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cycamore's Introduction


The Cyclus fuel cycle simulator is an agent-based and extensible framework for modeling the flow of material through future nuclear fuel cycles. For more information on the entire "ecosystem" please refer to the Cyclus website.

Branch Cyclus Cycamore Cymetric
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The core of the Cyclus nuclear fuel cycle simulator from the University of Wisconsin-Madison is intended to be a simulation framework for the development of innovative fuel cycle simulations.

This README is intended primarily for those who intend to contribute to the development of the Cyclus Core. If you are interested Cyclus as a user or in developing Cyclus archetypes, you may want to consult Getting Started with Cyclus.

This README provides basic information about:
  • the dependencies required by Cyclus
  • installation of Cyclus from the command line
  • how to run Cyclus and the Cyclus unit tests

The Cyclus Core contains all the fundamental pieces of the Cyclus framework required to interface with the input file, write the output file, and manage material flow during the simulation via the Dynamic Resource Exchange. It does not contain any fuel cycle facility models. A set of nuclear facilities can be obtained by installing Cycamore, the Cyclus Additional Module. Cycamore is supported by the Cyclus Developer Team.

Third party modules can also be installed (or developed) with additional facilities. Please visit the Cyclus website for a list of contributed modules.

In order to facilitate future compatibility with multiple platforms, Cyclus is built using CMake. For detailed instructions on Cyclus dependencies (including minimum version requirements), see Installing Dependencies.

The quickest way to install Cyclus and its dependencies relies on using the conda-forge channel and the conda package manager within the Anaconda python environment. The following instructions guide you through that approach. To install Cyclus and its dependencies onto a clean Ubuntu machine (tested on 22.04 LTS):

  • Download and install Miniconda for Linux
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm -rf ~/miniconda3/
  • Execute the following commands to initialize Miniconda:
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash
source ~/.bashrc
  • Create a new environment and install the Cyclus package
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda create -n cyclus
conda activate cyclus
conda install -y cyclus

For more detailed installation procedure, and/or custom installation please refer to the INSTALLATION guide.

Installing Cyclus will also install a test driver (i.e., an executable of all of our tests). You can run the tests yourself via:


As noted previously, the Cyclus Core will not allow you to run fuel cycle simulations as it does not include nuclear facilities. To run fuel cycle simulations, first download Cycamore (GitHub Cyamore Repository):

  • Clone the Cycamore Repo: git clone,
  • Install in the same location you installed Cyclus (eg. in ~/.local/): python3 from the cycamore folder.

You can find instructions for writing an input file for cyclus from Cyclus User Guide or use sample input files from Cycamore Repo. Assuming you have some file input.xml, you can run Cyclus via:

cyclus path/to/input.xml

For a more detailed explanation, check out the Cyclus User Guide.

We happily welcome new developers into the Cyclus Developer Team. If you are willing to contribute into Cyclus, please follow this procedure:

  1. Fork Cyclus repository,
  2. Create a working branch on your fork from the main branch,
  3. Implement your modification of the Cyclus source code,
  4. Submit a Pull request into Cyclus/main branch,
  5. Wait for reviews/merge (the proposer of a pull request cannot be the Merger).

You may also want to read our Contribution Guidelines.

cycamore's People


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cycamore's Issues simulation is failing, but is expected to pass.

khuff@mdt-huff:~/repos/cyclus/build/debug(clean_inputs) $ ./cyclus 

|                  Cyclus                    |
|       a nuclear fuel cycle simulator       |
|  from the University of Wisconsin-Madison  |

 ERROR(core  ):cyclus exception: You have tried to access the parent of Exelon but the parent pointer is NULL.

The backtrace just after the exception is :

(gdb) run 
Starting program: /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/build/debug/cyclus

|                  Cyclus                    |
|       a nuclear fuel cycle simulator       |
|  from the University of Wisconsin-Madison  |

Breakpoint 1, Model::parent (this=0x1011377a0) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Model.cpp:317
317   if (parent_ == NULL){
(gdb) bt
#0  Model::parent (this=0x1011377a0) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Model.cpp:317
#1  0x00000001007702c6 in DeployInst::init (this=0x1011377a0, cur=0x10065b740) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Inst/DeployInst/DeployInst.cpp:31
#2  0x00000001000035fe in Model::create (model_type=@0x7fff5fbfe318, cur=0x10065b740) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Model.cpp:93
#3  0x0000000100003e18 in Model::load_institutions () at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Model.cpp:182
#4  0x00000001000037f8 in Model::load_models () at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Models/Model.cpp:112
#5  0x0000000100029a7f in InputXML::load_file (this=0x100602140, filename=@0x7fff5fbff470) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/Input/InputXML.cpp:118
#6  0x000000010007b430 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fff5fbff910) at /Users/khuff/repos/cyclus/src/App.cpp:103

Extract a set of commonly-used/standard components for use by module developers

There are number of concepts that will be valuable to many/all module developers. We need a common mechanism to provide implementations of these concepts, to facilitate adoption and streamline the process of adding new modules while maintaining consistency in the representation of those concepts. This consistency will benefit I/O handling.

