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metaftpd's Introduction

MetaFTPd and libUseful are (C) 2012 Colum Paget. They are released under the GPL so you may do anything with them that the GPL allows.

Email: [email protected]

	This is free software. It comes with no guarentees and I take no responsiblity if it makes your computer explode or opens a portal to the demon dimensions, or does (or doesn't do) anything.


	MetaFTPd is an ftp demon that supports both standalone and inetd operation, transparent proxying, chrooting, compressed file transfers and extended commands like XMD5 and SITE CHMOD.

Command Line Arguments:

-proxy          Proxy Mode. Act as a transparent proxy, requires a kernel that supports obtaining the 'target' address.
		By-request proxying that's triggered by logins containing a hostname, or by use of the 'SITE proxy' command do not need this.
-chhome         ChHome. Chroot into the home dir of the user after logon
-chroot         <dir>	ChRoot to directory on program start
-chshare        <dir>	Chroot to a shared directory with user subdirectories in it
-port           <port>	Port to listen on (default 21)
-p              <port>	Port to listen on (default 21)
-4              Use IPv4 only
-nodemon        Don't background
-I              Use out of inetd, not as standalone server
-inetd          Use out of inetd, not as standalone server
-f              <path>	path to config file
-A              <methods list>	Comma-separated ist of authentication methods (pam,passwd,shadow,native,session-pam)

-a              <path>	path to 'native' authentication file
-allowusers     <user list>	Comma-seperated list of users allowed to log on
-denyusers      <user list>	Comma-seperated list of users to deny logon to
-nopasv         Don't use passive mode
-dclow          <port>	Minimum port for Data connections
-dchigh         <port>	Maximum port for Data connections
-logfile        <path>	Logfile Path
-l              <path>	Logfile Path
-syslog         Use syslog for logging
-idle           <secs>	'Soft' idle timeout (user can override)
-maxidle        <secs>	'Hard' idle timeout
-mlocks         Mandatory Locks
-alocks         Advisory Locks
-malocks        Mandatory write, Advisory read Locks
-i              <address>	Bind server to address/interface
-bindaddress    <address>	Bind server to address/interface
-dcus           <script path>	Data Connnection Up Script
-dcds           <script path>	Data Connection DownScript
-update-pass    <hash type>	Update Password Hash Type
-confirm-transfer <hash type>	Confirm Transfer using Hash Type
-?              This help
-help           This help
--help          This help
-version        Print version
--version       Print Version

-user 'Native' user authentication setup
	metaftpd -user add <username> <password> <home directory> [ -t <authentication type> ] [ -a <auth file path> ] [Arg 1] [Arg 2]... [Arg n]
	metaftpd -user del <username> [ -a <auth file path> ]
	metaftpd -user list [ -a <auth file path> ]

	-a Path to authentication file for 'native' authentication (defaults to /dev/metaftpd.auth)
	-t password type, one of plaintext/md5/sha1/sha256/sha512/whirl (defaults to md5)
	Arg (1-n). Arguments in config-file format (Key=Value) can be set against a particular user

	Config File Entries
	These all have a format Key=Value, except for the few that are just 'Key'
		Chroot=<path>	Chroot into <path> and serve files from there
		ChHome		Chroot into users home directory after login
		AllowUsers=<comma seperated user list> Users allowed to log in
		DenyUsers=<comma seperated user list> Users denied log in
		Port=<port number> Port to listen on for command connections
		DataConnectUpScript=<script path> Script to run (for changing iptables etc) when bringing up a data connection
		DataConnectDownScript=<script path> Script to run (for changing iptables etc) when taking down a data connection
		Banner=<text> 'Banner' to send on initial control-connection
		DataConnectionLowPort=<port number> low end of port range to use for data connectons
		DataConnectionHighPort=<port number> high end of port range to use for data connections
		AuthFile=<path> Path to file for 'Native' authentication
		AuthMethods=<comma seperated list> List of authentication methods a subset of pam,passwd,shadow,native,session-pam
			session-pam applies PAM account/session rules to other authentication methods
		LogFile=<path> LogFile Path (can include the variables '$(User)' and '$(ClientIP)'
		Idle=<timeout> Idle timeout for control connections, user overridable soft limit
		MaxIdle=<timeout> Idle timeout for control connections, hard limit
		Locks=<timeout> Idle timeout for control connections
		BindAddress=<ip address> Bind to specific network address/card.
		PermittedCommands=<comma seperated list of ftp commands> Allowed FTP commands.
		DefaultGroup=<Group name> Group to run server as.
		ConfirmTransfers=<hash type> confirm transfers with a hash, one of md5/sha1/sha256/sha512/whirl
		UploadHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER file uploaded.
		DownloadHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER file uploaded.
		DeleteHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER file deleted.
		RenameHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER file renamed.
		LogonHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER user Logon.
		LogoffHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER user Logoff.
		ConnectUpHook=<path to script>	Script to be run BEFORE data connection established.
		ConnectDownHook=<path to script>	Script to be run AFTER data connection closed.
		Hook scripts are all passed appropriate arguments, filepath, username or ip/port info


