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vip-manager's Issues

make don`t work


git clone
Cloning into 'vip-manager'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 4735, done.
remote: Total 4735 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 4735
Receiving objects: 100% (4735/4735), 8.70 MiB | 6.10 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1267/1267), done.

cd vip-manager/

[root@vip-manager-etcd-apatsev-1 ~]# cd vip-manager/

make all

[root@vip-manager-etcd-apatsev-1 vip-manager]# make all
go build -ldflags="-s -w" .
main.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:17:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
basicConfigurer.go:13:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:14:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
make: *** [vip-manager] Error 1

make install

[root@vip-manager-etcd-apatsev-1 vip-manager]# make install
install -d tmp/usr/bin
install vip-manager tmp/usr/bin/vip-manager
install: cannot stat ‘vip-manager’: No such file or directory
make: *** [install] Error 1

make package-rpm

[root@vip-manager-etcd-apatsev-1 vip-manager]# make package-rpm
go build -ldflags="-s -w" .
main.go:16:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:17:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
basicConfigurer.go:13:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
main.go:14:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/lib/golang/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/root/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
make: *** [vip-manager] Error 1

Change vip-manager repo description and add consul

This one is very very minor but can be confusing. Please change the repos description from

"Manages a virtual IP based on state kept in etcd"
"Manages a virtual IP based on state kept in etcd or consul"

Error with secured etcd

after having successfully tested etcd, patroni and vip-manager on a 3 nodes cluster, I got some issue with vip-manager when etcd is secured.

etcd error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured; error #0: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Patroni is configured to use the certificates and is working well.

Could you tell me if vip-manager need some additional configuration to support certificates with etcd ?

And thank you for the tool, very usefull.

Henri Chapelle

install rule broken

The install rule in the Makefile appears to be broken, the files package/scripts/init-systemd.service and package/scripts/ mentioned there do no longer exist and the file vip-manager.default is in package/config, not package/scripts.

vip-manager does not see the etcd keys written by patroni using etcd3 config


Does vip-manager support etcd v3 api?

When using etcd.hosts with patroni, vip-manager can see the etcd keys and works properly.

But if using etcd3.hosts instead, vip-manager throws etcd error: 100: Key not found (/service/pgcluster/leader),
though keys are there.

# ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints get --prefix / | grep leader

Related issue: zalando/patroni#1822

retry-num description in README wrong

The retry-num config parameter has the following in

`retry-num`         | `VIP_RETRY_NUM`       | no        | 3                         | The number of times interactions with components outside of vip-manager are retried. Measured in ms. Defaults to `250`.

The "Measured in ms. Defaults to 250" appears to be a copy-pasto.

Improve config handling

In the beginning, only flags where available to configure vip-manager.
ENV variables where used in the Service file to define the Variables that would be inserted following the flags in the executing call in the Service.

In the meantime, I have added config file handling, where the file was parsed by our own code and precedence had to be handled explicitly (i.e. override values from config file with CLI settings etc.)

There has been an effort to enable vip-manager to talk to etcd Clusters using certificate authentication #28 .
That implementation itself introduces logic to retrieve ENV variables.

To try and clean up this mess, I have decided to use Viper ( ) to handle config stuff for us.
At the same time, I tried to clean up the mess of different naming-schemes for various variables and added appropriate deprecation notices (so far only for flags, as there was so far no possibility to "Get" ENV vars from within vip-manager, it was always through the service file, so the deprecation notes would show up there as well).

Please see branch for the changes in main.go .
I have not yet updates the documentation or reference .yml config file to reflect the changes.

upgrade from 0.6.4 to 1.0-beta3 breaks because "one-dash" option -config doesn't exist any more

From syslog:

Oct 12 15:07:43 testmachine vip-manager[15756]: unknown shorthand flag: 'c' in -config=/etc/patroni/

This is actually coming from the systemd config file:

# cat /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vip-manager -config=/etc/patroni/

Other than that the next vip-manager seems to work with the old /etc/patroni/ config file just fine. 👍 !

new raw package incompatible with golang < 1.12


after merging the new arp code along with updated arp and raw packages, vip-manager no longer compiles under golang v1.11. It seems that code needs at least golang v1.12. See mdlayher/raw#63

Current Debian stable (buster) has the golang v1.11 package , but there is golang v1.14 in buster-backports - see here. I'm not sure about the status of golang v1.14 in backports, but I'd think it's not supported on the same level as v1.11.

Similar for Ubuntu, where bionic has golang v1.10, later releases have golang > v1.12 - see here.

Please do not take my analysis above at face value, since I am not at home in Go development and so the above might not be 100% correct.

