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A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred



  • OneQuick - windows快捷键工具(屏幕边缘操作, 剪贴板增强). Autohotkey tool (screen border operation, clipboard manager).


  • nvmw - Simple Node Version Manager for Windows


  • dynomite - A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage engines
  • libfaketime - libfaketime modifies the system time for a single application
  • rio - An open source library allowing you to create an internet connected LED wall
  • darwin-xnu - The Darwin Kernel (mirror)
  • brotli - Brotli compression format
  • f-stack - F-Stack is an user space network development kit with high performance based on DPDK, FreeBSD TCP/IP stack and coroutine API.
  • mupen64plus-input-bot - An input driver for mupen64plus that consumes from a python web server
  • obs-studio - OBS - Free and open source software for live streaming and screen recording
  • ios-webkit-debug-proxy - A DevTools proxy (Chrome Remote Debugging Protocol) for iOS devices (Safari Remote Web Inspector).
  • robotjs - Node.js Desktop Automation.
  • rufus - The Reliable USB Formatting Utility
  • SQLAdvisor - 输入SQL,输出索引优化建议
  • zlog - A reliable, high-performance, thread safe, flexsible, clear-model, pure C logging library.
  • lab - A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research
  • netdata - Get control of your servers. Simple. Effective. Awesome!
  • tilda - A Gtk based drop down terminal for Linux and Unix
  • anypixel - A web-friendly way for anyone to build unusual displays
  • phc-winner-argon2 - The password hash Argon2, winner of PHC
  • react-native-pushy - ReactNative中文网推出的代码热更新服务
  • JSPatch - JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
  • libuv - Cross-platform asynchronous I/O
  • wax - Wax is now being maintained by alibaba
  • speedy - a distributed docker image storage
  • sophia - Modern transactional key-value/row storage library.
  • shadowsocks-libev - libev port of shadowsocks
  • zimg - A lightweight and high performance image storage and processing system.
  • gocr.js - OCR in Javascript via Emscripten
  • seafile - File syncing and sharing software with file encryption and group sharing, emphasis on reliability and high performance.
  • redis-3.0-annotated - 带有详细注释的 Redis 3.0 代码(annotated Redis 3.0 source code)。
  • tidy-html5 - The granddaddy of HTML tools, with support for modern standards
  • emscripten - Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler
  • mpv - 🎥 Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
  • SEnginx - Security-Enhanced nginx by Neusoft corporation.
  • msysgit - msysGit has been superseded by Git for Windows 2.x
  • git - Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
  • redis - Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
  • ccap - node.js generate captcha using c++ library CImg without install any other lib or software
  • jq - Command-line JSON processor
  • yar - Light, concurrent RPC framework for PHP & C
  • wrk - Modern HTTP benchmarking tool
  • twemproxy - A fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis
  • hadoopy - Python MapReduce library written in Cython. Visit us in #hadoopy on freenode. See the link below for documentation and tutorials.


  • dwarfcorp - An open-source 3D colony management game for PC, Mac and Linux
  • JSIL - CIL to Javascript Compiler
  • cx-extractor - 基于行块分布函数的通用网页正文抽取,C#版本
  • ScreenToGif - 🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.
  • react-native-windows - A framework for building native UWP and WPF apps with React.
  • gogotester -
  • tutorial-2d-game-unity - Unity tutorial to learn how to make a complete 2D Shoot'em Up
  • CefSharp - .NET (WPF and Windows Forms) bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework
  • ReactiveUI - An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
  • RestSharp - Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET
  • PushSharp - A server-side library for sending Push Notifications to iOS (iPhone/iPad APNS), Android (C2DM and GCM - Google Cloud Message), Windows Phone, Windows 8, Amazon, Blackberry, and (soon) FirefoxOS devices!
  • DownmarkerWPF - MarkPad - a visual Markdown editor (inspired by the Downmarker project)


  • learning-v8 - Project for learning V8 internals
  • guetzli - Perceptual JPEG encoder
  • pushpin - Reverse proxy for realtime web services
  • fastonosql - FastoNoSQL is a crossplatform Redis, Memcached, SSDB, LevelDB, RocksDB, UnQLite, LMDB, UpscaleDB, ForestDB, Pika GUI management tool.
  • napajs - Napa.js: a multi-threaded JavaScript runtime
  • mobile-deep-learning - This research aims at simply deploying CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) on mobile devices, with low complexity and high speed.
  • brpc - Industrial-grade RPC framework used throughout Baidu, with 1,000,000+ instances and thousands kinds of services, called "baidu-rpc" inside Baidu.
  • ckb - RGB Driver for Linux and OS X
  • WebARonTango - A proposal to provide Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities to the web in the form of a prototype on top of WebVR built in Chromium.
  • ELF - An End-To-End, Lightweight and Flexible Platform for Game Research
  • HumbleNet - a cross-platform networking library that works in the browser
  • Stacer - Linux System Optimizer and Monitoring
  • ELL - Embedded Learning Library
  • asm-dom - A minimal WebAssembly virtual DOM to build C++ SPA (Single page applications)
  • node-gdal - Node.js bindings for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)
  • aria2 - aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
  • node-report - Delivers a human-readable diagnostic summary, written to file.
  • node-packer - Packing your Node.js application into a single executable.
  • node-fibers - Fiber/coroutine support for v8 and node.
  • llnode - Node.js C++ lldb plugin
  • nodecv - Node.js binding to OpenCV
  • caffe2 - Caffe2 is a lightweight, modular, and scalable deep learning framework.
  • node-memwatch - A NodeJS library to keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.
  • beringei - Beringei is a high performance, in-memory storage engine for time series data.
  • libco - libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013.
  • node-tensorflow - Native TensorFlow bindings for Node.JS
  • node-tensorflow - Node-tensorflow is a NodeJS API for utilizing Google's machine learning library TensorFlow.
  • node-rdkafka - Node.js bindings for librdkafka
  • fibjs - JavaScript on Fiber (built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine)
  • design_patterns - 图说设计模式
  • algorithms - Algorithms & Data structures in C++.
  • mars - Mars is a cross-platform network component developed by WeChat.
  • miniblink49 - 一个小巧、轻量的浏览器内核,用来取代wke和libcef
  • electron-vibrancy - Make your electron windows vibrant!
  • cartographer - Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations.
  • dripcap - ☕️ Caffeinated Packet Analyzer
  • saxon-node -
  • Algo_Ds_Notes - It is a repository that is a collection of algorithms and data structures with implementation in various languages.
  • mysql-5.6 - Facebook's branch of the Oracle MySQL v5.6 database. This includes MyRocks.
  • libui-node - Node bindings for libui, an awesome native UI library for Unix, OSX and Windows
  • falco - Sysdig Falco: Behavioral Activity Monitoring With Container Support
  • amazon-dsstne - Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine (DSSTNE) is an Amazon developed library for building Deep Learning (DL) machine learning (ML) models
  • hardseed - SEX IS ZERO (0), so, who wanna be the ONE (1), aha?
  • swift - The Swift Programming Language
  • tensorflow - Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
  • node-webrtc - WebRTC stack for node.js
  • synergy-core - Open source core of Synergy, the keyboard and mouse sharing tool
  • cocos2d-js - cocos2d-x for JS
  • node-webworker-threads - Lightweight Web Worker API implementation with native threads
  • v8worker - Minimal golang binding to V8
  • AtomicGameEngine - The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
  • tiled - A generic tile map editor
  • grpc - The C based gRPC (C++, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#)
  • yoga - Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Follow for updates.
  • crosswalk - A web runtime built on Chrome. This project is currently unmaintained.
  • kids - Kids Is Data Stream
  • mlpack - mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library --
  • thrift - Mirror of Apache Thrift
  • leetcode - LeetCode Problems' Solutions
  • neuraln -
  • minko - 3D framework for web, desktop and mobile devices.
  • cmder - Lovely console emulator package for Windows
  • flatbuffers - Memory Efficient Serialization Library
  • sofa-pbrpc - A light-weight RPC implement of google protobuf RPC framework.
  • leprechaun - Headless browser for running javascript with a DOM
  • electron - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • godot - Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
  • Cplusplus-Concurrency-In-Practice - A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
  • rethinkdb - The open-source database for the realtime web.
  • openbr - Open Source Biometrics, Face Recognition
  • nuimotion - Node.js wrapper for OpenNI/NiTE offering skeletal joint tracking and gestures
  • node-profiler - Access the V8 profiler from node.js
  • Blink - An unofficial mirror for Chromium's Blink, with experimental branches.
  • incubator-pagespeed-ngx - Automatic PageSpeed optimization module for Nginx
  • OpenCC - A project for conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
  • Polycode - Polycode is a cross-platform framework for creative code.
  • node-heapdump - Make a dump of the V8 heap for later inspection.
  • node-jscoverage - jscoverage modified to support SSJS
  • node-images - Cross-platform image decoder(png/jpeg/gif) and encoder(png/jpeg) for Nodejs
  • zdb - Embeddable database library with columnar storage
  • appjs - (Deprecated!) SDK on top of nodejs to build desktop apps using HTML5/CSS/JS
  • Torque3D - MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 3D from GarageGames
  • mmmagic - An async libmagic binding for node.js for detecting content types by data inspection
  • berserkJS - berserkJS 是新形态的前端测试自动化工具 + 页面性能分析工具 ,同时也是个使用 JS 语法控制的命令行浏览器。可用 JS 编写前端自动测试用例 + 页面性能分析用例。 想了解更多?看看连接中的文档吧~~
  • Qtqq - 使用qt开发的基于webqq3.0协议的qq!
  • nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
  • Rythem - a fiddler-like project using Qt
  • node-canvas - Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.


  • ml-for-humans-zh - 📖 [译] 写给人类的机器学习
  • themes - A set of open sourced themes built by Zendesk services
  • cheatsheets - My cheatsheets
  • preact-phiber - The 3kb alternative to React Fiber with the same API
  • my-mac-os - 💻 A list of applications, alfred workflows and various tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
  • tachyons - Functional css for humans
  • now-ui-kit - Now UI Kit Bootstrap 4 - Designed by Invision. Coded by Creative Tim
  • primer - The design system that powers GitHub
  • minireset.css - A tiny modern CSS reset
  • star-history - The missing star history graph of github repos
  • web-presentation - Pure Web Components Presentation Framework
  • Gutenberg - Modern framework to print the web correctly.
  • - Curated resources that help you build lightning fast websites
  • graphql-ide - ⚡️ GraphQL IDE - An extensive IDE for exploring GraphQL API's
  • user-management - A user management example app
  • hexo-theme-next - Elegant theme for Hexo.
  • devtools-remote - Debug your browser tabs remotely via Chrome DevTools
  • E_shop - 基于struts+hibernate+spring+easyui+mysql的网上商城项目实战源码
  • hackathon-starter - A boilerplate for Node.js web applications
  • weui - A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
  • DistortedButtonEffects - A set of inspirational, highly experimental distortion effects for buttons using SVG filters. By Adrien Denat.
  • hamburgers - Tasty CSS-animated Hamburgers
  • the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese - 中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
  • segment - A JavaScript library to draw and animate SVG path strokes
  • photon - The fastest way to build beautiful Electron apps using simple HTML and CSS
  • blog - All the sources for my (not powered by React anymore) blog
  • Ionic-Material - Seamless Material Design theme for Ionic
  • frozenui - FrozenUI的CSS组件库,基于腾讯手Q样式规范,腾讯QXD出品
  • - Easing Functions Cheat Sheet
  • AnimateTransition - Library for transition animations between blocks (pages) in the application.
  • screencat - 🐈 webrtc screensharing electron app for mac os (Alpha)
  • trianglify-generator - no-coding-required triangle pattern generator. work in progress.
  • zepto.fullpage - 专注于移动端的fullPage.js
  • nuclide - A CSS framework for utilizing the Atomic design pattern
  • space.js - A HTML-driven JavaScript-library for narrative 3D-scrolling.
  • loaders.css - Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.
  • est - EFE Styling Toolkit based on Less
  • docs - Documentation, API reference, and code snippets for NativeScript
  • bootstrap-material-design - Material design theme for Bootstrap 3 and 4
  • reqres - A hosted REST-API ready to respond to your AJAX requests
  • ngAnimate - ngAnimate is best effect sulotion made for AngularJS
  • bounce.js - Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
  • css-loaders - A collection of loading spinners animated with CSS
  • fries - Fries helps you prototype Android apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • uikit - A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces
  • devtools-chromegray--dark - A theme for Chrome Developer Tools based on @kkga's Spacegray.
  • placeholdem - Placeholder Caret Animation
  • ratchet - Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
  • csshake - CSS classes to move your DOM!
  • code - [DEPRECATED]Douban CODE
  • node-webkit-hipster-seed - Bootstrap a crossplatform Desktop Application using tools you probably never heard of.
  • recess - A simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS
  • pace - Automatically add a progress bar to your site. #hubspot-open-source
  • animo.js - A powerful little tool for managing CSS animations
  • Effeckt.css - A Performant Transitions and Animations Library
  • magic - CSS3 Animations with special effects
  • JSbooks - Directory of free Javascript ebooks
  • AnythingSlider - A jQuery Slider plugin for anything.
  • chromeHAR - HAR viewer that mimics (or at least tries really hard to) Chromes network tab
  • browser-diet - 🍟 The definitive front-end performance guide
  • raytracer - A browser-based real-time raytracer written in CoffeeScript.
  • appframework - The definitive HTML5 mobile javascript framework
  • icheck - Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
  • - Slim Text is a slim text editor which runs inside Chrome
  • Flat-UI - Flat UI Free - Design Framework (html/css3/less/js). Flat UI is based on Bootstrap, a comfortable, responsive, and functional framework that simplifies the development of websites.
  • formalize - Teach your forms some manners!
  • Font-Awesome - The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
  • fancyInput - Makes typing in input fields fun with CSS3 effects
  • elusive-iconfont - Open-Source Iconfont.
  • animate.less - A tiny CSS3 animation library with plug & play options.
  • bsie - Bootstrap IE6 Compatible Library
  • maxmertkit - Maxmertkit, powerful, most customizable and easiest for usage mobile first front-end framework for web-development.
  • Garlic.js - Automatically persist your forms' text and select field values locally, until the form is submitted.
  • animate.css - 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
  • bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • normalize.css - A modern alternative to CSS resets
  • holmes - Holmes is stand-alone diagnostic CSS stylesheet that can highlight potentially invalid or erroneous HTML(5) markup by adding one class
  • nib - Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation


  • FiraCode - Monospaced font with programming ligatures


  • coffeescript - Unfancy JavaScript
  • psd.js - A Photoshop PSD file parser for NodeJS and browsers
  • Thera - Thera is an integrated development environment(IDE) powered by aimed for improving mobile hybrid solution develop experience, such as weex, luaview, react native.
  • chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
  • connect - A modern authorization server built to authenticate your users and protect your APIs
  • RenderKid - Stylish console.log for node
  • pretty-error - See node.js errors with less clutter
  • vimium - The hacker's browser.
  • marp - Markdown presentation writer, powered by Electron.
  • foaas - FOAAS (Fuck Off As A Service) provides a modern, RESTful, scalable solution to the common problem of telling people to fuck off.
  • dynamics.js - Javascript library to create physics-based animations
  • hubot-scripts - DEPRECATED, see github/hubot-scripts#1113 for details - optional scripts for hubot, opt in via hubot-scripts.json
  • vibrant.js - Extract prominent colors from an image. JS port of Android's Palette.
  • supersonic - JavaScript framework for hybrid apps, including native UI, navigation, data, device access and more
  • steroids - CLI for AppGyver Steroids tooling
  • async-profile - Asynchronous CPU profiling for node
  • node-hipchat - simple node.js library for communicating with hipchat's rest api
  • apm - Atom Package Manager
  • dispatch-proxy - Combine internet connections, increase your download speed
  • oriDomi - Fold up DOM elements like paper
  • GitHubReminder - [UNMAINTAINED] Serendipitous email reminders for your starred repos on GitHub.
  • - Pick colours based on hsl. Scheme-mode with monochromatic, analogic, complement, triad and quad colours.
  • linear-partition - Linear partition in Coffeescript (Javascript)
  • wintersmith - A flexible static site generator
  • - Real-time log monitoring in your browser
  • reactor.js - Javascript reactive programming library
  • chocolatejs - Chocolate - Full stack and isomorphic Node.js web framework and online ide
  • metajs - Visualize your Javascript with a CPS metacircular interpreter.
  • pdfkit - A JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser
  • webgl-heatmap - A high performance WebGL/JS heatmap display library
  • jquery.shapeshift - A dynamic grid system with drag and drop functionality.
  • Keypress - A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
  • morris.js - Pretty time-series line graphs
  • QuoJS - Micro #JavaScript Library for Mobile Devices
  • vrome - Vrome: Bringing Vim elegance to Chrome

DIGITAL Command Language

  • ud120-projects - Starter project code for students taking Udacity ud120


  • chromedeveditor - Chrome Dev Editor is a developer tool for building apps on the Chrome platform - Chrome Apps and Web Apps, in JavaScript or Dart. (NO LONGER IN ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT)


  • phoenix - Productive. Reliable. Fast.


  • otp - Erlang/OTP


  • gobackup - 🗄 Simple tool for backup your databases, files to FTP / SCP / S3 storages.
  • webpackage - Web packaging format
  • caire - Content aware image resize library
  • rainbond - Rainbond, Production-Grade Serverless PaaS
  • automatic-api - A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
  • kala - Modern Job Scheduler
  • colly - Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
  • pholcus - [Crawler for Golang] Pholcus is a distributed, high concurrency and powerful web crawler software.
  • istio - An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices.
  • cayley - An open-source graph database
  • flynn - A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)
  • up - Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
  • joy - A delightful Go to Javascript compiler
  • fx - fx is a tool to help you do Function as a Service with painless on your own servers
  • gofpdf - A PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images
  • node-prune - Remove unnecessary files from node_modules (.md, .ts, ...)
  • faas - OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes
  • apex - Build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease (with Go support!).
  • glide - Package Management for Golang
  • fission - Fast Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
  • nvm-windows - A node.js version management utility for Windows. Ironically written in Go.
  • godzilla - Godzilla is a ES2015 to Go source code transpiler and runtime
  • prometheus - The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.
  • cockroach - CockroachDB - the open source, cloud-native SQL database.
  • k6 - A modern load testing tool, using Go and JavaScript -
  • pipeline - Node-based automation server
  • textql - Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV
  • hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
  • scope - Monitoring, visualisation & management for Docker & Kubernetes
  • rancher - Complete container management platform
  • dex - OpenID Connect Identity (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 Provider with Pluggable Connectors
  • gods - GoDS (Go Data Structures). Containers (Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees), Sets (HashSet, TreeSet), Lists (ArrayList, SinglyLinkedList, DoublyLinkedList), Stacks (LinkedListStack, ArrayStack), Maps (HashMap, TreeMap, HashBidiMap, TreeBidiMap), Trees (RedBlackTree, AVLTree, BTree, BinaryHeap), Comparators, Iterators, Enumerables, Sort, JSON
  • iris - The fastest web framework for Go. Developed for feature-rich web applications. Be smart and embrace the future, today.
  • kit - A standard library for microservices.
  • kite - Micro-service framework in Go
  • zap - Blazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.
  • traefik - Træfik, a modern reverse proxy
  • go-candyjs - fully transparent bridge between Go and the JavaScript
  • go-duktape - Duktape JavaScript engine bindings for Go
  • imageserver - Image server toolkit in Go
  • leveros - Serverless + Microservices = ♥
  • rqlite - The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite.
  • goreplay - GoReplay is an open-source tool for capturing and replaying live HTTP traffic into a test environment in order to continuously test your system with real data. It can be used to increase confidence in code deployments, configuration changes and infrastructure changes.
  • gnvm - Node.js version manager on Windows by GO
  • apns2 - ⚡ HTTP/2 Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) push provider for Go — Send push notifications to iOS, tvOS, and OSX apps, using the new APNs HTTP/2 protocol.
  • p2pspider - DHT Spider + BitTorrent Client = P2P Spider
  • cpustat - high frequency performance measurements for Linux
  • helloworld - Example microservice to show the use of go-microservice-template and minke build gem.
  • goa - Design-based APIs and microservices in Go
  • go-starter-kit - Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules starter kit
  • gryffin - Gryffin is a large scale web security scanning platform
  • tidb - TiDB is a distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
  • nes - NES emulator written in Go.
  • tools - [mirror] Go Tools
  • gogs - Gogs is a painless self-hosted Git service.
  • mattermost-server - Open source Slack-alternative in Golang and React - Mattermost
  • consul - Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
  • go-best-practice - Trying to complete over 100 projects in various categories in golang.
  • raft - UNMAINTAINED: A Go implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol.
  • goconvey - Go testing in the browser. Integrates with go test. Write behavioral tests in Go.
  • the-way-to-go_ZH_CN - 《The Way to Go》中文译本,中文正式名《Go 入门指南》
  • mobile - [mirror] Go on Mobile
  • http2 - old repo for HTTP/2 support for Go (see README for new home)
  • beego - beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
  • go - The Go programming language
  • bleve - A modern text indexing library for go
  • bosun - Time Series Alerting Framework
  • nsq - A realtime distributed messaging platform
  • comcast - Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems.
  • gscan -
  • awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
  • cadvisor - Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
  • kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
  • drone - Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
  • moby - Moby Project - a collaborative project for the container ecosystem to assemble container-based systems
  • groupcache - groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.
  • revel - A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language.
  • build-web-application-with-golang - A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang


  • ios_top_1000 - A curated list of awesome iOS top 1000 libraries.



  • antd-sketchapp - ⚛️💎🐜 Render Ant Design components to Sketch.
  • egg-swagger - swagger-ui plugin for egg Demo:
  • proposal-top-level-await - top-level await
  • portainer - Simple management UI for Docker
  • amp-publisher-sample -
  • glTF - glTF – Runtime 3D Asset Delivery
  • web-platform-tests - Test suites for Web-platform specs — including WHATWG, W3C, and others
  • MachineLearning - Machine Learning in Action(机器学习实战)
  • scikit-learn-doc-cn - scikit-learn机器学习库中文文档翻译项目
  • vega - A visualization grammar.
  • proposal-dynamic-import - import() proposal for JavaScript
  • - 💻 Learn to code by building projects
  • fathom - A framework for extracting meaning from web pages
  • proposal-optional-chaining -
  • trpl-zh-cn - Rust 程序设计语言(第二版)
  • zju-icicles - 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划
  • webglshaders - WebGL Shader demos - GPU rendering shader experiments with procedural 3D scene generation using ray marching and distance field (also known as 'sphere tracing') rendering techniques.
  • DOClever - 做最好的接口管理平台
  • debugger-protocol-viewer - DevTools Protocol API docs—its domains, methods, and events
  • eshop - Eshop + Content Management System (CMS) written in Node.js / Total.js.
  • nowa-gui -
  • - jekyll source
  • px-vis-parallel-coordinates - A Parallel Coordinates chart built with px-vis components
  • OriginTrials - Enabling safe experimentation with web APIs
  • web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
  • - ECMAScript Daily News
  • markdown-preview-enhanced - One of the 'BEST' markdown preview extensions for Atom editor!
  • scale-pubsub -
  • the-cost-of-logging - My talk "The Cost of Logging" about our uber-fast Pino logger
  • mxgraph - mxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library
  • postman-bdd - A BDD test framework for Postman and Newman
  • rekit-portal - Web UI for managing a Rekit project.
  • typedoc - Documentation generator for TypeScript projects.
  • antd-mobile-samples - antd-mobile samples
  • flexboxgrid - Grid based on CSS3 flexbox
  • devtools-detect - Detect if DevTools is open and its orientation
  • sketch-measure - Make it a fun to create spec for developers and teammates
  • wysiwyg-editor - A beautifully designed WYSIWYG HTML Editor based on HTML5.
  • marketch - Marketch is a Sketch 3 plug-in for automatically generating html page that can measure and get CSS styles on it.
  • DIGITS - Deep Learning GPU Training System
  • lory - ☀ Touch enabled minimalistic slider written in vanilla JavaScript.
  • gToolbars.js - Javascript library for adding Google-style toolbars to your web app
  • highcharts - Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
  • create-react-pwa - + Progressive Web App goodness
  • awesome-mac -  This repo is a collection of awesome Mac applications and tools for developers and designers.
  • fastText - Library for fast text representation and classification.
  • mountebank - Over the wire test doubles
  • Hospital - OpenPower工作组收集汇总的医院开放数据
  • foundation-emails - Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and client. Even Outlook.
  • portia - Visual scraping for Scrapy
  • github-markdown-css - The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
  • catapult - Catapult
  • react-native-lesson - React-Native入门指南
  • skill-map - 程序员技能图谱
  • - 天猫前端
  • TimoFM - An full-featured DoubanFM client
  • android-dev-bookmarks - Android Dev Bookmarks(ADB) - Android 开发者的浏览器书签 For CN-Dev now | 历史更新文章戳这里: | 订阅: | 站点主页:
  • material-design-lite - Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS
  • NViconsLib_Silhouette - vector PSD and SVG popular website Icon (Especially China )
  • flexbox-playground - Mini project demonstrating how CSS3 Flexbox Layout works
  • es6-features - ECMAScript 6: Feature Overview & Comparison
  • supersonic-kitchensink - KItchensink for Supersonic project
  • js-xss - Sanitize untrusted HTML (to prevent XSS) with a configuration specified by a Whitelist
  • papier - 📎 Just another CSS framework
  • Dante - Just another Medium wysiwyg editor clone
  • game-programming-patterns - Source repo for the book
  • switch-element - Switch UI Element like iOS
  • epoch - A general purpose, real-time visualization library.
  • code-guide - Standards for flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
  • tmTheme-Editor - Color scheme editor for SublimeText, Textmate and a bunch of other text editors
  • life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
  • ionicons - The premium icon font for Ionic
  • startbootstrap - A library of free and open source Bootstrap themes and templates
  • bootstrap-magic - Bootstrap themes generator made with AngularJS
  • emailjs - html emails and attachments to any smtp server with nodejs
  • this-is-responsive - This Is Responsive
  • - A one pager for emojis on Campfire and GitHub
  • turndown - 🛏 An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript
  • typo.css - 中文网页重设与排版:一致化浏览器排版效果,构建最适合中文阅读的网页排版
  • masonry - 🏩 Cascading grid layout library
  • stroll.js - CSS3 list scroll effects
  • devtools-snippets - A collection of helpful snippets to use inside of browser devtools
  • skrollr - Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
  • Ladda - Buttons with built-in loading indicators.
  • pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
  • WAAX - Build Music Apps. For Browsers.
  • polymer - Build modern apps using web components
  • pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
  • compat-table - ECMAScript 5/6/7 compatibility tables
  • css_browser_selector - CSS Browser Selector + is a very small javascript which empowers CSS selectors; Best part - no more hacks, all compliant code; Cross-browser Mediaqueries-like (CSS3) helper - Alternative method of mediaqueries for developing responsive design for older browsers; You can now write code for - browser, browser version, platform, platform version, device, device version, min-width and max-width screen detection, orientation screen detection (landscape or portrait).
  • bootstrap-wysiwyg - Tiny bootstrap-compatible WISWYG rich text editor
  • antwort - Beautiful responsive email templates with code as beautiful as email templates can be
  • zepto - Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers, with a jQuery-compatible API
  • screenfull.js - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
  • superherojs - Superhero JavaScript
  • intro.js - A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your website and project.
  • chosen - Chosen is a library for making long, unwieldy select boxes more friendly.
  • stacktable.js - jQuery plugin for stacking tables on small screens
  • t.js - A tiny javascript templating framework in ~400 bytes gzipped
  • bootmetro - Simple and complete web UI framework to create web apps with Windows 8 Metro user interface, based on Bootstrap 2.
  • fastclick - Polyfill to remove click delays on browsers with touch UIs
  • spin.js - A spinning activity indicator
  • - Annotated ECMAScript 5.1
  • phantomjs - Scriptable Headless Browser
  • jquery.inview - A jQuery plugin that adds a bindable 'inview' event for detecting when an element is scrolled into view.
  • jquery-animate-enhanced - Extend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions for Webkit, Mozilla, IE>=10 and Opera and convert animations automatically.
  • peity - Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
  • cufon - Fast text replacement with canvas and VML - no Flash or images required.
  • scriptaculous - is an open-source JavaScript framework for visual effects and interface behaviours.


