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xct's Issues

Error with combo points

6x xCT+-3.1.0 DEV\modules\options.lua:165: attempt to index field "combo" (a nil value)
xCT+-3.1.0 DEV\modules\options.lua:165: in function "cvar_udpate"
xCT+-3.1.0 DEV\core.lua:51: in function <xCT+\core.lua:25>
(tail call): ?

:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function :"safecall Dispatcher[1]":5
(tail call): ?
Ace3-r1080\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-11.lua:514: in function "InitializeAddon"
Ace3-r1080\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-11.lua:629: in function <Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:621>


Happens on login on my rogue.

Loot Message lua error when getting caged pets

I just caged a pet from my pet journal and encountered this error:

[11:27:38] Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:798: attempt to compare number with nil
Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\AtrErrorInspector.lua:106: in function <Interface\AddOns\Auctionator\AtrErrorInspector.lua:51>
[C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:798: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:222: in function <Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:207>

Loot messages display other players' loot

I don't know if this is intentional, but I'd guess it's not. When someone in my group receives loot that I classified as "always show", it shows up in my scrolling frame.

This happened in several raid groups, e.g. for Sha of Anger or Mogu'Shan Palace. Items included were the quest-claw, epic loot someone else got or the darkmoon quest item. I have quest items set to enabled, so I'd suppose that's the reason for this.

It's just somewhat irritating to think "Oh, awesome, an epic! ... Ah, not mine. I see .. sad face" whenever something "wrong" shows up ;)

Still missing spell merges

First of all thanks for the update! I have posted the missing spell merges on your curse page but Looks like you did not notice my tickets.
Here is a link to the full merge.lua even with the latest changes you made included:

This are the spells I added:

-- Follower / Bodyguard
[171764] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Vivianne 1"),
[175806] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Vivianne 2"),
[173010] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Vivianne 3"),
[175814] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Vivianne 4"),
[176020] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Aeda 1"),
[176017] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Follower Aeda 2"),

-- WoD
[143924] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Item Leech"), -- Item life Leech
[165421] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Shredder1"), -- Gorgrond Shredder
[164603] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("ITEM", 3.5, "Shredder2"), -- Gorgrond Shredder

-- priest (Shadow = damage) added 2nd Devouring Plague spell id!
[158831] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("PRIEST", 3), -- Devouring Plague 2
[179337] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("PRIEST"), -- Searing Insanity

-- DRUID spells
[162359] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID"), -- Genesis
[124988] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID", 3, "Heal"), -- Nature's Vigil (Heal)
[155777] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID"), -- Rejuvenation (Germination)

[164812] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID"), -- Moonfire (WoD)
[124991] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID", 3, "Damage"), -- Nature's Vigil (Damage)
[164815] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID"), -- Sunfire (WoD)

BUG: Saving frames

Currently when you save your frames, it does not correctly save your height and width.

Chain Lightning Crits

Chain Lightning Crits are showing up in the outgoing and in the outgoing critical window, spam filtering for it is turned on. is that intentional? for the record, I used it on a single target occasion so it was really only one hit.

Hunter, Beast Cleave - Add as Spell Merge

Beastmaster Hunter spec gives you 'Beast Cleave'

Added this line to merge the spell in my merge.lua

[118459] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("HUNTER", .5), -- Beast Cleave (INSTANT)

Spam filter not working correctly with Dual wield attacks

Hello, i was trying out this edit for XCT and the first thing i noticed was it has an issue with counting Attacks made with an offhand into the spam filter, such as Whirlwind, Bladestorm, as well as Raging blow when i custom added it to the spam filter, it does however work perfectly fine for these abilities if you are Not dual wielding, otherwise you get X lines of Whirlwind hits, followed by whirlwind hit for #####x15 same thing goes for bladestorm and RB bladestorm has insane spam, 10-30 lines of single instances of damage, followed up by #####X26

also i noticed the spam filter, has roughly a 2.5-5 second delay on displaying the damage

Switch interface options tab when showing Blizzard options

Most of the time, addon's settings guide you to the "AddOns" tab on the interface settings. However, you are directing the user to Blizzard's default settings.
If the user has been on an add-on settings panel before, you will display the correct panel (i.e. Blizzard's options from the Game tab), however, the scrolling sidebar is still that of the AddOn tab. This at least confused me and maybe others feel the same about it?

It's easy to improve this jump by just adding


for example, like this:

blizzardOptions = {
      order = 3,
      type = 'execute',
      name = "More Blizzard Options",
      func = function() InterfaceOptionsFrame:Show(); InterfaceOptionsFrameTab1:Click(); InterfaceOptionsFrameCategoriesButton8:Click(); LibStub('AceConfigDialog-3.0'):Close(ADDON_NAME); GameTooltip:Hide() end,

Loot messages

I would like to not display looted quest items (since they're tracked as quest progress anyways) but even when I uncheck the "Enable" checkbox, they are still shown.

Also, when they are shown they do not show the amount already possessed, e.g. "Random Quest Item x1 (0)". Please either fix the owned count or hide it from these messages :)

Please Update for WoD/prepatch

Addon seams to work but the options menu dosen't open so I can't load a profil or change anything :( Please update this great AddOn!

Names Incoming (Healing)

You have marked the "Names Incoming (Healing) " Ticked @ curse as fixed but for my its still showing Healer names in RAIDS.
My Options:
Merge Healing by Name: Enabled
Incoming (Healing): All Special Tweaks disabled

Leaking global variables

Hey, I just ran findglobals against xct.lua and it found quite a few "issues" ;) While API calls shouldn't worry you, some variables like _, f, lowHealth or lowMana with such a commonly used name shouldn't fly around freely in the global variable namespace.

