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go-judge's Introduction


Go Reference Go Report Card Release Build


Fast, Simple, Secure

Quick Start

Install & Run

Download compiled executable go-judge for your platform from Release and run.

Or, by docker

docker run -it --rm --privileged --shm-size=256m -p 5050:5050 --name=go-judge criyle/go-judge


A REST service to run program in restricted environment (Listening on localhost:5050 by default).

  • /run POST execute program in the restricted environment (examples below)
  • /file GET list all cached file id to original name map
  • /file POST prepare a file in the go judge (in memory), returns fileId (can be referenced in /run parameter)
  • /file/:fileId GET downloads file from go judge (in memory), returns file content
  • /file/:fileId DELETE delete file specified by fileId
  • /ws WebSocket for /run
  • /stream WebSocket for stream run
  • /version gets build git version (e.g. v1.4.0) together with runtime information (go version, os, platform)
  • /config gets some configuration (e.g. fileStorePath, runnerConfig) together with some supported features

REST API Interface

interface LocalFile {
    src: string; // absolute path for the file

interface MemoryFile {
    content: string | Buffer; // file contents

interface PreparedFile {
    fileId: string; // fileId defines file uploaded by /file

interface Collector {
    name: string; // file name in copyOut
    max: number;  // maximum bytes to collect from pipe
    pipe?: boolean; // collect over pipe or not (default false)

interface Symlink {
    symlink: string; // symlink destination (v1.6.0+)

interface StreamIn {
    streamIn: boolean; // stream input (v1.8.1+)

interface StreamOut {
    streamOut: boolean; // stream output (v1.8.1+)

interface Cmd {
    args: string[]; // command line argument
    env?: string[]; // environment

    // specifies file input / pipe collector for program file descriptors (null is reserved for pipe mapping and must be filled by in / out)
    files?: (LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Collector | StreamIn | StreamOut  null)[];
    tty?: boolean; // enables tty on the input and output pipes (should have just one input & one output)
    // Notice: must have TERM environment variables (e.g. TERM=xterm)

    // limitations
    cpuLimit?: number;     // ns
    realCpuLimit?: number; // deprecated: use clock limit instead (still working)
    clockLimit?: number;   // ns
    memoryLimit?: number;  // byte
    stackLimit?: number;   // byte (N/A on windows, macOS cannot set over 32M)
    procLimit?: number;
    cpuRateLimit?: number; // limit cpu usage (1000 equals 1 cpu)
    cpuSetLimit?: string; // Linux only: set the cpuSet for cgroup
    strictMemoryLimit?: boolean; // deprecated: use dataSegmentLimit instead (still working)
    dataSegmentLimit?: boolean; // Linux only: use (+ rlimit_data limit) enable by default if cgroup not enabled
    addressSpaceLimit?: boolean; // Linux only: use (+ rlimit_address_space limit) 

    // copy the correspond file to the container dst path
    copyIn?: {[dst:string]:LocalFile | MemoryFile | PreparedFile | Symlink};

    // copy out specifies files need to be copied out from the container after execution
    // append '?' after file name will make the file optional and do not cause FileError when missing
    copyOut?: string[];
    // similar to copyOut but stores file in go judge and returns fileId, later download through /file/:fileId
    copyOutCached?: string[];
    // specifies the directory to dump container /w content
    copyOutDir: string
    // specifies the max file size to copy out
    copyOutMax?: number; // byte

enum Status {
    Accepted = 'Accepted', // normal
    MemoryLimitExceeded = 'Memory Limit Exceeded', // mle
    TimeLimitExceeded = 'Time Limit Exceeded', // tle
    OutputLimitExceeded = 'Output Limit Exceeded', // ole
    FileError = 'File Error', // fe
    NonzeroExitStatus = 'Nonzero Exit Status',
    Signalled = 'Signalled',
    InternalError = 'Internal Error', // system error

interface PipeIndex {
    index: number; // the index of cmd
    fd: number;    // the fd number of cmd

interface PipeMap {
    in: PipeIndex;  // input end of the pipe
    out: PipeIndex; // output end of the pipe
    // enable pipe proxy from in to out, 
    // content from in will be discarded if out closes
    proxy?: boolean; 
    name?: string;   // copy out proxy content if proxy enabled
    // limit the copy out content size, 
    // proxy will still functioning after max
    max?: number;    

enum FileErrorType {
    CopyInOpenFile = 'CopyInOpenFile',
    CopyInCreateFile = 'CopyInCreateFile',
    CopyInCopyContent = 'CopyInCopyContent',
    CopyOutOpen = 'CopyOutOpen',
    CopyOutNotRegularFile = 'CopyOutNotRegularFile',
    CopyOutSizeExceeded = 'CopyOutSizeExceeded',
    CopyOutCreateFile = 'CopyOutCreateFile',
    CopyOutCopyContent = 'CopyOutCopyContent',
    CollectSizeExceeded = 'CollectSizeExceeded',

interface FileError {
    name: string; // error file name
    type: FileErrorType; // type
    message?: string; // detailed message

interface Request {
    requestId?: string; // for WebSocket requests
    cmd: Cmd[];
    pipeMapping?: PipeMap[];

interface CancelRequest {
    cancelRequestId: string;

// WebSocket request
type WSRequest = Request | CancelRequest;

interface Result {
    status: Status;
    error?: string; // potential system error message
    exitStatus: number;
    time: number;   // ns (cgroup recorded time)
    memory: number; // byte
    runTime: number; // ns (wall clock time)
    // copyFile name -> content
    files?: {[name:string]:string};
    // copyFileCached name -> fileId
    fileIds?: {[name:string]:string};
    // fileError contains detailed file errors
    fileError?: FileError[];

// WebSocket results
interface WSResult {
    requestId: string;
    results: Result[];
    error?: string;

// Stream request & responses
interface Resize {
    index: number;
    fd: number;
    rows: number;
    cols: number;
    x: number;
    y: number;

interface Input {
    index: number;
    fd: number;
    content: Buffer;

interface Output {
    index: number;
    fd: number;
    content: Buffer;

Example Request & Response

var ffi = require('ffi-napi');

var go_judge = ffi.Library('./go_judge', {
    'Init': ['int', ['string']],
    'Exec': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileList': ['string', []],
    'FileAdd': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileGet': ['string', ['string']],
    'FileDelete': ['string', ['string']]

if (go_judge.Init(JSON.stringify({
    cinitPath: "/judge/cinit",
    parallelism: 4,
}))) {
    console.log("Failed to init go judge");

const result = JSON.parse(go_judge.Exec(JSON.stringify({
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "test.txt": {
                "content": "TEST"

