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imcsdk's Issues

Error while doing Get operation after doing Set for LDAP settings

Python version: 2.7.12
IMC version: 2.0(13e)

When trying to validate settings of LDAP by doing get operation after setting one of the parameter "group_nested_search" to some value say '128', it fails because the value of this param shows 'None' and other param [x]groupNestedSearch shows value as '128.

The following code was executed -
mo.admin_state = 'enabled'
mo.attribute = 'CiscoAvPair'
mo.bind_dn = 'DC=a,DC=b,DC=c'
mo.bind_method = 'login-credentials'
mo.encryption = 'enabled'
mo.filter = 'sAMAccountName'
mo.group_attribute = 'memberOf'
mo.group_auth = 'enabled'
mo.group_nested_search = '128'
mo.ldap_server1 = ''
mo.ldap_server_port1 = '3268'
mo.locate_directory_using_dns = 'no'
mo.timeout = '60'

After doing get operation, the output is -

Managed Object : AaaLdap

admin_state :enabled
attribute :CiscoAvPair
basedn :
bind_dn :DC=a,DC=b,DC=c
bind_method :login-credentials
dn :sys/ldap-ext
dns_domain_source :extracted-domain
dns_search_domain :
dns_search_forest :
domain :
encryption :enabled
filter :sAMAccountName
[X]groupNestedSearch :128
group_attribute :memberOf
group_auth :enabled
group_nested_search :None
ldap_server1 :
ldap_server2 :
ldap_server3 :
ldap_server4 :
ldap_server5 :
ldap_server6 :
ldap_server_port1 :3268
ldap_server_port2 :389
ldap_server_port3 :389
ldap_server_port4 :3268
ldap_server_port5 :3268
ldap_server_port6 :3268
locate_directory_using_dns :no
password :
rn :ldap-ext
status :None
timeout :60

imcsdk cannot log in to a 3.0(3a) system

We've upgraded our firmware to 3.0(3a) to take advantage of new features, but now cannot connect to the CIMC using the IMCSDK library.

I've noticed that the documentation here: says it supports 3.0(1c). Do you have a plan for supporting 3.0(3a)? How can I help fix this?

I'm calling handle.login() and I get the following response immediately.
My code essentially does this:

49        self.handle = ImcHandle(hostname, username, password)
50        self.handle.login()

and here's the traceback...

Here's the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 50, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 94, in login
    return self._login(auto_refresh, force, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 571, in _login
    response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 275, in post_elem
    response_str = self.post_xml(xml_str, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 226, in post_xml
    response_str =, data=xml_str, read=read, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 206, in post
    response =, data=data, read=read, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 264, in post
    response =, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 404, in open
    response = self._open(req, data)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 422, in _open
    '_open', req)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 382, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/imcsdk/", line 95, in https_open
    return self.do_open(TLSConnection, req)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 1184, in do_open
    raise URLError(err)
urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer>

My system:
$ uname -a
Linux myserver 3.16.0-30-generic #40~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 15 17:43:14 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ python --version
Python 2.7.6
$ pip freeze | grep imc

Value starting letter should be Uppercase

device.state = "enabled"

When trying to call boot_order_precision_set from imcsdk.apis.server.boot recieve an error:

[ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'lsbootVMedia', attribute 'state': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'enabled' is not an element of the set {'Disabled', 'Enabled'}. Element 'lsbootVMedia', attribute 'state': 'enabled' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.

Enabling kvm throws ImcException

Code: Latest from github
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Windows 10

Execute the below code:


ImcException: [ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'commKvm', attribute 'port': 'None' is not a valid value of the local atomic type. Element 'commKvm', attribute 'totalSessions': 'None' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.

TypeError: vmedia_mount_create() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mount_protocol'

Code: Latest from github
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Windows 10

When trying to map vmedia using a url, it throws type error.

Execute below code:

vmedia_mount_iso_uri(handle=handle, uri=uri+remote_file, user_id=username, password=password)

Got the below error -

TypeError: vmedia_mount_create() got an unexpected keyword argument 'mount_protocol'

In line 310, instead of mount_protocol it should be map

failed to remove Managed object for classId 'LsbootVirtualMedia' using function remove_imc_managedobject

Using ImcSdk 0.7.2
when function remove_imc_managedobject() called with input either in_mo or class_id and params={"Dn": "'sys/rack-unit-1/boot-policy/vm-read-only'", "Access": 'read-only'}
It fails to remove with error:
ImcException: [ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error [ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'lsbootVirtualMedia': The attribute 'access' is required but missing.

