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caracara's Issues

Support streamed download to a path

There is currently no way either in falconpy or caracara to stream a file down to the disk. That causes 4GB requests to be entirely loaded in memory at some point.

We're using ugly hacks to pass stream=True to a raw requests.request and call it a day, so that we can stream a large file to disk chunk by chunk.

def rtr_session_download_to_path(self, session_id, sha256, destination, known_size = None):
    Downloads an extracted file straight into a file (7z -pinfected) using
    chunks, so that we don't have a 4GB single http request in memory at
    some point. Or several in parallel.
    # First, prepare a HTTP request by stealing the self.falcon config for URL & token
    url = f'{self.falcon.base_url}/real-time-response/entities/extracted-file-contents/v1'
    params = {
        'session_id': session_id,
        'sha256': sha256,
    self.logger.debug(f'Getting file sha256={sha256}, session_id={session_id} into {destination}')
    total_written_bytes = 0
    with request(
        # Here we assume the token is fresh enough, which is usually the case since we just listed the file properties.
        headers = self.falcon.headers(),
        verify = self.falcon.ssl_verify,
        stream = True,
        params = params,
        ) as r:
        if not destination.parent.exists():
  'Creating folder {destination.parent}')
            destination.parent.mkdir(parents = True, exist_ok = True)
        with'wb') as f, tqdm(
        ) as bar:
            self.logger.debug(f'Actual download iteration start')
            for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=10*1024):
                written_bytes = f.write(chunk)
                total_written_bytes += written_bytes

    return destination, total_written_bytes

Could this be done natively by caracara ? I'm no asyncio expert but there's some http + file magic to be done here imo.

Thanks !

[ ENH ] Add default User-Agent string

Describe the enhancement

The User-Agent header currently does not default to specifying Caracara, so it will fall back to crowdstrike-falconpy/version.

Expected behavior

The default for this value should be crowdstrike-caracara/version.
When provided as a keyword, this value should be provided value (crowdstrike-caracara/version).


Operating System Version

All supported

Python Version

All supported

Poetry Version

All supported

Caracara Version

<= 0.1.0

Falcon Filters Design Issue

Through working on #41 and trying to add filters for IOA Rule Groups, I encountered this issue.

The Problem

The CrowdStrike API consists of lots of fragmented services, which occasionally have inconsistencies. One of the inconsistencies is in choice of filter attributes, for example:

  • IOA rule groups filter platforms using the FQL attribute platform (source), which should be one of three values windows, linux or mac (case-sensitive).
  • Hosts filter platforms using the FQL attribute platform_name (source) which the docs state should be one of Windows, Linux or Mac, but testing brings that it can also be Android (which are all also case-sensitive).

Hiding this kind of complexity is what caracara is supposed to do, so we have to design a good abstraction.

Current Implementation (as of fdb69e1)

  • On our side
    • Currently, on our side to define a falcon filter attribute, we inherit from FalconFilterAttribute, which helps by providing ways to easily provide validation that a filter is valid, as well as to hide the raw FQL name and use a more use friendly name. For example (here), platform_name is validated to only be one of Windows, Mac or Linux, and the user-facing name is OS.
    • These filters, when defined, are separated per module, but are aggregated together in the Client class here, providing a customised version of the FalconFilter class to the user
    • In this aggregation process, if two filters have the same user-friendly name, then only one of them survives into the dict passed to FalconFilter.
    • This means we can't have two filters with the same user facing name, even if it seems they should be (e.g. the platform and platform_name example above).
  • On the user's side
    • The user, having already constructed a client, creates a new filter with filters = client.FalconFilter()
    • The user then adds a filter to the filter (confusing wording?) with something like filters.create_new_filter("OS", "Windows")
    • The user probably expects this filter to work for filtering anything with any kind of OS associated with it, but they can only filter hosts with it (and would need to use a different word for different APIs, with our current implementation)

Some proposed solutions

Separate filter 'flavours' per module

For example, instead of having a unified FalconFilter, you would have separate filters, maybe HostsFalconFilter and IoaFalconFilter, so this separation is presented to the user directly. We can still provide unified names (i.e. OS becomes platform_name if used with HostsFalconFilter and becomes platform is used with IoaFalconFilter) to bring a degree of unity, but still expose to the user that filters are different depending on the data you're querying

  • pros✅
    • can still hide some complexity by using consistent naming (as described in paragraph above)
    • (subjective) arguably more 'correct'
      • user could be presented with autocomplete options in their IDE if we used methods, and only methods that correspond to FQL attributes that actually mean anything in that context will be shown
      • prevents the user from creating a filter and expecting it to work on one endpoint, when in reality they can't, as this separation could be enforced with Exceptions and IDE warnings using type hints (fail-fast)
  • cons🚫
    • doesn't hide all the complexity

Unified filter, transparently translates to different filter 'flavours' upon use

i.e. the user would still create using filters.create_new_filter("OS", "Windows") or something similar, and if the user used it for filtering hosts, it would translate to platform_name:'Windows' in FQL, but if the user used it for filtering IOAs it would translate to platform:'windows' when used.

