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esp32-divoom's Introduction


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Divoom Proxy for ESP32

Allows you to send commands to your Divoom device through various protocols. It works as a companion for my Home Assistant integration, but you can also use it as standalone communicator for your Divoom devices. Currently the following input protocols are implemented. You can find more information in the documentation below.

  • Serial
  • TCP
  • MQTT

Table of Contents


This firmware obviously needs an ESP32. Other then that, not much is needed, as the ESP32 already brings WiFi and Bluetooth with it.


Easy Installation

In the future I might use ESP Web Tools for an easier installation process. For now, you have to go for the manual installation.

Manual Installation

This firmware is a PlatformIO project. Until I can find and prepare a more easy way for you to get started, you have to just download the source code and build and upload it to an ESP32 via VS Code yourself.

  • Download the repository. If you know git, a clone is fine. If not, just download to get the most recent code in a ZIP file.
  • Copy the corresponding content of the ZIP file into a directory of your choice
  • Open the directory with PlatformIO via VS Code
  • Connect your ESP32 with a working USB Data Cable
  • Press Upload in the PlatformIO Project Tasks
  • ...
  • Profit


Easy Configuration

Well again, currently there is no easy way, but that might change in the future.

Manual Configuration

Currently you need to configure the firmware directly in your own config_local.h before flashing. This might change in the future.

The default configuration config.h has a lot of empty values you very likely want to fill. To not run into problems with later updates, I recommend you to create a config_local.h with your own values. Here is an example:

    #define _CONFIG_LOCAL_H
    #undef WIFISSID1
    #undef WIFIPASS1
    #define WIFISSID1        "My WiFi 1"
    #define WIFIPASS1        "MySuperSecretPassword1"

    #undef WIFISSID2
    #undef WIFIPASS2
    #define WIFISSID2        "My WiFi 2"
    #define WIFIPASS2        "MySuperSecretPassword2"

    #undef MQTT_HOST
    #undef MQTT_USER
    #undef MQTT_PASS
    #define MQTT_HOST        ""
    #define MQTT_USER        "mqtt"
    #define MQTT_PASS        "MySecretPassword"

Notice the undefining of each value before defining it with my own value. That way you don't get ugly warnings from the compiler later. 😉



You can control your Divoom devices via Serial. Obviously this is more for debugging purposes, but might also be helpful for a quick test. If you press Monitor in the PlatformIO Project Tasks, you can send some commands directly to your ESP32. Just prepare them in Notepad and then copy them into the Terminal (you will not see what you typed/copied) and press Enter. Depending on the actual command, the ESP32 will then send commands to your Divoom device and also give you some information or received packets back. Here are some examples:

This command connects to your Divoom device with the MAC address 01:12:23:45:56:67 and on port 1.

CONNECT 01:12:23:45:56:67 1

This command sends raw bytes to your connected Divoom device. The raw bytes represent the brightness command. The first one sets the brightness to 50% and the second one to 100%.

SEND 01 04 00 74 32 AA 00 02
SEND 01 04 00 74 64 DC 00 02

This command disconnect from your Divoom device.

DISCONNECT 01:12:23:45:56:67

This command sets the brightness to 100% of your connected Divoom device. As you can see, this is a more human readable format. You can find a full list of MODE commands here: MODE commands

MODE brightness 100


You can also control your Divoom devices via TCP. Obviously that is not really meant for user interaction, but for actual communication one a lower level. The most used case for TCP is my own Home Assistant integration, which uses this ESP32 firmware as a Bluetooth Proxy. But maybe you want to develop your own application based on this, so here are some examples:

This connects to your Divoom device with the MAC address 01:12:23:45:56:67 and on port 1. The packet starts with a single byte 0x69 hinting this is a connect packet, followed by the MAC address also in raw bytes as well as the optional port number.


This sends raw bytes to your connected Divoom device. The raw bytes represent the brightness command. Typical for the Divoom protocol, the packet starts with 0x01 and ends with 0x02. The first packet sets the brightness to 50% and the second one to 100%.


