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081720-dtz's Introduction

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Your Cohort Lead:

Corinna Brock Moore - [email protected]

Helpful Links

  1. Zoom link for Pods, Study Groups, and 1:1's
  2. Cohort watercooler zoom
  3. If you would like to book a one on one with Corinna - normal weeks
  4. If you would like to book a one on one with Corinna - project week
  5. React/Redux Project Review Scheduling
  6. React/Redux Project Building Resources
  1. Big A** List of Coding Knowledge

Pod Info

Rubber Duck Debugging. How it all began.

Current Assignments

Week 20: January 11, 2021

This week's focus: JavaScript and Rails Portfolio Project

  1. React and Redux: Final Projects
  2. Write a Blog Post about the app
  3. Record Your Project Walkthrough (2 min showing what it does)
  4. Share that video with your cohort (optional)
  5. Submit project on Learn by end of day Sunday 1/17/21

Study Group Videos and Code

Additional Video Resources

Topic Video Code/Other Repl/other resources
Week 19
Live Lecture - Intro to Redux Video Code
Live Lecture - Digging Deeper into Redux Video Code
Live Lecture - Async Redux Video Code
Live Lecture - Async Redux Part 2 and React Project Prep Video Front End Back End
Week 18
Live Lecture - Lifecycle Methods and Async React Video Code Slides
Live Lecture - React Types of Components Video Code Slides
Live Lecture - React Hooks Mini Lecture Video
Live Lecture - Client Side Routing Video Code Slides
Week 17
Live Lecture - Intro to React & Props Video Code
Live Lecture - React State and Events Video Code Slides
Live Lecture - React Events and Forms Video Code Slides
Week 16
12/7/20 - JS Project Build - Step 1 - Rails Back End initialization and scaffolding Video Front End Back End
12/8/20 - JS Project Build - Step 2 - Rails Back End seed data Video Front End Back End
12/9/20 - JS Project Build - Step 3 - JavaScript Front End File Structure and Fetch - Get Video Front End Back End
12/9/20 - JS Project Build - Step 4 - JavaScript Front End - Get Fetch and Object Rendering Video Front End Back End
12/9/20 - JS Project Build - Step 5 - JavaScript Front End - Start of Muppet Class Video Front End Back End
Week 15
Live Lecture - JS CRUD Update Video Front End Back End
Live Lecture - JS CRUD Delete, Error Handling, and bonus like content Video Front End Back End
Live Lecture - Object Oriented JS Video Front End Back End
Live Lecture - JavaScript Project Prep and Hogs Walkthrough Video Hogs Front End Hogs Back End
Week 14
Live Lecture - Using Fetch Video Code Mozilla Fetch Reference
Live Lecture - Building a Rails API Video Front End Back End
Live Lecture - JavaScript CRUD - Likes and Update Video Front End Back End
Week 13
Live Lecture - Intro to DOM and DOM Manipulation Video Code
Live Lecture - JavaScript Fundamentals Video Code
Live Lecture - JavaScript Events Video Code Mozilla Event Reference
JS Office Hours - 11/20/20 Video Code
Week 11
Live Lecture - Routing in Rails - Nested Routes Video Code
Live Lecture - Authentication in Rails - Native Video Code Tutorial
Live Lecture - Authentication in Rails with Devise and OmniAuth Video Code Devise Cheat Sheet
Live Discussion - Rails Portfolio Project Prep Video Code
Lab Walkthrough - Has Many Through In Forms Lab Video Code Lab
Lab Walkthrough - Routing and Nesting Resources Lab Video Code Lab
Week 10
Live Lecture - Rails Validations Video Code ActiveRecord Validations
Live Lecture - Rails Associations and Nested Forms Video Code Nested Attributes Class Methods
Live Lecture - Refactoring w Layouts, Partials, Helpers Video Code For a good STRFtime
Week 9
Live Lecture - Intro to Rails Video Code
Live Lecture - Rails Models and ReSTful Routing Video Code
Live Lecture - Rails CRUD Video Code
Week 8
Project Week - Flash Errors Video Code
Project Week - Environment Variables and .env files Video Code
Week 7
Live Lecture - Sinatra REST, MVC, and Forms Video Code Sinatra Project Examples
Live Lecture - Sinatra CRUD Video Code Sinatra Documentation
Live Lecture - User Authentication in Sinatra Video Code Sinatra Project Resources
Live Lecture - Sinatra Project Prep Video Code ActiveRecord Validations
Week 6
Live Lecture - Intro to ActiveRecord Video Code
Live Lecture - ActiveRecord & Associations Video Code
Live Lecture - Sinatra Basics Video Code Corneal Gem
Week 5
Live Lecture - Intro to SQL Video Code SQLite Browser
Live Pairing - SQL Queries Bootcamp Video Code
Live Lecture - Build an ORM from Scratch Video Code
Week 4
How To Start Your CLI Project and Commit it to Github Video Code
Week 3
Live Lecture - Object Relationships Video Code
Office Hours - Tuesday 9/1/20 - Has Many Objects Lab Video Code
Live Lecture - Accessing Data From Remote Resources (APIs) Video Code
Office Hours - Wednesday 9/2/20 - Collaborating Objects Lab Video Code
Live Discussion - Build a CLI Application with API Video Code
Office Hours - Thursday 9/3/20 - Finish Collaborating Objects and discuss API project Video
Project Prep - CLI Data Gem Portfolio Project and Scraping Video Code
Office Hours - Friday 9/4/20 - Second part of Scraping lecture Video
Week 2
Live Lecture Intro To OO Ruby Video Code
Live Lecture - Object Initialization & Object Properties Video Code Slides
Live Lecture - Object Self & Class Variables Video Code Slides
Open Office Hours - OO TicTacToe Video Code Video from the 3/2/20 cohort through the turn method
Week 1
Orientation Orientation Video Orientation Quiz
Lab Walkthrough - If Statements Lab && Ternary Operators and Statement Modifiers Video If Statements Lab Ternary Operators and Statement Modifiers
Live Lecture - Arrays Video Ruby Docs Array Methods
Lab Walkthrough - Deli Counter and Pry deep dive Video Deli Counter Iterator Cheat Sheet
Pair Programming Demo + Practice Video Pair Programming Quiz

