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contentful.ex's Issues

This just does not work on windows

I created the simplest possible get request and it fails.
@space_id MYSPACEID
@access_token MYACCESSTOKEN
entries = Contentful.Delivery.entries(@space_id, @access_token)

# Printing Content Type ID for every entry
Enum.each(entries, fn (entry) -> IO.puts(entry["sys"]["contentType"]["sys"]["id"]) end)

This is a known issue with the Hackney library used by HTTPoison.
I would recommend moving to HTTPotion (which is more portable) or simplehttp.

I am looking at building a simplehttp version.

Here is the stacktrace that was generated:

17:39:20.455 [debug] GET /spaces/MYSPACEID/entries
** (exit) exited in: :gen_fsm.sync_send_all_state_event(#PID<0.157.0>, {:start, 8000}, :infinity)
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (ErlangError) Erlang error: :notsup
(crypto) crypto.erl:317: :crypto.block_encrypt/4
(ssl) ssl_cipher.erl:160: :ssl_cipher.aead_cipher/6
(ssl) ssl_record.erl:396: :ssl_record.cipher_aead/4
(ssl) tls_record.erl:143: :tls_record.encode_plain_text/4
(ssl) tls_connection.erl:357: :tls_connection.encode_handshake/4
(ssl) tls_connection.erl:109: :tls_connection.send_handshake/2
(ssl) ssl_connection.erl:1118: :ssl_connection.client_certify_and_key_exchange/2
(ssl) tls_connection.erl:466: :tls_connection.next_state/4
(stdlib) gen_fsm.erl:257: :gen_fsm.sync_send_all_state_event/3
(ssl) ssl_connection.erl:1656: :ssl_connection.sync_send_all_state_event/2
(ssl) ssl_connection.erl:103: :ssl_connection.handshake/2
(ssl) tls_connection.erl:82: :tls_connection.start_fsm/8
(ssl) ssl_connection.erl:73: :ssl_connection.connect/8
(hackney) d:/dev/Contentful/Tools/contentful_to_neo4j_ex/deps/hackney/src/hackney_connect.erl:247: :hackney_connect.do_connect/5
(hackney) d:/dev/Contentful/Tools/contentful_to_neo4j_ex/deps/hackney/src/hackney_connect.erl:37: :hackney_connect.connect/5
(hackney) d:/dev/Contentful/Tools/contentful_to_neo4j_ex/deps/hackney/src/hackney.erl:316: :hackney.request/5
17:39:21.164 [error] ** State machine #PID<0.157.0> terminating
** Last message in was {:tcp, #Port<0.6653>,
<<247, 13, 1, 1, 11, 5, 0, 3, 130, 1, 1, 0, 162, 29, 105, 138, 10, 142, 196,
20, 131, 42, 42, 18, 77, 57, 39, 144, 78, 240, 141, 172, 210, 150, 98, 71,
54, 94, 146, 209, 250, 197, 147, 181, 55, 7, 101, 41, ...>>}
** When State == :certify
** Data == [data: [{'StateData',
{:state, :client, {#Reference<>, #PID<0.147.0>}, :gen_tcp,
:tls_connection, :tcp, :tcp_closed, :tcp_error, '', 443,
{:ssl_options, :tls, [{3, 3}, {3, 2}, {3, 1}, {3, 0}], :verify_peer,
[check_hostname: '']},
#Function<0.104464233/1 in :hackney_connect.ssl_opts_1/2>, false, false,
:undefined, 99, "", '', "", '', '', '', "", '', :undefined,
:undefined, '
', '',
[<<192, 44>>, <<192, 48>>, <<192, 36>>, <<192, 40>>, <<192, 8>>,
<<192, 46>>, <<192, 50>>, <<192, 38>>, <<192, 42>>, <<0, 163>>,
<<0, 106>>, <<0, 157>>, <<0, ...>>, <<...>>, ...],
#Function<2.27451488/4 in :ssl.handle_options/1>, true, 268435456, true,
true, :undefined, false, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined, :undefined,
true, :undefined, [], ...}, {:socket_options, :binary, :raw, 0, 0, false},
', '', '', 36886, '', 57369, :ssl_session_cache,
{:ssl_crl_cache, {{49173, 53268}, []}}, {3, 3}, false, :ecdhe_rsa,
{:undefined, :undefined}, :undefined, :undefined, '
', '', '',
:undefined, '', '', '', 40983, #Reference<>, :undefined,
', {false, :first}, {#PID<0.147.0>, #Reference<>},
#Reference<>, {[], []}, false, true, false, false, :undefined,
:undefined, :undefined, ...}}]]
** Reason for termination =
** {:notsup,
[{:crypto, :block_encrypt, 4, [file: 'crypto.erl', line: 317]},
{:ssl_cipher, :aead_cipher, 6, [file: 'ssl_cipher.erl', line: 160]},
{:ssl_record, :cipher_aead, 4, [file: 'ssl_record.erl', line: 396]},
{:tls_record, :encode_plain_text, 4, [file: 'tls_record.erl', line: 143]},
{:tls_connection, :encode_handshake, 4,
[file: 'tls_connection.erl', line: 357]},
{:tls_connection, :send_handshake, 2,
[file: 'tls_connection.erl', line: 109]},
{:ssl_connection, :client_certify_and_key_exchange, 2,
[file: 'ssl_connection.erl', line: 1118]},
{:tls_connection, :next_state, 4, [file: 'tls_connection.erl', line: 466]}]}