This disconnect from your Divoom device. The packet starts with a single byte 0x96 hinting this is a disconnect packet, followed by the MAC address also in raw bytes.



You can also control your Divoom devices via MQTT as well as getting a few states. This is variant you probably will use, when you are going for the standalone mode. The actual commands are similar to the Serial input. Additionally the general state will be published to MQTT_TOPIC/proxy, the bluetooth connection state to MQTT_TOPIC/bluetooth and advertise bluetooth devices to MQTT_TOPIC/advertise/[MAC] while [MAC] stands for the actual MAC address like 01:12:23:45:56:67.

Commands should be sent to the topic MQTT_TOPIC/command. For the MQTT_TOPIC part, you have to look into your config_local.h. Default is divoom/, which makes the command topic divoom/command.

This command connects to your Divoom device with the MAC address 01:12:23:45:56:67 and on port 1.

CONNECT 01:12:23:45:56:67 1

This command sends raw bytes to your connected Divoom device. The raw bytes represent the brightness command. The first one sets the brightness to 50% and the second one to 100%.

SEND 01 04 00 74 32 AA 00 02
SEND 01 04 00 74 64 DC 00 02

This command disconnect from your Divoom device.

DISCONNECT 01:12:23:45:56:67

This command sets the brightness to 100% of your connected Divoom device. As you can see, this is a more human readable format. You can find a full list of MODE commands here: MODE commands

MODE brightness 100

MODE Commands

Here you can find a full list of MODE commands that are supported as well as some descriptions and examples. If you are coming from my Home Assistant integration, you probably will notice a few similarities.

MODE alarm

Sets an alarm. You might have to experiment with the options your Divoom device supports and what it actually changes. Unsupported values will be ignored or if possible directly zeroed by this component, to prevent strange behavior.

MODE alarm [number] [time] [weekdays] [alarmmode] [triggermode] [frequency] [volume]

Parameter Description
number The concrete slot for the alarm. For the actual amount of slots you might have to look into the phone app.
time The concrete time for when the alarm should happen in the format mm:ss.
weekdays The list of 0 and 1 for each weekday starting with sunday. Example: 1000001 for weekend only alarm.
alarmmode The alarm mode. Look into your phone app for what is supported by your Divoom device.
triggermode The trigger mode. Look into your phone app for what is supported by your Divoom device.
frequency The radio frequency to set.
volume The volume of the alarm.
MODE alarm 1 07:30 0111110 0 0 85.1 100

MODE brightness

Sets the brightness.

MODE brightness [value]

Parameter Description
value The brightness value between 0 and 100.
MODE brightness 100

MODE clock

Shows the clock channel.

MODE clock [clock] [twentyfour] [weather] [temp] [calendar] [color] [hot]

Parameter Description
clock The style of the clock. Accepts a number between 0 and 9.
0 = Fullscreen, 1 = Rainbow, 2 = Boxed, 3 = Analog square,
4 = Fullscreen negative, 5 = Analog round, 6 = Widescreen
twentyfour Changes between 12h or 24h format.
0 = 12h, 1 = 24h. Defaults to 24h. Doesn't actually change the current time.
weather Actives or deactivates showing the weather with 0 or 1.
temp Actives or deactivates showing the temperature with 0 or 1.
calendar Actives or deactivates showing the calendar date with 0 or 1.
color The color of the clock in the typical RGB HEX format. Example: FF0000 for red.
hot Actives or deactivates showing the slideshow of the best images with 0 or 1, which is right next to the other boolean-like buttons in the app, but a completely separate command in the protocol
MODE clock 1 1 1 1 1 FF0000 1

MODE countdown

Shows the countdown tool.

MODE countdown [value] [countdown]

Parameter Description
value Controls the start/stop state.
0 = stop, 1 = start
countdown The concrete countdown in the format mm:ss.
MODE countdown 1 02:30

MODE datetime

Sets the datetime.