  • pandoc - Universal markup converter
  • call-haskell-from-anything - Call Haskell functions from any programming language via serialization and dynamic libraries
  • scotty - Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp (Official Repository)
  • real-world-haskell-cn - 《Real World Haskell》中文翻译项目
  • texmath - A Haskell library for converting LaTeX math to MathML.

Inno Setup


  • rejoiner - Generates a unified GraphQL schema from gRPC microservices and other Protobuf sources
  • Auto.js - A UiAutomator on android, does not need root access
  • jpinyin - JPinyin是一个汉字转拼音的Java开源类库
  • react-native-node - Run a separate Node.js process behind a React Native app
  • jsweet - A Java to JavaScript transpiler.
  • typescript-generator - Generates TypeScript from Java - JSON declarations, REST service client
  • incubator-weex - Mirror of Apache Weex
  • purplejs - PurpleJS framework 🚀 - A javascript application framework on the JVM.
  • spider - A configurable web spider with a easy-to-use web console
  • anthelion - Anthelion is a plugin for Apache Nutch to crawl semantic annotations within HTML pages
  • react-native-sentry - Official Sentry SDK for react-native
  • litho - A declarative framework for building efficient UIs on Android.
  • webmagic - A scalable web crawler framework for Java.
  • native-navigation - Native navigation library for React Native applications
  • react-native-workers - Background services and web workers for react-native
  • DDD - Domain-driven design principle
  • dbeaver - Free universal database manager and SQL client
  • remusic - 仿网易云音乐 安卓版,netease android,音乐播放器 在线 下载
  • CloudReader - 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用Gank.Io及豆瓣api开发的符合Google Material Design的Android客户端。项目采取的是MVVM-DataBinding架构开发,现主要包括:干货区、电影区和书籍区三个子模块。DIY网易云音乐原来是如此Cool~
  • conductor - Conductor is a microservices orchestration engine -
  • wycheproof - Project Wycheproof tests crypto libraries against known attacks.
  • MSEC - Mass Service Engine in Cluster(MSEC) is opened source by QQ team from Tencent. It is a backend DEV &OPS engine, including RPC,name finding,load balance,monitoring,release and capacity management.
  • gitpitch - Markdown Presentations For Everyone on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, GitBucket, Gitea, and Gogs.
  • BookReader - 📕 "任阅" 网络小说阅读器,追书推荐收藏、书籍/标签检索、模拟翻书的翻页效果、缓存书籍、日夜间模式、书签、txt/pdf/epub书籍阅读、Wifi传书~
  • tinker - Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk.
  • mpush - MPush开源实时消息推送系统
  • openrtb - OpenRTB model for Java and other languages via protobuf; Helper OpenRTB libraries for Java including JSON serialization
  • jshoper3x - 简化原版,增加移动平台特性
  • spring-framework - Spring Framework
  • todolist - A simple todolist system implemented with Spring's backend and TypeScript/React's frontend. Enjoy it.
  • jenkins - Jenkins automation server
  • react-native-svg - SVG library for React Native.
  • gerrit - Gerrit Code Review (mirror only). DO NOT SUBMIT PULL REQUESTS HERE. Use instead.
  • zipkin - Zipkin is a distributed tracing system
  • alluxio - Alluxio, formerly Tachyon, Unify Data at Memory Speed
  • heron - Heron is a realtime, distributed, fault-tolerant stream processing engine from Twitter
  • distributedlog - A high performance replicated log service. (The development is moved to Apache Incubator)
  • react-native-proximity - 📱 A React Native wrapper that provides access to the proximity sensor on iOS and Android.
  • zxing - ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
  • cachecloud - 搜狐视频(sohu tv)Redis私有云平台
  • NetEasy - 仿照网易云音乐(2.9.0)界面的练习项目
  • EventBus - Event bus for Android and Java that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality.
  • NBAPlus - A concise APP about NBA News and Event with RxJava and EventBus
  • spring-boot-graph-processing-example - A sample application that demonstrates how to build a graph processing platform as microservices to create a ranking dashboard of influential Twitter profiles
  • react-native-webview-js-context - Utilize the JavaScript VM running inside an iOS UIWebView to exploit libraries targeting the DOM (e.g. Google Charts)
  • WeChatLuckyMoney - 💸 WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件) by Zhongyi Tong. An Android app that helps you snatch red packets in WeChat groups.
  • plaid - An Android app which provides design news & inspiration as well as being an example of implementing material design.
  • elastic-job-lite - Elastic-Job is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz and Zookeeper.
  • Android-Tips - An awesome list of tips for Android.
  • android-flux-todo-app - Example of how to implement an Android TODO App using Facebook Flux Architecture
  • dexposed - dexposed enable 'god' mode for single android application.
  • AndroidDataBindingExample - Android Data Binding 代码实战
  • cordova-android - Mirror of Apache Cordova Android
  • gocd - Main repository for GoCD - Continuous Delivery server
  • secor - Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence
  • kafka - Mirror of Apache Kafka
  • realm-java - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
  • Dragger - Animate your activity!
  • Slidr - Easily add slide to dismiss functionality to an Activity
  • stetho - Stetho is a debug bridge for Android applications, enabling the powerful Chrome Developer Tools and much more.
  • weiciyuan - Sina Weibo Android Client
  • fresco - An Android library for managing images and the memory they use.
  • PullZoomView - An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in.
  • iosched - The Google I/O 2017 Android App
  • Android-ObservableScrollView - Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
  • ion - Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading
  • android-UniversalMusicPlayer - This sample shows how to implement an audio media app that works across multiple form factors and provide a consistent user experience on Android phones, tablets, Auto, Wear and Cast devices
  • SuperRecyclerView - Pumped up RecyclerView
  • android-async-http - An Asynchronous HTTP Library for Android
  • lucida - Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
  • smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine
  • androidannotations - Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance.
  • android-demos - Examples of Android applications
  • ActionBar-PullToRefresh - DEPRECATED
  • ActionBarSherlock - [DEPRECATED] Action bar implementation which uses the native action bar on Android 4.0+ and a custom implementation on pre-4.0 through a single API and theme.
  • ViewPagerIndicator - Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
  • elasticsearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
  • JGroups - The JGroups project
  • PocketHub - PocketHub Android App
  • SlidingMenu - An Android library that allows you to easily create applications with slide-in menus. You may use it in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app. Thanks!
  • commafeed - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.
  • picasso - A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
  • cw-omnibus - Source code to omnibus edition of The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development
  • buck - A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.
  • DeepLearning - Deep Learning (Python, C, C++, Java, Scala, Go)
  • Dagger - a Web UI autotest framework based on Selenium and TestNg
  • diablo-js - Isometric minimal-code style game at html5 canvas and javascript
  • yuicompressor - YUI Compressor


