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cirrus-cli's Issues

Cirrus Template Testing

Since now you can create configurations in Starlark we need to think about how to test them.

A simple template repository looks like:

One thing we can do it to have tests folder with test projects and check that evaluation the template yielded expected tasks.

tests/foo-project/.cirrus.env # optional file with environment variables for evaluation
tests/foo-project/ # will contain load("../../", "foo") and main for testing
tests/foo-project/.cirrus.expected.yml # expected result to diff agains
tests/foo-project/package.json # some other files for testing `fs` for example

Then we can have a separate internal subcommand like cirrus internal test tests/* that will take a list of folders and run evaluation and checking against the expected YML.

Complete the parser

#58 introduces a YAML parser that's able to run most of the CLI tasks without network connection.

However, this results in at least two parsers in-the-wild (the other being the one that processes .cirrus.yml in the cloud). To avoid the divergence in the future, it might be a good idea to consolidate everything as a CLI package, which is available for use in any Go program.

To do this, the following things need to be implemented:

  • support all execution environments
  • support JSON Schema
  • integrate already existing tests

Option for non-emoji output

In some cases my terminals aren't set up for emoji support, so it'd be nice to have a way (maybe an environment variable?) to disable emoji.

One way to do this is instead of ✅ and ❌ you could go with [OKAY] and [FAIL]. I'm not sure what would make the most sense to replace the clocks, but one possibility could be something like cycling through these:

[-   ]
[ -  ]
[  - ]
[   -]
[  - ]
[ -  ]

I've encountered this problem when using urxvt with certain fonts and when using the local console directly (as opposed to a terminal emulator in Xorg/Wayland) on Manjaro Linux.

(EDIT: Changed wording because the problem is specifically emoji.)

--container-pull-policy instead of --container-no-pull

With the latest Docker rate limits it seems not reasonable to always try to pull container image since it seems they count such requests agains individual rate limits even if the request ends up in no pull.

Let's instead have a pull policy similar to Kubernetes' imagePullPolicy with a default value of "IfNotPresent" which will check if image is locally presented and only attempt to pull if the image is missing locally.

Reuse already prebuilt images from GCR

Right now PrebuiltInstance always builds the image. Instead it should first check locally if the image is already available and then check if the image is available remotely. And it should build the image only if the it's not available both locally and remotely.

Docker Pull Progress

It will be great to show progress of docker pull in console so it's clear why things are not progressing

Parse YAML config on CLI side

Right now CLI uses GRPC endpoint of Cirrus CI ( in order to parse .cirrus.yml config file. The backend is written in Kotlin which makes it difficult to reuse it in Go. In order to make the CLI 100% independent from Cirrus CI and have option to run it offline or in a network without public internet we should eventually implement parsing of the YAML config in Go on the CLI side.

This is a not a priority at the moment but lets put it on the table and keep it in mind.

Option to run a task by id

It will be nice to be able to run a task by id locally like cirrus run -task-id 123. We'll need to implement a separate RPC method to get a configuration and environment variables. Can be handy in addition to #8

Failed to create a volume from working directory

> cirrus run -v rubocop
gRPC server is listening at
running task rubocop (3)
Started 'rubocop'
Started 'Preparing execution environment...'
Preparing volume to work with...
Failed to create a volume from working directory: working volume creation failed: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/create?": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
'Preparing execution environment...' failed in 0.0s!
Error: working volume creation failed: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/create?": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied
2020/09/10 00:29:03 working volume creation failed: Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.24/images/create?": dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied


Environment: ArchLinux. There is no docker permissions for regular user, we should use sudo. So, when and how I need to use sudo more correctly?

Starlark Configuration Testing

Since Starlark is a real language we need to figure out a testing scenario for file. Ideally there should be a way to provide environment variables and see what kind of YAML config Starlark will output.

Should it be a part of validate command? How to mock file system access?

Creating this issue to brainstorm possible options.

My main use case can be described like that: we'll have template that will generate either yarn specific or npm specific tasks depending on files in the repository. How can we test this template?

`--version` option


I think it'd be handful to have some -v or --version or version option/command to debug which one cirrus-cli you're using exactly.