So here's the dump:

main <xCT.lua:0,0> (1607 instructions, 6428 bytes at 0x107b01790)
    [16]    SETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; XCT_DEBUG
    [27]    SETGLOBAL   1 -5    ; xCT
    [541]   SETGLOBAL   6 -212  ; xCTdmg
    [548]   SETGLOBAL   6 -216  ; xCTheal
    [1191]  SETGLOBAL   23 -234 ; DAMAGE_TEXT_FONT
    [1769]  SETGLOBAL   29 -401 ; SLASH_XCT1
    [2221]  SETGLOBAL   29 -435 ; loadstacktracker
function AssignTalentTree() <xCT.lua:79,239> (277 instructions, 1108 bytes at 0x107b01e20)
    [82]    GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; XCT_ISMOP
    [83]    GETGLOBAL   1 -3    ; GetSpecialization
    [83]    GETGLOBAL   4 -4    ; GetActiveSpecGroup
    [85]    GETGLOBAL   1 -5    ; GetPrimaryTalentTree
    [85]    GETGLOBAL   4 -6    ; GetActiveTalentGroup
    [228]   GETGLOBAL   0 -48   ; loadstacktracker
GetSpellTextureFormatted = function(spellID, iconSize)  <xCT.lua:600,626> (68 instructions, 272 bytes at 0x107b02770)
    [603]   GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; PET_ATTACK_TEXTURE
    [604]   GETGLOBAL   4 -5    ; GetSpellInfo
    [606]   GETGLOBAL   3 -5    ; GetSpellInfo
    [610]   GETGLOBAL   4 -8    ; print
    [614]   GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; PET_ATTACK_TEXTURE
    [615]   GETGLOBAL   4 -3    ; PET_ATTACK_TEXTURE
    [617]   GETGLOBAL   3 -13   ; GetSpellTexture
function SetUnit()  <xCT.lua:643,650> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0x107b01d20)
    [644]   GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; UnitHasVehicleUI
    [649]   GETGLOBAL   0 -5    ; CombatTextSetActiveUnit
function ScrollDirection()  <xCT.lua:681,691> (28 instructions, 112 bytes at 0x107b04340)
    [682]   GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; COMBAT_TEXT_FLOAT_MODE
function AlignGridShow()    <xCT.lua:698,783> (293 instructions, 1172 bytes at 0x107b04820)
    [700]   GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; CreateFrame
    [700]   GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; UIParent
    [701]   GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; UIParent
    [705]   GETGLOBAL   1 -6    ; GetScreenWidth
    [705]   GETGLOBAL   2 -7    ; GetScreenHeight
function ChatMsgMoney_Handler(msg)  <xCT.lua:795,807> (107 instructions, 428 bytes at 0x107b058f0)
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   1 -1    ; tonumber
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   4 -3    ; GOLD_AMOUNT
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   2 -1    ; tonumber
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; SILVER_AMOUNT
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   3 -1    ; tonumber
    [796]   GETGLOBAL   6 -8    ; COPPER_AMOUNT
    [797]   GETGLOBAL   5 -12   ; MONEY
    [802]   GETGLOBAL   7 -20   ; GetCoinTextureString
    [805]   GETGLOBAL   6 -25   ; xCTloot
    [805]   GETGLOBAL   6 -26   ; xCTgen
function ChatMsgLoot_Handler(msg)   <xCT.lua:809,852> (171 instructions, 684 bytes at 0x107b05ae0)
    [810]   GETGLOBAL   1 -1    ; select
    [810]   GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; string
    [811]   GETGLOBAL   6 -1    ; select
    [811]   GETGLOBAL   8 -5    ; GetItemInfo
    [816]   GETGLOBAL   15 -9   ; tonumber
    [820]   GETGLOBAL   15 -15  ; LOOT_ITEM_CREATED_SELF
    [821]   GETGLOBAL   15 -20  ; LOOT_ITEM_PUSHED_SELF
    [821]   GETGLOBAL   15 -21  ; LOOT_ITEM_SELF
    [821]   GETGLOBAL   15 -15  ; LOOT_ITEM_CREATED_SELF
    [827]   GETGLOBAL   15 -28  ; GetItemQualityColor
    [830]   GETGLOBAL   21 -33  ; _G
    [846]   GETGLOBAL   21 -45  ; GetItemCount
    [850]   GETGLOBAL   19 -47  ; xCTloot
    [850]   GETGLOBAL   19 -48  ; xCTgen
function OnEvent(self, event, subevent, ...)    <xCT.lua:859,1187> (1179 instructions, 4716 bytes at 0x107b06aa0)
    [861]   GETGLOBAL   3 -2    ; select
    [862]   GETGLOBAL   5 -4    ; SHOW_COMBAT_TEXT
    [866]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [869]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [872]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [875]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [881]   GETGLOBAL   5 -24   ; xCTheal
    [883]   GETGLOBAL   5 -24   ; xCTheal
    [892]   GETGLOBAL   5 -24   ; xCTheal
    [894]   GETGLOBAL   5 -24   ; xCTheal
    [901]   GETGLOBAL   5 -24   ; xCTheal
    [906]   GETGLOBAL   5 -31   ; xCTproc
    [906]   GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [909]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [909]   GETGLOBAL   7 -35   ; MISS
    [912]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [912]   GETGLOBAL   7 -37   ; DODGE
    [915]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [915]   GETGLOBAL   7 -38   ; PARRY
    [918]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [918]   GETGLOBAL   7 -39   ; EVADE
    [924]   GETGLOBAL   6 -40   ; IMMUNE
    [929]   GETGLOBAL   6 -51   ; time
    [934]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [934]   GETGLOBAL   7 -40   ; IMMUNE
    [938]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [938]   GETGLOBAL   7 -53   ; DEFLECT
    [941]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [941]   GETGLOBAL   7 -54   ; REFLECT
    [944]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [944]   GETGLOBAL   7 -35   ; MISS
    [947]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [947]   GETGLOBAL   7 -37   ; DODGE
    [950]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [950]   GETGLOBAL   7 -38   ; PARRY
    [953]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [953]   GETGLOBAL   7 -39   ; EVADE
    [959]   GETGLOBAL   6 -40   ; IMMUNE
    [964]   GETGLOBAL   6 -51   ; time
    [969]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [969]   GETGLOBAL   7 -40   ; IMMUNE
    [973]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [973]   GETGLOBAL   7 -53   ; DEFLECT
    [976]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [976]   GETGLOBAL   7 -54   ; REFLECT
