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Comments (25)

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024 3

I found the parameter that's causing the slowdown. It's all about coverage. On a tree trunk, it's 45.

Change it to 0 and compare the speed when you try to sleep.

At 10, there's already a noticeable slowdown. 100 and 45, in my opinion, are no different. I haven't really measured it accurately.

So I think the reason for this is the coverage parameter. More precisely, in the interaction between this parameter and the function responsible for sleep. But we need someone who can check this and tell us more precisely.


Some changes. If you try to fall asleep on a tree trunk, there is no slowdown. Provided there are no other items with coverage greater than 0 nearby.

If you teleport into a tree, there will be slowdown. But because the game forcibly moves you to a neighboring square. Surround the tree with walls and you can sleep without slowdown.

Surround the tree with walls and leave one free tile. And you can sleep on it without slowdown.
test 7

Or place a tree trunk in the house. Similar. There is no slowdown.

The bed has a 40% cover. But it has no effect on speed. As long as you don't take the bed outside.

from cataclysm-dda.

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024 2

A few fun facts. To test it out, I found a lonely standing tree.

  1. Slowdown occurs on the tiles adjacent to the tree. They are marked with a target in the picture.

test 1

  1. On the other tiles, there is no slowdown (or not noticeable).

Note. Character position for further testing

test 2

  1. I saved and loaded the slowdown remains.
  2. I turned off the game and restarted. The slowdown remains.
  3. I cut down a tree. The slowdown remains.

test 3

  1. But the area where the slowdown manifests itself has changed.

test 4
Unmarked, but on the trunk and stump, the slowdown is there too.

  1. I repeated the steps with save and load, to rule out some variations. The slowdown remains in the same tiles.

  2. I started chopping the trunk and stump, into logs. The slowdown was disappearing from the neighboring tiles.

test 5
test 6

  1. When I chopped the last part into logs, the slowdown disappeared.

  2. To test it, using the debug menu, I created a new tree trunk on the ground. The slowdown appeared.

  3. Modified the file by removing all flags. This has no effect whatsoever.

No other ideas. Except for the idea of hooking someone up to see what process is causing the game to slow down.

from cataclysm-dda.

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024 2

And you probably answered correctly.

bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )

I was paying attention to that condition:

} else if( ( is_crouching || is_prone || low_profile ) && coverage( loc ) >= 30 ) {

So I went to a tree, sat down and waited for 5 minutes. Which resulted in a similar slowdown of the game. If the character is standing, this condition is ignored.

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024 2

Well this is weird. The function name implies we're always rebuilding the cache, but we're... only sometimes?

In any case, this SHOULD be perfectly safe. And I can confirm that it eliminates this performance issue entirely:

index bbe88a5b40..f73b3fc18d 100644
--- a/src/lightmap.cpp
+++ b/src/lightmap.cpp
@@ -219,8 +219,10 @@ bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )
             vision_transparency_cache[p.x][p.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR;
         } else if( ( is_crouching || is_prone || low_profile ) && coverage( loc ) >= 30 ) {
             // If we're crouching or prone behind an obstacle, we can't see past it.
-            vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
-            dirty = true;
+            if( vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] != LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID ) {
+                vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
+                dirty = true;
+            }

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024 2

It sets the seen_cache as dirty every turn:


Lines 9560 to 9562 in 6a8d75a

for( int z = minz; z <= maxz; z++ ) {
seen_cache_dirty |= build_vision_transparency_cache( z );

Which then triggers the rebuild of the seen cache. which is the entirety of the hot path during profiling:


Lines 9580 to 9582 in 6a8d75a

if( seen_cache_dirty ) {
if( inbounds( p ) ) {
build_seen_cache( getlocal( p ), zlev, sr );

I don't see any reason to set the cache as dirty if the cache does not change.

