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big-3-store-ms4's Introduction

The Big 3 Store

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The Big 3 Store is a website dedicated to the selling of products related to the 3 best selling shonen manga's of the 2000's. It is designed to be easily accessible from a range of devices, making it easy to navigate and browse through the different available products.

Display of the Website

Mission Statement

To provide the best quality product at the most affordable price possible.

Target Audience

The target audience for The Big 3 is fans of the popular Anime's featured on our store. We attempt to provide the highest possible quality at affordable prices so that the products offered can be accessible to everyone.

Business Objectives

Although the business is merely for educational purposes it's overall design and development strategies have been taken from a realistic perspective:

  • To Provide an easy to navigate, well designed online shop that offers secure purchases, and a variety of products that tries to meet the users demands.

  • Provide the ability for users to review and leave feedback on products for future customers to feel confident in the product they might be interested in.

  • Grow the shop over time, offering more variety and quantity of the types of products we offer to meet even the niche's of demands.

User Objectives

  • Purchase medium to high quality products from the 3 anime's featured in the website such as apparel, figures, and props.

  • See other user's reviews and feedback to give new users the necessary information to encourage them to purchase said item.

  • Contact the business about an order or to provide feedback about the website or more product they would like to see featured in the shop.

  • Make an account to be able to see their order history and edit and save their personal information for future purchases.

User Experience

Project Strategy

The strategies used to build the website and the business as a whole are listed below:

The Products


The apparel offered in the website are currently from a variety of providers, and quality controlled by us to ensure both the quality and the pricing of the product has been justified to maximize customer satisfaction.


The figures have been carefully selected and carefully priced based on the materials and amount of detail the figure has as well as the availability of each figure.


The Props available are clear replicas of some of the memorable wear and accessories of the characters showcased in the shows. We attempt to offer the most identical products to the items displayed in the show.

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews are important for the overall ecosystem of the business as it provides happy and dissatisfied customers a way to express their views on products they have purchased and by doing so giving new customers and us as business owners feedback on popular products as well as lacking products that might need to be replaced, improved or removed.

Project Scope

User Demographics

  • The primary users of the site will be fans of the featured shows looking for merchandise or memorabilia from shows they watched as kids or have just started watching it's targeted for all ages.

  • The website is simple, easy to use and easy to navigate that displays the necessary information for the user to be able to find what they're looking for with ease.

User Requirements

  • Simple and well laid out
  • Easy to navigate
  • Clean with the necessary information
  • Easy to make purchases
  • Responsive design is required as users may be viewing the store from a mobile, tablet or desktop.
  • The store should be secure since the use of a credit card is necessary to make a purchase as well as the users personal information to make a delivery.

User Stories

As a New Customer I would like to be able to:

  • Understand the purpose of the website.
  • View and navigate the site on all devices.
  • Be able to explore the available products.
  • Add products that are to my liking to my cart, so I can purchase them.
  • Be able to view the requirements for a free delivery to make my purchases according to those requirements.
  • Receive a confirmation my purchase has been made via email.
  • Register to the site and be able to have my past orders displayed and my personal information saved for future purchases.
  • Contact the business with questions about past and current orders and with suggestions and feedback about possible future changes and current complaints.

As a Registered User, I would like to be able to:

  • Sign in to my account.
  • Sign out of my account.
  • Be able to recover a forgotten password.
  • View and update my personal information.
  • See my past orders.s.
  • Edit previous Reviews.

As a Business Owner, I would like to be able to:

  • Add, Edit and Delete Products.
  • Edit product prices
  • Delete user reviews, in case they're of malicious intent
  • Check customer questions and suggestions via email.


  • Developer Skill Set - the Developer is currently learning Python and Django. This may impact the implementation of features used in the First stage of development.

  • Available Time - the developer is currently a full time university student with multiple classes with a heavy load of assignments while balancing that and the development of this web application.

Key Features

The following key features have been implemented throughout the website:

Product Detail

  • A description of the selected product, along with an image of the product, the price, and the reviews from past users. For the products on the apparel category sizes have been implemented so the user has an array of option that best suits their needs.


  • Enables the user to view, and purchase the products they have chosen, it includes a secure checkout and an email confirmation when a purchase has been successfully made.

Registration Form

  • Used for users to register an account.

Sign In Form

  • Enables the user to log in to their existing account.

Sign out

  • Enables the user to Sign out from their account.

Recover Password

  • Recover a forgotten password to a User's Account.

Order Summary

  • See the summary of the past orders.


  • Contact the business owner with inquiries about past orders or with suggestions or criticism.