  • egg-di - Dependency injection lib for Egg.js.
  • content-disposition - Create and parse HTTP Content-Disposition header
  • next-plugins - Official Next.js plugins
  • swagger-js - Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs
  • sway - A library that simplifies OpenAPI (fka Swagger) integrations.
  • js-yaml - JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast.
  • json-refs - Various utilities for JSON Pointers ( and JSON References (
  • swagger-tools - A Node.js and browser module that provides tooling around Swagger.
  • swagger-server - Get your REST API up-and-running FAST with Swagger and Express
  • OpenAPI-Specification - The OpenAPI Specification Repository
  • swagger-parser - Swagger 2.0 parser and validator for Node and browsers
  • koa-oai-router - Koa Router, based on OpenAPI, Swagger and Json Schema.
  • swagger-editor - Swagger Editor
  • egg-ant-design-pro - showcase for Egg loves AntD
  • egg-cnode - CNode 社区 Egg 版本
  • swagmock - Mock data generator for swagger api
  • express-jwt - connect/express middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and set the req.user with the attributes
  • sequelize-mock - A simple mock interface specifically for testing code relying on Sequelize models
  • mout - Modular JavaScript Utilities
  • react-modern-library-boilerplate - Boilerplate for publishing modern React modules with Rollup
  • react-static - ⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React.
  • LEGION - 🚧 LEGION - 用研工具
  • riotx - Centralized State Management for riot.js
  • polacode - 📸 Polaroid for your code
  • bagpipes - Less code, more flow. Let's dance!
  • swagger-runner - The heart of Swagger-Node
  • swagger-node-runner - The heart of Swagger-Node
  • proton-native - A React environment for cross platform native desktop apps
  • automerge - A JSON-like data structure that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
  • macro-components - Create flexible layout and composite UI components without the need to define arbitrary custom props
  • react-graceful-image - An image component for gracefully dealing with image errors by providing optional lazy loading, optional placeholder and configurable retries on failure
  • jarvis - A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard
  • anu - the React16-compat mini library
  • swagger-ui - Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
  • node-vironlib - Generic library for Viron
  • viron - ☕️ Automated Design-based Management Console.
  • skema - 🛰 Skema provides a handy & composable way to validate / transform / purify the input data.
  • immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
  • jailtime - Put your node code in jail and monitor all its communications
  • greenlet - 🦎 Move an async function into its own thread.
  • Croppie - A Javascript Image Cropper
  • cropperjs - JavaScript image cropper.
  • next-routes - Universal dynamic routes for Next.js
  • node-hot-loader - Hot module replacement (hot reload) for Node.js applications. Develop without server restarting.
  • Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
  • stockroom - 🗃 Offload your store management to a worker easily.
  • webpack-pwa-manifest - Progressive Web App Manifest Generator for Webpack, with auto icon resizing and fingerprinting support.
  • zulip-mobile - Zulip mobile app using React Native
  • react-native-ios-kit - The missing React Native UI Kit for iOS
  • bolt - ⚡️ Super-powered JavaScript project management
  • video-react - A web video player built for the HTML5 world using React library.
  • babel-engine-plugin - Webpack plugin that transpiles dependencies targeting Node.js versions newer than Node.js 0.10
  • sketch-to-html - 可以 100%(目前可能是99.9%) 从 sketch 转换成 html,比市面任何一个同类库功能更强大,完善中
  • shelljs - 🐚 Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
  • headless-devtools - Lets you perform Chrome DevTools actions from code by leveraging Headless Chrome+Puppeteer
  • babel-time-travel - Time travel through babel transformations one by one
  • Functional-Light-JS - Pragmatic, balanced FP in JavaScript. @FLJSBook on twitter.
  • uibench - UI Benchmark
  • nerv - A blazing fast React alternative, compatible with IE8 and React 16.
  • babel-plugin-react-html-attrs - Babel plugin which transforms selected HTML attributes in JSX to their React equivalents
  • Twilight - Twilight - Visual Metrics GUI
  • css-triggers - A reference for the render impact of mutating CSS properties.
  • babel-plugin-transform-scala-lambda - Enable Scala lambda style
  • workerize - 🏗️ Run a module in a Web Worker.
  • workerize-loader - 🏗️ Automatically move a module into a Web Worker (Webpack loader)
  • jest-puppeteer-example - A working example of jest with puppeteer
  • ice - 飞冰 - 海量可复用物料,通过 GUI 工具极速构建中后台应用
  • react-beautiful-dnd - Beautiful, accessible drag and drop for lists with React.js
  • g - A canvas library which providing 2d draw for G2.
  • renovate - Automated dependency updates. Flexible, so you don't need to be.
  • github-gist-db - (ab)use Github Gist as a free key-value store
  • grow-loader - A webpack loader to split class methods by decorators
  • themer - 🎨 themer takes a set of colors and generates themes for your apps (editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more).
  • uppy - The next open source file uploader for web browsers 🐶
  • UPNG.js - Fast and advanced PNG (APNG) decoder and encoder (lossy / lossless)
  • anyproxy - A fully configurable http/https proxy in NodeJS
  • bpmn-js - A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler.
  • node-sketch - 💎 Javascript library to manipulate sketch files
  • avocode-atom-integration - Integrate Avocode web app with Atom to inspect Photoshop & Sketch designs inside your text editor and to get code suggestions from layer styles.
  • sketch-data-populator - A Sketch App plugin to populate your documents with meaningful data. Goodbye Lorem Ipsum. Hello JSON.
  • react-content-loader - ⚪ SVG component to create placeholder loading, like Facebook cards loading.
  • sketch-web-viewer - View and inspect Sketch 43 files in browser
  • rapidpro - RapidPro allows organizations to visually build scalable interactive messaging applications.
  • saltui -
  • directus - Directus is an Open-Source Headless CMS & API for Managing Custom Databases
  • strapi - 🚀 Node.js Content Management Framework (headless-CMS) to build powerful API with no effort.
  • memcache-plus - Memcache Plus - Better memcache for node
  • schema-object - Enforce schema on JavaScript objects, including type, transformation, and validation. Supports extends, sub-schemas, and arrays.
  • markdown-swagger - Generate API docs from Swagger file into markdown file.
  • react-perf-devtool - A browser developer tool extension to inspect performance of React components.
  • oboe.js - A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
  • xml-stream - XML stream parser based on Expat. Made for Node.
  • push.js - The world's most versatile desktop notifications framework 🌎
  • poi - ⚡ Delightful web development.
  • posthtml - PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins. By team.
  • core-js - Standard Library
  • polyfill-service - Automatic polyfill service
  • webp-webpack-plugin - webpack plugin for making webp format file
  • bpmn - BPMN 2.0 execution engine
  • walt - ⚡ Walt is a JavaScript-like syntax for WebAssembly text format ⚡
  • react-lazyload - Lazy load your component, image or anything matters the performance.
  • microbundle - 📦 Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
  • react-final-form - 🏁 High performance subscription-based form state management for React
  • react-share - Social media share buttons and share counts for React
  • example-cases - Example project to guide users through how to create game with Fireball and cocos2d-js
  • tutorial-blackjack - Blackjack game made with Cocos Creator.
  • egret-core - Egret is a brand new open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows.
  • is-offline - A tiny (279B) library to detect offline status & respond to changes in the browser.
  • jsvu - JavaScript (engine) Version Updater
  • react-social-icons - svg social icons in react
  • vanilla-sharing - Small (1.1 KB) simple tool for sharing url, title, description and image to VK, Facebook (Feed, Dialog, Button, Messenger), Twitter, G+, VK, OK,, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Viber, Telegram, Line.
  • unistore - 🌶 650b state container with component actions for Preact & React
  • nuka-carousel - Pure React Carousel Component
  • muuri - Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts
  • apisauce - Axios + standardized errors + request/response transforms.
  • reactopt - A CLI React performance optimization tool that identifies potential unnecessary re-rendering
  • js-cookie - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
  • umi - 🍚 Blazing-fast next.js-like framework for React apps.
  • wait-on - wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility and Node.js API which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available
  • insight - A helpful Chrome extension for WebGL development
  • rendertron - A dockerized, headless Chrome rendering solution
  • goodshare.js - 🚀 Useful modern JavaScript solution for share a link from your website to social networks or mobile messengers. Easy to install and configuring on any of your website!
  • egg-rest-query -
  • f2 - 基于 HTML5 Canvas,开箱即用的移动端可视化解决方案
  • koa-swagger-decorator - using decorator to automatically generate swagger doc for koa-router
  • perfectpixel - Chrome extension for web developers
  • sqip - "SQIP" (pronounced \skwɪb\ like the non-magical folk of magical descent) is a SVG-based LQIP technique.
  • g2 - G2 (The Grammar of Graphics)
  • react-amphtml - ⚡️ Use amphtml components inside your React apps easily!
  • serverless-libreoffice - Run LibreOffice in AWS Lambda to create PDFs
  • BizCharts - data visualization library based G2 and React
  • ampreact - ⚡⚛ AMP HTML, Next.js, React, styled-components — The most trendy website boilerplate possible.
  • react-component-benchmark - A component to help benchmark React components and their trees.
  • beidou - 🌌 Isomorphic framework for server-rendered React apps
  • one-loader - Single-file components for React
  • web-push - Web Push library for Node.js
  • aframe-gui - Graphical User Interface Component Framework for A-Frame VR
  • ShareJS - Collaborative editing in any app
  • nba-go - 🏀 💻 The finest NBA CLI.
  • hyper-power - Hyper particle effects extension
  • carbon - 🎨 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
  • tikzcd-editor - A simple visual editor for creating commutative diagrams.
  • gh-polls-bot - Automatically create polls in GitHub issues.
  • hyperline - ✨ Status line plugin for Hyper ✨
  • react-pwa - An upgradable boilerplate for Progressive web applications (PWA) with server side rendering, build with SEO in mind and achieving max page speed and optimized user experience.
  • avet - A very comfortable framework for writing isomorphic applications
  • svgr - Transform SVG into React components 🦁
  • heml - HEML is an open source markup language for building responsive email.
  • nodejs-mobile - Full-fledged Node.js on Android and iOS
  • ant-design-pro - 👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻 An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications
  • webpack-bundle-analyzer - Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
  • babel-starter-kit - 🐠 Babel Starter Kit is a project template for authoring and publishing JavaScript libraries
  • tapable - Just a little module for plugins.
  • mini-store - A minimal state store for React component.
  • building-react-from-scratch - Code for my React Rally talk.
  • webpack-stats-plugin - Webpack stats plugin for build information, file manifests, etc.
  • devdocs-desktop - 🗂 A full-featured desktop app for
  • webpackmonitor - A tool for monitoring webpack optimization metrics through the development process
  • babel-plugin-console-perf - Babel plugin that wraps a function body with console.profile/profileEnd functions that can be used to profile JS functions
  • ieaseMusic - 这应该是最好的网易云音乐播放器了,没有之一,如果有请打醒 🤘
  • egg-bin - egg developer tool
  • joint - JavaScript diagramming library
  • lottery.js - 🎲 A simple javascript lottery app
  • vuera - 👀 Vue in React, React in Vue. Seamless integration of the two. 👯
  • terminal-kit - Terminal utilities for node.js
  • photoshop-generator-core - Wrapper for Adobe Photoshop Generator extension layer
  • sw-toolbox - A collection of service worker tools for offlining runtime requests
  • mrm - Codemods for your project config files
  • ihope - The most simplest test library in the world for JavaScript.
  • api-mocker - Api Mocker is more of an api management system than a mocker
  • JSNetworkX - Build, process and analyze graphs in JavaScript (port of NetworkX)
  • jest-with-nightmare -
  • nextql - Yet Another Data Query Language. Equivalent GraphQL but much more simple.
  • http-proxy-middleware - ⚡ The one-liner node.js http-proxy middleware for connect, express and browser-sync
  • lad - 👦 Lad scaffolds a Koa webapp and API framework for Node.js TO BE RELEASED
  • react-imgpro - 📷 Image Processing Component for React
  • wasm-playground - Playground to learn webassembly
  • libsvm - A port of libsvm to javascript with emscripten
  • generator-core - Core Node.js library for Adobe Photoshop CC's Generator extensibility layer
  • - A helper three.js library for building AR web experiences that run in WebARonARKit and WebARonARCore
  • pangu.js - 為什麼你們就是不能加個空格呢?
  • summernote - Super simple WYSIWYG editor
  • invig - 🌿 Invig automatically converts ES5 & CoffeeScript codebases to ES6 with Aligned JavaScript Standard Style
  • FermionJS - Visual Prototyping Tool for React Applications
  • cboard - AAC communication board with text-to-speech for the browser
  • pdf-bot - 🤖 A Node queue API for generating PDFs using headless Chrome. Comes with a CLI, S3 storage and webhooks for notifying subscribers about generated PDFs
  • v8-analytics - v8 engine's cpu & heap-memory analytics
  • electron-webpack-dashboard - Electron Desktop GUI for Webpack Dashboard
  • design-system - Salesforce Lightning Design System
  • puppeteer - Headless Chrome Node API
  • node-odata-parser - OData query string parser for node.js.
  • steamer-react-component - react组件开发脚手架
  • backpack - 🎒 Backpack is a minimalistic build system for Node.js projects.
  • kyt - Starting a new JS app? Build, test and run advanced apps with kyt 🔥
  • nwb - A toolkit for React, Preact, Inferno & vanilla JS apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
  • create-next-app - Create Next.js apps in one command
  • cxs - fast af css-in-js in 0.7kb
  • nanoid - A tiny (170 bytes), secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for JavaScript.
  • wtfjs - A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
  • esm - Tomorrow's ESM today.
  • notifme-sdk - A Node.js library to send all kinds of transactional notifications.
  • gtop - System monitoring dashboard for terminal
  • wd - A node.js client for webdriver/selenium 2.
  • create-graphql-guru - Command line scaffolding and generator for Graphql Guru
  • recompose - A React utility belt for function components and higher-order components.
  • vbot - JSON based visual regression testing library. Liberate creativity, minimize repeated works ✌️
  • react-awesome-query-builder - User-friendly query builder
  • storybook-addon-code - A Storybook addon enabling to show off code samples in the Storybook panel.
  • kafka-streams - equivalent to kafka-streams 🐙 for nodejs ✨🐢🚀✨
  • spikenail - A GraphQL Framework for Node.js
  • ant-design-pro-site -
  • chalk-animation - 🎬 Colorful animations in terminal output
  • tessellate - Server-side React render service.
  • tailor - A streaming layout service for front-end microservices
  • egg-scripts - deploy tool for egg projects
  • micro-frontends - extending the microservice paradigms to web development
  • flatstr - Flattens the underlying C structures of a concatenated JavaScript string
  • resource-loader - A middleware-style generic resource loader built with web games in mind.
  • electron-next-skeleton - An example Electron app built with Next.js
  • electron-next - Build Electron apps using Next.js
  • appium-desktop - Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • kea - High level abstraction between React and Redux
  • co-debug - Better debug information for co
  • tensorflow-nodejs - TensorFlow Node.js provides idiomatic JavaScript language bindings and a high layer API for Node.js users.
  • babel-plugin-console - Babel Plugin that adds useful build time console functions 🎮
  • inspect-process - 🔍 Dead simple debugging for node.js using chrome-devtools.
  • adnn - Javascript neural networks on top of general scalar/tensor reverse-mode automatic differentiation.
  • react-i18next - Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
  • babel-plugin-macros - 🎣 Enables zero-config, importable babel plugins
  • markvis - make visualization in markdown. 📊📈
  • gpu.js - GPU Accelerated JavaScript
  • pell - 📝 the simplest and smallest (~1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with no dependencies
  • localtunnel - expose yourself
  • vscode-recipes -
  • rapido - 🏃 A site performance test kit, built using Chrome's DevTools.
  • usus - Webpage pre-rendering service. ⚡️
  • trevor - 🚦 Your own mini Travis CI to run tests locally
  • react-native-create-bridge - A CLI tool that bridges React Native modules & UI components with ease 🎉
  • babel-plugin-preval - Pre-evaluate code at build-time
  • scribbletune - Create music with JavaScript and Node.js!
  • git-point - GitHub in your pocket 📱
  • mobx-starter - React + RR4 + Mobx + Isomorphic starter.
  • mobx-react - React bindings for MobX
  • prop-types-exact - For use with React PropTypes. Will error on any prop not explicitly specified.
  • ChainReactPhotobomb - The Chain React Photobomb app for iOS and Android, written in React Native
  • intl-relativeformat - Formats JavaScript dates to relative time strings (e.g., "3 hours ago").
  • nextein - A static site generator based in Next.js
  • llmod - List all of the javascript in your project, both plain .js files and node modules.
  • enhanced-resolve - Offers an async require.resolve function. It's highly configurable.
  • single-spa - The javascript metaframework
  • sofe - Service Oriented Front-end
  • babel-plugin-dva-hmr - Hmr babel plugin for dva.
  • changelog-maker - A git log to tool
  • rewiremock - The right way to mock dependencies in Node.js or webpack environment.
  • audiogram - Turn audio into a shareable video.
  • chalk - 🖍 Terminal string styling done right
  • Miaow - A set of plugins for Sketch include drawing links & marks, UI Kit & Color sync, font & text replacing.
  • project-guidelines - A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
  • react-flight - The best way to build animation compositions for React.
  • next-blog - Markdown based blog using next.js, supporting static export
  • travel-RN - This is an experiment to learn how Animated api of React Native works.
  • date-fns - ⏳ Modern JavaScript date utility library ⌛️
  • gutenberg - Printing since 1440. Development hub for the editor focus in core. Beta plugin is available from the official WordPress repository.
  • Assembleash - WebAssembly and Typescript-like languages playground
  • webpack-common-shake - CommonJS Tree Shaker plugin for WebPack
  • bundle-buddy - A tool to identify bundle duplication across splits.
  • titanic - A set of animated icons + code to insert them into the webpages
  • Under-the-hood-ReactJS - Entire React code base explanation by visual block schemes (Stack+Fiber versions)
  • react-jsx - Compile transform your JSX templates into a template engine that works client AND server side
  • pagelet - Pagelets are small re-usable standalone components
  • Fawn - Transactions for MongoDB
  • autodll-webpack-plugin - Webpack's DllPlugin without the boilerplate
  • codesandbox-client - An online code editor tailored for web application development 🏖️
  • bundlesize - Keep your bundle size in check
  • ran - ⚡ RAN! React . GraphQL . Next.js Toolkit ⚡ - SEO-Ready, Production-Ready, SSR, Hot-Reload, CSS-in-JS, Caching, CLI commands and more...
  • vanilla-tilt.js - A smooth 3D tilt javascript library.
  • fastseries - Zero-overhead asynchronous series/each/map function calls
  • pino-http - 🌲 high-speed HTTP logger for Node.js
  • fast-json-stringify - 2x faster than JSON.stringify()
  • fastify - Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
  • frontexpress - An Express.js-Style router for the front-end
  • babel-plugin-transform-assets-import-to-string - Babel plugin that transforms image assets import and requires to urls / cdn
  • eslint-config-react-native-prettier -
  • webassembly-in-action-talk - WebAssembly in action talk
  • study - A simple, progressive, client/server AB testing library 📚
  • kittenTricks - 🐈 A react native mobile starter kit with over 40 screens and theme hot reload support
  • simplecrawler - Flexible event driven crawler for node.
  • lightcrawler - Crawl a website and run it through Google lighthouse
  • pencil - The Pencil Project's unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.
  • react-future - Specs & docs for potential future and experimental React APIs and JavaScript syntax.
  • pkg-up - Find the closest package.json file
  • react-native-offline - Handy toolbelt to deal nicely with offline/online connectivity in a React Native app. Smooth redux integration ✈️
  • mitt - 🥊 Tiny 200 byte functional event emitter / pubsub.
  • async-reactor - Render async Stateless Functional Components in React
  • react-router-server - Server Side Rendering library for React Router v4.
  • reactide - Reactide is the first dedicated IDE for React web application development.
  • swip - a library to create multi device experiments
  • p-queue - Promise queue with concurrency control
  • now-desktop - Create deployments right from the tray menu
  • now-cli - The command-line interface for Now
  • now-client - A JavaScript wrapper for the Now Instant API
  • next-hnpwa - HNPWA with Next.js
  • golden-layout - The ultimate Javascript layout manager
  • front-end-guide - 📚 Study guide and introduction to the modern front end stack.
  • react-native-app-intro - react-native-app-intro is a react native component implementing a parallax effect welcome page using base on react-native-swiper , similar to the one found in Google's app like Sheet, Drive, Docs...
  • react-vue - Run Vue in React and React Native
  • SketchI18N - Sketch Internationalization Plugin
  • pretty-chart - A well-designed chart based on G2
  • egg-opentracing - egg-opentracing
  • chai-enzyme - Chai.js assertions and convenience functions for testing React Components with enzyme
  • fiber-react-native - Scientific Ninja Tools
  • simpread - 简悦 ( SimpRead ) - 让你瞬间进入沉浸式阅读的 Chrome extension
  • semantic-release - 📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
  • flubber - Tools for smoother shape animations.
  • github - A higher-level wrapper around the Github API. Intended for the browser.
  • Data-Pixels - Create pixel art programmatically. Includes DataPixels.js and Data Pixels Playground desktop application.
  • faux-js-ai - A faux AI that writes JavaScript. You write the tests, AI makes them pass.
  • theming - Unified CSSinJS theming solution for React
  • probot - 🤖 A framework for building GitHub Apps to automate and improve your workflow
  • workflow - GitHub workflow automation via .probot.js file in your repository.
  • node-mobile-react-demo - A React Native application that runs PouchDB on Node.js (ChakraCore)
  • minami - Clean and minimal JSDoc 3 Template / Theme
  • docdash - ⚡ Lodash inspired JSDoc 3 template/theme
  • bonsai - Understand the tree of dependencies inside your webpack bundles, and trim away the excess.
  • metro - 🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native.
  • gitbook - 📝 Modern documentation format and toolchain using Git and Markdown
  • flowcomponents - Open repository for Flow components
  • vis - vis.js is a dynamic, browser-based visualization library
  • nico - nico is a front-end friendly static site generator, best for web developers like you and me.
  • nvs - Node Version Switcher - A cross-platform tool for switching between versions and forks of Node.js
  • storybook - Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
  • babel-plugin-import - Modularly import plugin for babel.
  • erste - Your first choice for hybrid mobile applications
  • styled-jsx - Full CSS support for JSX without compromises
  • css-in-js - React: CSS in JS techniques comparison
  • aphrodite - Framework-agnostic CSS-in-JS with support for server-side rendering, browser prefixing, and minimum CSS generation
  • react-typist - Typing animations with React
  • computer-science-in-javascript - Collection of classic computer science paradigms, algorithms, and approaches written in JavaScript.
  • store - A better way to use localStorage and sessionStorage
  • react-primitives - Primitive React Interfaces Across Targets
  • bull - Premium package for handling jobs and messages in NodeJS.
  • ansi-escapes - ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
  • recast - JavaScript syntax tree transformer, nondestructive pretty-printer, and automatic source map generator
  • ast-types - Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API
  • jsbin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging App
  • loop-protect - An extraction of JS Bin's loop protection functionality.
  • RainEffect - Some experimental rain and water drop effects in different scenarios using WebGL, by Lucas Bebber.
  • nile.js - Scalable peer to peer live video streaming built on torrents and webRTC
  • echarts-gl - Extension pack of ECharts providing globe visualization and 3D plots
  • editor - Next-gen, highly customizable content editor for the browser - based on React and Redux. WYSIWYG on steroids.
  • lqip-loader - Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) for Webpack
  • sku - Front-end development toolkit, powered by Webpack, Babel, CSS Modules, Less, ESLint and Jest.
  • neataptic - 🚀 Blazing fast neuro-evolution & backpropagation for the browser and Node.js
  • raf - requestAnimationFrame polyfill library
  • boom - HTTP-friendly error objects
  • dva-ast - dva static analysis based on javascript ast.
  • taskr - A fast, concurrency-focused task automation tool.
  • differential-growth -
  • InteractionPlus - Interaction Enhancement for Web-based Visualization
  • chromy - Chromy is a library for operating headless chrome. 🍺🍺🍺
  • rltm.js - Easily swap realtime providers with a single code base
  • LambStatus - Serverless Status Page System
  • Stanchion - Add priorities to your web app's network requests
  • react-pdf - 📄 Create PDF files using React
  • Inquirer.js - A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
  • workbox - 📦 Workbox: JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
  • javascript-algorithms - JavaScript implementation of different computer science algorithms.
  • caprine - Elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app
  • prettier-eslint - Code ➡️ prettier ➡️ eslint --fix ➡️ Formatted Code ✨
  • webpack-visualizer - Visualize your Webpack bundle
  • acmeair-nodejs - A Node.js implementation of the Acme Air Sample Application. With datastore support of MongoDB, Cloudant, Cassandra. With runtime support of Bluemix/CloudFoundry, Docker... With Micro-Services.
  • groundhar-day - A platform for rapid and reproducible performance experiments
  • finalhandler - Node.js final http responder
  • unwinder - An implementation of continuations in JavaScript
  • webui-aria2 - The aim for this project is to create the worlds best and hottest interface to interact with aria2. Very simple to use, just download and open index.html in any web browser.
  • mavo - Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!
  • react-europe-conference-app -
  • BaiduExporter - Assistant for Baidu to export download links to aria2/aria2-rpc
  • ms - Tiny milisecond conversion utility
  • jscodeshift - A JavaScript codemod toolkit.
  • node-temp - [MAINTAINER NEEDED] Temporary File, Directory, and Stream support for Node.js
  • xpipe - Use cross-platform IPC paths in Node.js.
  • DOMPurify - DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and hooks. Demo:
  • elasticlunr.js - Based on lunr.js, but more flexible and customized.
  • Rosid - Just-in-time development server and static site generator.
  • blendid - A delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
  • babylon - PSA: this repo has been moved into babel/babel -->
  • reaction - Reaction is a customizable, real-time reactive, JavaScript commerce platform.
  • typescript-eslint-parser - A TypeScript parser that produces output compatible with ESLint
  • Sonos-Node-API - SMAPI implementation in node.js. This should help in creating your own music service for Sonos.
  • sqlpad - Web-based SQL editor run in your own private cloud. Supports MySQL, Postgres, SQL Server, Vertica, Crate, Presto, and SAP HANA.
  • goof - Super vulnerable todo list application
  • node-cross-spawn - A cross platform solution to node's spawn and spawnSync
  • execa - A better child_process
  • insomnia - The most intuitive cross-platform REST API Client 😴
  • scaffold-market - scaffold market for single page application
  • gulliver - A PWA directory, focusing on collecting PWA best practices and examples.
  • stylelint - A mighty, modern CSS linter
  • js-jose - JavaScript library to encrypt/decrypt data in JSON Web Encryption (JWE) format and to sign/verify data in JSON Web Signature (JWS) format. Leverages Browser's native WebCrypto API.
  • skale - High performance distributed data processing engine
  • stack-frame - Turn browser errors into rich, useful objects.
  • sushi2 - Matrix Library for JavaScript
  • xpath - DOM 3 Xpath implemention and helper for node.js
  • TurboScript - Super charged typed JavaScript dialect for parallel programming which compiles to WebAssembly
  • worker-loader - Worker Loader
  • workerjs - Server Web Workers for node.js that work
  • nosql - NoSQL embedded database for small node.js projects
  • apollo-universal-starter-kit - Apollo 2 Universal Starter Kit — GraphQL React JavaScript app boilerplate for Mobile, Server and Web where code for all platforms built with Webpack to enable max code reuse, stack: Apollo, GraphQL, React 16, React Native, Expo, Express, Knex, SQLite, Twitter Bootstrap, Babel, Webpack
  • inferno - An extremely fast, React-like JavaScript library for building modern user interfaces
  • node-red - A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things
  • package-quality - Measurements of quality for packages, especially for npm
  • deepforge - A modern development environment for deep learning
  • machine_learning - Machine learning library for Node.js
  • neuron.js - :shipit: A Full Feature CommonJS Module Manager, Dependency Graph Handler and Loader for Browsers
  • thing-translator - Point your camera at things to hear how to say them in a different language
  • landlines - landlines front end app
  • react-native-nav-transition - React Native Nav Transition
  • seedrandom - seeded random number generator for Javascript
  • base62.js - 🔡 A javascript Base62 encode/decoder for node.js
  • prepack-webpack-plugin - A webpack plugin for prepack.
  • mqtt-react - React container for MQTT
  • react-workshop - Lectures and exercises for React Training workshops
  • gnomon - Utility to annotate console logging statements with timestamps and find slow processes
  • react-native-masonry - 🙌 A pure JS react-native component to render a masonry~ish layout for images with support for dynamic columns, progressive image loading, device rotation, on-press handlers, and headers/captions.
  • prepack - Prepack is a partial evaluator for JavaScript. Prepack rewrites a JavaScript bundle, resulting in JavaScript code that executes more efficiently.
  • mathbox - Presentation-quality WebGL math graphing
  • codecopy - A browser extension that adds copy to clipboard buttons on every code block
  • prop-tc39 - Scraping microservice for TC39 proposals 😸
  • chrome-headless-screenshots - Using headless Chrome as an automated screenshot tool (alternative to PhantomJS)
  • speedracer - Collect performance metrics for your library/application.
  • steal - Gets JavaScript
  • slides - My slides
  • catbox - Multi-strategy object caching service
  • donejs - Your app. Done.
  • BerryNet - Deep learning gateway on Raspberry Pi
  • pkg - Package your Node.js project into an executable
  • kafka-node - Node.js client for Apache Kafka 0.8 and later.
  • MockSecKill -
  • TypeScript-Handbook - The TypeScript Handbook is a comprehensive guide to the TypeScript language
  • SmartPhoto - The most easy to use responsive image viewer especially for mobile devices
  • - Get BEM to all people in simplest way
  • bee - Bee is a job queue for Node built on top of Redis and its powerful Lua scripting possibilities
  • node-hashring - hashring is a consistent hashing algorithm for Node.js that is compatible with libketama and python's hash_ring package
  • binary-protocol - Create and parse multibyte binary buffers
  • sizzy - A tool for testing responsive websites crazy-fast
  • extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin - Extract CSS from chunks into multiple stylesheets + HMR
  • testcheck-js - Generative testing for JavaScript
  • zeromq.node - Node.js bindings to the zeromq library
  • wechat4u - 微信 wechat web 网页版接口的 JavaScript 实现,兼容Node和浏览器,微信机器人
  • parallel-webpack - Builds multi-config webpack projects in parallel
  • reselect - Selector library for Redux
  • regenerator - Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generator functions in JavaScript-of-today.
  • globalize - A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverages the official Unicode CLDR JSON data
  • react-lazylog -
  • nyc - the Istanbul command line interface
  • kafka - Apache Kafka 0.9 client for Node
  • flyd - The minimalistic but powerful, modular, functional reactive programming library in JavaScript.
  • demo-progressive-web-app - 🎉 A demo for progressive web application with features like offline, push notifications, background sync etc,
  • examples - Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools
  • v8-compile-cache - Require hook for automatic V8 compile cache persistence
  • diff-match-patch - npm package for
  • ManifoldJS - Node.js tool for App Generation
  • sw-precache-webpack-plugin - Webpack plugin that generates a service worker using sw-precache that will cache webpack's bundles' emitted assets. You can optionally pass sw-precache configuration options to webpack through this plugin.
  • UpUp - ✈️ Easily create sites that work offline as well as online
  • react-virtualized - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
  • react-sketchapp - render React components to Sketch ⚛️💎
  • control-user-cursor - Experiment to alter the cursor behavior.
  • node-api-boilerplate - DDD/Clean Architecture inspired boilerplate for Node web APIs
  • structure - A simple schema/attributes library built on top of modern JavaScript
  • ampersand-state - Core state management object.
  • ObjectModel - Strong Dynamically Typed Object Modeling for JavaScript
  • dalek - [unmaintained] DalekJS Base framework
  • examples - Store all egg examples in one place
  • electron-link - A module to bundle your electron app into a single file that can be used for V8 snapshots.
  • avg-core - A Future-oriented Adventure Game Framework based on React & Pixi.js. Docs:
  • tamperchrome - Tamper Chrome is a Chrome extension that allows you to modify HTTP requests on the fly and aid on web security testing. Tamper Chrome works across all operating systems (including Chrome OS).
  • aus-search - A collection of Node JS scripts to create an Elasticsearch index of Australian addresses.