Production use

How safe is that library for a production use ?
Are there features that are not covered by other SDK, say ruby or JS, that are not handled by the Elixir client ?

RichText to HTML API

This is a bit of a stretch, but I'm wondering if there have been thoughts of RichText to HTML API? I'd like to avoid storing the JSON format and converting on the client.

One option is to utilize the Node.js library with a shell call, but keeping it native would be amazing.

I'm not opposed to building a native Elixir implementation, as it doesn't look like an excessively difficult format to work with. I just wanted to check to see if this has been thought about at all!

Entries not loading relations

Hey Devs,

I have a Blogpost that contains one or more Authors. If I do:
Contentful.Delivery.entries(@space_id, @access_token)

I will get the content with the relations, but with nil:
%{"fields" => %{"author" => [nil, nil], "title" => "The article"

Even if I add the %{"include" => 2} as the search parameter, I will still get a nil. Is there another way to load the relations or am I doing it wrong?

Upgrade code coverage

  • Push code coverage by tests higher, ideally to something like 85% or above
  • Bonus points for excoveralls integration and displaying the percentage somewhere - has been done in the context of of #27

Hardcoded end point

The endpoint is hard-coded to which only shows entries that have been published. By making it a run-time config, one can set the endpoint to and retrieve entries that are in draft state.

Include and Filters no longer work

I received a tweet to the release of v0.2.0 from @hukl that rightfully askes for the filter and include options originally present in v0.1.1:

# v0.0.1
entries = Contentful.Delivery.entries(space_id, access_token, %{
    "content_type" => "categoryList",
    "include" => 2

# v0.2.0
entries = Contentful.Delivery.Entries.fetch_all([], space, "master", access_token)

I carelessly dropped this feature and it needs to be readded in a compatible fashion.

Fix typespecs

I added dialyxir in kind of a rush to get typespecs in and then added typespecs all over the place, without paying too much attention to what dialyzer actually complains about.

  • Correct existing typespecs that seems to break
  • Address the findings of dialyzer (run mix dialyxir --format elixir

Evaluate GH actions

After reading over asaaki/cmark.ex#49, I was wondering if integrating CircleCI really is the way to go, as the status seemed broken for forked repositories.

  • Evaluate building via GH actions instead of circle ci.