Review Products

  • Review a product and give feedback

Add, Edit, and Delete a Product

  • Enables the business owner and certified users to add, edit and delete products.

Edit and Delete Reviews

  • Enables users and certified users to edit and delete reviews as they see fit.


Wireframes were made to have a clearer vision of how the website would look like. Note that the wireframe was the first vision of the website and does not reflect the current design of the website as many changes have been made due to feedback from the developer's mentor and other outside feedback such as family and friends.

Wireframe of the website

Wireframe of the website

Wireframe of the website

Wireframe of the website

Wireframe of the website

Design Choices


Emblema One was used for the logo.

Rowdies was used as the main font throughout the website

The developer chose to only use two fonts as it will be easy to manage and keep the fonts consistent throughout the website.


A light simple theme has been chosen for the website, as you can see thess varie massively form the wireframes due to feedback from the developer's mentor, as the wireframes looked like old early 90's websites and it was better to go for a more minimalistic modern look. This compliments greatly as there is no target age demographic and the site expects to receive visits from all age groups.


Integrated Development Enviroment




  • AWS - used to store static files.


  • Stripe - secure and fully integrated payment platform.


  • Django - web development framework.
  • Bootstrap - to assist with responsive design.
  • jQuery - to assist with JavaScript coding and DOM manipulation.

Libraries and Tools

  • boto3 - Amazon Web Services SDK for python. Used to configure Amazon Web Services S3 storage of static files.
  • django-crispy-forms - enables enhanced rendering of Django forms including integration with Bootstrap.
  • dj-database-url - Django database configuration utility. Used to configure connection to the Heroku deployed postgres database.
  • django-countries - Django application providing country choices for use with forms etc. Used to populate country choices on the Country dropdowns.
  • django-extensions - Collection of custom extensions for Django. Used to automatically export the final data schema diagram for the Django model.
  • django-storages - Custom storage backends for Django. Used to configure Amazon Web Services S3 storage of static files.
  • gunicorn - Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. Used as part of the Heroku deployment process.
  • pillow - Python imaging library.
  • psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python. Used as part of the Heroku deployment process.

Browser Support

The following browsers are all supported by Big 3 Store:


Information Architecture

Heroku PostgreSQL is used to host the back-end database for the site.

The shops code base has been developed using the Django framework, and is made out of the following Django apps:

  • Home
  • Products
  • Bag
  • Checkout
  • Profiles

Home Models -

Wireframe of the website

The Home Model is simply used to display the home page of the website. It is the first thing User's see when navigating through the website so it connects all the models together in one page.

Products Models -

Product is split up into different sections:

  • All Products - is used to display all the products available despite their categorization. This section can be accessed through the home page.

Wireframe of the website

  • Products Sectioned by Categories - is split into 3 main categories:

    • Apparel - used to display all apparel from all 3 anime's.

    • Figures - used to display all figures from all 3 anime's.

    • Props - used to display all props from all 3 anime's.

  • The Products module is also split up into 3 sub categories those being:

    • Bleach - used to display all the merchandise related to the Bleach anime.

    • Naruto - used to display all the merchandise related to the Naruto anime.

    • One Piece - used to display all the merchandise related to the One Piece Anime.

  • Product Details is used to display a product's specifics, such as:

    Wireframe of the website

    • Product Image

    • Product Name

    • Product Price

    • Product Rating

    • Product Description

    • Product Sizes - if the product is an Apparel an option to select the sizes will be displayed

    • Product Quantity - button used to select how much of a product a user wants.

  • Product Reviews is a small section underneath the product details it is used to display the reviews submitted by registered users. It displays a users name, rating, and their feedback.

Bag Models -

Wireframe of the website

The Bag module is used to display all products a user has selected. It displays all the products information and the quantity of the product the user has selected. It leads directly into the Checkout Module.

Checkout Module -

Wireframe of the website

The Checkout module is used to display and input a users information and credit information in order to make a payment. It is essential that all the information is secured as it is very sensitive and private information.

Profiles Module -

Wireframe of the website

The Profiles module is used to register new users and for current users to log into their account. The profiles app is used to allow the user to not only access their own information aswell as past order history but also to allow registered users to access specific features such as the Review Forms. The Profiles Form allows the user to save and edit their personal information.

Features Implemented

Most of the features implemented do not require the need to create an account, but there are certain features that do require the need to create an account.

Features included in the Base template include:

  • A Bootstrap Collapsing navigation button, it features all of the category navigation buttons, the Product Search bar, the Business logo and a basket button along with a Contact Us! Button and a Profile Button.

