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gymstore's Introduction



The goal of this project is to create an ecommerce site that allows users to make purchases. The main task is that they can make purchases of different products, pay with a card paying system.

This ecommerce site has a profile section area which allows users/customers to become members. The customer becomes a member by filling a sign up form and then get an email verification.

The customer can search products to buy by category and sort by price and rating in the search box. There is also an administrator area which is in charge of the distribution of the products. This means, add, edit and delete products in the system.

The administrator can select products in different categories, add or remove categories as necessary. In the making of this project CRUD functionality was programmed in python. In future updates, the goal is to make the online store work in a real environment, with more features.

The goal is to make the online store available in other languages. This makes it possible to expand the reach to more customers from different locations.This is the fourth MS4 project from Code Institute.

User Experience (UX)

User Stories

As a user of this site, I want to

  1. As a user, i want to be able to easily understand what the site is about so that i can decide if this is a site of my interest.

  2. As a user, i want to easy navigate through the different pages so that i can use the site.

  3. As a user, i want to search for products by price and rating so that I can compare which one is better for me to buy.

  4. As a user, i want to be able to register an account so that i can become a member.

  5. As a user, i want the process of registration to be simple so that i can start make use of the site as soon as possible.

  6. As a user, i want to view a description of the products so that i can see if it is what I am really looking for.

  7. As a user, i would like to easily be able to add products to the cart so that i can continue my shopping.

  8. As a user, i want to see a list of the products that I buy so that i can have an overview over the products and the total sum of my products.

  9. As a user, i want to add and delete products from my shopping cart so that i can make changes to my purchases in case I regret buying something.

  10. As a user, i want the checkout form to be as clear as possible, so that i can be able to see the detail of my purchases.

  11. As a User, i want to receive an order confirmation by email, so that I can be able to see the detail of my purchases and that the purchase has been successful.

  12. As a User, i want to receive verification emails, so that I can be aware that my registration as a user has been successful.

  13. As a User, i want to easily recover my password in case I forget it, so that i can be able to always use my account.

  14. As a User, i want to be able to sort a product-category by price or rating.

  15. As a User, i want to be able to see if a product or a size is out of stock.

  16. As a User, i want to be able to see why a product has such a good rating through comments from previous buyers who left the rating.

The purpose of the GymStore is to :

  • Create an e-commerce site dedicated for all those who practice some kind of sport. Also for those who are starting out on the exercise route. Here customers will find products of different categories whose use is for different purposes. These can be clothing, nutrition, etc.

  • Create an environment of commerce that assimilates as much as possible to reality.

  • Today online shopping is more common than before. The sale of products from different areas has become a lifestyle. Which opens a way to competition between different companies. The idea of making this online store comes from the ms4 project for Code Institute. The inspiration for this site comes from the Swedish site gymgrossisten.

Project Strategy

To meet the goal of this project, the following strategy has been implemented.

  • Provide CRUD functions are included making it possible for the user to handle their information.

  • The site is built to easy navigate and this makes it also easy to use.

  • The site is built so that the user can easily shop what they want to shop.

  • The site is built so that the user can easily register as a member.

  • The site is built with a secure checkout page so that the user can see a detailed list of their products.


Color Scheme

The colours that I used for the site:

  • (Black) Background color of all system templates.

  • (White) For the titles in the navbar, and for the texts in the other templates of the website such as buttons, product descriptions, etc.

  • (Blue) Is used by the text box where the visa card number is placed on the checkout page. Also the text and logo for My account and the text for Products Home.

  • (Green) Is the default color of the buttons in the checkout page. Also the hover color for the view button in the all product page.

  • (Red) It is used for the "shop now" button and the text of the card purchase.

  • (Grey) is the hover color for the add to cart button in the all product page and the color main color for the button in the product detail page.

The reason why did i choose these colors is because the background color is black. It was necessary to use strong colors that contrast with the environment. This contrast allows the user to be more focused

on what they need and at the same time gives a typical atmosphere of the gym world. Since in most of these sites and from the site in which this project was inspired, the main background color is black.


"Roboto" and Sans-Serif font is used in the website. The reason why this font was chosen is because it makes the text of the site more clear. Roboto has a dual nature. It

has a mechanical skeleton and the forms are largely geometric. Roboto also allows letters to be settled into their natural width. This makes the reading rhythm to be more



The images used for the creation of this project were taken from the Swedish website gymgrossisten.