    [981]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [981]   GETGLOBAL   10 -62  ; RESIST
    [983]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [986]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [986]   GETGLOBAL   7 -62   ; RESIST
    [992]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [992]   GETGLOBAL   10 -65  ; BLOCK
    [994]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [997]   GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [997]   GETGLOBAL   7 -65   ; BLOCK
    [1003]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1003]  GETGLOBAL   10 -66  ; ABSORB
    [1005]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1008]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1008]  GETGLOBAL   7 -66   ; ABSORB
    [1014]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1014]  GETGLOBAL   10 -62  ; RESIST
    [1016]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1019]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1019]  GETGLOBAL   7 -62   ; RESIST
    [1025]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1025]  GETGLOBAL   10 -65  ; BLOCK
    [1027]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1030]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1030]  GETGLOBAL   7 -65   ; BLOCK
    [1036]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1036]  GETGLOBAL   10 -66  ; ABSORB
    [1038]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1041]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; xCTdmg
    [1041]  GETGLOBAL   7 -66   ; ABSORB
    [1045]  GETGLOBAL   5 -72   ; tonumber
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   5 -80   ; xCTpwr
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   10 -82  ; _G
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   8 -83   ; PowerBarColor
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   9 -83   ; PowerBarColor
    [1047]  GETGLOBAL   10 -83  ; PowerBarColor
    [1052]  GETGLOBAL   5 -72   ; tonumber
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   5 -80   ; xCTpwr
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   10 -82  ; _G
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   8 -83   ; PowerBarColor
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   9 -83   ; PowerBarColor
    [1054]  GETGLOBAL   10 -83  ; PowerBarColor
    [1058]  GETGLOBAL   5 -90   ; COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_AURAS
    [1059]  GETGLOBAL   5 -92   ; print
    [1070]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1072]  GETGLOBAL   5 -90   ; COMBAT_TEXT_SHOW_AURAS
    [1073]  GETGLOBAL   5 -92   ; print
    [1084]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1087]  GETGLOBAL   5 -72   ; tonumber
    [1088]  GETGLOBAL   5 -102  ; abs
    [1089]  GETGLOBAL   5 -103  ; floor
    [1091]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1091]  GETGLOBAL   7 -104  ; HONOR
    [1096]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1099]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1105]  GETGLOBAL   3 -112  ; UnitHealth
    [1105]  GETGLOBAL   4 -113  ; UnitHealthMax
    [1106]  GETGLOBAL   3 -115  ; lowHealth
    [1107]  GETGLOBAL   3 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1107]  GETGLOBAL   5 -116  ; HEALTH_LOW
    [1108]  SETGLOBAL   3 -115  ; lowHealth
    [1111]  SETGLOBAL   3 -115  ; lowHealth
    [1117]  GETGLOBAL   3 -118  ; UnitPowerType
    [1118]  GETGLOBAL   5 -119  ; UnitPower
    [1118]  GETGLOBAL   6 -120  ; UnitPowerMax
    [1119]  GETGLOBAL   5 -122  ; lowMana
    [1120]  GETGLOBAL   5 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1120]  GETGLOBAL   7 -123  ; MANA_LOW
    [1121]  SETGLOBAL   5 -122  ; lowMana
    [1124]  SETGLOBAL   5 -122  ; lowMana
    [1129]  GETGLOBAL   3 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1129]  GETGLOBAL   6 -126  ; LEAVING_COMBAT
    [1132]  GETGLOBAL   3 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1132]  GETGLOBAL   6 -128  ; ENTERING_COMBAT
    [1146]  GETGLOBAL   5 -134  ; GetRuneType
    [1147]  GETGLOBAL   6 -135  ; COMBAT_TEXT_RUNE
    [1156]  GETGLOBAL   7 -80   ; xCTpwr
    [1156]  GETGLOBAL   7 -32   ; xCTgen
    [1161]  GETGLOBAL   3 -141  ; arg1
    [1173]  GETGLOBAL   4 -148  ; UnitGUID
function(message, scrollFunction, r, g, b, displayType, isStaggered)    <xCT.lua:1389,1393> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0x107b09500)
    [1390]  GETGLOBAL   7 -1    ; COMBAT_TEXT_TO_ANIMATE
    [1390]  GETGLOBAL   8 -1    ; COMBAT_TEXT_TO_ANIMATE
    [1391]  GETGLOBAL   8 -2    ; CombatText_RemoveMessage
    [1392]  GETGLOBAL   8 -3    ; xCTgen = function(msg)   <xCT.lua:1399,1401> (7 instructions, 28 bytes at 0x107b09810)
    [1400]  GETGLOBAL   1 -1    ; print
    [1400]  GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; tostring
StartConfigmode = function()    <xCT.lua:1406,1554> (441 instructions, 1764 bytes at 0x107b09d30)
    [1407]  GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; InCombatLockdown
    [1424]  GETGLOBAL   7 -37   ; DAMAGE
    [1427]  GETGLOBAL   7 -41   ; SHOW_COMBAT_HEALING
    [1430]  GETGLOBAL   7 -43   ; COMBAT_TEXT_LABEL
    [1433]  GETGLOBAL   7 -45   ; SCORE_DAMAGE_DONE
    [1433]  GETGLOBAL   9 -47   ; SCORE_HEALING_DONE
    [1436]  GETGLOBAL   7 -49   ; LOOT
    [1507]  GETGLOBAL   5 -86   ; GetScreenWidth
    [1507]  GETGLOBAL   6 -87   ; GetScreenHeight
function(...)   <xCT.lua:1517,1521> (45 instructions, 180 bytes at 0x107b0add0)
    [1518]  GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; math
    [1518]  GETGLOBAL   4 -3    ; math
    [1519]  GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; math
    [1520]  GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; math
function EndConfigmode(showWarning) <xCT.lua:1556,1587> (65 instructions, 260 bytes at 0x107b0bd10)