// Async
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "test.txt"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "test.txt": {
                "content": "TEST"
}), (err, res) => {
    if (err) throw err;

const fileAdd = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    go_judge.FileAdd.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileList = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    go_judge.FileList.async((err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(JSON.parse(res)); }
const fileGet = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    go_judge.FileGet.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }
const fileDelete = (param) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    go_judge.FileDelete.async(JSON.stringify(param), (err, res) => {
        if (err != null && res == null) { reject(err); } else { resolve(res); }

const fileOps = async () => {
    const fileId = await fileAdd({ name: 'Name', content: 'Content' });
    const list = await fileList();
    const file = await fileGet({ id: fileId });
    const d = await fileDelete({ id: fileId });
    const e = await fileList();



  requestId: '',
  results: [
      status: 'Accepted',
      exitStatus: 0,
      time: 814048,
      memory: 253952,
      files: [Object]

Please use PostMan or similar tools to send request to http://localhost:5050/run

Single (this example require `apt install g++` inside the container)
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "": {
                "content": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
        "copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
        "copyOutCached": ["", "a"]
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 303225231,
        "memory": 32243712,
        "runTime": 524177700,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""
        "fileIds": {
            "a": "5LWIZAA45JHX4Y4Z",
            "": "NOHPGGDTYQUFRSLJ"
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["a"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": "1 1"
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "a": {
                "fileId": "5LWIZAA45JHX4Y4Z"
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 1173000,
        "memory": 10637312,
        "runTime": 1100200,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": "2\n"
Multiple (interaction problem)
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/bin/cat", "1"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, null, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 1000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 1048576,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "1": { "content": "TEST 1" }
        "copyOut": ["stderr"]
        "args": ["/bin/cat"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [null, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 1000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 1048576,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"]
    "pipeMapping": [{
        "in" : {"index": 0, "fd": 1 },
        "out" : {"index": 1, "fd" : 0 }
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 1545123,
        "memory": 253952,
        "runTime": 4148800,
        "files": {
            "stderr": ""
        "fileIds": {}
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 1501463,
        "memory": 253952,
        "runTime": 5897700,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": "TEST 1"
        "fileIds": {}
Compile On Windows (cygwin)
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["C:\\Cygwin\\bin\\g++", "", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=C:\\Cygwin\\bin;"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "": {
                "content": "#include <iostream>\n#include <signal.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
        "copyOutCached": ["a.exe"]
        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 140625000,
        "memory": 36286464,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""
        "fileIds": {
            "a.exe": "HLQH2OF4MXUUJBCB"
Infinite loop with cpu rate control
 "cmd": [{
  "args": ["/usr/bin/python3", ""],
  "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
  "files": [{"content": ""}, {"name": "stdout","max": 10240}, {"name": "stderr","max": 10240}],
  "cpuLimit": 3000000000,
  "clockLimit": 4000000000,
  "memoryLimit": 104857600,
  "procLimit": 50,
  "cpuRate": 0.1,
  "copyIn": {
    "": {
      "content": "while True:\n    pass"
        "status": "Time Limit Exceeded",
        "exitStatus": 9,
        "time": 414803599,
        "memory": 3657728,
        "runTime": 4046054900,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""



  • Linux Kernel Version >= 3.10
  • Cgroup file system mounted at /sys/fs/cgroup. Usually done by systemd


| Transport Layer (HTTP / WebSocket / FFI / ...)                                   |
| Sandbox Worker (Environment Pool w/ Environment Builder )                        |
| EnvExec                                                   | File Store           |
| Linux (go-sandbox) | Windows (winc) | macOS (app sandbox) | Shared Memory | Disk |

Command Line Arguments


  • The default binding address for the go judge is localhost:5050. Can be specified with -http-addr flag.
  • By default gRPC endpoint is disabled, to enable gRPC endpoint, add -enable-grpc flag.
  • The default binding address for the gRPC go judge is localhost:5051. Can be specified with -grpc-addr flag.
  • The default log level is info, use -silent to disable logs or use -release to enable release logger (auto turn on if in docker).
  • -auth-token to add token-based authentication to REST / gRPC
  • By default, the GO debug endpoints (localhost:5052/debug) are disabled, to enable, specifies -enable-debug, and it also enables debug log
  • By default, the prometheus metrics endpoints (localhost:5052/metrics) are disabled, to enable, specifies -enable-metrics
  • Monitoring HTTP endpoint is enabled if metrics / debug is enabled, the default addr is localhost:5052 and can be specified by -monitor-addr


  • The default concurrency equal to number of CPU, Can be specified with -parallelism flag.
  • The default file store is in memory, local cache can be specified with -dir flag.
  • The default CGroup prefix is gojudge, Can be specified with -cgroup-prefix flag.
  • -src-prefix to restrict src copyIn path split by comma (need to be absolute path) (example: /bin,/usr)
  • -time-limit-checker-interval specifies time limit checker interval (default 100ms) (valid value: [1ms, 1s])
  • -output-limit specifies size limit of POSIX rlimit of output (default 256MiB)
  • -extra-memory-limit specifies the additional memory limit to check memory limit exceeded (default 16KiB)
  • -copy-out-limit specifies the default file copy out max (default 64MiB)
  • -open-file-limit specifies the max number of open files (default 256)
  • -cpuset specifies cpuset.cpus cgroup for each container (Linux only)
  • -container-cred-start specifies container setuid / setgid credential start point (default: 0 (disabled)) (Linux only)
    • for example, by default container 0 will run with 10001 uid & gid and container 1 will run with 10002 uid & gid...
  • -enable-cpu-rate enabled cpu cgroup to control cpu rate using cfs_quota & cfs_period control (Linux only)
    • -cpu-cfs-period specifies cfs_period if cpu rate is enabled (default 100ms) (valid value: [1ms, 1s])
  • -seccomp-conf specifies seccomp filter setting to load when running program (need build tag seccomp) (Linux only)
    • for example, by strace -c prog to get all syscall needed and restrict to that sub set
    • however, the syscall count in one platform(e.g. x86_64) is not suitable for all platform, so this option is not recommended
    • the program killed by seccomp filter will have status Dangerous Syscall
  • -pre-fork specifies number of container to create when server starts
  • -tmp-fs-param specifies the tmpfs parameter for /w and /tmp when using default mounting (Linux only)
  • -file-timeout specifies maximum TTL for file created in file store (e.g. 30m)
  • -mount-conf specifies detailed mount configuration, please refer mount.yaml as a reference (Linux only)
  • -container-init-path specifies path to cinit (do not use, debug only) (Linux only)

Environment Variables

Environment variable will be override by command line arguments if they both present and all command line arguments have its correspond environment variable (e.g. ES_HTTP_ADDR). Run go-judge --help to see all the environment variable configurations.