Anonymous login is possible using 'native' authentication, and creating a user with a special password type of 'null'. So:

metaftpd -user add anonymous -t null -h /tmp


metaftpd supports PAM authentication, and if 'pam' is specified as an authentication method, the server will try to load a config from /etc/pam.d for 'metaftpd' falling back to 'ftp' and then falling back to 'other'.


Most authentication methods handle authentication, however the session-pam option doesn't authenticate the user. Instead this option applies the non-authentication parts of the Pluggable Authentication Modules framework to other authentication types than PAM. PAM deals with authentication, account management, and session setup. Account management can be used to deny logon for accounts even after they've authenticated (for instance because the account is locked, or has expired, or has failed some other check other than authentication). The session-pam auth method allows one to authenticate by any means, but still run other checks and session setup via PAM. For instance, you may have a user called 'ftpuser' setup via the 'native' authentication method, which maps to a 'real user' of 'nobody'. With the pam-session option enabled metaftpd with first authenticate 'ftpuser' via the native method, and then check that the 'nobody' account is allowed to log on, even if it's authenticated. This system can be used, for instance, with my pam_ihosts PAM module ( which allows one to allow/deny login based on IP address, mac address, or geolocation, even if the user has authenticated successfully.


metaftpd supports three types of chroot operation.

1) ChRoot mode. Chroot into a specified directory on program startup. This requires and /etc directory within the chroot containing whichever type of authentication files are being used (a native .auth file, a passwd file, and/or a shadow file) because in this mode the chroot is done before authentication. It is about the only ChRoot mode that will work when operating out of inetd.

2) ChShare mode. Chroot into a specified 'share' directory on user login. If the user's home directory is under the share then chdir (but not chroot) into that. This allows users to logon, start off in their home directories, but be able to access each other's directories. So, for example, 'metaftpd -chshare /home' would result in chdiring to the users home directory (assuming their home directory is under '/home', otherwise they will just chdir to '/home', and then changing the 'root' to be 'home'. So the user would find themselves in their home directory, but be able to 'cd ..' up one level into '/home' and access other directories below home. However, they would not be able to 'cd ..' up any higher, for they are chrooted into '/home'.

3) ChHome mode. This chroots the user into their home directory, so they can only see their own files. If the user has no home directory, then the chdir to the default directory (defaults to directory metaftpd was started in).


A recurring problem with FTP is that it uses data connections from/to random ports, and which can go in either direction depending on whether PORT or PASV type data-connections are used. This is a problem for firewalls. Metaftpd mitigates this by two methods:

1) Port range. The 'DataConnectionLowPort' and 'DataConnectionHighPort' config file commands (and equivalent command-line arguments) allow you to specify a range of ports to be used for data connections. Traffic from these ports can then be allowed through firewalls, without having to 'open the whole firewall' to allow ftp.

2) Connection Up/Down scripts. The DataConnectUpScript and DataConnectDownScript, and their equivalent command-line arguments, allow scripts to be run just before a data connection is made, and just after it is closed, allowing firewall rules to be changed on the fly.

Scripts are passed arguments in this order: 

SourceAddress, SourcePort, DestAddress, DestPort, ConnectType

Where 'ConnectType' will be 'FromClient' for passive-mode data connections to a client, 'ToClient' for active-mode data connections to a client, 'ToServer' for proxy-mode connections to a server, and 'FromServer' for proxy-mode connections from a server.


