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hiswebclientissues's Issues

Popup 'Click to select Data Services': 'Save' button is missed

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Click the 'Select Data Services(s)' button
3 Take a look at the buttons in the popup

the 'Save' button is missed (see file attached 40.png).
The chosen elements are saved automatically by closing the popup.

Expected result:
According to the logic of others parameters choise there should be a button 'Save' to save the selection. And it should be possible to close the popup without saving changes.

  • We suggest you to add the 'Save' button and to remove the 'Close' button to make the popup equal to another popups for parameters choise (see file attached 41.png)

Select Keywords: impossible combine "Common" keywords with keywords from Full list

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "Select keyword(s)" button
  3. Select any 1 Common keyword
  4. Switch to Full list tab
  5. Select any 1 Keyword from full list
  6. Click Save
  7. Check selected Keywords from Keyword list under "Select Keyword(s)" button

Only keyword from full list is selected. impossible to combine "Common" keywords with keywords from Full list

Expected result:

  • If such ability supported - It should be available to select keywords combination from common and full list.
  • If such ability shouldn't be supported, there should be appropriate warning message when user try to select keywords from different tabs at the same time.

Select Date Range: validation absent - it is possible to set 'to' date earlier than 'from' date

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "Select Date Range" button
  3. set 'from' date = 01/01/2008
  4. set 'to' date using calendar = 09/19/2007
  5. click Save

Values saved. validation absent - it is possible to set 'to' date earlier than 'from' date (see screenshot 737)

Expected result:
There should be validation when 'to' date earlier than 'from' date.
Message should appear: "Check your date ranges."

(Enhancement) Popup 'Click to select Data Services': add possibility to select all automatically and to clear the selection

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Click the 'Select Data Services(s)' button

it's not possible to choose all services on the page, for example.
It's not possible to clear the selection.
To clear the selection user has to click each chosen service one more time.

Expected result:

  1. We suggest you to add possibility to select/disselect all services or all services on the page automatically.
  2. We suggest you to add possibility to clear the selection.

Select Date (usability): add possibility to edit data from main page (popup window can be removed)

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Click into the field under "Select Date Range" button (for example "From:")
3 Try to edit data using keyboard

it's impossible to edit data using keyboard (editing restricted)
(refer to screenshot 731)
User need to make several actions to enter data criteria. (click Select Date Range button, then input values, then click save..)

Expected result:

  • We suggest you to add possibility enter data from keyboard by editing fields "from" and "to" right at the main page.
  • We suggest you to remove "Please select your date range:" popup (see screenshot 732)

Data tab: filters under the timeseries table have no titles


  • search was made, there is few result at data tab

Steps to reproduce:
1 Open "Data" tab
2 Pay attention to the filters under the timeseries table

filters under the timeseries table have no titles (see screenshot 759)

Expected result:
There should be title like (Organization Filter, "Service Name Filter", "Variable Name Filter"

Select Data services: "Exclude Gridded data services..." function work incorrect

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Click "select data service(s)" button
3 Select few data services (5 for example)
4 Click "Exclude Gridded data services"

System has selected all entries from a list except "Gridded data services"
Such behavior will be correct for option "Select all data service Exclude Gridded data services"

Expected result:
According to function title "Exclude Gridded data services" expected result will be: exclusion gridded data services from those, which user have selected (those entries can be removed from the table when option is active).

Select Date Range: warning messages should be shown in same popup

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Click "Select Date Range" button
3 set 'from' date = 01/01/20
4 set 'to' date using calendar = 09/19/20
5 click Ok

new popup appeared with warning message (see screenshot 738). After closing popup user lead to the main page

Expected result:
Warning messages should be shown in same popup (in this situation in "Select Date Range" popup). User should have ability to immediately correct values.

Select Date Range: impossible to select date using calendar if previously blank date field was Saved

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "Select Date Range" button
  3. Delete all data from "From" field
  4. Click Save (error message should appear)
  5. Click "Select Date Range" button
  6. Click on "From" field

calendar displayed NaN values (see screenshot 742)

Expected result:
System should prevent ability to save date ranges with blank fields. If user enter incorrect data there should be warning message and system should ignore entered data.

(Enhancement) 'List of Timeseries for Selected Marker': add possibilities to select all timeseries in the list or on the page and to remove selection

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Chose the area for example 9103 sq km
3 Click 'Search Map'
4 Click the marker on the map

it's impossible to choose all timeseries or to remove the selection of several timeseries at once. To select/disselect items the user has to click each item. It's possible to choose only Top 25 (see file attached 53.png)

Expected result:
We suggest you to add possibilities to select all timeseries in the list or on the page and to remove selection of several items

Popup 'Please select your date range': selected dates are not reset after the popup is closed without saving

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Click the 'Select Date Range' button
3 Select dates (for example, 06/01/2015 and 06/24/2015)
4 Close the popup
5 Click the 'Select Date Range' button
6 Click in the 'From' field
7 Click out of the field and calendar area