Build go judge

Build by your own docker build -t go-judge -f Dockerfile.exec .

For cgroup v1, the go-judge need root privilege to create cgroup. Either creates sub-directory /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/go_judge, /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/go_judge, /sys/fs/cgroup/pids/go_judge and make execution user readable or use sudo to run it.

For cgroup v2, systemd dbus will be used to create a transient scope for cgroup integration.

Build Shared object

Build container init cinit:

go build -o cinit ./cmd/cinit


go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ./cmd/ffi/

For example, in JavaScript, run with ffi-napi (seems node 14 is not supported yet):

Build gRPC Proxy

Build go build ./cmd/go-judge-proxy

Run ./go-judge-proxy, connect to gRPC endpoint expose as a REST endpoint.

Build go judge Shell

Build go build ./cmd/go-judge-shell

Run ./go-judge-shell, connect to gRPC endpoint with interactive shell.

Return Status

  • Accepted: Program exited with status code 0 within time & memory limits
  • Memory Limit Exceeded: Program uses more memory than memory limits
  • Time Limit Exceeded:
    • Program uses more CPU time than cpuLimit
    • Or, program uses more clock time than clockLimit
  • Output Limit Exceeded:
    • Program output more than pipeCollector limits
    • Or, program output more than output-limit
  • File Error:
    • CopyIn file is not existed
    • Or, CopyIn file too large for container file system
    • Or, CopyOut file is not existed after program exited
  • Non Zero Exit Status: Program exited with non 0 status code within time & memory limits
  • Signalled: Program exited with signal (e.g. SIGSEGV)
  • Dangerous Syscall: Program killed by seccomp filter
  • Internal Error:
    • Program is not exist
    • Or, container create not successful (e.g. not privileged docker)
    • Or, other errors

Container Root Filesystem

For linux platform, the default mounts points are bind mounting host's /lib, /lib64, /usr, /bin, /etc/, /etc/alternatives, /etc/fpc.cfg, /dev/null, /dev/urandom, /dev/random, /dev/zero, /dev/full and mounts tmpfs at /w, /tmp and creates /proc.

To customize mount points, please look at example mount.yaml file.

tmpfs size for /w and /tmp is configured through -tmp-fs-param with default value size=128m,nr_inodes=4k

If a file named /.env exists in the container rootfs, the container will load the file as environment variable line by line.

If a bind mount is specifying a target within the previous mounted one, please ensure the target exists in the previous mount point.


  • envexec: run single / group of programs in parallel within restricted environment and resource constraints
  • env: reference implementation environments to inject into envexec

Windows Support

  • Build go-judge by: go build ./cmd/go-judge/
  • Build go_judge.dll: (need to install gcc as well) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o ./cmd/ffi/
  • Run: ./go-judge

Windows Security

MacOS Support

  • Build go-judge by: go build ./cmd/go-judge/
  • Build go_judge.dylib: (need to install XCode) go build -buildmode=c-shared -o go_judge.dylib ./cmd/ffi/
  • Run: ./go-judge

MacOS Security

  • sandbox-init profile deny network access and file read / write and read / write to /Users directory


cgroup v2 support

The cgroup v2 is supported by go-judge now when running as root since more Linux distribution are enabling cgroup v2 by default (e.g. Ubuntu 21.10+, Fedora 31+). However, for kernel < 5.19, due to missing memory.max_usage_in_bytes in memory controller, the memory usage is now accounted by maxrss returned by wait4 syscall. Thus, the memory usage appears higher than those who uses cgroup v1. For kernel >= 5.19, memory.peak is being used.

When running in containers, the go-judge will migrate all processed into /api hierarchy to enable nesting support.

When running in Linux distributions powered by systemd, the go-judge will contact systemd via dbus to create a transient scope as cgroup root.

CentOS 7

By default, user namespace is disabled and it can be enabled following stack overflow

echo user.max_user_namespaces=10000 >> /etc/sysctl.d/98-userns.conf
sysctl -p
# reboot make the config effective

Memory Usage

The controller will consume 20M memory and each container will consume 20M + size of tmpfs 2 * 128M. For each request, it consumes as much as user program limit + extra limit (16k) + total copy out max. Notice that the cached file stores in the shared memory (/dev/shm) of the host, so please ensure enough size allocated.

For example, when concurrency = 4, the container itself can consume as much as 60 + (20+32) * 4M = 268M + 4 * total copy out + total max memory of requests.

Due to limitation of GO runtime, the memory will not return to OS automatically, which could lead to OOM killer. The background worker was introduced to checks heap usage and invokes GC when necessary.

  • -force-gc-target default 20m, the minimal size to trigger GC
  • -force-gc-interval default 5s, the interval to check memory usage

WebSocket Stream Interface

Websocket stream interface is used to run command interactively with inputs and outputs pumping from the command. All message is transmitted in binary format for maximum compatibility.

| type   | payload ...
type = 
  1 - request (payload = JSON encoded request)
  2 - resize (payload = JSON encoded resize request)
  3 - input (payload = 1 byte (4-bit index + 4-bit fd), followed by content)
  4 - cancel (no payload)

type = 
  1 - response (payload = JSON encoded response)
  2 - output (payload = 1 byte (4-bit index + 4-bit fd), followed by content)

Any incomplete / invalid message will be treated as error.


By wrk with t.lua: wrk -s t.lua -c 1 -t 1 -d 30s --latency http://localhost:5050/run.

However, these results are not the real use cases since the running time depends on the actual program specifies in the request. Normally, the go judge consumes ~1ms more compare to running without sandbox.

wrk.method = "POST"
wrk.body   = '{"cmd":[{"args":["/bin/cat","a.hs"],"env":["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],"files":[{"content":""},{"name":"stdout","max":10240},{"name":"stderr","max":10240}],"cpuLimit":10000000000,"memoryLimit":104857600,"procLimit":50,"copyIn":{"a.hs":{"content":"main = putStrLn \\"Hello, World!\\""},"b":{"content":"TEST"}}}]}'
wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
  • Single thread ~800-860 op/s Windows 10 WSL2 @ 5800X
  • Multi thread ~4500-6000 op/s Windows 10 WSL2 @ 5800X

Single thread:

Running 30s test @ http://localhost:5050/run
  1 threads and 1 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.16ms  132.89us   6.20ms   90.15%
    Req/Sec     0.87k    19.33     0.91k    85.33%
  Latency Distribution
     50%    1.13ms
     75%    1.18ms
     90%    1.27ms
     99%    1.61ms
  25956 requests in 30.01s, 6.88MB read
Requests/sec:    864.88
Transfer/sec:    234.68KB

go-judge's People


arargon avatar boyanzh avatar criyle avatar dependabot[bot] avatar source-roc avatar undefined-moe avatar wxh06 avatar yzy-1 avatar zx2c4 avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

go-judge's Issues

websocket 在 close 的时候会在日志中产生一行 warning

如题。连接 ws://localhost:5050/ws 并发送一条执行请求,可以正常收到结果。但是当请求结束,客户端退出时,无论是显式调用 connection.close() 关闭连接还是直接 exit 退出程序,均会在服务端(executorserver)产生格式如同下面的 warning:

// 直接退出
{"level":"warn","ts":1663066810.5931816,"caller":"ws_executor/websocket.go:146","msg":"ws read error:websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF"}
// 显式调用 close
{"level":"warn","ts":1663066699.9190106,"caller":"ws_executor/websocket.go:146","msg":"ws read error:websocket: close 1000 (normal): Normal connection closure"}


#!/usr/bin/env node
var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;

var client = new WebSocketClient();

client.on('connectFailed', function(error) {
  console.log('Connect Error: ' + error.toString());

client.on('connect', function(connection) {
  console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');
  connection.on('error', function(error) {
    console.log("Connection Error: " + error.toString());
  connection.on('close', function() {
    console.log('echo-protocol Connection Closed');
  connection.on('message', function(message) {
    if (message.type === 'utf8') {
      console.log("Received: '" + message.utf8Data + "'");

  function test() {
    if (connection.connected) {
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "": {
                "content": "#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
        "copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
        "copyOutCached": ["", "a"],
        "copyOutDir": "1"


"message": "open a: no such file or directory"



"status": "Internal Error",
"exitStatus": 0,
"error": "execve: start: execve: no such file or directory",
"time": 255185,
"memory": 0,
"runTime": 0,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
"fileIds": {
"": "3TIW2DYO"
"fileError": [
"name": "a",
"type": "CopyOutOpen",
"message": "open a: no such file or directory"

Why did the run fail?

I installed Docker on my machine and then called your /run API, but I got this result, why did it fail?

"status": "Internal Error",
"exitStatus": 0,
"error": "failed to get environment container: failed to start container operation not permitted",
"time": 0,
"memory": 0

proposal: use tmpfs as file store on linux

Currently, the default file store is based on a map of byte array in memory.

This purposal is to implement a new file store to using tmpfs location (/dev/shm). After this change, in memory file store will be deprecated so that there will alway be a path for file store.

After this change, a new boolean field absPath will be added to Cmd. When absPath is set to true, copyOutCached fileId will prefixed with the file store location (e.g. /dev/shm/go-judge/fileId).

On other platforms, a temporary forlder will be used as file store.

This proposal is aimed to reduce the memory consumption and provides ability to access file in file srore easier for clients.

关于某段代码Non Zero Exit Status的疑问


//========--------- From Origami404, under GPLv3 ---------========//
//========--------- This file is generated automatically to avoid copying/pasting the code ---------========//
#ifndef HEADER_UTILS_H__
#define HEADER_UTILS_H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

 * @brief 检查 OOM 的 malloc 版本, 一旦 OOM 则退出程序
 * @param s 待分配字节数
 * @return void* 指向分配好的内存区域的指针, 保证非空
static inline void* checked_malloc(size_t s) {
    void *p = malloc(s);
    if (!p) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory.");
    return p;

static inline void impl__assert_with_message(char const expr[static 1], char const message[static 1], const char file[static 1], unsigned long line) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:%ld  Assert fail: %s (%s)\n", file, line, message, expr);

#define assertm(expr, message) \
    do { if ((expr)); else impl__assert_with_message(#expr, message, __FILE__, __LINE__); } while (0)

#define assert_not_null(p) \
    assertm((p), "Except a non-null pointer")

#endif // HEADER_UTILS_H__

typedef int Element;
#define STACK_SIZE 40

typedef struct Stack {
    Element data[STACK_SIZE];
    int top;
} Stack;

createStack(void) {
    Stack *p = checked_malloc(sizeof *p);
    p->top = 0;

    return p;

    Stack stack[static 1]
) {
    return stack->top == 0;

    Stack stack[static 1],
    Element element[static 1]
) {
    // assertm(stack->top != STACK_SIZE, "push on a full stack");
    if (stack->top == STACK_SIZE) {
        return false;

    stack->data[stack->top++] = *element;
    return true;

    Stack stack[static 1]
) {

    if (StackEmpty(stack)) {
        return 0;

    stack->top -= 1;
    return stack->data + stack->top;

    Stack stack[static 1]
) {

    if (StackEmpty(stack)) {
        return 0;

    return stack->data + stack->top - 1;

    Stack *stack
) {
    return free(stack);

    Stack *stack
) {
    for (int i = 0; i < stack->top; i++) {
        printf("%d ", stack->data[i]);
typedef struct Queue {
    Stack *sequence;
    Stack *reverse;
} Queue;

createQueue(void) {
    Queue *p = checked_malloc(sizeof *p);

    p->sequence = createStack();
    p->reverse = createStack();

    return p;

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    return StackEmpty(queue->sequence)
        && StackEmpty(queue->reverse);

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    return StackEmpty(queue->reverse);

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    Stack *src = 0, *dst = 0;
    if (InSeqMode(queue)) {
        src = queue->sequence;
        dst = queue->reverse;
    } else {
        src = queue->reverse;
        dst = queue->sequence;

    for (Element *e = 0; (e = Pop(src)); Push(dst, e))
        /* nothing */;

    Queue queue[static 1],
    Element *element
) {
    if (!InSeqMode(queue)) {

    return Push(queue->sequence, element);

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    if (InSeqMode(queue)) {

    return Pop(queue->reverse);

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    if (InSeqMode(queue)) {

    return GetTop(queue->reverse);

    Queue *queue
) {
    if (queue) {

    Queue queue[static 1]
) {
    if (InSeqMode(queue)) {
        for (int i = 0; i < queue->sequence->top; i++) {
            printf("%d ", queue->sequence->data[i]);
    } else {
        for (int i = queue->reverse->top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            printf("%d ", queue->reverse->data[i]);

enum {
    MODE_EN = 4,
    MODE_DE = 5,
    MODE_GH = 6,
    MODE_QE = 7,

int main() {
    int mode = -1;
    Queue *queue = createQueue();

    while (scanf("%d", &mode) != EOF && mode != -1) {
        switch (mode) {
            case MODE_EN: {
                int num; scanf("%d", &num);
                while (num --> 0) {
                    int value; scanf("%d", &value);

                    if (EnQueue(queue, &value)) {
                        printf("EnQueue:%d\n", value);
                    } else {
                        puts("EnQueue failed");

