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relayer-archive's Issues

Improve logging in the handshake code

Logging needs to be improved around:

  • client, connection and channel states as they are queried for each round
  • transaction data around which identifiers are being created/updated

Move Strategies to Paths

The relayer anticipated setting one top level strategy and having all of paths relayed over by one command. After building out the functionality there seems to be a better way. Strategies should be scoped to Paths. They should also have Constraints. The proposal is as follows:

// Path represents a pair of chains and the identifiers needed to
// relay over them
type Path struct {
	Src      *PathEnd  `yaml:"src" json:"src"`
	Dst      *PathEnd  `yaml:"dst" json:"dst"`
	Strategy *StrategyCfg `yaml:"strategy" json:"strategy"`
	Index    int       `yaml:"index,omitempty" json:"index,omitempty"`

// Strategy defines which relaying strategy to take for a given path
type Strategy struct {
	Type        string       `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	Constraints []Constraint `json:"constraints" yaml:"constraints"`

// Constraint defines arguments for a strategies' execution
type Constraint struct {
	Type  string `json:"type" yaml:"type"`
	Value string `json:"value" yaml:"value"`

Constraints will be things like "only relay msgs from this address or these addresses" etc..
Strategies will validate

Make Chain an interface and cosmos-sdk-chain an implementation

We should move the Chain struct and all associated code to its own package so that it could be used by other relayer implementations. Ideally we could then move it to the SDK once it has stabilized and us it to refactor CLIContext with cleaner abstractions.

Implement IBC Queries

The following queries for IBC need to be implemented on the relayer. All of these queries should also return proofs. They will be mainly useful for use in tx commands (as a way to query the chain for the necessary on-chain data) but should also be exposed to the user:

  • header [chain-id] [height] - Query the header at a given height
  • node-state [chain-id] [height] - Query the node state at a given height or latest if height not passed
  • client [chain-id] [client-id] - Query details for an individual client
  • clients [chain-id] - Query the list of clients on a given chain
  • connection [chain-id] [connection-id] - Query details for an individual connection
  • connections [chain-id] [client-id]- Query the list of connections associated with a client
  • channel [chain-id] [connection-id] [channel-id] - Query details for an individual channel
  • channels [chain-id] [connection-id] - Query the list of channels associated with a client
  • seq-send [chain-id] [channel-id] - Query the seq-send for the configured key on a given chain and channel
  • seq-recv [chain-id] [channel-id] - Query the seq-recv for the configured key on a given chain and channel
  • packet-commitment
  • packet-ack
  • packet-timeout
  • packet-data - NOTE: This should be implemented by querying a full node with specific indices setup

Implement IBC transactions

Each individual IBC transaction should be able to be run by the relayer individually as well as in logical groupings (channel, connection). These primitives can then be combined in strategies.go in a number of ways.

The following are the necessary txs:

  • client [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [client-id]
  • update-client [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [client-id]
  • clients [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-client-id] [dst-client-id]
  • connection [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-client-id] [dst-client-id] [src-connection-id] [dst-connection-id]
  • connection-step [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-client-id] [dst-client-id] [src-connection-id] [dst-connection-id]
  • channel [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-connection-id] [dst-connection-id] [src-channel-id] [dst-channel-id] [src-port-id] [dst-port-id]
  • channel-step [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-connection-id] [dst-connection-id] [src-channel-id] [dst-channel-id] [src-port-id] [dst-port-id]
  • flush-chan [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [src-channel-id] [src-port-id]
  • raw
    • conn-init
    • conn-try
    • conn-ack
    • conn-confirm
    • chan-init
    • chan-try
    • chan-ack
    • chan-confirm
    • chan-close-init
    • chan-close-confirm

Refactor out ChainConfig

Currently there is an intermediate type that solely parses the config:

// ChainConfig describes the config necessary for an individual chain
// TODO: Are there additional parameters needed here
type ChainConfig struct {
	Key            string  `yaml:"key" json:"key"`
	ChainID        string  `yaml:"chain-id" json:"chain-id"`
	RPCAddr        string  `yaml:"rpc-addr" json:"rpc-addr"`
	AccountPrefix  string  `yaml:"account-prefix" json:"account-prefix"`
	Gas            uint64  `yaml:"gas,omitempty" json:"gas,omitempty"`
	GasAdjustment  float64 `yaml:"gas-adjustment,omitempty" json:"gas-adjustment,omitempty"`
	GasPrices      string  `yaml:"gas-prices,omitempty" json:"gas-prices,omitempty"`
	DefaultDenom   string  `yaml:"default-denom,omitempty" json:"default-denom,omitempty"`
	Memo           string  `yaml:"memo,omitempty" json:"memo,omitempty"`
	TrustingPeriod string  `yaml:"trusting-period" json:"trusting-period"`

Right now it is doing a lot of initialization that needs to be refactored out. This should be done by looping over config.Chains after parsing of the config file. Each chain would call an InitDBsAndClients function that would substantially do what relayer.NewChain does

// Chain represents the necessary data for connecting to and indentifying a chain and its counterparites
type Chain struct {
	Key            string        `yaml:"key"`
	ChainID        string        `yaml:"chain-id"`
	RPCAddr        string        `yaml:"rpc-addr"`
	AccountPrefix  string        `yaml:"account-prefix"`
	Gas            uint64        `yaml:"gas,omitempty"`
	GasAdjustment  float64       `yaml:"gas-adjustment,omitempty"`
	GasPrices      sdk.DecCoins  `yaml:"gas-prices,omitempty"`
	DefaultDenom   string        `yaml:"default-denom,omitempty"`
	Memo           string        `yaml:"memo,omitempty"`
	TrustingPeriod time.Duration `yaml:"trusting-period"`
	HomePath       string
	PathEnd        *PathEnd

	Keybase keys.Keybase
	Client  *rpcclient.HTTP
	Cdc     *codec.Codec

	address sdk.AccAddress
	logger  log.Logger

Redefine (c *Chain) Msg* functions on PathEnd

Currently all the msg creation functions are defined on the Chain type. Initially this decision was made because I expected to have to query data during message construction. The architecture I've ended up with avoids this to allow for more flexibility in defining where proofs come from. We should redefine these functions as follows:

// Now
func (src *Chain) Msg*(dst *Chain, args...) sdk.Msg {}

// New
func (src PathEnd) Msg*(dst PathEnd, args...) sdk.Msg {}

Basic web-hook alerting system

The relayer should have some options for how to handle transactions that fail for insufficient fees. One idea is to provide an slack, telegram or other outputs for these alerts.

Change relayer config format

I'm considering changing the relayer config from the current format (where chains own their counterparties) to a format where relay paths are a separate and explicit field section.


// Config represents the config file for the relayer
type Config struct {
	Global GlobalConfig  `yaml:"global" json:"global"`
	Chains []ChainConfig `yaml:"chains" json:"chains"`

	c relayer.Chains

// GlobalConfig describes any global relayer settings
type GlobalConfig struct {
	Strategy      string `yaml:"strategy" json:"strategy"`
	Timeout       string `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	LiteCacheSize int    `yaml:"lite-cache-size" json:"lite-cache-size"`

// ChainConfig describes the config necessary for an individual chain
// TODO: Are there additional parameters needed here
type ChainConfig struct {
	Key            string               `yaml:"key" json:"key"`
	ChainID        string               `yaml:"chain-id" json:"chain-id"`
	RPCAddr        string               `yaml:"rpc-addr" json:"rpc-addr"`
	AccountPrefix  string               `yaml:"account-prefix" json:"account-prefix"`
	Counterparties []CounterpartyConfig `yaml:"counterparties" json:"counterparties"`
	Gas            uint64               `yaml:"gas,omitempty" json:"gas,omitempty"`
	GasAdjustment  float64              `yaml:"gas-adjustment,omitempty" json:"gas-adjustment,omitempty"`
	GasPrices      string               `yaml:"gas-prices,omitempty" json:"gas-prices,omitempty"`
	DefaultDenom   string               `yaml:"default-denom,omitempty" json:"default-denom,omitempty"`
	Memo           string               `yaml:"memo,omitempty" json:"memo,omitempty"`
	TrustingPeriod string               `yaml:"trusting-period" json:"trusting-period"`

// CounterpartyConfig represents a chain's counterparty
type CounterpartyConfig struct {
	ChainID  string `yaml:"chain-id" json:"chain-id"`
	ClientID string `yaml:"client-id" json:"client-id"`