The picture in the home page is from Pexels. The reason for this choice is that being an online store for exercise products, it is important that the first impression of the user when entering is to understand what the site is about.

The images taken from the gymgrossisten page are only use as images of the products available in the online store.



  • Responsive on all devices.

  • Interactive elements.

  • Responsive navbar.

  • Designed with HTML5, CSS, Python3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and Django.

  • Register members page and login page.

  • The use of stripe as a payment method for purchases.

  • Product page ordered in different categories.

  • The option to search products by categories, price and rating.

  • Shopping cart page where users can see a list of products they have been purchased.

  • Increase and delete the products in the shopping cart.

  • Checkout page where the payment is generated.

  • verification emails send to customers that register.

Features left to implement in the future

  • Make it possible to have the e-commerce site in several languages.

  • Create more product areas with their categories.

  • Add another payment system, giving the user the option to choose the payment system that is most convenient for them.

  • Create a function that allows to send advertasing for new products to registered users.

  • Create a function that allows the customer sort a product-category by price or rating.

  • Create a function that allows showing an "out of stock" message by product size.

  • Create a function that allows customers to leave comments on the products they buy and rate them according to their convenience.

Technologies Used

  • For the making of this project, the following technologies has been used

Django framework 

  • Django

    Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.

  • Django Allauth

    This is used for register, sign up and sign out pages.

  • Django Crispy Forms

    Used for all forms in this project.


  • Fontawesome

    Font Awesome is a font and icon toolkit i use for the icons on different pages.

  • Googlefonts

    Used in this project for typography.

  • Booststrap

    Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design

    templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

Repository, workspace

  • Gitpod 

    Gitpod is used as the enviroment program were the page was made and for the writing of the code.

  • Github 

    I use Github to host the deployed website. Also in Github you can track your code and go back to previous versions to keep track of what you've done.

  • Heroku

    Platform used for the deployments and running the apps. 



  • Balsamic

    Program use for the making of the wireframes for this project.

  • Stripe

    I use stripe for the project payment system. In addition, it is one of the requirements of this project.

  • YouTube

    I use this site to get inspiration from other projects and to search information about source code. 

  • Markdown

Markdown is a easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform.

I use this site to get answers to questions about the programming languages used.

  • Amazon Web Services

    I use Amazon to store the static and media files.This procedure is performed by saving the corresponding information in the AWS S3 bucket.

The code is validated in the following pages for error correction:

Data schema

Django works with SQL databases by default. Sqlite3 has been used in the development environment. Instead, when deploying to Heroku, it provides a PostgreSQL database for


Product App


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Category category ForeignKey on_delete=models.CASCADE
Sku sku CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Name name CharField max_length=250
Description description TextField
Price price DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2
Rating rating DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, blank=True
Image url image_url URLField max_length=1024, null=True, blank=True
Image image ImageField null=True, blank=True
Stock stock IntegerField null=True, blank=True
Has sizes has_sizes BooleanFieldv default=True, null=True, blank=True


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Name name CharField max_length=250
Friendly Name friendly_name CharField max_length=250, blank=True


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Product product ForeignKey on_delete=models.CASCADE
Name name CharField max_length=250,

Cart App


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Cart id cart_id CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Date added date_added DateField auto_now_add=True


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Product product ForeignKey blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE
Cart cart ForeignKey on_delete=models.CASCADE
Quantity quantity IntegerField
Active active BooleanField default=True

Checkout App


Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Order Number order_number CharField max_length=35, null=False, editable=False
User Profile user_profile ForeignKey on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, blank=True, related_name='orders'
Billing Name billingName CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Email Address emailAddress EmailField max_length=250, blank=True, verbose_name='Email Adress'
Phone phone CharField max_length=15, null=False, default=0
Billing Country billingCountry CountryField blank_label='Country *', null=False, blank=False
Billing Postcode billingPostcode CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Billing City billingCity CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Billing Address billingAdress1 CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Shipping Name shippingName CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Shipping Address shippingAddress1 CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Shipping City shippingCity CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Shipping Postcode. shippingPostcode CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Shipping Country shippingCountry CountryField blank_label='Country *', null=False, blank=False
created created DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
Delivery Cost delivery_cost DecimalField max_digits=8, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Total total DecimalField max_digits=10, null=True, decimal_places=2, verbose_name='USD Order Total'
Grand Total grand_total DecimalField max_digits=8, decimal_places=2, null=False, default=0
Original Cart original_cart TextField null=False, blank=False, default=''
Stripe Pid stripe_pid CharField max_length=254, null=False, blank=False, default=''