Past Assignments

Week 19: January 4, 2021

This week's focus: Redux

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • define a reducer with initial state
  • understand mapStateToProps and its functionality
  • understand mapDispatchToProps
  • connect a component to a redux store
  • use async actions in redux with thunks

Week 19 Daily Assignments:

  1. Monday - Redux - Building Redux (Redux Dispatch With Event Listeners) (6 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - Redux - Building Redux (Finish), Redux - Redux Library (Map State To Props Lab) (6 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - Redux - Redux Library (Finish) (4 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - Redux - React Redux Continued (Building Forms Lab) (5 Lessons)
  5. Friday - Redux - React Redux Continued (Finish), Async Redux (5 Lessons)

Week 18: December 21, 2020

This week's focus: React Lifecycle, Async, and Routing

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • use the lifecycle functions given by React.Component
  • create asynchronous react components
  • know the difference between presentation components and container components
  • know how to set up react with babel
  • create routing in your react applications

Week 18 Daily Assignments:

  1. Monday - React: Lifecycle Methods (Component Mounting Lab - Pancake Flipper) (4 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - React: Lifecycle Methods (Finish), Async React (5 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - React: Advanced Components (6 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - React: React: Under the Hood (5 Lessons)
  5. Friday - React: Client Side Routing (4 Lessons)

Week 17: December 14, 2020

This week's focus: Introduction to React

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • create React components
  • understand how data is passed to props and state
  • use props and state in your components
  • use events in your components
  • create forms and submit via an onclick event handler in your form
  1. Monday - React - Node Package Manager, Introduction to React (5 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - React - Introduction to Components (4 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - React - Props and State (Events Crash Course Lab) (5 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - React - Props and State (Finish), React - Events (Event System Lab) (6 Lessons)
  5. Friday - React - Events (Finish), React - Forms (7 Lessons)

Week 16: December 7, 2020

This week's focus: JavaScript and Rails Portfolio Project

  1. JavaScript and Rails: Final Projects
  2. Write a Blog Post about the app
  3. Record Your Project Walkthrough (2 min showing what it does)
  4. Share that video with your cohort (optional)
  5. Submit project on Learn by end of day Sunday 12/13/20

Week 15: November 30, 2020

This week's focus: JavaScript Object Orientation and Project Prep

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Use ES6 class syntax
  • Create Javascript Models
  • Create Javascript Prototype Functions
  • Have an idea of what to build for your project
  1. Monday - JS and Rails - ES6 Syntax Sugar, JS and Rails - Advanced Function Usage (JS Advanced Functions: Generalized Map and Reduce Lab) (9)
  2. Tuesday - JS and Rails - Advanced Function Usage (10)
  3. Wednesday - JS and Rails - Object Orientation in JavaScript (8)
  4. Thursday - JS and Rails - OO JavaScript: Inheritance (6)
  5. Friday - JS and Rails - OO JavaScript: Prototypal Inheritance (8)