Current output:

> cirrus help
Cirrus CLI

  cirrus [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  run         Execute Cirrus CI tasks locally
  validate    Validate Cirrus CI configuration file

  -h, --help   help for cirrus

Use "cirrus [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Don’t fail the whole build if only one task has failed

Currently the logic in the executor's main loop is quite simple and looks like this:

// Bail-out if the task has failed
if task.Status() != taskstatus.Succeeded {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: task %s %s", ErrBuildFailed, task.String(), task.Status().String())

It would be nice to preserve the same behavior when running tasks in the cloud.

It also seems that to do that one needs to calculate the dependencies in Build.GetNextTask() in a bit more complicated fashion than it currently gets away with.

cirrus run should allow to filter by labels

Related to #62. When there are bunch of tasks with the same name but different labels (container image, some env variables) it not possible to target a particular task. cirrus run should be able to match by UniqueName too.

Option to override default registry

Right now Docker as a CI environment always uses as registry. For local runs with CLI it might be usefully to override it. Consider the following use case: CLI is used in a private on-premise Jenkins cluster where there is a local Docker registry under hub.mycorp.internal. It will be great to override with hub.mycorp.internal as well as allow to push a newly built PrebuiltImage to the registry directly from the CLI.

Run "clone" in a separate container

Let's run CLI's clone instruction in a separate container (for example, alpine:latest) since the task container might not have cp or rsync on the $PATH.

For example Kaniko executor image doesn't have anything.

Document Podman

How to install and use it as an alternative container backend.

Cirrus Config via Starlark

YAML is pretty limiting and doesn't allow easily to have custom logic and makes it harder to be concise in some cases.

It will be great to have an option to generate tasks via written in Starlark.

def main(ctx):
  return {
    "name": "Test Task",
    "instance": container("alpine:latest")
    "steps": [
      script(name = "env",  content = "printenv")

ctx will include ctx.env for getting environment variables and ctx.functions to invoke helper functions while generating a set of tasks.

Dirty mode for running tasks

Right now run command rsyncs working directory to a container respecting .gitignore. It takes time and might not be always necessary because some tasks like linting are readonly. It will be good to have a --dirty flag so instead of rsyncing project folder will be mounted directly.

Respect CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR in dirty mode

--dirty should mount project dir into the specified CIRRUS_WORKING_DIR. Here is .cirrus.yml example which should pass:

    image: alpine:latest
  test_script: test -f .cirrus.yml

Unable to install

By these instructions:

> go get
../go/src/ undefined: proxy.Dial
../go/src/ undefined (type *http2.Framer has no field or method SetReuseFrames)

> ls $GOPATH/bin/cirrus*
fish: No matches for wildcard “$GOPATH/bin/cirrus*”.

// there are many other binaries

> go version
go version go1.15.1 linux/amd64

Productionize Startlark Configuration

Basic support for Startlark configuration was added in #48. We still need couple of things in order to productionize Starlark format to align with the vision. Things like:

  • List of builtins (filesystem plus for now?)
  • Template loading
  • Template testing primitives
  • gRPC service for evaluating config
  • Documentation

This will be an issue for tracking overall progress.

Build for more platforms

Since we are about to introduce persistent worker functionality to support Arm, Solaris platforms and so on, we need to build CLI's binaries for them.

`cirrus run` hangs forever; keeps failing to connect to

When running cirrus run --verbose --dirty lint[1] in a fresh clone of on my system, it prints this and then hangs until I Ctrl-c it:

~/dev/os/awooos/flail$ cirrus run --verbose --dirty lint
🕚 'Lint' Task 05:25
   ✅ Preparing execution environment... 3.2s
   ✅ docker pull 2.7s
   creating container using working volume cirrus-working-volume-83694402-93ab-4d7d-b7f2-4507dea658ae
   starting container 177f7516fc6d18567e73cfc1bce0b4a1621d9b5b4ce943f0805d287c468be516
   waiting for container 177f7516fc6d18567e73cfc1bce0b4a1621d9b5b4ce943f0805d287c468be516 to finish

If I check the logs of the container (see below), I get this warning repeated a bunch:

WARNING: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to { <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: no route to host". Reconnecting...

I've had it sit there for over 20 minutes, at least once.