Order Line Item

Title Db Key Data Type Comments
Order order ForeignKey null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='lineitems
Product product ForeignKey null=False, blank=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE
Product size product_size. CharField max_length=2, null=True, blank=True
Quantity quantity. IntegerField null=False, blank=False, default=0
Lineitem total lineitem_total DecimalField max_digits=6, decimal_places=2, null=False, blank=False, editable=False

Profile App

User Profile

Title Db Key Data Type Comments
User user OneToOneField on_delete=models.CASCADE
Default Phone default_phone CharField max_length=15, null=True, blank=True
Default Billing Address default_billingAdress1 CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Default Billing Country default_billingCountry CountryField blank_label='Country', null=True, blank=True
Default Billing Postcode default_billingPostcode CharField max_length=250, blank=True
Default Billing City default_billingCity CharField max_length=250, blank=True


   During the testing time, the following code validates are use.

  • W3C Validator HTML.

  • CSS validator CSS.

  • Pep8 validator Python

  • JSHint JavaScript

Testing User Stories from User Experience (UX) Section 

  1. As a user, i want to be able to easily understand what the site is about so that i can decide if this is a site of my interest.

    i. Entering the page, there is a title, a paragraph and a picture in which it is clearly read what the site is about. The big red button as well as the shopping cart in the top of the site makes it easy to understand that this is a ecommerce site.

  2. As a user, i want to easy navigate through the different pages so that i can use the site.

    i. The main page has a navigation menu in which there are some options. One is the product section where the categories are displayed.

    ii. There is also a section of login and registration of members as well as the option of shopping cart shown with an icon.

  3. As a user, i want to search for products by price and rating so that I can compare which one is better for me to buy.

    i. There is a search option for products where the user can search either by price, rating or product name.

  4. As a user, i want to register an account so that i can become a member.

    i. The user has the possibility to register a membership account. Once this is done, a confirmation mail is sent to verify the account. The button is clearly visible at the top of the site.

  5. As a user, i want the process of registration to be simple so that i can start make use of the site as soon as possible.

    i. To register, enter your email, choose a username and a password in the register form, displayed below the button My Account and register.

  6. As a user, i want to view a description of the products so that i can see if it is what I am really looking for.

    i. Press the "Shop now" button on the main page. The user is directed to the "all products" page, where the user can see the detail of each product, by pressing the view-button.

  7. As a user, i would like to easily be able to add products to the cart so that i can continue my shopping.

    i. On the product detail page, there is the "add to cart" button which allows the customer to choose the product to be entered into the shopping cart.

  8. As a user, i want to see a list of the products that I buy so that i can be able to take an order of my purchases.

    i. Once the "add to cart" button is pressed, the user is directed to the cart page a detail list of the products to buy appears.

    ii. In the product cards, there is also the "add to cart" button. This takes the user directly to the cart, as long as it is not a product that contains a size.

    iii. By pressing "add to cart" button on a product with a size, the user is directed to the product description page so that he/she can choose the size of their choice.

  9. As a user, i want to add and delete products from my shopping cart so that i can make changes to my purchases in case I regret buying something.

    i. On the cart page, the user has the possibility of adding, reducing or completely removing the product from the shopping cart.

  10. As a user, i want the checkout form to be as clear as possible, so that i can be able to see the detail of my purchases.

    i. Once the products have been chosen, the user can click to the checkout page, where a list of the products purchased is displayed, in addition to a form to fill out with their personal information.

ii. In this section there is also the payment section, where the user can fill in the credit card details and proceed to pay for the purchases.

  1. As a User, i want to receive an order confirmation by email, so that I can be able to see the detail of my purchases and that the purchase has been successful.

    i. At the end of the purchase, an email is sent with the details to the email that was entered in the checkout form.

  2. As a User, i want to receive verification emails, so that I can be aware that my registration as a user has been successful.

    i. When a user has registered, a verification email is sent to the email entered in the registration form.