Create Growth Region

Create a growth region which takes as input some growth/demand function and the builds facilities based on that demand. It should be general enough to support demand for any commodity, but shall be tested first with reactors.

Next action: Write up initialization and tick implementation
Next action: Review previous work and test implementation
Next action: finish tick implementation
Next action: write tests (for as many concerned classes as possible)
Next action: clean up test files, submit

Remove all Implementation from Header files

Robert brought up the fact that this would greatly speed up build time during subsequent builds. It'll add more to the implementation file, but the implementation file will directly match the header file.

Determine total once-through facility connections

A complete once-through fuel cycle has the following material flow:

  • u235 mine
  • conversion
  • enrichment
  • fabrication
  • reactor
  • storage

How many of these do we actually want to model? how do we determine when facilities are built?

We currently demand that the reactors meet some growth scenario, and each other facility must provide materials to meet that fuel assembly demand.

Note that what we really care about, at least at first blush, is the material flow between facilities, not neccesarily the building of facilities. However, we can't just have an infinite reactor provide material to an infinite capacity conversion facility; we would lose that information.

I can think of three possible ways to approach this - no ordered in the order of increasing complexity:

  1. explicitly declare the build decisions of supporting facilities. one idea would be to have all supporting facilities in a 'build region' as it exists and have the reactors in a 'growth region' as it is conceptualized.
  2. have facilities with finite capacities with some ability to provide a manager information regarding what % of that capacity was requested on the last time step. If that % passes an upper threshold, the manager would order a new facility be built.
  3. have facilities with infinite capacities but "intelligent" orders. i.e., resolve markets in a given order from downstream to upstream (i.e., resolve fresh fuel to reactors, then enrichment to fab, etc.). the facility would have its offers resolved and then could make requests to upstream to match that offer. markets would then resolve in reverse order.

Next action: document implementation approach and pros and cons of easiest strategy that will provide a way forward

Create a "storage" sub-facility

We have discussed the issue of not being able to track/book-keep internal stocks of facilities (e.g. wet/dry storage). I propose a new module dev helper tool that will allow this. It will be a model subclass for which instances can easily be created without the use of dynamic loading/initialization.


  • Inherit from Model class and satisfy entire concrete Model interface
  • contain a single resource buffer
  • provide add/remove resource methods that push/pull from the solitary resource buffer
  • expose public methods that allow for querying/configuring the storage sub-facility's state (e.g. capacity, space, etc.) - these will essentially wrap some of ResourceBuff's methods.
  • To move resources to/from a sub-facility storage, a facility will just create and execute transactions directly (not using messages or markets) with itself as the supplier/requester and the sub-storage as the counterpart.


  • Allows for book-keeping of internal facility state
  • doesn't require additional book-keeping infrastructure - relies on what we already have.
  • Developers can choose whether or not the added effort/code is necessary. It is an opt-in thing.


Create a wiki page for ideas to be included in a module toolkit

There are many ideas emerging for what to include and make available for module developers. Rather than making new issues right now for each of them, we should have a page to capture them.

And until then:

  • tools to generate particular types of requests/offers for a particular kind of market
  • resource buffers
  • output data models
  • time series representations

simplified way to load/track simple model properties

I noticed that on many concrete models, there is a lot of code in xml constructors and copy methods that seems very repetitive. Here is a snippet from recipereactor xml constructor:

 47   // initialize ordinary objects
 48   capacity_ = strtod(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"capacity"), NULL);
 49   //cycle_length_ = strtod(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"cycletime"), NULL);
 50   lifetime_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"lifetime"), NULL, 10);
 51   startConstrYr_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"startConstrYear"), NULL, 10);
 52   startConstrMo_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"startConstrMonth"), NULL, 10);
 53   startOpYr_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"startOperYear"), NULL, 10);
 54   startOpMo_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"startOperMonth"), NULL, 10);
 55   licExpYr_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"licExpYear"), NULL, 10);
 56   licExpMo_ = strtol(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"licExpMonth"), NULL, 10);
 57   state_ = XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"state");
 58   typeReac_ = XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"typeReac");
 59   CF_ = strtod(XMLinput->get_xpath_content(cur,"elecCF"), NULL);

Much of the xml input is simply key-value pairs. capacity=15, state="hello", etc. How feasible would it be to provide a mechanism for developers to do something like this in their input file:


... etc.