    [1559]  SETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1560]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1561]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1562]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1563]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1564]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1565]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1566]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1569]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1570]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1571]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1572]  GETGLOBAL   5 -3    ; f
    [1586]  GETGLOBAL   1 -19   ; collectgarbage
function StartTestMode()    <xCT.lua:1592,1733> (78 instructions, 312 bytes at 0x107b05160)
    [1594]  GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; math
    [1595]  GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; time
    [1595]  GETGLOBAL   2 -3    ; time
function(self, elapsed) <xCT.lua:1624,1730> (465 instructions, 1860 bytes at 0x107b0d260)
    [1632]  GETGLOBAL   4 -16   ; UnitName
    [1637]  GETGLOBAL   4 -24   ; COMBAT_TEXT_LABEL
    [1645]  GETGLOBAL   6 -31   ; GetSpellInfo
    [1645]  SETGLOBAL   7 -30   ; _
    [1645]  SETGLOBAL   6 -30   ; _
    [1660]  GETGLOBAL   8 -39   ; unpack
    [1666]  GETGLOBAL   5 -43   ; MONEY
    [1666]  GETGLOBAL   7 -45   ; GetCoinTextureString
    [1679]  GETGLOBAL   6 -31   ; GetSpellInfo
    [1679]  SETGLOBAL   7 -30   ; _
    [1679]  SETGLOBAL   6 -30   ; _
    [1692]  GETGLOBAL   8 -39   ; unpack
    [1698]  GETGLOBAL   8 -55   ; _G
    [1698]  GETGLOBAL   6 -56   ; PowerBarColor
    [1698]  GETGLOBAL   7 -56   ; PowerBarColor
    [1698]  GETGLOBAL   8 -56   ; PowerBarColor
    [1718]  GETGLOBAL   5 -65   ; tostring
OnAccept     = function()   <xCT.lua:1751,1757> (10 instructions, 40 bytes at 0x107b0cbc0)
    [1752]  GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; InCombatLockdown
    [1753]  GETGLOBAL   0 -2    ; ReloadUI
function(input) <xCT.lua:1770,1828> (124 instructions, 496 bytes at 0x107b0dbc0)
    [1771]  GETGLOBAL   1 -1    ; string
    [1796]  GETGLOBAL   2 -14   ; StaticPopup_Show
    [1814]  GETGLOBAL   2 -22   ; InterfaceOptionsFrame
    [1815]  GETGLOBAL   2 -24   ; InterfaceOptionsFrameCategoriesButton8
    [1818]  GETGLOBAL   2 -27   ; XCT_DEBUG
    [1819]  SETGLOBAL   2 -28   ; xCTPlus_SavedVars
    [1820]  GETGLOBAL   2 -29   ; ReloadUI
    [1824]  GETGLOBAL   2 -31   ; print
    [1825]  GETGLOBAL   2 -31   ; print
    [1826]  GETGLOBAL   2 -31   ; print
function(...)   <xCT.lua:1833,1843> (22 instructions, 88 bytes at 0x107b0e400)
    [1834]  GETGLOBAL   0 -1    ; GetShapeshiftForm
    [1836]  GETGLOBAL   0 -4    ; SetCVar
    [1840]  GETGLOBAL   0 -4    ; SetCVar
ct.SpamQueue=function(spellId, add) <xCT.lua:1860,1869> (15 instructions, 60 bytes at 0x107b0eb10)
    [1863]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; type
function(self, elapsed) <xCT.lua:1872,1891> (70 instructions, 280 bytes at 0x107b0f030)
    [1877]  GETGLOBAL   3 -3    ; time
    [1885]  GETGLOBAL   9 -13   ; xCTdone
    [1885]  GETGLOBAL   12 -16  ; unpack
dmg = function(self, event, ...)    <xCT.lua:1919,2137> (625 instructions, 2500 bytes at 0x107b0f3b0)
    [1920]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
    [1922]  GETGLOBAL   16 -5   ; UnitGUID
    [1930]  GETGLOBAL   24 -12  ; xCTcrit
    [1937]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
    [1945]  GETGLOBAL   25 -5   ; UnitGUID
    [1946]  GETGLOBAL   24 -21  ; PET_ATTACK_TEXTURE
    [1964]  GETGLOBAL   28 -12  ; xCTcrit
    [1980]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
    [2002]  GETGLOBAL   30 -12  ; xCTcrit
    [2018]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
    [2059]  GETGLOBAL   18 -47  ; string
    [2059]  GETGLOBAL   19 -47  ; string
    [2059]  GETGLOBAL   20 -49  ; IMMUNE
    [2070]  GETGLOBAL   19 -5   ; UnitGUID
    [2071]  GETGLOBAL   18 -21  ; PET_ATTACK_TEXTURE
    [2077]  GETGLOBAL   18 -2   ; xCTdone
    [2083]  GETGLOBAL   21 -47  ; string
    [2083]  GETGLOBAL   22 -47  ; string
    [2083]  GETGLOBAL   23 -49  ; IMMUNE
    [2095]  GETGLOBAL   21 -2   ; xCTdone
    [2108]  GETGLOBAL   24 -57  ; xCTgen
    [2108]  GETGLOBAL   26 -58  ; ACTION_SPELL_DISPEL
    [2116]  GETGLOBAL   22 -57  ; xCTgen
    [2124]  GETGLOBAL   22 -57  ; xCTgen
    [2124]  GETGLOBAL   24 -65  ; ACTION_SPELL_STOLEN
    [2128]  GETGLOBAL   17 -69  ; ACTION_PARTY_KILL
    [2128]  GETGLOBAL   18 -69  ; ACTION_PARTY_KILL
    [2131]  GETGLOBAL   21 -74  ; GetPlayerInfoByGUID
    [2132]  GETGLOBAL   20 -75  ; RAID_CLASS_COLORS
    [2134]  GETGLOBAL   19 -57  ; xCTgen
heal = function(self, event, ...)   <xCT.lua:2153,2214> (168 instructions, 672 bytes at 0x107b10770)
    [2154]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
    [2156]  GETGLOBAL   16 -5   ; gflags
    [2171]  GETGLOBAL   27 -18  ; xCTcrit
    [2186]  GETGLOBAL   4 -2    ; xCTdone
function loadstacktracker() <xCT.lua:2221,2266> (26 instructions, 104 bytes at 0x107b10b50)
    [2223]  GETGLOBAL   0 -2    ; xCTclass
    [2224]  GETGLOBAL   0 -5    ; unpack
    [2224]  GETGLOBAL   1 -6    ; select
    [2224]  GETGLOBAL   2 -7    ; time
    [2225]  GETGLOBAL   3 -8    ; CreateFrame
track = function(self, event, unit) <xCT.lua:2227,2260> (100 instructions, 400 bytes at 0x107b10fc0)
    [2232]  GETGLOBAL   4 -4    ; UnitBuff
    [2239]  GETGLOBAL   15 -4   ; UnitBuff
    [2243]  GETGLOBAL   15 -8   ; xCTclass
    [2249]  GETGLOBAL   15 -8   ; xCTclass
    [2254]  GETGLOBAL   3 -15   ; UnitExists
    [2256]  GETGLOBAL   3 -8    ; xCTclass
function ct:UpdateComboPoints() <xCT.lua:2268,2289> (59 instructions, 236 bytes at 0x107b11140)
    [2269]  GETGLOBAL   1 -1    ; GetComboPoints
    [2273]  GETGLOBAL   5 -7    ; MAX_COMBO_POINTS
    [2280]  GETGLOBAL   5 -9    ; xCTclass
    [2280]  GETGLOBAL   7 -11   ; tostring
    [2283]  GETGLOBAL   5 -14   ; xCTgen
    [2283]  GETGLOBAL   7 -15   ; format
    [2287]  GETGLOBAL   5 -9    ; xCTclass
[Finished in 0.1s]