  3. As a User, i want to easily recover my password in case I forget it, so that i can be able to always use my account.

    i. In the sign in form there is an option "forgot password", where it is possible for the user to enter the email address that is registered.

ii. The user then receives an email with a link where it will be taken to the reset form. There it is possible to enter a new password.

  1. As a User, i want to be able to sort a product-category by price or rating.

    i. In future updates, a function will be implemented where the user can sort a product category by price or rating.

  2. As a User, i want to be able to see if a product or a size is out of stock.

    i. At the moment it is only possible to see when a product in general is out of stock.

ii. In future updates it is intended to create the function where the user is alerted by a message in the description of the product, which size is "out of stock".

  1. As a User, i want to be able to see why a product has such a good rating through comments from previous buyers who left the rating.

    i. This function is not available today. However, it is thought to be implemented in a near future.

  • During my test period i focus on the user stories.

Further Testing

The testing of the Navbar and pages.

Home Page

  • Test result: The user is directed to the "All Products" page when pressing the "Shop now" button in the home page.

  • Test result: The user is directed to the home page when pressing the logo in the site.

  • Test result: The user is directed to the "All Product page" when pressing the "All Products" option in the navbar under Products.

  • Test result: The user can choose different other categories when pressing the "Products" option in the navbar, a menu with a list of different categories is displayed.

  • Test result: The user can search products by rating and price when pressing the "Sort" option in the navbar.

  • Test result: The user can search products by name, brand and category in the search box in all the pages where it is displayed.

  • Test result: The user can log and register in the "My Account" icon and label in all the pages where it is displayed.

  • Test result: The user is directed to the cart page when pressing the shopping cart icon in the navbar.

Product Page

  • Test result: The user can view the description of the product by presing the "view" button on the product page.

  • Test result: The user can add products to the shopping cart by pressing the "Add product" button in the product pages.

Product detail Page

  • Test result: The user can add products to the shopping cart by pressing the "Add product" in the product detail page.

  • Test result: The user can choose sizes for the products with this option available and add to the cart in the product detail page.

Product add

  • Test result: The administrator can add products by logging into his account. Then choose "Product management" under "My account".

Product edit

  • Test result: The administrator can edit products by going to the Products option in the navbar. Choosing the option of all the products or a category.

  • Test result: The administrator can delete products. The procedure is as shown above.

Cart Page

  • Test result: The user can add, remove and delete products.

  • Test result: The user has the possibility to continue shopping by pressing the button "Continue shopping".

  • Test result: The user can go to the checkout page by pressing the "Continue to checkout" button.

Checkout Page

  • Test result: The user was able to fill in his data in the checkout form and complete the order by pressing the button "Complete order". When pressing the button a comfirmation of the order appears.

Sign Up Page

  • Test result: The user can fill in their data in the form to create a new account.

  • Test result: The user is directed to the "Sign in" page when pressing the sign in label message text.

Sign In Page

  • Test result: The user can sign in by filling the sign in form on the page with the data that he/she registered when creating the account.

Profile Page

  • Test result: The user can see his profile page. Once entered the system, go to "My account" and then press "My Profile".

  • Test result: The user can change his information by changing his data in the form "Deafult delivery information".

  • Test result: The user can view his order history in the order history section.

The website has been checked in different browser, such as.

1. Chrome

2. Firefox

3. Safari

4. Microsoft edge

1. Ipad

2. Iphone

3. Android

4. Laptop

Friends and family tested the site registering and testing the mail verification function They made purchases without problem. This was also made to point out any bugs and/or user experience issues.

Known Bugs

  • On the cart page when selecting different products, this generates a list. When pressing the increase or decrease icon in a specific product, the location is change. This do not affect the purchase but only the line where the product is exchanged. (See photos)

    Picture 1

    Picture 2

  • In the checkout form on the phone text box, there is a 0, but it is not impeded that the user can enter his phone number.

    Picture 3

  • The logo image looks larger on some devices more than others.


To deploy this project, I used the hosting platform of Github and heroku. The step to deploy this project are as follows.

  • GitPod is used for the creation of this project.

  • GitHub was use for the creation of the project repository.

  • The repository is connected to Gitpod. All the changes during the creation of the project are committed and push to GitHub.

  • As a final part, the project is deployed to heroku. This is achieved by the linking between github and heroku.