If my analysis above is correct however then please ponder whether you want to depend on Go > v1.12. If so, then I'd suggest to document that dependency explicitly in the README.

Traffic not routed to new host of IP address

When failing over to a new Postgres host, the IP is assigned to the new host and removed from the old host, but traffic fails to be routed to the new host until roughly 15 minutes later.

Workaround is to do a arping -c 4 -A -I <interface> <ip address>
Ubuntu 18.04

trigger condition


I want to use vip-manager for set IP on replica.
Can you add trigger condition flag with keys 'eq', 'ne'?

broken Debian version number vip-manager_1.0_beta3-1_amd64.deb

So to me this is a minor problem, but maybe you can fix it up somewhere in your process:

dpkg -i vip-manager_1.0_beta3-1_amd64.deb 
dpkg: error processing archive vip-manager_1.0_beta3-1_amd64.deb (--install):
 parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/' near line 2 package 'vip-manager':
 'Version' field value '1.0_beta3-1': invalid character in version number
Errors were encountered while processing:

A valid version number/package name would be f.ex.

vip-manager_1.0~beta3-1_amd64.deb has a nice overview of package versioning possiblities and logic.


dpkg -i --force-bad-version vip-manager_1.0~beta3-1_amd64.deb

Use with pure raft install

Hi to all,

I'm planning to install for a POC a 2 nodes patroni in pure raft mode, offered by last versions.

Does vip-manager van be used to have a virtual IP in this kind of setup?


create Dockerfile for building binary and possibly packages using golang image instead of golang:alpine

To facilitate building for other platforms (that don't support new enough golang version, see #42 ) we should consider creating a Dockerfile that uses golang, not golang:alpine (due to musl libc vs. glibc incompatibilities) and builds the binary.
That Dockerfile could be used to create packages as well, then we could create a github action that will automatically build and publish packages of new builds.

delete Dockerfile

Now Docker image contains only binary of vip-manager and is outdated. There is no reason for having docker image, because container cannot apply changes to the host machine

Do nothing when vip-manager is gracefully shutdown

Currently the vip-manager unassigns itself the virtual ip if the vip-manager is gracefully shutdown.

In my opinion the vip-manager should do nothing when shutdown in order to do a clean upgrade of the vip-manager or for basic maintenance?

What do you think @ants ?

Handle etcd hickups more gracefully

(maybe consul has the same behaviour)

Right now, if vip-manager cannot get a positive answer from etcd after the interval main-loop, it deconfigures the VIP, resulting in application downtime. This happens also during leader election, maybe because one etcd node was too slow to respond (while the PostgreSQL leader is perfectly fine and available).

The admin could increase the interval timeout in order to make vip-manager more resilient against etcd issues, but that will also increase the time it takes for vip-manager to pickup Patroni failovers/switchovers.

As a practical (contrived) example, if I have one external etcd server, and a 3-node vip-manager-1.0.1/patroni-2.0.1 cluster with interval, loop_wait and retry_timeout all set to 10, and I SIGSTOP the etcd server, then I see the following:

Dez 07 21:41:07 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:07 IP address state is true, desired true
Dez 07 21:41:08 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:08,088 INFO: Lock owner: pg1; I am pg1
Dez 07 21:41:08 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:08,099 INFO: no action.  i am the leader with the lock
Dez 07 21:41:27 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:27 IP address state is true, desired true
Dez 07 21:41:28 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:28,088 INFO: Lock owner: pg1; I am pg1
Dez 07 21:41:28 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:28,099 INFO: no action.  i am the leader with the lock

Everything cool, now I SIGSTOP etcd.

Dez 07 21:41:34 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:34 etcd error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured; error #0: client: endpoint exceeded header timeout
Dez 07 21:41:34 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:34 IP address state is true, desired false
Dez 07 21:41:34 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:34 Removing address on eth0

6 seconds later, vip-manager's loop wakes up, sees that etcd is down and immediately deconfigures the VIP. (EDIT: I wonder why that did not happen at the scheduled interval timeout of Dez 07 21:41:37?)

Dez 07 21:41:34 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:34 IP address state is false, desired false
Dez 07 21:41:37 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:37 IP address state is false, desired false
Dez 07 21:41:41 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:41,422 WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=0, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=2379): Read timed out. (read timeout=3.333155213321637)")': /v2/keys/postgresql-common/13-test3/?recursive=true

Now patroni realized something is wrong (though I'm not sure why it took it another 3 seconds from the scheduled ping timestamp of Dez 07 21:41:38 - maybe Patroni has much longer timeouts to wait for an etcd response than vip-manager?