The function remove_imc_managedobject takes only 2 attributes 'Dn' as 'Key' and 'class_id'

please do needful and make available the updated version.

VMedia removal causing "The attribute 'adminAction' is required but missing." parse error.

Hi Fellow Travellers,
I'm seeing the following issue when using a recent git clone of the imcsdk (post 0.9.3 to get the python 3 vmedia fixes circa 27th Feb 2018).

Whenever I try to delete vmedia I get:

"imcsdk.imcexception.ImcException: [ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'commSavedVMediaMap': The attribute 'adminAction' is required but missing."

Obviously something has gone wrong in the mapping of Managed Objects to XML.

This is when I call vmedia.vmedia_mount_remove_all(handle) or vmedia.vmedia_mount_delete(handle, volume_name) any thoughts?

Here's a snippet of the code I'm using under python 3.6.2 MacOS High Sierra against a stand alone c240m5:

def vmedia_boot():

    with ImcHandle(server, username, password) as handle:
        except ImcException as error:
            print(f"Error: {error}") // This is where we get the error.
        except ImcException as error:
            print(f"Error: {error}")
        comm_vmedia = vmedia.vmedia_enable(handle)
        result = boot.boot_order_precision_set(
            boot_devices = [
                    "order":'1', "device-type":"vmedia",
                    "name": "vmedia"

        return result

Any help hugely appreciated.



Even after setting the values of 'reboot_on_update' and 'reapply' to True, on getting the object properties, the values remain 'no'

Code: Latest from github
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Windows 10

Execute the below code:

obj = boot_order_precision_set(handle=handle,
                                   {'order':'1', 'device-type':'usb', 'name':'usb'},
                                   {'order':'2', 'device-type':'san', 'name':'san'}
print obj[0]

The output is -

Managed Object                  :       LsbootDevPrecision
child_action                    :None
configured_boot_mode            :Legacy
dn                              :sys/chassis-1/server-1/boot-precision
name                            :boot-precision
purpose                         :operational
reapply                         :no
reboot_on_update                :no
rn                              :boot-precision
status                          :None

Even if the values of reboot_on_update and reapply are set to True, the output of the set mo shows both values as no.

Python3: TypeError with raid_level=1

Following command is working with python 2.7 by returning TypeError with Python 3.6: Storage.virtual_drive_create(handle=handle,drive_group=[[1,2]],raid_level=1,controller_type="SAS",controller_slot="MRAID")
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'float' and 'int'
It works if I leave the raid_level blank or set to 0

Default values of cimc_secure_boot, stop_on_error, verify_update and timeout=None incorrect in function "update_imc_firmware_huu".

Execute the following code for firmware update -


The script throws 'invalid value exception' for stop_on_error, verify_update, cimc_secure_boot and timeout parameter which should not be passed as 'None' by default.

sol_exists is returning (False,None) even if the values are set

Code: Latest from github
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Windows 10

Execute the below code:

sol_enable(handle=handle, speed='9600', comport='com1', ssh_port=1500, server_id=1)

Now check that values exists -

obj = sol_exists(handle=handle, speed='9600', comport='com1', ssh_port=1500)
print obj

sol_exists returns (False,None) even if the values exists

Add timeout for operations on ManagedObjects method is responsible for posting requests to the server.
Need to add timeout as a configurable option to make sure that requests timeout.
Currently, the timeout will not happen as calls take socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT which is set to None.

backup_imc without 'entity' param on modular server throws error. 'Entity' param should be mandatory.

Python version: 2.7.12
IMC models: classic / modular
Firmware: 2.0(13e)

When running backup_imc without 'entity' param on modular server, the script throws following error -
ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'mgmtBackup': The attribute 'entity' is required but missing.

The 'entity' param should be made mandatory so that it works both with classic and modular.

auto_refresh leads to random authorization required errors

I recently attempted to add auto_refresh to imcsdk sessions and when doing so I started to see random "Authorization required" errors.

It appears that there is no locking or other concurrency protection on the cookie so it is possible for the auto refresh to take place, refresh the cookie but other consumers of the cookie may not have the updated one resulting in authorization required errors.