  • AWS was is used to store static files and images.


The Project is deployed to Heroku using the following steps..

1.- Navigate to Heroku and log into your account.

2.- Press the "new" button in the dashboard and choose "Create new app" option.

3.- Write you apps name and choose the region according to where you live.

4.- Then press the "create app" button.

5.- Go to the Resources tab. Under the Add-ons label in the search box, type "postgres".

6.- Choose "Heroku Postgres" and the free plan.

7.- Then go to the gitpod terminal, and install the following.

  • pip3 install dj_database url

  • pip3 install psycopg2 binary

8.- Freeze the requirements in the requirements.txt file by typing: pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

9.- To get the database setup. Go to and import dj_database_url:

Image of the settings file

10.- Next, in the database settings, comment out default configuration.

Image of the settings file

11.- Replace the default database with a call to dj_database_url.parse. Give the database URL from Heroku. You can get this from your config variables in Heroku or by typing Heroku config from the command line.

Image of the settings file

12.- Save and migrate the changes.

13.- Import all of the product data, use the fixtures by loading first the categories and then the products.

  • python3 loaddata categories

  • python3 loaddata products

14.- Create a superuser with the following command.

  • python3 create superuser

15.- After creating the superuser. Go back to the settings file, remove the Heroku database config and uncomment the original. This is done so that the database url don't end up in version control.

Image of the settings file

16.- Commit the changes.

17.- Go to the settings file and write an if statement. This is done so that when our app is running on Heroku, where the database URL environment variable is defined, we connect to Postgres, and not to sqlite.

Image of the settings file

18.- Next install unicorn, which acts as our webserver.

  • pip3 install unicorn

19.- Then freeze that into our requirements.txt file.

  • pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

20.- Next step is to create our Procfile. This will tell Heroku to create a web dyno, that will run unicorn and serve our django app.

Image of the settings file

21.- Now temporarily disable collecstatic. In the terminal type the following.

Image of the settings file

22.- Add the hostname of your Heroku app to allowed hosts in

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', 'localhost']

Image of the settings file

23.- Commit the changes and push to Heroku with.

Image of the settings file

24.- Set the app to automatically deploy on Heroku when you push to github. To do this, follow these steps.

  • Go to your Heroku app and in into the "Deploy" tab.

  • In the "Deployment method" section set it to "connect to github"

  • Search for the repository you are using and then click connect.

Image of the settings file

25.-Enable automatic deploys. To do that click the "Enable Automatic Deploys" button in the Automatic deploys section.

Image of the settings file

26.- To test if our automatic deploys works, we need to remove our secret key from our settings and make a new commit.

27.- To get a new secret key to enter in your Heroku Config Vars (you can create one by using an online Django secret key generator.

28.- Once you got your secret key, go to your heroku app and enter the key into the cofig vars in settings.

Image of the settings file

29.- Go back to you settings file and replace the secret key with the call to get it from the environment.

Image of the settings file

30.- Finally, commit and push this changes to github.

AWS account

AWS is a cloud based storage service, used to store static files and images

1.- To create an account, go to

2.- Click at the top right of the screen on "My account".

3.- Click on "AWS Management Console", and then click the "Create a new AWS account" button.

4.- Fill the required information and create the account (using the free version will be sufficient).

5.- Go back tto and sign into "AWS Management Console", located in the upper right part of the screen under "My Account".

6.- Once you signed in, search for the S3 service.

7.- Open S3 and create a new bucket. This will be use to store our files.

8.- Choose a name for your bucket and select the region closest to you, just like you did in the Heroku app.

9.- Uncheck "Block all public access" and acknowledge that the bucket will be public. This must be done so that our static files can have public access.

10.- Once the bucket is creted, we must set a few settings.

11.- Go to the properties tab and turn on "Static website hosting".

12.- In the index and error document , just fill some deafult values since they will not be use.

Image of the settings file

13.- Next, go to the "Permissions" tab and make three changes.

  • First, paste a CORS configuration. This is to set up the required access between the Heroku app and the s3 Bucket.

  • Go to the bucket policy tab and select policy generator so we can create a security policy for this bucket.