MoP errors

MoP Beta - Generally the addon works, however the positions of the frames have shifted and unlock command does nothing atm (the anchors don't appear).

Lua errors:

24x xCT\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:76 attempt to call global "GetActiveTalentGroup" (a nil value)
xCT\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:76 in function <xCT\xCT.lua:74
xCT\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:1161 in function <xCT\xCT.lua:845

self = {
0 =
subevent = nil
ct =

filtercrits = false
showincomingdmg = true
classcombofontsize = 36
lootmoney = true
dispel = true
showhots = true
damagecolor = true
justify_4 = "RIGHT"
mergeitems = true
colorkillingblows = true
showhelpfulaura = true
damageout = true
icons = true
crits_blacklist = false
font = "Addons..\HOOGE.TTF"
showharmfulaura = true
petdamage = true
damagefont = "Addons..\HOOGE.TTF"
combowindow = false
lootitems = true
justify_2 = "RIGHT"
dmgcolor =
minmoney = 0
colorblind = false
critpostfix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
frames =
unit = "player"
mergeaoespam = true
fontsize = 15
itemsquality = 3
maxlines = 64
direction_2 = "bottom"
iconsize = 10
lootwindow = true
healingout = true
pguid = "0x0100000000015ED7"
loothideicons = false
showimmunes = true
blank = "Addons..\blank"
SpamQueue = @..\xCT.lua:1837
locked = true
critprefix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
fontstyle = "OUTLINE"
procfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
justify_7 = "LEFT"
showasnoncrit = true
myclass = "WARLOCK"
myname = "Shilah"
direction_9 = "bottom"
critfontsize = 18
itemstotal = false
direction_8 = "top"
direction_4 = "bottom"
direction_7 = "bottom"
direction_6 = "bottom"
direction_5 = "bottom"
filterprocs = false
direction_3 = "bottom"
showswingcrits = true
direction_1 = "bottom"
criticons = true
timevisible = 3
crittimevisible = 3
healfilter =
DisableProfileManager = false
showgrid = true
debug_aura = false
dotdamage = true
justify_1 = "LEFT"
aura_blacklist = true
loottimevisible = 6
hideautoattack = false
treshold = 1
looticonsize = 13
critfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
critwindow = true
showgains = true
powergainswindow = true
killingblow = false
procfontsize = 17
criticonsize = 12
classcombofontstyle = "THICKOUTLINE"
mergeaoespamtime = 3
blizzheadnumbers = false
healtreshold = 1
procwindow = true
showincomingheals = true
showfades = true
justify_5 = "CENTER"
dkrunes = false
stopvespam = false
justify_9 = "CENTER"
UpdateComboPoints = @..\xCT.lua:2225
interrupt = true
filteraura = false
justify_6 = "RIGHT"
justify_3 = "CENTER"
classcombofont = "Addons..\HOOGE.TTF"
aoespam =
procfont = "Addons..\HOOGE.TTF"
justify_8 = "CENTER"
scrollable = false
critfont = "Addons..\HOOGE.TTF"
damagefontsize = 15
mergedualwield = true
SQ =
107821 =
109849 =
109609 =
85421 =
109822 =
980 =
89753 =
109854 =
30213 =
109610 =
109752 =
42223 =
106043 =
47960 =
5857 =
109847 =
109851 =
109859 =
109800 =
20153 =
30108 =
107997 =
109754 =
108005 =
85455 =
47897 =
172 =
108000 =
50590 =
109856 =
27243 =
27285 =
87385 =
107835 =
348 =
87389 =
107831 =
109825 =
109611 =
109798 =
part = "-%s (%s %s)"
r = nil
g = nil
b = nil
SetUnit = @..\xCT.lua:629
SetScroll = @..\xCT.lua:651
LimitLines = @..\xCT.lua:639
AssignTalentTree = @..\xCT.lua:74
ChatMsgLoot_Handler = @..\xCT.lua:795
ChatMsgMoney_Handler = @..\xCT.lua:781

24x xCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:129 attempt to index global "xCTRemoveProfileButton" (a nil value)
xCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:129 in function <xCT\profile.lua:108


Display negative faction changes

Hey again,

I've just spotted xCT+ and am loving it so far ;) However, I noticed that negative faction changes are still not handled properly, as they get displayed as "+-5 Steamwheedle" and it's very easy to miss that tiny little dash, causing quite a bit of confusion on my part.