// Config represents the config file for the relayer
type Config struct {
	Global GlobalConfig  `yaml:"global" json:"global"`
	Chains []ChainConfig `yaml:"chains" json:"chains"`
	Paths []Path `yaml:"paths" json:"paths"`

	c relayer.Chains

// GlobalConfig describes any global relayer settings
type GlobalConfig struct {
	Strategy      string `yaml:"strategy" json:"strategy"`
	Timeout       string `yaml:"timeout" json:"timeout"`
	LiteCacheSize int    `yaml:"lite-cache-size" json:"lite-cache-size"`

// ChainConfig describes the config necessary for an individual chain
// TODO: Are there additional parameters needed here
type ChainConfig struct {
	Key            string               `yaml:"key" json:"key"`
	ChainID        string               `yaml:"chain-id" json:"chain-id"`
	RPCAddr        string               `yaml:"rpc-addr" json:"rpc-addr"`
	AccountPrefix  string               `yaml:"account-prefix" json:"account-prefix"`
	Gas            uint64               `yaml:"gas,omitempty" json:"gas,omitempty"`
	GasAdjustment  float64              `yaml:"gas-adjustment,omitempty" json:"gas-adjustment,omitempty"`
	GasPrices      string               `yaml:"gas-prices,omitempty" json:"gas-prices,omitempty"`
	DefaultDenom   string               `yaml:"default-denom,omitempty" json:"default-denom,omitempty"`
	Memo           string               `yaml:"memo,omitempty" json:"memo,omitempty"`
	TrustingPeriod string               `yaml:"trusting-period" json:"trusting-period"`
type Path [2]PathEnd

// CounterpartyConfig represents a chain's counterparty
type PathEnd struct {
	ChainID      string `yaml:"chain-id" json:"chain-id"`
	ClientID     string `yaml:"client-id" json:"client-id"`
	ConnectionID string `yaml:"connection-id" json:"connection-id"`
	ChannelID    string `yaml:"channel-id" json:"channel-id"`
	PortID       string `yaml:"port-id" json:"port-id"`

Issue with create-client

When creating another client for the same chain with a different ID there is an error. To reproduce:

$ relayer tx clients ibc0 ibc1 ibconeclient ibczeroclient
$ relayer tx clients ibc0 ibc1 otheridentone otheridentzero
{"height":"1534","txhash":"AAA41FDDB1657D0633BD93725DA8970D7EEA8C8A73DEDFF6EA8E7E310C6DD25C","codespace":"client","code":1,"raw_log":"internal error","gas_wanted":"200000","gas_used":"45751"}
{"height":"1535","txhash":"93F4DCD683CCFA9AD9AB602C09B1A558A0B05FCCF7482B9761C8E9240BB111F7","codespace":"client","code":1,"raw_log":"internal error","gas_wanted":"200000","gas_used":"45751"}

Update Period is set as Trusting Period

updatePeriod is never used

var (
	lcMap map[string]*lite.Client // chainID => client

	trustedHash    []byte
	trustedHeight  int64
	trustingPeriod time.Duration
	updatePeriod   time.Duration
	url            string

Instead the update period for the lite client is set as lite.UpdatePeriod(c.TrustOptions.Get().Period)) where the trusted period is set here:

if trustingPeriod > 0 {
	chain.TrustOptions.Period = trustingPeriod.String()

Dynamic unbonding time

Currently unbonding time is hardcoded in the client creation command. We should have this be populated via the chain configuration.

Atomic swap support

When I followed the demo instructions to run a cross chain transfer, I found that the if the command rly tx transfer ibc0 ibc1 10000n0token true $(rly keys show ibc1 testkey) failed, the balance in ibc0 will reduce and can't get rollbacked. Is there any atmoic swap guarantee mechanism in ibc now or any support in future plan?

Issue with the instructions in the Readme file?


I tried setting two chains using gaia, and then use the relayer to do IBC transactions. The commands/instructions were taken from the from the master branch.

The two chains launched successfully, and I was able to query the balances of the two accounts by using the rly executable.

When I execute rly tx full-path demo-path, an error message channel capability not found was given as output.