After Step 6 the calendar appeares with the dates chosen in Step 3 (see file attached 29.png).
After Step 7 the date chosen in Step 3 appeares in the field (see file attached 30.png).
Selected dates are not reset after the popup is closed without saving

Expected result
Selected data should be reset after the popup is closed without saving

Data tab: page have 2 scroll bars


  • search was completed, there is few result at data tab

Steps to reproduce:
1 Open "Data" tab
2 Pay attention to the scroll bars

page have 2 scroll bars (see screenshot 760)

Expected result:
There should be only 1 scroll bar

Timeout error message: typo in word 'occurred'

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Choose big area (a bit less then 100 000 sq km)
3 Choose All Keywords, all Data Services
3 Try to Search Map until timeout error occurred

Timeout error message appeared. Error message consider typo in word 'occurred'.
(refer to screenshot 739)

Expected result:
Error message: "An error occurred: timeout. Please limit search area or Keywords. Please contact Support if the problem persists."

Google Map: No possibility to close the Help button or to change its location

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Change the window size to 1285 x 425 for example
3 Take a look at the Help button


  1. The Help button overlaps other buttons (see file attached 8.png)
  2. There is no possibility to close the Help button or to change its position.

Expected result:
The Help button shouldn't overlap other elements of the application.
We suggest you to add possibility to close the Help button or to change its location.

(Investigation): searching for "Water Level" Keyword doesn't return any results

During our functional test we have tried to perform search using different combinations of Keywords and map areas. We covered all common keywords and only one keyword never return any results - "Water level".

We do not mark this as a bug because we can't definitely verify that this is a search mechanism error, but we want pay your attention to this search criteria and ask you to verify it from your side.

Long time map search (enhancement): add progress bar and divide map area for a number of smaller parts

In some cases, especially when we select many keywords and set large map area, searching takes about 1 minute to complete (see screenshot 750)


This behavior is not user friendly. We recommend you:

  1. Add progress bar that will inform user actual search status (in percentages for example).

For preventing timeouts (another problem when perform long time search):
2) As i can see from IE page debugger - now portal make one single request for whole selected map area. I suggest you for 'hard' searches with large area and big amount of keywords to divide selected map area for several parts and make number of different requests one by one for every part of area.

(Based on 2nd case you can realize 1st case: when X of Y total map requests got response - progress bar display progress as X/Y*100 )

GUI: popup design do not unified

Steps to reproduce:

  1. navigate to
  2. Compare design of "select keywords" popup with "'Select Data Services" or "Download manager"
    see screenshots below

Result: popup design do not unified. At the current moment doesn't unified next popups:

  • select data services
  • download manager

Expected result: all portal windows\popups should have unified design

Download Manager: close button is absent

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Download manager
  2. Check for Close button

close button is absent (see screenshot)

Expected result:
all website elements should have unified design and navigation elements. Download Manager should have "Close" button

Internet Explorer 9: incorrect default page sizing, scroll-bar always displayed

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to

incorrect default page sizing, scroll-bar always displayed (refer to screenshot 727)

NOTE: this issue reproduced in Inrernet Explorer 9 (dont reproduced with google Chrome 43). Other browsers will be checked during cross-browser test.

Expected result Portal should be displayed without scroll-bars in default size as on Google Chrome 43

GUI: "No timeseries for specified parameters found" have different font size.

Steps to reproduce:
1 perform search on a very small areea with 1 keyword and 1 data service (selected area shouldn't have any data )

Warning message "No timeseries for specified parameters found." have font size that differ from other messages. (see screenshots below)

Expected Result:
All system messages should have unified design (font, color, format)

(Enhancement) 'List of Timeseries for Selected Marker': an empty line is displayed in drop downs for the absence of filtration

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Chose the area for example 9103 sq km
3 Click 'Search Map'
4 Click the marker on the map
5 Open the drop down under the first column
6 Take a look at the drop down items

an empty line is displayed in drop downs for the absence of filtration (see file attached 52.png)

Expected result:
We suggest you to add a title for the item of non filtration. For example, 'No filter'

(cross-browsr) IE9: Download manager doesn't have animation icon while preparing for downloading archive


  • there is some items that can be zipped
  • auto download archive option disabled

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Click Data tab
  2. Select some items
  3. Click Zip selected
  4. Open Download Manager
  5. Pay attention to animation of downloading icon (spinner)

Download manager doesn't have animation icon while preparing for downloading archive (see screenshot below)

Expected result:
icon should be animated as it realised at google chrome or safari

Data tab: table column titles stay in wrong order after sorting table


  • search was made, there is few result at data tab

Steps to reproduce:
1 Open "Data" tab
2 Sort table by "Keyword"

table column titles stay in wrong order after sorting table (see screenshot 758)

Expected result:
table columns should have appropriate titles

note: issue is also reproduced when making sorting using filters below table

Download Timeseries: incorrect file name (file name contain current search value instead of selected map area name)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for location (for example Washington DC)
  3. Navigate to other location using map (for example Dallas)
  4. Open Data tab. Select any timeseries to download. Than download file.
  5. Pay attention to the file name.

incorrect file name (file name consider current search value instead of selected map area name)
(refer to screenshot 737)

Expected result:
File name should contain the name of actual selected for search area. In current described case it should be Dallas.