MODE datetime [date] [time]

Parameter Description
date The date in typical ISO format.
time The time in typical ISO format.
MODE datetime 2020-12-24 20:15:00

MODE design

Shows the design channel.

MODE design [value]

Parameter Description
value The number of the concrete design. Ranging from 0-2 you can specify the design 1-3.
MODE design 0

MODE effects

Shows the effects channel.

MODE effects [value]

Parameter Description
value The number of the concrete effect. Might differ for some Divoom devices. Look into your phone app and count them.
MODE effects 1

MODE game

Shows a game. It is theoretically possible to open games, that are not shown in your phone app, but they might not work very well.

MODE game [value]

Parameter Description
value The number of the concrete game. Depending on your device you may have different amount of games. Look into your phone app and count them.
MODE game 1

MODE gamecontrol

Sends controlling commands to the currently open game.

MODE gamecontrol [value]

Parameter Description
value 0 or go = go,
1 or left = left,
2 or right = right,
3 or up = up,
4 or bottom = bottom,
5 or ok = ok
MODE gamecontrol 0

MODE keyboard

Controls the keyboard LEDs specifically on the Ditoo.

MODE keyboard [value]

Parameter Description
value 0 = toggle keyboard light on/off, 1 = switch to next effect, -1 = switch to previous effect
MODE keyboard 0

MODE light

Shows the light channel.

MODE light [brightness] [color] [power]

Parameter Description
brightness The brightness value between 0 and 100.
color The color of the clock in the typical RGB HEX format. Example: FF0000 for red.
power Activates or deactivates powering the LED panel.
MODE light 100 FF0000 1

MODE lyrics

Shows the lyrics channel. Might not be supported by every Divoom device.

MODE lyrics

Parameter Description
MODE lyrics

MODE memorial

Sets a memorial (reminder).

MODE memorial [number] [date] [time] [text]

Parameter Description
number The concrete slot for the memorial. For the actual amount of slots you might have to look into the phone app.
date The date in typical ISO format. The year will be ignored.
time The time in typical ISO format. The seconds will be ignored.
text Specifies the name of your memorial, as it will appear in the phone app (default: ESP32). Limited to 16 characters.
MODE memorial 1 2020-12-31 59:59:59 Happy New Year!

MODE noise

Shows the noise meter.

MODE noise [value]

Parameter Description
value Controls the start/stop state.
0 = stop, 1 = start
MODE noise 1

MODE playstate

Sets the playstate for the currently played music. Only supported by Divoom devices with audio features.

MODE playstate [value]

Parameter Description
value 0 = pause, 1 = play
MODE playstate 0

MODE radio

Shows and plays the radio channel. Only supported by Divoom devices with the radio feature.

MODE radio [value] [frequency]

Parameter Description
value Controls the on/off state.
0 = off, 1 = on
frequency The radio frequency to set.
MODE radio 1 85.1

MODE scoreboard

Shows the scoreboard channel or tool.

MODE scoreboard [version] [player1] [player2]

Parameter Description
version The version to use. Depending on the age of your Divoom device, you might have to use 0 or 1. If you used 0 and it opens the lyrics channel, you need to use 1.
0 = Opens the scoreboard channel. 1 = Opens the scoreboard tool.
player1 The score of player one to show.
player2 The score of player two to show.
MODE scoreboard 0 1 2

MODE timer

Shows the timer tool.

MODE timer [value]

Parameter Description
value Controls the start/stop state.
0 = stop, 1 = start
MODE timer 1

MODE visualization

Shows the visualization channel.

MODE visualization [value]

Parameter Description
value The number of the concrete visualization. Might differ for some Divoom devices. Look into your phone app and count them.
MODE visualization 1

MODE volume

Sets the volume. Only supported by Divoom devices with audio features.

MODE volume [value]

Parameter Description
value The volume value between 0 and 100.
MODE volume 100

MODE weather

Sets the weather.