The -confirm-transfers command-line option and ConfirmTransfers config file option allow one to specify a hash function that will be used to confirm the file transferred successfully. If enabled, e.g. with


Then the "211 transfer-complete" status message from the metaftpd server will contain a substring of the field <hashtype>=<hash>, which can be used to confirm that the file transferred successfully.


	There are 3 ways to use metaftpd as an ftp proxy. At login a user can enter a username in the form <user>@<host> and this tells metaftp to act as a proxy for <host>. There is a SITE PROXY <host> command that can be sent which also sets up a proxy connection to <host>. Finally metaftpd can act as a transparent proxy when started with the -proxy flag. When started with the -proxy flag it will treat all connections as proxy connections.

The -proxy flag requires a linux system with transparent proxying available. This is set up via iptables. For instance, if you were running metaftpd with the -proxy flag on port 2121 then you'd need iptables rules of the form:

	iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport ftp -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2121

This would mean all ftp traffic would be redirected to your proxy at port 2121.

If you still want to serve ftp on port 21 of your host it doesn't make much sense to pass it through the proxy. You can use:

	iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport ftp ! -d <ip address> -j REDIRECT --to-ports 2121

Where <ip address> is the address of the host. The -d flag means 'destination host' and the "!" operator turns it into 'not this destination host'. This method can be used to 'turn off' proxying for any ftp host by including a rule with their IP address listed.

You will probably also need rules to tell your iptables firewall to accept connections on port 2121

/usr/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2121 -j ACCEPT
/usr/sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 2121 -j ACCEPT

(You might need to add '-i eth0' or whatever is appropriate to specify that these connections should only be allowed on the internal network (so you're not offering proxy services to the internet!)


MetaFTPd supports a file-locking system to prevent two users writing to the same file simultaneously. There are three modes that this system can function in, 'Advisory', 'Mandatory' and 'MandatoryWrite'. In 'AdvisoryMode' the initial response to a RETR or a STOR will contain a warning if someone else is accessing the file (the ftp client should display this warning, though some (like webbrowsers) probably wont. In 'Mandatory' mode file accesses will fail with an error if someone else is working on the file at the same time. In 'MandatoryWrite' mode writes will fail, but reads will just get a warning.

STRU T (TAR file structure)

MetaFTPd supports two 'structure types' for file transfers, the standard 'F' type, and the 'T' or 'Tar' type. If the type is set to 'T' then transfers will be wrapped up in a tar archive. Directory listings (which are a type of transfer) are unaffected. This allows sending many files over a single data connection.

This can be used even if a client doesn't support this option. Most clients support a 'quote' command which will send an arbitrary string to the server. Hence:

	quote stru t

can be used to switch to 'Tar' type. Then a command like:

	get *.jpg jpegs.tar

Will download a tar of all files matching *.jpg into 'jpegs.tar'. Similarly:

	put jpegs.tar

Will upload a tarball which will then be unpacked into the current directory.

The command:

	quote stru f

Will return to 'file structure', in which case all files will simply be treated as single files, rather than tarballs.

It is hoped that in future clients will support this command, allowing them to automatically tar/untar files and send or receive them over a single data-connection, thus speeding up the transfer process.



REST	- Restart file transfer at so many bytes in.
MDTM	- Get file modify time
STRU  - Switch file structure (options are 'F' (standard file) and 'T' (tar file))
SIZE - Get File Size
MODE - Mode S and Mode Z (gzip compresssion) supported
AVBL - Get disk available space
CLNT - Register client program name/version
MD5  - Get file MD5 checksum
XMD5 - Get file MD5 checksum
XCRC - Get file CRC checksum
XSHA - Get file SHA1 checksum
XSHA1 - Get file SHA1 checksum
XSHA256 - Get file SHA256 checksum
XSHA512 - Get file SHA512 checksum
HASH - Get file hash (Default md5, setable to others with 'opts' command'
SITE PROXY - Enter proxy mode and connect to host
SITE SYMLINK - Create Symlink
SITE CHMOD - Change file mode
SITE UTIME - Change file modify time
SITE UMASK - Get/Change umask
SITE ZONE - Get site timezone
SITE TIME - Get server's idea of time
SITE IDLE - Get/Change server idle timeout (soft limit)

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