Week 14: November 23, 2020

This week's focus: Rails Api, Fetching Data, Conditionals, Datatypes

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Use JavaScript fetch calls to interact with a server
  • Create a rails API for your JavaScript front end
  • Use json to interact with your front end
  • Use conditionals in order to control the flow of your api / fetching.
  1. Monday - JS and Rails - Communication with the Server (JS Fundamentals: Objects Lab) (6 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - JS and Rails - Communication with the Server (Finish) (6 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - JS and Rails - Putting it all Together, JS and Rails - Rails as an API (Rendering Related Object Data In JSON) (7 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - JS and Rails - Rails as an API (Finish), JS and Rails - Formalizing JS: Data Types, Comparisons, Conditionals (JS Fundamentals: Arithmetic Lab) (7 Lessons)
  5. Friday - JS and Rails - Formalizing JS: Data Types, Comparisons, Conditionals (Finish) (7 Lessons)

Week 13: November 16, 2020

This week's focus: Procedural Javascript & Basic Manipulation of DOM

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Understand what JavaScript is used for
  • Write procedural JavaScript with correct syntax
  • Code basic manipulation of the DOM
  1. Monday - Defining Front-End Web Programming, JS and Rails - Manipulating the DOM (Changing The DOM With Dev Tools) (6 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - JS and Rails - Manipulating the DOM (JS Fundamentals: Looping And Iteration Code Along) (7 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - JS and Rails - Manipulating the DOM (Finish), JS and Rails - Recognizing JavaScript Events (Functions In JavaScript) (7 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - JS and Rails - Recognizing JavaScript Events (JS Fundamentals: Scope Lab (7 Lessons)
  5. Friday - JS and Rails - Recognizing JavaScript Events (Finish) (6 Lessons)

BREAK WEEK November 9-15, 2020

Week 12: November 2, 2020

This week's focus: Rails Portfolio Project

  1. Rails: Final Projects
  2. Write a Blog Post about the app
  3. Record Your Project Walkthrough (2 min showing what it does)
  4. Share that video with your cohort (optional)
  5. Submit project on Learn by end of day Sun 11/08/20 (although we do have break week the next week, so you can use that time to either work on your project OR start Javascript early)

Week 11: October 26, 2020

This week's focus: Rails Helpers, Authentication, and Advanced Routing

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Add Helpers and Model Methods to clean up your code
  • Add authentication and sessions to your rails projects for signing in users
  • Create nested routing as well as namespaced routing to your rails applications
  1. Monday - Rails: Routes and Resources (6 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - Rails: Authentication (Sessions Controller Lab) (5 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - Rails: Authentication (Video Review: Authentication) (5 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - Rails: Authentication (Authentication And Authorization Recap And Common Gems) (4 Lessons)
  5. Friday - Rails: Authentication (Finish), Popular Gems (2 Lessons)

Week 10: October 19, 2020

This week's focus: Rails Validations/Forms, Associations, and Layouts/Partials

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Add validations to your models
  • Define associations between your models
  • Build helpers for your views
  1. Monday - Rails: Validations and Forms (Validations With Form_For) (7 Lessons)
  2. Tuesday - Rails: Validations and Forms (Finish), Rails: Associations and Rails (Displaying Associations Data Lab) (8 Lessons)
  3. Wednesday - Rails: Associations and Rails (Finish) (10 Lessons)
  4. Thursday - Rails: Layouts and Partials (6 Lessons)
  5. Friday - Rails: Refactoring with Helpers and Model Methods (5 Lessons)

Week 9: October 12, 2020

This week's focus: Intro to Rails

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Build a basic Rails application from scratch
  • Build models, views, and controllers in a Rails application
  • Perform CRUD operations on a Rails app
  1. Monday - Rails: Introduction to Rails (6 lessons)
  2. Tuesday - Rails: Model Basics, Rails: Intro to REST (6 lessons)
  3. Wednesday - Rails: Intro to ActionView (4 lessons)
  4. Thursday - Rails: CRUD with Rails (Strong Param Basics) (6 lessons)
  5. Friday - Rails: CRUD with Rails (finish) (6 lessons)

Week 8: October 4, 2020

This week's focus: Sinatra Portfolio Project

  1. Sinatra: Final Projects
  2. Write a Blog Post about the app
  3. Record Your Project Walkthrough (2 min showing what it does)
  4. Share that video with your cohort (optional)
  5. Submit project on Learn by end of day Sun 10/04/20