MODE weather [temperature] [weather]

Parameter Description
temperature The temperature in degree including the temperature type for celsius or fahrenheit.
weather 1 = clear, 3 = cloudy sky, 5 = thunderstorm, 6 = rain, 8 = snow, 9 = fog
MODE weather 25°C 1


Cannot connect

Make sure, that your Phone is not currently connected to your Divoom device, because some don't allow that many connections.

If it seems to connect, but looses connection the moment you use any mode, you might have chosen the wrong port. On Pixoo and other non-audio devices, it's typically port 1. But on audio devices, like the Tivoo or Ditoo, it might be port 2.

GIF does not work

The most common problem is, that the GIF does not have the correct size or format. The Divoom devices (and to some extend my code) are nitpicky in that case. Strangly enough the Divoom app lets you download GIFs, but these are typically in the size of 320x320 and not fitting your device. Your GIF needs to be exactly the size of your Divoom screen (16x16 in case of a Pixoo or similar sized device), non-interlaced and with a global color palette.

I can recommend resizing and converting your GIFs with GIMP. Of course other software might also work, depending on the export/format options. When resizing a GIF downloaded from the Divoom app with GIMP, you better choose no interpolation to not blur your GIF. When exporting with GIMP, make sure to mark the animation checkbox and don't mark the interlace checkbox. For a few more details and an example look into the following comment: d03n3rfr1tz3/hass-divoom#19 (comment)

esp32-divoom's People


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esp32-divoom's Issues

BT Connection / HA Connectivity Issue

Hi Dirk!
I finally got the time to test this on NodeMCU last night!

I filled out the "config_local.h" file.
Connected to wifi fine (same subnet as HA)
Pixoo was discovered from your Integration (worked like a charm)

But at this point I'm running into issues.

I see the advertise in VS console but no automatic connect....

ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX Pixoo
ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX Pixoo
ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX Pixoo
... (non stop)....

While seeing the advertisements, in HA Developpement mode, I call service (eg: timer / see image) and it (somtimes) works once (Pixoo shows timer) and get this in terminal:

ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX Pixoo
ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX Pixoo
CONNECT 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX 1
SEND 01 07 00 72 03 01 00 0A 87 00 02

If I try to send again the same timer a second time, I systematically get an Error in HA:

"Failed to call service notify.divoom_pixoo. Unknown error"

But in terminal I do see somthing is Sent..... but noting is displayed....

SEND 01 03 00 46 49 00 02
RECV 01 19 00 04 46 55 00 00 00 01 01 01 64 00 01 01 64 00 0F 13 FF 00 01 01 01 00 A9 02 02
SEND 01 03 00 46 49 00 02
RECV 01 19 00 04 46 55 00 00 00 01 01 01 64 00 01 01 64 00 0F 13 FF 00 01 01 01 00 A9 02 02

The only way I can get it to work one shot again (sometime) is to Reset the NODEMCU and try again in Developpement mode.
Once I see the Advertises comming in, I call the Service from Developpement.... Then I see the Bluetooh logo appear on the Pixoo (but no timer displayed, this seems this initiates the BT connection but dosent display anything)
and NodeMCU logs this to terminal:

CONNECT 11:75:58:xx:xx:xx 1
SEND 01 07 00 72 03 01 00 0A 87 00 02

And at the end, If I push my luck and try a few times in a row to send the timer from HA, I completely loose the NodeMCU (wifi drops / see image).


ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX  Pixoo
ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX  Pixoo
ADVERTISE 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX  Pixoo
CONNECT 11:75:58:XX:XX:XX  1
SEND 01 07 00 72 03 01 00 0A 87 00 02
RECV 01 06 00 04 72 55 03 D4 00 02
RECV 01 09 00 04 71 55 03 01 01 00 D8 00 02


SEND 01 03 00 46 49 00 02
RECV 01 19 00 04 46 55 00 00 00 01 01 01 64 00 01 01 64 00 0F 13 FF 00 01 01 01 00 A9 02 02



Error on build


I really like your project, especially now that I can control it directly from an ESP and not have to use it near my HA instance.