We could conceivably add a std::map<std::string, double>, std::map<std::string, std::string>, etc. to the model base class. The xml initialization process could automatically discover and populate these key-value model member vars.


  • loss of fine-grained control during initialization and copying
  • potential for run-time errors - if a key/value doesn't exist - we would likely want to force dev's to use some sort of doubleProperty(name), stringProperty(), functions that would check for non-existing keys
  • slightly more complicated "under-the-hood" initialization process.


  • Developers would not be forced to use the key-value functionality - they could continue to do things as they are done now if they wished
  • Model creation becomes much simpler (lower barrier to entry). For many modules, a developer might not need anything other than key-value pairs of fundamental types. Model creation becomes almost exclusively a matter of coding handleTick/Tock behavior.
  • reduce likelyhood of errors in model initialization and copying. This is a very legitimate concern. RecipeReactor actually had a nasty copy bug where a member-var value was not being copied - it took me a while to isolate and correct this bug.


@gidden, @katyhuff

Separation of Build API from Model Class

Robert brought this issue up, and I've been thinking about ways to keep "future needs" out of our base model API.

We basically have employed a way to do this via our Communicator class. Could we pull all of the build-related methods out of Model, RegionModel, and InstModel and instead make a Subclass "Builder"?

We may find that we want all Region Models and all Inst Models to inherit from builder, but we could, at the very least, just let the BuildRegion and BuildInst modules inherit.

In general, I think this is a reasonable strategy we could follow. When in doubt: make a inheritable class. If we find that we're using that way too much, we can either make a higher abstraction layer inherit from that class or merge its API with a higher abstraction class as we see fit.

@rwcarlsen , does this type of separation satisfy your core API concerns?

Fully define MOX Recycle Problem A

A high level definition of this problem exists. It is essentially a 2 stage once through cycle. A complete definition of this problem should be documented, including a candidate input file.

Implement Fissile Material Matching Market

Based on the algorithm explored in Genius v2, implement a market that will solve a linear system to mix barrels of candidate material to achieve the optimal match for a known recipe of isotopes.

Default stream in separations for unaccounted material

When a user defines a SeparationMatrixFacility, it is possible that they don't account for 100% of every element. That is, the sum of all the separation fractions across all streams for some element may be less than 100%.

If so, an extra stream should automatically be generated that captures all the excess material.

Comment 1 by project member uwgonuke, Aug 3, 2011

Additional comments:

  1. What if they sum to >100% - throw exception to user and halt?
  2. User should get warning if/when extra stream is generated.
  3. Unclear: what commodity/market should the extra stream be connected to?

make install duplicate times causes duplicate rng entries

So I ran into this when looking for the message problem addressed in a recent pull request. If I make a change to a model and make install it again, I get multiple entries in the master cyclus.rng file for that model. This causes rng parse errors for any/every input file. I'm not sure what kind of change will be required, but the behavior I was expecting (just reinstall the updated version for it to work) was not what happened.

vision_genius_v1 Input File Failing

I'm cleaning up some of the input files, and taking note of the ones that are failing. I recognize that some are under development. But, in case they've recently become broken and the author was unaware, I wanted to flag them.

One is input/benchmarks/vision_genius_v1 :

khuff@mdt-huff:~/repos/cyclus/build/debug(clean_inputs) $ ./cyclus p5v1.xml 

|                  Cyclus                    |
|       a nuclear fuel cycle simulator       |
|  from the University of Wisconsin-Madison  |

 ERROR(core  ):ERROR occured in sendTock(): cyclus exception: BatchReactor v1:ReactorA0 received more fuel than was expected, which is not currently acceptable behavior; it has a surplus of 79567.2.
 ERROR(core  ):ERROR occured in sendTock(): cyclus exception: BatchReactor v1:ReactorA0 received more fuel than was expected, which is not currently acceptable behavior; it has a surplus of 79567.2.

Streamline Table/Database/BookKeeper Interaction

The first attempt at implementing the output database was a rough draft. It should be cleaned up and the website should be updated with the new schema.

All methods should reduce copying as much as possible.

The table creation and row addition API should be simplified.