  • pros✅
    • hides the most complexity
    • doesn't require radically changing the user-facing API
  • cons🚫
    • there may be FQL attribute across APIs that are harder to unify like this (the example of platform_name and platform are easily reconciled, but I haven't scoured the entire API to look for harder examples)

Other improvements

Whilst we're talking about redesigning how filters work, here's some other problems we could solve!

  • Overloaded terminology: 'filter' referring to both FalconFilter (a kind of collection of filters), and the filters within (added via create_new_filter).
    • Could use some kind of term referring to a collection, i.e. FalconFilterGroup (if you can think of a better one let me know!). This also has the plus of fitting better with the variable name commonly used in caracara to refer to an instance of FalconFilter: filters (which is used in place of filter since filter is a python builtin).
    • Could also do the same thing in the opposite direction, maintaining the naming of FalconFilter being the filter, but then renaming create_new_filter to be something like create_new_condition.
  • Passing in an operator as a string
    • Okay this isn't really a problem, but it could be fun to explore something similar to how SQLAlchemy does it (i.e. overloading builtin comparison operators to build up queries in a very 'pythonic' way, hard to find a good example but see here)


Feel free to comment with any ideas!

[ BUG ] get_devices example is only returning 500 results

Describe the bug

When using the examples/get_devices example, you are only returned 500 results (the DATA_BATCH_SIZE) regardless of the number of hosts available within the tenant.

To Reproduce

  • Configure the config.yml file to access a tenant with more than 500 managed hosts.
  • Execute the examples/get_devices example.

Expected behavior

All hosts within the tenant are returned.


Operating System Version

All supported.

Python Version

All supported.

Poetry Version

All supported.

Python Package Versions

<= 0.1.0

Migrate to Prompt Toolkit

Right now, we use the bullet library for our examples. This project appears to be unmaintained and, in line with our work to move from pick to prompt_toolkit in Falcon Toolkit, we should also move to Prompt Toolkit here too to reduce the number of overall dependencies and risk.

[ BUG ] Queued sessions are not listed - Invalid filter and more problems

Describe the bug

Queued sessions are not described by describe-queued-sessions

To Reproduce

  • 1/ queue-command (on a offline host)
  • 2/ describe-queued-sessions
  • 3/ : 0 results

Expected behavior

Queued session are enumerated.


Operating System Version

Please provide your operating system type and version. Example: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.3

Python Version

Python 3.10.5

Poetry Version

Poetry (version 1.4.1)

Python Package Versions

$ pip freeze | grep -E '(caracara|falconpy)'
-e git+

Additional context

So, the problem is that in _get_queued_session_ids you used "1" as a constant for True, and that makes the whole FQL filter invalid, and it yields nothing.

$ ./ RTR_ListAllSessions -p '{"filter":"offline_queued: True+deleted_at: null"}' -q | jq '.body.resources|length'
$ ./ RTR_ListAllSessions -q | jq '.body.resources|length'
$ ./ RTR_ListAllSessions -p '{"filter":"offline_queued: 1+deleted_at: null"}' -q | jq '.body.resources|length'
$ ./ RTR_ListAllSessions -p '{"filter":"offline_queued: zemlkqfjsqdmlkf+deleted_at: null"}' -q | jq '.body.resources|length'

Patching the code does show valid output

RTRApiModule: Searching for RTR sessions based on filter string: offline_queued: True+deleted_at: null
( before : caracara.common.batching: Batch data retrieval for list_sessions (0 items) )
( now : caracara.common.batching: Batch data retrieval for list_sessions (8 items) )
caracara.common.batching: ThreadPoolExecutor-0_0 | Batch worker started with a list of 8 items. Function: list_sessions

Once this is patched, well, it still shows nothing; but I guess we're facing another issue.

Thanks for the API wrapper btw, sorting out these different pagination methods is not really straightforwards otherwise.

(caracara-py3.10) $ git diff
diff --git a/caracara/modules/rtr/ b/caracara/modules/rtr/
index b4f9e3e..ad88bfb 100644
--- a/caracara/modules/rtr/
+++ b/caracara/modules/rtr/
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class RTRApiModule(FalconApiModule):
         List[str]: A list of IDs of all queued RTR sessions discovered.
         """"Searching for queued RTR sessions")
-        filter_str = "offline_queued: 1+deleted_at: null"
+        filter_str = "offline_queued: True+deleted_at: null"
         session_ids = self._search_sessions(filters=filter_str)
         return session_ids

[ BUG ] Logging scopes do not all start with "caracara"

Describe the bug

Some caracara modules do not carry the "caracara" name in their logging scope. This causes logging.getLogger('caracara').setLevel(logging.WARNING) to only affect some parts of caracara.