Various information found while debugging that seems relevant:

Output of `ip addr` on host system, minus parts I know for-sure are not docker-related
7: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
    link/ether 02:42:d3:3e:95:56 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global docker0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:d3ff:fe3e:9556/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
8: br-bf7c4bd9284c: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default 
    link/ether 02:42:15:3e:9c:77 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-bf7c4bd9284c
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Output of `ip addr` in a Docker container
root@be108f6f8e96:/# ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
55: eth0@if56: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
    link/ether 02:42:ac:11:00:02 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 0
    inet brd scope global eth0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Output of `docker logs -f <container name>`
~$ docker logs -f charming_pare                                                                                        
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] parsed scheme: ""                                                                     
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme                                  
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <n
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
WARNING: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {$
131 <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: no route to host". Reconnecting...
WARNING: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {$
131 <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: no route to host". Reconnecting...
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Subchannel Connectivity change to TRANSIENT_FAILURE
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:42 [core] Channel Connectivity change to TRANSIENT_FAILURE
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:43 [core] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:43 [core] Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2020/10/10 22:59:43 [core] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
WARNING: 2020/10/10 22:59:43 [core] grpc: addrConn.createTransport failed to connect to {$
131 <nil> 0 <nil>}. Err: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: no route to host". Reconnecting...

Operating system is Fedora 31.

~$ uname -mnrsv
Linux 5.8.9-101.fc31.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Sep 14 19:29:57 UTC 2020 x86_64

[1]: WRT needing to use --dirty, I'm still trying to figure that one out.

task script "fails" even though it had exit code 0?

When running cirrus run --verbose --dirty lint[1] in a fresh clone of on my system, it says container exited with <nil> error and exit code 0, then tells me it failed.

I suspect having logs from the actual running commands would help, but I'm not sure if/how I can get those.

~/dev/os/awooos/flail$ cirrus run --verbose --dirty lint
🕙 'Lint' Task 02:45
   ✅ Preparing execution environment... 3.8s
   ✅ docker pull 6.5s
   ✅ 'install' script 02:27
   ❌ 'main' script 1.0s
      begin streaming logs
      command failed

   creating Docker client
   creating container using working volume cirrus-working-volume-9ca71a13-5127-4bd1-bc50-ed060f8b3519
   starting container 0b05f1ae00845dc2b8012cff07494d31a01f4929380f6d98f87bec0b7b2e8635
   received heartbeat
   agent signal: urgent I/O condition
   received heartbeat
   waiting for container 0b05f1ae00845dc2b8012cff07494d31a01f4929380f6d98f87bec0b7b2e8635 to finish
   received heartbeat
   received heartbeat
   container exited with <nil> error and exit code 0
   cleaning up container 0b05f1ae00845dc2b8012cff07494d31a01f4929380f6d98f87bec0b7b2e8635

Error: build failed: task Lint (0) failed
2020/10/10 19:38:27 build failed: task Lint (0) failed

Starlark hooks

Since we're now supporting Starlark, some build-time decisions can be handled there instead of writing the logic in the YAML.

There are a couple use-cases that we can cover by letting users to define their own hooks:

The hook name for the first use-case will be probably defined explicitly in the YAML to avoid limiting all tasks to a single hook, while the latter will be defined implicitly based on whether a function with a specific name exists in or not.

`cirrus run` fails trying to open a port on a nonexistent IP

Using the cirrus config from and a freshly "go get" cirrus cli:

$ cirrus run
panic: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address

goroutine 1 [running]:*RPC).Start(0xc00009e060)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/executor/rpc/rpc.go:119 +0x359*Executor).Run(0xc0001ed2f0, 0xf4e920, 0xc0003d8300, 0x0, 0x0)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/executor/executor.go:82 +0x62, 0x1582820, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/commands/run.go:158 +0x5f5*Command).execute(0xc0003ccb00, 0x1582820, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0003ccb00, 0x1582820)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:842 +0x453*Command).ExecuteC(0xc0003cc580, 0xe410d8, 0xc00029b440, 0xc0003dc6a0)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:950 +0x349*Command).Execute(...)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:887*Command).ExecuteContext(...)
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/command.go:880
	/home/jaq/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/cmd/cirrus/main.go:27 +0x137
$ echo $?

I can't figure out why it's trying to bind to this address, it doesn't exist on my machine.

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