  • react-devtools - An extension that allows inspection of React component hierarchy in the Chrome and Firefox Developer Tools.
  • bisheng - Transform Markdown(and other static files with transformers) into a SPA website using React.
  • declarative-crawler - Concise, Declarative and Observable Distributed Crawler(Node / Go / Java / Rust) For Web, RDB, OS, also can act as a Monitor(with Prometheus) or ETL for Infrastructure
  • MagicCanvas - a canvas based dynamic background
  • trianglify - Algorithmically generated triangle art
  • smooth-scroll - A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.
  • hemera - 🔬 Writing reliable & fault-tolerant microservices with
  • netlify-cms - A CMS for Static Site Generators
  • node-verror - Rich JavaScript errors
  • zuck.js - A javascript library that lets you add stories EVERYWHERE.
  • tiny-care-terminal - 💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal.
  • node-stack-trace - Get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects.
  • react-move - React Move 🌀 Beautiful, data-driven animations for React
  • rapid.js - An ORM-like Interface and a Router For Your API Requests
  • glamorous - 💄 Maintainable CSS with React
  • slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
  • supercrawler - A web crawler. Supercrawler automatically crawls websites. Define custom handlers to parse content. Obeys robots.txt, rate limits and concurrency limits.
  • newcrawler - Free Web Scraping Tool with Java
  • timecafe - Timing / performance information for your TestCafe test tasks.
  • patchwork - A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
  • secure-scuttlebutt - A database of unforgeable append-only feeds, optimized for efficient replication for peer to peer protocols
  • chrome-react-perf - An Operation Interface for react-addons-perf Package
  • react-waypoint - A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
  • electron-forge - A complete tool for creating, publishing, and installing modern Electron applications
  • chrome-remote-interface - Chrome Debugging Protocol interface for Node.js
  • serverless-chrome - 🌐 Run headless Chrome/Chromium on AWS Lambda (maybe Azure, & GCP later)
  • eruda - Console for mobile browsers
  • weblas - GPU Powered BLAS for Browsers 💎
  • ndarray - 📈 Multidimensional arrays for JavaScript
  • keras-js - Run Keras models in the browser, with GPU support using WebGL
  • lovefield - Lovefield is a relational database for web apps. Written in JavaScript, works cross-browser. Provides SQL-like APIs that are fast, safe, and easy to use.
  • upring - application-level sharding on node.js streams
  • webpack-notifier - webpack + node-notifier = build status system notifications
  • joi - Object schema validation
  • sanctuary - 🙈 Refuge from unsafe JavaScript
  • Fluture - 🦋 FantasyLand compliant (monadic) alternative to Promises
  • inspect-proxy - proxy for node inspect when it's not convenient to connect the debugger server directly.
  • electron-anyproxy - 📢 A http/https proxy client, using to analyze and mock.
  • pretty-hot-ranking-algorithm - Algorithm that measures how relevant a given data set is, kinda like Reddit
  • FlappyLearning - Program learning to play Flappy Bird by machine learning (Neuroevolution)
  • webpack-chain - Use a chaining API to generate and simplify the modification of Webpack 2 configurations.
  • deact - a repository for learning about React's innards. WIP.
  • expose-loader - Expose Loader
  • browsertime - Your browser, your page, your scripts!
  • react-toolbox-themr - A tool to statically extract and generate custom themes for React Toolbox
  • archetype - Archetype | ASCII prototyping tool
  • asv-pokedex - backend highlights of AOP using kaop library
  • qr-image - Yet another QR code generator
  • jsinspect - Detect copy-pasted and structurally similar code
  • franc - Natural language detection
  • js-parallelism-demos - Demonstrates how to use Web Workers, transfers and SharedArrayBuffer
  • history-of-javascript - Project "History of JavaScript"
  • finch-sketch - Export Sketch styles and colors to Finch 💄
  • businessman - Powerful, Secure, Multi-threaded Flux Patterns.
  • wepy - 小程序组件化开发框架
  • Haul-vs-ReactNative - Testing the performance between React Native and Haul Packagers
  • barba.js - Create badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages.
  • labrador - 微信小程序模块化开发框架
  • awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯
  • haul - Haul is a command line tool for developing React Native apps
  • apidoc - RESTful web API Documentation Generator.
  • node-draftlog - 📜 Create updatable log lines into the terminal, and give life to your logs!
  • ohm - A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
  • nodemon - Monitor for any changes in your node.js application and automatically restart the server - perfect for development
  • buttercup-desktop - 🔑 Javascript Password Vault - Multi-Platform Desktop Application
  • polished - A lightweight toolset for writing styles in JavaScript ✨
  • redux-offline - Build Offline-First Apps for Web and React Native
  • earthenterprise - Google Earth Enterprise - Open Source
  • cans - 🍻 A framework for building React MobX application
  • dawson-cli - A serverless web framework for Node.js on AWS (CloudFormation, CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda)
  • node-rate-limiter - A generic rate limiter for node.js. Useful for API clients, web crawling, or other tasks that need to be throttled
  • npmhub - 🔎 A browser extension for exploring npm dependencies on GitHub repos
  • rest.js - GitHub REST API client for Node.js
  • x-ray - The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise.
  • pino - 🌲 super fast, all natural json logger 🌲
  • mz - modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
  • vizceral - WebGL visualization for displaying animated traffic graphs
  • dependency-graph - A simple dependency graph for Node.js
  • debug - A tiny JavaScript debugging utility modelled after Node.js core's debugging technique. Works in Node.js and web browsers
  • react-blessed - A react renderer for blessed.
  • react-overdrive - Super easy magic-move transitions for React apps
  • react-springy-parallax -
  • react-fiber-resources - resources for React Fiber
  • node-common-errors - Common error classes and utility functions
  • node-exceptions - Personalized and extendable exception class for nodejs
  • miniFlowTs - A TypeScript port of Udacity's MiniFlow neural network framework
  • mind - A neural network library built in JavaScript
  • store.js - Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web.
  • - Image and mesh annotation web application
  • crontab-ui - Easy and safe way to manage your crontab file
  • ramda - 🐏 Practical functional Javascript
  • lodash-id - Makes it easy to manipulate id-based resources with lodash or lowdb
  • lowdb - ⚡ lowdb is a small local JSON database powered by Lodash (supports Node, Electron and the browser)
  • node-crawler - Web Crawler/Spider for NodeJS + server-side jQuery ;-)
  • docute - 📜 Effortlessly documentation done right.
  • frint - Modular JavaScript framework for building scalable and reactive applications
  • duplicate-package-checker-webpack-plugin - 🕵️ Webpack plugin that warns you when a build contains multiple versions of the same package
  • server - server for
  • react-fiber-example - 💡 A module / ES6 rebuild of the React Fiber example
  • react-intl - Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations.
  • electrode-explorer - An Electrode application that showcases all of your components in a live demo
  • react-perimeter - Create an invisible perimeter around an element and respond when its breached.
  • electrode - Electrode Platform for building large scale Universal React Applications
  • microgateway - IBM API Connect Microgateway framework, built on Node.js & Nginx
  • snack-react-native-apps - List of react native apps on
  • vscode-react-native - VSCode extension for react native - supports syntax highlighting, debugging and editor integration
  • Particle - Home of the extension YouTube Plus that allows you to experience more on YouTube
  • drawio - Source to
  • react-native-foldview - FoldView implemented in JavaScript ⛱
  • updtr - Update outdated npm modules with zero pain™
  • react-vr - Create amazing 360 and VR content using React
  • dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
  • create-react-native-app - Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
  • PapaParse - Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input
  • cavy - An integration test framework for React Native.
  • newman - Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman
  • autocomplete.js - 🔮 Fast and full-featured autocomplete library
  • npm-compare - Compare npm packages from your terminal
  • react-loadable - ⏳ A higher order component for loading components with promises.
  • gitify - GitHub Notifications on your desktop.
  • WeFlow - A web developer workflow tool by WeChat team based on tmt-workflow, with cross-platform supported and environment ready.
  • react-joyride - Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your app
  • react-native-interactable - Experimental implementation of high performance interactable views in React Native
  • enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React
  • react-conf-app - React Conf 2017 Companion App - built with React Native
  • dependency-cruiser - Validate and visualize dependencies. With your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
  • react-trend - 📈 Simple, elegant spark lines
  • planktos - Serving websites over bittorrent
  • oao - A Yarn-based, opinionated monorepo management tool
  • Caporal.js - A full-featured framework for building command line applications (cli) with node.js
  • Lepton - 💻 Democratizing Code Snippets Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
  • JSONStream - rawStream.pipe(JSONStream.parse()).pipe(streamOfObjects)
  • samples -
  • rapscallion - Asynchronous React VirtualDOM renderer for SSR.
  • happo - Visual diffing in CI for user interfaces
  • trash - Move files and folders to the trash
  • neurojs - A javascript deep learning and reinforcement learning library.
  • v2 - Staffjoy V2 - all microservices in a monorepo
  • cerebro - Open-source productivity booster with a brain
  • rxjs-diagrams - React Components for visualising RxJS observables and operators
  • rise-of-async-js-talk - Code samples, demos, and resources for "The Rise of Async JavaScript" talk
  • RxCSS -
  • offline-plugin - Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (
  • webpack-pwa - Example for a super simple PWA with webpack.
  • neutrino-dev - Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration.
  • recycle - Convert functional/reactive object description using RxJS into React component
  • vue-rx - 👁️ RxJS integration for Vue.js.
  • AR.js - Efficient Augmented Reality for the Web - 60fps on mobile!
  • svgo - 🐯 Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
  • slim-slider - Light-weight, Non-jquery and RTL-supported Slider
  • crx-selection-translate - 让浏览任意语言的网站变得无比轻松的 Chrome 扩展程序。
  • hacknical - Hacknical, hacker & technical. A website for GitHub user to make a better resume.
  • gonzales-pe - CSS parser with support of preprocessors
  • GraphicsJS - A lightweight JavaScript graphics library with the intuitive API, based on SVG/VML technology.
  • TagUI - General purpose tool for automating web interactions
  • ant-motion - 🚴 Animate specification and components of Ant Design
  • fmt-obj - 💄 Prettifies any javascript object in your console. Make it look awesome!
  • tab-emitter - 💬 An event emitter for same-origin tab communication
  • CmsWing - 一款基于ThinkJS(Node.js MVC)和MySQL的功能强大的(PC端,手机端和微信公众平台)电子商务平台及CMS建站系统
  • hypernova - A service for server-side rendering your JavaScript views
  • rakt - fast websites, by default
  • node-apex - Node.js module that makes AWS Lambda's user experience a little nicer using promises.
  • presto-client-node - Distributed query engine Presto client library for node.js
  • rekit - IDE and toolkit for building scalable web applications with React, Redux and React-router
  • ml - Machine learning tools in JavaScript
  • numjs - Like NumPy, in JavaScript
  • react-menu-aim - A React mixin version of Amazon's jQuery-menu-aim plugin
  • Rythm.js - A javascript library that makes your page dance.
  • projj - Manage repository easily.
  • captcha - A Lightweight Pure JavaScript Captcha for Node.js. No C/C++, No ImageMagick, No Canvas.
  • weather-app-react-native - The source code of react-native weather app
  • styled-components - Visual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress 💅
  • ddm - A simple DDD library by powerful. Design for Front-End to create Bounded Context Model.
  • DDDTools.ts - A set of DDD tools in typescript
  • tcomb - Type checking and DDD for JavaScript
  • Boostnote - The note-taking app for programmers that focuses on markdown, snippets, and customizability.
  • dev-toolkit - Universal Development Toolkit for Javascript People
  • pkglink - Space saving Node.js package hard linker. pkglink locates common JavaScript/Node.js packages from your node_modules directories and hard links the package files so they share disk space.
  • fast-memoize.js - 🐇 Fastest possible memoization library
  • jsmpeg - MPEG1 Video Decoder in JavaScript
  • pegjs - PEG.js: Parser generator for JavaScript
  • gatsby - ⚛️📄🚀 Blazing fast static site generator for React
  • ajv - The fastest JSON Schema Validator. Supports draft-04/06/07
  • all-contributors - ✨ Recognize all contributors, not just the ones who push code ✨
  • elm-react-native - A react native app simulating eleme app,run ios and android.
  • lib - StdLib Service Creation, Deployment, and Management Tools
  • next.js - Framework for server-rendered or statically-exported React apps
  • re-start - react-native template to target multiple platforms 🌐 📱 💻 with single codebase.
  • lottie-web - Render After Effects animations natively on Web, Android and iOS, and React Native.
  • lottie-react-native - Lottie wrapper for React Native.
  • pako - high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js
  • cmake-js - CMake.js - a Node.js native addon build tool
  • dedent - ⬅️ ES6 string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings.
  • nanocomponent - 🚃 - create performant HTML components
  • offthread-image - A helper library to decode images off main thread using createImageBitmap.
  • mobx-router - A simple router for MobX + React apps
  • nachos-ui - Nachos UI is a React Native component library.
  • service-mocker - 🚀 Next generation frontend API mocking framework
  • front-end-handbook-2017 - 2017 edition of our front-end development guide
  • qart.js - Generate artistic QR code. 🎨
  • styletron - ⚡ Toolkit for component-oriented styling
  • node-source-map-support - Adds source map support to node.js (for stack traces)
  • roadhog - 🐷 Cli tool for creating react apps, configurable version of create-react-app.
  • atool-build - 🔨 Build tool based on webpack.
  • illustrated-algorithms - Interactive algorithm visualizations
  • WebSlides - Create HTML presentations in seconds —
  • adonis-framework - NodeJs Web Application Framework. Makes it easy for you to write webapps with less code 😃
  • cluster-client - Sharing Connection among Multi-Process Nodejs
  • musicafe - musicafe音乐咖 — 网易、虾米、QQ音乐一处搞定
  • snabbdom - A virtual DOM library with focus on simplicity, modularity, powerful features and performance.
  • marko - A friendly (and fast!) UI library from eBay that makes building web apps fun
  • botpress - 🤖 Modular chatbot framework that ⚡ thousands of bots all around the world
  • amphtml - AMP HTML source code, samples, and documentation. See below for more info.
  • kuzzle - Open-source Back-end, self-hostable & ready to use - Real-time, storage, advanced search - Web, Apps, Mobile, IoT -
  • action - A multiplayer web application for building smarter, more agile teams.
  • meatier - 🍔 like meteor, but meatier 🍔
  • lebab - Turn your ES5 code into readable ES6 (sugar-syntax). It does the opposite of what Babel does.
  • meldio - Open Source GraphQL Backend for Building Delightful Mobile and Web Apps -
  • mux - Creates a promise that waits for the promises in nested data structures and resolves to data structures of the same form. It recursively traverses the input data structure and multiplexes its promises.
  • paper-for-mac - 🖥 Unofficial Dropbox Paper client for macOS
  • ityped - Dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies.
  • prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
  • Numeral-js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
  • viz.js - A hack to put Graphviz on the web.
  • peasy-js - A middle tier micro-framework for javascript
  • favesound-mobx - 🎶 A SoundCloud Client in React + MobX running in production. Live Demo and Source Code to explore React + MobX. Refactored from favesound-redux
  • clean-code-javascript - 🛁 Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
  • Hygieia - CapitalOne DevOps Dashboard
  • rn-instagram-stories - Instagram Stories in React Native
  • EasyReader - 基于React native 的开源小说阅读器
  • diffyjs - A dependency-free motion detection library for the browser
  • react-native-nike-running - 🏃 UI & UX Prototype of redesigned Nike+ Running App
  • marky - High-resolution JavaScript timer based on performance.mark/measure (461 bytes min+gz)
  • magellan - Large Scale Automated Testing for Mocha, Nightwatch, Appium, Nodejs, etc
  • node-xlsx - NodeJS excel file parser & builder
  • hashlru -
  • leakage - 🐛 Memory leak testing for node.
  • react-tetris - Use React, Redux, Immutable to code Tetris. 🎮
  • observer-util - Transparent reactivity with 100% language coverage. Made with ❤️ and ES6 Proxies.
  • gun - A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph database engine.
  • js-ipfs-api - A client library for the IPFS HTTP API, implemented in JavaScript.
  • HoloJS - Provides a framework for creating holographic apps using JavaScript and WebGL.
  • rbac - Hierarchical Role Based Access Control for NodeJS
  • node_acl - Access control lists for node applications
  • jison - Bison in JavaScript.
  • griffin - Model driven data quality service
  • hypercore - Hypercore is a secure, distributed append-only log.
  • rxdb - 💻 📱 A reactive Database for Progressive Web Apps and more
  • urllib - Request HTTP(s) URLs in a complex world
  • compiler-explorer - Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
  • react-fix-it - Automagically generate tests from errors
  • flipjs - A helper library for doing FLIP animations.
  • optimize-js-plugin - Webpack plugin to optimize a JavaScript file for faster initial load by wrapping eagerly-invoked functions.
  • fabric.curvedText - Allows you to create curved text - extension to fabric.js
  • react-native-settings-list - A clean and highly customizable React Native implementation of a list of settings for a settings page.
  • pulltorefresh.js - A quick and powerful plugin for your pull-to-refresh needs in your webapp.
  • ndm - 💻 npm desktop manager
  • webpack-blocks - 📦 Configure webpack using functional feature blocks.
  • structor - Structor - React UI Builder
  • kute.js - KUTE.js is a native Javascript animation engine featuring great code quality, badass performance, SVG morphing, stroke drawing and 2D & 3D transforms, CSS3 transforms, colors, as well as other CSS3 properties or presentation attributes.
  • windows-build-tools - 📦 Install C++ Build Tools for Windows using npm
  • eslint-plugin-graphql - 🚦 Check your GraphQL query strings against a schema.
  • nodejs-api-starter - Boilerplate and tooling for authoring data API backends with Node.js and GraphQL
  • shields - Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
  • svelte - The magical disappearing UI framework
  • testcafe - A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing.
  • webvr-starter-kit -
  • medium-editor-markdown - 📝 A Medium Editor extension to add markdown support.
  • medium-editor - WYSIWYG editor clone. Uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution.
  • nodeppt - This is probably the best web presentation tool so far!
  • md2googleslides - Generate Google Slides from markdown
  • remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
  • nuxt.js - Versatile Vue.js Framework
  • lokka - Simple JavaScript Client for GraphQL
  • join-monster - A GraphQL to SQL query execution layer for query planning and batch data fetching.
  • Winds - NOTICE: Winds v2.0 is under active development and will be released in early 2018. It's feature packed with all kinds of goodies and we're excited for you to play with/experience them in the next release. Please stay tuned for updates at For a quick read on Winds v2.0, check out the following blog post: Thank you for your support! 🚀
  • You-Dont-Need-Lodash-Underscore - List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin
  • kingraph - Plots family trees using JavaScript and Graphviz
  • whs.js - 🚀 🌪 Super-fast 3D framework for Web Applications 🥇 & Games 🎮. Based on Three.js
  • js - turbo.js - perform massive parallel computations in your browser with GPGPU.
  • webpack-closure-compiler - Google Closure Compiler plugin for Webpack
  • traquer - Records and reproduces user's in-page behavior
  • flv.js - HTML5 FLV Player
  • refined-github - Browser extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
  • ora - Elegant terminal spinner
  • 100day-canvas-bootcamp-training - Repository for my codepen project.
  • traceviewify - Converts .cpuprofile format to trace viewer JSON object format to allow analysing the data in chrome://tracing.
  • babel-preset-env - PSA: this repo has been moved into babel/babel -->
  • npms-www - The website
  • tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for 62 Languages 📖🎉🖥
  • nodejs-dashboard - Telemetry dashboard for node.js apps from the terminal!
  • fractal - Experimental visual app development workspace.
  • yarn - 📦🐈 Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
  • node-graphjoiner - Implementing GraphQL with joins to avoid the N+1 problem
  • redux-loop - A library that ports Elm's effect system to Redux
  • react-native-tab-view - A cross-platform Tab View component for React Native
  • kap - An open-source screen recorder built with web technology
  • nodercms - NoderCMS 内容管理系统
  • ferment - A peer-to-peer audio publishing and streaming application. Think SoundCloud or Spotify, but entirely decentralized and free.
  • text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, Ember, Vue, & plain JavaScript
  • Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
  • vue-auth - Jwt Auth library for Vue.js.
  • js-xlsx - 📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Parser and Writer
  • hoxy - Web-hacking proxy API for node
  • redbird - A modern reverse proxy for node
  • node-tcp-proxy - A simple TCP proxy
  • color-js - A color management API for javascript
  • less.js - Less. The dynamic stylesheet language.
  • dont-break - Checks if the current version of your package would break dependent projects
  • fun-photo-combine - 一个有趣的图片合成工具(生成的图片在QQ缩略图与大图表现不同)
  • react-modules - code splitting as a component
  • shrinkpack - Fast, resilient, reproducible builds with npm install.
  • fabric-js-editor - An HTML5 vector image editor built with Fabric.js
  • fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
  • PixelShape - Pixel editor that comes in handy when creating pixel art images and animations
  • lerna - 🐉 A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages.
  • sandstorm - Sandstorm is a self-hostable web productivity suite. It's implemented as a security-hardened web app package manager.
  • power-assert - Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.
  • riot-web - A glossy Matrix collaboration client for the web.
  • prerender-spa-plugin - Prerenders static HTML in a single-page application.
  • optimize-js - Optimize a JavaScript file for faster initial load by wrapping eagerly-invoked functions
  • GitHub-GraphQL-API-Example - A simple React Native example app on top of GitHub's new GraphQL API
  • pump - pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
  • choo - 🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework
  • eva.js - 💫 A complete solution to building modern webs with Vue.js and its friends.
  • lb_pool - HTTP client load balancer with retries
  • animation - Animate your React Native components
  • theme - Style your React Native components on one place
  • fantasy-land - Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
  • ui - Customizable set of components for React Native applications
  • react-native-elements - Cross Platform React Native UI Toolkit
  • YellowLabTools - WebPerf and front-end quality testing tool
  • Twitter - Twitter in RN
  • rn-emoji-feedback - Demo of a Rating Component written in React Native
  • appmetrics.js - A small (< 1kb) library for measuring things in your web app and reporting the results to Google Analytics.
  • koa-monitor - 🚀 Realtime Monitoring solution for koa.js, inspired by
  • timeago.js - 🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(~2.0kb) library used to format date with *** time ago statement. eg: '3 hours ago'. No dependency & localization & tiny.
  • conventional-changelog-cli - deprecated, instead use monorepo
  • release-it - CLI release tool for Git repos and npm packages.
  • fast-safe-stringify - Safely and quickly serialize JavaScript objects
  • waterline - An adapter-based ORM for Node.js with support for mysql, mongo, postgres, nedb, redis, and more
  • dva - 🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo)
  • handsontable - Handsontable Community Edition - JavaScript/HTML5 Spreadsheet Component for Web Apps
  • devtools-frontend - The Chrome DevTools UI
  • redux-remotedev - Redux DevTools for production (web and React Native) with a highly flexible API.
  • gridcontrol - Networked Process Manager to execute functions in a Computer Grid
  • apollo-meteor-discourse-example - [OUTDATED] Full stack demo of Apollo server + Apollo client
  • egg - Born to build better enterprise frameworks and apps with Node.js & Koa
  • cesium - An open-source JavaScript library for world-class 3D globes and maps 🌎
  • itsy-bitsy-data-structures - 🏰 All the things you didn't know you wanted to know about data structures
  • postmate - 📭 A powerful, simple, promise-based postMessage library.
  • blockly - The web-based visual programming editor.
  • retext - Natural language processor powered by plugins based on @unifiedjs (and @vfile, @syntax-tree)
  • happypack - Happiness in the form of faster webpack build times.
  • kang - Introspection for distributed systems
  • vConsole - A lightweight, extendable front-end developer tool for mobile web page.
  • moji-brush -
  • ML-games - Machine learning games. Use combination of genetic algorithms and neural networks to control the behaviour of in-game objects.
  • dat.gui - dat.gui is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript.
  • bookshelf - A simple Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 built on top of Knex.js
  • electron-chrome -
  • vue-meteor - 🌠 Vue first-class integration in Meteor
  • minify - ✂️ An ES6+ aware minifier based on the Babel toolchain (beta)
  • redux-entity - WIP. An abstraction layer around handling normalized entity storage and data fetching with redux
  • create-react-app - Create React apps with no build configuration.
  • ramme - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App
  • openmct - A web based mission control framework.
  • graphql-subscriptions-realtime-starter-kit -'s Starter Kit for building real-time apps with GraphQL Subscriptions
  • wemall - wemall7 开源版本 (不含商城)
  • knex - A query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.
  • react-tsx-starter - Universal/Isomorphic React TypeScript Starter Project
  • react-helmet - A document head manager for React
  • slow-deps - 🐌 Measure which dependencies in a project are slowest to npm install
  • regl-cnn - Digit recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks in WebGL
  • express-status-monitor - 🚀 Realtime Monitoring solution for Node.js/Express.js apps, inspired by
  • react-redux-universal-hot-example - A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp using express, react, redux, webpack, and react-transform
  • dice-game - A multiplayer dice game
  • blessed - A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
  • egg-core - A core Pluggable framework based on koa.
  • webpack-dashboard - A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server
  • sw-delta - An incremental cache for the web
  • Semantic-UI-React - The official Semantic-UI-React integration
  • webbf - Java Web工程demo 后端:spring + spring mvc + mybatis + maven,涉及定时任务quartz、ehcache缓存、RESTful API、邮件发送... 前端:react + reflux + webpack,涉及ES6、jquery、react-router、ant design等内容, 提供下思路,仅供参考。
  • react-server - 🚀 Blazing fast page load and seamless navigation.
  • vue-hackernews-2.0 - HackerNews clone built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering
  • ui - Rancher UI
  • react-native-web - React Native for Web
  • node-restify - The future of Node.js REST development
  • react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
  • lightgallery.js - Full featured JavaScript image & video gallery. No dependencies
  • timing.js - Navigation Timing API measurement helpers
  • typescript-webpack-react-redux-boilerplate - React and Redux with TypeScript
  • OctoLinker - OctoLinker – Available on Chrome, Firefox and Opera
  • image-diff - Create image differential between two images
  • emoji-mart - One component to pick them all 👊🏼
  • roncoo-pay - 龙果支付系统是国内首款开源的互联网支付系统,其核心目标是汇聚所有主流支付渠道,打造一款轻量、便捷、易用,且集支付、资金对账、资金清结算于一体的支付系统,满足互联网业务系统的收款和业务资金管理需求。
  • ViralJS - Express.JS middleware to enable P2P distribution for your app. Your decentralized CDN made easy.
  • casual - Fake data generator for javascript
  • f8app-apollo - Refactored version of the official F8 app of 2016, powered by React Native and the Apollo Stack.
  • react-monocle - A developer tool to visualize a React application's component hierarchy.
  • node-request-retry - 💂‍♂️ Wrap NodeJS request module to retry http requests in case of errors
  • webpack-isomorphic-tools - Server-side rendering for your Webpack-built applications (e.g. React)
  • saturn - 🚀 microframework for modern node app development
  • imperio - Javascript Mobile to Desktop Interaction Integration Library
  • react-native-hammerjs - A port of HammerJS for React Native. HammerJS is a javascript library for multi-touch gestures.
  • rn-paper-interface - Implementation of Facebook Paper-like interactive UI in React Native.
  • terse-webpack - Simplified, fluent Webpack API with presets. Describe what your app needs, not how.
  • react-native-storybook - REPO/PACKAGE MOVED - UI Component Dev Environment for React Native
  • hyperterm-mactabs - Better tab styles for HyperTerm on macOS
  • reactotron - A desktop app for inspecting your React JS and React Native projects. macOS, Linux, and Windows.
  • statsd - Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation
  • browser-perf - Performance Metrics for Web Browsers
  • phantomas - PhantomJS-based web performance metrics collector and monitoring tool
  • pabla - Engaging social media image tool. Like Buffer's Pablo. Meant as a React+Canvas experiment. [alfa quality]
  • studio - A nodejs framework to create decoupled and scalable applications
  • hyper - A terminal built on web technologies
  • react-native-chart - 📊 Add line, area, pie, and bar charts to your React Native app
  • fit - 百度 React 组件库
  • node-pandoc - Run Pandoc from NodeJS. Pandoc installation is required.
  • zingtouch - A JavaScript touch gesture detection library for the modern web
  • react-native-jelly-side-menu - A side menu that animates like a jelly! iOS & Android tested.
  • lambci - A continuous integration system built on AWS Lambda
  • react-native-mock - A fully mocked and test-friendly version of react native
  • npm-install-webpack-plugin - Speed up development by automatically installing & saving dependencies with Webpack.
  • np - A better npm publish
  • todomvc-react-native - TodoMVC using React Native + Redux + Parse Server + GraphQL
  • NativeBase - Essential cross-platform UI components for React Native
  • react-native-theme - Theme manager for react native project!
  • react-native-textinput-effects - Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android. Built with react native and inspired by Codrops.
  • react-native-offline-first - Example of offline-first app with React Native
  • webtorrent-share - share files via webtorrent
  • react-native-gallery - A pure JavaScript image gallery component for react-native apps with common gestures like pan, pinch and doubleTap, supporting both iOS and Android.
  • serverless-graphql - Serverless GraphQL Examples for AWS AppSync and Apollo
  • anime - JavaScript Animation Engine
  • monaco-editor - A browser based code editor
  • node-ffi - Node.js Foreign Function Interface
  • macaca-cli - Macaca command-line interface
  • react-native-debugger - The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native, and includes React Inspector / Redux DevTools
  • appmetrics - Node Application Metrics provides a foundational infrastructure for collecting resource and performance monitoring data for Node.js-based applications.
  • deco-ide - The React Native IDE
  • lighthouse - Auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for Progressive Web Apps
  • AlgorithmVisualizer - Algorithm Visualizer
  • serverless - Serverless Framework – Build web, mobile and IoT applications with serverless architectures using AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google CloudFunctions & more! –
  • coach - Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can’t Lose.
  • spectacle - ReactJS based Presentation Library
  • spectacle-boilerplate - Boilerplate project for getting started with Spectacle Core
  • pepperoni-app-kit - Pepperoni - React Native App Starter Kit for Android and iOS
  • OnsenUI - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
  • horizon - Horizon is a realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps.
  • visual-center - Find the visual center of your images.
  • color-wander - 🎨 Generative artwork in node/browser based on a seeded random
  • compromise - modest natural-language processing in javascript
  • devtron - An Electron DevTools Extension
  • ccapture.js - A library to capture canvas-based animations at a fixed framerate
  • react-native-platform-stylesheet - React Native Platform Specific Stylesheet
  • VideoContext - An experimental HTML5 & WebGL video composition and rendering API.
  • BackstopJS - Catch CSS curve balls.
  • postgraphile - A GraphQL API created by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema.
  • redux-blower - 💨 Say "NO!" to switch statements!
  • ParseReact - Seamlessly bring Parse data into your React applications.
  • bot-wat - Hi, I'm a messenger bot based on Gary Bernhardt's Wat talk
  • autochecker - ♻️ Test your libraries in many different versions of NodeJS, Ruby, Java and many other languages
  • f8app -
  • angular-react-native-seed - A seed project to create a native mobile application with Angular and React Native
  • jaspy - a Python VM written entirely from scratch in JavaScript with some unique features
  • instantsearch.js - ⚡ Lightning-fast search for your apps, by Algolia
  • mobx - Simple, scalable state management.
  • f8app - Source code of the official F8 app of 2017, powered by React Native and other Facebook open source projects.
  • blur-admin - Angular Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework
  • npm-check - Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
  • ghooks - Simple git hooks
  • hotel - 🏩 A simple process manager for developers. Start apps from your browser and access them using local domains