It would be awesome if you would change the static "%s +%s" to something smart, i.e. only show the '+' if its a positive change.

Loaded Animated Frame

Thanks for the fast 6.2 update. On every login I get a message with "Loaded Animated Frame" from xct, I guess it was a debug text for you and you forgot to remove this, I have fixed it for myself but you may want to remove it with the next update :)


  1. Target Buffs:
    MSBT had this option where you can see combat text info if the targets gets a new Buff (maybe with an option to show only displellable). That woud be a grate thing to add!
  2. Scrolling xCT:
    Woud It be possible to add an option where the dmg/healing is realy scrolling up or down and won't only get pushed away if a new event happens? Like in MSBT?

Item Quality in colorblind mode is wrong

local itemQualities={'Poor','Common','Uncommon','Rare','Epic','Legendary','Artifact','Heirloom'}
s = item.type.." ("..itemQualities[item.quality].."): [""] "

item.quality begins at Poor == 0
itemQualities has Poor == 1
For example it will output "Poor", when item is common

btw to get localised strings, you could use
ITEM_QUALITY0_DESC = "Poor"; to ITEM_QUALITY7_DESC = "Heirloom";

Merger not displaying spells at all

Hey yet again,

so I was wondering "Why the heck don't I ever see my hurricane or the likes?"... After some digging, it seems OnSpamUpdate never gets called/triggered. Spam spells register just fine when they get added to the heap but the results never get shown :(

Maybe it has to do with my setup, but I wouldn't expect that to be the reason. Either way: I'm using general+outgoing+inc heals+inc damage+loot and have my outgoing crits fallback to outgoing while everything else falls back to general.

Using 3.0.0 beta 5

Private Message

Hey Dandruff since there is no way to send you a privat massage I'll just ask here. Will there be a new version soon? I woud like to update my interface soon so it woud be bad if I update it and 1 day later you upload a new version of xCT+.16 days without news looks like you have a lot stuff to do in rl :D

Custom colors, icons and damage merging

  1. Using a custom color for incoming spell damage colors the attacks of physical special attacks. No way to separate actual spell damage and physical damage?
  2. No icon support for incoming damage and healing?
  3. Multiple sources of incoming damage get merged into a single event. Any way to split events up or at least add a notification, i.e "-2843 (2 hits)"?


  1. You added an option to Hide Blizzards new Absorb Combat text that pops up if you give other players absorbs but I can't find an option to show this in xCT. Its silly to use blizzards-ct and xCt+ together just to get all infos. So is it possible to fix this?
  2. As said in Issue #38 the absorbation on myself is not showing up if everything is absorbed - is this still not easy fixable with the changes of 5.4?

Caging Pet - LUA Error


When you 'cage' a pet, XCT+ throws a lua error.

I guess it's just a issue with display the looting of it.

Message: Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:801: attempt to compare number with nil
Time: 01/20/13 14:16:16
Count: 1
Stack: [C]: ?
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:801: in function `?'
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:225: in function <Interface\AddOns\xCT+\modules\combattext.lua:210>

Several errors on load

Line 1004: f:SetFont(a, ct.iconsize, c)
"[22:19:11] Interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:1006: Usage: xCTdone:SetFont("font", fontHeight [, flags])

C: in function `SetFont'
Interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:1006: in main chunk"

Line 572/573: local msg = spell.phrase or msg = msg:gsub("#spell", (misplaced "msg = ")

Requests part 2

3: General Frame
Please make it possible to filter out some things from the General Frame. I woud like it to show my killshots and Bossmod warnings only.

I need a frame that only showns:
Raidwarnings like pulltimers
Dispelles I have made
target buffs gained

4: Ingame Spell Color Option:
I woud like to have the same color for all normal spells and one for "whithit" dmg so I have to change this inside the color.lua every time to get white numbes for spells and yellow numbers for whitehits;
x.damagecolor = {
[1] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- physical
[2] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- holy
[4] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- fire
[8] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- nature
[16] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- frost
[32] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- shadow
[64] = { .9, .9, .9 }, -- arcane

BUG: Using Rejuvenation show attempt to index field 'classcomboIDs' (a nil value)

Message: Interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:2206: attempt to index field 'classcomboIDs' (a nil value)
Time: 07/30/12 22:38:03
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:2206: in function <Interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:2202>

