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fmphotopicker's Introduction

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fmphotopicker's People


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fmphotopicker's Issues

A suggestion to avoid confusion

Your use of the term ForceCrop was not what I expected. In my use case I am having a user pick a profile pic that will be circular, so I need to force them to edit their selected photo with a circle crop. It took me awhile to understand why turning on forceCrop didn't result in that behavior, but rather forces a single crop option. IMHO ForceCrop should be named CropChoice or CropDefault.

This is an amazing framework, thank you for open sourcing it.

edit multiple photos simultaneously bug

When I select multiple photos, then edit them, sometimes FMLoadingView can't hide and delegate method "didFinishPickingPhotoWith" can't response after tapping done button.Then, I set a breakpoint in DispatchQueue.main.async, and I found sometimes the code didn't enter into.
ps: my device is iPhone6,iOS12.2.

` private func processDetermination() {

    var dict = [Int:UIImage]() .userInitiated).async {
        let multiTask = DispatchGroup()
        for (index, element) in self.dataSource.getSelectedPhotos().enumerated() {
            element.requestFullSizePhoto(cropState: .edited, filterState: .edited) {
                guard let image = $0 else { return }
                dict[index] = image

        let result = dict.sorted(by: { $0.key < $1.key }).map { $0.value }
        DispatchQueue.main.async { 
            FMLoadingView.shared.hide() // set a breakpoint
            self.delegate?.fmPhotoPickerController(self, didFinishPickingPhotoWith: result)


Finally, I found the code "guard let image = $0 else { return }" has a bug.Because sometimes image is nil after call back , it leads to that enter() and leave() don't match, and "multiTask.wait()" will not work.

Not support video?

it's detail said support video, but it's delegate just return photos: [UIImage], i hope it's support images and videos

Pagination for loading assets?

When I present the picker, the UI loads up very slowly, and if I tap on the top bar it immediately goes to the very first photo of my photo library, which makes me believe it loaded up the entire library's thumbnails upon opening, and that's probably the major cause of the slowless. Could we make the load paginated and only load more as we scroll up?

Image rotation functionality when we edit the image.

Hello Team,
I need an Image rotation functionality along with the filter and crop functionalities.
I found the rotation function created inside the FMCropView.swift but it is empty(Screenshot below).

So could you please help me to achieve the desired result.

Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 5 07 48 PM

Thanks in advance.

Need to dismiss twice to dismiss the picker

func openPicker() {
            var config = FMPhotoPickerConfig()
            config.selectMode = .single
            config.mediaTypes = [.image]
            config.forceCropEnabled = true
            config.availableCrops = [FMCrop.ratioSquare]
            let picker = FMPhotoPickerViewController(config: config)
            picker.delegate = self
            self.present(picker, animated: true)

func fmPhotoPickerController(_ picker: FMPhotoPickerViewController, didFinishPickingPhotoWith photos: [UIImage]) {
        picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
        if photos.count > 0 {
            upload(image: photos.first!)

I want to dismiss the picker after I didFinishPicking, it will call didFinishPicking delegate after I edited my picture, and the dismiss can not dismiss the picker. It's still in the picker page where to select an image.

And then I tap the finish in the first page of the picker, it will call didFinishPicking delegate and then dismiss the picker.

It will call twice didFinishPicking delegate method in my one select and edit. And I can not dismiss the picker with one dismiss.
So I use two dismiss to dismiss the picker.

Implementing FMFilterable


I really appreciate the tremendous work you did. I have couple of extra filters to be added on the slider. However I'm not sure how to add them using FMFilterable. I tried several things but truly speaking couldn't manage smoothly.