            } break;

            case MODE_DE: {
                int num; scanf("%d", &num);
                while (num --> 0) {
                    int *value = DeQueue(queue);

                    if (value) {
                        printf("DeQueue:%d\n", *value);
                    } else {
                        puts("DeQueue failed");

            } break;

            case MODE_GH: {
                int *value = GetHead(queue);
                if (value) {
                    printf("GetHead:%d\n", *value);
                } else {
                    puts("GetHead failed");

            } break;

            case MODE_QE: {
                printf("The Queue is%s Empty\n", QueueEmpty(queue) ? "" : " not");
            } break;

            default: assertm(false, "Unknown mode");


    return 0;


4 6 9 8 7 6 5 4
5 20


我使用命令行gojudge,开启了grpc,在前端成功向/run post了一段代码,可以在/file下查看到,但是我前端拿不到他的返回Json,前端报错是跨域问题。

Pipe 会无视 copyOut 和 copyOutCached

调用 /run 时,files 里添加的 Pipe stdout 和 stderr,在即便没有添加 copyOut 和 copyOutCached 参数,也会被 copyOut 出来.并且能在请求 /file 时看到两个没有名字的文件,内容为 stdout 和 stderr.

请问一下这是故意这样设计的还是一个 bug?


#!/usr/bin/env node
var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client;

var client = new WebSocketClient();

client.on('connectFailed', function(error) {
  console.log('Connect Error: ' + error.toString());

client.on('connect', function(connection) {
  console.log('WebSocket Client Connected');
  connection.on('error', function(error) {
    console.log("Connection Error: " + error.toString());
  connection.on('close', function() {
    console.log('echo-protocol Connection Closed');
  connection.on('message', function(message) {
    if (message.type === 'utf8') {
      console.log("Received: '" + message.utf8Data + "'");

  function test() {
    if (connection.connected) {
    "cmd": [{
        "args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "", "-o", "a"],
        "env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
        "files": [{
            "content": ""
        }, {
            "name": "stdout",
            "max": 10240
        }, {
            "name": "stderr",
            "max": 10240
        "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
        "memoryLimit": 104857600,
        "procLimit": 50,
        "copyIn": {
            "": {
                "content": "COMPILE_ERROR!!!;\n}"
        "copyOut": [],
        "copyOutCached": []



WebSocket Client Connected
Received: '{"requestId":"hello","results":[{"status":"Nonzero Exit Status","exitStatus":1,"time":11284000,"memory":11886592,"runTime":53288945,"files":{"stderr":" error: 'COMPILE_ERROR' does not name a type\n    1 | COMPILE_ERROR!!!;\n      | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~\ error: expected declaration before '}' to ken\n    2 | }\n      | ^\n","stdout":""}}]}'
echo-protocol Connection Closed

请求 /file 的回复:





    "cmd": [
            "args": [
                "/usr/bin/g++ Main.cpp -std=c++20 -O2 -DONLINE_JUDGE -w -fmax-errors=1 -lm -o Main"
            "env": [
            "files": [
                    "content": ""
                    "name": "stdout",
                    "max": 10240
                    "name": "stderr",
                    "max": 10240
            "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
            "clockLimit": 20000000000,
            "memoryLimit": 536870912,
            "procLimit": 128,
            "copyIn": {
                "Main.cpp": {
                    "content": "#include<bits/stdc++.h>\nusing namespace std;\nint main()\n{\n\tint a,b;\n\tcin>>a>>b;\n\tcout<<a+b<<endl;\n}"
            "copyOut": [
            "copyOutCached": [



  • 我们的实体服务器规格为CPU32核,内存64GB,系统Ubuntu 18.04(部署于256GB固态上),OJ采用docker-compose部署(文件挂载于500GB的机械硬盘上)。
  • OJ网页端启动了8个队列并行向go-jduge发送判题请求,也就是说同一时间最多有8个请求发给go-judge。
  • 在个人电脑上部署系统,无法复现这个问题,所以我猜想是否跟高并发有关?



我在window上运行测试环境,在cmd中启动沙盒,启动参数参数为executorserver_1.6.8_windows_amd64.exe -dir ./test
由于copyOutDir使用相对定位转存文件,同时在windows中的临时目录不容易定位,所以使用了-dir 设置为本地缓存(也测试不使用-dir 参数启动,但转存的文件同样是空(文件大小为0KB))
为了避免可能是因为windows权限的问题,在使用-dir ./test 测试时,已经提前将test文件夹的权限设置为了任何用户都可以读写


    "cmd": [
            "args": [
            "env": [
            "files": [
                    "content": ""
                    "name": "stdout",
                    "max": 33554432
                    "name": "stderr",
                    "max": 33554432
            "cpuLimit": 10000000000,
            "clockLimit": 10000000000,
            "memoryLimit": 536870912,
            "procLimit": 128,
            "stackLimit": 268435456,
            "copyIn": {
                "main.cpp": {
                    "content": "#include<iostream>\nusing namespace std;\n\nint main() {\n    string s;\n    cin>>s;\n    cout<<s<<endl;\n    \n    return 0;\n}"
            "copyOut": [
            "copyOutCached": [
            "copyOutDir": "123456"


        "status": "Accepted",
        "exitStatus": 0,
        "time": 359375000,
        "memory": 53260288,
        "runTime": 0,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "",
            "stdout": ""

proposal: add detailed error information for file error

Currently, when there's a FileError, it is hard to know which file causes the error and the details about the error.

This proposal is to add more detailed file error information to the response with file name and error type with array field fileError.

interface FileError {
    name: string;
    errorType: FileErrorType

enum FileErrorType {

Contact method

Do you have Discord? I'm planning to make a online judge platform and need some help with go-sandbox, can you give me your Discord? Thanks in advance.




import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data1 = pd.read_csv(r'')
data2 = pd.read_csv(r'')
data3 = data1.merge(data2,on='地区',how='left')
nan_num = data3.isna().sum().sum()

row_duplicated = data3.duplicated().sum()
barh_data = barh_data = data3.groupby('省/自治区').agg({'利润':'sum','销售额':'sum'}).sort_values('利润',ascending=True)
barh = barh_data.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(16,12),width=0.8)
tem_data = pd.pivot_table(data=data3,values=['销售额'],index=['地区经理'],columns=['类别'],aggfunc='sum')#使用透视函数筛选数据
for i in range(tem_data.shape[0]):
data4 = data3[(data3['销售额']>1000) & (data3['利润']<0)]


