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🌞 🌨️ ❄️ @cicciosgamino/openweather-apis

Javascript module wrapped around the APIs for free servicies (getForecast4Days() works only with pro services). First step to use the module is get API key, request a APPID (API Key) on and start to get the weather data!

Follow the official site for more info about OpenWeather, and here if you want more info about the APIs.


⚠️ Notice

  • Only JSON format is handled (NOT XML)
  • Only HTTPS requests (NOT HTTP)


Like all node packages, install and mange operation are done by npm (use the -s if you want save the package in the package.json file):

npm install @cicciosgamino/openweather-apis

# install and save dependency in package.json
npm install @cicciosgamino/openweather-apis --save

# global installation
npm install -g @cicciosgamino/openweather-apis


Install the package with npm, import the class you need:

import { AsyncWeather } from '@cicciosgamino/openweather-apis'
const weatherInstance = await new AsyncWeather()
// retrieve the Api Key from OS env
const apiKey = process.env['OPENWEATHER_API_KEY'] || ''
// or copy the Api Key into
const apiKey = 'sdgfd5g5f46...your_api_key_here'

// You can use lang parameter to get the output in your language.
// The contents of the description field will be translated.
// weather.getLang() '' get the language
// af Afrikaans - al Albanian - ar Arabic - az Azerbaijani
// bg Bulgarian
// ca Catalan - cz Czech
// da Danish - de German
// el Greek - en English - eu Basque
// fa Persian (Farsi) - fi Finnish - fr French
// gl Galician
// he Hebrew - hi Hindi - hr Croatian - hu Hungarian
// id Indonesian - it Italian
// ja Japanese
// kr Korean
// la Latvian - lt Lithuanian
// mk Macedonian
// no Norwegian - nl Dutch
// pl Polish - pt Portuguese - pt_br Português Brasil
// ro Romanian - ru Russian
// sv, se Swedish - sk Slovak - sl Slovenian - sp, es Spanish - sr Serbian
// th Thai - tr Turkish
// ua, uk Ukrainian
// vi Vietnamese
// zh_cn Chinese Simplified - zh_tw Chinese Traditional - zu Zulu

// set the location, only one is used for the request if multiple locations set
// coordinates > zip + state Code > cityId > city

// or set the coordinates (latitude,longitude)
weather.setCoordinates(50.0467656, 20.0048731)
// weather.getCoordinates() 	{ latitude: '', longitude: '' }