Seems like there needs to be some locking mechanism on the cookie so when auto_refresh starts it can lock the cookie and prevent others from using it until the auto refresh is complete or conversely if the main thread for the session is in the middle of a transaction the auto refresh has to wait for the transaction to be complete before it can do the refresh.

Add mount ISO from URI function

A common use case for vmedia is to mount an ISO from a URI. It would be handy to have a function that a user could pass a URI, and the function would break it down and dynamically determine the protocol,etc and make the correct call to vmedia_mount_add.

vmedia_mount_remove_all throws exception if saved vmedia maps saved

When running apis.server.remotepresence.vmedia_mount_remove_all, it tries to remove all the vmedia maps that it finds on the box. With the 3.0 firmware, the user is now able to 'save' unmapped vmedia for re-use later. When vmedia_mount_remove_all encounters one of these, it throws the following exception:

ImcException: [ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'commSavedVMediaMap': The attribute 'adminAction' is required but missing.

Saved maps do no interfere with existing maps, so we should just skip over them if they are encountered.

User needs a way to remove stale virtual media mounts.

If a server is not cleaned up properly between uses, there can exist leftover virtual media mounts. The current user has no knowledge of these mounts, and so they cannot delete them by volume name. So this function is added to allow a user to clean out all mounts to have a clean slate before adding new mounts.

boot_order_precision_get throws AttributeError. (Only for M5 servers)

Code: Latest from github
Python version: 2.7.12
OS: Windows 10

Execute the below code:
boot_order_precision_get(handle=handle, dump=True, server_id=1)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 197, in runTest
  File "C:\Tanmay\PythonSDK\pysdkframework\TestSuite_ClassicImc\Nosetests\server\", line 39, in test_boot_order_precision_get_case2
  File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\imcsdk-\imcsdk\apis\server\", line 64, in boot_order_precision_get
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ljust'
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
imc: INFO: Precision Boot Order is [Order, Type, Name]:
imc: INFO: --------------------------------------------
imc: INFO:  1     PXE        pxe2
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Issue happens only on M5 servers if dump=True

ImcHandle error: IndexError: list index out of range

When logging into server:

handle = ImcHandle(server, attrs["user"], attrs["password"]

The output is as follows:

  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 143, in login
    return self._login(auto_refresh=auto_refresh, force=force, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 591, in _login
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 540, in _update_version
    firmware = response.out_config.child[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

Is this because this firmware isn't supported? This server is running C220M3.1.5.1c.0 (Build Date: 01/31/2013) so I can see that it is old. Where does it state which versions of BIOS are supported by IMCSDK? Thanks!

make firmware update of individual components user-friendly

Typically the update_imc_firmware_huu utility is used to upgrade all components on the rack server.
In order to update a single component, the update_component field needs to be set appropriately.
The list of strings for the valid components are not present in the mometa and needs to be extracted from the huu iso.


Unbundle the huu iso and extract TOC.xml from it.
Parse this to extract the list of available strings for specific components.

Require setuptools for building

If you try to build the package ('python build') without having setuptools installed then it doesn't include all the files in the built package. The subdirectories e.g. mometa/ are all missing.

virtual drive creation throws error when size of physical drives are different

Code: Latest
Python version: 2.7.12
OS Version: Win 10

When try to create virtual drives in server having disks of different size, it throws error.

Execute the below code -

                         write_policy='Write Through',

Observed below error -

    [Error Code]: 2003 [Error Description]: Operation failed. Input parameters are invalid

The issue seems in the logic of calculating the RAID size.

_get_bios_mo_table log warning in v1 api causes TypeError


>>> bios_tokens_set(handle, tokens = {"abc": "platform_default"}, server_id=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "imcsdk/apis/server/", line 349, in bios_tokens_set
    mo_table = _get_bios_mo_table(handle, tokens, server_id)
  File "imcsdk/apis/server/", line 412, in _get_bios_mo_table
    log.warning("Token not found: %s Platform: %s" % token,
TypeError: not enough arguments for format string

This log warning is formatted wrong, it needs another set of parenthesis:

        log.warning("Token not found: %s Platform: %s" % (token,

The Power Up/Down function in apis/ returns before server is Up/Down

The power up/down functions in imcsdk/apis/server/serveractions return after sending the the signal to the UCS. However, it takes a few seconds for the server to actually change its power state. So I'd like to add logic to those functions to poll the server and return after the desired power state has happened.