Locals: self = {
0 =
event = "UNIT_AURA"
unit = "player"
i = 1
name = "Verjüngung"
_ = ""
icon = "Interface\Icons\Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation"
count = 0
_ = "Magic"
_ = 12
_ = 16460.518
_ = "player"
_ = nil
_ = nil
spellId = 774
(_temporary) = nil
(_temporary) = nil
(_temporary) = 774
(_temporary) = true
(_temporary) = nil
(_temporary) = 35
(_temporary) = 0
(_temporary) = 0
(_temporary) = true
(_temporary) = nil
(temporary) = nil
(temporary) = "attempt to index field 'classcomboIDs' (a nil value)"
ct =

filtercrits = false
showincomingdmg = true
classcombofontsize = 48
lootmoney = true
dispel = true
showhots = true
damagecolor = true
justify_4 = "RIGHT"
mergeitems = true
colorkillingblows = true
showhelpfulaura = true
damageout = true
icons = true
crits_blacklist = false
font = "Interface\Addons\xCT\HOOGE.TTF"
showharmfulaura = true
petdamage = true
damagefont = "Interface\Addons\xCT\HOOGE.TTF"
combowindow = true
lootitems = true
justify_2 = "RIGHT"
dmgcolor =
minmoney = 0
colorblind = false
critpostfix = "
frames =
unit = "player"
mergeaoespam = true
fontsize = 16
itemsquality = 3
maxlines = 64
direction_2 = "bottom"
iconsize = 16
lootwindow = true
showcombopoints = false
classcomboUnit = "player"
combolastupdate = 0
healingout = true
myclass = "DRUID"
pguid = "0x028000000386AC66"
loothideicons = false
showimmunes = true
blank = "Interface\Addons\xCT\blank"
SpamQueue = defined @interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:1846
locked = true
critprefix = "
fontstyle = "OUTLINE"
procfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
justify_7 = "CENTER"
showasnoncrit = true
myname = "Tenawae"
direction_9 = "bottom"
critfontsize = 24
itemstotal = false
direction_8 = "bottom"
direction_4 = "bottom"
direction_7 = "top"
direction_6 = "bottom"
direction_5 = "top"
filterprocs = true
direction_3 = "bottom"
showswingcrits = true
direction_1 = "top"
criticons = true
timevisible = 3
crittimevisible = 3
healfilter =
DisableProfileManager = false
showgrid = true
debug_aura = false
dotdamage = true
justify_1 = "RIGHT"
aura_blacklist = true
loottimevisible = 6
hideautoattack = false
treshold = 1
looticonsize = 20
critfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
critwindow = true
showgains = true
powergainswindow = true
killingblow = true
procfontsize = 16
criticonsize = 14
classcombofontstyle = "THICKOUTLINE"
mergeaoespamtime = 3
blizzheadnumbers = false
healtreshold = 1
procwindow = true
showincomingheals = true
showfades = true
justify_5 = "CENTER"
dkrunes = true
stopvespam = false
justify_9 = "CENTER"
UpdateComboPoints = defined @interface\AddOns\xCT\xCT.lua:2234
interrupt = true
filteraura = false
justify_6 = "RIGHT"
justify_3 = "CENTER"
classcombofont = "Interface\Addons\xCT\HOOGE.TTF"
aoespam =
procfont = "Interface\Addons\xCT\HOOGE.TTF"
justify_8 = "CENTER"
scrollable = false
critfont = "Interface\Addons\xCT\HOOGE.TTF"
damagefontsize = 16
mergedualwield = true

BUG: Saving Frames

When you are saving frames, there is a Lua error when you lock the frames with your mouse over a frame.

Message: Interface\AddOns\xCT+\xCT+.lua:638: attempt to index field 'fsPosition' (a nil value)
Time: 10/13/11 23:37:55
Count: 2
Stack: Interface\AddOns\xCT+\xCT+.lua:638: in function <Interface\AddOns\xCT+\xCT+.lua:636>
[C]: in function `EnableMouse'
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\xCT+.lua:691: in function `EndConfigMode'
Interface\AddOns\xCT+\xCT+.lua:732: in function `?'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4227: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3838: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3876: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

Locals: (*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "OnUpdate"
(*temporary) = 62114
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'fsPosition' (a nil value)"
frame = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>


Warlords of Draenor introduced a new statistic called "Leech", which returns a portion of the player's damage and healing as healing to the player. The Spell ID is "143924" if anyone wants to manually blacklist it under "Filter: Outgoing Spells".

My suggestion is to add an easy way to exclude healing dealt by Leech on the "Outgoing (Healing)" frame by placing an option on the on the "Special Tweaks" tab.

Otherwise, every single heal produces a minor Leech heal for around 100 health (if you have any of the statistic on your gear) which becomes very spammy.

core.lua:154: unable to concatenate a nill value

I updated to ver.3.4.2 this morning and got this message on login.

1x xCT+-3.4.2\core.lua:154: attempt to concatenate a nil value
xCT+-3.4.2\core.lua:154: in function "UpdateSpamSpells"
xCT+-3.4.2\core.lua:53: in function <xCT+\core.lua:25>
(tail call): ?

:"safecall Dispatcher[1]":9: in function :"safecall Dispatcher[1]":5
(tail call): ?
...\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:529: in function "InitializeAddon"
...\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0-12.lua:644: in function <...\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636>


Incoming Healing/Damage not showing

I have tried using xCT and xCT+ both seem to not show any incoming healing/dmg. I have reinstalled and deleted my settings and the problem persists. I have also tried disabling many different mods but I cannot fix this.

How do I go about fixing this?

warrior's offhand spell merge

Sorry for my bad english, hope u can understand me XD

For example, Whirlwind's spellId is 1680, but Whirlwind on off-hand's spellId is 44946, this two spell can't merge together.

Spell Raging Blow have the same problem, spellId is 96103 and 85384

Lua Error - Looting Items

There is a known bug out there when you loot an item, Lua throws an error. I am in the process of trying to pin point it without a WoW client. I should have it fixed by tonight.

~dandruff <3

Duplicate spell

Sometime the healing frame duplicate the same healing spell.

Full absorbed value

The value of incomming dmg that gets absorbed compleatly is not shown. I enabled the "Shown Reductions" option but Its only showing absorbs where you get dmg and part of it was absorbed. As Tank I need to see how much dmg I get also If it was compleatly absorbed.

BUG: xCT+ not loading with healer classes.

xCT+ isnt loading on healer classes and is showing buggy on Interface -> Combat text.
also /xct commands aint working.

Wordek fine on DPS caster/Tank/Melee DPS.

5.0.4 Patch.

Patch 5.4

Thanks for the update!

The Blizzard combat text above the players now shows absorbations casted on other players e.g. if I cast Power Word: Shield on someone. xCT is not tracking them so i still see Blizzards text for that. Woud be cool to implement it.