  • the-super-tiny-compiler - ⛄ Possibly the smallest compiler ever
  • vue-simple-store - Store Organizer To Simplify Your Stores
  • computer-science-in-javascript - Computer science reimplemented in JavaScript
  • electron-react-boilerplate - Live editing development on desktop app
  • - The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).
  • examples - Learn Substance by example.
  • sticky-state - StickyState is a high performant module making native position:sticky statefull and polyfilling the missing sticky browser feature
  • react-native-lazyload - lazyload for react native
  • hain - An 'alt+space' launcher for Windows, built with Electron
  • webpack-bin - A webpack code sandbox
  • ignite - The hottest CLI for React Native, boilerplates, plugins, generators, and more!
  • react-native-pan-controller - A react native component to help with common use cases for scrolling/panning/etc
  • feathers - A REST and realtime API layer for modern applications.
  • react-native-sglistview - SGListView is a memory minded implementation of React Native's ListView
  • substance - A JavaScript library for web-based content editing.
  • sw-precache - A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources so they work offline.
  • reindex-examples - Example projects for Reindex
  • js-bits - ✨ JavaScript concepts with code ✨
  • generator-bespoke - Create Bespoke.js presentations using Yeoman.
  • electron-boilerplate-vue - Boilerplate application for Electron runtime
  • tchannel-node -
  • react-native-scrollable-tab-view - Tabbed navigation that you can swipe between, each tab can have its own ScrollView and maintain its own scroll position between swipes. Pleasantly animated. Customizable tab bar
  • react-native-animatable - Standard set of easy to use animations and declarative transitions for React Native
  • react-native-animated-demo-tinder - React Native "Animated" API demo
  • react-isomorphic-starterkit - Create an isomorphic React app in less than 5 minutes
  • aframe - 🅰️ web framework for building virtual reality experiences.
  • reading - iReading App Write In React-Native
  • Google-Play-Music-Desktop-Player-UNOFFICIAL- - A beautiful cross platform Desktop Player for Google Play Music
  • parse-dashboard - A dashboard for managing your Parse apps that aren't hosted on
  • node-kafka-rest-client - A REST client for producing messages to Kafka
  • decko - 💨 The 3 most useful ES7 decorators: bind, debounce and memoize
  • react-native-gifted-chat - 💬 The most complete chat UI for React Native
  • Hilo - A Cross-end HTML5 Game development solution developed by Alibaba Group
  • pressure - 👇💥 JavaScript library for handling Force Touch, 3D Touch, and Pointer Pressure.
  • kue - Kue is a priority job queue backed by redis, built for node.js.
  • six-speed - ES6 polyfill vs. feature performance tests
  • whiteboard - Simply write beautiful API documentation.
  • react-redux-form - Create forms easily in React with Redux.
  • ex-navigator - Route-centric navigation built on top of React Native's Navigator
  • react-native-tab-navigator - A tab bar that switches between scenes, written in JS for cross-platform support
  • CarteJaune - A React Native/Redux (+Saga) app to keep track of your vaccinations.
  • razzle - ✨ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration
  • okayNav - The world's okayest responsive navigation. This is (sort of) a legacy implementation. Please stay tuned to the 3.0 branch (
  • browser-laptop - Brave browser for Desktop and Laptop computers running Windows, OSX, and Linux
  • frock - A plugin-based tool for running fake HTTP and socket services
  • iTunesConnect - Unofficial iTunes Connect App
  • react-look - Advanced & Dynamic Component Styling for React and React Native. Ships with powerful Plugins, Mixins and Developer Tools. (Deprecated: use Fela)
  • stale-lru-cache - Resilient and performant in-memory cache for node.js.
  • angular2-babel-esnext-starter - Angular development and testing examples with Babel in Javascript (ES6/ES7).
  • teletraan - Teletraan is Pinterest's deploy system.
  • conflux - Distributed, predictable state container
  • micro - Asynchronous HTTP microservices
  • seneca - A microservices toolkit for Node.js.
  • Parse-SDK-JS - Parse SDK for JavaScript
  • parse-server - Parse-compatible API server module for Node/Express
  • soundnode-app - Soundnode App is the Soundcloud for desktop. Built with Electron, Angular.js and Soundcloud API.
  • preact - ⚛️ Fast 3kB React alternative with the same modern API. Components & Virtual DOM.
  • viewerjs - JavaScript image viewer.
  • redux-auth-wrapper - A React Higher Order Component (HOC) for handling Authentication and Authorization with Routing and Redux
  • redux-happy-async - async state with less boilerplate
  • nativefier - Make any web page a desktop application
  • coworkers - A RabbitMQ Microservice Framework in Node.js
  • devtool - [OBSOLETE] runs Node.js programs through Chromium DevTools
  • redux-saga - An alternative side effect model for Redux apps
  • react-native-gifted-form - 📝 « One React-Native form component to rule them all »
  • ant-ux - 🎸 A sitemap template for ux design
  • node-chakracore - Node.js on ChakraCore ✨🐢🚀✨
  • ChakraCore - ChakraCore is the core part of the Chakra Javascript engine that powers Microsoft Edge
  • react-web - A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API.
  • zhihu - 知乎数据API 接口,用户信息、专栏文章信息、答题信息等等
  • nodal - API Services Made Easy With Node.js
  • snowflake - ❄️ A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend, or a Parse Server running locally or remotely on Heroku
  • redux-falcor - Connect your redux front-end to your falcor back-end
  • node-proxy-middleware - proxy as middleware
  • vuex - 🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js.
  • gl-react - [gl-react v3 alpha] – a React library to write and compose WebGL shaders
  • Split.js - < 2kb unopinionated utility for resizeable split views
  • pouch-websocket-sync-example - Pouch Stream example
  • react-snowstorm - A Snow Effect component for React.
  • soundredux-native - 📱 In an effort to try react-native along with redux
  • react-native-router-redux - Router component to be used in your React Native redux applications. Packed with Nav and TabBar support.
  • rnpm - 📱 React Native Package Manager
  • betwixt - ⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel.
  • wp-calypso - The JavaScript and API powered
  • mention-bot - Automatically mention potential reviewers on pull requests.
  • plotly.js - The open source JavaScript graphing library that powers plotly
  • clipboard.js - ✂️ Modern copy to clipboard. No Flash. Just 3kb gzipped 📋
  • redux-auth-demo - Demo app illustrating authentication flow using react, redux, react-router, immutablejs, and jwt
  • este - Is What It Is
  • rollup - Next-generation ES6 module bundler
  • protobuf.js - Protocol Buffers for JavaScript (& TypeScript).
  • ava - 🚀 Futuristic JavaScript test runner
  • react-toolbox - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules
  • SUI-Mobile - SUI Mobile (MSUI)是由阿里巴巴国际UED前端出品的移动端UI库,轻量精美
  • framework7 - Full featured HTML framework for building iOS & Android apps
  • css-loader - CSS Loader
  • isomorphic-redux-app - Redux app demonstrating isomorphic rendering and routing (with redux-devtools).
  • atvImg -
  • butter-desktop - All the free parts of what used to be Popcorn Time
  • starhackit - StarHackIt: React/Mobx/Glamorous + Node full-stack starter kit with authentication and authorization, data backed by SQL.
  • react-dom-stream - A streaming server-side rendering library for React.
  • lark - A industrial node.js framework for high concurrency and high flow application, based on koa.
  • queue-anim - Animate React Component in queue
  • redux-reroute - Location reducer and routing helpers for redux.
  • react-desktop - React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10
  • html-webpack-plugin - Simplifies creation of HTML files to serve your webpack bundles
  • redux-ignore - ♻️ higher-order reducer to ignore redux actions
  • react-native-macos - React Native for macOS is an experimental fork for writing desktop apps using Cocoa
  • lib-flexible - 可伸缩布局方案
  • calipers - A Node.js library for measuring image and PDF dimensions.
  • dataloader - DataLoader is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a consistent API over various backends and reduce requests to those backends via batching and caching.
  • vue-strap - Bootstrap components built with Vue.js
  • nude.js - Nudity detection with JavaScript and HTMLCanvas
  • smartcrop.js - Content aware image cropping
  • react-universal - React, redux, react-router, graphql, postgres, koa, universal starter-kit
  • nylas-mail - 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
  • classy - React styling. Plain and simple.
  • relax - New generation CMS on top of React, Redux and GraphQL
  • popmotion - A functional, reactive animation library.
  • velocity-react - React components for Velocity.js
  • jimp - An image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.
  • MQTT.js - The MQTT client for Node.js and the browser
  • scuttlebutt - peer-to-peer replicatable data structure
  • axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
  • crispy-stream - Stream implementation that works in memory
  • Nuwk - Nuwk! makes it easy to create Mac Applications based on node-webkit, simplifying testing and building procedures. It takes care of creating the executable, attaching the app icon and configuring the plist file accordingly.
  • hitagi.js - JavaScript HTML5 game development framework
  • kitematic - Visual Docker Container Management on Mac & Windows
  • ZhiHuDaily-React-Native - A Zhihu Daily( App client implemented using React Native (Android and iOS).
  • live-patch - patch the source code of a running program
  • react-native-android-lession - mark react-native-android steps
  • f2etest - F2etest是一个面向前端、测试、产品等岗位的多浏览器兼容性测试整体解决方案。
  • fat-file-finder - Electron app for finding large files on your filesystem. Build with React, Redux and ES6.
  • immutable-js - Immutable persistent data collections for Javascript which increase efficiency and simplicity.
  • chartx - Data Visualization Solutions
  • flux-comparison - 📝 Practical comparison of different Flux solutions
  • free-programming-books-zh_CN - 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
  • react-redux-starter-kit - My best-practices-included universal frontend starter kit
  • neural-network-papers -
  • redux-router - Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
  • jsxstyle - Inline style system for React and Preact
  • instantclick - InstantClick makes following links in your website instant.
  • redux-api-middleware - Redux middleware for calling an API.
  • StarCraft - HTML5 version of StarCraft game
  • refluxjs - A simple library for uni-directional dataflow application architecture with React extensions inspired by Flux
  • v86 - x86 virtualization in JavaScript, running in your browser and NodeJS
  • toxy - Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions
  • react-native-webpack-server - Build React Native apps with Webpack
  • rnplay-native-deprecated - React Native Playground application runner
  • rnplay-web - Rails application for the React Native Playground website
  • react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
  • graphiql - An in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
  • xde - The Expo Development Environment
  • react-native-dribbble-app - Dribbble app built with React Native
  • npm - a package manager for javascript
  • node-spdyproxy - SPDY forwarding proxy - fast and secure
  • webpack-demo - Working demo of CSS Modules, using Webpack's css-loader in module mode
  • falcor - A JavaScript library for efficient data fetching
  • practical-ui-physics - Learn basic physics for UI
  • relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
  • jdists - A feature rich code block preprocessing tool.
  • webglstudio.js - A full open source 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more.
  • Size-Marks-PS - A Photoshop™ script that makes measurement marks
  • react-redux-starter-kit - Get started with React, Redux, and React-Router.
  • redux - Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
  • RAP - Web接口管理工具,开源免费,接口自动化,MOCK数据自动生成,自动化测试,企业级管理。阿里妈妈MUX团队出品!阿里巴巴都在用!1000+公司的选择!RAP2已发布请移步至
  • history - Manage session history with JavaScript
  • grunt-ssh-deploy - Grunt SSH Deployment
  • node-newrelic - New Relic Node.js agent code base. Developers are welcome to create pull requests here, please see our contributing guidelines. For New Relic technical support, please go to
  • got - Simplified HTTP requests
  • freeCodeCamp - The open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
  • node-toobusy - Build Node.JS servers that don't fall over.
  • adtstream - Streams built using Algebraic Data Types (ADT) and Pure FP (Haskell like) code
  • lipstick - 💄 sticky sessions for Node.js clustering done responsibly
  • material-color-scheme-es6 - Material Theme color scheme tweaked for ES6
  • cylon - JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • fuzzysearch - 🔮 Tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search in JavaScript
  • stf - Control and manage Android devices from your browser.
  • chrome-devtools-app - Chrome DevTools packaged as an app via Electron
  • mostly-adequate-guide - Mostly adequate guide to FP (in javascript)
  • stateless.js - simpler pushstate
  • johnny-five - JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework, developed at Bocoup.
  • purifycss - Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
  • graphql-server - Example GraphQL server with Mongoose (MongoDB) and Node.js
  • primus - ⚡ Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
  • skit - skit: A pure JavaScript frontend for building better web clients.
  • keystone - node.js cms and web app framework
  • fis3 - FIS3
  • graphql-js - A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript
  • objection.js - An SQL-friendly ORM for Node.js
  • engine -
  • justice - Embeddable script for displaying web page performance metrics.
  • fis3-demo - fis3 demo
  • nuclide - An open IDE for web and native mobile development, built on top of Atom
  • SVG-FILTERS - 🔮 Fildrop. A set of custom SVG Filters
  • cssgrace - 从今天起,写简单优雅面向未来的 CSS。From now on,writing brief,elegant,future-oriented CSS.
  • pm2-deploy - Deploy part of PM2
  • nscale - Deployment just got easy
  • lusca - Application security for express apps.
  • exercises - Some basic javascript coding challenges and interview questions
  • csscomb.js - CSS coding style formatter
  • RxJS - The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
  • crossbow-sites - Static Site Generator API - built for speed & extensibility
  • Rocket.Chat - Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.
  • page.js - Micro client-side router inspired by the Express router
  • exceljs - Excel Workbook Manager
  • front-end-collect - 分享自己长期关注的前端开发相关的优秀网站、博客、以及活跃开发者
  • performance-bookmarklet - Performance-Bookmarklet helps to analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest.
  • tabris-js - Tabris.js - native apps in JavaScript
  • json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
  • GMU - 基于zepto的ui组件库,适用于移动端
  • generator-webappstarter - Quick start a web app for mobile.Automatically adjusts according to a device’s screen size without any extra work.
  • gulp-imageisux - 智图gulp插件
  • node-notifier - A Node.js module for sending notifications on native Mac, Windows and Linux (or Growl as fallback)
  • frozenjs - 基于 Zepto 的移动端 JS 组件库
  • scrat - Webapp Modular Framework
  • Modernizr - Modernizr is a JavaScript library that detects HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user’s browser.
  • vue - 🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
  • amazeui - Amaze UI, a mobile-first and modular front-end framework.
  • esdoc - ESDoc - Good Documentation for JavaScript
  • isomorphic500 - A 500px app built with React and Fluxible with babeljs
  • getAwesomeness - Use this method to retrieve all amazing awesomeness from Github
  • react-dnd - Drag and Drop for React
  • react-engine - a composite render engine for universal (isomorphic) express apps to render both plain react views and react-router views
  • ramjet - Morph DOM elements from one state to another with smooth animations and transitions
  • zepto-onepage-scroll - Zepto One Page Scroll is the javascript version of the infamous jQuery One Page Scroll.
  • react-ui - A collection of components for React, base on bootstrap 4.0.
  • diffract - A set of d3 based visualization components built for React
  • howtocenterincss - CSS generator for centering text/div depending on their size or the container size.
  • kubist - A little webapp to create cubism-like svg.
  • acharts - Acharts is a javascript charts,Using Raphael as a foundation.
  • explained-visually -
  • benchmark.js - A benchmarking library. As used on
  • claygl - A WebGL graphic library for building scalable Web3D applications
  • react-soundplayer - Create custom SoundCloud players with React
  • elevator.js - Finally, a "back to top" button that behaves like a real elevator.
  • react-native-swiper - The best Swiper component for React Native.
  • ng-cordova - OBSOLETE: Please move to Ionic Native
  • gocd-api - Access API via nodeJS
  • sprint - A tiny, lightning fast jQuery-like library for modern browsers.
  • chakram - REST API test framework. BDD and exploits promises
  • node-stap - Tools for analyzing Node.js programs with SystemTap
  • cta.js - Animate your 'action-to-effect' paths
  • three.js.sourcecode - three.js 源码注释
  • layzr.js - A modern lazy loading library for images.
  • react-native-svgkit - Experimental SVG library for react-native based off of SVGKit. Not under active development, if you would like to take over and push this forward please get in touch @notbrent on Twitter
  • svgomg - Web GUI for SVGO
  • alt - Isomorphic flux implementation
  • babel - 🐠 Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
  • prism - Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting.
  • black-hole.js - Renders black hole gravitational lensing effects in an image canvas using WebGL, glfx.js, and numeric.js
  • 3Dmol.js - WebGL accelerated JavaScript molecular graphics library
  • numeric - Numerical analysis in Javascript
  • broccoli - Browser compilation library – an asset pipeline for applications that run in the browser
  • box2d.js - A JavaScript port of Box2D
  • js_data - Data manipulation and processing in JavaScript
  • react-blur - React component for blurred backgrounds.
  • multipipe - A better Stream.pipe that creates duplex streams and lets you handle errors in one place.
  • mojs - motion graphics toolbelt for the web
  • oh-crap - Dump a heap snapshot upon an uncaught exception
  • node-blocked - Check if the event loop is blocked
  • HTML-GL - Get as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
  • ace - Ace ( Cloud9 Editor)
  • pageres - Capture website screenshots
  • node-osmosis - Web scraper for NodeJS
  • react-native-refreshable-listview - Deprecated. A pull-to-refresh ListView which shows a loading spinner while your data reloads
  • react-swipe - Swipe.js as a React component
  • v2er - A simple v2ex client app, use React Native
  • react-native-login - react-native login via native facebook sdk, with a mp4 video background and a linear gradient
  • HackerNews-React-Native - Hacker News iOS and Android App - Made with React Native.
  • Ghost - The platform for professional publishers
  • react-native - A framework for building native apps with React.
  • marty - A Javascript library for state management in React applications
  • react-transmit - Relay-inspired library based on Promises instead of GraphQL.
  • jest - 🃏 Delightful JavaScript Testing.
  • fks - 前端技能汇总 Frontend Knowledge Structure
  • the-react-way - An isomorphic React slide deck, about React.
  • GithubTrending-ChromeExtension - Lists trending Github projects.
  • is.js - Micro check library
  • synaptic - architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser
  • linear-partitioning - Linear partitioning in straight up javascript.
  • server - 😍 Create multiuser 3d environments using html-like tags and javascript
  • react-toggle - Elegant, accessible toggle component for React. Also a glorified checkbox.
  • hipache - Hipache: a distributed HTTP and websocket proxy
  • np2km - Analysis of NPM dependencies, and generate a file kityminder file
  • gemini - Utility for regression testing of web pages using screenshots
  • xmldom - A PURE JS W3C Standard based(XML DOM Level2 CORE) DOMParser and XMLSerializer.
  • p5.js - p5.js is a JS client-side library for creating graphic and interactive experiences, based on the core principles of Processing.
  • react-docgen - A CLI and toolbox to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes.
  • react-router-proxy-loader - Dynamically load react-router components on-demand, based on react-proxy-loader
  • tree-view - tree viewer UI widget made with react
  • laverna - Laverna is a JavaScript note taking application with Markdown editor and encryption support. Consider it like open source alternative to Evernote.
  • reapp - [deprecated!] Make hybrid mobile apps with power
  • react-seed - Seed project for React apps using ES6 & webpack.
  • css - Assorted CSS and UI experiments.
  • slideout - A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
  • react-style - UNMAINTAINED
  • swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions
  • timesheet.js - JavaScript library for HTML5 & CSS3 time sheets
  • plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
  • react-starter-kit - React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)
  • material-ui - React components that implement Google's Material Design.
  • rjss - Style sheet language for creating inlineable style objects for react-native and react-canvas
  • js-stl - Data structures implemented in JS
  • core - Cloud9 Core - Part of the Cloud9 SDK for Plugin Development
  • react-tween-state - React animation.
  • lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
  • flummox - Minimal, isomorphic Flux.
  • kibana - 📊 Kibana analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch
  • node-logstash - Simple logstash implmentation in nodejs : file log collection, sent with zeromq
  • react-canvas - High performance <canvas> rendering for React components
  • superagent - Ajax with less suck - (and node.js HTTP client to match)
  • flux-http-example - 🚧 Flux flow example with http request and error handling for a better understanding of Flux architecture
  • tint2 - Native Javascript Applications
  • react-pixi - Create/control a Pixi.js canvas using React
  • react-three - React bindings to create and control a 3D scene using three.js
  • postcss - Transforming styles with JS plugins
  • GraphNoQL - Facebook's GraphQL backend implemented with Node+Mongo
  • fluxible - A pluggable container for universal flux applications
  • generator-react-webpack - Yeoman generator for ReactJS and Webpack
  • react-router - Declarative routing for React
  • react-a11y - Identifies accessibility issues in your React.js elements
  • react-starter - [OUTDATED] Starter template for React with webpack. Doesn't focus on simplicity! NOT FOR BEGINNERS!
  • react-hot-loader - Tweak React components in real time.
  • riot - Simple and elegant component-based UI library
  • shipit - ⛵️ Universal automation and deployment tool written in JavaScript.
  • js-csp - CSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go)
  • react-touch - React photo viewer for mobile
  • hound - Lightning fast code searching made easy
  • robe - MongoDB ODM for Node.js using ES6 generators. Supports schema validation, raw querying, oplog tailing, etc.
  • wekan - The open-source Trello-like kanban (built with Meteor)
  • automated-chrome-profiling - Node.js recipes for automating javascript profiling in Chrome
  • Eloquent-JavaScript - The sources for the Eloquent JavaScript book
  • daily - the iOS tuchong daily app
  • tree.js - Tree.js is a JavaScript library to build and manipulate hookable trees.
  • lining.js - An easy to use javascript plugin offers you complete DOWN-TO-THE-LINE control for radical web typography.
  • rangyinputs - Rangy Inputs
  • node-jquery - jQuery with a thin wrapper for Ender.JS, Node.JS, and other npm-based packaging systems
  • TheaterJS - Typing animation mimicking human behavior.
  • dimensions - A Chrome extension for measuring screen dimensions
  • mean-seo - SEO Solution for MEAN.JS applications using PhantomJS.
  • snabbt.js - Fast animations with javascript and CSS transforms
  • descartes - Introspective dashboard for Graphite
  • leanote - Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb)
  • juliusjs - A speech recognition library for the web
  • - Real-time multiplayer game server based on Node + Express + SocketIO + MongoDB + ElasticSearch
  • rendr - Render your Backbone.js apps on the client and the server, using Node.js.
  • alogs - 前端统计框架
  • node - Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
  • node-webshot - Easy website screenshots in Node.js
  • le_node - Node module for
  • enki.js - MVVM javascript library for ES5+
  • jdf - Jingdong front-end integrated solution
  • WebGL_SDK - WebGL 3D graphics demos and helper code written in Javascript. Optimized for PowerVR devices
  • nunjucks - A powerful templating engine with inheritance, asynchronous control, and more (jinja2 inspired)
  • habitica - A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
  • apostrophe - Apostrophe is a CMS framework for Node.js that supports in-context editing, schema-driven content types, flexible widgets, and much more. Hint: start with the docs and use apostrophe-cli.
  • particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
  • material - Material design for AngularJS
  • PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
  • 101 - A modern JS utility library
  • bugfreejs - 佛祖保佑,永无bug
  • umeditor - ueditor的mini版本,特点是体积小巧和更快的加载速度
  • quaggaJS - An advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript
  • interact.js - JavaScript drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE9+)
  • Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
  • NEJ - 跨平台WEB前端开发框架
  • - The world needs an open source API service registry & API explorer.
  • delaunay - Fast Delaunay Triangulation in JavaScript.
  • Tone.js - A Web Audio framework for making interactive music in the browser.
  • kappa - A hierarchical npm-registry proxy
  • manet - Website screenshot service powered by Node.js, SlimerJS and PhantomJS
  • vivus - JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG
  • materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
  • Dexie.js - A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB
  • nightmare - A high-level browser automation library.
  • ml - 无线前端库
  • socketstream - A framework for Realtime Web Apps
  • socketcluster - Highly scalable realtime framework
  • jwplayer - JW Player is the world's most popular embeddable media player.
  • forestjs - Random Forest implementation for JavaScript. Supports arbitrary weak learners. Includes interactive demo.
  • LokiJS - javascript embeddable / in-memory database
  • ocLazyLoad - Lazy load modules & components in AngularJS
  • ngImgCrop - Image Crop directive for AngularJS (THIS PROJECT IS NOT MAINTAINED ANYMORE)
  • strip - Strip - An Unobtrusive Responsive Lightbox
  • node-tweet-stream - Node twitter module to hook into the public filter streaming, seamlessly updating the tracking keywords.
  • check-build - 🎯 Check-build - Verifies that your NodeJS project follows team conventions, is well written, up to date and secure.
  • request - 🏊🏾 Simplified HTTP request client.
  • node-http-proxy - A full-featured http proxy for node.js
  • browser-sync - Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
  • osprey - Generate Node.JS API middleware from a RAML definition
  • Kraken_Example_SocketIO - An example on how to use Kraken with SocketIO on both server-side and client-side
  • node-irc - NodeJS IRC client library
  • sequelize - An easy-to-use multi SQL dialect ORM for Node.js
  • sesior - Sessions, Express, SocketIO, Redis
  • ngJsTree - Angular Directive for the famous JS Tree
  • svmjs - Support Vector Machine in Javascript (SMO algorithm, supports arbitrary kernels) + GUI demo
  • linearReg.js - Linear regression with Gradient descent package for NPM.
  • angular-http-auth -
  • ui-router-extras - THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED -- Extras for UI-Router for AngularJS. Sticky States (a.k.a. parallel states), Deep State Redirect (for tab-like navigation), Future States (async state definition)
  • node-jscs - ⤴️ JavaScript Code Style checker (unmaintained)
  • angular-classy - Cleaner class-based controllers with Angular 1
  • perfmap - Front-end performance heatmap bookmarklet.
  • raml-js-parser - A RAML parser based on PyYAML written in CoffeScript and available for use as NodeJs module or in-browser.
  • q-io - Interfaces for IO using Q promises in JavaScript on Node
  • raml-store - This project provides an persistent store for RAML files created using then embedded API Designer
  • node-raml-validate - Strict validation of RAML parameters in JavaScript
  • api-designer - A web editor for creating and sharing RAML API specifications
  • hummingbird - Real time web analytics using node.js and web sockets
  • chromeos-apk - ☢️ Run Android Apps in Chrome OS OR Chrome in OS X, Linux and Windows.
  • midnight.js - Switch your nav's design on the fly
  • highland - High-level streams library for Node.js and the browser
  • quill - Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
  • angular-nvd3 - AngularJS directive for NVD3 reusable charting library (based on D3). Easily customize your charts via JSON API.
  • iodocs - Interactive API documentation system
  • tv4 - Tiny Validator for JSON Schema v4
  • Mock - A simulation data generator
  • convnetjs - Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.
  • brain - [UNMAINTAINED] Simple feed-forward neural network in JavaScript
  • 2048-AI - A simple AI for 2048
  • strider - Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server
  • node-uuid - Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs in JavaScript
  • fingerprintjs - Anonymous browser fingerprint
  • bindonce - Zero watches binding for AngularJs
  • helmet - Help secure Express apps with various HTTP headers
  • shout - Shout — The self-hosted web IRC client
  • node-orm2 - Object Relational Mapping
  • pm2-web - A web based monitor for PM2
  • MozDef - MozDef: The Mozilla Defense Platform
  • KaTeX - Fast math typesetting for the web.
  • peerflix - Streaming torrent client for node.js
  • accessible-html5-video-player - Accessible HTML5 Video Player
  • webtorrent - ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
  • prerender-node - Express middleware for prerendering javascript-rendered pages on the fly for SEO
  • generator-angular-fullstack - Yeoman generator for AngularJS with an Express server
  • roBrowser - roBrowser is a free and open-source implementation of the Ragnarok Online MMORPG for web browsers written from scratch using the latest web standards (WebGL, HTML5, File API, Javascript, Threads, ...).
  • picture-tube - render images on the terminal
  • page-monitor - capture webpage and diff the dom change with phantomjs ♨
  • doony - UI Improvements for Jenkins
  • cssshrink - CSS minifier
  • angular-auto-validate - An automatic validation module for AngularJS which gets rid of excess html in favour of dynamic element modification to notify the user of validation errors
  • rippler - 👷 Effect that spreads like a wave in touch or click.
  • blanket - blanket.js is a simple code coverage library for javascript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.
  • angular-cache - angular-cache is a very useful replacement for the Angular 1 $cacheFactory.
  • slate - Beautiful static documentation for your API
  • angular-loading-bar - A fully automatic loading / progress bar for your angular apps.
  • dustjs - Asynchronous Javascript templating for the browser and server
  • recluster - Node clustering library with support for zero downtime reloading
  • dustjs - Asynchronous templates for the browser and node.js
  • sherlogjs - JavaScript error and event tracker application.
  • httpolyglot - Serve http and https connections over the same port with node.js
  • winston - A logger for just about everything.
  • timemapper - Create and share elegant timelines and timemaps fast
  • observe-js - A library for observing Arrays, Objects and PathValues
  • protractor - E2E test framework for Angular apps
  • webpack - A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows to load parts for the application on demand. Through "loaders," modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, ... and your custom stuff.
  • PleaseJS - JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemes
  • oppressor - streaming http compression response negotiator
  • stream-handbook - how to write node programs with streams
  • NodeBB - Node.js based forum software built for the modern web
  • levelup - A node.js wrapper for abstract-leveldown compliant stores
  • browserify - browser-side require() the node.js way
  • psi - PageSpeed Insights with reporting
  • octotree - Code tree for GitHub
  • gulp - The streaming build system
  • fast.js - Faster user-land reimplementations for several common builtin native JavaScript functions.
  • svgeezy - Allows for automatic Image fallbacks for browsers that can't handle SVGs
  • gargantia_editor - Gargantia game editor
  • es6-shim - ECMAScript 6 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
  • Programming3DApplications - Code Examples for My New O'Reilly Book, Programming 3D Applications with HTML and WebGL
  • kiwi.js - Kiwi.js is a blazingly fast mobile & desktop browser based HTML5 game framework. It uses CocoonJS for publishing to the AppStore.
  • node-schedule - A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
  • mapjs - JavaScript Mind Map visualisation and management
  • my-mind - Online Mindmapping Software
  • -
  • maptail - maptail is a realtime map view of GeoIP data
  • encom-boardroom - 📈 Web tribute to the Tron: Legacy Boardroom Scene
  • node-compute-cluster - NodeJS library for distributing computation across multiple processes.
  • trifleJS - Headless automation for Internet Explorer
  • zombie - Insanely fast, full-stack, headless browser testing using node.js
  • TiddlyWiki5 - A self-contained JavaScript wiki for the browser, Node.js, AWS Lambda etc.
  • recognizer - A concept for advanced developer tools
  • fb-flo - A Chrome extension that lets you modify running apps without reloading them.
  • sharp - High performance Node.js image processing, the fastest module to resize JPEG, PNG, WebP and TIFF images. Uses the libvips library.
  • loopback - LoopBack makes it easy to build modern applications that require complex integrations.
  • muplayer - An open source web audio player from Baidu Music, support HTML5 and Flash engine on different platforms(百度音乐播放内核)
  • famous-angular - Bring structure to your apps with the power of AngularJS. integrates seamlessly with existing Angular and apps.
  • Framer - Framer - Design Everything
  • tagspaces - Developers resources for TagSpaces
  • htmltidy - Node Wrapper for HTML Tidy
  • mediacenterjs - A HTML/CSS/Javascript (NodeJS) based Media center
  • atom - :atom: The hackable text editor
  • isomer - Simple isometric graphics library for HTML5 canvas
  • velocity - Accelerated JavaScript animation.
  • ocrad.js - OCR in Javascript via Emscripten
  • CardKit - A mobile UI library provides a series of building blocks which are all components built on DarkDOM and Moui.
  • jxcore - Evented IO for ChakraCore, SpiderMonkey & V8 JavaScript
  • mt - mt code
  • - Private npm registry and web for Enterprise