// or set zip code and a valid country code
weather.setZipCodeAndCountryCode(24024, 'IT')
// weather.getZipCodeAndCountryCode()		{ zipCode: '', countryCode: '' }
// iso 3166 country code >>
// 'AD', 'AE', 'AF', 'AG', 'AI','AL', 'AM', 'AO', 'AQ', 'AR', 'AS', 'AT', 'AU', 'AW', 'AX', 'AZ',
// 'BA', 'BB', 'BD', 'BE', 'BF', 'BG', 'BH', 'BI', 'BJ', 'BL', 'BM', 'BN', 'BO', 'BQ', 'BR', 'BS','BT', 'BV', 'BW', 'BY', 'BZ',
// 'CA', 'CC', 'CD', 'CF', 'CG', 'CH', 'CI', 'CK', 'CL', 'CM', 'CN', 'CO', 'CR', 'CU', 'CV', 'CW', 'CX', 'CY', 'CZ',
// 'DE', 'DJ', 'DK', 'DM', 'DO', 'DZ', 'EC', 'EE', 'EG', 'EH', 'ER', 'ES', 'ET', 'FI', 'FJ', 'FK', 'FM', 'FO', 'FR',
// 'GA', 'GB', 'GD', 'GE', 'GF', 'GG', 'GH', 'GI', 'GL', 'GM', 'GN', 'GP', 'GQ', 'GR', 'GS', 'GT', 'GU', 'GW', 'GY', 'HK', 'HM', 'HN', 'HR', 'HT', 'HU',
// 'ID', 'IE', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IO', 'IQ', 'IR', 'IS', 'IT', 'JE', 'JM', 'JO', 'JP',
// 'KE', 'KG', 'KH', 'KI', 'KM', 'KN', 'KP', 'KR', 'KW', 'KY', 'KZ', 'LA', 'LB', 'LC', 'LI', 'LK', 'LR', 'LS', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'LY',
// 'MA', 'MC', 'MD', 'ME', 'MF', 'MG', 'MH', 'MK', 'ML', 'MM', 'MN', 'MO', 'MP', 'MQ', 'MR', 'MS', 'MT', 'MU', 'MV', 'MW', 'MX', 'MY', 'MZ',
// 'NA', 'NC', 'NE', 'NF', 'NG', 'NI', 'NL', 'NO', 'NP', 'NR', 'NU', 'NZ','OM', 'PA', 'PE', 'PF', 'PG', 'PH', 'PK', 'PL', 'PM', 'PN', 'PR', 'PS', 'PT', 'PW', 'PY',
// 'QA', 'RE', 'RO', 'RS', 'RU', 'RW',
// 'SA', 'SB', 'SC', 'SD', 'SE', 'SG', 'SH', 'SI', 'SJ', 'SK', 'SL', 'SM', 'SN', 'SO', 'SR', 'SS', 'ST', 'SV', 'SX', 'SY', 'SZ',
// 'TC', 'TD', 'TF', 'TG', 'TH', 'TJ', 'TK', 'TL', 'TM', 'TN', 'TO', 'TR', 'TT', 'TV', 'TW', 'TZ',
// 'UA', 'UG', 'UM', 'US', 'UY', 'UZ', 'VA', 'VC', 'VE', 'VG', 'VI', 'VN', 'VU', 'WF', 'WS', 'YE', 'YT',
// 'ZA', 'ZM', 'ZW'

// or set city by ID, check the IDs in the file city.list.json.gz
// weather.getCityId()	'' get the city ID

// or set city by name
// weather.getCity()	'' get the city name

// set the units you need 'metric'  'internal'  'imperial'
// weather.getUnits() 	'' get the units

// check for get the APPID
// weather.getApiKey() 	'' get the ApiKey

Now with the minimal set in place you can request the weather data! The module version after v5.0.0 included use Promise or Async/Await asynchronous coding style.

// request the actual temperature [°C] of the location
  .then(result => console.log(`${typeof result} ${result}`))	// number 23.48
  .catch(error => console.log(error))

// request the actual pressure [hPa] of the location
  .then(result => console.log(`${typeof result} ${result}`))  // number 1023
  .catch(error => console.log(error))

// request the actual humidity [%] of the location
	.then(result => console.log(`${typeof result} ${result}`))  // number 51
  .catch(error => console.log(error))

// request the weather title
  .then(result => console.log(`${typeof result} ${result}`))	// string clear
  .catch(error => console.log(error))

// request the weather description
  .then(result => console.log(`${typeof result} ${result}`))	// string cielo sereno
  .catch(err => console.log(err))

// request the main weather data in JSON format
  .then(result => console.log(result))
  .catch(err => console.log(err))
// {
//  temp: 23.45,
//  humidity: 51,
//  pressure: 1023,
//  description: 'cielo sereno',
//  weathercode: 800,
//  rain: undefined
// }

// request all weather data
	.then(result => console.log(result))
	.catch(error => console.log(error))
// {
//  coord: { lon: 6.9737, lat: 45.7896 },
//  weather: [
//    {
//      id: 800,
//      main: 'Clear',
//      description: 'cielo sereno',
//      icon: '01d'
//    }
//  ],
//  base: 'stations',
//  main: {
//    temp: 23.45,
//    feels_like: 23.18,
//    temp_min: 19.86,
//    temp_max: 26.55,
//    pressure: 1023,
//    humidity: 51,
//    sea_level: 1023,
//    grnd_level: 885
//  },
//  visibility: 10000,
//  wind: { speed: 1.38, deg: 241, gust: 2.22 },
//  clouds: { all: 1 },
//  dt: 1628760600,
//  sys: {
//    type: 2,
//    id: 2003229,
//    country: 'IT',
//    sunrise: 1628742511,
//    sunset: 1628793955
//  },
//  timezone: 7200,
//  id: 3177872,
//  name: 'Courmayeur',
//  cod: 200
// }

// (PRO APIs) request the forecast for the location where
// cnt is the hours of forecast from 1 to 96 (hours)
getForecast4Days (cnt)
	.then(result => console.log(result))
	.catch(error => console.log(error))

'Error: Response Code 401 >> Invalid API key. Please see for more info.'