I added two spells to the merge.lua

[124255] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("MONK", 6), -- Stagger/Staffelung

and for all caster classes you shoud add the new legedary cloak proc. I'm not shure if meeles have a proc thats spams like this too so...

[148008] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("PRIEST", 3),        -- legedary cloak
[148008] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("SHAMAN", 3),        -- legedary cloak
[148008] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("WARLOCK", 3),        -- legedary cloak
[148008] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("MAGE", 3),        -- legedary cloak
[148008] = CreateMergeSpellEntry("DRUID", 3),        -- legedary cloak

Other question: is the Ingame Spell Color Option from the Requests part 2 already implementet? If yes where?

BUG: Killing Blow

Currently this project has this feature, but it is bugged and does not function correctly:
Killing blows

Crash when changing settings in config mode

When you change the Prefix/Postfix of crits to something invalid like "|" when test mode is running, the client crashes. Maybe forbid changing that when test mode is on or validate the input before applying it?

MoP Issues

2x XCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:201: CreateFrame(): Couldn"t find inherited node "UIPanelButtonTemplate2"

XCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:201: in main chunk

engine =

default_profile =
config =
DropBox_Initialize = @xct\profile.lua:169
Install = @xct\profile.lua:95
ct =
lootmoney = false
dispel = true
showhots = true
damagecolor = true
justify_4 = "RIGHT"
damageout = true
icons = false
font = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
petdamage = true
damagefont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
lootitems = false
justify_2 = "LEFT"
minmoney = 0
colorblind = false
critpostfix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
mergeaoespam = true
fontsize = 16
itemsquality = 3
maxlines = 12
iconsize = 16
lootwindow = false
healingout = true
showimmunes = true
critprefix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
stopvespam = true
critfontsize = 16
itemstotal = false
filterprocs = true
precachetaunt = false
criticons = false
dotdamage = true
justify_1 = "LEFT"
loottimevisible = 6
timevisible = 3
treshold = 1
looticonsize = 20
critfontstyle = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE"
critwindow = true
crittimevisible = 3
powergainswindow = true
killingblow = false
procfontsize = 16
criticonsize = 14
texticons = false
mergeimmunespam = false
blizzheadnumbers = false
healtreshold = 1
procwindow = false
yelldispell = false
yellinterrupt = false
justify_5 = "CENTER"
yelltaunt = false
loothideicons = false
justify_7 = "LEFT"
justify_6 = "RIGHT"
interrupt = true
justify_3 = "RIGHT"
showgrid = true
mergeaoespamtime = 3
dkrunes = false
procfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
procfont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
justify_8 = "RIGHT"
scrollable = false
critfont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
damagefontsize = 16
hideautoattack = false
loadingFrame = {
0 =
xCTProfilesDropDownMenuButtonOnClick = @xct\profile.lua:147
defaultFont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
defaultSize = 8.0000005623091
fsProfileTitle = {
0 =
fsProfileSubtitle = {
0 =

2x XCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:129: attempt to index global "xCTRemoveProfileButton" (a nil value)
XCT-2.4.3a Release\profile.lua:129: in function <XCT\profile.lua:108>


2x XCT-2.4.3a Release\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:76: attempt to call global "GetActiveTalentGroup" (a nil value)
XCT-2.4.3a Release\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:76: in function <XCT\xCT.lua:74>
XCT-2.4.3a Release\xCT-2.4.3a Release.lua:1162: in function <XCT\xCT.lua:846>

self = {
0 =
subevent = nil
ct =

lootmoney = false
dispel = true
showhots = true
damagecolor = true
justify_4 = "RIGHT"
damageout = true
icons = false
font = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
petdamage = true
damagefont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
lootitems = false
justify_2 = "LEFT"
dmgcolor =
minmoney = 0
colorblind = false
critpostfix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
frames =
unit = "player"
mergeaoespam = true
fontsize = 16
itemsquality = 3
maxlines = 12
myname = "Ljubica"
iconsize = 16
lootwindow = false
healingout = true
showimmunes = true
critprefix = "|cffFF0000_|r"
stopvespam = true
critfontsize = 16
itemstotal = false
filterprocs = true
precachetaunt = false
criticons = false
pguid = "0x0100000000091491"
justify_6 = "RIGHT"
healfilter =
SpamQueue = @xct\xCT.lua:1847
locked = true
procfontstyle = "OUTLINE"
dotdamage = true
justify_1 = "LEFT"
myclass = "HUNTER"
loottimevisible = 6
timevisible = 3
treshold = 1
looticonsize = 20
critfontstyle = "MONOCHROMEOUTLINE"
critwindow = true
crittimevisible = 3
powergainswindow = true
killingblow = false
procfontsize = 16
criticonsize = 14
texticons = false
mergeimmunespam = false
blizzheadnumbers = false
healtreshold = 1
procwindow = false
yelldispell = false
yellinterrupt = false
justify_5 = "CENTER"
yelltaunt = false
loothideicons = false
justify_7 = "LEFT"
UpdateComboPoints = @xct\xCT.lua:2239
interrupt = true
justify_3 = "RIGHT"
showgrid = true
mergeaoespamtime = 3
dkrunes = false
aoespam =
procfont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
justify_8 = "RIGHT"
scrollable = false
critfont = "Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Pixel.ttf"
damagefontsize = 16
hideautoattack = false
SQ =
88466 =
53301 =
83077 =
88453 =
13812 =
1978 =
2643 =
part = "-%s (%s %s)"
r = nil
g = nil
b = nil
SetUnit = @xct\xCT.lua:630
SetScroll = @xct\xCT.lua:652
LimitLines = @xct\xCT.lua:640
AssignTalentTree = @xct\xCT.lua:74
ChatMsgLoot_Handler = @xct\xCT.lua:796
ChatMsgMoney_Handler = @xct\xCT.lua:782

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