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The CICE Consortium sea-ice model

CICE is a computationally efficient model for simulating the growth, melting, and movement of polar sea ice. Designed as one component of coupled atmosphere-ocean-land-ice global climate models, today’s CICE model is the outcome of more than two decades of community collaboration in building a sea ice model suitable for multiple uses including process studies, operational forecasting, and climate simulation.

This repository contains the files and code needed to run the CICE sea ice numerical model starting with version 6. CICE is maintained by the CICE Consortium. Versions prior to v6 are found in the CICE-svn-trunk repository.

CICE consists of a top level driver and dynamical core plus the Icepack column physics code], which is included in CICE as a Git submodule. Because Icepack is a submodule of CICE, Icepack and CICE development are handled independently with respect to the GitHub repositories even though development and testing may be done together.

The first point of contact with the CICE Consortium is the Consortium Community Forum. This forum is monitored by Consortium members and also opened to the whole community. Please do not use our issue tracker for general support questions.

If you expect to make any changes to the code, we recommend that you first fork both the CICE and Icepack repositories. In order to incorporate your developments into the Consortium code it is imperative you follow the guidance for Pull Requests and requisite testing. Head over to our Contributing guide to learn more about how you can help improve CICE.

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See our License and Distribution Policy.

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cice's Issues

Suspicous history writing errors with pgi

We are getting errors in a limited number of test cases and machines,

throws this error,
0: Null pointer for a2d (/p/home/apcraig/cice-consortium/cice.travis/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_history.F90: 1344)

but the following non-debug runs pass

PASS conrad_pgi_smoke_gx3_1x2_diag1_run5day run
PASS conrad_pgi_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day_thread run
PASS conrad_pgi_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day_thread run
PASS conrad_pgi_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1 exact-restart
PASS conrad_pgi_restart_gx3_1x2_diag1 exact-restart
PASS conrad_pgi_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondcesm exact-restart
PASS conrad_pgi_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondtopo exact-restart

Not seeing this problem with other compilers. It could be pgi but we should look into it.

Single threaded runs on Conrad crash in ice_broadcast.F90

I attempted to run a test on Conrad (Cray XC40) with the following configuration:

  • smoke test
  • grid = gx3
  • PE = 4x1
  • sets = diag1, run5day, thread

The modules that are loaded for the compile:

  • PrgEnv/intel-5.2.40
  • intel/
  • cray-mpich/7.3.2
  • cray-netcdf/4.3.2
  • cray-hdf5/1.8.13

The error that I am encountering is:

Rank 0 [Mon Aug  7 15:24:19 2017] [c2-0c1s2n2] Fatal error in PMPI_Bcast: Invalid root, error stack:
PMPI_Bcast(1614): MPI_Bcast(buf=0x7fffffff4640, count=1, dtype=0x4c000829, root=-999, comm=0x84000004) failed
PMPI_Bcast(1576): Invalid root (value given was -999)

forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
cice               000000000079DC32  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               0000000000787250  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               0000000000787396  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               0000000000769629  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               000000000075F03A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               0000000000456F96  ice_broadcast_mp_          81  ice_broadcast.F90
cice               00000000004670DF  ice_diagnostics_m         759  ice_diagnostics.F90
cice               0000000000402DBD  cice_runmod_mp_ci          63  CICE_RunMod.F90
cice               000000000040064B  MAIN__                     50  CICE.F90
cice               00000000004005DE  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               0000000000DA7991  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cice               00000000004004B9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

The error appears to be a result of the model not being able to find the first diagnostic point:

  Find indices of diagnostic points

 found point   1
   lat    lon   TLAT   TLON     i     j   block  task
  90.0    0.0 -999.0 -999.0     0     0     0  -999

 found point   2
   lat    lon   TLAT   TLON     i     j   block  task
 -65.0  -45.0  -64.2  -45.0    25    10     2     1

I should note that the model runs successfully for hybrid MPI+OpenMP configurations (conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_diag1_run5day) and pure-MPI implementations (conrad_smoke_gx3_4x1_debug_diag1_run5day). The error only seems to show up when running with CICE_THREADED enabled.

PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_diag1_run5day build
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_diag1_run5day run
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_diag24_run1year_medium build
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x1_debug_diag1_run5day build
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x1_debug_diag1_run5day run
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_debug_diag1_run5day build
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_debug_diag1_run5day run
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x2_diag1_run5day build
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x2_diag1_run5day run
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x2_diag1_run5day bfbcomp conrad_smoke_gx3_8x2_diag1_run5day.t00
PASS conrad_smoke_gx3_4x1_diag1_run5day_thread build
FAIL conrad_smoke_gx3_4x1_diag1_run5day_thread run

Log file from the run: cice.runlog.txt
Log of the compile: cice.buildlog.txt

track the coupling fluxes separately, to avoid confusion before/after scale_fluxes

Some (but not all) fluxes are divided by aice before being sent to the cesm coupler. This is highly confusing because normally, multiplying a non-flux value (e.g. thickness) specific to the ice-covered area by aice (or similarly area-averaging over categories) produces a grid-cell-mean value. The subroutine scale_fluxes divides by aice, so multiplying by aice then just brings it back to the ice-covered area value. It would be better to save the coupling fluxes separately so that the physical interpretations of the primary variables aren't changing. E.g. from a user's question on how to compute net longwave from the history output:

flwdn in history is flw elsewhere in the code, and that is the value for any point in the grid cell, whether it’s ice or ocean. It’s not multiplied by aice, but it is still a grid-cell average because it’s the same over ice and ocean alike.

flwup in history is flwout elsewhere in the code, and in the code calculations this is the value only over sea ice. However it’s later divided by aice for the cesm coupler, and that happens before it’s sent to history. flwup_ai in history is flwout*aice, so it’s back to the only-over-ice value.

So the net longwave is

over ice: flwnet = flwup_ai-flwdn
over the grid cell: flwnet(ice) + flwnet(ocn) = (flwup_ai-flwdn)aice + (sigmaSST^4 - flwdn)*(1-aice)

Is that right?

have QC setup as part of default configuration for all runs?

What is the overhead for doing the things needed for the quality control comparisons ("-s qc" to generate and position necessary files) for all simulations? I've done a bunch of simulations without it, and now it would be nice to go back and check the qc output without having to re-run the simulations.

Finalize the release

timers calls as in CESM

CICE currently uses MPI_WTIME for calculating timings. CESM uses GPTL. Should we change this?
(revision 1121 in svn repository, cesm_cice branch)

unused variables

clean up unused variables in CICE
remove svn headers from all modules

time level inconsistency in transport code

From: Frederic Dupont [email protected]
Subject: small inconsistency in CICE512
Date: October 14, 2016 at 2:14:04 PM MDT
To: Elizabeth Hunke [email protected]

Hi Elizabeth,

I think I found a small inconsistency in CICE 5.1.2 for shift_ice (in

for each receiving category, at each point:

  do n = 1, ncat-1
 [ some checks done ...]
 [ prepare ishift pointers for cat n ]
     do ij = 1, ishift
        i = indxii(ij)
        j = indxjj(ij)
        m = indxij(ij)

        nd = donor(m,n)
  !echmod            worka(i,j) = dvice(m,n) / vicen(i,j,nd)
        worka(i,j) = daice(m,n) / aicen(i,j,nd)
        if (nd  ==  n) then
           nr = nd+1
        else                ! nd = n+1
           nr = n

        aicen(i,j,nd) = aicen(i,j,nd) - daice(m,n)
        aicen(i,j,nr) = aicen(i,j,nr) + daice(m,n)

        vicen(i,j,nd) = vicen(i,j,nd) - dvice(m,n)
        vicen(i,j,nr) = vicen(i,j,nr) + dvice(m,n)

        dvsnow = vsnon(i,j,nd) * worka(i,j)
        vsnon(i,j,nd) = vsnon(i,j,nd) - dvsnow
        vsnon(i,j,nr) = vsnon(i,j,nr) + dvsnow
        workb(i,j) = dvsnow

     enddo                  ! ij

 [ followed by the actual transport in thickness space for all tracers, including enthalpies, etc...]
  enddo                     ! boundaries, 1 to ncat-1

The issue is for snow:

because the worka/workb arrays are dependent on aicen(i,j,nd) and vsnon(i,j,nd). In case of growth (shift towards thicker cat, i.e.
increasing n), aicen(i,j,nd) and vsnon(i,j,nd) might have already been updated. It would be more in line with the rest of the transport
equation in thickness space that worka be computed with aicen and vsnon at the previous timestep (Euler-forward approach), therefore saving
aicen/vnson at the beginning of the routine in separate arrays. It is not a serious inconsistency but I don't see any reasons why the cases of growth and melt would be treated differently. (correction attached with some goodies from bigger ITDs)

Anyway, the code is already a nice improvement to what was done in CICE4!