2023-04-12 09:24:16,742	CustomIoaApiModule	Initialising API module: CustomIoaApiModule
2023-04-12 09:24:16,742	FlightControlApiModule	Initialising API module: FlightControlApiModule
2023-04-12 09:24:16,742	FlightControlApiModule	Configuring the FalconPy Flight Control API
2023-04-12 09:24:16,743	HostsApiModule	Initialising API module: HostsApiModule
2023-04-12 09:24:16,743	HostsApiModule	Configuring the FalconPy Hosts API
2023-04-12 09:24:16,743	HostsApiModule	Configuring the FalconPy Host Group API
2023-04-12 09:24:16,743	PreventionPoliciesApiModule	Initialising API module: PreventionPoliciesApiModule
2023-04-12 09:24:16,745	PreventionPoliciesApiModule	Configuring the FalconPy Prevention Policies API
2023-04-12 09:24:16,745	ResponsePoliciesApiModule	Initialising API module: ResponsePoliciesApiModule
2023-04-12 09:24:16,745	ResponsePoliciesApiModule	Configuring the FalconPy Response Policies API
2023-04-12 09:24:16,746	RTRApiModule	Initialising API module: RTRApiModule

To Reproduce

Run some code like the following, that just silences the 'caracara' module to a specified level :

# Silence a little bit all this debug noise enabled by default
for caracara_logging_scope in (
    if self.debug:
        l = logging.getLogger(caracara_logging_scope)

It's not much, and we have a workaround ready with the list of modules generating logs added to a hardcoded list. That being said, I have a vague feeling that some PEP might suggest prefixing logging scopes.

Expected behavior

All code loaded by caracara receives the same log level

Suggested fixes

Prefix these logging scopes with caracara or caracara.modules. What we do in our code base is just pick the current module and call it a day. Prior to that we even added the class name, but having one class per file makes it simpler. ( I won't comment on my spaghetti code base file lengths :D )

self.logger = logging.getLogger(".".join([
    # self.__class__.__name__,


Operating System Version

Debian bookworm

Python Version

Python 3.10.5

Poetry Version

Poetry (version 1.4.1)

Python Package Versions

$ pip freeze | grep -E '(caracara|falconpy)'

[ BUG ] - Caracara requests a token even if not used

Describe the bug

At instanciation time, caracara.client.Client configures itself, sends numerous logs and then fires a POST to to get an API token. Could it be possible to have lazy authentication ? That would mean preparing offline settings, and only trigger network requests when an API operation is required.

The falconpy behavior is not to request a token unless it's needed ( ) ; but I might have read this wrong.

To Reproduce

Instanciate a caracara.client.Client class, there's a network call.

Expected behavior

No network call unless asked to touch the network


Operating System Version

Debian bookworm

Python Version


Poetry Version


Python Package Versions

$ pip freeze | grep -E '(caracara|falconpy)'

Additional context

We have scripts that prepare handlers to request data from various locations, and one of the providers is Caracara. For cases where all the details are already cached offline ( so far it's about session data ) ; we end up instanciating a Client object just in case ; then not using it since all the data we need is in our cache ; and instead of having instantaneous results we have to wait for one (1) HTTP call, cause by the understandable need of caracara.client.Client to request a token when instanciated.

Could it be possible to only call self.api_authentication.token() when needed, even if that means remaining unaware of the base_url variable for a while ? (which is fine, because you won't ever need it unless authenticated to answer a query ).

Feel free to say this problem is convoluted :D


[ Feature ] - Support enumerating IOCs

As mentioned in #80 , we'd like to benefit from caracara's numerous advantages compared to manually hitting the API with falconpy to enumerate IOC content.

So far, we're hitting indicator_search_v1 to get the identifiers, then iterate over pages of indicator_get_v1. Could it be possible to have a describe_iocs_raw somewhere ? (pretty much like describe_rule_groups_raw)

Thanks !

Users Module: Writable Endpoints

Writable Users Endpoints

Describe the bug

#81 handles pulling information from the API, but it does not allow any changes to be written back to Falcon.

We intend to add the write support here (as a full CRUD implementation of the User Management APIs), so this Issue will track that effort.

[ FEATURE ] Support enumerating all policy types.

So far caracara's excellent pagination system only exposes prevention policies and remote response policies. There are a few more (ignore the "global_config" one, it's a setting sent back by the API when querying a host policies (under "device_policies"), but there are no associated APIs, I guess that's some kind of default vendor system-wide per-OS policies or smth.