[2020-04-16|16:28:55.502] ✔ [ibc0]@{7} - msg(0:create_client) hash(2FFD0936A8B2987F65FD4315548274882866E2C01B5A2ED2AAD6FAD9FFA74682)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:00.517] ✔ [ibc1]@{8} - msg(0:create_client) hash(5F17BC7D8B0FF0CC94386986BDF6B71A5030EE9D18A48663AB613E392A47C097)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:00.517] ★ Clients created: [ibc0]client(ibconeclient) and [ibc1]client(ibczeroclient)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:05.534] ✔ [ibc0]@{9} - msg(0:connection_open_init) hash(A20240500D73B01855E93629A4728935FAAE91BEC9CD8CAFA34210F71ECF7968)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:15.571] ✘ [ibc0]@{11} - msg(0:connection_open_init) err(connection: connection already exists)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:20.588] ✔ [ibc1]@{12} - msg(0:update_client,1:connection_open_try) hash(B86B7FE51B987B2F84FC2C33DE84D10E010B4FDBF3A716A911E31B01AA3692E9)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:30.593] ✔ [ibc0]@{14} - msg(0:update_client,1:connection_open_ack) hash(13145B9303FC95DEACADE6DA8A31A14E951F8241CA21708B128E4133E25A6A2D)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:40.626] ✔ [ibc1]@{16} - msg(0:update_client,1:connection_open_confirm) hash(601D77195F83B634D2D505EB16A9864D23B1E244EB47F0BC1DF68F35E07CC006)
I[2020-04-16|16:29:40.628] ★ Connection created: [ibc0]client{ibconeclient}conn{ibconeconnection} -> [ibc1]client{ibczeroclient}conn{ibczeroconnection}
I[2020-04-16|16:29:45.647] codespace for port(3) not found in map
I[2020-04-16|16:29:45.647] ✘ [ibc0]@{17} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(port: )
I[2020-04-16|16:29:55.648] ✘ [ibc0]@{19} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:05.675] ✘ [ibc0]@{21} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:10.690] ✘ [ibc0]@{22} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:20.731] ✘ [ibc0]@{24} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:30.734] ✘ [ibc0]@{26} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:40.762] ✘ [ibc0]@{28} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:30:50.759] ✘ [ibc0]@{30} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:31:00.785] ✘ [ibc0]@{32} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)
I[2020-04-16|16:31:10.813] ✘ [ibc0]@{34} - msg(0:channel_open_init) err(channels: channel capability not found)

If I try to do an ibc transfer I get the following error.

$ rly tx transfer ibc0 ibc1 100n0token true $(rly keys show ibc1 testkey) -d
I[2020-04-16|16:32:58.676] - [ibc0] -> sending transaction:
I[2020-04-16|16:32:58.676] ✘ [ibc0]@{0} - msg(0:transfer) err(sdk: unauthorized)
{"height":"0","txhash":"D82B327055FD9128784EAEA78FFDE24EF2BC7F30B5FA59DD70B86BA3733DA5DD","codespace":"sdk","code":4,"raw_log":"signature verification failed; verify correct account sequence and chain-id: unauthorized","gas_wanted":"200000","gas_used":"38995"}
Error: failed to send first transaction
  rly transactions transfer [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [amount] [is-source] [dst-chain-addr] [flags]

  transfer, xfer

  -h, --help          help for transfer
  -p, --path string   specify the path to relay over

Global Flags:
      --config string   set config file (default "config.yaml")
  -d, --debug           debug output
      --home string     set home directory (default "/root/.relayer")

failed to send first transaction

Could this be some misconfiguration by my side?
Thanks a lot!

GolangCI-Lint Error

➜  relayer git:(master) ✗ make
running GolangCI-Lint...
cmd/flags.go:137:17: Error return value of `viper.BindPFlag` is not checked (errcheck)
	viper.BindPFlag(flagURL, cmd.Flags().Lookup(flagURL))
cmd/raw.go:59:11: nilness: impossible condition: nil != nil (govet)
			if err != nil {
make: *** [ci-lint] Error 1

Add order chantypes.Order to PathEnd

// PathEnd represents the local connection identifers for a relay path
// The path is set on the chain before performing operations
type PathEnd struct {
	ChainID      string `yaml:"chain-id,omitempty" json:"chain-id,omitempty"`
	ClientID     string `yaml:"client-id,omitempty" json:"client-id,omitempty"`
	ConnectionID string `yaml:"connection-id,omitempty" json:"connection-id,omitempty"`
	ChannelID    string `yaml:"channel-id,omitempty" json:"channel-id,omitempty"`
	PortID       string `yaml:"port-id,omitempty" json:"port-id,omitempty"`
        Order        string `yaml:"order,omitempty" json:"order,omitempty"

This change also needs to be reflected in the configuration, validation and transactions. Likely we should default to ORDERED if the prop is not passed in

Concurrent design patterns

Should we recreate a light client each time we need one, to avoid locking the database, or should we alternatively find some way of persisting a light client instance without having the light client lock the database (maybe we can make all our calls using the light client API)?