Image of the settings file

  • The policy type is going to be s3 bucket policy. This will allow all principals by using a star, and the action will be, get object

Image of the settings file

  • Next copy the ARN which stands for Amazon resource name from bucket policy tab and paste it into the ARN box at the bottom, click Add Statement, click Generate Policy and

    copy the policy into the bucket policy editor.

Image of the settings file

Image of the settings file

  • Before clicking Save, add a slash star into the end of the resource key. This is done so we can have allow access to all resources in the bucket.

  • Now click save.

  • The last thing to do, is to go to the access control list tab, and set the list objects permission for everyone under the Public Access section.

14.- Now we need to create a user to access the bucket. This is done by using another service called IAM which stands for Identity and Access Management.

15.- Go to the services menu and click IAM.

16.- Click groups under "Access management" and create a new group (keep clicking "next" button to Create Group).

17.- Create the policy to access our bucket by clicking policies and then create policy.

18.- Next, go to the JSON tab and then select import managed policy, search for s3 in the list and import the s3 full access policy.

19.- Get the bucket ARN from the bucket policy page in s3, and paste it in the JSON section.

20.- Click review policy, give it a name and a description, and then click create policy.

21.- Go to groups and click the group you created. And last click attach policy.

22.- Search for the policy you just created, select it and click "Attach policy" button.

Image of the settings file

23.- Create a user to put in the group. On the user's page, click "add user", create a user ("YOUR_STORE_NAME-staticfiles-user), give them programmatic access, and select "next".

Image of the settings file

24.- Now add the user to your group. You can verify that also the policy is attached. Click through to the end and create the user.

25.- Now download the CSV file which will contain this users access key and secret access key which we'll use to authenticate them from our Django app.

  • Important! After downloading the CSV file save it. This is because once you go through this process, you can't download it again.

26.- To Connect Django to s3 bucket, Install 2 new packages in the gitpod terminal:

  • pip3 install boto3

  • pip3 install django-storages

27.- Then freeze requirements.

  • pip3 freeze > requirements.txt

28.- Add storages in the settings file, to the installed app since Django need to know about it.

Image of the settings file

29.- To connect Django to s3 you need to add some settings in to tell it which bucket it should be communicating with.

Image of the settings file

30.- Go to Heroku and add your AWS keys to the "Config variables". Also the key called "USE_AWS" set it to true. This is for the settings file knows to use AWS configuration

when making a deploy to Heroku.

31.- Remove the disable collectstatic variable in the "Config variables".

32.- In our settings file, we need to tell django where our static files will be coming from in production.

Image of the settings file

33.- Next step is to create custom storages file.

Image of the settings file

34.- Go to, and write the following code for "Static and media files" and also the code to override and set the URLs for static and media files.

Image of the settings file

35.- Last thing to do, is to Add/commit changes and git push. This will trigger an automatic deployment to heroku.

36.- To upload files(images), go to s3 and create a new folder, with the name of your choice.(Usually we call this folder "media")

37.- Double click on the folder you created and click the upload button. Select the images you want to upload.

38.- Click next and under "Manage public permission" grant public read access to your images you upload.

39.- Continue click next to the end and finally click upload.

Local Deployment

1. On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the repository.

2. Above the list of files, click "Code".

3. Mark the HTTPS tag and press the copy icon at the end of the link.

4. Open Git Bash

5. Change the current working directory to the place where you want the cloned directory to be made.

Type  "git clone", and then paste the URL you copied.

$ git clone

6. Press enter and you should see the following code on the screen.

![example image of git clone](images/git-clone.png)

7. Open the index.html in the folder that you clone the project.




  • Library used throughout the project in the making of the website and to make it responsive.
  • For the use of button effects and other features of the site. I search information from Open tutorials
  • I use this site to get information about the website errors encounter in this project.


  • I use the Boutique Ado project tutorial from Code Institute as a guidance in the making of this project. 

  • Part of the code written is my code and ideas and guidance from my mentor Antonio Rodriguez.

  • I use the readme file template from Code Institute for the making of my readme file.

  • The photos in the deployment section, they were made by print screen of the Boutique Ado tutorial from Code institute.


All Images are from the following site:


  • My beautiful wife and journalist Sara Johansson for her patience, understanding and use of the system.

  • My Mentor Antonio Rodriguez for continuous helpful feedback.

  • Tutor support at Code Institute for their support and help.

  • My friend Christian Mossberg for guidance and support.

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