Dez 07 21:41:44 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:44,759 WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=0, status=None)) after connection broken by 'ReadTimeoutError("HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=2379): Read timed out. (read timeout=3.3322158453423376)")': /v2/keys/postgresql-common/13-test3/?recursive=true
Dez 07 21:41:45 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:45 etcd error: client: etcd cluster is unavailable or misconfigured; error #0: client: endpoint exceeded header timeout
Dez 07 21:41:47 pg1 vip-manager[27203]: 2020/12/07 21:41:47 IP address state is false, desired false
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,096 ERROR: Request to server failed: MaxRetryError('HTTPConnectionPool(host=\'\', port=2379): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/keys/postgresql-common/13-test3/?recursive=true (Caused by ReadTimeoutError("HTTPConnectionPool(host=\'\', port=2379): Read timed out. (read timeout=3.3330249423355176)"))')
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,096 INFO: Reconnection allowed, looking for another server.
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,097 ERROR: get_cluster
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/dcs/", line 590, in _load_cluster
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     result = self.retry(, self.client_path(''), recursive=True)
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/dcs/", line 443, in retry
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     return retry(*args, **kwargs)
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/", line 333, in __call__
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     return func(*args, **kwargs)
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/etcd/", line 595, in read
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     response = self.api_execute(
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/dcs/", line 271, in api_execute
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     raise ex
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/dcs/", line 255, in api_execute
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     response = self._do_http_request(retry, machines_cache, request_executor, method, path, **kwargs)
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/patroni/dcs/", line 232, in _do_http_request
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]:     raise etcd.EtcdConnectionFailed('No more machines in the cluster')
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: etcd.EtcdConnectionFailed: No more machines in the cluster
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,098 ERROR: Error communicating with DCS
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,237 INFO: closed patroni connection to the postgresql cluster
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48,501 INFO: postmaster pid=27452
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[27453]: /var/run/postgresql/:5435 - keine Antwort
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[27452]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48.510 UTC [27452] LOG:  Logausgabe wird an Logsammelprozess umgeleitet
Dez 07 21:41:48 pg1 patroni@13-test3[27452]: 2020-12-07 21:41:48.510 UTC [27452] TIPP:  Die weitere Logausgabe wird im Verzeichnis »/var/log/postgresql« erscheinen.
Dez 07 21:41:49 pg1 patroni@13-test3[27459]: /var/run/postgresql/:5435 - Verbindungen werden angenommen
Dez 07 21:41:49 pg1 patroni@13-test3[27461]: /var/run/postgresql/:5435 - Verbindungen werden angenommen
Dez 07 21:41:49 pg1 patroni@13-test3[26334]: 2020-12-07 21:41:49,575 INFO: demoted self because DCS is not accessible and i was a leader

Only now (around 10 seconds after vip-manager) does Patroni deconfigure itself. If I SIGCONT etcd between 10-20 seconds after I do SIGSTOP, Patroni marches on without user-visable changes, while vip-manager takes down the VIP.

So I think having a tight main loop interval in order to notice leader key changes, but a second retry interval in order to decide whether the DCS is down or not would be good. I assumed the retry-after and retry-num configuration parameters were that, but that does not seem to be the case (see #68).

etcd error: 100: Key not found

I'm trying to configure this tool with my patroni installation, but it looks like it's not compatible when etcd v3 api :/

when i launch it i just have this errors:

etcd error: 100: Key not found (/service/postgresql_sys)

On etcd cluster this is a result

[16:39]root@etcd-02:~# etcdctl get /service/postgresql/leader

How can i make it work ?
Thanks in advance

Feature for certificate authentification


for etcds connection does vip-manager support cert-authentification ?
The aim is to avoid to store user's password in the configuration file, because of security issues.

Thank you

vip on a sync standby


In some cases, we need a vip on a sync standby. If we use only 2 patroni nodes, everything is ok with the trigger-key "/service//sync.

  • Server A : trigger-value: "{\"leader\":\"server_b\",\"sync_standby\":\"server_a\"}"
  • Server B : trigger-value: "{\"leader\":\"server_a\",\"sync_standby\":\"server_b\"}"

But when we use 4 nodes (1 leader, 1 sync_standby and 2 async_standby), we can't set a correct trigger-value because that trigger-key returns the leader and the sync_standby in json and we can't predict which node is leader.

It's possible to parse the json value to get only the sync_standby ?

Clarify "interactions with components outside of vip-manager"

Both the retry-num and retry-after configuration parameters mention "interactions with components outside of vip-manager". I initially assumed this had something to do with communication with the DCS, but looking at the code, it seems to be about the arp client?

I would assume other "interactions with [other] components outside of vip-manager" would probably require other timeouts/number of retries, so being very unspecific here might not be helpful to the user.