Alternative Providers

Lite client only has a primary provider but not the ability to add alternative providers for verifying headers.

Implement Relayer Strategies and Start command

The relayer start command is currently worse than a stub. The basic design is there, but there are many implementation details to be worked out. Also once the transactions and queries for the relayer are created, they can easily be composed into strategies. Some potential strategies:

  • naive - Relay everything from all configured to all configured chains
  • two-chains - relay only between two chains
  • specific clients/connections/channels
  • others....

Create Subscribe relayer

The subscribe relayer strategy should be the primary mode that the relayer is run under. It will c.Client.Subscribe("ibc-events") to each chain and then take the necessary actions to relay packets between chains.

This mode will Subscribe to all chains in the Config and error if all primitives in Paths are not setup. This is necessary because the data for Packets are not stored in state and are best handled this way.

The relayer should also have a mode for querying against a node with certain indices setup to fetch this data.

No ’relayer q balance‘ likely

➜ relayer git:(master) ✗ relayer q balance ibc1
query functionality for configured chains

relayer query [command]

query, q

Available Commands:
account Use configured RPC client to fetch the account balance of the relayer account
channel Query the client for a counterparty chain
channels Query for all channels on a given chain
client Query the client for a counterparty chain
client-connections Query the client for a counterparty chain
clients Query the client for a counterparty chain
connection Query the client for a counterparty chain
connections Query for all connections on a given chain
header Use configured RPC client to fetch a header at a given height from a configured chain
node-state Query the consensus state of a client at a given height, or at latest height if height is not passed
packet-ack Query the commitment for a given packet
packet-commit Query the commitment for a given packet
seq-send Query the next sequence send for a given channel

-h, --help help for query

Global Flags:
--config string set config file (default "config.yaml")
--home string set home directory (default "/Users/jiang/.relayer")

Use "relayer query [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand is required

Empty packet data or ack fails signature verification

I observed that if I send a packet data or ack consisting of []byte{}, then the relayer cannot relay it. Sorry, but I don't have exact logs here.

This is consistent with an observation I made a while ago. Amino, and Proto3 both can't round-trip an empty slice.

type MyStruct struct {
  Data []byte

Marshalling and unmarshalling the following:

ms := MyStruct{
   Data: []byte{},

Results in:

  Data: nil,

Special treatment is needed to accommodate these empty values (replacing nil slices with empty slices before signing and after deserialising before verifying).

I don't know if I'll get to this for a while, but I thought I'd at least put it on people's radar.


Chains Add improvements

As a follow-on from cosmos/relayer#49, there are a couple of features I would like to see added to relayer chains add.

  • relayer chains add --url [url] - This would fetch the json and add the chain after verifying it. Think usage from a github repo (
  • relayer chains add --cosmos [url] - This would query the /genesis endpoint to fetch most of the data and then would rely on sane defaults for gas and gasPrices based on that. This is basically figuring out how to unmarshal gaia based config.

Fail to make it on ubuntu

ayer/relayer/verifier.go:310:7: hs.Lock undefined (type *heights has no field or method Lock) /root/project/relayer/relayer/verifier.go:312:7: hs.Unlock undefined (type *heights has no field or method Unlock) /root/project/relayer/relayer/path.go:6:2: "" imported but not used]]
WARN [runner] Can't run linter unused: buildir: failed to load package runtime: could not load export data: no export data for "runtime"
ERRO Running error: buildir: failed to load package runtime: could not load export data: no export data for "runtime"
Makefile:49: recipe for target 'ci-lint' failed
make: *** [ci-lint] Error 3

rly paths add ibc error

~/go/src/$ rly paths add ibc0 ibc1 demo-path -f demo/path.json
Error: channel must be either 'ORDERED' or 'UNORDERED' is ''
channel must be either 'ORDERED' or 'UNORDERED' is ''

Better control flow for Connection and Channel commands

Currently the channel and connection commands run on a timeout. They will continue to block until they are either exited, or have no more messages to create, at which point they break. This can be improved to:

  • eliminate the last iteration by exiting once the open-confirm message is successful
  • adding a max number of tries to the message
  • restarting iterations earlier once queries don't return the expected results

This will likely involve moving the queries out of the ChannelStep and ConnectionStep functions or improving the error handling and returns there.