If you can support with an example, I really appreciate for that.
Thank you,

crash in FMLoadingView

crash fix replace old init method with this one
private init() {
if let rootVC = ( {
self.transparentView = UIView(frame: rootVC.view.frame)

    } else {
        let windowFrame = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.frame
        self.transparentView = UIView(frame: windowFrame ?? .zero)
    self.transparentView.backgroundColor = UIColor(white: 0, alpha: 0.4)
    self.indicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 35, height: 35)) =
    self.indicator.color = .white

Survey about Open Source Image editors for Master's thesis

Dear Mr. Nguyen,

My name is Anupama Nedungadi and I am a Master’s student at the University of Geneva. For my thesis, I am looking at internationalization and localization practices in open source image editors, meaning how and why (or why not) the software has been translated into another language.
I have curated a list of image editors, graphic editors and the likes hosted on SourceForge, GitHub and GitLab, and this list includes your software congnd/FMPhotoPicker.

I am contacting you to ask for your participation in a survey. This is a key element of my Master’s thesis. I am aware of the fact that we don't know each other and that you don't owe me anything, but I am really dependent on your help since my topic is quite niche. I also believe we should shine a spotlight on open source software and its translation in particular, as little research has been done in this area recently.

The survey will be open until the 16th of June 2021, and it should only take you around 10 minutes as most questions are multiple choice. Your answers will be anonymous.

Again, thank you for taking the time to read this email and helping a slightly stressed student out!

Best regards,
Anupama Nedungadi

Dark mode support


Is adding Dark Mode a possibility for the picker? I've had a few of my app's users ask about this, and just wanted to check if there's a way I can enable this (or if you're able to add it in an update).

Thanks in advance, and I hope you're well :)

[Feature Request] Configurable Fonts & Colors

First of all, thanks for this repo! Great job overall, and very useful.

This is more of a request than an issue, but it'd be nice for the fonts and colors used throughout FMPhotoPicker to be configurable. The kBlackColor, kRedColor, etc. could be exposed to the Config object, perhaps? Not sure the best way to go about the fonts, however.

Use case: utilizing FMPhotoPicker in another app that doesn't necessarily conform to UI fonts and colors. Also, the kRedColor isn't the best UI color, since it's more of an "error" color than a state color, if that makes sense.

No way to know the editing was cancelled.

Is there a way to know the editing was cancelled? There is only a FMImageEditorViewControllerDelegate method to notify editing finish event, but not editing cancel event with the delegate methods.

There is an existing issue with UIImagePickerController when the a view is present and dismissed from over it. Below are the steps to reproduce it.

  1. Present UIImagePickerContoller's camera screen,
  2. capture image, use FMImageEditorView to edit the object, hit cancel and click yes on the alert modal
  3. User lands back on the UIImagePickerContoller's camera screen.
  4. The Retake/Use Photo options are not clickable

To work around this issue, I would like to dismiss the camera screen and present a fresh instance when editing is cancelled, but there is no way to know this from the library.


'Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </var/containers/Bundle/Application/.app/Frameworks/FMPhotoPicker.framework> (loaded)' with name 'FMPhotoPickerViewController''

Video support

Do you plan to add support for picking video like in system picker?
I mean smth like this:
func fmPhotoPickerController(_ picker: FMPhotoPickerViewController, didFinishPickingVideoWith videos: [URL]) { }

select More photos

second time when open the app its not asking keep the current selection or select more photos ,permission

SDK crashes while showing warning

When a user selects more than max allowed images, the app crashes while fetching rootViewController to present warning at line 28 in FMWarningView.swift. See screenshot for reference:
Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 3 33 37 PM

