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exceptionalresharper's Introduction

Exceptional for ReSharper

Exceptional is an extension for ReSharper which analyzes thrown and documented C# exceptions and suggests improvements.

Update: The extension is now maintained by @ManticSic and @patrickweegen (with the help of @RicoSuter).


When working with a code base - whether it is a small one or a big one - developers constantly encounter issues caused by wrong exception handling. There may be an excellent exception handling policy, but it is the developer who must execute this policy on its own code. Even with no policy defined, there are good practices on how to properly handle exceptions. This extension allows you to seamlessly apply these good practices with a couple of key strokes.

Generally, the public API should be documented and thrown exceptions should be part of this documentation. But even if documenting thrown exceptions is pretty easy, the maintenance of the code that is using a particular method or property is not. This is where this extension comes into play: The extension analyzes call sites and provides hints on exceptions thrown from that invocations. If an exception is either not caught or not documented then you will be proposed to fix this problem. The extension also checks other good practices, for example that an inner exception is provided when rethrowing a new exception.


Requires ReSharper v8.2, v9, v10 or later

  • Open the ReSharper menu in Visual Studio and select Extension Manager...
  • Search for Exceptional and install the extension

Open the menu ReSharper / Options... / Exceptional to configure the extension.

Check out the extension in the ReSharper plugin gallery (targets the latest R# version):

Old versions:


Thrown exception not documented or caught

Warning: Exceptions thrown outside the scope of method\property that are not documented in methods xml documentation (thrown with use of throw keyword).

Fix: Document or catch thrown exception.

Warning: Exception thrown outside the scope of method\property that are not documented in methods xml documentation (thrown from another invocation).

Fix: Document or catch thrown exception.

Documented exception is not thrown

Warning: Exceptions documented in XML documentation that are not thrown from method/property.

Fix: Remove documentation of not thrown exception.

Catch-all clauses

Warning: General catch-all clauses should be avoided.

Not passing inner exception

Warning: Throwing new exception from catch clause should include message and inner exception.

Fix: Include inner exception in ctor

Do not throw System.Exception

Warning: Throwing System.Exception should be avoided.

More features to come...

(This project has originally been hosted on CodePlex)

exceptionalresharper's People


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exceptionalresharper's Issues

Exceptional for 2016.3

Any idea when Exceptional will be out for the latest Resharper release 2016.3? I miss it already!

Do not warn of setter-related exceptions when getting a property value

foreach (object key in Data.Keys)
    object value = Data[key];  // Data is an IDictionary
    // ...

The code above warns of NotSupportedException, which occurs when setting a value, not getting it. (Specifically, in this case, the exception is thrown when setting a value on a read-only dict, or when the object has a fixed size and the key doesn't exist.)

Show issues for method calls with unfixed issues.

Consider the following piece of code:

public class MyClass
    public int MethodA()
        MethodB(); // Issue not detected.
        throw new ArgumentException(); // Issue detected.

    public int MethodB()
        MethodC(); // Issue not detected.
        throw new InvalidOperationException(); // Issue detected.

    public void MethodC()
        throw new NotImplementedException(); // Issue detected.

It would be nice if Exceptional would show issues for the calls to MethodB / MethodC too BEFORE I fix them and not just ignore them.

ValidationException error

I have a method like:

/// <summary>
/// Validates against Range attribute if defined. If method returns without exceptions it is validated
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException">The validation failed</exception>
private void Validate(string propertyName, object value) {
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = GetType().GetProperty(propertyName);
var attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes<System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationAttribute>();
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Validator.ValidateValue(value, new System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationContext(propertyInfo.Name) { DisplayName = propertyInfo.Name }, attributes);

When i call it from another method Exceptional handles it as axpected. But when I apply to the setter of a property like this:

/// <exception cref="ValidationException" accessor="set">The validation failed</exception> public int MyProperty { get {return _myBackingField; } set { Validate(nameof(MyProperty,value); _myBackingField = value; } }

Then it gives me 2 warnings:

  1. I documented an exception that is never thrown.
  2. I haven documented ValidationExcption thrown by Validate method.

So it seems that it does not recognize it as the same exception but I have tried with complete namespace declarations and still it does not recognize it. So it should not be ambigous.

Maybe the problem is that the intellisense on System.ComponentModel,DataAnnotations.Validator.ValidateValue does not have the exception documented. But it does throw it, and it is documented on MSDN.