Managed Object init tries to set unknown properties

From init of the ManagedObject class:

        if kwargs:
            for prop_name, prop_value in imcgenutils.iteritems(kwargs):
                if not imccoreutils.prop_exists(self, prop_name):
                    log.debug("Unknown property %s" % prop_name)
                self.__set_prop(prop_name, prop_value)

If the prop does not exist a log message is printed but the property is still attempted to be set which causes a failure later in __set_prop where prop.access results in an AttributeError:

        if not forced:
            prop = imccoreutils.get_prop_meta(self, name)
            if not imccoreutils.is_writable_prop(self, name):
                if getattr(self, name) is not None or \
                                prop.access != \
                    raise ValueError("%s is not a read-write property." % name)

Here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "imcsdk/mometa/bios/", line 81, in __init__
    ManagedObject.__init__(self, "BiosVfPackageCStateLimit", parent_mo_or_dn, **kwargs)
  File "imcsdk/", line 99, in __init__
    self.__set_prop(prop_name, prop_value)
  File "imcsdk/", line 186, in __set_prop
    prop.access != \
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'access'

backup_imc with protocol="none" throws an exception

When trying backup_imc with protocol="none", the script throws following error -

[ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'mgmtBackup', attribute 'proto': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'none' is not an element of the set {'ftp', 'tftp', 'sftp', 'scp', 'http'}. Element 'mgmtBackup', attribute 'proto': 'none' is not a valid value of the local atomic type.

Checked with IMC firmware 2.0(8d) and 2.0(9e)

Running tech support creates extra file with '.done' extension

Python version: 2.7.12
IMC models: classic/modular
IMC firmware: 2.0(13e)

After running the following code, the tech support file gets generated but also an extra file with '.done' extension gets created -

get_imc_tech_support(handle=handle, remote_host=remote_host_ip, remote_file='/remote_path/filename.tar.gz', protocol='scp', username=username, password=password, component='all')

apart from filename.tar.gz, extra file 'filename.tar.gz.done' also gets created.

Only 'filename.tar.gz' should be created.

Possible python3 error calculating virtual drive size?

I'm getting:

  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imcsdk/apis/server/", line 272, in virtual_drive_create
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imcsdk/apis/server/", line 173, in _vd_max_size_get
    return _bytes_to_human(max_size, output_format="MB")
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imcsdk/apis/server/", line 101, in _bytes_to_human
    return str(size >> (10 * convert[output_format])) + ' ' + output_format
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for >>: 'float' and 'int'

When I try to make a RAID1 for two identical physical drives or RAID10 with 4 or 8 physical drives. RAID0 is the only level that works, and only for 1 physical drive right now.

Physical drive list for RAID1 is [[1, 2]].

Any ideas of how I can fix this?

EDIT: Pretty sure this is the result of Python3 handling division differently than Python2.

Observation: Upload Certificate terminates the xmlapi session, hence the script throws the error while logging out of imc

Execute the following to upload certificate -

upload_cert = UploadCertificate(parent_mo_or_dn="sys/cert-mgmt",

Since this activity terminates the xml-api connection in the background, if the user tries to logout after this, the script throws the error.

To avoid the error, create a login handle with auto_refresh=True

firmware_huu_update_monitor fails to login after downgrade

On downgrade it appears that the admin password is reset to the default password for CIMC.

firmware_huu_update_monitor monitors an upgrade and prints status of it. After CIMC comes up on the now downgraded version, the admin password is no longer the one used to do the upgrade and firmware_huu_update_monitor reports that it failed to login to CIMC.

2019-04-19 22:14:42,063 Login to IMC, elapsed time 69s
2019-04-19 22:14:45,069 - imc - DEBUG - Login failed. Sleeping for 60 seconds
2019-04-19 22:14:45,069 Login failed. Sleeping for 60 seconds
2019-04-19 22:14:49,912 - imc - DEBUG - Login to IMC failed: [ErrorCode]: 551[ErrorDescription]: Authentication failed

2019-04-19 22:14:49,912 Login to IMC failed: [ErrorCode]: 551[ErrorDescription]: Authentication failed

This should be handled in a way that imcsdk can finish the upgrade and maybe reset the admin password to what it is expected to be.

vmedia_mount_add throws error, "drive_type is not a read-write property"

When utilizing the imcsdk.apis.server.remotepresence.vmedia_mount_add, the following error is thrown:

In [10]: vmedia_mount_add(tooth_build,
    ...:                  volume_name='buildnode-iso.5478.2.iso',
    ...:                  device_type='cd',
    ...:                  mount_protocol='www',
    ...:                  mount_options=None,
    ...:                  remote_share='
    ...: ild/job/build-iso-artifact-private/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/',
    ...:                  remote_file='buildnode-iso.5478.2.iso',
    ...:                  user_id=None,
    ...:                  password=None)
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-f389d0c49d84> in <module>()
      7                  remote_file='buildnode-iso.5478.2.iso',
      8                  user_id=None,
----> 9                  password=None)

/Users/bhouser/Development/github/britthouser/imcsdk/imcsdk/apis/server/ in vmedia_mount_add(handle, volume_name, device_type, mount_protocol, mount_options, remote_share, remote_file, user_id, password)
    170         parent_mo_or_dn="sys/svc-ext/vmedia-svc",
    171         volume_name=volume_name)
--> 172     vmediamap_mo.drive_type = device_type
    173 = mount_protocol
    174     vmediamap_mo.mount_options = mount_options

/Users/bhouser/Development/github/britthouser/imcsdk/imcsdk/ in __setattr__(self, name, value)
    133         if "prop_meta" in dir(self) and name in self.prop_meta:
    134             if name in dir(self):
--> 135                 self.__set_prop(name, value)
    136             else:
    137                 if value:

/Users/bhouser/Development/github/britthouser/imcsdk/imcsdk/ in __set_prop(self, name, value, mark_dirty, forced)
    178                                 prop_meta.access != \
    179                                 imccoremeta.MoPropertyMeta.CREATE_ONLY:
--> 180                     raise ValueError("%s is not a read-write property." % name)
    181             if not prop_meta.validate_property_value(value):
    182                 raise ValueError("Invalid Value Exception - "

ValueError: drive_type is not a read-write property.

In [11]:

get_imc_tech_support throws an exception

When trying to create a tech support using "get_imc_tech_support", it throws an exception -
[ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'sysdebugTechSupportExport', attribute 'adminState': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'Enabled' is not an element of the set {'enabled', 'disabled'}. Element 'sysdebugTechSupportExport', attribute 'adminState': 'Enabled' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'enabledDisabled'

The issue seems to be in file at line 70. Here the value of "admin_state" should be "enabled" and not "Enabled"

Add apis/ function to enable/disable IPMI

Powering a server on/off is quicker via IPMI than via XMLAPI, which is an issue for some operators. So it would be handy to provide a function to enable/disable IPMI in a simple manner from XML, after which operator can use IPMI for power.

boot_order_precision_get has unsolicited debug log

When polling boot_order_precision_get I always get a debug like this:

2019-02-26 21:55:47,984 - imc - DEBUG - sorted_boot_order_list:
[{'device-type': 'EFI', 'order': '1', 'name': 'EFIShell'}, {'device-type': 'HDD', 'order': '2', 'name': 'LocalDrive'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '3', 'name': 'PxeLom0'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '4', 'name': 'PxeVic1'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '5', 'name': 'PxeVic1'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '6', 'name': 'PxeVic2'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '7', 'name': 'PxeVic2'}, {'device-type': 'PXE', 'order': '8', 'name': 'NonPolicyTarget'}]

Adding snmp user with security_level='authnopriv' without param 'priv_pwd' throws error

SDK version: Latest from git
Python version: 2.7.12
IMC version: 3.0(1c)

Execute the following code snippet -

from imcsdk.apis.admin.snmp import *
from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
handle = ImcHandle(ip=ip, username=username, password=password)
snmp_user_add(handle=handle, name='klm', security_level='authnopriv', auth='MD5', auth_pwd='pass')

Observation -

After executing the above code snippet, it throws following error -
_Traceback (most recent call last):_
  _File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\nose\", line 197, in runTest_
  _File "C:\Tanmay\PythonSDK\pysdkframework\TestSuite_ClassicImc\Nosetests\", line 37, in_ _test_snmp_user_add_
    _snmp_user_add(handle=handle, name='klm', security_level='authnopriv', auth='MD5',_ _auth_pwd='Nbv12345')_
  _File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\imcsdk-\imcsdk\apis\admin\", line 362, in_ _snmp_user_add_
    _free_user.privacy_pwd = priv_pwd_
  _File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\imcsdk-\imcsdk\", line 138, in __setattr___
    self.__set_prop(name, value)_
  _File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\imcsdk-\imcsdk\", line 192, in_ __set_prop value))_
_ValueError: Invalid Value Exception - [CommSnmpUser]: Prop <privacy_pwd>, Value<None>._

Expected -
When security_level='authnopriv', priv_pwd should not be mandatory.