// Use Async / Await
try {
	// request the actual pressure of the location
  const r = await weather.getPressure()
  console.log(`${typeof r} ${r}`)

	// ....
} catch(err) {


The module can be used in the browser too. In the example you can see an easy example of Web Component build with Lit that use the module to retrieve the weather data:

import { LitElement, html } from 'lit'
import { resolvePromise } from '../directive/resolve-promise'
import { AsyncWeather } from '../index.js'

class OpenweatherApis extends LitElement {
	static get properties () {
		return {
			temp: Number,
			apiKey: String,
			weatherAPI: Object

	constructor () {
		new AsyncWeather().then(w => {
			this.weatherAPI = w
			// set the apiKey

	render () {
		return html`
      Bergamo >> 
		? resolvePromise(this.weatherAPI.getTemperature())
		: '...'}°C - 

		? resolvePromise(this.weatherAPI.getDescription())
		: '...'}

customElements.define('openweather-apis', OpenweatherApis)

Comming Soon the WebComponent openweather-apis-element build wih Lit.


Commons Errors Error: Response Code 401 >> Invalid API key. Please see for more info.


The package is tested with mocha and chai. You can find the tests in the /test folder. If you need more tests on module open an issue on the github repo (THANKS).


  • Implement Cities within a rectangle zone function
  • Implement Cities in circle function

🧑‍💻 Author



Reach out to me at one of the following places:


Donate help and contibutions no money!


GNU General Public License v3.0

Made 🧑‍💻 by @cicciosgamino

openweather-apis's People


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openweather-apis's Issues

City names should be encoded

Method .setCity should encode city name with encodeURIComponent otherwise names with spaces could have issues (e.g. New York).

Error on integer change weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(4, function(err, obj){

When ich change the integer for day to 4 I get an error like this.


weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(4, function(err, obj){


{ error: 
   SyntaxError: Unexpected number in JSON at position 1
       at Object.parse (native)
       at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (###APPPATH###/node_modules/openweather-apis/index.js:185:27)
       at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
       at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:188:7)
       at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:172:18)
       at IncomingMessage.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:130:10)
       at HTTPParser.parserOnBody (_http_common.js:129:22)
       at Socket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:361:20)
       at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
       at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7) }

README Incorrect


// check for get the APPID

Weather.setAPIID is undefined.

In your source weather.setAPPID is defined.

Cannot read property '0' of undefined

How could I fix this error:
C:\Users\\Desktop\\node_modules\openweather-apis\index.js:155 return callback(err, ([0].description); ^ TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
I get it when it can't find the city

EDIT: I fixed it myself

The callback function of weather.getSmartJSON is not working at all

Hello, I really like this module, especially how it's developed to be used directly in weather applications (based on the user's current city). However, I detected a problem when calling getSmartJSON

The callback function in method getSmartJSON is not working correctly --> neither the err object nor the smart object is returned, and I get this error when I run this code or even when I run the example.js code:

var weather = require('./index.js');

// weather.setCoordinate(41.9152,12.5068)



The error

      smartJSON.temp = jsonObj.main.temp;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'temp' of undefined
    at /Users/abc/Projects/openweather-apis/index.js:192:37
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/abc/Projects/openweather-apis/index.js:265:18)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (node:events:339:22)
    at endReadableNT (node:internal/streams/readable:1289:12)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:80:21)

This is a bug, I think that the function behind the callback is throwing an error rather than returning an error or a result.

Support for browser (and react-native)

Instead of using http/https package, we can use browser friendly package like fetch, axios, request... All those packages should work with Node and have ReactNative bindings.

5-Day forecast (free-tier) returning 401 Error (Invalid API Key...)