Cannot add path for the two chains

➜  ✗ relayer paths add --file demo/path.json
Error: accepts 2 arg(s), received 0
  relayer paths add [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [flags]

  -f, --file string   fetch json data from specified file
  -h, --help          help for add

Global Flags:
      --config string   set config file (default "config.yaml")
      --home string     set home directory (default "/Users/jiang/.relayer")

accepts 2 arg(s), received 0

CLI based package?

Are users predominantly going to use the package through cli? How else will the package be used?

Implement alternate key backends

Currently the relayer uses the file backend from 99deisgns/keyring to store all key material. We should also look at the ability to use a ubihsm or other hardware key.

Lite Client Initiation

Lite client should not be initiated with the roots of trust from the configuration file but instead be initiated separately through the command line by either passing a header hash and height or a corresponding url. Each chain should have a non expired root of trust in order for the relayer between them to operate else an error should be thrown.

Implement release and versioning strategy for the relayer

There needs to be a release and versioning strategy for this repository. I propose to keep it in line withcosmos-sdk versioning with an option for dev releases. This should be able to be easily accomplished with github actions. Releases should contain built binaries for macos and linux and should be able to be triggered by v* tag pushes. The built binaries should also be able to report their version through relayer version

Code 6 when calling `rly transact raw update-client`

Gaia and Rly checkouts b617e2b & 2282f8b

I have a full "connected" status: chns(✔️) clnts(✔️) conn(✔️) chan(✔️) however all my rly transact raw update-client calls end with code: 6.

I never had any other response, restarts or re-inits with -f do not help. Any ides ?

Here is example output:


err(channels: channel not found)

Following the instructions in the readme, issuing the transfer command gives a "channel not found" error. Not sure how to debug or proceed.

$ rly tx transfer ibc0 ibc1 10000n0token true $(rly keys show ibc1 testkey -a)
I[2020-03-22|09:40:38.752] ✘ [ibc0]@{613} - msg(transfer) err(channels: channel not found)
Error: failed to send first transaction

$ rly version
version: 0.1.0-35-g4638dc5
commit: 4638dc5
cosmos-sdk: v0.34.4-0.20200318160616-b8295506615b
go: go1.14 linux/amd64

$ gaiad version

Issue with update client

When trying to update an existing client the following error is output

$ relayer tx clients ibc0 ibc1 ibconeclient ibczeroclient
$ relayer tx update-client ibc0 ibc1 ibconeclient
{"height":"0","txhash":"CCB5F99DA32E4B4273F1DED9DB0330F53C14B18E3F61CE763053FF1D0FE34E81","codespace":"client","code":9,"raw_log":"invalid block header: signedHeader belongs to another chain 'ibc1' not 'ibc0': cannot update client with ID ibconeclient","gas_wanted":"200000","gas_used":"46709"}
$ relayer tx update-client ibc1 ibc0 ibczeroclient
{"height":"0","txhash":"0DE65516AE1C960792D3C4D4E24F21BB62C372FB9A47D07E16ECCC1CE23C96BA","codespace":"client","code":9,"raw_log":"invalid block header: signedHeader belongs to another chain 'ibc0' not 'ibc1': cannot update client with ID ibczeroclient","gas_wanted":"200000","gas_used":"46722"}

Error when linking chains

when rly tx link demo
I got error:

E[2020-10-09|16:59:51.815] - [ibc0] -> err(decoding bech32 failed: invalid character in string: '�': invalid request) 
E[2020-10-09|16:59:51.818] - [ibc1] -> err(decoding bech32 failed: invalid character in string: '¦': invalid request) 
 ibconeclient: light client not found

How to debug it or fix it?

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.