I would have an additional question regarding the formulation of worka since I noted that it changes from a fraction in volume (CICE 4.1) to a fraction in area (5.1.2). Is it because it was found that there was not much correlation between volume of snow and ice being advected to the next category (i.e. volume of snow is not necessarily proportional to volume of ice)?


Posting test results

CDash or github wiki? Let's decide. Examples:
See also @apcraig PR CICE-Consortium/Icepack#94

We need to write down requirements and how they can be addressed, pros and cons, etc -- essentially a design document for posting test results. Some issues that have already come up in discussions (random order):

  • we need to include timing results (see issue #49 )
  • the whole team needs to be able to post results (i.e. we can set write permissions)
  • group test results by hashtag, version number, all results between bit changes to the code, manually defined, whatever...
  • @mattdturner probably has other considerations from working with CDash - please add them to this discussion
  • there is quite a bit of discussion in email, which could be pasted here too for reference


Fix rEVP as suggested by Martin Losch.

vector averages for history

For vector history variables, create options for the vector averages (e.g. speed and direction) rather than simply averaging the vector components.


The Cray compiler complains about num_avail_hist_fields in ice_history_shared.f90, having to do with an inconsistency in the order of evaluations. Issue reported by DMI collaborators, who will need to provide details.

uvm initialization

the NAG compiler reports a missing initialization in the uvm halo, line 1399 of ice_grid.f90
(issue noted by DMI collaborators)


Evaluate and possibly switch documentation to readthedocs, for better automation


gfortran with debug flags is trapping several underflows in CICE. Some are known (ice_dyn_evp/eap) and others may not be (construct_fields in ice_transport_remap.F90). gfortran does not have an underflow to zero flag, and I'm not sure what happens when this arises without trapping. I assume it is underflowing to zero gracefully, but not sure. there are several things we could try. we could

  • turn off underflow traps in gfortran debug
  • code the underflow to zero as has been done in a few places in code already. some of this code is commented out due to cost concerns.
  • there is supposed to be an ieee call to turn on underflow to zero at runtime ( but I have never tried this and I worry about portability (support with different compilers). We'd have to test carefully. This feature could also be turned on via a runtime or buildtime flag if needed.

We have coded underflow to zeros in icepack when needed without much regard to cost. But maybe that approach should be re-evaluated too so we bring some consistency to this issue. Mostly, we should continue to use a compiler's underflow to zero flag, and in those cases, we don't want to introduce a bunch of cost or complexity. See also CICE-Consortium/Icepack#170

@eclare108213 @dabail10 @mattdturner any thoughts?

code coverage by test suites

Implement testing options to maximize how much of the code is exercised. We can use the Icepack tests (though some namelist options are different) and will need additional tests for dynamics and infrastructure. Consider using, as suggested by @anders-dc:

Some automated tools can be used to test for "code coverage", a metric for measuring what parts of the code are being covered by the applied test suite. I use the tool to visualize the results and you can see an example here:

This is the status page for a repository of mine:

Here is an overview of the source folder:

And this is what a single source file looks like:

Green lines are hit by the test suite and red lines are never invoked. You can see that my tests hit most of the lines of code in this file, while not being perfect. This overview can help me design tests for parts that are untouched, and also get rid of abandoned code that was never used anyway. The algorithm is clever enough to not count comments and other irrelevant lines.

I think it is excessive to strive for 100% code coverage, and a high code coverage does (obviously) not guarantee a bug free code. However, I have found that the metric helps build confidence in the testing, and keeps me on my toes for writing tests for newly developed code.

snow, ice evaporation

Check for potential bug. This might be easier (or already fixed) as part of the CMIP6/SIMIP history output (#93). Alex West's original email:

Hello Elizabeth,

Hope that you’re well. I’ve been having a go at adding two new diagnostics to CICE to report ice and snow evaporation separately – apart from being in the SIMIP data request, I think they may be useful for my PhD on the Arctic energy budget. However, I’ve been having some unexpected problems, and wondered if there are aspects of the evaporation I’m still not aware of (and if I’ve come across a possible reason why this hasn’t been done before!).

Basically, I’ve

  •      defined the new diagnostics, evap_ice_ai and evap_snow_ai, in the history routines in the normal way;
  •      defined new aggregate and category fields evap_ice, evapn_ice etc in ice_flux;
  •      added code to thickness_changes in ice_therm_vertical to calculate the fields evapn_ice, evapn_snow in the same way as evapn, and divide them by timestep length;
  •      added the new evaporation fields to the routine merge_fluxes in in_flux.