Week 7: September 28. 2020

This week's focus: Sinatra Forms & Sessions

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Build a basic form and a corresponding route to accept data from the form
  • Define Sinatra routes using RESTful conventions
  • Implement basic CRUD actions in Sinatra using ActiveRecord
  • Add log in/sign up/log out functionality to a Sinatra app
  • Use bcrypt to store passwords securely in the db and authenticate them upon login
  • Create a Sinatra application that utilizes a Join table
  • Use multiple controllers in a Sinatra application
  1. Monday - Sinatra: MVC And Forms, Forms (Passing Data between Views and Controllers) (12 lessons)
  2. Tuesday - Sinatra: Forms (finish), Sessions (13 lessons)
  3. Wednesday - Sinatra: ActiveRecord (Secure Password Lab) (7 lessons)
  4. Thursday - Sinatra: ActiveRecord (Finish) (8 lessons)
  5. Friday - Sinatra: Project Mode (Fwitter) (1 lessons)

Week 6: September 21, 2020

This week's focus: ActiveRecord Associations & Sinatra Basics

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Select data using ActiveRecord's querying methods
  • Create a has_many / belongs_to relationship using ActiveRecord
  • Start a Sinatra server using shotgun
  • Define a Sinatra route and visit it in the browser
  1. Monday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: ActiveRecord (Mechanics of Migration) (4 lessons)
  2. Tuesday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: ActiveRecord (Finish) (4 lessons)
  3. Wednesday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: Associations (ActiveRecord Associations Lab II) (3 lessons)
  4. Thursday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: Associations (Finish) (4 lessons)
  5. Friday - Sinatra: Sinatra Basics (7 lessons)
  6. BONUS - HTML and CSS (optional)

Week 5: September 14, 2020

This week's focus: SQL & ORMs | CLI Project Reviews

  • SQL: Topic Introduction
  • SQL: Getting Started
  • SQL: Table Relations
  • ORMs and ActiveRecord: ORMs
  1. Monday - SQL: Topic Introduction, SQL: Getting Started (10 lessons)
  2. Tuesday - SQL: Table Relations (9 lessons)
  3. Wednesday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: ORMs (Mapping Database Rows to Objects Lab) (5 lessons)
  4. Thursday - ORMs and ActiveRecord: ORMs (ORMS lab: Bringing it all together) (5 lessons)
  5. Friday - ORMS and ActiveRecord: ORMs (finish) (6 lessons)

Week 4: September 7, 2020

This week's focus: CLI Data Gem Project

  1. Object Oriented Ruby: Final Projects - CLI Data Gem Project
  2. Write a Blog Post about the app
  3. Record Your Cli Portfolio Project Walkthrough (2 min showing what it does)
  4. Share that video with your cohort (optional)
  5. Submit project on Learn by end of day Sunday 09/13/2020

Week 3: August 31, 2020

This week's focus: Object Relationships

  • Object Oriented Ruby: Object Relationships
  • Object Oriented Ruby: Object Architecture
  • Object Oriented Ruby: Metaprogramming
  • Object Oriented Ruby: Scraping
  • Object Oriented Ruby: Video Review of OO Ruby
  • Object Oriented Ruby: Final Projects - Complete through Student Scraper
  • BONUS: Object Oriented Ruby: Final Projects - TTT w AI
  1. Monday - Object relationships (OO My Pets) (125)
  2. Tuesday - Object relationships (Finish), Object Architecture (135)
  3. Wednesday - Metaprogramming, Scraping, Getting Data From Remote Sources (151)
  4. Thursday - Music library CLI (152)
  5. Friday - Student Scraper (153)

Week 2: August 24, 2020

This week's focus: Object Oriented Programming

By the end of this week, you should be able to:

  • Define a class
  • Create an instance(object) from a class
  • Define an initialize method and know the lifecycle of an object
  • Create reader and writer methods
  • Create instance methods and instance variables
  • Create class methods and class variables
  • Understand what self is in a class method vs an instance method
  1. Monday - Intro to Object Orientation, Classes and Instances, Instance Methods (90)
  2. Tuesday - Object Properties (97)
  3. Wednesday - Object Lifecycle, Object’s Self (104)
  4. Thursday - Class Variables and Methods, Object Models (112)
  5. Friday - OO Tic Tac Toe, Object Labs (117)

Week 1: August 17, 2020

This week's focus: Procedural Ruby

  1. Monday - Welcome to Flatiron School, Software Engineering, About Your Program, Variables and Methods, Booleans, Logic and Conditions (35)
  2. Tuesday - Looping (all), Arrays (all) (48)
  3. Wednesday - Iteration (all) (69)
  4. Thursday - Hashes (all) (75)
  5. Friday - Data Structures (all) (84)

081720-dtz's People


tanalea avatar


Corinna Brock avatar James Cloos avatar

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.