  • The Big 3 Logo, links to the home page when clicked on.

  • Product Search, enables the user to search for a specific product. It returns the product page with any product containing the search string entered in the Product name or in the description.

  • Basket Link links to the basket page.

  • Profile Menu, opens a dropdown menu. For un-registered users, the menu items are Log in, and Register buttons. For registered users it contains the My Profile and the Sign out button. For superusers it contains an extra button that leads to the product management page.

  • The Footer includes a footer tagline and social media links.

  • Social Media Links since this is not a real store the social media buttons do not link to any related big 3 specific pages they just link to the home pages of the respective social medias.

  • The Contact form can be accessed from the User Menu. It enables the user to contact the store owners with concerns and suggestions via email.

    Display of the Website

  • User Authentication System is implemented using django-allauth.

    • The Log In, enables the user to log into their existing account is followed by a forgot password button incase the user needs a password recovery aswell as a Remember Me button that will save the users information for the next time they Log in.

      Display of the Website

    • The Register link allows the user to create an account, the user will then need to verify the account by email.

      Display of the Website

    • The Sign Out link allows the user to sign out of their account if decide they want to use another account or in case they are logged in from a foreign device.

      Display of the Website

  • Password Reset allows the user to reset their forgotten password and authentication will be sent via email. The user will then be able to access the change password page via the link sent to their email which will allow them to change their password.

  • The Products display all the products available. Products can be searched using the Product Search feature. If the user is looking for a more broad search the Product Categories will allow them to sort the products by categories and even by specific anime in case they're only looking for products from a specific Anime.

  • The Product Details contains the image of a product as well as the product description, rating, and price. It also contains buttons to choose the quantity and the sizes depending on the product.

  • Customer Reviews, displays the reviews for the specific product that is being viewed. It displays the user that submitted the review aswell as their rating of the product and their feedback.

  • Product Add, Edit, and Delete is an exclusive feature only available for Super Users. It enables store owners and certified personnel to add new products aswell as edit and delete existing ones. The Form is simple it contains all the necessary fields such as a Product Name, Product Image, Price, Description, and Category.

  • Messaging System has been implemented with the help of Toast Messages. They provide feedback to the user on the top right side of the screen.

  • Cart, can be accessed anywhere in the site. When an item has been added into the bag a message is displayed stating the current items in the bag. After items have been added the cart will turn red and display the total amount for all the items in the cart. The cart, displays all the product information while allowing the user to remove and customize the quantity of items added to it. The Cart page redirects to the checkout page.

  • Checkout, can be accessed through the secure checkout button in the cart page. The form in the checkout page can be filled out if a user has it's information saved in their profile page. The form requires all necessary information to contact, and send the product to the user, it also requires the user's credit card information.

  • Checkout Success, is the page after the checkout form is completed. Let's the user know that an email has been sent and gives them their order number aswell as a summary of their order.

  • User Profile allows the user to add and edit their personal information aswell as view their past orders.

Features to be Implemented in the future

  • Analytics - give the store owners a way to view what products and categories are the most viewed and purchased to ensure future products have a higher chance of success.

  • Suggestion Section - rather than suggestions being made through the contact form a designated section can be made that enables the developer to view suggestions from a section in the website or from the admin page.

  • About Us page so that users can have a better understanding of who we are as a business.

Design Changes

After a conversation with my mentor the entire design of the website was changed from the original wireframe design to a more simple, modern look due to the wireframe design looking old and outdated.

The colors have been simplified to a black and white with a grey background rather than using shades of blue and orange for the design of the website.

The overall structure of the website has been changed a little to make it have a more modern look and feel to it some of the more noticeable changes are to the Cart, Checkout.

Cart has been slightly changed to accommodate extra functionalities and pieces of information aswell as simplify the design to make it sleeker and appealing to the eye.

The Checkout page has just been simplified and we have added a few more form entries needed for the checkout process to be complete.


Testing information can be found in the file.


The project has been developed using Gitpod and Github. The project had regular commits to Github throughout the development of the site.

The website has been deployed using Heroku with the help of Amazon Web Services to store the static and media files.

In order to make a Fork or Clone of the project, a GitHub account is required. The Gitpod Browser Extension is also recommended.


  • StackOverflow for the incredible help whenever something was not working as it should.

  • Richard Henyash's Perkulator project. I replicated his review feature since I really liked the star system and the way he had his reviews setup was really appealing and thought it was very well executed. I discovered his project scrolling through the peer-code-review section in slack while looking for inspiration on features.

  • Thanks to my mentor Oluwaseun Owonikoko for her incredible help and advice.

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