{"cmd":[{"args":["/usr/bin/python3",""],"cpuLimit":1000000000,"files":[{"content":""},{"max":9999999,"name":"stdout"},{"max":9999999,"name":"stderr"}],"realCpuLimit":2000000000,"memoryLimit":104857600,"copyIn":{"":{"content":"import numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\ndata1 = pd.read_csv(r'0.csv') \ndata2 = pd.read_csv(r'1.csv') \ndata3 = data1.merge(data2,on='地区',how='left')\ndata3.head(5)#查看合并后数据的前5行\nnan_num = data3.isna().sum().sum()\nrow_duplicated = data3.duplicated().sum()\nbarh_data = barh_data = data3.groupby('省/自治区').agg({'利润':'sum','销售额':'sum'}).sort_values('利润',ascending=True)\nbarh_data.head()#查看数据前5行\nbarh = barh_data.plot(kind='barh',figsize=(16,12),width=0.8)\nplt.title('各省市销售额&利润条形图',fontdict={'fontsize':20})\nplt.xlabel('金额(元)')\nplt.ylabel('省/自治区')\nplt.grid()\nplt.legend()\\ntem_data = pd.pivot_table(data=data3,values=['销售额'],index=['地区经理'],columns=['类别'],aggfunc='sum')#使用透视函数筛选数据\ntem_data.head()#查看数据前5行\nfor i in range(tem_data.shape[0]):\n tem_data.iloc[i].plot(marker='o',ls='--',figsize=(16,7))\nplt.title('地区经理&商品类别销售额折线图',fontsize=20)\nplt.xlabel('类别')\nplt.ylabel('金额(元)')\nplt.legend()\nplt.grid()\\ndata4 = data3[(data3['销售额']>1000) & (data3['利润']<0)]\n\nprint(data1.shape[0])"},"1.csv":{"content":" #############################内容太长,超出了输入框限制,具体内容在1.py中涉及到的csv文件中################ "}},"env":["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],"procLimit":50}]}


[{"status":"Nonzero Exit Status","exitStatus":1,"time":773798045,"memory":47820800,"runTime":458349828,"files":{"stderr":"Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/w/\", line 3, in \u003cmodule\u003e\n import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 892, in \u003cmodule\u003e\n dict.update(rcParams, _rc_params_in_file(matplotlib_fname()))\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 569, in matplotlib_fname\n for fname in gen_candidates():\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 566, in gen_candidates\n yield os.path.join(get_configdir(), 'matplotlibrc')\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 275, in wrapper\n ret = func(**kwargs)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 512, in get_configdir\n return _get_config_or_cache_dir(_get_xdg_config_dir)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 471, in _get_config_or_cache_dir\n configdir = Path(xdg_base_getter(), \"matplotlib\")\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/matplotlib/\", line 452, in _get_xdg_config_dir\n return os.environ.get('XDG_CONFIG_HOME') or str(Path.home() / \".config\")\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 998, in home\n return cls(\"~\").expanduser()\n File \"/usr/lib/python3.10/\", line 1438, in expanduser\n raise RuntimeError(\"Could not determine home directory.\")\nRuntimeError: Could not determine home directory.\n","stdout":""}}]


import os os.environ['MPLCONFIGDIR'] = os.getcwd() + "/configs/"
[{"status":"Time Limit Exceeded","exitStatus":9,"time":1100516463,"memory":57921536,"runTime":1004221715,"files":{"stderr":"Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file\n","stdout":""}}]


Why did the run fail?

I installed Docker on my machine and then called your /run API, but I got this result, why did it fail?

"status": "Internal Error",
"exitStatus": 0,
"error": "failed to get environment container: failed to start container operation not permitted",
"time": 0,
"memory": 0

可不可以添加一个 Status.UnmarshalJSON 方法?

您好作者,可不可以在 cmd/executorserver/model/model.go 中添加一个 Status.UnmarshalJSON 方法,来把字符串再转回枚举?

我在用 go 对 executorserver 提供的 REST API 包装时遇到的问题:没有办法将 API 返回的 json 数据转回 Result。具体原因是无法将 Marshal 出来的 string 重新变成枚举。


  • Q: 为什么不重新写一个 "MyResult" 结构体,然后写个函数把 API 返回的 json 数据转成 "MyResult"?
  • A: 万一那天这个项目更新,把 model.Result 结构体重写了,我的包装不就出 bug 了吗?我想使我的包装一直兼容这个项目的最新 Release。


centos7 kernel:3.10.0-1160.11.1.el7.x86_64
prefork environment failed container: failed to start container fork/exec /proc/self/exe: invalid argument

proposal: use file to collect output in container on linux

Currently, for pipeCollector, a pipe will be created and the write end will be duplicated into the container process. On the read end, a goroutine will be created to copy the output into a memory buffer. After the proposal #20, the memory buffer will be replaced by a temporary file, but a goroutine is still needed in order to copy the output content.

This proposal is to implement output collector via files in container. A new boolean field pipe will be added to pipeCollector.

interface Collector {
    name: string; // file name in copyOut
    max: number;  // maximum bytes to collect
    pipe: boolean; // collect via pipe (the default value is undetermined now)

When pipe is false, a file will be created inside container file system (e.g. /tmp/:tempfilename) and open in write-only mode. The file decriptor will be duplicated to the process and the file will be copied out after execution.

With this change, the container default tmpfs size will be increased (e.g. from 16M -> 128M or 256M) to fit the need. Also, a field outputMax will be added to Cmd to override posix rlimit for output provided by cli arguments.

On the other platform, these field will be ignored.


在windows上使用示例进行编译时,指定了文件的本地存储路径,-dir local_path


"copyIn":{"":{"content":"#include <iostream>\nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"}},


    "memory":0,"error":"The parameter is incorrect.",
    "fileError":[{"type":"CopyOutOpen","message":"open C:\\Users\\zzzyc\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\es1880656414/a: The system cannot find the file specified.","name":"a"}],
    "status":"Internal Error"


[Help] Compile and execute submited solution on Windows 10

Hi, I'm trying to compile and execute submited solution on Windows 10. I can compile the solution by sending this to /run

  "cmd": [
      "args": [
      "env": [
      "files": [
          "content": ""
          "name": "stdout",
          "max": 33554432
          "name": "stderr",
          "max": 33554432
      "cpuLimit": 16000000000,
      "realCpuLimit": 48000000000,
      "memoryLimit": 536870912,
      "strictMemoryLimit": false,
      "procLimit": 32,
      "copyIn": {
        "": {
          "content": "#include <bits/stdc++.h>\r\nusing namespace std;\r\nint a,b;\r\nint main() {\r\n    freopen(\"\", \"r\", stdin);\r\n    freopen(\"a+b.out\", \"w\", stdout);\r\n     \r\n    ios::sync_with_stdio(0);\r\n    cin.tie(0);\r\n    cout.tie(0);\r\n    cin >> a;\r\n    cin >> b;\r\n    cout << (a+b);\r\n    return 0;\r\n}"
      "copyOut": [],
      "copyOutCached": [