Notably the seen cache is already being properly dirtied if the player moved or their vision range changed.

seen_cache_dirty |= player_prev_pos != p || sr != player_prev_range || camera_cache_dirty;

So the code I'm suggesting changing is explicitly resetting the cache every turn even when the situation doesn't change. Actually, we can be even safer here by rebuilding the cache if movemode changes

index bbe88a5b40..7e5d283ff6 100644
--- a/src/lightmap.cpp
+++ b/src/lightmap.cpp
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )
     bool low_profile = player_character.has_effect( effect_quadruped_full ) &&
     bool is_prone = player_character.is_prone();
+    static move_mode_id previous_move_mode = player_character.current_movement_mode();
     for( const tripoint &loc : points_in_radius( p, 1 ) ) {
         if( loc == p ) {
@@ -219,8 +220,11 @@ bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )
             vision_transparency_cache[p.x][p.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR;
         } else if( ( is_crouching || is_prone || low_profile ) && coverage( loc ) >= 30 ) {
             // If we're crouching or prone behind an obstacle, we can't see past it.
-            vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
-            dirty = true;
+            if( vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] != LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID ||
+                previous_move_mode != player_character.current_movement_mode() ) {
+                vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
+                dirty = true;
+            }

from cataclysm-dda.

PatrikLundell avatar PatrikLundell commented on June 28, 2024 1

I tried to hack trees to not specify any roofs, but it made no difference (in case there's some weird extra "should there be a roof here" stuff). However, I've encountered a new problem, namely that the game crashes (with the hack reverted), presumably during wildlife movement:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF70CFA3D99 in cataclysm-tiles.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

cataclysm-tiles.exe!monster::move() Line 1164 C++
cataclysm-tiles.exe!`anonymous namespace'::monmove() Line 316 C++
cataclysm-tiles.exe!do_turn() Line 657 C++
cataclysm-tiles.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * formal, HINSTANCE * __formal, char * __formal, int __formal) Line 868 C++

on line
if( !here.inbounds( candidate ) ) {
in monmove.cpp (line 1164 in the master downloaded a short while ago), but I can't figure out what the erroneous pointer is supposed to be. Destination is (106, 25, 0), and so within the bubble, and distance_to_target is 2.0, so pos() should also be in range, as should all candidate positions fed to inbounds. here looks like a normal map to me.

from cataclysm-dda.

PatrikLundell avatar PatrikLundell commented on June 28, 2024 1


I can see what you're reporting, but have no idea what's causing it.
I've recompiled in debug mode, causing everything to be even more glacial, but fail to repeat and catch the crash.

from cataclysm-dda.

fairyarmadillo avatar fairyarmadillo commented on June 28, 2024 1

Cover has some functionality in lightmap.cpp and it's possible that the issue is there. Building the vision cache is really resource intensive.

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024 1

Basically the value held inside the static variable is retained for next time the function is run.

Oh and that's why it doesn't work in Guardian's testing lol, it needs another assignment or else it's stuck on the very first value it picks up forever.

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024 1

Okay, I see the problem. Vision_transparency_cache is a copy of transparency_cache. Rather obvious when you read the declaration comments, silly Renech.

We copy it(always), (then when dirty) we update our copy, but the original is still different. Everytime we go through map::build_vision_transparency_cache we copy out of the original again, and compare our new copy to the original. Oops, there is once again a difference to what it should be. Dirty the vision transparency cache, pass it along. Next time it gets called we copy the original again and - surprise, our modifications don't exist because we're looking at the original.

Here's an example of what I mean, this runs blazing fast (for real this time, hopefully!):

index f03e6da993..56a9f882de 100644
--- a/src/lightmap.cpp
+++ b/src/lightmap.cpp
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )
             if( vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] != LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID ||
                 previous_move_mode != player_character.current_movement_mode() ) {
                 previous_move_mode = player_character.current_movement_mode();
+                transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID; // update transparency cache itself
                 vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
                 dirty = true;

That said I am not even vaguely sure this is safe, good practice, or anything! Please don't PR this unless you are confident in it.

from cataclysm-dda.

PatrikLundell avatar PatrikLundell commented on June 28, 2024

Sorry, I have no idea what might be going on. The only thing I've done is to try to make the buggers show up when they're supposed to (and disappear when the rest of the tree does), but I have no idea what effects they may have beyond that.

