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jquery-confirm's People


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jquery-confirm's Issues

content load via Ajax flexibility.

Currently content is loaded via ajax through a URL string,
NO flexibility to modify request type or callbacks are provided.

Proposed change:
property content will accept function that will return a jquery ajax promise.

Call a server function while confirm button is pressed in project

I am trying to use your library in my webform page. I want to call a server function while confirm button will be pressed. so I have written the following code with help of your tutorial. But it's been seen that the calling of server function is not working. I am giving my code bellow. Can anyone please give me any suggestion.

script type="text/javascript">
$('.example4').on('click', function (e) {
confirmBox = function() {
keyboardEnabled: true,
title: 'Confirm!',
content: 'Are you sure to move to next page',
confirmButton: "YES",
cancelButton: "NO",
confirm: function () {
$("[id*=<%= btnOk.ClientID %>]").click();
cancel: function () {

Accept inputs

Hi, it is nice jquery plugin. I want to see some input feature, let say for example, a dialog that asks for input of your name, just something like that,.

Hope you consider my suggestion.

God bless

trim issue

it's a better way to replace this.confirmButton.trim() with $.trim(this.confirmButton) at lin 10,2080 in jquery-confirm.min.js and others

Customize size using bootstrap columns.

Plus points:

  • User can define the desired Column width.
  • Multiple Column widths can be defined when used in responsive environment.

something like
col-md-3 -> 1/4th the size
col-md-6 -> half the size
col-xs-12 -> full width
you know the rest.

Thank you note


We just wanted to thank you for this SUPER AMAZING plugin and making our life much more simpler.

You made us needless of any other plugin and headache of searching the confirm,alert,dialog... plugins.

We wish you the best of lucks.
Keep this awesome job up.

Faratech Data Processing Inc.
Technical Department

Store number of open Dialogs

Maintain a Object with number of dialogues currently opened, (useful while stacking dialogues).
and also Maintain a Object with number of dialogues closed. (for reference).

prevent alert closing.

Prevent alert closing if the form inside model is not validated.
The $.dialog has a form fetched from URL and needs to be validated before modal close.

The buttons override each other in supervan theme


With code:

        title: "הכניסו את כתובת האימייל",
        confirmButton: "המשיכו בתהליך הרישום",
        cancelButton: "ביטול",            
        rtl: true,
        theme: "supervan",
        content: "<div class=\"form-group\">"+
            "<input autofocus type=\"text\" id=\"input-name\" placeholder=\"כתובת אימייל\" class=\"form-control\">"+
        "<p class=\"text-danger\" style=\"display:none\">לא הוכנסה כתובת אימייל</p>",
        confirm: function () {
            var input = this.$b.find("input#input-name");
            var errorText = this.$b.find(".text-danger");
            if (input.val() == "") {
                return false;
            } else {
                alert("Hello " + input.val());


this confirm can't block the function?

like the following code: "the second msg" first alert
icon: 'fa fa-warning',
title: 'title',
content: 'test',
confirmButton: 'sure',
cancelButton: 'cancel',
confirm: function () {
alert("the first msg");
cancel:function() {
flag= false;
alert("the second msg");

$.alert is not a function

Hi !

Can you help me about jquery-confirm? In my project, I use jquery-confirm.js to show alert dialog and then go back to previous page. I call it in code behide and java-script function(alert dialog) was stored in messageBox.js file.

messageBox.js here:

function AlertMsgThenGoBackHistory(message)

        title: 'Alert!',
        icon: 'fa fa-infomation',
        content: message,
        theme: 'white',
        confirmButton: 'Close',
           confirmButtonClass: 'btn-primary',
           cancelButtonClass: 'btn-primary',
        confirm: function(){


In my aspx page, I include all libs for jquery-confirm.
In code behide,I call to AlertMsgThenGoBackHistory:

string Message = string.Format("<script type='text/javascript'>AlertMsgThenGoBackHistory('{0}');</script>", "Wrong data, back to previous page !");
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "message", Message, false);

But when I run my project, alert not show and it has an error
$.alert is not a function

Can you help me, please ???

Thanks !!!!

How to use in HTML page?

Could you give an example including HTML and JS file to show how to use your code in a web page?

Notify widget request

Hey man, what's up?

Thanks again for your awesome plugin.
If is possible, add notification widget too, something like bootstrap's notification plugin.

Or even light-box widget !! then will be amazing :p


Add keyboard actions

While the modal is open,
ENTER will trigger confirm function,
ESC will trigger cancel function.

animation: none

I've noticed this in the latest version (around line 97). You assign "anim-" + whatever to this.animation and then check if this.animation possibly equals "none" which should never happen.

 * Cleaning animations.
this.animation = 'anim-' + this.animation.toLowerCase();
if (this.animation === 'none')
    this.animationSpeed = 0;

autoclose Property Bugs

I am a common user of your jquery-confirm plugin,however,when recently I m using its autoclose function,I found it doesn't work well.This is your sample codes in your Website,


title: 'Delete user?',
content: 'This dialog will automatically trigger 'cancel' in 6 seconds if you don't respond.',
autoClose: 'cancel|6000',
confirm: function(){


while in latest firefox, error occured,this is the error log:

Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: <span class="countdown"></span>

Then I test it on Chrome, the logs is however more detailed:

Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: <span class="countdown"></span>
at Error (native)
at (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4:10973)
at ft (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4:17138)
at wt (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4:19823)
at (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4:6140)
at b.fn.extend.find (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4:20941)
at b.fn.b.init (.../demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3:1126)
at b (file:///C:/Users/kzu/Projects/ODC/021SourcesCode/demo/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3:206)
at Object.Jconfirm._startCountDown (.../demo/js/jquery-confirm.js:159:28)
at Object.Jconfirm._buildHTML (.../demo/js/jquery-confirm.js:152:22)st.error
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4ft
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4wt
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4st
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4b.fn.extend.find
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:4b.fn.b.init
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3b
@ jquery-1.9.1.min.js:3Jconfirm._startCountDown
@ jquery-confirm.js:159Jconfirm._buildHTML
@ jquery-confirm.js:152Jconfirm._init
@ jquery-confirm.js:67Jconfirm
@ jquery-confirm.js:61jconfirm
@ jquery-confirm.js:53$.confirm
@ jquery-confirm.js:22(anonymous function)
@ VM288:2InjectedScript._evaluateOn
@ VM287:895InjectedScript._evaluateAndWrap
@ VM287:828InjectedScript.evaluate
@ VM287:694

After that,I check the source codes,and found this line:

this.$cd = $(' <span class="countdown"></span>').appendTo(this['$' + opt[0] + 'Button']);

I don't know how it happened,but just out of Intuition,I deleted the SPACE before '<span ',however it functioned.
I don't know why,I just think it's a problem to let you know,and maybe you can update it!
By the way,thank you,that really saves me a lot of time!


Register to bower package.

Event when content loads from a file

I'd like to fill in controls that load from a file which contains the body html for the confirm dialog, but I'm not sure how to go about that. I tried var obj = $.confirm(...) and then used obj.$b.find("#chkUser").prop("checked", true); outside the definition of the dialog, but the checkbox was not checked . I know the buttons are disabled until the file loads. Is there an event (like 'confirm' and 'cancel') that fires when the content is loaded so I could set the values in that event?


Confirm dialog dissapears without even giving time to click

This is something weird, because it happens in some pages and in others don´t. The confirmation dialog appears briefly in the page without even giving time to click on it, and then (without neither performing the function inside confirm nor cancel), just quickly disappers. Is probably not an issue directly related with the plugin itself, but the truth is that when I try with the standard javascript confirm I never have that problem. If someone could give a hint about what could be the problem I would be very thankful.

Overflow content choice

Why the scrollbar to manage the overflow content is put in the modal/alert rather than on the windows (with overflow:auto ) ? On Tablet or mobile device, when the scrollbar is attach to the device screen, i think that it's better and simply to scroll content (in the case where the content overflow the height of the screen) ?

Actually :

Can be maybe better ? :

Autoheight property

First of all, thanks for this amazing, awesome plugin. Well done ;-).

Now, I've been working/playing for a few days with it, and now I have a situation where it might be cool if the height could be adjusted according to content. Have you thinking about it? A property to handle height, or a property to specify autoheight, or adjust height according to content, or something like that?

It would be great if such an option were available. It would be great, e.g., in wizards.

Thanks in advance.

Add keyboard navigation elements?


This is a really great plugin, but it is very hard to navigate without the use of a mouse, which is not good for accessibility.

Would you consider adding a focus() to dialogs right after they are launched, so users navigating by keyboard will be able to access the buttons within that alert? And, if you add role="dialog" to the wrapper div, this should restrict tabbing to within the alert, so the user can move between the clickable elements within the alert.

Relatedly - you can also consider adding ARIA support to the plugin. This will make it much more accessible to users that require screen readers.


add image contentLoaded event

Is it possible to add a contentLoaded event for image elements, so when the image loaded, We can invoke setDialogCenter method to make the dialog centered.

Great plugin, many thanks!

About excuting order

I used plugin in another function but it has worked after the function finished.
The code following is where the problem occured.
Alert always shows before the confirm shows and the value of ’canDelete‘ is always false.

I have no ideal about where was wrong.
Can you give me some suggestion?

function beforeRemove(treeId, treeNode) {

var canDelete = false;

        confirm: function(){
                    //do something
                canDelete = true;         
        cancel: function(){ 
                    //do something          
                    canDelete = false;

        return canDelete;

Jquery live Confirm issue

  • Hi all.
  • I have:


  • I use ok code bottom but only run first button 'delete' :
    $('.del').on('click', function () {
    title: 'A critical action',
    content: 'You can queue confirms, you'll be asked again for a confirmation.',
    confirmButton: 'Proceed',
    animation: 'scale',
    confirm: function () {
    alert('A very critical action triggered!');
  • But when I change code with my require ( because I have many 'delete' button) then jquery confirm don't run:

$(".del").live('click', function() {
title: 'A critical action',
content: 'You can queue confirms, you'll be asked again for a confirmation.',
confirmButton: 'Proceed',
animation: 'scale',
confirm: function () {
alert('A very critical action triggered!');

Please help me. Thanks

Question performance animation


In your code, i see :

    opacity: 0
}, this.animationSpeed / 3);

Why you don't use CSS3 animation ? It's much more optimized, no ?

use it like a normal javascript confirm

thank you for your awesome job
i'm trying to use your plugin like a normal confirm box
a made this two but it don't work !

    var c = confirm2('title','text');
    if(c == true){
        //do somthing !

function confirm2(title,msg)

    var conf = $.confirm({
        icon: 'fa fa-warning',
        title: title,
        content: msg,
        confirmButton: 'yes',
        cancelButton: 'no',
        confirmButtonClass: 'btn-danger',
        cancelButtonClass: 'btn-info',
        backgroundDismiss: false,
        confirm: function(){
            return true;
        cancel: function(){
             return false;


but it doesn't work can you help me make it work ?

Closing all alerts

Would be really nice if it would be possible to close all alert boxes with only pressing once confirm on the first alert.

Hide title if false

If the user doesn't want to set a title.
if false provided, The title will be hidden.

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