$ ls ./data/crowdstrike/* -1

Please expose a describe_policies_raw function for all the policy types below :

ptypes = [
    # 'global_config', 

It's not a critical need of ours, we worked out pagination, but not really properly, and not multithreaded. I'd like to get rid of self.enumerate_paginated_api_endpoint in our own code base , and since there is some bit of knowledge you can't really guess on the type of pagination used behind each API endpoint here I am, asking for per-policy support.

I'm a little bit reluctant to try to hook caracara.common.pagination directly our own code (that does mostly what caracara does, offer management functions over API endpoints) ; mostly because it's tightly integrated with the rest of caracara and that would mean reimplementing a half-baked in-house caracara clone that will get obsolete as soon as these few missing features are implemented.

So far my "developer experience" was enhanced by caracara since I could drop our own pagination function for a few use cases implemented in caracara, assuming pagination is done correctly on caracara's side.

     def refresh_ioa_cache(self):
-        ioas = self.enumerate_paginated_api_endpoint('query_rule_groups_full', limit=100, sort='modified_on.desc')
+        ioas = self.caracara.custom_ioas.describe_rule_groups_raw()
+        ioas = list(ioas.values())
+        #ioas = self.enumerate_paginated_api_endpoint('query_rule_groups_full', limit=100, sort='modified_on.desc')'Storing {len(ioas)} IOA in {self.ioa_cache_path}')

Here's my shopping list on things I'd like to have enumerated through caracara ( just for reading )

  • All policy types ( todo ⚒️ ( missing : sensor_update, device_control, firewall )
  • RTRScripts & Putfiles (implemented) 🥳
  • Queued sessions ( warning, you're listing them using falconpy.RealTimeResponse.list_sessions not falconpy.RealTimeResponse.list_queued_sessions and they have a different schema and "pwd" as command while it's not the case, that's another issue right; RTR_ListAllSessions does list all ids but then real data for queued sessions has to be fetched from list_queued_sessions. 🙃 )
  • Users ( todo ⚒️)
  • Hosts ( implemented 🥳 )
  • Host groups (implemented 🥳 )
  • IOC ( todo ⚒️ )
  • IOA (implemented 🥳 )

I'll go open different issues for :

  • Users enumeration
  • IOC enumeration

I won't open an issue for the queued session thingy since I'm not comfortable with the issue diagnostic and my associated needs, so far.

Thanks for reading !

[ Feature ] - Support enumerating Users

As mentioned in #80 , we'd like to benefit from caracara's numerous advantages compared to manually hitting the API with falconpy to enumerate Users.

So far, we're hitting queryUserV1 to get the identifiers, then iterate over pages of retrieveUsersGETV1. Could it be possible to have a describe_users_raw somewhere ?

Thanks !

[ BUG ] Enumerating hosts last "online-state" call has more than 100 ids (500 & more on the last call)

Bug Report Template

Describe the bug

When enumerating devices with caracara.hosts.describe_devices() , caracara first downloads all the host data, then proceeds to review the "online" state of each of these (btw could we have an option to disable that? it's not needed and takes time when we just want to enumerate hosts).


Nothing goes fine since since all these /devices/entities/online-state/v1 calls are shipping 500 ids in the URL every time, always producing a HTTP 200 OK ERROR 400

    "errors": [
            "code": 400,
            "message": "request must contain between 0 and 100 ids"
    "meta": {
        "powered_by": "cs.agentonline",
        "query_time": 0.001833589,
        "trace_id": "905f9d10-0d4e-405d-88bd-649b6fb849f2"
    "resources": []

Bonus bug : the last request has more than 500 ids it seems:

$ grep '/dev[^:,]*' req_not_last.dat -aio|tr '&' '\n'|wc -l
$ grep '/dev[^:,]*' req_last.dat -aio|tr '&' '\n'|wc -l
$ python3 -m pip freeze|grep caracara

This ends up in a nice little stracktrace when all calls finish:

    hosts = self.caracara.hosts.describe_devices()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/caracara/filters/", line 56, in wrapper
    return func(*_args.args, **_args.kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/caracara/modules/hosts/", line 153, in describe_devices
    device_state_data = self.get_online_state(device_ids)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/caracara/modules/hosts/", line 59, in get_online_state
    device_online_state_data = batch_get_data(device_ids, self.hosts_api.get_online_state)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/caracara/common/", line 117, in batch_get_data
    raise Exception("At least one thread returned an error: " + str(errors))
Exception: At least one thread returned an error: [{'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}, 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between 0 and 100 ids'}, {'code': 400, 'message': 'request must contain between 0 and 100 ids'}]

To Reproduce

Call caracara.hosts.describe_devices()

Expected behavior

Devices are described without having everything explode


Operating System Version

Debian bookworm

Python Version

Python 3.10.5

Poetry Version


Python Package Versions

$ python3 -m pip freeze | grep -iE '(caracara|falcon|crowdstrike)'

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