But I ran into some issues on build. I don't know if the problem is on my side because I'm not very experienced, but I would appreciate a reply from you.


Processing esp32dev (platform: espressif32; board: esp32dev; framework: arduino)
Verbose mode can be enabled via `-v, --verbose` option
PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (5.4.0) > Espressif ESP32 Dev Module
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
DEBUG: Current (cmsis-dap) External (cmsis-dap, esp-bridge, esp-prog, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa)
 - framework-arduinoespressif32 @ 3.20006.221224 (2.0.6) 
 - tool-esptoolpy @ 1.40400.0 (4.4.0) 
 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch5
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
LDF Modes: Finder ~ chain, Compatibility ~ soft
Found 35 compatible libraries
Scanning dependencies...
Dependency Graph
|-- AsyncTCP @ 1.1.1
|-- PubSubClient @ 2.8.0
|-- BluetoothSerial @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
Building in release mode
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\src\hardware\bluetoothctl.cpp.o
Generating partitions .pio\build\esp32dev\partitions.bin
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib67e\AsyncTCP\AsyncTCP.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\libb5a\PubSubClient\PubSubClient.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib68c\BluetoothSerial\BTAddress.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib68c\BluetoothSerial\BTAdvertisedDeviceSet.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib68c\BluetoothSerial\BTScanResultsSet.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib68c\BluetoothSerial\BluetoothSerial.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib824\WiFi\WiFi.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib824\WiFi\WiFiAP.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib824\WiFi\WiFiClient.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib824\WiFi\WiFiGeneric.cpp.o
Compiling .pio\build\esp32dev\lib824\WiFi\WiFiMulti.cpp.o
src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp: In static member function 'static void BluetoothHandler::setup()':
src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp:19:37: error: no matching function for call to 'BluetoothSerial::register_callback(void (&)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*))'
In file included from src/hardware/bluetoothctl.h:8,
                 from src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp:2:
C:/Users/k104j/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h:56:19: note: candidate: 'esp_err_t BluetoothSerial::register_callback(void (**)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*))'
         esp_err_t register_callback(esp_spp_cb_t * callback);
C:/Users/k104j/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h:56:19: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'void(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*)' to 'void (**)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*)'
src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp: In static member function 'static bool BluetoothHandler::check(bool)':
src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp:53:45: error: no matching function for call to 'BluetoothSerial::register_callback(void (&)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*))'
In file included from src/hardware/bluetoothctl.h:8,
                 from src/hardware/bluetoothctl.cpp:2:
C:/Users/k104j/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h:56:19: note: candidate: 'esp_err_t BluetoothSerial::register_callback(void (**)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*))'
         esp_err_t register_callback(esp_spp_cb_t * callback);
C:/Users/k104j/.platformio/packages/framework-arduinoespressif32/libraries/BluetoothSerial/src/BluetoothSerial.h:56:19: note:   no known conversion for argument 1 from 'void(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*)' to 'void (**)(esp_spp_cb_event_t, esp_spp_cb_param_t*)'
*** [.pio\build\esp32dev\src\hardware\bluetoothctl.cpp.o] Error 1
========================================================= [FAILED] Took 10.58 seconds =========================================================

Run this project from Wyoming Satellite?

First, thank you for this project, really great! I was thinking if would be possible to send these commands using a Pi running the Wyoming Satellite project? I have set up a pi zero 2w with the respeaker 2mic hat and routed my audio to bluetooth connected to my Ditoo Pro, so I am able to use OWW, send commands, TTS from the pi and listening the responses in the Ditoo Pro. Would be great if was possible to send these Divoom commands directly from the Pi instead of having to use an ESP32 as proxy. Also if you have posted about this integration somewhere, share the link here, thank you.

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