If this is the problem it would be better if it respected my comment so the only warning I get is for my Validate method. Not the 200 places where I use it

Not possible to autocreate documentation for multiple ArgumentNullExceptions

I multple parameters throws ArgumentNullException, it is only possible to autogenerate documentation for one of the. The highlighting of the missing documentation disappears, after adding it for the first ArgumentNullException. The Following code...

public Guid Import(Stream fileData, string fileName)
    if (fileData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileData");
    if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

Generates the following documentation:

/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="fileData"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
public Guid Import(Stream fileData, string fileName, Guid? cachedFileId)
    if (fileData == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileData");
    if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");

Suppressions don't work (or at least a lot of them).

You can't suppress messages. None of these three in this example actually suppress the associated errors; all of these were generated by the built-in quick fix that is intended to suppress them, not manually.

    public void Blah()
            Console.WriteLine("Doing something");
        // ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Oh no! " + e.Message);
            // ReSharper disable once ExceptionNotDocumented
            // ReSharper disable once ThrowingSystemException

Pretty sure suppressions don't work in various other situations, too, but this was a convenient example.

Inappropriate "usage of catch-all clauses" message

Whenever I do something like this:

catch (Exception e) when (e is SomeException || e is SomeOtherException)

Exceptional gives me the message: "Usage of catch-all clauses is not recommended."

Unless I'm seriously misunderstanding the purpose of this suggestion, I don't think it's appropriate here. It's not a catch-all clause - it's only catching certain Exception types.

Checking .HasValue (== true) on a Nullable type still shows InvalidOperationException prompt when calling .Value

For this code here, I see a prompt telling me that it is possible to throw an InvalidOperationException (even though it won't) - which is good behavior.

int? bar = null;
var foo = bar.Value; //<-- PROMPT HERE

However, when I check .HasValue, which is pretty much a solid guarantee that calling .Value will not throw an InvalidOperationException, I still get the same prompt.

int? bar = null;
int foo;

if (bar.HasValue)
    foo = bar.Value; //<-- PROMPT HERE
    foo = 0;

Exceptions thrown from code contracts

It'd be very useful if Exceptional could also recognize these, in cases like (the code I'm looking at now):

public static Action WithFailFast ([NotNull] this Action action)
        Contract.Requires<ArgumentNullException> (action != null, "action");

As it is, Exceptional either ignores such exceptions if they are not documented, or if they are documented, reports them as unnecessary exception documentation.


Suppress exceptions with comment

Sometimes exceptions are never thrown or should net be caught by the caller.
As example



if(something != null)

If have already implemented a solution for such cases.

    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown when foo is 5</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Can be ignored because argument of sleep is always valid</exception>
    public void HasIgnoredExceptions(int foo)
        if (foo == 5)
            throw new ArgumentException("foo");

If a exception comment starts with "Can be ignored" this exception can be ignored by the caller.
Any Ideas for improvements?

Add Package Build for ReSharper 2016.2

Finally I figured out how to get my local changes to be installable in Resharper 2016.2, but it took a while unfortunately.

For now and for me locally I just copied the nuspec file for 2016.1 and changed the required wave to include up to 7.0 (=> 2016.2) which seems to work, but I don't know if that's sufficient.

In which way does Exceptional require a minimum ReSharper version for single functions yet? is it really necessary to use separate projects, or could it be simplified and just built for different targets?

In any case I would appreciate an up to date how-to about how to contribute (including how to build and test locally as that was a major part of what I tried to do).

Update: it's not sufficient as far as I can see:
Looks like the jetbrains references have to be upgraded as well.

Given that: Is there a reason why ReSharper 2016.2 is published in the resharper plugin repository, but not yet included in this project?

Prompted to use UriFormatException in a Portable Class Library.

Using a UriBuilder and Exceptional in a Portable Class Library causes Exceptional to suggest documenting UriFormatException. But this exception doesn't exist in a PCL.

Easily replicated in a new class.

public class Class1
    /// <exception cref="UriFormatException"></exception>
    public string ExceptionalTest()
        var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder("");
        return uriBuilder.Query;

Exceptional gives warnings about missing exception documentation when method implements interface with <inheritdoc/> tag

Exceptional gives a warning about an exception not being in method documentation when the following criteria are met:

  1. method implements an interface
  2. method has an documentation tag
  3. the corresponding interface method documentation documents the exception.

Recommended behavior in this case is to provide no error as the exception has been documented. Users can simply click on the (i) icon in the well to go to the interface or use the keyboard shortcuts provided by Resharper to navigate to the interface and see the documentation.