ImcSdk-0.9.3 enforce vnic value even 'vntag_mode' is disabled

After upgraded to imcsdk to, it enforcesto value input for some attributes(eg: ‘uplinkFailover’, ‘uplinkFailbackTimeout’, etc) in vnic even 'vntag_mode' is set to 'disabled'.

If you look at codes, some attributes disallowed ‘NONE’ value, eg: ‘uplinkFailover’, ‘uplinkFailbackTimeout’, ‘vmq’, ‘trusted_class_of_service’, etc
Looking at CIMC documentation, uplinkFailover and etc are only needed when VNTAG mode is enabled.

Here is the issue I tested with imcsdk I attempted to update the vnic's vlan id, but it kept throwing error that uplink_failover cannot be 'N/A' (no value)

[root@cimc3a /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[root@cimc3a /]# python
Python 2.7.13 (default, Jan 11 2018, 19:03:59)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from imcsdk import *; from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
>>> handle = ImcHandle('','admin','password'); handle.login()
>>> print handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/general')

Managed Object			:	AdaptorGenProfile
child_action                    :None
configuration_pending           :no
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/general
fip_mode                        :Enabled
iscsi_boot_supported            :True
lldp                            :Enabled
model                           :UCSC-PCIE-CSC-02
pci_link                        :None
pci_slot                        :1
product_name                    :UCS VIC 1225
revision                        :6
rn                              :general
serial                          :FCH1905799D
status                          :None
usnic_supported                 :True
vendor                          :Cisco Systems Inc
vendor_id                       :V03
vntag_mode                      :Disabled

>>> obj = handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/host-eth-eth1/general')
>>> print obj

Managed Object			:	AdaptorEthGenProfile
arfs                            :enabled
child_action                    :None
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/host-eth-eth1/general
nvgre                           :disabled
order                           :ANY
pci_link                        :0
rate_limit                      :OFF
rn                              :general
status                          :None
trusted_class_of_service        :disabled
uplink_failback_timeout         :N/A
uplink_failover                 :N/A
vlan                            :110
vlan_mode                       :TRUNK
vmq                             :disabled
vxlan                           :disabled

>>> setattr(obj,'vlan','111')
>>> handle.set_mo(obj)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 458, in set_mo
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 517, in _commit
    response = self.post_elem(elem, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 287, in post_elem
    response = xc.from_xml_str(response_str, self)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 91, in from_xml_str
    raise ex.ImcException(error_code, error_descr)
imcsdk.imcexception.ImcException: [ErrorCode]: ERR-xml-parse-error[ErrorDescription]: XML PARSING ERROR: Element 'adaptorEthGenProfile', attribute 'uplinkFailover': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'N/A' is not an element of the set {'enabled', 'disabled', 'Enabled', 'Disabled'}. Element 'adaptorEthGenProfile', attribute 'uplinkFailover': 'N/A' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'enabledDisabled'.
>>> import imcsdk; imcsdk.__version__

After I downgraded to imcsdk-, it is fine. it doesn't ask for those values. I could update vlan id on the vnic as an example.

[root@cimc3 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[root@cimc3 /]# python
Python 2.7.13 (default, Jan 11 2018, 19:03:59)
[GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import imcsdk; imcsdk.__version__
>>> from imcsdk import *; from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
>>> handle = ImcHandle('','admin','password'); handle.login()
>>> print handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/general')

Managed Object			:	AdaptorGenProfile
child_action                    :None
configuration_pending           :no
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/general
fip_mode                        :Enabled
iscsi_boot_supported            :True
lldp                            :Enabled
model                           :UCSC-PCIE-CSC-02
pci_slot                        :1
product_name                    :UCS VIC 1225
revision                        :6
rn                              :general
serial                          :FCH1905799D
status                          :None
usnic_supported                 :True
vendor                          :Cisco Systems Inc
vendor_id                       :V03
vntag_mode                      :Disabled

