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eg_stm_hal's Introduction

Examples Using embedded Rust

See the status of examples for a summary.


These are newbie notes. This is my attempt to organize notes made while trying to figure out Rust/embedded. CI is used to help keep track of what is working or not. The examples and notes are here in case they may be useful to others. There is a lot of confusing out-of-date information on the web, so my hope is that the CI links will warn readers when this project becomes old and broken.

Rust seems to have many attractive features compared to more mature languages. It has a modern packaging system which encourages documentation and testing. The language elements are designed so the compiler can catch many errors. This is frustrating while learning the language but will be a substantial time saving compared to run time debugging. The downside is that Rust is newer than many alternatives, embedded Rust is even newer, and the hardware abstraction library (HAL) project is in active development.

After awhile things that were a time consuming stumbling block become so obvious that it no longer seems necessary to mention them. That is why it is so hard to write beginner documention, not to mention programmers' general reluctance to document anything. As a newbie I am probably more sensitive to what is missing or un-said, so please be patient if you think I am just stating the obvious sometimes. Also please enter an issue if you think there is something that really needs to be clarified or added.

(My development environment is Linux, so these notes are specific to that in many places. However, the examples should work in other development environments. Just the setup may change.)

The coded in the examples is organized so that the setup for different HALs and hardware is in the first section and the generic application code follows. The hope is that this will make clear how to best take advantage of the generic aspect of embedded-hal. (The setup in many examples, including these, tends to dominate the application code, so the advantage of the HAL is not always so obvious.) These examples are divided into two groups. The first group if core examples uses only the MCU specific HAL crate and the main crates associated with embedded-hal. The second group of additional examples uses additional device driver crates.


Overall Status

(Sept 2020) work in progress ...

This project's overall Travis CI build status is Build Status. This will indicate failing if any examples fail on any boards, so will usually indicate failing even if most examples work on most boards. The CI is set up to use recent git versions of dependencies, so this project CI failing can be a result of updates in dependencies. The upside of this is that if the examples are not failing then they are working with recent versions of dependencies, unlike many examples from the web that I have worked through in my own learning process.

For the individual boards described below details of the build and failures can be seen at Travis CI.

Testing if the code runs and does something resembling what it is supposed to do requires hardware and is not as automatic as CI. If you check the examples using MCUs other than those listed below then please provide details using issues for this git project.

This project's examples depend on embedded_hal and several stm32 HALs. See stm32 HALs on Github and on Travis CI.

HAL git HAL Travis CI Status
stm32f0xx-hal Build Status
stm32f1xx-hal Build Status
stm32f3xx-hal Build Status
stm32f4xx-hal Build Status
stm32f7xx-hal Build Status
stm32g0xx-hal Build Status
stm32g4xx-hal Build Status
stm32h7xx-hal Build Status
stm32l0xx-hal Build Status
stm32l1xx-hal Build Status
stm32l4xx-hal Build Status

Summary of Examples

These examples are derived after working through many other examples, in particular the examples in stm32f1xx-hal.

There is more detail in comments in the example source files, see the example directory. Here is a brief summary table. 'Console' means a terminal session (eg. minicom) on a computer connected via usb-to-ttl to the MPU USART1 (pins pa9, pa10 on bluepill). See Running Examples for more details.

xxx notes Description
blink 1 Blink on-board LED
blink3 1 Blink off-board LEDs attached to pb 13,14,15
echo_by_char 2 Echo console input, char by char, + semihost output
echo_string Read 15 chars input from console, output to semihost, repeat
serial_char Single char between usarts 2 and 3, console and semihost output
serial_string String writes between usarts 2 and 3, console and semihost output
gps_rw_by_char Read by char from GPS with echo to console + semihost output
gps_rw 3 Read a line from GPS with echo to console + semihost output
temperature Read temperature of MCU and external TMP35 * semihost output
  1. Using the git versions of HALs (in July 2020 much is changing and release in is old).
  2. Does not blink when stepping in gdb, use continue.
  3. With local echo on in console the characters are doubled, <cr> adds a single <lf>. Without local echo there is no <lf>. There is trouble if you type too fast.
  4. Ublox GPS by default uses 9600bps, odd Parity, 1 stop bit (minicom 8-N-1). This can be checked by directly connecting a computer through usb-ttl dongle to the GPS, completely eliminating the development board. (If the dongle power is used. 5v if preferred on mine.)

The current status of examples is summarized automatically by the CI.

Additional Examples

These are examples which use an additional device crate.

xxx crate notes Description
dht dht read a dht11 sensor and write to semihost
dht11 dht11 read a dht11 sensor and write to semihost
text_i2c ssd1306 write 2 text lines on ssd1306 OLED
oled_gps ssd1306 read gps and write coordinates on ssd1306 OLED
lora_send sx127x_lora transmit a character string over LoRa, + semihost output
lora_receive sx127x_lora receive a character string over LoRa, + semihost output
lora_gps sx127x_lora read gps and transmit over LoRa, + semihost output

The current status of these examples is here.