Hi! I love the module you've made. However I am having a problem when trying to retrieve a 5 day forecast. My API key (I'm using the free-tier) is working and fine because I can use the getAllWeather method with no problem at all. In the documentation you only specify getting a 3-day forecast (which also is not working for me, returning 401). So what I did was just change the 3 parameter to 5 to get the 5 day forecast (which is allowed under the free tier). So I basically made the method:
weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(5, function(err, weatherObj) { console.log(weatherObj) }
It's returning error 401 'Invalid API key. Please see for more info.' .
Like I said all of the other methods are working fine, so I know my API key is not the problem. The 3 day forecast (the example you have in the documentation) is also erroring.
So basically would like to know if you have a method for returning the free-tier's 5-day forecast ?
In screenshots I've included one instance shows getAllWeather working fine, 2nd screenshot shows error when trying getWeatherForecastForDays 3day
Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 9 57 11 AM
Screen Shot 2020-07-19 at 9 58 31 AM

"Invalid API key" when using getWeatherForecastForDays

version : 4.1.0

When I'm using others method it works perfectly fine (ej: getAllWeather, getTemperature, ...) but when I use getWeatherForecastForDays like this:

         weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(time, function(err, obj){
             if (err)

I get :
{ cod: 401,
message: 'Invalid API key. Please see for more info.' }

City,CountryCode broken

City,CountryCode is now broken

Actually, it didn't worked as well in 4.0.0
It's because of encodeURIComponent in setCity?

Catching error in getData function in case http.get fails


Thanks for the code! I found that the getData function doesn't catch http.get errors, for instance when OpenWeatherMap is unreachable for whatever reason. To address this I edited the function as outlined below.


Regards, Anne

`function getData(url, callback, tries) {
    options.path = url;
    var DATA = http.get(options, (res) => {
        var chunks = '';
        res.on('data', (chunk) => {
            chunks += chunk;
        res.on('end', () => {
            var parsed = {};

            if (!chunks && (!tries || tries < 3)) {
                return getData(url, callback, (tries || 0) + 1);

            // Try-Catch added by Mikael Aspehed
            try {
                parsed = JSON.parse(chunks)
            } catch (e) {
                parsed = {
                    error: e

            return callback(null, parsed);

        res.on('error', (err) => {
            console.log(`problem with request: ${err.message}`);

    DATA.on('error', (err) => {
        console.log(`problem with request: ${err.message}`);

got different responses processing getWeatherForecastForDays with coordinates and name

Hey, I want to get some weather data from a location and I tried this using weather.setCity('Berlin'); and with weather.setCoordinate(50.0467656, 20.0048731); (example coordinates). After I called the forecast function like that:

weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(3, function(err, obj){

I got different responses (different structure of data) for both cases. Why isn't it the same structure?
It seems that the getWeatherForecastForDays-function doesn't send back a real forecast using coordinates because there is no list-Array in the response (have a look at the responses):

Example Forecast-Response using name

{ "city" : { "coord" : { "lat" : 52.25,
          "lon" : 14.41667
      "country" : "DE",
      "id" : 2867763,
      "name" : "Mullrose",
      "population" : 0
  "cnt" : 5,
  "cod" : "200",
  "list" : [ { "clouds" : 92,
        "deg" : 259,
        "dt" : 1451127600,
        "humidity" : 75,
        "pressure" : 1028.6900000000001,
        "speed" : 9.8200000000000003,
        "temp" : { "day" : 15.279999999999999,
            "eve" : 14.24,
            "max" : 15.69,
            "min" : 11.44,
            "morn" : 15.279999999999999,
            "night" : 11.44
        "weather" : [ { "description" : "leichter Regen",
              "icon" : "10d",
              "id" : 500,
              "main" : "Rain"
            } ]
      { "clouds" : 0,
        "deg" : 117,
        "dt" : 1451386800,
        "humidity" : 90,
        "pressure" : 1036.6600000000001,
        "speed" : 4.9699999999999998,
        "temp" : { "day" : 8.9100000000000001,
            "eve" : 5.9199999999999999,
            "max" : 8.9100000000000001,
            "min" : 5.5899999999999999,
            "morn" : 5.5899999999999999,
            "night" : 5.9199999999999999
        "weather" : [ { "description" : "klarer Himmel",
              "icon" : "01d",
              "id" : 800,
              "main" : "Clear"
            } ]
      { "clouds" : 24,
        "deg" : 133,
        "dt" : 1451473200,
        "humidity" : 82,
        "pressure" : 1043.96,
        "speed" : 7.3099999999999996,
        "temp" : { "day" : 3.71,
            "eve" : 1.54,
            "max" : 3.71,
            "min" : -0.12,
            "morn" : 2.9300000000000002,
            "night" : -0.12
        "weather" : [ { "description" : "ein paar Wolken",
              "icon" : "02d",
              "id" : 801,
              "main" : "Clouds"
            } ]
  "message" : 0.0071000000000000004