The BookKeeper should log all predefined recipes during load_recipes()

Move Markets to a Graph-Theory Paradigm

This idea is a major change from our current paradigm. I claim that it will have very large benefits (this is how we should be talking about markets). It has a few key points:

  • Markets are not agents, they are representations of graphs
  • The market graph is comprised of nodes, representing agents.
  • Markets should have a set of agents which are actors in that market
  • At any given time step, there is a set of players in that market, which is a subset of the actors
    • this can be thought of as a boolean variable, turning on and off actor arcs
  • Actors should register with the market when born (in setParent) and should be removed from the market's registry when they die (destructor?)
  • Associated with each node is a notion of flow constraints. A node has a maximum in-flow and out-flow.
    • offers and requests should set these flow constraints
  • The modularity of the market models should come with the solution technique
    • i.e., until we determine additional complexity, only the resolve() function should be virtual. all other functionality should be defined in the base MarketModel class
    • we currently have two main markets -> null and greedy. the resolve functions could be the same, with the greedy market sorting nodes first.

rng configuration should install new file.

The cyclus.rng configure step needs to result in two files.

The first is a copy of with the concrete module references and includes in place as well as @ directives where future modules can add themselves. That is, it will look something like :

<grammar xmlns=""

  <include href='../lib/Models/Converter/StubConverter/StubConverter.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Converter/SWUeUF6Converter/SWUeUF6Converter.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/BatchReactor/BatchReactor.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/ConditioningFacility/ConditioningFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/NullFacility/NullFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/SinkFacility/SinkFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/SourceFacility/SourceFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/StubFacility/StubFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/BuildInst/BuildInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/DeployInst/DeployInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/FixedInst/FixedInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/StubInst/StubInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/ConverterMarket/ConverterMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/GreedyMarket/GreedyMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/NullMarket/NullMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/StubMarket/StubMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/BuildRegion/BuildRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/NullRegion/NullRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/StubRegion/StubRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Stub/StubStub/StubStub.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/StubComm/StubStubComm/StubStubComm.rng'/>

The other is the fully configured copy that is readable by the xml rng schema :

<grammar xmlns=""

    <include href='../lib/Models/Converter/StubConverter/StubConverter.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Converter/SWUeUF6Converter/SWUeUF6Converter.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/BatchReactor/BatchReactor.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/ConditioningFacility/ConditioningFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/NullFacility/NullFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/SinkFacility/SinkFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/SourceFacility/SourceFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Facility/StubFacility/StubFacility.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/BuildInst/BuildInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/DeployInst/DeployInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/FixedInst/FixedInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Inst/StubInst/StubInst.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/ConverterMarket/ConverterMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/GreedyMarket/GreedyMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/NullMarket/NullMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Market/StubMarket/StubMarket.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/BuildRegion/BuildRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/NullRegion/NullRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Region/StubRegion/StubRegion.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/Stub/StubStub/StubStub.rng'/>
  <include href='../lib/Models/StubComm/StubStubComm/StubStubComm.rng'/>

These will both be installed in the ${install_prefix}/cyclus/share directory.

The same should be true down at the bottom where the FAC_REFS, INST_REFS, etc. are concerned.

Define MOX Recycle Problem B

This problem is defined at a high level in the milestone definition, but needs a complete definition include input file.

Can't set CYCLUS_ROOT_DIR on cmake command line

I am building cycamore and the only thing that doesn't work is trying to set CYCLUS_ROOT_DIR on the command line.

prompt%> cmake -DCYCLUS_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/cyclus/install ../cycamore/src

ends up with CYCLUS_ROOT_DIR unset in Findcycluscore. Only if I set it as an environment variable does it work.

Greedy and Null Markets have a Lot in Common

As described in our meeting on 05/14/12, the only difference between a GreedyMarket and a NullMarket is that the GreedyMarket sorts its offers and requests before it attempts to resolve them.

That's a pretty small difference, but we completely duplicate the code between the two. Are we ok with this?

Export issues from cyclus/core to cyclus/modules repositories

This issue is a subpart of issue #37.

Make sure github issues are moved to any new repositories with which they are associated. (

This issue is blocked by issue in which modules are moved into their own repositories.

Next Action : Decide whether it's okay to use the script to grab 27/37 issues (without comments) and port the rest over manually. If so, do that. Else, figure something else out.

Test Module Libraries

Concerning Issue, a new solution is suggested. The current need for an input wrapper is driven by the need for an unfettered ability to create new agents from prototypes in tests. Another solution is to have access to a suite of (currently only header files) Test agents (Region, Inst, Facility, Market) as createable agents in the test framework. This will require three steps:

  1. Create implementation files for each, including an extern constructor function and a deep copy function that does not access the cyclus core (e.g. accessing a parent pointer)

  2. Modify the build system such that it builds these libraries in an appropriate directory and allows global (all tests) access to these libraries

  3. Modify the cyclus core so that it will look for constructors based a default value (the status quo) or a specified path (e.g. to the Testing directory)

I claim that this functionality is critical to my path forward regarding the BuildRegion (I can do work arounds, but why not do it right to begin with?). I'll add this to my list of things to do, but it will also take a back seat to the benchmarking effort. Does anyone have a less pressing schedule to work on this sooner rather than later? @rwcarlsen @katyhuff

Key-value store mapping offer IDs to resources

Presumably, there will be concrete models that make offers for more than one kind of resource/material composition. Currently, there is no good way for a facility to determine what resource(s) a matched offer requires them to send.