If it is caused by treetops then rebug removing them with map editing should make a difference. I'd also try to wait first and sleep afterwards (to catch the case when whatever is causing it goes away with time). I might also try adjusting the time to night time with a heavy cloud cover to make sure there is no light to shadow (although that doesn't guarantee the processing is skipped).

I'd also try to teleport away to sleep (again to catch the case where something with the character passes with time).

from cataclysm-dda.

NetSysFire avatar NetSysFire commented on June 28, 2024
  • Making the tree top t_open_air changes nothing.
  • In fact, teleporting onto a field (where sleeping is fast), and manually spawning a tree and sleeping next to it is sufficient to cause the slowdown.
  • While doing that, setting the weather to cloudy or rain storm does not change things. I also made my character blind using a blindfold and removed the clairvoyance and nightvision debug mutations.
  • Teleporting into the ground, z-level -1, making the tile you are on t_dirt and a tile next to you a tree does not trigger this bug.
  • However: Teleporting onto a radio tower, sleeping is still fast there, and making a tile next to you a tree does trigger the slowness.
  • Thus I think for some reason only z >= 0 causes the issue.

from cataclysm-dda.

PatrikLundell avatar PatrikLundell commented on June 28, 2024

Did you spawn the treetop as well, or only the base of it? I suspect the treetop doesn't spawn unless you causes the game to load submaps.

from cataclysm-dda.

NetSysFire avatar NetSysFire commented on June 28, 2024

It makes no difference whether or not a tree top is present.

from cataclysm-dda.

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024

Is the problem exactly in this function? Maybe I misunderstood something.

As I understand it:

  1. The character's position is taken
  2. LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR is set for the tile the character is standing on
  3. For tiles in radius 1, the transparency cache is updated and LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID is set if the conditions are met.

In the tree example, only for one tile the vision_transparency_cache parameter is updated. And it doesn't explain why it doesn't happen in a house. Or if you surround the tree with walls.

Perhaps we should look at a function that uses this value?

from cataclysm-dda.

GuardianDll avatar GuardianDll commented on June 28, 2024

i am still not very familiar to what happens here, but i tested the last suggestion, and what i spot is that it doesn't help to solve the bug in any way, comparing to the first diff

from cataclysm-dda.

Brambor avatar Brambor commented on June 28, 2024

What about crafting? When a flashlight (the only source of light in a dark room) runs out of batteries the character should no longer be able to see to continue crafting. Will the character stop crafting with these changes?

from cataclysm-dda.

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024
bool map::build_vision_transparency_cache( const int zlev )
    static move_mode_id previous_move_mode = player_character.current_movement_mode();

    for( const tripoint &loc : points_in_radius( p, 1 ) ) {
        if( loc == p ) { 
            vision_transparency_cache[p.x][p.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR;
        else if( ( is_crouching || is_prone || low_profile ) && coverage( loc ) >= 30 ) {
            if( vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] != LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID ||
                previous_move_mode != player_character.current_movement_mode() ) {
                    vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
                    dirty = true;
    return dirty;

I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something. But doesn't it look like the following?

    X = A

    for i=1 to 9 do
        if i = 5 then  
            vision_transparency_cache[p.x][p.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR;
        else if ( Some_condition ) then 
            if X != A then 
                vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
                dirty = true;
    return dirty;

I'm confused about a few things, but the main one is:

    X = A
    if X != A then 

This condition is always false.

Other things:

  1. Is the cycle definitely doing 9 turns? It doesn't go to infinity, does it?
  2. Do we need to check the loc == p condition at each cycle turn? Can it be moved outside the cycle?
  3. Do we need to check the previous_move_mode != player_character.current_movement_mode() condition at every cycle turn?

As far as I understand, the character cannot change its movement mode during the execution of this function.

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024

I'm confused about a few things, but the main one is:

Basically the value held inside the static variable is retained for next time the function is run.

Is the cycle definitely doing 9 turns? It doesn't go to infinity, does it?

The specific for loop I suggested modifying only does the 9 squares around the player's XY coordinates, on the z-level it was called for. However the call to map::build_vision_transparency_cache calls it across all z-levels, sequentially. It only checks valid z-levels.