Add support for R# 2017.1

Are you planning on implementing support for R# 2017.1?

Please do, this is a fantastic plugin which I really need! 😅

Using Null coalescing operator on LINQ Method still shows prompt for ArgumentNullException.

Without using the null coalescing operator in C#6, Exception shows me "Add documentation for ArgumentNullException" for the following code, which is good:

var results = GetAListSomewhere();
var result = results.FirstOrDefault(); //<--- PROMPT HERE
return result;

However, the prompt is unnecessary here, as the method would not be called.

var results = GetAListSomewhere();
var result = results?.FirstOrDefault(); //<--- PROMPT HERE
return result;

Exceptional warnings show despite // ReSharper disable // [SuppressMessage]

Exceptional warnings are showing even if i use any number of comments to disable them.
Nothing works:

// ReSharper disable All

// ReSharper disable once ExceptionNotDocumented

// ReSharper disable ExceptionNotDocumented

[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ExceptionNotDocumented")]

The only things I can do to get the warnings to disappear are catch the exception or document it, there is no way to suppress it.

Documentation warnings do not support Exception hierarchy

If you throw some sort of exception, and document the method as throwing a base type of that exception's type, you'll get two inappropriate errors from Exceptional. For example, in the following,

(1) Task.Delay() can throw a TaskCanceledException;
(2) A TaskCanceledException is an OperationCanceledException;
(3) The method is documented as throwing OperationCanceledException

... and yet Exceptional gives the following seemingly inappropriate messages:

(1) Exception 'OperationCanceledException' is not thrown
(2) Exception 'TaskCanceledException' is not documented

    /// <summary>
    /// The blah async.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cancellationToken">
    /// The cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    /// The <see cref="Task"/>.
    /// </returns>
    /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">
    /// The operation was canceled.
    /// </exception>
    public async Task BlahAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await Task.Delay(37, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

not support nameof()

throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transaction));
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name=""/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>


  /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="transaction"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>```

Enable only when xml-doc generation is enabled

The hints should only be displayed when the "XML documentation file" option is checked in the project properties.
There is no need to always document the exceptions thrown by a method (especially in a small test project).

"More info..." link points to Codeplex site

When I click on the "More info..." link in the ReSharper extensions window, a new browser window opens and shows the old Codeplex site. The link should now point to the GitHub site, because the Codeplex site seems to be inactive.

Exceptional working correctly with C# exception filters.

Consider the following bit of code:

    if (soundFile.PlaySync)
        // ReSharper disable once ExceptionNotDocumented
        player.PlaySync(); // Block thread while playing sound
        // ReSharper disable once ExceptionNotDocumented
        player.Play(); // Play asynchronously
// ReSharper disable once CatchAllClause
catch (Exception ex) when (ex is FileNotFoundException || 
                           ex is InvalidOperationException || 
                           ex is TimeoutException)
    log.LogFormat(Level.Error, "Error occurred while trying to play sound. Exception: {0}", ex);

Exceptional now gives warnings about not catching the specific exceptions that could be thrown by PlaySync and Play. However, I am catching those specific exceptions using the exception filter.

It would be nice if Exceptional detected this and would not give me those warnings.

Trouble updating Exceptional to 2016.2

I'd appreciate any help getting around the following error when attempting to update Exceptional (using the extensions gallery in R# 2016.2):

Error registering mapping for catalog assembly “ReSharper.Exceptional.2016.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”. An item with the same key has already been added. An item with the same key has already been added. Execute Build Step Runnable JetBrains.Platform.VisualStudio.Core!JetBrains.VsIntegration.UI.WindowManagement.Install.VsPackageEmitsToolWindowIcons::CollectToolWindowIcons#3 has failed. The build step method JetBrains.VsIntegration.UI.WindowManagement.Install.VsPackageEmitsToolWindowIcons::CollectToolWindowIcons has thrown an exception. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. An item with the same key has already been added. Cannot index assemblies in the application packages. There are at least two assemblies with the same simple name “ReSharper.Exceptional.2016.2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null” in packages Exceptional.2016.2 and Binbin.Exceptional.2016.2. An item with the same key has already been added.

Install log

Some symbols should be converted to entity reference.

Hi, if you wrote a test method like this,

public` static void TestMethod() {
        if (true) throw new ArgumentException("<>&\"\'");
        throw new NotImplementedException();

and apply "Add documentation for exception [Exceptional]" context action,
you'll get XML comment like this.

/// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><>&"'</exception

But <, >, &, " and ' should be escaped in XML comment.
Please consider to add conversion into entity reference.

Thanks in advance.

catch/rethrow of Exception leads to seemingly inappropriate messages

If you catch Exception just to try to do some logging or something, and then rethrow it, you get several messages from Exceptional, none of which seem terribly appropriate in this particular type of usage.

Additionally, and I think more importantly, you can't suppress them. But I'll open that up as another ticket.


    public void Blah()
            Console.WriteLine("Doing something");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Oh no! " + e.Message);

That gets:

(1) Usage of catch-all clauses is not recommended
(2) Exception 'Exception' is not documented
(3) Throwing 'System.Exception' is not recommended

Doesn't work with property.

Hi, I found that this extension doesn't work properly with properties.

For this code, Exceptional suggests "Exception 'IOException' is not documented." (+2 more suggestions):

public string Prop1 {
    get {
        return "";

After adding documentation for IOException according to this suggestion:

/// <exception cref="IOException" accessor="get">The directory specified by <paramref name="path" /> is a file.-or-The network name is not known.</exception>
public string Prop1 {
    get {
        return "";

But the suggestion does not disappear. Seems to have failed to scanning.

The Tag <inheritdoc> was not considered.

The exception in class Modul has squiggles. Here was not supported the inheritdoc tag.


public interface IModul
    /// <summary />
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="mainMenu"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
    void SetMainMenu(MenuStrip mainMenu);

public class Modul : IModul
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public void SetMainMenu(MenuStrip mainMenu)
        if (mainMenu == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("mainMenu");

Documented exceptions in interfaces


Exceptional is a great plug-in, really well done! 👍
But today I recognized that exceptions which are documented within a component are not shown in the interface to this component, which calls the method, which has a documented exception.

Is there any possibility to solve this problem?

Thank you for following answers.

Exceptional not properly analysing functions

For some reason resharper is not correctly inspecting my functions. A lot of items are listed as throwing exceptions however the analysis says it cannot be thrown. Why is this?


My options are set up a follows:


edit: Another example of how it seems to fail to inspect system classes.

A way to state what exceptions a delegate passed as a parameter can throw

Given the following method:

public static void DoAction(Action action)

Exceptional is telling me that an exception System.Exception should be documented because action may throw anything. However, suppose I know that Action will only throw System.IOException - can there be some way to tell Exceptional that that is the case, and that only the IOException needs to be documented in DoAction?

It seems to me that a good way to do this could be with attributes:

public static void DoAction([Throws(typeof(System.IOException))] Action action)

Similarly, if I know it won't throw anything, it could be either one of:

public static void DoAction([Throws] Action action) // Empty attribute parameter list

public static void DoAction([NoThrow] Action action)

Although I realise that this would require a NuGet package or something in addition to the resharper plugin.

Exceptional does not understand the property exception xml doc that it generates

When I use exceptional to generate the xml comments for a potential ArgumentOutOfRangeException in both the getter and setter, it generated the following:

 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException" accessor="get">Index is out of range.</exception>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentOutOfRangeException" accessor="set">Index is out of range.</exception>

The problem is that Exceptional fails to see the exceptions as documented because of the accessor attribute in both, that it generated. It keeps warning that the exception is neither documented or caught. On top of this, it also begins warning that the exceptions it generated documentation for are not thrown.

Aggregate multiple ArgumentNullExceptions into one

Implement analyzer and quickfix to aggregate multiple ArgumentNullExceptions into one:

This should be transformed from...

/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="a"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="b"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="c"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
public void Do(object a, object b, object c)

... to:

/// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="a"/> or <paramref name="b"/> or <paramref name="c"/> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
public void Do(object a, object b, object c)

This issue is coming from:

Validation not working properly if ambiguous references


FileNotFoundException exists in two namespaces:

The following code:

public void Test()
    throw new Shared.FileNotFoundException("");

generates this documentation:

/// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Condition.</exception>
public void Test()
    throw new Shared.FileNotFoundException("");

The validation of the documentation complains about the ambiguous reference.
If you then specify the namespace when throwing the exception, the validation can't detect that the exception is documented, and the validation of the documentation, tells that the exception is never thrown:

/// <exception cref="Shared.FileNotFoundException">Condition.</exception>
public void Test()
    throw new Shared.FileNotFoundException("");

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