>>> obj = handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/host-eth-eth1/general')
>>> print obj

Managed Object			:	AdaptorEthGenProfile
arfs                            :enabled
child_action                    :None
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/host-eth-eth1/general
[X]nvgre                        :disabled
order                           :ANY
[X]pciLink                      :0
rate_limit                      :OFF
rn                              :general
status                          :None
trusted_class_of_service        :disabled
uplink_failback_timeout         :N/A
uplink_failover                 :N/A
vlan                            :110
vlan_mode                       :TRUNK
vmq                             :disabled
[X]vxlan                        :disabled

>>> setattr(obj,'vlan','111')
>>> handle.set_mo(obj)
>>> print obj

Managed Object			:	AdaptorEthGenProfile
arfs                            :enabled
child_action                    :None
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-1/host-eth-eth1/general
[X]nvgre                        :disabled
order                           :ANY
[X]pciLink                      :0
rate_limit                      :OFF
rn                              :general
status                          :modified
trusted_class_of_service        :disabled
uplink_failback_timeout         :N/A
uplink_failover                 :N/A
vlan                            :111
vlan_mode                       :TRUNK
vmq                             :disabled
[X]vxlan                        :disabled


This issue may be probably happened on other classes which I haven't tested

Python3: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imccoremeta'

Testing against Python2 and Python3, I have discovered that I can not import the IMCSDK in Python3.

Python 3.6.1 (v3.6.1:69c0db5050, Mar 21 2017, 01:21:04) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/awatkins/Projects/PV2/cimc-tools/venv_py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 18, in <module>
    from . import imccoreutils
  File "/Users/awatkins/Projects/PV2/cimc-tools/venv_py3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/imcsdk/", line 30, in <module>
    from imccoremeta import MoPropertyMeta
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imccoremeta'

This is using a fresh install of imcsdk in a new virtualenv.

pip freeze says imcsdk==

I can fix this temporarily in my virtualenv by adding a dot to line 30 of immediately before the word imccoremetai.e.

from .imccoremeta import MoPropertyMeta

Suggested fix: consider using from __future__ import absolute_import to handle the differences between python2 and python3 imports.

boot_order_precision_get shows stale info after boot_order_precision_set success

How to reproduce error:

  1. run get boot order script ( below )
  2. run set boot order script (below, and confirm correct by viewing cimc web UI )
  3. run get boot order script ( below )

Problem: Step 3 shows same info as Step 1
However, I know that setting boot order from below script works b/c I can confirm via the cimc web UI.

Question: Is the boot order cached somewhere ? Why does the script show stale info ?

# get boot order
import argparse
from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
from imcsdk import *

h = ImcHandle(,args.username,args.password)
boot_order = boot_order_precision_get(h,dump=False)
print boot_order
# set boot order
import argparse
from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
from imcsdk import *
from imcsdk.mometa.lsboot import LsbootDevPrecision

h = ImcHandle(,args.username,args.password)
boot_devices = [
            {"order": "1", "device-type": "pxe", "name": "testpxe1"},
            {"order": "2", "device-type": "hdd", "name": "testhdd2"},

boot_order_precision_set(h, boot_devices=boot_devices[0])
h.logout() does not account for ULTM models

"ULTM" is not in the list of supported server prefixes. It runs the same CIMC OS as the other servers listed, but has a different product ID to distinguish its sale and use. Please include this in the list.

In function "_validate_model":

valid_model_prefixes = ["UCSC", "UCS-E", "UCSS", "HX"]

should be

valid_model_prefixes = ["UCSC", "UCS-E", "UCSS", "HX", "ULTM"]

biosVfTXTSupport class not supported in imcsdk

When querying the children of the BiosSettings class on a C220-M5 running 3.1(2c) I get an object back from the server that has no matching ManagedObject class. It is put into a GenericMo object as:

GenericMo                       :biosVfTXTSupport
dn                              :sys/rack-unit-1/bios/bios-settings/TXT-Support
rn                              :TXT-Support
vpTXTSupport                    :Disabled

V2 api bios_tokens_set uses non-existent sanitize_xml_parsing_error

bios_token_set is not usable due to this:

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "imcsdk/apis/v2/server/", line 360, in bios_tokens_set
    from imcsdk.imccoreutils import load_class, sanitize_xml_parsing_error
ImportError: cannot import name sanitize_xml_parsing_error

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