It looks to my naive eye that the new fields are then calculated in much the same way as the existing evapn field. However, when I look at the resulting diagnostic files, the new snow and ice evaporation fields are of a completely different order of magnitude to the total evaporation field (about 1.e3 bigger). Moreover, the sum of the two new fields actually has a different structure to the total evaporation field.

Do you have any idea what I might be missing here? I attach the copies of ice_flux, ice_step_mod, ice_therm_vertical, ice_history and ice_history_shared from my branch; unfortunately the output file with the three evaporation fields is too large to send by email.

Because this branch is a general ‘new diagnostics for SIMIP’ branch it also contains Dave Bailey’s new diagnostic changes, so a diff with the 5.1.2 trunk will show these differences also.

version number in netcdf output

Have the code read the current version number from version.txt (or whatever is most appropriate) and use it in the netcdf metadata, e.g.

:source = "Los Alamos Sea Ice Model (CICE) Version 5" ;

Check other output formats to see if it can be used there also.

aero tracers implementation in CICE and Icepack driver

The default setting for CICE and Icepack is NTRAERO=1 with tr_aero=false. This leads to some problems in the indexing, specifically in the call to icepack_step_radiation where this array,

                      trcrn(i,j,nt_aero:nt_aero+4*n_aero-1,:,iblk),   &

is passed in as an argument. When tr_aero is false, this array is not used, but because NTRAERO=1, it's passing a section of the array that is not allocated. The fix for this is to introduce this logic in ice_init.F90,

     nt_aero = max_ntrcr - 4*n_aero
     if (tr_aero) then
         nt_aero = ntrcr + 1
         ntrcr = ntrcr + 4*n_aero ! 4 dEdd layers, n_aero species

Which kludges the nt_aero indexing so that a valid array section is passed even though it's not the section associated with aero.

There are several things that should happen. First, when tr_aero=false, n_aero=NTRAERO=0. That would eliminate the need for the kludgy setting of nt_aero. Second, it might be worth looking into the icepack_step_radiation and think about whether we really want to send array sections for arrays that aren't needed. This might also be part of a broader review of how tracers are managed in CICE and Icepack.

document basalstress scheme and ellipse-related changes

We need an overview description of the fast-ice scheme, referencing publication(s), and including full documentation of the new namelist variables. Also describe hwater, bathymetry, and normalization of principal stresses. Remove prs_sig from the namelist index, and add sigP.


Include bathymetric information (vertical grid) as part of standard grid input, for use by fast-ice parameterization and icebergs.

history output

Setting f_hi = 'md' did not produce monthly output. (Need to check if this is really a bug or if I just didn't have the various history flags set correctly.)

Control of run length via npt

The current CICE implementation controls run length via settting npt which is the number of timesteps, and the run length in time depends on the model timestep. It might be nice to be able to specify a number of hours, days, months, or years to run the model rather than the number of timesteps.

lonu_bounds uninitialized

the NAG compiler reports lonu_bounds is uninitialized for iconrner=1, iblk=1, at line 1912 of ice_grid.f90.
(issue reported by DMI collaborators)

github backups

Create backups for the entire CICE Consortium github space (not just this CICE repo).

@apcraig and @dabail10 are already working on this. The plan is for NCAR to include it as part of its regular CESM github backup process.

longitude dependence of solar time

From: Pedro Duarte [email protected]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 8:13 AM

I have just noticed that in ice_forcing.F90, in the subroutine compute_shortwave there is the following equation to calculate solar time:
solar_time = mod(real(sec,kind=dbl_kind),secday)/c3600 &
+ c12sin(p5TLON(i,j))

As I understand, the second term is to correct solar time as a function of longitude. However, I think there may be an error here since c12sin(p5TLON(i,j)) should return 6 hours when TLON = 90 and it returns ~8.5 hours. I wonder why not using a simple linear function here since solar time varies one hour per 15 degrees? Or am I missing something here?


CICE needs to be ported and tested in the CESM and RASM frameworks. The current cesm driver will not work due to the changes to the Icepack implementation and the use statements.

capture timing results

Record timing results as part of the testing procedure, or at least flag them if changes are substantial in comparison tests. Preferably include at least these:
Timer 2: TimeLoop
Timer 3: Dynamics
Timer 5: Column

Crashes when using CCE

@rallard77 and I have tested the most recent CICE code on 2 Cray machines using the CCE environment. On both machines, every run fails to complete successfully. The issue appears to be related to reading the input files.