  • angular-hotkeys - Configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for your Angular apps.
  • agendas - TC39 meeting agendas
  • shine.js - A library for pretty shadows.
  • nodist - [LOOKING FOR A MAINTAINER :) ] Natural node.js and npm version manager for windows.
  • bootstrap-datepicker - A datepicker for twitter bootstrap (@twbs)
  • canku - 使用 Nodejs (Express) 编写的团体订餐程序
  • url-extract - Snapshot & extract url library
  • pdf.js - PDF Reader in JavaScript
  • js-2dmath - Fast 2d geometry math: Vector2, Rectangle, Circle, Matrix2x3 (2D transformation), Circle, BoundingBox, Line2, Segment2, Intersections, Distances, Transitions (animation/tween), Noise, Random numbers
  • jsdoc - An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
  • famous - This repo is being deprecated. Please check out
  • isMobile - A simple JS library that detects mobile devices.
  • avalon - an elegant efficient express mvvm framework
  • slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
  • echarts - A powerful, interactive charting and visualization library for browser
  • plax - JQuery powered parallaxing
  • hubot - A customizable life embetterment robot.
  • localForage - 💾 Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.
  • angular-strap - AngularJS 1.2+ native directives for Bootstrap 3.
  • jquery-pjax - pushState + ajax = pjax
  • select - Styleable select elements built on Tether. #hubspot-open-source
  • progress.js - ProgressJs is a JavaScript and CSS3 library which help developers to create and manage progress bar for every objects on the page.
  • imgly-sdk-html5 - The most comprehensive photo editor SDK for web and mobile
  • stats.js - JavaScript Performance Monitor
  • clmtrackr - Javascript library for precise tracking of facial features via Constrained Local Models
  • scrollreveal - Easy scroll animations for web and mobile browsers.
  • Oimo.js - Lightweight 3d physics engine for javascript
  • ocean - Realistic water shader for Three.js
  • matter-js - a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■
  • Agile - Agile Css3 Engine
  • kityminder - 百度脑图
  • stage.js - 2D HTML5 rendering engine for game development
  • rework - Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js
  • Snap.svg - The JavaScript library for modern SVG graphics.
  • switchery - iOS 7 style switches for your checkboxes
  • phaser - Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
  • sigma.js - A JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing
  • picturefill - A responsive image polyfill for <picture>, srcset, sizes, and more
  • flappy-bird - Flappy Bird Browser Game Phaser framework
  • countUp.js - Animates a numerical value by counting to it
  • Inputmask - Input Mask plugin
  • spacegray - A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
  • webuploader - It's a new file uploader solution!
  • koa - Expressive middleware for node.js using ES2017 async functions
  • GateOne - Gate One is an HTML5-powered terminal emulator and SSH client
  • everyauth-cn - Social oauth connect for Chinese SNS sites.
  • JQuery-Snowfall - Makes it snow on any web page or specific element.
  • orsotheysay - javascript demo
  • harmony - Procedural Drawing Tool - my fork reduces it down to be integrated elsewhere
  • list.js - The perfect library for adding search, sort, filters and flexibility to tables, lists and various HTML elements. Built to be invisible and work on existing HTML.
  • onScreen - A light library that does stuff when the matched elements enter or leave the viewport
  • onepage-scroll - Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin
  • fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
  • jsdifflib - A javascript library for diffing text and generating corresponding HTML views
  • kraken-js - An express-based Node.js web application bootstrapping module.
  • jquery.easing - jQuery Easing Plugin
  • ueditor - rich text 富文本编辑器
  • fullproof - javascript fulltext search engine library
  • malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin - Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin, featuring vertical/horizontal scrollbars, scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel, keyboard and touch support etc.
  • console.log-wrapper - Clear console logging for every browser
  • bookingappdemo-angular - Angular files for my blog post: Building a Google Calendar Booking App with MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js – Part 2
  • videoconverter.js - Convert videos in your browser
  • cloak - A network layer for HTML5 games using Node.js
  • headjs - The only script in your HEAD.
  • zeroclipboard - The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface.
  • PixelKit-Bootstrap-UI-Kits - Free UI Kits built on Bootstrap for any developer that wants to build a cool looking and functional website. Enjoy!
  • nedb - The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser
  • MathJax - Beautiful math in all browsers
  • cheerio - Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
  • formatter.js - Format html inputs to match a specified pattern
  • scrolling - [DEPRECATED: You should use] Decouple the scroll event from the callback functions.
  • PhysicsJS - A modular, extendable, and easy-to-use physics engine for javascript
  • - 开放、简单、易用的前端基础类库
  • prerender - Node server that uses Headless Chrome to render a javascript-rendered page as HTML. To be used in conjunction with prerender middleware.
  • mathquill - Easily type math in your webapp
  • btapp - Btapp.js is a backbone library that provides easy access to Torque/BitTorrent/uTorrent clients.
  • phonegap - access core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript
  • autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
  • rainyday.js - Simulating raindrops falling on a window
  • csv-converter - This is a utility for converting csv files.
  • togetherjs - A service for your website that makes it surprisingly easy to collaborate in real-time.
  • node-glob - glob functionality for node.js
  • ngInfiniteScroll - Infinite Scrolling for AngularJS
  • etherpad-lite - Etherpad: Really real-time collaborative document editing
  • ngRouteNames - AngularJS Named Routes
  • angularJS-github-contributors - GitHub contributors app, written in angularJS, ported from an example app in YUI library 3.5
  • chrome-app-codelab - The goal of this tutorial is to get you building Chrome apps fast. Once you've completed the tutorial, you will have a simple Todo app. We've done our best to capture some of the trickier parts to the development process keeping the sample simple and straightforward.
  • - An abstraction layer for webRTC. Aim is to simplify the HTML5 web standard webRTC in a similar manner to w/ websockets. Highly experimental technology
  • redactor-js - [no longer maintained] Code mirror of a jQuery based WYSIWYG-editor. I'm not the author, author's website:
  • static-ng-doc - Fetches the current AngularJS API docs and renders links to each HTML partial as a simple static page.
  • Cloudajs - Clouda Framework - A Realtime Javascript RIA Framework For Mobile WebApp
  • jpgjs - JPEG/DCT data decoder
  • hopscotch - A framework to make it easy for developers to add product tours to their pages.
  • angularfire - AngularJS bindings for Firebase
  • node-bufferjs - Pure JavaScript tools for buffer (such as concat)
  • debounce - an improved debounce implementation
  • grande.js - It's a Medium at Starbucks. Pinky ring out.
  • nprogress - For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
  • ngProgress - ⏳ Angular provider for slim loading bar at the top of the page ( inspired by )
  • iscroll - Smooth scrolling for the web
  • framework - Node.js framework
  • setImmediate - A cross-browser implementation of the new setImmediate API.
  • URI.js - Javascript URL mutation library
  • slimerjs - A scriptable browser like PhantomJS, based on Firefox
  • fifer-js - A micro library for the HTML5 Audio API with flash fallback.
  • current-device - The easiest way to write conditional CSS and/or JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile).
  • bootstrap - PLEASE READ THE PROJECT STATUS BELOW. Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Bootstrap. Smaller footprint (20kB gzipped), no 3rd party JS dependencies (jQuery, bootstrap JS) required. Please read the file before submitting an issue!
  • zenpen - A minimalist writing zone.
  • angular-app - Reference application for AngularJS
  • sublime-javascript-snippets - JavaScript & NodeJS Snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
  • angularjs-book - Examples and Code snippets from the AngularJS O'Reilly book
  • cannon.js - A lightweight 3D physics engine written in JavaScript.
  • webfontloader - Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
  • peerjs - Peer-to-peer data in the browser.
  • SimpleWebRTC - Simplest WebRTC ever
  • WebRTC-Experiment - WebRTC, WebRTC and WebRTC. Everything here is all about WebRTC!!
  • harp - Static Site Server/Generator with built-in preprocessing
  • pm2 - Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
  • sketch.js - Cross-Platform JavaScript Creative Coding Framework
  • WebGL-GPU-Particles - 1 million+ particles being moved around on the GPU via WebGL
  • locstor - JavaScript helper library for HTML5 localStorage
  • marked - A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
  • tracing-framework - Web Tracing Framework libraries and extensions.
  • mean - The MEAN stack uses Mongo, Express, Angular(4) and Node for simple and scalable fullstack js applications
  • dalek-cli - [unmaintained] Command line runner for dalekjs testing framework
  • minified.js - A lightweight library for the Web
  • jsprime - a javascript static security analysis tool
  • EventEmitter2 - A nodejs event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards, TTL, works in the browser
  • maria - The MVC framework for JavaScript applications. The real MVC. The Smalltalk MVC. The Gang of Four MVC.
  • class - Class Utility
  • detect-zoom -
  • Downloadify - A tiny javascript + Flash library that enables the creation and download of text files without server interaction.
  • TermKit - Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.
  • xdomain - A pure JavaScript CORS alternative
  • automaton - Task automation tool built in JavaScript
  • move.js - CSS3 backed JavaScript animation framework
  • highlight.js - Javascript syntax highlighter
  • node-static - rfc 2616 compliant HTTP static-file server module, with built-in caching.
  • - Realtime HTML5 Framework
  • sockjs-client - WebSocket emulation - Javascript client
  • montage - Montage is an elegant, open source HTML5 framework maintained by Montage Studio that rivals native SDKs, yet is easier to learn. It offers modular components, two-way data binding, and much more. Join us on Sign up for our beta to build Montage applications in the cloud.
  • domready - lets you know when the dom is ready
  • JSVerbalExpressions - JavaScript Regular expressions made easy
  • please.js - A simple PostMessage communication library.
  • jTypes - Scalable class-based JavaScript for web apps and libraries.
  • pouchdb - 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.
  • tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
  • tv.js - Apple TV for Torrent Streaming in JS (Node/Chrome)
  • reds - light-weight, insanely simple full text search module for node.js - backed by Redis
  • node_redis - redis client for node
  • redis-commander - Redis management tool written in node.js
  • node-cache-manager - Cache module for Node.JS
  • Proton - A particle engine for javascript
  • eddy - Event Driven JS
  • voyeur.js - Voyeur is a tiny (1.2kb) Javascript library that lets you traverse and manipulate the DOM the way it should have been.
  • two.js - A renderer agnostic two-dimensional drawing api for the web.
  • packery - 🍱 Gapless, draggable grid layouts
  • ShareFest - Web based p2p file sharing built on WebRTC Data Channels API
  • html-inspector - HTML Inspector is a code quality tool to help you and your team write better markup. It's written in JavaScript and runs in the browser, so testing your HTML has never been easier.
  • real-shadow - Module that casts photorealistic shadows
  • Hitch - A lightweight engine that allows you to hitch new capabilities to the browser (prollyfill).
  • chokidar - A neat wrapper around node.js / fs.watchFile / fsevents.
  • Buttons - A CSS button library built using Sass and Compass
  • almond - A minimal AMD API implementation for use after optimized builds
  • uptime - A remote monitoring application using Node.js, MongoDB, and Twitter Bootstrap.
  • Chess3D - HTML5/WebGL 3D Chess Game
  • angular-seed - Seed project for angular apps.
  • Freader - A small yet powerful RSS Feed Reader working with Node.js and Angular
  • goread - RSS reader in go on app engine
  • goo.js - Microlibrary that makes it quick and easy to draw using the HTML5 Canvas API
  • chancejs - Chance - Random generator helper for JavaScript
  • koala - Koala is a GUI application for less, sass and coffeescript compilation, to help web developers to the development more efficient.
  • web-animations-js-legacy - The original emulator of the Web Animations specification. Please use web-animations-js instead:
  • Proton.js - Tiny framework for writing inheritance in javascript
  • waveform-playlist - Multitrack Web Audio editor and player with canvas waveform preview. Set cues, fades and shift multiple tracks in time. Record audio tracks or provide audio annotations. Export your mix to AudioBuffer or WAV! Project inspired by Audacity.
  • mediaelement - HTML5 <audio> or <video> player with support for MP4, WebM, and MP3 as well as HLS, Dash, YouTube, Facebook, SoundCloud and others with a common HTML5 MediaElement API, enabling a consistent UI in all browsers.
  • cookie.js - A tiny JavaScript library that simplifies cookies.
  • helium-css - Helium - javascript tool to scan your site and show unused CSS
  • selectize.js - Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and <select> box. It's jQuery based and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc.
  • fullfrontal - MathBox-based conference talks
  • react - A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • ScrollFix - Small script to fix some of the issues with iOS5's overflow:scroll;
  • Aloha-Editor - Aloha Editor is a JavaScript content editing library
  • stackedit - In-browser Markdown editor
  • caniuse - Raw browser/feature support data from
  • javascript-state-machine - A javascript finite state machine library
  • javascript-gauntlet - An HTML5 Gauntlet-style game
  • ace-builds - Packaged version of Ace code editor
  • node-webkit-agent - NodeJS agent for WebKit devtools front-end
  • breakouts - A collection of JS engine implementations of Breakout
  • js-dejavu - A set of object-oriented tools for JavaScript
  • p - Peer-to-peer networking with browsers
  • grunt-plato - Generate static analysis reports with plato through grunt
  • node-threads-a-gogo - TAGG :: threads_a_gogo :: Simple and fast JavaScript threads for Node.js
  • diagramo - Diagramo - pure HTML5 JavaScript diagram / flowchart editor
  • aura - A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing component-based applications.
  • catiline - JavaScript library to take the pain out of web workers.
  • Mocky - Generate custom HTTP responses, the simpler way to test your Web Services
  • explainjs - A JavaScript library that creates a side-by-side view of your code with your explanations.
  • jquery.transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
  • mockJSON - MockJSON is a plugin for jQuery that can hijack JSON and JSONP requests and respond with randomly generated JSON data.
  • machina.js - js ex machina - finite state machines in JavaScript
  • postal.js - JavaScript pub/sub library supporting advanced subscription features, and several helpful add-ons.
  • plato - JavaScript source code visualization, static analysis, and complexity tool
  • Editr.js - HTML, CSS and JavaScript playground
  • chrome-devtools-zerodarkmatrix-theme - A highly customized dark theme for Chrome
  • jquery-annotated-source - jQuery Annotated Source
  • sublime-text-refactor - A Sublime Text Refactor Plugin for Javascript Code
  • PathFinding.js - A comprehensive path-finding library for grid based games
  • validator.js - String validation
  • jquery-qrcode - qrcode generation standalone (doesn't depend on external services)
  • grunt-jsvalidate - Grunt task to validate JavaScript source
  • verlet-js - A simple Verlet physics engine written in javascript
  • fpsmeter - Sexy, fast, and themable FPS meter.
  • node-notifier - A simple node.js module to handle all the application level notifications (apple push notifications and mails)
  • minimatch - a glob matcher in javascript
  • chai - BDD / TDD assertion framework for node.js and the browser that can be paired with any testing framework.
  • sinon - Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.
  • TimeJump - TimeJump – Deep-links for Podcasts
  • wechat - 微信公共平台消息接口服务中间件
  • Snap.js - A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs in Javascript (Facebook and Path style side menus)
  • grunt-gcc - Grunt task for minifying JavaScript files with Google Closure Compiler.
  • chromelogger - chrome extension for server side console logging
  • Hyperlapse.js - JavaScript hyper-lapse utility for Google Street View.
  • firepad - Collaborative Text Editor Powered by Firebase
  • KievII - KievII is a GUI and audio/DSP Javascript library that aims to help develop audio web applications.
  • node-windows - Windows support for Node.JS scripts (daemons, eventlog, UAC, etc).
  • mathjs - An extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
  • rot.js - ROguelike Toolkit
  • sidr - Sidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive.
  • bespoke - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
  • faker.js - generate massive amounts of fake data in Node.js and the browser
  • jsgen - [DEPRECATED]JsGen is a next generation,free, open source web software that you can generate a powerful website, such as blog, forum, etc. It is coded by pure JavaScript, based on Node.js, AngularJS, MongoDB.
  • dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
  • async_demo - A demo for async
  • jsruntime - Chrome Extension to explore javascript runtime.
  • backbone-devtools - Chrome Developer Tools extension for debugging Backbone-based apps
  • js-sequence-diagrams - Draws simple SVG sequence diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
  • otr - Off-the-Record Messaging Protocol implemented in JavaScript
  • component - frontend package manager and build tool for modular web applications
  • animatic - CSS animations engine
  • local - An Ajax library that can target local JS code and web workers. (Replaced by ServiceWorkers!)
  • art-of-node - ❄️ a short introduction to node.js
  • swipebox - A touchable jQuery lightbox
  • limejs - HTML5 game framework for web and iOS
  • jquery-easing - jQuery Easing Plugin (Unofficial)
  • jslinux-deobfuscated - JSLinux rewritten to be human readable, hand deobfuscated and annotated.
  • Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
  • watchr - Better file system watching for Node.js. Provides a normalised API the file watching APIs of different node versions, nested/recursive file and directory watching, and accurate detailed events for file/directory changes, deletions and creations.
  • node-graceful-fs - fs with incremental backoff on EMFILE
  • node-optimist - Light-weight option parsing for node.js
  • Lettering.js - A lightweight, easy to use Javascript <span> injector for radical Web Typography
  • sails - Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js
  • scrollorama - The jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff. NOTE: No longer under active development. New version is ScrollMagic.js
  • deck.js - Modern HTML Presentations
  • reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
  • world-of-heroes2 - 大侠的世界(二期)
  • eventproxy - An implementation of task/event based asynchronous pattern.
  • node-flv - FLV media container file format encoder and decoder
  • jQueryGantt - jQuery Gantt editor
  • EaselJS - The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
  • stylus-urlprefix - Transparent prefixing for url() calls in stylus files
  • jQuery-Stickem - Make items sticky as you scroll, to a point.
  • photobooth-js - A widget that allows users to take their avatar pictures on your site
  • teaspoon - Teaspoon: Javascript test runner for Rails. Run tests in the browser or headless with PhantomJS, Selenium WebDriver, Capybara Webkit or with BrowserStack.
  • gaze - 🔮 A globbing wrapper built from the best parts of other fine watch libs.
  • popcorn-js - The HTML5 Media Framework. (Unmaintained. See for activity)
  • slowmo-js - Execute JavaScript in slow motion.
  • jQuery-menu-aim - jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
  • nodeclub - 🐤Nodeclub 是使用 Node.js 和 MongoDB 开发的社区系统
  • q - A promise library for JavaScript
  • classList.js - Cross-browser element.classList
  • joycss - css auto sprite tool by nodejs
  • ssh2 - SSH2 client and server modules written in pure JavaScript for node.js
  • backbone.marionette - The Backbone Framework
  • Nested - Gap free multi column grid
  • lunr.js - A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright
  • fancybox - jQuery lightbox script for displaying images, videos and more. Touch enabled, responsive and fully customizable.
  • hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
  • buzz - Buzz is a small but powerful Javascript library that allows you to easily take advantage of the new HTML5 audio element. It tries to degrade silently on non-modern browsers.
  • mk.js - Canvas implementation of basic fighting game which allows multiplayer game over the network.
  • grunt-devtools - 🛠 Grunt Task Runner Extension for Chrome Developer Tools
  • pixi.js - The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.
  • MarkdownPastr - Turns any copied rich text into markdown when pasting to textarea
  • kandan - A Cloudfuji chat application
  • messenger - Growl-style alerts and messages for your app. #hubspot-open-source
  • learnGitBranching - An interactive git visualization to challenge and educate!
  • svg.js - The lightweight library for manipulating and animating SVG
  • todomvc - Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for React.js, Ember.js, Angular, and many more
  • Alice - Alice - 写CSS的更好方案
  • typeahead.js - typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
  • w2ui - JavaScript UI library for data-driven web applications
  • memdiff - BDD style memory leak hunting tool
  • piecon - A tiny javascript library for generating progress pie charts in your favicon.
  • devkit - HTML 5 game platform for browser and mobile
  • jszip - Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript
  • glfx.js - An image effects library for JavaScript using WebGL
  • Swipe - Swipe is the most accurate touch slider.
  • say.js - TTS (text to speech) for node.js. send text from node.js to your speakers.
  • zip.js - JavaScript library to zip and unzip files
  • browserZoom - 浏览器缩放比例检测(ctrl+滚轮)
  • tecate - Figure out when your HTML is busted
  • jWebAudio - JavaScript Web Audio library designed for web games with both jQuery version and standard version.
  • kimbo.js - 🍸 An ECMAScript 5 only-compatible JavaScript library.
  • parallel.js - Easy multi-core processing with javascript.
  • demonstory - 2012尾牙节目
  • flight - A component-based, event-driven JavaScript framework from Twitter
  • howler.js - Javascript audio library for the modern web.
  • textillate - A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations.
  • audio5js - The HTML5 Audio Compatibility Layer
  • jquery-mousewheel - A jQuery plugin that adds cross-browser mouse wheel support.
  • x18n - A sane JavaScript internationalisation library
  • Parsley.js - Validate your forms, frontend, without writing a single line of javascript
  • flowtime.js - Flowtime.js HTML5/CSS3/JS Websites and Presentation Framework
  • holler - Holler sends desktop push notifications from the command line.
  • bootstrap-tag - A javascript plugin for Twitter Bootstrap 2.x that makes it easy to create simple, beautiful tag inputs.
  • grunt-cmd-combo -
  • frame.js - JavaScript Animation Framework
  • x-editable - In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery
  • pickadate.js - (Looking for Project Maintainers) The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.
  • FooTable - jQuery plugin to make HTML tables responsive
  • PhantomCSS - Visual/CSS regression testing with PhantomJS
  • javascript - JavaScript Style Guide
  • js-url - url() - A simple, lightweight url parser for JavaScript
  • cssConsole - cssConsole is a jquery plugin that allows you to transform DOM element into console/terminal like input.
  • fsm -
  • HexGL - Source code of HexGL, a futuristic HTML5 racing game
  • phantom-proxy - a lightweight proxy that lets you to drive phantomjs from node.
  • faster-than-c - Talk outline: Faster than C? Parsing binary data in JavaScript.
  • pomelo - A fast,scalable,distributed game server framework for Node.js.
  • phantomjs-node - PhantomJS integration module for NodeJS
  • queen - Distributed computing on browsers
  • ect - Fastest JavaScript template engine with embedded CoffeeScript syntax
  • bower - A package manager for the web
  • element-capture - A Chrome extension which will screen capture any HTML element of your choosing.
  • bootup.js - Cache and load static files from local storage.
  • UglifyJS2 - JavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
  • nproxy - A cli proxy tool specialized in file replacing
  • code - Code examples from the book.
  • gbajs - Game Boy Advance in the Browser
  • pedalboard.js - Open source JavaScript framework for developing audio effects for guitars using the Web Audio API.
  • enquire.js - Awesome Media Queries in JavaScript
  • gridster.js - gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
  • emmet-sublime - Emmet for Sublime Text
  • TraceKit - Attempts to create stack traces for unhandled JavaScript exceptions in all major browsers.
  • mousetrap - Simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript
  • threejs-examples -
  • chrome-app-samples - Chrome Apps
  • holder - 🌇 Client-side image placeholders.
  • art-template - High performance JavaScript templating engine
  • componentjs - ComponentJS -- Powerful run-time Component System for structuring HTML5-based Rich Clients
  • bootstrap-colorpicker - Simple and customizable colorpicker component for jQuery, compatible with Twitter Bootstrap.
  • motio - Small JavaScript library for sprite based animations and panning.
  • headtrackr - Javascript library for headtracking via webcam and WebRTC/getUserMedia
  • jam - JavaScript package manager - using a browser-focused and RequireJS compatible repository
  • WebGLBook - Code Examples for Tony Parisi's Book, WebGL Up and Running
  • Ratio.js - Rational numbers for Javascript
  • Strut - Strut - An Impress.js and Bespoke.js Presentation Editor
  • css-explain - SQL EXPLAIN for CSS selectors
  • chrome-live-reload - It's a chrome extension to help web developers auto refreshing pages(html,css) with press F5
  • lodash - A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance, & extras.
  • cubism - Cubism.js: A JavaScript library for time series visualization.
  • dancer.js - high-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations
  • less.js-middleware - Connect Middleware for LESS.js compiling
  • foresight.js - DEPRECATED: Prior to recent developments with the picture element, Foresight.js gaves webpages the ability to tell if the user's device is capable of viewing high-resolution images before the image is requested from the server. Additionally, it judges if the user's device currently has a fast enough network connection for high-resolution images. Depending on device display and network connectivity, foresight.js will request the appropriate image for the webpage.
  • TimelineJS - TimelineJS: A Storytelling Timeline built in JavaScript.
  • xsschef - Chrome extension Exploitation Framework
  • select2 - Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
  • hammer.js - A javascript library for multi-touch gestures :// You can touch this
  • crossfilter - Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
  • templayed.js - The fastest and smallest Mustache compliant Javascript templating library written in 1806 bytes (uncompressed)
  • basket.js - A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStorage
  • css_viewer - css viewer for chrome
  • gips - jQuery Clean and Simple Tooltips: gips
  • dropzone - Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
  • fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
  • numbers.js - Advanced Mathematics Library for Node.js and JavaScript
  • connect-cachify - Express connect middleware to provide easy frontend caching for Node.js
  • turn.js - The page flip effect for HTML5
  • tinycon - A small library for manipulating the favicon, in particular adding alert bubbles and changing images.
  • noty - Dependency-free notification library that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
  • cocos2d-html5 - cocos2d for Web Browsers. Built using JavaScript
  • meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
  • jmpress.js - A jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas
  • stellar.js - Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easy
  • impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind
  • backbone-fundamentals - 📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
  • javascript-patterns - JavaScript Patterns
  • brackets - An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
  • jquip - jQuery in Parts
  • mass-Framework - 一个模块化,面向大规模开发的javascript框架
  • stitches - HTML5 Sprite Sheet Generator
  • create - Midgard Create, a generic web editing interface for any CMS
  • karma - Spectacular Test Runner for JavaScript
  • prefixfree - Break free from CSS prefix hell!
  • passport - Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
  • chrome-devtools-autosave - Auto-saving CSS and JavaScript changes from the Chrome Developer Tools
  • phantomjs-node - PhantomJS integration module for NodeJS
  • BrowserQuest - A HTML5/JavaScript multiplayer game experiment
  • dataset - JavaScript library that makes managing the data behind client-side visualisations easy
  • jwerty - ⌨ Awesome handling of keyboard events
  • grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
  • Design-Patterns-in-Javascript - Design Patterns applied to Javascript code.
  • message - Custom messages, alerts, confirmations
  • Seriously.js - A real-time, node-based video effects compositor for the web built with HTML5, Javascript and WebGL
  • casperjs - Navigation scripting and testing utility for PhantomJS and SlimerJS
  • webdriverio - A Node.js bindings implementation for the W3C WebDriver protocol
  • FlexSlider - An awesome, fully responsive jQuery slider plugin
  • hapi - Server Framework for Node.js
  • html2canvas - Screenshots with JavaScript
  • Sugar - A Javascript library for working with native objects.
  • resumable.js - A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.
  • deferred - Modular and fast Promises implementation for JavaScript
  • filer.js - A wrapper library for the HTML5 Filesystem API what reuses UNIX commands (cp, mv, ls) for its API.
  • visualsearch - A Rich Search Box for Real Data
  • spm - Brand new static package manager.
  • node-spdy - SPDY server on Node.js
  • Effect-Games - Classic DHTML JavaScript Game Engine and Web Based IDE
  • imgareaselect - ImgAreaSelect is a jQuery plugin for selecting a rectangular area of an image. It allows web developers to easily implement image cropping functionality, as well as other user interface features, such as photo notes (like those on Flickr).
  • mocha - ☕️ simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js & the browser
  • node-express-mongoose-demo - A simple demo app using express, mongoose, passport for beginners
  • moment - Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript.
  • dnode-protocol - Implements the dnode protocol abstractly in node.js
  • html5shiv - This script is the defacto way to enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy Internet Explorer.
  • paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
  • history.js - History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pushState, replaceState, onPopState) in all browsers. Including continued support for data, titles, replaceState. Supports jQuery, MooTools and Prototype. For HTML5 browsers this means that you can modify the URL directly, without needing to use hashes anymore. For HTML4 browsers it will revert back to using the old onhashchange functionality.
  • nodemailer - ✉️ Send e-mails with Node.JS – easy as cake!
  • jswiki - JavaScript wiki. Focuses mainly on JS/HTML5/WebGL related tech.
  • node-mkdirp - Recursively mkdir, like mkdir -p, but in node.js
  • annotator - Annotation tools for the web. Select text, images, or (nearly) anything else, and add your notes.
  • seajs - A Module Loader for the Web
  • stylus - Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for nodejs
  • OzJS - A microkernel for modular javascript, a toolchain for modern front-end, a micro-framework for growable WebApp
  • CAAT - Canvas Advanced Animation Toolkit
  • mongous - Simple MongoDB driver for Node.js with jQuery like syntax.
  • jQuery-File-Upload - File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
  • data - A uniform interface for domain data (deprecated)
  • CSSOM - CSS Object Model implemented in pure JavaScript. It's also a parser!
  • Backbone.localStorage - A localStorage adapter for Backbone.js
  • doctorjs - A set of static analysis tools for JavaScript
  • backbone - Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
  • d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
  • forever - A simple CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously (i.e. forever)
  • fastFrag - A purely client-side JavaScript template powered by JSON and returning valid Document Fragments for DOM insertion
  • PaintbrushJS - A lightweight browser-based image processing library
  • mysql - A pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.
  • node-inspector - Node.js debugger based on Blink Developer Tools
  • gm - GraphicsMagick for node
  • dnode - turtles all the way down rpc
  • video.js - Video.js - open source HTML5 & Flash video player
  • jsconsole - Web based console - for presentations and workshops
  • gollum - A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.
  • three.js - JavaScript 3D library.
  • - Realtime application framework (Node.JS server)
  • node-mime - Mime types for JavaScript
  • html5-boilerplate - A professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites.
  • jquery-placeholder - A jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that aren’t trying hard enough yet
  • node-mongodb-native - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver
  • angular.js - AngularJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • SoundManager2 - A JavaScript Sound API supporting MP3, MPEG4 and HTML5 audio + RTMP, providing reliable cross-browser/platform audio control in as little as 12 KB. BSD licensed.
  • jsPDF - Client-side JavaScript PDF generation for everyone.
  • fullcalendar - Full-sized drag & drop event calendar
  • lawnchair - A lightweight clientside JSON document store,
  • express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
  • jquery - jQuery JavaScript Library
  • jparallax - jQuery plugin for creating interactive parallax effect
  • showdown - A Markdown to HTML converter written in Javascript
  • jquery_lazyload - Vanilla JavaScript plugin for lazyloading images
  • raphael - JavaScript Vector Library
  • sizzle - A sizzlin' hot selector engine.
  • sylvester - Vector, matrix and geometry math JavaScript