Could not load NIB in bundle

When trying to present FMPhotoPickerViewController got an error

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Could not load NIB in bundle: 'NSBundle </private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3AFB974F-E9E0-4678-864B-5716806E8E46/> (loaded)' with name 'FMPhotoPickerViewController''
*** First throw call stack:
(0x1aeb8d5f0 0x1ae8afbcc 0x1aea83b28 0x1b28ccd5c 0x1b25f686c 0x1b25f72e4 0x1b25f759c 0x1b25f7ca0 0x1b260d31c 0x1b260610c 0x1b2607b08 0x1b260a014 0x1b260a51c 0x1b2609f64 0x1b260a1d0 0x102743f94 0x102746240 0x102740e30 0x1e605712c 0x1e6140924 0x1e633fdec 0x1e61b62ac 0x1e61b62c8 0x1e61b62ac 0x1e61a9cfc 0x1e61a98a8 0x1e61e6068 0x1e64a25b8 0x1e64a2800 0x1e64a2e14 0x1b2815380 0x1b2cb8bf0 0x1b280ae5c 0x1b280af6c 0x1b280add4 0x1b2c749fc 0x1b2c506a0 0x1b2cd0d84 0x1b2cd38bc 0x1b2ccb8d0 0x1aeb0bb64 0x1aeb0babc 0x1aeb0b244 0x1aeb06274 0x1aeb05c34 0x1b8c4f38c 0x1b2c3822c 0x10273e2cc 0x1ae98d800)
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException 

Xcode 11.5
Installed via SPM

Offer a option for filter and cropper

Hi. The library is awesome! But Someone, like me, only need cropper, or someone only need filter, or others don't need both. Maybe you can offer a option as FMPhotoPickerConfig. I mean it's easy to do this. Thx.

Change Owner


Tribal Media House(@tribalmedia) decide owner change to Cong Nguyen(@congnd).
please keep maintaining this repository.

thanks a looooooooooooooooot!!!!!

Package Resolution Found

Screenshot 2020-09-13 at 13 20 11

I got this error while trying to add a package manager dependencies on my project. I am using Xcode 11.7 .

How could I custom the showDialog?

static func showDialog(in viewController: UIViewController,
                           ok: (() -> Void)? = nil,
                           cancel: (() -> Void)? = nil,
                           title: String = "FMPhotoPicker",
                           message: String = "FMPhotoPicker want to access Photo Library") {
        let alertController = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: .alert)
        alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: { _ in ok?() }))
        alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "キャンセル", style: .cancel, handler: { _ in cancel?() }))

        viewController.present(alertController, animated: true)

CocoaPods installing error

Version of my iOS project is 13.5 and Swift 5.

I am getting attached error when I try to install dependency with CocoaPods.

I also tried to install dependency with Carthage and it is working.


crash when preview a video asset

When I use FMPhotoPicker select video asset, this method func requestAVAsset(asset: PHAsset, complete: @escaping (AVAsset?) -> Void) always return a nil asset and the player won't be initialized, tap play button and nothing happends , a fews seconds later the app crash because some UI modifications performed from a background thread, I try to fix first problem by adding an option to PHImageManager and it works:

            let manager = PHImageManager.default()
            let option = PHVideoRequestOptions()
            option.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
            manager.requestAVAsset(forVideo: asset, options: option) { asset, audioMix, _ in
                DispatchQueue.main.async {

hope help, and the other problem I took a screenshot for your reference,hope useful:
截屏2023-04-16 00 11 20

No localized cancel alert

It would great localize this alert, title and buttons :)

let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Are you sure you want to cancel?", message: nil, preferredStyle: .alert)

How to disable photo Editing mode.

config = FMPhotoPickerConfig()
config.selectMode = .multiple
config.mediaTypes = [.image]
config.maxImage = 20
config.maxVideo = 0

there is no option for disable edit photo in FMPhotoPickerViewController

Swift Package Manager

I am trying to add this dependency with Swift Package Manager and I am getting attached error.

I tried to add with all version rules (up to next major, up to next minor, range, exact) in Xcode

Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 20 14 06

Hide Edit Button

How to hide Edit Button , disable photo edit ,just show origin image

Carthage build error

Hello, I get the following error when building with carthage update --platform iOS and having git "[email protected]:congnd/FMPhotoPicker.git" in Cartfile:

Module compiled with Swift 5.2.4 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 compiler

I use Xcode version 12.0.

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