Here is a snippet from the log file:

  max_blocks =                 4
  Number of ghost cells:       1

  read_global  11,  1,  -1.47038251591136854E+308,  7.17269300631787991E+307,  -1.72150506148753856E+308
  read_global  12,  1,  0.,  419430400.,  2820535222272.
  Processors (X x Y) =    2 x    2

For reference, here is the same snippet section from a run with the Intel compiler:

  max_blocks =                 4
  Number of ghost cells:       1

  read_global           11           1  -1.36148077740934
   1.56905100613449        916.469935499633
  read_global           12           1  0.000000000000000E+000
   25.0000000000000        168117.000000000
  Processors (X x Y) =    2 x    2

The first read_global output line is information regarding the grid file. I have read the grid file in python, using both big endian and little endian:

Big-Endian: Min = -1.36148077741
Big-Endian: Max = 1.56905100613
Little-Endian: Min = -1.47038251591e+308
Little-Endian: Max = 7.17269300632e+307

The CCE Macros.* files all have -h byteswapio included in the FFLAGS variable, which should correctly read big endian files. I have tested compiles both with and without -h byteswapio and it does not have any effect. So, for whatever reason, it seems that the CCE-compiled executable is always reading the file as little-endian.

freezing temperature namelist option

Implement a namelist option for freezing temperature. This has already been done for CESM/RASM, but I don't think it made it into the main CICE repo.

shortwave in restart files

Store shortwave radiation for all blocks in the restart files, not just the active blocks, if possible. This should not change the answers when restarting from identical configurations, but could fix inexact restart problems when restarting with different block configurations.
(Issue noted by DMI collaborators)


Consolidate ice_constants files as needed. There are only a few differences between cice, cesm, and hadgem. Do we want to keep them separate, un-parameter them and add init/query methods, or what?

Also, we need to make sure the icepack_constants are set in hadgem and cesm mode during CICE initialization via the init methods.

OMP threading in CICE

A few problematic OMP loops were unthreaded due to reproducibility problems found during testing. grep for TCXOMP. These are in ice_dyn_eap, ice_dyn_evp, and ice_transport_remap. One issue may be thread safety in icepack_ice_strength, but it requires additional debugging.

More generally, we need to review and validate that threading is working properly in CICE and Icepack.

Test reporting in CICE and Icepack

The report_results test reporting needs to be reviewed. Pushing back to the wiki has been disabled in CICE because there are problems. Both CICE and Icepack need to be synchronized and made consistent with the wiki with stability and backwards compatibility required moving forward.

improve PR template

Let's make the templates (both CICE and Icepack) a little less cryptic and hopefully a little more useful.


replace 2017 with 2018 in copyright statements everywhere

version number in documentation, etc

Do we want to change the current version number in the CICE code and docs to v6-alpha? That is how it is referred to in Icepack and my recent presentations.

TravisCI test suite

We are running into reproducibility problems on travisCI as well as a problem with a 1x1 test. The test output from a broader suite is below. We are turning off failed tests for now so travis will pass. But this needs to be sorted out.

The main issues are the answers are changing according to the testing when they shouldn't. It would be good to see/get output from the tests and maybe we can have travis ftp data out so we can look at it. The other problem is the 1x1 test failure. That fails with

Current forcing data year = 1997

Finished writing ./history/

mpirun noticed that process rank 0 with PID 13802 on node exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_debug_diag1_run5day build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_debug_diag1_run5day run
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x2_debug_diag1_run5day build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x2_debug_diag1_run5day run
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day run
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day run
FAIL travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day bfbcomp travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day.travisCItest different-data
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x2_diag1_run5day build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x2_diag1_run5day run
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day_thread build
FAIL travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x1_diag1_run5day_thread run
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day_thread build
PASS travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day_thread run
FAIL travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_2x1_diag1_run5day_thread bfbcomp travisCI_gnu_smoke_gx3_1x2_diag1_run5day.travisCItest different-data
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1 build
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1 run-initial
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1 run-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1 exact-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_1x2_diag1 build
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_1x2_diag1 run-initial
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_1x2_diag1 run-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_1x2_diag1 exact-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondcesm build
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondcesm run-initial
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondcesm run-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondcesm exact-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondtopo build
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondtopo run-initial
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondtopo run-restart
PASS travisCI_gnu_restart_gx3_2x1_diag1_pondtopo exact-restart

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  • server

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  • Machine learning

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  • Game

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