground mode

  --setup   setup mode

  --fne     fixed network equipment mode (conference bridge)

  -c <file> specifies the configuration file to use

  --remote  remote modem mode
  -a        remote modem command address
  -p        remote modem command port

  --        stop handling options

Embedded FNE Mode

DVMHost contains its own "embedded FNE" or "mini-FNE", which is a simple conference bridge style FNE that can be activated using the --fne command line options. This FNE mode does not use the standard DVMHost configuration file and uses its own configuration file (see fne-config.example.yml).

The "embedded FNE" is a simplistic FNE, meant for simple single-master small-scale deployments. It, like the full-scale FNE, defines rules for available talkgroups and manages calls. Unlike the full-scale FNE, the "embedded FNE" does not have multi-system routing or support multiple masters. It can peer to other FNEs, however, unlike full-scale FNE the "embedded FNE" does not have provisioning for talkgroup mutuation (i.e. talkgroup number rewriting, where on System A TG123 routes to System B TG456), all TGs must be one to one across peers.

The "embedded FNE" is meant as an easier alternative to a full-scale FNE where complex routing or multiple masters are not required.

Build Notes

  • The installation path of "/opt/dvm" is still supported by the CMake Makefile (and will be for the forseeable future); after compiling, in order to install to this path simply use: make old_install.

  • The installation of the systemd service is also still supported by the CMake Makefile, after using make old_install, simply use: make old_install-service.

  • The old RPi 1, 2 or 3 cross-compile requires a downloaded copy of ASIO pointed to with the -DWITH_ASIO=/path/to/asio.

  • By default when cross-compiling for old RPi 1 using the Debian/Ubuntu OS, the toolchain will attempt to fetch and clone the tools automatically. If you already have a copy of these tools, you can specify the location for them with the -DWITH_RPI_ARM_TOOLS=/path/to/tools

  • For old RPi 1, 2 or 3 using Debian/Ubuntu OS install the standard ARM embedded toolchain (typically "arm-none-eabi-gcc" and "arm-none-eabi-g++").

    1. Switch to "/opt" and checkout
  • The old RPi 1, 2 or 3 builds do not support the TUI when cross compiling. If you require the TUI on these platforms, you have to build the dvmhost directly on the target platform vs cross compiling.

There is an automated process to generate a tarball package if required as well, after compiling simply run: make tarball. This will generate a tarball package, the tarball package contains the similar pathing that the make old_install would generate.

Security Warnings

It is highly recommended that the REST API interface not be exposed directly to the internet. If such exposure is wanted/needed, it is highly recommended to proxy the dvmhost REST API through a modern web server (like nginx for example) rather then directly exposing dvmhost's REST API port.

Raspberry Pi Preparation

Some extra notes for those who are using the Raspberry Pi, default Raspbian OS or Debian OS installations. You will not be able to flash or access the STM32 modem unless you do some things beforehand.

  1. Disable the Bluetooth services. Bluetooth will share the GPIO serial interface on /dev/ttyAMA0. On Rasbian OS or Debian OS, this is done by: sudo systemctl disable bluetooth then adding dtoverlay=disable-bt to /boot/config.txt.
  2. The default Rasbian OS and Debian OS will have a getty instance listening on /dev/ttyAMA0. This can conflict with the STM32, and is best if disabled. On Rasbian OS or Debian OS, this is done by: systemctl disable [email protected]
  3. There's a default boot option which is also listening on the GPIO serial interface. This must be disabled. Open the /boot/cmdline.txt file in your favorite editor (vi or pico) and remove the console=serial0,115200 part.

The steps above can be done by the following commands:

sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service [email protected]
grep '^dtoverlay=disable-bt' /boot/config.txt || echo 'dtoverlay=disable-bt' | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt
sudo sed -i 's/^console=serial0,115200 *//' /boot/cmdline.txt

After finishing these steps, reboot.


This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE file for details. Use of this project is intended, for amateur and/or educational use ONLY. Any other use is at the risk of user and all commercial purposes is strictly discouraged.

dvmhost's People


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