On Linux, I can pass /w/code to args field to execute the compiled solution. But on Windows I don't know how. I tried setting the output path to something like g:\run\code.exe for code.exe but i get error like below (I run executorserver-amd64.exe as adminstrator and also change permission to Eveyrone for g:\run with Full control )

[{'status':'Nonzero Exit Status','exitStatus':1,'time':1046875000,'memory':75116544,'runTime':0,'files':{'stderr':'/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-cygwin/11/../../../../x86_64-pc-cygwin/bin/ld: cannot open output file g:\\code.exe: Permission denied\ncollect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status\n','stdout':''},'fileError':[{'name':'code.exe','type':'CopyOutOpen','message':'open C:\\Users\\ADMINI~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\es4154887469/code.exe: The system cannot find the file specified.'}]}]

Please help me.
Thank a lot.



feat request: kill task

on a websocket connection, run operation returns a taskId, and allow kill the specific task with id immediately (even when time limit isn't reached)

build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined\n

操作系统 docker ubuntu

apt install golang


build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined\n


    "cmd": [
            "args": [
            "env": [
            "files": [
                    "content": ""
                    "name": "stdout",
                    "max": 33554432
                    "name": "stderr",
                    "max": 33554432
            "cpuLimit": 2000000000000000,
            "clockLimit": 2000000000000000,
            "memoryLimit": 2000000000,
            "procLimit": 128,
            "copyIn": {
                "solution.go": {
                    "content": "package main\nimport \"fmt\"\nfunc main() {\n\tfmt.Printf(\"Hello, World!\")\n}"
            "copyOut": [
            "copyOutCached": [


        "status": "Nonzero Exit Status",
        "exitStatus": 1,
        "time": 84176000,
        "memory": 17809408,
        "runTime": 57885751,
        "files": {
            "stderr": "build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and neither $XDG_CACHE_HOME nor $HOME are defined\n",
            "stdout": ""
        "fileError": [
                "name": "solution",
                "type": "CopyOutOpen",
                "message": "open solution: no such file or directory"

运行4天之后全部报File Error

以docker容器运行4天之后,突然对所有请求(包括以前正常的请求)都返回File Error,error字段内容:

write /dev/shm/executorserver796031983/JWUUBQBH: no space left on device



               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:            62Gi       8.2Gi       3.9Gi        30Mi        50Gi        53Gi
Swap:           15Gi       0.0Ki        15Gi


出现“execve: start: execve: no such file or directory“错误

以下是我发送和接受的数据,按照 中的命令写的发送数据,但是不知道什么原因发生了错误。

	'headers': {
		'Content-type': 'application/json'
	'json': {
		'cmd': [{
			'args': ['/usr/bin/python3', '-c', '"import py_compile; py_compile.compile(\'\', \'solution.pyc\', doraise=True)"'],
			'env': ['PATH=/usr/bin:/bin'],
			'files': [{
				'content': ''
			}, {
				'name': 'stdout',
				'max': 10240
			}, {
				'name': 'stderr',
				'max': 10240
			'cpuLimit': 3000000000,
			'memoryLimit': 268435456,
			'procLimit': 50,
			'copyIn': {
				'': {
					'content': 'a, b = map(int, input().split())\r\nprint(a + b)'
			'copyOut': ['stdout', 'stderr'],
			'copyOutCached': [''],
			'copyOutDir': '1'

	'status': 'Accepted',
	'exitStatus': 0,
	'time': 18214425,
	'memory': 3575808,
	'runTime': 27775827,
	'files': {
		'stderr': '',
		'stdout': ''
	'fileIds': {

	'headers': {
		'Content-type': 'application/json'
	'json': {
		'cmd': [{
			'args': ['python3', ''],
			'env': ['PATH=/usr/bin:/bin'],
			'files': [{
				'content': ''
			}, {
				'name': 'stdout',
				'max': 10240
			}, {
				'name': 'stderr',
				'max': 10240
			'cpuLimit': 3000000000,
			'memoryLimit': 268435456,
			'procLimit': 50,
			'strictMemoryLimit': False,
			'copyIn': {
				'': {
					'fileId': '43IVBW5NICQAAAHX'

	'status': 'Internal Error',
	'exitStatus': 0,
	'error': 'execve: start: execve: no such file or directory',
	'time': 217028,
	'memory': 131072,
	'runTime': 0,
	'files': {
		'stderr': '',
		'stdout': ''



系统:CentOS 8.2 64位
安装方式:docker run -it --rm --privileged --shm-size=256m -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver
"cmd": [{
"args": ["/usr/bin/g++", "", "-o", "a"],
"env": ["PATH=/usr/bin:/bin"],
"files": [{
"content": ""
}, {
"name": "stdout",
"max": 10240
}, {
"name": "stderr",
"max": 10240
"cpuLimit": 10000000000,
"memoryLimit": 104857600,
"procLimit": 50,
"copyIn": {
"": {
"content": "#include \nusing namespace std;\nint main() {\nint a, b;\ncin >> a >> b;\ncout << a + b << endl;\n}"
"copyOut": ["stdout", "stderr"],
"copyOutCached": ["", "a"],
"copyOutDir": "1"
"status": "Internal Error",
"exitStatus": 0,
"error": "execve: start: execve: no such file or directory",
"time": 319510,
"memory": 0,
"runTime": 0,
"files": {
"stderr": "",
"stdout": ""
"fileIds": {
"": "C4IBYMMQ"
"fileError": [
"name": "a",
"type": "CopyOutOpen",
"message": "open a: no such file or directory"

在用了除 gRPC 外其他传输层时,无法向 sandbox 中添加二进制文件

在使用除 gRPC 外其他传输层时(HTTP / WebSocket / FFI 等)时,数据都是以 JSON 方式传递的,然而 struct CmdFile 里的 Content 被声明称了 *string 类型:

// CmdFile defines file from multiple source including local / memory / cached or pipe collector
type CmdFile struct {
Src *string `json:"src"`
Content *string `json:"content"`
FileID *string `json:"fileId"`
Name *string `json:"name"`
Max *int64 `json:"max"`
Pipe bool `json:"pipe"`

也就是说,似乎是没办法把一个二进制文件作为调用 /run 时的 copyIn 直接扔到沙盒里去.我尝试了下面几种方法:

  • 使用 README 中的方式,传一个 Buffer 进去,但是直接返回 json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field CmdFile.cmd.files.content of type string
  • 使用 buffer.toString('binary'),这样倒是可以传进沙盒,但是沙盒里面的文件会变,比如一个值(十进制)为 $200$ 的 byte 会变成 $195$$136$ 两个 byte.