This Package Setup

I am trying to have a common code base for examples that run on different boards. The setup is to have common files src/, examples/, ..., at the top level. Then in the boards/ directories use soft links to the common files. That leaves only memory.x and build files target/ and Cargo.lock in the boards/ directories.

You can get this package from Github with

git clone

The package is mostly examples in directory examples/, but the build fails unless there are targets so there needs to be something in src/. That could be or, which are defaults, or could be something else but then that needs to be specified in Cargo.toml. This package has a src/ file with a small utility function used in several examples.

It is unlikely that you would ever want to call functions in this package from another package, so I do not expect to ever set it up as a crate for importing.

Building Examples

To build the examples cd into one of the board directories, eg cd boards/bluepill and use

cargo build  --target $TARGET  --features $HAL,$MCU --example xxx

where xxx is one of the examples from the table above, and TARGET, HAL and MCU are environment variables for your processor (and corresponding to the board directory). Variables HAL and MCU overlap. It should be possible to determine HAL based on MCU. The variable HAL is used in the example code whereas some of the underlying HAL packages actually need the specific MCU. Board directories use one of

  export HAL=stm32f1xx MCU=stm32f103   TARGET=thumbv7m-none-eabi     # bluepill            Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32f1xx MCU=stm32f100   TARGET=thumbv7m-none-eabi     # none-stm32f100      Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32f1xx MCU=stm32f101   TARGET=thumbv7m-none-eabi     # none-stm32f101      Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32f3xx MCU=stm32f303xc TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # discovery-stm32f303 Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32f4xx MCU=stm32f401   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # blackpill-stm32f401 Cortex-M4
  export HAL=stm32f4xx MCU=stm32f411   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # blackpill-stm32f411 Cortex-M4
  export HAL=stm32f4xx MCU=stm32f411   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # nucleo-64           Cortex-M4
  export HAL=stm32f7xx MCU=stm32f722   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # none-stm32f722      Cortex-M7
  export HAL=stm32h7xx MCU=stm32h742   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabihf  # none-stm32h742      Cortex-M7
  export HAL=stm32l0xx MCU=stm32l0x2   TARGET=thumbv6m-none-eabi     # none-stm32l0x2      Cortex-M0
  export HAL=stm32l1xx MCU=stm32l100   TARGET=thumbv7m-none-eabi     # discovery-stm32l100 Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32l1xx MCU=stm32l151   TARGET=thumbv7m-none-eabi     # heltec-lora-node151 Cortex-M3
  export HAL=stm32l4xx MCU=stm32l4x1   TARGET=thumbv7em-none-eabi    # none-stm32l4x1      Cortex-M4

Running Examples

Running the examples will require three shell windows on your desktop. One to run cargo and compile the examples and run gdb to load and debug them. Another to run openocd to interface through the STlink to the development board. And the third to run a console connected to a usb-ttl dongle for IO in some of the examples. (I use minicom for this last, but there are many other possibilities.)

(If the next connections to USB fail with Permission denied then the simplest fix is to change the permissions on /dev/ttyUSBx so it is world rw. This has security implications so you might consider something safer. For the console you can add your user name to the dialout group with sudo adduser username dialout. Beware group changes may not take effect until you re-login. For the STlink the udev rules can be set, as described in Rust-embedded book. I have had to do this for one computer and not for another. I don't understand it well enough to explain.)

To run the examples first connect the development board (STlink and console USB-TTL) to two usb ports on the computer and determine the USB device number for the console by

dmesg | grep -i tty  

Then in a separate windows do

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSBx -b9600

where x is replaced by the number of the USB console device. 9600 is the bit rate in the code but can be change. Next determine the settings for INTERFACE and PROC as described below in Misc Notes on ST-Link and OpenOCD and then

openocd -f interface/$INTERFACE.cfg -f target/$PROC.cfg 

openocd seems to figure out the USB device to use. In the other window do

cargo  run --target $TARGET --features $HAL,$MCU --example xxx

This assumes you have set up a runner in .cargo/config as mentioned below in Misc Install Notes. If all works then gdb will load the example and stop at the first breakpoint. Use

   (gdb) continue 

to start running the example code.

Hardware Notes

If you have not yet bought a development board and are just looking to start then consider a 'blue pill' with a cheap ST-Link dongle. It is not only the cheapest by far (I think I got 5 for $10 with a dongle) but it also seems to be the best supported by HAL at the moment (July 2020). No doubt the support is because all the developers have a few lying around. You could well want a more expensive development board when you get further along.