[Feature proposal] Support a "standby IP" in case of 3+ nodes

Currently we can only "float around" a single primary IP...but in many cases also a secondary standby IP-s are needed to offload some traffic for example. In case of 2 total nodes this can be achieved somehow with some ugly "negate" hacking currently but with 3 nodes it will already become impossible as we need somekind of qorum.

Implementation idea: to piggyback on top of ETCD and introduce some new key like /service/batman/standbyleader that all standby nodes would like to grab and respond to.

vip-manager complains virtual ip address's state is false

Hi Team,

I am using consul as my DCS and the version of vip-manager is 1.0.2. Once I tried to bring it up via "vip-manager -config=./vip-manager.yml", it posted:

IP address <ip>/<netmask> state is false, desired false
IP address <ip>/<netmask> state is false, desired true
Problems with producing the arp client: listen package <part of mac I think>: socket: operation not permitted
Problems with producing the arp client: listen package <part of mac I think>: socket: operation not permitted
too many retries
Couldn't create an Arp client: listen package <part of mac I think>: socket: operation not permitted

Does this mean I do not have the permission to add the VIP to the ens?

Provide guidance on listen_addresses / other Postgres setup

AFAICT, the documentation/README only describes the vip-manager part of the equation. However, for Postgres to actually listen to the vip, isn't there some setup needed? I guess you either need to set listen_addresses to *, or set net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind to 1 or something? Otherwise, Postgres might be started before the vip is set and won't be able to bind to it.

The problem with * is that if you have multiple instances running concurrently, they will all bind to all VIPs which might not be what you want if VIPs are managed per-instance. It might not be a problem in practice though as usually the port will be different anyway.

Am I missing something obvious here that makes it just-work on the Postgres side?


There seem to be several versions in the Debian packaging or mentioned in commit messages (like adc9404), but there are no tags or releases, is that intentional? Is the actual current version on the master branch 0.4, or is that some Debian package version?

Undelayed retry on Consul GET error

I am not totally sure if this is a bug in vip-manager, but would assume it.

After the Consul cluster was in a degraded state, I noticed that the Consul log was flooded with hundreds of these Messages which appeared in millisecond interval:

Apr 21 10:02:33 db-demo3 consul[589]:     2020-04-21T10:02:33.650+0200 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/kv/postgresql-common/9.6-demo/leader?index=549685&wait=1.5085322856903076s from= error="rpc error getting client: failed to get conn: dial tcp <nil>-> connect: connection refused"
Apr 21 10:02:33 db-demo3 consul[589]:     2020-04-21T10:02:33.651+0200 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/kv/postgresql-common/9.6-demo/leader?index=549685&wait=1.5074844360351562s from= error="rpc error getting client: failed to get conn: dial tcp <nil>-> connect: connection refused"
Apr 21 10:02:33 db-demo3 consul[589]:     2020-04-21T10:02:33.652+0200 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/kv/postgresql-common/9.6-demo/leader?index=549685&wait=1.5064284801483154s from= error="rpc error getting client: failed to get conn: dial tcp <nil>-> connect: connection refused"
Apr 21 10:02:33 db-demo3 consul[589]:     2020-04-21T10:02:33.653+0200 [ERROR] agent.http: Request error: method=GET url=/v1/kv/postgresql-common/9.6-demo/leader?index=549685&wait=1.5053811073303223s from= error="rpc error getting client: failed to get conn: dial tcp <nil>-> connect: connection refused"

I think this is caused by vip-manager repeatedly requesting the leader key without any delay under certain cirumstances.

unknown shorthand flag: 'c' in -config with vip-manager v1.0 deb package

vip-manager_1.0-1_amd64.deb -> /lib/systemd/system/vip-manager.service

/usr/bin/vip-manager -config=/etc/default/vip-manager.yml

Failed to start Manages Virtual IP for Patroni.

Nov 04 16:01:07 pgnode01 systemd[1]: Started Manages Virtual IP for Patroni.
Nov 04 16:01:07 pgnode01 vip-manager[10730]: unknown shorthand flag: 'c' in -config=/etc/default/vip-manager.yml

Because the old keys in the YAML config files will be remapped to new keys, all that needs to be done is to add a single dash:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/vip-manager --config=/etc/default/vip-manager.yml

Support multiple instances

The current debian package sets up a systemd service that uses /etc/default/vip-manager.yml. This doesn't allow for the use case of having more than one VIP allocated to a node.

I utilize a separate VIP for each database, and host some databases on the same clusters. So I would propose the addition of the following in addition to creation of a /etc/vip-manager directory, to support this:

/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]:

Description=VIP-Manager instance %i

ExecStart=/usr/bin/vip-manager -config=/etc/vip-manager/%i.yml


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