Search is running after closing or clicking 'Cancel' button in the warning message window

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Choose a map area (less than 100 000 sq km, for example, 35 764 sq km)
3 Click 'Select Keyword(s)'
4 Select a keyword (for example, Discharge)
5 Click 'Search Map'
6 Click 'Cancel' or close the appeared warning message 'Current selected area is sq km. This search can take a long time. Do you want to continue?'

search is running

Expected result:

  1. Search should be running only by clicking 'OK' in the warning message window.
  2. After clicking the 'Cancel' button or closing the window search should be canceled

'Select Data Services(s)': the format of the message that all services are chosen changes

Steps to reproduce:

1 Navigate to
2 Take a look at the format of the message in the 'Select Data Services(s)' area
3 Click the 'Select Data Services(s)' button
4 Select some sevices and close the popup
5 Click the 'Select Data Services(s)' button
6 Remove previous selection and close the popup
7 Take a look at the format of the message in the 'Select Data Services(s)' area

formats of the message are different (see file attached 39.png)

Expected result:
Equal format of the message when all services are chosen

(minor) Select Date Range: warning message shown for correct dates in some cases

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "Select Date Range" button
  3. set 'from' date = 01/01/2008
  4. set 'to' date using calendar = 09/19/2007 (warning messages has appeared)
  5. click 'Close' button
  6. click "Select Date Range" button

Dates are correct, but warning message still shown to the user

Expected result:
Dates are correct, warning message should be disabled for that case

Google Map (usability): 'Search' button is absent near search location field

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Take a look at google map search field
3 Enter some place to search (for example 'Minsk')

'Search' button is absent near search location field and hardware 'Enter' button doesn't process any action. As a result the User can't navigate to location that he have search for. (refer to screenshot 724)

Expected result:

  • We suggest you to add "Search" button at the right of the search field ( see as example, screeenshot 725)
  • We suggest you to add action for hardware "Enter" button, it should duplicate "Search" button action (implementation matches

Download Manager (GUI): table entries arу scattered all over the page


  • there few Zipped items

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Download Manager
  2. Take a look at elements table

table entries arу scattered all over the page (see screenshot)

Expected result:
table elements should be ordered in a table (like for example Data Entries at Data tab)

Download Manager (usability): downloaded series are deleted from download manager series after there was attempt to download it


  1. Search completed. There was found few timeseries which are available for downloading.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Data tab
  2. Select any timeseries
  3. Click "Zip Selection" button
  4. Wait while task will be completed and open Download Manager
  5. Click Download for selected series, then click Cancel
  6. Check Download Manager table

Series are deleted from download manager table

Expected result:
There can be a number of reasons why user stop or cancel current download (slow internet connection, insufficient drive space and etc).

We suggest you to keep in download manager all tasks (pending download or already downloaded).
Moreover it will help user to remember what he actually have downloaded, that will be more user friendly from our side.

Select keywords. Full list: some keyword titles are truncated

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click "Select keyword(s)" button
  3. Switch to Full list tab
  4. Open for example "Chemical -> Organic-> Other organic chemical"
  5. Pay attention to items with long titles

Some keyword titles are truncated. If you mouse over this titles no prompt will be shown (see screenshot 749)

Expected result:
Add 'alt' to the keyword list. When mouse over long title prompt should be shown.

NOTE: the issue is common for keyword list at main page (see screenshot 748)

Data Tab (usability): archives auto downloaded when user clicked "Zip Selections" without any prompt


  • search was completed, there is few result at data tab

Steps to reproduce:
1 Open "Data" tab
2 Select any entry
3 click "Zip Selections" button

archive auto downloaded when user clicked "Zip Selections" without any prompt (see screenshot 759)

Expected result:
We suggest you to duplicate option "Auto download Archive" from Download Manager popup to the Data tab. Or as an alternative way - add 2 button to the "Data Tab": one - "Zip Selections", second - "Zip and Download selection". This will be more clear for users what actually should happened when they click button.

Select Date: automatic date range changes (when editing "to" date using keyboard) work incorrectly

Steps to reproduce:
1 Navigate to
2 Click "Select Date Range" button
3 input range 01/01/2008 to 01/01/2015 (screeenshot 734)
4 then put cursor into "to" field and try to edit 2015 to 2010 for example

value into "From" field has changed to 01/01/201 (see screenshot 735)

Expected result:
Automatic date change should apply only after using finished enter value in current filed (when user clicked out the field).

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