A helper tool could be created that mapped some unique offer handle to (a list of) resources assosiated with that offer. If/when a matched request returns from a market, the removeResource method of the facility could simply retrieve the resources from the key-value store (barring any order splitting) easily.

There are finer points that would need to be considered and worked out, but I think a tool like this has potential to become very useful - especially for facilities that deal in multiple output streams (e.g. separations).

Make exceptions class-specific and actually exceptional cases

I am realizing that exceptions are much more helpful if they are specific enough that callers know what to do if it is thrown. Something like CycRangeException (as we currently have) could have been thrown by tons of different things, and the caller won't know what to do if it catches one. But if something like CycOverCapException is caught, the caller knows that the materials didn't all fit - and weren't successfully moved.


  • Make class-specificish exceptions instead of the super generic ones (all should subclass CycException).

  • change code to throw appropriate specific exception.

  • actually catch the exceptions in try/catch blocks. Recover from the error if possible. If recovery is not possible, do:

    LOG(LEV_ERROR, ...) << [what happend];

Message and setNextDest in Facility Models

This is an easy fix, so I'm just documenting it here.

Many facilities still invoke setNextDest( facInst() ).

The Source Facility is an example where the function is as it should be written: setNextDest( dynamic_cast<Communicator*>( parent() ).

This is an artifact of an incomplete switch from strict RIF to parent/child. This will also assist in the storage facility change as stated in #24.

Collect Lessons Learned from Once Through

I have been using a number of tools and implementations to create a once-through fuel cycle that could be implemented in the core to make future scenario formulations easier. I am trying to keep this list as general/abstract as possible. I will also try to explain motivations behind these suggestions.

This will be an evolving list.

  • Provide additional Agent 'mix-ins' to define specific behavior (e.g. our current Communicator class)
    • builder (defines behavior for building concrete agents from prototypes)
    • consumer (defines behavior for being a consumer of a commodity, allows for class supported connectivity between a prototype, a commodity, its production capacity, and its production price)
    • producer (same as above, but for producers)
    • motivation: for each region I implement, I have found that I need to implement an corresponding institution because I need to pass mutual information from my region to whatever institutions exist.

Separate base modules from core

I think we should pull all of our concrete modules out of the core. Not only would this allow us to start understanding what it will be like for 3rd party module developers, but also unclutter our Doxygen documentation.

If/when we get documentation for a separate bundle of concrete modules, we might want to consider how we can segregate the Doxygen for the Tests from those of the class itself (if necessary?).

@gidden @katyhuff @rwcarlsen


Next Action : Issue #9

Study dynamics of resource buffs in simple simulations

This requires several tasks:

  1. add generic resource table to cyclus core (done)
  2. Modify/hack a cyclus branch to run code-configured simulations (done)
  3. Create code-configurable models
    • source (done)
    • sink (done)
    • null (done)
    • market (done)
  4. create post processing script to look at results (in progress).
  5. sketch out scenarios
    • include a facility build constraint propogation scenario
  6. analyze results

Tests to be Written for a BatchReactor

As the BatchReactor currently stands (in my fork), it has the following resource buffers:

  • pre-core
  • in-core
  • wet-storage
  • dry-storage
  • post-core

Pre/Post cores are utility buffers to describe what materials are ready to be used or sent away.

We wish to test the process of fuel moving from the reactor into wet/dry storage and out of the system. We can describe the system with the following parameters:

  • cycletime = 1
  • lifetime = 2 * cycletime
  • wet residency > cycletime
  • dry residency > wet residency

This describes the following situation:

1-full core--Core Loaded
2cycletimefull core (-batch + batch)batch-Refuel
3lifetime - dt_2-full + batch-Core Unloaded
4wet residency - dt_3-fullbatchWet -> Dry Batch
5wet residency - dt_4--full + batchWet -> Dry Core
6dry residency - dt_5--fullRemove Dried Batch
7dry residency - dt_6---Remove Dried Core

At each state change, the inventory levels should be confirmed. This integration test will require a source and sink facility... Maybe we should discuss strategies this at our working meeting.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.