Do we need to check the previous_move_mode != player_character.current_movement_mode() condition at every cycle turn?

C++ operator precedence means that it can return early. It is an extraordinarily cheap check compared to rebuilding the entire vision cache, so regardless... yeah.

from cataclysm-dda.

IdleSol avatar IdleSol commented on June 28, 2024

I still continue to not understand.


Lines 9560 to 9562 in 6a8d75a

for( int z = minz; z <= maxz; z++ ) {
seen_cache_dirty |= build_vision_transparency_cache( z );

    for i=1 to 21 do
        if i != p.z then  
            return false
            for i=1 to 9 do
                if i = 5 then  
                    vision_transparency_cache[p.x][p.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_OPEN_AIR;
                else if ( Some_condition ) then 
                    if X != A then 
                        vision_transparency_cache[loc.x][loc.y] = LIGHT_TRANSPARENCY_SOLID;
                        dirty = true;
            return dirty;

from cataclysm-dda.

GuardianDll avatar GuardianDll commented on June 28, 2024

should #73590 be modified, to use the second suggestion (if someone update it to contain assignment?), or the first one is okay? found the comment in 73590, will do

from cataclysm-dda.

NetSysFire avatar NetSysFire commented on June 28, 2024

I updated and tried again, but it is still super slow when using the provided save and sleeping in the improvised shelter.

  • OS: Linux
    • OS Version: LSB Version: n/a; Distributor ID: Arch; Description: Arch Linux; Release: rolling; Codename: n/a;
  • Game Version: cdda-experimental-2024-05-11-0903 d78e605 [64-bit]
  • Graphics Version: Tiles
  • Game Language: System language []
  • Mods loaded: [
    Dark Days Ahead [dda],
    Disable NPC Needs [no_npc_food],
    Portal Storms Ignore NPCs [personal_portal_storms],
    Slowdown Fungal Growth [no_fungal_growth],
    Innawood [innawood]

gdb says this about it:

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7ffff748f7c0 (LWP 1097349) "cataclysm-tiles"):
#0  0x00007ffff793f958 in __sqrt_finite () from /usr/lib/
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000555555e8f3a3 in trig_dist () at src/line.h:159
No locals.
#2  rl_dist () at src/line.h:184
No locals.
#3  0x0000555556b4b0e1 in cast_horizontal_zlight_segment<0, 1, 1, 0, 1, float, &(sight_calc(float const&, float const&, int const&)), &(sight_check(float const&, float const&)), &(accumulate_transparency(float const&, float const&, int const&))> () at src/shadowcasting.cpp:298
No locals.
#4  0x0000555556b4f7de in cast_zlight<float, &(sight_calc(float const&, float const&, int const&)), &(sight_check(float const&, float const&)), &(accumulate_transparency(float const&, float const&, int const&))> () at src/shadowcasting.cpp:603
No locals.
#5  0x000055555656d439 in map::build_seen_cache () at src/lightmap.cpp:1040
No locals.
#6  0x00005555565e4271 in map::build_map_cache () at src/map.cpp:9596
No locals.
#7  0x00005555561d658b in do_turn () at src/do_turn.cpp:655
No locals.
#8  0x0000555555cd1ea9 in main () at src/main.cpp:868
No locals.

I tried a couple of times and it appears to happen in cast_horizontal_zlight_segment

from cataclysm-dda.

NetSysFire avatar NetSysFire commented on June 28, 2024

I was advised to use --call-graph=lbr but I am getting cycles:Pu: PMU Hardware or event type doesn't support branch stack sampling., so I just used perf record -F 99 -g

Edit: We also determined that sleeping next to an underbrush (does not matter if harvested or not) reproduces the bug. Probably coverage related.

from cataclysm-dda.

RenechCDDA avatar RenechCDDA commented on June 28, 2024

The new GDB is spot on, also reproducible on windows. Only problem is... I have no idea what's going on here.


from cataclysm-dda.

fairyarmadillo avatar fairyarmadillo commented on June 28, 2024

I had help from @andrei8l when I messed with vision, perhaps they can weigh in (sorry for the ping if not!), as they seem to know their stuff.

from cataclysm-dda.

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