如果仅是这样那么问题还不是很大,至少可以通过 file post 先把文件传入沙盒,再用 fileId 来在 cmd 中使用文件.但是 FFI 传输层中的 FileAdd 仍然是接受 JSON 字符串作为参数.也就是说,在使用 FFI 时,这个问题目前无解.

顺便提个建议,由于存在二进制文件,且 JSON 里没有对应 byte 的类型,JSON 不太适合作为这个项目的信息传输格式.在假设把 CmdFile 里的 Content 重构成 []byte 类型后,一个 byte 在 JSON 中会占用四个 byte 的空间(包含三个十进制数位和一个逗号),因此建议采用一些更加适合的格式.需要注意的是,BSON 由于其 16 MB 的最大文档大小,同样也不是一个适合的格式.或许 MessagePack 是一个较优的选择.

关于文件上传api /file POST 上传失败

请问这个上传文件的api /file POST 在上传一个文件时报错

ERROR [email protected]/zap.go:62 http: no such file /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zap.go:62*Context).Next /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/context.go:168*Engine).handleHTTPRequest /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/gin.go:555*Engine).ServeHTTP /home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/gin.go:511 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.17.7/x64/src/net/http/server.go:2879 net/http.(*conn).serve /opt/hostedtoolcache/go/1.17.7/x64/src/net/http/server.go:1930

给 grpc.go 中 FileGet 函数中返回的错误加上 code

目前的 FileGet 函数在调用时,如果出现与服务器断开连接和或者是文件不存在,均会返回一个 error。我现在有一份代码,需要将这两种错误区分,所以建议在这里 error return 的时候用 status.Error 包装一下,给它加上一个 codes.NotFound 或者什么的,以便调用时区分是哪一种错误。

func (e *execServer) FileGet(c context.Context, f *pb.FileID) (*pb.FileContent, error) {
name, file := e.fs.Get(f.GetFileID())
r, err := envexec.FileToReader(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

以及,这个地方由于是删了不存在的文件造成的错误,建议 error code 改成 codes.NotFound

func (e *execServer) FileDelete(c context.Context, f *pb.FileID) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
ok := e.fs.Remove(f.GetFileID())
if !ok {
return nil, status.Errorf(codes.InvalidArgument, "file id does not exists for %v", f.GetFileID())
return &emptypb.Empty{}, nil

optional copyOut

当要求选手使用文件IO,但选手未创建文件时会返回File Error,且message无法判断是选手文件丢失还是其他文件丢失(同时返回错误文件名)?




如果代码中有使用了多个类,例如内部类,new一个类,那么编译后会形成多个class文件,例如Main.class, Main$sc.class....,这样的多个文件, copyOutCached很难明确指明每个class的名称,编译后只能返回Main.class的FileId,再次发送Main.class的FileId进行java Main运行的请求,就会出现ClassNotFound的报错,可能新的请求已经不在原来编译的文件夹进行运行了,所以代码中那些类的class文件已经丢失或不在新的请求创建的文件夹里面,那该如何解决这个问题呢?

go 1.19编译失败

用go1.19,编译时执行go build ./cmd/exectorserver命令会出现下面的错误:

# nosplit stack over 792 byte limit<1>
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
        24 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit
    grows 744 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall<1>
        grows 72 bytes, calls syscall.RawSyscall6<1>
            grows 72 bytes, calls runtime/internal/syscall.Syscall6<1>
            96 bytes over limit




2022/11/08 03:56:50 prefork environment failed container: failed to start container fork/exec /proc/self/exe: invalid argument

docker run -it --rm --privileged --shm-size=256m -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver


[root@host-59-74-224-30 ~]# echo user.max_user_namespaces=10000 >> /etc/sysctl.d/98-userns.conf
[root@host-59-74-224-30 ~]# sysctl -p
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
[root@host-59-74-224-30 ~]# echo user.max_user_namespaces=10000 >> /etc/sysctl.d/98-userns.conf
[root@host-59-74-224-30 ~]# docker run -it --rm --privileged --shm-size=256m -p 5050:5050 criyle/executorserver
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.046213,"caller":"executorserver/main.go:62","msg":"config loaded: &{ContainerInitPath: PreFork:1 TmpFsParam:size=128m,nr_inodes=4k NetShare:false MountConf:mount.yaml SeccompConf:seccomp.yaml Parallelism:16 CgroupPrefix:executor_server ContainerCredStart:0 SrcPrefix: Dir: TimeLimitCheckerInterval:100ms ExtraMemoryLimit:16.0 KiB OutputLimit:256.0 MiB CopyOutLimit:64.0 MiB OpenFileLimit:256 Cpuset: EnableCPURate:false CPUCfsPeriod:100ms FileTimeout:0s HTTPAddr::5050 EnableGRPC:false GRPCAddr::5051 MonitorAddr::5052 AuthToken: EnableDebug:false EnableMetrics:false Release:true Silent:false ForceGCTarget:20.0 MiB ForceGCInterval:5s Version:false}"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0463336,"caller":"executorserver/main.go:273","msg":"random seed: 2408806125596027837"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0476985,"caller":"env/env_linux.go:59","msg":"Created container mount at:Mounts: bind[/bin:bin:ro], bind[/lib:lib:ro], bind[/lib64:lib64:ro], bind[/usr:usr:ro], bind[/etc/], bind[/etc/alternatives:etc/alternatives:ro], bind[/dev/null:dev/null:rw], bind[/dev/urandom:dev/urandom:rw], bind[/dev/random:dev/random:rw], bind[/dev/zero:dev/zero:rw], bind[/dev/full:dev/full:rw], tmpfs[w], tmpfs[tmp], proc[ro]"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0477355,"caller":"env/env_linux.go:76","msg":"Kernel version (3.10) < 4.6, don't unshare cgroup"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0477455,"caller":"env/env_linux.go:97","msg":"Creating container builder: hostName=executor_server, domainName=executor_server, workDir=/w"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0478673,"caller":"env/env_linux.go:129","msg":"Test created cgroup builder with: cgroup builder(v1): [cpuset, cpuacct, memory, pids]"}
{"level":"info","ts":1667879810.0675452,"caller":"executorserver/main.go:281","msg":"create 1 prefork containers"}
2022/11/08 03:56:50 prefork environment failed container: failed to start container fork/exec /proc/self/exe: invalid argument

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