Jupyter Notebook

  • Screenshot-to-code-in-Keras - A neural network that transforms a screenshot into a static website
  • - Deep Learning tutorials in jupyter notebooks.
  • 100days - 100 days of algorithms
  • PaintsChainer - line drawing colorization using chainer
  • TensorFlow-Book - Accompanying source code for Machine Learning with TensorFlow. Refer to the book for step-by-step explanations.
  • TensorFlow-Examples - TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners with Latest APIs
  • spark-py-notebooks - Apache Spark & Python (pySpark) tutorials for Big Data Analysis and Machine Learning as IPython / Jupyter notebooks



  • grasp - JavaScript structural search, replace, and refactor




  • eviltransform - Transport coordinate between earth(WGS-84) and mars in china(GCJ-02).


  • reason - Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems
  • ocaml-book - a book about ocaml
  • ocaml - The core OCaml system: compilers, runtime system, base libraries
  • effects-examples - Examples to illustrate the use of algebraic effects in Multicore OCaml
  • eff - A functional programming language based on algebraic effects and their handlers.
  • bucklescript - A backend for the OCaml compiler which emits JavaScript.
  • infer - A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C
  • flow - Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.


  • sequelpro - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
  • WebARonARKit - An experimental app for iOS that lets developers create Augmented Reality (AR) experiences using web technologies.
  • aria2gui - Aria2GUI for MAC OS X
  • react-native-arkit - React Native binding for iOS ARKit
  • react-native-image-cropping - Wrapper around 3rd party library for image cropping on iOS
  • electrino - Desktop runtime for apps built on web technologies, using the system's own web browser engine
  • React-Native-Today-Widget - An attempt to get a iOS Today Widget working on React Native
  • bluepill - Bluepill is a reliable iOS testing tool that runs UI tests using multiple simulators on a single machine
  • react-native-mobx - Make your app reactive with MobX and react-native-router-flux
  • expo - Expo iOS/Android Client
  • react-native-card-io - component for React Native
  • versioning-react-native-app - ⬆️ How to version a React Native app using npm version.
  • react-native-webpack-starter-kit - 🌿 Build your React Native app with Webpack and Babel
  • react-native-spinkit - A collection of animated loading indicators for React Native
  • EarlGrey - 🍵 iOS UI Automation Test Framework
  • react-native-maps - React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
  • react-native-auto-updater - A library to manage dynamic updates to React Native apps. Available as an NPM Package for iOS and Android.
  • react-native-effects-view - Use iOS8 UIVisualEffectViews's blur and vibrancy with ReactNative
  • react-native-code-push - React Native module for CodePush
  • react-native-hybrid-app-examples - A collection of examples for using React Native in an existing iOS application
  • MJRefresh - An easy way to use pull-to-refresh.
  • ZSSRichTextEditor - A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
  • zulip-ios-legacy - Zulip legacy iOS app
  • Cakebrew - Manage your Homebrew formulas with style using Cakebrew.
  • react-native-es6-reflux - Boilerplate for iOS app development with React Native, ES6 and Reflux
  • macdown - Open source Markdown editor for macOS.
  • origami - A Quartz Composer framework that enables interactive design prototyping without programming.
  • Shimmer - An easy way to add a simple, shimmering effect to any view in an iOS app.
  • BugshotKit - iOS in-app bug reporting for developers and testers, with annotated screenshots and the console log.
  • xctool - An extension for Apple's xcodebuild that makes it easier to test iOS and macOS apps.
  • GitStatX - A GUI application for gitstats
  • Alcatraz - Package manager for Xcode
  • MongoHub-Mac - Mac Native Mongodb Client
  • drupal-create - Drupal Create - an iOS mobile app
  • TheAmazingAudioEngine - Core Audio, Cordially: A sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.
  • Sonora - A minimal, beautifully designed music player for OS X.
  • PonyDebugger - Remote network and data debugging for your native iOS app using Chrome Developer Tools
  • iConsole - [DEPRECATED]


  • ace - Build Cordova apps with true native UI
  • componentkit - A React-inspired view framework for iOS.
  • pop - An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.
  • textmate - TextMate is a graphical text editor for OS X 10.9+


  • source-han-serif - Source Han Serif | 思源宋体 | 思源宋體 | 源ノ明朝 | 본명조


  • node-in-debugging - 《Node.js 调试指南》
  • FiraCodeiScript - Mashup Font of FiraCode and Script12
  • awesome-blockchain - A curated list of awesome Blockchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum related resources
  • lark2gitbook - Export as GitBook format
  • ParseAlternatives - A collaborative list of Parse alternative backend service providers.
  • awesome-pixijs - My list of awesome pixi.js related parties
  • vscode-styled-jsx - Visual Studio Code syntax highlighting for styled-jsx
  • feedback - Antv 的反馈库
  • awesome-hyper - 🖥 Delightful Hyper plugins, themes, and resources
  • hangzhouYunQi2017ppt -
  • blog - Here is my blog
  • Alibaba-Java-Coding-Guidelines - Gitbook for AJCG
  • every-programmer-should-know - A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
  • coffeescript-equivalents-in-es6 - CoffeeScript Equivalents In ES6
  • ckb-next - RGB Driver for Linux and OS X
  • deeplearning-mindmap - A mindmap summarising Deep Learning concepts.
  • machine-learning-mindmap - A mindmap summarising Machine Learning concepts, from Data Analysis to Deep Learning.
  • awesome-framer - A curated list of awesome things related to Framer prototyping tool
  • EffectiveTensorflow - TensorFlow tutorials and best practices.
  • thejsway - The JavaScript Way book
  • g6 - Relational data visualization framework
  • wire - 〰️ Overview of the open source code for Wire
  • real-world-react-apps - Real world React apps and their open source codebases for developers to learn from
  • react-redux-cheatsheet - React Redux Cheat Sheet on Workflow & Concept
  • deep-learning-studio - GUI based deep learning platform
  • opentracing-specification-zh - OpenTracing标准(中文版) zh (Chinese) translation of the opentracing/specification
  • jasper - Jasper - A flexible and powerful issue reader for GitHub
  • spellbook-of-modern-webdev - A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
  • awesome-public-datasets - A topic-centric list of high-quality open datasets in public domains. By everyone, for everyone!
  • awesome-dashboard - A curated list of amazingly awesome dashboards/visualization resources.
  • estree - The ESTree Spec
  • babel-handbook - 📘 A guided handbook on how to use Babel and how to create plugins for Babel.
  • MachineLearningCourse - 机器学习精简入门教程
  • flexbugs - A community-curated list of flexbox issues and cross-browser workarounds for them.
  • node-eps - Node.js Enhancement Proposals for discussion on future API additions/changes to Node core
  • Home - Project Glimpse: Node Edition - Spend less time debugging and more time developing.
  • realworld - "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅
  • awesome-functional-programming - Yet another resource for collecting articles, videos etc. regarding functional programming
  • awesome-fp-js - 😎 A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js
  • react-basic - A description of the conceptual model of React without implementation burden.
  • awesome-wasm - 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding WebAssembly (wasm) ecosystem.
  • react-native-bet - A growing list of organizations that are betting on React Native 💪🏿
  • awesome-ddd - A curated list of Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Event Sourcing, and Event Storming resources
  • api-guidelines - Microsoft REST API Guidelines
  • awesome-spider - 爬虫集合
  • registry - 📦 📒 A public issue repo for the npm registry team.
  • awesome-crawler - A collection of awesome web crawler,spider in different languages
  • react-bits - ✨ React patterns, techniques, tips and tricks ✨
  • WSL - Issues found on WSL
  • developer-roadmap - Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
  • js-vuln-db - A collection of JavaScript engine CVEs with PoCs
  • design-patterns-for-humans - Design Patterns for Humans™ - An ultra-simplified explanation
  • Natural-Language-Processing -
  • awesome-pwa - Awesome list of progressive web apps! (PR welcomed ;))
  • react-fiber-architecture - A description of React's new core algorithm, React Fiber
  • awesome-service-workers - 🔩 A collection of awesome resources for learning Service Workers
  • avocode - Get CSS, SVG, image assets, fonts, colors. All without Photoshop or Sketch.
  • awesome-expo - Useful resources for creating apps with Exponent
  • machine-learning-for-software-engineers - A complete daily plan for studying to become a machine learning engineer.
  • material-remixer - A set of cross-platform libraries and protocols to allow the sharing of design values and live refinement of apps during the development process.
  • logos - A huge collection of SVG logos
  • deep-into-node - 深入理解Node.js:核心**与源码分析
  • awesome-npm-scripts - Everything awesome related to npm scripts and using npm as a build tool.
  • coding-interview-university - A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
  • awesome-progressive-web-apps - 🌅 A collection of awesome resources for building progressive web apps
  • awesome-cyclejs - A curated list of awesome Cycle.js resources
  • awesome-microservices - A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies.
  • apollo - 🚀 Open source tools for GraphQL. Central repo for discussion.
  • awesome-graphql - Awesome list of GraphQL & Relay
  • dl_tutorials - Deep learning tutorials (2nd ed.)
  • language-server-protocol - Defines a common protocol for language servers.
  • open-source-react-native-apps - Collaborative List of Open-Source React Native apps
  • weex - A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
  • vscode-tips - 💡 Visual Studio Code tips and quick reference
  • awesome-vscode - A curated list of delightful VS Code packages and resources.
  • vscode-tips-and-tricks - Collection of helpful tips and tricks for VS Code.
  • awesome-serverless - ☁️ A curated list of awesome services, solutions and resources for serverless / nobackend applications.
  • awesome-machine-learning-cn - 机器学习资源大全中文版,包括机器学习领域的框架、库以及软件
  • awesome-tensorflow - TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources
  • HEAD - A list of everything that could go in the head of your document
  • redux-ecosystem-links - A categorized list of Redux-related addons, libraries, and utilities
  • jsemu - A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language
  • awesome-chrome-devtools - Awesome tooling and resources in the Chrome DevTools & DevTools Protocol ecosystem
  • awesome-deep-learning - A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
  • awesome-aframe - [DISCONTINUED] 🅰️ collection of awesome resources for the A-Frame WebVR framework.
  • css-protips - A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro
  • navigation-rfc - Better Navigation in React Native
  • android-best-practices - Do's and Don'ts for Android development, by Futurice developers
  • awesome-interview-questions - :octocat: A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute! 🎓
  • article -
  • nodejs-guidelines - Tips, tricks, and resources for working with Node.js, and the start of an ongoing conversation on how we can improve the Node.js experience on Microsoft platforms.
  • api-blueprint - API Blueprint
  • awesome-macos-command-line - Use your macOS terminal shell to do awesome things.
  • awesome-network-js - A 🎩 list of network layer resources written pure JS.
  • redux-in-chinese - Redux 中文文档
  • OS-X-El-Capitan - OS X El Capitan 更新速度慢的解决方法
  • awesome-redux - Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares
  • TimLiu-iOS - iOS开发常用三方库、插件、知名博客等等
  • awesome-macOS -  A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
  • awesome-electron - Useful resources for creating apps with Electron
  • translations - 🐼 Chinese translations for classic IT resources
  • css-modules - Documentation about css-modules
  • open-falcon - 互联网企业级监控系统
  • awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
  • angular-react -
  • design - WebAssembly Design Documents
  • IoTNotes - Internet of Things Notes in Chinese
  • mobile-web-favorites - This is a favorites, with a mobile web tips.
  • mobileHack - 这里收集了许多移动端上遇到的各种坑
  • awesome - 😎 Curated list of awesome lists
  • Awesome-MaterialDesign - Collection of material design libs and res.
  • mysos - Cotton (formerly known as Mysos)
  • flux-examples - Isomorphic Flux examples with Fluxible
  • app-launch-guide - This aims to be an indie dev's definitive guide to building and launching your app, including pre-launch, marketing, building, QA, buzz building, and launch. More info at:
  • toml - Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
  • http-api-guide -
  • react-native-guide - React Native指南汇集了各类react-native学习资源、开源App和组件
  • awesome-ios-ui - A curated list of awesome iOS UI/UX libraries
  • awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources.
  • android-tech-frontier - 【停止维护】一个定期翻译国外Android优质的技术、开源库、软件架构设计、测试等文章的开源项目
  • free-for-dev - A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
  • react-native-community - Community Contributions to React Native
  • android-open-project - A categorized collection of Android Open Source Projects, More powerful web version:
  • react-primer-draft - A primer for building web applications with React.
  • docker-elk - 🐳 Creating an ELK stack could not be easier.
  • CN-Chrome-DevTools - Chrome开发者工具中文手册
  • afterglow-theme - A minimal dark Theme for Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • Interactive-animation - Collect android animation
  • diagnostics - Node.js Diagnostics Working Group
  • es6features - Overview of ECMAScript 6 features 中文版
  • docker-cheat-sheet - Docker Cheat Sheet
  • coding-styles - My coding styles.
  • rscss - Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure
  • frontend-stuff - A continuously expanded list of frameworks, libraries and tools I used/want to use for building things on the web. Mostly JavaScript.
  • github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
  • es6features - Overview of ECMAScript 6 features
  • oceanic-next-color-scheme - Sublime Text 2/3 color scheme ready for ES6, optimized for babel-sublime (former 6to5-sublime) package
  • Qix - Machine Learning、Deep Learning、PostgreSQL、Distributed System、Node.Js、Golang
  • android-open-project-analysis - Analysis implementation of android open source project, 微信公众号:codekk, 网站:
  • awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
  • paperwork - Paperwork - OpenSource note-taking & archiving alternative to Evernote, Microsoft OneNote & Google Keep
  • what-happens-when - An attempt to answer the age old interview question "What happens when you type into your browser and press enter?"
  • angular-seo - SEO for AngularJS apps made easy.
  • awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
  • awesome-courses - 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
  • weekly - 汇总平时看到的好文章,技术、产品、管理均有,尽量保证一周汇总一篇
  • understandinges6 - Content for the ebook "Understanding ECMAScript 6"
  • awesome-wpo - 📝 A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!
  • styleguide - 文档与源码编写风格
  • postman-app-support - Postman helps you be more efficient while working with APIs. Using Postman, you can construct complex HTTP requests quickly, organize them in collections and share them with your co-workers.
  • github-cheat-sheet - A list of cool features of Git and GitHub.
  • wonderfogo - 最近对Go语言很感兴趣,所以整理相关资料,呵呵
  • http-api-design - HTTP API design guide extracted from work on the Heroku Platform API
  • papers - my open papers
  • shipyard - Composable Docker Management
  • wiki -
  • awesome-nodejs - ⚡ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
  • es6-tools - An aggregation of tooling for using ES6 today
  • Monokai-Spacegray - A modified version of Monokai to use with the Spacegray Theme for Sublime Text
  • node123 - node.js中文资料导航
  • Best-App - 收集&推荐优秀的 Apps/硬件/技巧/周边等
  • You-Dont-Know-JS - A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
  • browser-logos - 🗂 High resolution web browser logos
  • android_guides - Extensive Open-Source Guides for Android Developers
  • lime - Open source API-compatible alternative to the text editor Sublime Text
  • free-programming-books - 📚 Freely available programming books
  • Old-Deleted-FullScreenMario - An HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers - expanded for wide screens.
  • alfred-workflows - 🤘 A collection of Alfred 3 workflows that will rock your world
  • pycrumbs - Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet
  • Shade - Shade - The ultimate shadow mixin
  • mobileTech - A useful tools or tips list for mobile web application developing
  • Master-List-of-HTML5-JS-CSS-Resources -
  • objective-c-style-guide - The Objective-C Style Guide used by The New York Times
  • sprockets - Rack-based asset packaging system
  • codeparkshare - Python初学者(零基础学习Python、Python入门)书籍、视频、资料、社区推荐
  • CSS-Guidelines - a zh-CN translation
  • Projects - 📃 A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language.
  • phonegap - access core functions on Android, iPhone and Blackberry using JavaScript
  • - is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.
  • frontend-dev-bookmarks - Manually curated collection of resources for frontend web developers.
  • soda-theme - Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
  • best-practices - This is a fork of timoxley - Tidbits of best practices information from around the web
  • front-end-frameworks - A collection of best front-end frameworks for faster and easier web development.
  • jQuery-Picture - jQuery plugin to handle responsive images.
  • frontend-tools - Landscaping With Front-end Tools
  • idea-monokai-theme - A port of Monokai theme for IntellijIDEA
  • yeoman - Yeoman - a set of tools for automating development workflow
  • Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions - A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
  • jsgamewiki - A collection of good links for gaming with javascript
  • travis-ci - Free continuous integration platform for GitHub projects.
  • webkit - Unofficial mirror of the WebKit SVN repository
  • node-v0.x-archive - Moved to


  • appium-selenium-starter - Open source, complete and easy to use QA Automation platform
  • miniflux-legacy - Minimalist RSS reader (version 1.x)
  • Pico - Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
  • whoops - PHP errors for cool kids
  • PHP_CodeSniffer - PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
  • opencart - A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online e-commerce solution.
  • PrestaShop - PrestaShop offers a free, fully scalable, Open Source e-commerce solution.
  • ecshop - ECShop是一款开源免费的网上商店系统
  • matomo - Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites, apps & the IoT and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!
  • koel - A personal music streaming server that works.
  • framework -
  • laravel - A PHP framework for web artisans
  • swagger-php - A php swagger annotation and parsing library
  • tuleap - Tuleap is a Free & Open Source Suite to improve management of software developments and collaboration. With a single web-based solution, project managers, developers & quality managers can easily build, deploy software projects.
  • openbay -
  • fis - Front-end Integrated Solution - 前端集成解决方案, 最新版请进入 FIS3
  • PHPPresentation - A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents
  • cphalcon - High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.
  • duoshuo-wordpress - 多说评论插件 for WordPress
  • selfoss - selfoss: The multipurpose rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation web application
  • HTML5-Reset-WordPress-Theme - A style-free WordPress theme to get you started with proper HTML5 semantics and structures.
  • phabricator - Open software engineering platform and fun adventure game
  • Making-Isometric-Real-time-Games - The official codebase repository of the book Making Isometric Real-Time Games with HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript
  • symfony - The Symfony PHP framework
  • testswarm - Distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.