Quicklinks to registry and documentation

Just leaving this quick feature request here (cannot do it myself right now):
Let's add the following links to the README (and package also to the header section, next to description line):

Why should we do this? We already provide links to Contentful's API documentation, but don't give GitHub users quick(er) access to the hex package and documentation pages.


Contentful.SysData missing important information

In previous versions, the map that has been replaced with Contentful.SysData contained a number of important fields. These included:

  sys: %{
    contentType: %{
      sys: %{
        id: "<content-type-from-model>",  # for example: "author"
    createdAt: "<created-timestamp>",
    updatedAt: "<updated-timestamp>",
    locale: "<locale-string>",  # eg: "en-GB",

I'd like to update to the latest Contentful version, but my system is reliant on these fields.

Can these fields be returned to the Contentful.Entry/Contentful.Asset or Contentful.SysData structs?

FunctionClauseError: no function clause matching in Contentful.Delivery.Assets.resolve_entity_response/1

The production endpoint seems to be returning a map with the following attributes:

  "fields" => %{
    "file" => %{
      "contentType" => "image/png",
      "details" => %{
        "image" => %{"height" => 2000, "width" => 3000},
        "size" => 7423579
      "fileName" => "foo-bar.png",
      "url" => "//"
    "title" => "foo-bar"
  "sys" => %{
    "createdAt" => "2020-01-08T11:44:33.417Z",
    "environment" => %{
      "sys" => %{
        "id" => "master",
        "linkType" => "Environment",
        "type" => "Link"
    "id" => "...",
    "locale" => "en-GB",
    "revision" => 1,
    "space" => %{
      "sys" => %{
        "id" => "...",
        "linkType" => "Space",
        "type" => "Link"
    "type" => "Asset",
    "updatedAt" => "2020-01-08T11:44:33.417Z"

But the function expects a minimum of:

  "fields" => %{
    "description" => desc,
    "file" => %{
      "contentType" => content_type,
      "details" => details,
      "fileName" => file_name,
      "url" => url
    "title" => title
  "sys" => %{"id" => id, "revision" => rev}

It seems the production endpoint isn't returning a description for the Assets, which causes this function to break. Removing the "description" => desc, line resolves the issue.

Impossible to build more complex queries?

Unless I'm missing something, it doesn't appear to be possible to query Entries with things like the equality operator (

I have an existing query using the 0.1.1 version of this gem that I'm trying to port to 0.3.0. It appears that will filter out anything else I try to add to the request.

Links of links don't resolve properly

I have a blog post -> author -> image relationship. When requesting the blog post, both the author and images show up in the includes field in the resposne, but the resolve logic in this library doesn't flatten it out properly, and then image source is lost.

VCR'd Fixture:

Expected: Be able to access the author's image.

Actual: Image is not available after this library parses the response. It is in the response though.

Build fails due to libcrypto error

Apparently, the actions/setup-elixir currently runs into trouble when installing Erlang.

The actions/setup-elixir repo is currently unmaintained (as the Erlang foundation took over). It's recommended to switch to erlef/setup-beam instead,

Add dependabot for great success

We have used it on other projects internally at contentful, so we might want to add it here as well to keep dependencies up to date.

Handle Pagination & Errors Properly

I just implemented this library on a project and ran into a couple issues.

  1. Contentful.Delivery.entries expects ["items"] always to be present in the returned response.
    • If you pass an incorrect access_token or space_id the contentful throws a 401 & 404 respectively. Both of which are not handled and the function throws a KeyError exception.
  2. Contentful.Delivery.entries only does not return the total & skip keys returned by the contentful API, which makes it impossible to do pagination properly.

I'm planning to submit a PR to address both of these issues, if it's something you'd be interested in.

Feature Request: Switch to Tesla for HTTP library

If Contentful.ex switched to Tesla, this would enable users to choose which underlying HTTP library to use by defining an Adapter. For example, a team could choose to use Finch (instead of the current HTTPoison) because it is already in use and they want to ensure consistency.

Tesla would also allow teams to include middleware, such as tesla_statsd, to help monitor their request volume.

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