Example Forecast-Response using coordinates

{ "base" : "cmc stations",
  "clouds" : { "all" : 92 },
  "cod" : 200,
  "coord" : { "lat" : 52.25,
      "lon" : 14.42
  "dt" : 1451135194,
  "id" : 2867763,
  "main" : { "grnd_level" : 1028.6900000000001,
      "humidity" : 75,
      "pressure" : 1028.6900000000001,
      "sea_level" : 1035.71,
      "temp" : 13.24,
      "temp_max" : 13.24,
      "temp_min" : 13.24
  "name" : "Mullrose",
  "sys" : { "country" : "DE",
      "message" : 0.0025999999999999999,
      "sunrise" : 1451113883,
      "sunset" : 1451141680
  "weather" : [ { "description" : "wolkenbedeckt",
        "icon" : "04d",
        "id" : 804,
        "main" : "Clouds"
      } ],
  "wind" : { "deg" : 258.50200000000001,
      "speed" : 9.8200000000000003

Does it support weather maps?

Can you fetch weather maps with this api wrapper? I tried to do weather.getTemperature() without setting a location, but then it throws an error.

return callback(err,jsonObj.main.temp);

TypeError: Cannot read property 'main' of null

getSmartJSON retrieves null

When i am using the function getSmartJSON with the latest version of package and a valid API key it returns null.

The other functions like getTemperature or getAllWeather works well.

Why can this happen?

Using nodejs v12.16.1

Unexpected token


I have a node.js script that uses your plugin but i once in a while get the below error:

The calling code looks like this:

weather.getAllWeather(function(err, JSONObj){ = JSONObj;

And the error i receive is:

failed to connect
SyntaxError: Unexpected token i
at Object.parse (native)
at IncomingMessage. (E:\Temp\Node.js\Nodejs - 150421-1541\node_mo
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:107:17)
at (_stream_readable.js:373:10)
at flow (stream_readable.js:750:26)
at resume
at _stream_readable.js:717:7
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

The problem is that it's halting the code completly. I've tried checking for (err) but it halts before that since it's in the index.js of Openweather-apis that the error occurs. Any idea on how i can avoid this?

Perhaps a implementation of checking if there is a valid JSON object being returned before calling the callback on your index.js:163?

Invalid API key

Sorry to bother anyone, just looking for some assistance. I'm using the same API keys as in a PHP project I have that is working just fine, but I keep getting an invalid API key error on the key when using openweather-apis. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

var weather = require('openweather-apis');


weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(3, function(err, obj){

XMLHttpRequest cannot load <url>

Chrome dev console:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load A wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header when the credentials flag is true. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access. The credentials mode of an XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.

Code (VueJS):

import Weather from 'openweather-apis'


Weather.getTemperature(function (err, temp) {
    if (err) console.log(err)


Error 'let rain3h = jsonObj.rain'


When I use the 3.3.0 version, this errors occur:

let rain3h = jsonObj.rain;
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier


2.5 One Call API Deprecated

I'm having issues with utilizing this library. I do see it's using the 2.5 API and all I see on openweather is 3.0 for the onecall API.

Specifically I'm getting 401. It's been days since I've created my keys and I have subscribed to the one call api and setup my payment info.

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