  • WiFi-Password - People ask you for the Wi-Fi password. Answer quickly.


  • neobrush - A crazy new paintbrush to tickle your brainballs.


  • gitinspector - 📊 The statistical analysis tool for git repositories
  • chinese-poetry - 最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。
  • Detectron - FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
  • sketch-to-react-native - Convert Sketch files into React Native components
  • wechat_jump_tensorflow -
  • labelImg - 🤘 LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool and label object bounding boxes in images
  • studyFiles - 一些经典且高质量的电子书分享
  • scikit-learn - scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
  • mackup - Keep your application settings in sync (OS X/Linux)
  • PhotographicImageSynthesis - Photographic Image Synthesis with Cascaded Refinement Networks
  • redash - Make Your Company Data Driven. Connect to any data source, easily visualize and share your data.
  • pygta5 - Explorations of Using Python to play Grand Theft Auto 5.
  • FaceRank - FaceRank - Rank Face by CNN Model based on TensorFlow (add keras version). FaceRank-人脸打分基于 TensorFlow (新增 Keras 版本) 的 CNN 模型(QQ群:522785813)。技术支持:
  • Deep-learning-with-cats - Deep learning with cats (^._.^)
  • neural-style - Neural style in TensorFlow! 🎨
  • datashader - Turns even the largest data into images, accurately.
  • owllook - owllook-在线网络小说阅读网站&小说搜索引擎&小说推荐系统[搜索、追书、收藏、追更、小说API] - 基于Sanic
  • pix2code - pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot
  • conda - OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager and ecosystem
  • research - dataset and code for 2016 paper "Learning a Driving Simulator"
  • TensorKart - self-driving MarioKart with TensorFlow
  • ParlAI - A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialog datasets.
  • awesome-math - A curated list of awesome mathematics resources
  • WebHubBot - Python + Scrapy + MongoDB . 5 million data per day !!!💥 The world's largest website.
  • electricitymap - A real-time visualisation of the CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
  • dnc - A TensorFlow implementation of the Differentiable Neural Computer.
  • wechat-spider - 微信公众号爬虫
  • weibo_terminater - Final Weibo Crawler Scrap Anything From Weibo, comments, weibo contents, followers, anything. The Terminator
  • magnetico - Autonomous (self-hosted) BitTorrent DHT search engine suite.
  • system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
  • incubator-superset - Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application
  • HelloGitHub - :octocat:分享 GitHub 上好玩、容易上手的项目,帮你找到编程的乐趣。欢迎推荐、自荐项目,让更多人知道你的项目⭐️
  • incubator-mxnet - Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
  • awesome-cheatsheet - 🍻 awesome cheatsheet
  • faraday - Collaborative Penetration Test and Vulnerability Management Platform
  • qrcode - artistic QR Code in Python (Animated GIF qr code)- Python 艺术二维码生成器 (GIF动态二维码、图片二维码)
  • ROLO - ROLO is short for Recurrent YOLO, aimed at simultaneous object detection and tracking
  • keras - Deep Learning for humans
  • starred - creating your own Awesome List used GitHub stars!
  • ZeroNet - ZeroNet - Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and BitTorrent network
  • swapi - The Star Wars API
  • pyspider - A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
  • scrapy - Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
  • awesome-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
  • neuralart_tensorflow - Implementation of "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" by Tensorflow
  • deep-anpr - Using neural networks to build an automatic number plate recognition system
  • tflearn - Deep learning library featuring a higher-level API for TensorFlow.
  • you-get - ⏬ Dumb downloader that scrapes the web
  • youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
  • public-apis - A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
  • RocAlphaGo - An independent, student-led replication of DeepMind's 2016 Nature publication, "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search" (Nature 529, 484-489, 28 Jan 2016), details of which can be found on their website
  • musicbox - 网易云音乐命令行版本
  • spinnaker - Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
  • docker-grafana-graphite - Docker image with StatsD, Graphite, Grafana 2 and a Kamon Dashboard
  • locust - Scalable user load testing tool written in Python
  • material-theme - Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3 by Mattia Astorino
  • easybuild - EasyBuild - building software with ease
  • deis - Deis v1, the CoreOS and Docker PaaS: Your PaaS. Your Rules.
  • st2 - StackStorm (aka "IFTTT for Ops") is event-driven automation commonly used for auto-remediation, security responses, facilitated troubleshooting, complex deployments, and more. Includes rules engine, workflow, 1800+ integrations (see, native ChatOps and so forth. Installer available at Ping us on slack -
  • augmented-traffic-control - Augmented Traffic Control: A tool to simulate network conditions
  • shadowsocks -
  • ansible - Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
  • Static-DOM-XSS-Scanner - Static DOM XSS Scanner is a Static Analysis tool written in python that will iterate through all the JavaScript and HTML files under the given directory and will list out all the possible sources and sinks that may cause DOM XSS. At the end of the scan, the tool will generate an HTML report.
  • mitmproxy - An interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
  • xsscrapy - XSS spider - 66/66 wavsep XSS detected
  • docker-registry - This is DEPRECATED! Please go to
  • compose - Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
  • ajenti - Ajenti Core and stock plugins
  • explainshell - match command-line arguments to their help text
  • bokeh - Interactive Web Plotting for Python
  • deprecated.pies - The simplest (and tastiest) way to write one program that runs on both Python 2 and Python 3.
  • nupic - Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing is an implementation of Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), a theory of intelligence based strictly on the neuroscience of the neocortex.
  • chromium-dashboard - Chrome Status Dashboard
  • huxley - A testing system for catching visual regressions in Web applications.
  • nova - OpenStack Compute (Nova)
  • gitstats - git history statistics generator
  • python-cookbook - Code samples from the "Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition", published by O'Reilly & Associates, May, 2013.
  • - Renders beautiful SVG maps in Python.
  • github-language-colors - GitHub color codes for programming languages
  • GL-Shader-Validator - A GLSL and ESSL validator for Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • glue - Glue is a simple command line tool to generate CSS sprites
  • Panoptic - Panoptic is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of search and retrieval of content for common log and config files through path traversal vulnerabilities.
  • nginx-book - Nginx开发从入门到精通
  • rauth - A Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
  • SublimeWebInspector - Web Inspector allow you debug Javascript right in the editor
  • webgl-lessons - is now the officially maintained fork for this project
  • shiva-server - A RESTful API to your music collection
  • django - The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
  • PlainTasks - An opinionated todo-list plugin for Sublime Text editor (version 2 and 3)
  • GitGutter - A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to see git diff in gutter
  • node-gyp - Node.js native addon build tool
  • sentry - Sentry is a cross-platform crash reporting and aggregation platform.



  • activeadmin - The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
  • huginn - Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
  • github-changelog-generator - Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.
  • awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!
  • secureheaders - Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults
  • fir-cli - command-line interface
  • examples - 📝 A collection of example fastlane setups
  • engineering-blogs - A curated list of engineering blogs
  • janky - Continuous integration server built on top of Jenkins and Hubot
  • fastlane - 🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
  • wraith - Wraith — A responsive screenshot comparison tool
  • boxen - Manage Mac development boxes with love (and Puppet).
  • our-boxen - Copy me for your team.
  • crony - rufus-scheduler/foreman based cron job scheduler (perfect for use on heroku)
  • logstash - Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
  • json_schema - A JSON Schema V4 and Hyperschema V4 parser and validator.
  • prmd - JSON Schema tools and doc generation for HTTP APIs
  • awesome-svg - A curated list of SVG.
  • devdocs - API Documentation Browser
  • kochiku - Shard your builds for fun and profit
  • maximum-awesome - Config files for vim and tmux.
  • psd.rb - Parse Photoshop files in Ruby with ease
  • bourbon - A Lightweight Sass Tool Set
  • public_activity - Easy activity tracking for models - similar to Github's Public Activity
  • label.css - Just a simply easy way to label each element you want!
  • chartkick - Create beautiful JavaScript charts with one line of Ruby
  • stringer - A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader.
  • middleman - Hand-crafted frontend development
  • gitlabhq - GitLab CE | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on
  • octopress - Octopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to configure and easy to deploy. Sweet huh?
  • capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool
  • discourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
  • docverter - Docverter Server
  • CocoaPods - The Cocoa Dependency Manager.


  • yew - Rust framework for making client web apps
  • rediSQL - Redis module that provides a completely functional SQL database
  • neon - Rust bindings for writing safe and fast native Node.js modules.
  • rust - A safe, concurrent, practical language.


  • chronos - Fault tolerant job scheduler for Mesos which handles dependencies and ISO8601 based schedules
  • snowflake - Snowflake is a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.
  • CoolplaySpark - 酷玩 Spark: Spark 源代码解析、Spark 类库等
  • diffy - Find potential bugs in your services with Diffy
  • finagle - A fault tolerant, protocol-agnostic RPC system
  • summingbird - Streaming MapReduce with Scalding and Storm
  • breeze - Breeze is a numerical processing library for Scala.


  • mac-setup - 🔧 Front end web development setup for macOS.
  • rak8s - Stand up a Raspberry Pi based Kubernetes cluster with Ansible
  • node-prune - Easily pruning unneeded files from node_modules folder
  • PWA-Book-CN - 第一本 PWA 中文书
  • halcyon - System for installing Haskell apps
  • graphql - GraphQL is a query language and execution engine tied to any backend service.
  • nwjs-shell-builder - NW.js (node-webkit) shell script builder and packager scripts
  • eon - An open-source chart and map framework for realtime data.
  • docker-gitlab - Dockerized GitLab
  • nvm - Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • boot2docker - Lightweight Linux for Docker
  • dokku - A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications
  • google-hosts - Google hosts generator
  • babun - Babun - a Windows shell you will love!
  • zerosprites - ZeroSprites is a CSS sprites generator aimed at area minimization using VLSI floorplaning algorithms.
  • oh-my-zsh - A delightful community-driven (with 1,000+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
  • gaia-notes - Information on Contributing to Mozilla's Gaia project


  • Helium - A floating browser window for OS X
  • ARKit-Sampler - Code examples for ARKit.
  • ARPaint - Draw with bare fingers in the air using ARKit
  • ARKitGameSpriteKit - A game inspired by Pokemon Go build with ARKit and SpriteKit
  • Awesome-ARKit - A curated list of awesome ARKit projects and resources. Feel free to contribute!
  • aperture - Record the screen on macOS
  • TodayMind - Make Reminders Great Again
  • react-native-ios-charts - Bringing iOS Charts to React Native
  • IBAnimatable - Design and prototype customized UI, interaction, navigation, transition and animation for App Store ready Apps in Interface Builder with IBAnimatable.
  • 30DaysofSwift - A self-taught project to learn Swift.
  • Yep - Meet Genius
  • ReSwift - Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift - Inspired by Redux
  • ReduxKit - Redux for Swift - a predictable state container for Swift apps
  • ReactiveCocoa - Streams of values over time
  • open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps
  • Few.swift - Views as functions of their state.



  • tchannel - network multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC


  • typewiz - Automatically discover and add missing types in your TypeScript code
  • graphql-yoga - 🧘 Fully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience
  • propel - Differential Programming in JavaScript.
  • type-graphql - Create GraphQL resolvers and schema with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
  • gaea-editor - Design websites in your browser
  • parket - A library to manage application state, heavily inspired by mobx-state-tree
  • node-typescript-starter - A modern nodejs api boilerplate with typescript
  • jest-snapshots-svg - Take a React component tree, and render it into an SVG.
  • almin - Client-side DDD/CQRS for JavaScript.
  • 1backend - Run your web apps easily with a complete platform that you can install on any server. Build composable microservices and lambdas.
  • wobble - A tiny (~1.7 KB gzipped) spring physics micro-library that models a damped harmonic oscillator.
  • after.js - Next.js-like framework for server-rendered React apps built with React Router 4
  • fp-ts - Functional programming in TypeScript
  • vscode-jest - The optimal flow for Jest based testing in VS Code
  • oni - Oni: Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
  • majestic - ⚡ Zero config UI for Jest
  • beenion - Online adaptation of a scientific journal publishing and peer reviewing
  • kactus - 🌵 A true version control tool for designers
  • floweditor - Standalone flow editing tool designed for use within the RapidPro suite of messaging tools
  • alva - Alva is a radically new design tool that enables cross-functional teams to design digital products.
  • class-transformer-validator - A simple plugin for class-transformer and class-validator which combines them in a nice and programmer-friendly API.
  • class-transformer - Proper decorator-based transformation / serialization / deserialization of plain javascript objects to class constructors
  • class-validator - Validation made easy using TypeScript decorators.
  • base-javascript-sdk - ⚡ Base's official SDK for JavaScript written using TypeScript.
  • odata-v4-mysql - OData V4 Service modules - MySQL Connector
  • pandora - A Manageable, Measurable and Traceable Node.js Application Manager represented by Alibaba powered by TypeScript
  • routing-controllers-openapi - Runtime OpenAPI v3 schema generation for routing-controllers.
  • dob - Light and fast 🚀 state management tool.
  • tandem - Tandem is a visual editor for web components
  • Hitchhiker - a Restful Api test tool
  • sonarwhal - A linting tool for the web
  • chrome-launcher - Launch Google Chrome with ease from node.
  • simple-evaluate - A safe parse for simple js expression
  • graphql-playground - 🎮 GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration)
  • Vim - ⭐ Vim for Visual Studio Code
  • prettier-vscode - Visual Studio Code extension for Prettier
  • vscode-eggjs - vscode extension for
  • pretty-algorithms - 🌊 Pretty, common and useful algorithms with modern JS and beautiful tests
  • node-facenet - Solve face verification, recognition and clustering problems: A TensorFlow backed FaceNet implementation for Node.js.
  • decaffeinate - Goodbye CoffeeScript, hello JavaScript!
  • ng-zorro-antd - An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Angular. 🐜
  • deeplearnjs - Hardware-accelerated deep learning // machine learning // NumPy library for the web.
  • chromeless - 🖥 Chrome automation made simple. Runs locally or headless on AWS Lambda.
  • navalia - A bullet-proof, fast, and reliable headless browser API
  • snapshot -
  • glimmer-vm -
  • babel-codemod - babel-codemod rewrites JavaScript using babel plugins.
  • terminus - A terminal for a more modern age
  • formik - Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
  • doppio - Breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).
  • cqrs - CQRS-DDD-Actor framework for Node.js
  • vscode-react-native-storybooks - Inline your Storybooks server in VS Code
  • desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop
  • node-diagnostic-channel - This package provides a common pub/sub interface for diagnostic information in node projects.
  • Spector.js - Explore and Troubleshoot your WebGL scenes with ease.
  • TypeScript-React-Starter - A starter template for TypeScript and React with a detailed README describing how to use the two together.
  • chrome-debugging-client - An async / await friendly debugging client for chrome
  • searchkit - React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
  • vscode-rust - Rust for Visual Studio Code
  • typescript-formatter - Formatter of TypeScript code
  • vscode-theme-generator - Easily generate themes for VS Code with only a few colors
  • playground - Play with neural networks!
  • ts-protoc-gen - Protocol Buffers Compiler (protoc) plugin for TypeScript and gRPC-Web.
  • satcheljs - Satchel is a data store based on the Flux architecture. It is characterized by exposing an observable state that makes view updates painless and efficient.
  • pxt - Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
  • NoSQLProvider - A cross-browser/platform indexeddb-like client library
  • ReSub - A library for writing React components that automatically manage subscriptions to data sources simply by accessing them
  • sample-ts-plugin - Sample TypeScript Language Service Plugin
  • awilix - Extremely powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container for Node.JS
  • pwmetrics - Progressive web metrics at your fingertipz
  • rich-logger-decorator - Rich Logger Typescript Decorator for Easy Coding & Debugging
  • nest - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications on top of TypeScript & JavaScript (ES6 / ES7 / ES8) heavily inspired by Angular 😻🚀
  • reactxp - Library for cross-platform app development.
  • slinky - Export your Sketch designs as HTML email templates
  • datepicker - RxJS + Typescript Datepicker
  • react-mosaic - A React tiling window manager
  • vega-lite - A grammar of interactive graphics, built on Vega.
  • js-crawler - Web crawler for Node.JS
  • vscode-node-module-intellisense - Visual Studio Code plugin that autocompletes JavaScript / TypeScript modules in import statements.
  • html-looks-like - Assert that an HTML string looks approximately the same as another HTML
  • vscode-extension-samples - Sample code illustrating the VS Code extension API.
  • vscode-languageserver-node - Language server protocol implementation for VSCode. This allows implementing language services in JS/TS running on node.js
  • angular - One framework. Mobile & desktop.
  • ant-design-mobile - A configurable Mobile UI
  • - Source code for the web interface
  • rxjs - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
  • typescript-library-starter - Starter kit with zero-config for building a library in TypeScript, featuring RollupJS, Jest, Prettier, TSLint, Semantic Release, and more!
  • ShapeShifter - SVG icon animation tool for Android, iOS, and the web
  • graphql-voyager - 🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph
  • inversify-basic-example - A basic example that showcases how to setup InversifyJS
  • wetland - A Node.js ORM, mapping-based. Works with MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and more.
  • Iridium - A high performance MongoDB ORM for Node.js
  • enterprise-node-typescript - TypeScript + Node.js Enterprise Patterns
  • graphql-typeorm-passport-boilerplate - A boilerplate for passport, typeorm, and graphql
  • serverless-ts-boilerplate - Example project built with TypeScript, Serverless Framework, Webpack, TSLint, Source Map Support and Dalamb.
  • receipt-to-moneyforward -
  • growth-ionic - [v2.0 DEPRECATED, please update to Growth 3.0] Growth - App to help you Be Awesome Developer & Awesome Hacker
  • io-ts - TypeScript compatible runtime type system for IO validation
  • typescript-json-schema - Generate json-schema from your Typescript sources
  • routing-controllers - Create structured, declarative and beautifully organized class-based controllers with heavy decorators usage in Express / Koa using TypeScript and Routing Controllers Framework.
  • typedi - Simple yet powerful dependency injection tool for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • typescript-to-json-schema - Generate JSON schema from your Typescript sources
  • apollo-codegen - ✏️ Generate API code or type annotations based on a GraphQL schema and query documents
  • TypeNESs - An NES emulator in TypeScript
  • typehtml - A transparent reactive framework with type safety and simplicity 🌹
  • dtsmake - TypeScript 's type definition file (*.d.ts files) generator tool from JavaScript files.
  • solidprinciples-typescript -
  • ts-express-decorators - 📐 A TypeScript Framework on top of Express. It provide a lot of decorators and guideline to write your code.
  • node-decorators - node-decorators
  • graphql-config - The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
  • fuse-box - A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API 🔥
  • learnapollo - 👩🏻‍🏫 Learn Apollo - A hands-on tutorial for Apollo GraphQL Client (created by Graphcool)
  • typeorm - ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript (ES7, ES6, ES5). Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MS SQL Server, Oracle, WebSQL databases. Works in NodeJS, Browser, Ionic, Cordova and Electron platforms.
  • nexe - 🎉 create a single executable out of your node.js apps
  • ivi - Javascript (TypeScript) library for building web user interfaces
  • office-ui-fabric-react - React components for building experiences for Office and Office 365.
  • typescript-book - 📚 The definitive guide to TypeScript and possibly the best TypeScript book 📖. Free and Open Source 🌹
  • vscode-icons - Icons for Visual Studio Code
  • Eve - Better tools for thought
  • mirage - 🎨 GUI for simplifying Elasticsearch Query DSL
  • cloud-debug-nodejs - Node.js agent for Stackdriver Debugger: investigate your code’s behavior in production
  • gql2ts - convert a graphql schema to a typescript definition
  • cyclejs - A functional and reactive JavaScript framework for predictable code
  • react-apollo - ♻️ React integration for Apollo Client
  • apollo-server - 🌍 GraphQL server for Express, Connect, Hapi, Koa and more
  • InversifyJS - A powerful and lightweight inversion of control container for JavaScript & Node.js apps powered by TypeScript.
  • opentracing-javascript - OpenTracing API for Javascript (both Node and browser)
  • swapi-apollo - An Apollo server wrapping SWAPI
  • graphql-tools - 🔧 Build, mock, and stitch a GraphQL schema using the schema language
  • apollo-client - 🚀 A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server
  • xterm.js - Full xterm terminal, in your browser
  • perf-monitor - Performance monitor. Simple UI component that helps you measure performance.
  • PlayApp - A boilerplate chat application on top of React, React-Native, Relay, GraphQL, RethinkDB and Typescript
  • TypeScript - TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  • react-native-renderer - Use Angular and React Native to build applications for Android and iOS
  • angular4-mean-starter - A very neat and simple starter kit for an angular2/4/5 MEAN app.
  • vscode - Visual Studio Code
  • code-push - A cloud service that enables Cordova and React Native developers to deploy mobile app updates directly to their users’ devices.
  • upterm - A terminal emulator for the 21st century.
  • ant-design - 🐜 A UI Design Language
  • grafana - The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analytics & dashboards for Graphite, InfluxDB & Prometheus & More
  • - server
  • Vorlonjs - A new, open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and
  • NativeScript - NativeScript is an open source framework for building truly native mobile apps with JavaScript. Use web skills, like Angular, FlexBox and CSS, and get native UI and performance on iOS and Android.
  • ionic - Build amazing native and progressive web apps with open web technologies. One app running on everything 🎉
  • sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
  • satellizer - Token-based AngularJS Authentication
  • ui-router - The de-facto solution to flexible routing with nested views in AngularJS
  • Babylon.js - Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL
  • turbulenz_engine - Turbulenz is a modular 3D and 2D game framework for making HTML5 powered games for browsers, desktops and mobile devices.
  • esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  • tinymce - The world's most popular JavaScript library for rich text editing

Vim script


  • spf13-vim - The ultimate vim distribution
  • use_vim_as_ide - use vim as IDE
  • dot-vimrc - Maple's vim config files
  • solarized - precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes


  • vue-semantic - A collection of vue components for integrating the semantic ui library
  • vux - Mobile UI Components based on Vue & WeUI
  • quasar - Quasar Framework
  • mint-ui - Mobile UI elements for Vue.js
  • vue-waterfall - A waterfall layout component for Vue.js



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