With the 'blue pill' beware that it should have 1.5K pull up resistor on D+ (R10 on board). Ones I purchased do, but some versions are shipped with 10K or 4.7K. Googling suggests some PCs will tolerate this. Also, the 3.3v regulator is small (300mA) and apparently feeds the input voltage through when it fails! Don't exceed 100mA. For the blue pill you might also consult


Misc Notes on ST-Link and OpenOCD

The openocd command above uses INTERFACE and PROC environment variables that indicate the ST-Link version and the development board MCU family respectively. (The PROC will be similar to the HAL and MCU setting, unfortunately they are not exactly the same.) Typical specifications for a bluepill development board and ST-Link dongle would be

  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2    PROC=stm32f1x  #cheap  dongle and blue pill
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2-1  PROC=stm32f1x  #better dongle and blue pill

Many development boads have an ST-Link built onto the board, in which case you need to determine the version, and that is not always clear. My discovery-stm32f303 (Discovery kit STM32F303) says STlink V2-B but that seems to mean v2-1. One symptom of an incorrect setting is that the openocd command start up stalls at

  in procedure 'ocd_bouncer'

The openocd command should alway get to something like

Info : stm32f1x.cpu: hardware has 6 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints

Some of the other causes for the in procedure 'ocd_bouncer' can be that the board is not properly powered up, or has some other boot loader pre-burned into it. (In the later case try booting once in "System Memory" mode, see The message Warn : UNEXPECTED idcode: 0x... seems to require editing the openocd cfg file which gets installed in various places, possibly /usr/share/openocd/scripts/target/stm32f1x.cfg. Changing the CPUTAPID or change the line swj_newdap ... -expected-id $_CPUTAPID to swj_newdap ... -expected-id 0 so that CPUTAID is ignored.

Some development boards pop up a a window with Mbed.htm which I dismiss and then run openocd.

It is possible to use the built in STlink on some development boards to program another board. To do this it is necessary to removing 2 connectors on the 'ST-LINK' header and connect the SWD header to the other board. For example, I can use the STlink on my Discovery STM32L100 to connect to a blue pill. One reason to do this is that SWD header on the Discovery has the SWO pin, which can be connected to PB3 pin on the blue pill to use itm. (Caveate, I have not got itm to work yet.) Another reason is that some boards have STlink v2-1. Cheapo dongles typically have STlink v2 and only SWD header pins SWCLK, GND, SWDIO, and power are supported.

A cheapo dongle can provide power to a bluepill using the 3.3v on the dongle connection to 3.3v on the blue pill SWD header. Beware that using STlink on another development board the power through this SWD header connection is a voltage sensor and is not sufficient to power the blue pill. Either power the blue pill with its own supply (eg. battery) or with separate 3.3v and gnd lines from the development board (typically pins 1 and 2) and do not exceed about 100mw for the blue pill and other things attached.

Here are settings I used for manual testing as reported at status of examples

  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2    PROC=stm32f1x  #cheap dongle and blue pill
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2-1  PROC=stm32f3x  #discovery-stm32f303
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2    PROC=stm32f4x  # blackpills  with STM32F401 and STM32F411
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2-1  PROC=stm32f4x  #nucleo-64
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2    PROC=stm32l1   #discovery-stm32l100 
  export INTERFACE=stlink-v2    PROC=stm32l1   #heltec-lora-node151 with cheap dongle  

The complete list of possible openocd cfg file options are in /usr/share/openocd/scripts/interface/, /usr/share/openocd/scripts/target and /usr/share/openocd/scripts/board

Misc Install Notes

Above assumes a development environment that has cargo, rust with cross compiler, rustup, gdb with remote processor support (gdb-multiarch , openocd, etc. These are described in detail in other places see, for example

It is recommended to use the rust/cargo install directly from rather than using apt-get, since apt-get requires root, does not have rustup, and is not the most recent. I did something like

 sudo apt install gdb-multiarch  qemu-system-arm    # QEMU is emulator
 sudo apt install openocd       # for on chip debuging with ST-Link
 sudo apt install gcc-multilib  # for 32 bit support I think
 sudo apt install minicom

 curl -sSf | sh   # installs rustc, cargo, and rustup in  ~/.cargo/bin
 cargo install cargo-binutils          #updates in ~/.cargo/bin
 cargo install itm                     #updates in ~/.cargo/bin
 [rustup component add llvm-tools-preview # not sure ]

 rustc  --version
 rustup --version 
 rustup update

 rustup target list    # To see a list of available targets
 rustup show           # Show toolchain info. (Directories can have override of default.)
 rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi    # Cortex-M0, M0+, and M1 (ARMv6-M architecture)
 rustup target add thumbv7m-none-eabi    # Cortex-M3 (ARMv7-M architecture)
 rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabi   # Cortex-M4 and M7 without hardware floating point
 rustup target add thumbv7em-none-eabihf # Cortex-M4F and M7F with hardware floating point

To use cargo to build and also start gdb and run the compiled code, in .cargo/config uncomment

  runner = "gdb-multiarch -q -x openocd.gdb"

This is already done in the .cargo/config in this package. The error message when something is wrong with .cargo may be something not very helpful, like Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")"). The board directories on this package have soft links for .cargo to a common file in the root directory.




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