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bossnas's Issues

Some questions about BossNAS

Hi, thanks for your excellent work~

It is inspiring and practical for improving the sub-net ranking correlations. But I have a few questions.

  1. Although it is beneficial to upgrade the Ranking correlation on each small stage by progressively searching, will it lead to the accumulation of error? The best path of the previous stage maybe not suitable for the following. How could explain it?
  2. Why is the ResAttn operator only searched on depth=1/2?
  3. On the hybrid search space, ensemble different resolutions output is weird, since it discards the structure information by adaptive pooling, so I don't know why it can be suitable.
  4. As shown in Table~4, Unsupv. EB is better than Supv. class. Do you have a theoretical explanation about it?

Running HyTra search on CIFAR10 ( or potentially on other datasets...)

I have some doubts on how to search on HyTra with datasets different from Imagenet. Is it possible?
I tried to run the search on CIFAR10 but it gives me this error with a HyTracifar10 config file:
RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [256, 1024, 1, 1], expected input[256, 512, 4, 4] to have 1024 channels, but got 512 channels instead.
This is the config file I created for this purpose. Since the configs file were not so clear to me (my fault) I simply tried to mix the NATScifar10 config file and the HytraImagenet config file to obtain a HyTracifar10 version. The model and the dataset seem to be created/loaded correctly, I think there is a kind of mismatch on size.
Up to now, I'm trying to run only on CIFAR10 but my intention is to generalize the process on different datasets (not only the most famous ones). I would like to know if this generalization can be already obtained with your code (or with slight modifies) or if the work was supposed to run only on the main datasets.

HytraCifar10 config

import copy
base = ''

model = dict(
in_channels=256, hid_channels=4096,
out_channels=256, num_layers=2, sync_bn=False,
with_bias=True, with_last_bn=False, with_avg_pool=False)))

dataset settings

data_source_cfg = dict(type='NATSCifar10', root='../data/cifar/', return_label=False)
train_dataset_type = 'BYOLDataset'
test_dataset_type = 'StoragedBYOLDataset'
img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465], std=[0.2023, 0.1994, 0.201])
train_pipeline = [
dict(type='RandomCrop', size=32, padding=4),


prefetch = False
if not prefetch:
train_pipeline.extend([dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg)])
train_pipeline1 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline)
train_pipeline2 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline)

test_pipeline1 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline1)
test_pipeline2 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline2)
data = dict(
imgs_per_gpu=256, # total 256*4(gpu)*4(interval)=4096
data_source=dict(split='train', **data_source_cfg),
pipeline1=train_pipeline1, pipeline2=train_pipeline2),
data_source=dict(split='test', **data_source_cfg),
pipeline1=test_pipeline1, pipeline2=test_pipeline2,),
data_source=dict(split='test', **data_source_cfg),
pipeline1=test_pipeline1, pipeline2=test_pipeline2,))


optimizer = dict(type='LARS', lr=4.8, weight_decay=0.000001, momentum=0.9,
'(bn|gn)(\d+)?.(weight|bias)': dict(weight_decay=0., lars_exclude=True),
'bias': dict(weight_decay=0., lars_exclude=True)})


use_fp16 = True

interval for accumulate gradient

update_interval = 8
optimizer_config = dict(update_interval=update_interval, use_fp16=use_fp16)

learning policy

lr_config = dict(
warmup_ratio=0.0001, # cannot be 0
checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1)

runtime settings

total_epochs = 24

additional hooks

custom_hooks = [
dict(type='BYOLHook', end_momentum=1., update_interval=update_interval),
resume_best_path='') # e.g. 'path_rank/bestpath_2.yml'

resume_from = 'checkpoints/stage3_epoch3.pth'

resume_optimizer = False

cudnn_benchmark = True

Pre-trained supernet weights release


Your approach is very impressive; I was wondering if you're planning to release the weights of the supernets you trained? (I'm specifically interested in the HyTra supernet)

How to obtain the searched model

I used the searching code for a small number of epochs, can you share where exactly is the best model architecture stored when any custom NAS is performed?
the pth files are saved in work_dir but im not sure where the corresponding architecture is stored so I can use a custom generated model together with these weights ?

Question about Ranking nats

after run code:

cd ranking_nats

I got:

kendall tau begin
BossNAS: KendalltauResult(correlation=-0.534180602248828, pvalue=0.0)
(-0.7180607093955225, 0.0)
SpearmanrResult(correlation=-0.7341493538551311, pvalue=0.0)

How to select architectures from the trained supernet?

Hi, thanks for your great work!

I tried using your given searching code for training the supernet. But I did not figure out how to search the potential architectures from such a supernet?

I guess the validation hook serves as such functions, but I did not find the saved path information after training one epoch. Are there other files I need to explore or just waiting for more epochs to be trained?

Could you advise me about that, thanks in advance for your time and help!


Some questions about the code and paper.

Hi, great work!

I have some question about the code and paper:

  1. In section 3.3 of the paper which is about the searching phase, when calculating the evaluation loss in equation(5) and (6) the probability ensemble of the architecture population is from the online network, but in the code it's from the target network, which makes me confused.

  2. Still in section 3.3, it is mentioned that the searching are with an evolutionary algorithm, I read the references[12] and [54] but still have no clue how the evolutionary algorithm is implemented in the code, to be specific, how the architecture population is evolved?

  3. In the code of, the stage depths are set to [4,3,2,2], is there a particular reason to set so? why not use [4,4,4,4] so that all possible pathes can be chosen?

Thanks a lot for your time and I'm looking forward to your reply!

About formulation (1) and (6)

Hi, very thanks for sharing your nice work. In the paper's formulation (1) and (6), all has λ_k. But it seems to be no explaination about them. Could you please point it out here.

imagenet ACC1 is low (49.6%) when evaluate BossNet-T0-80_8.pth

Hello! I try to reproduce your model,but when I evaluate the pretrained model(BossNet-T0-80_8.pth),the ACC1 is too low! Did i miss something? Can you help me?

The run command as follows:
root@v-dev-11135821-66b7bdd9f5-l9rlv:/data/juicefs_hz_cv_v3/11135821/bak/BossNAS/retraining_hytra# python --model bossnet_T0 --input-size 224 --batch-size 128 --eval --resume /data/juicefs_hz_cv_v3/11135821/bak/model/BossNet-T0-80_8.pth
Not using distributed mode
Namespace(aa='rand-m9-mstd0.5-inc1', batch_size=128, clip_grad=None, color_jitter=0.4, cooldown_epochs=10, cutmix=1.0, cutmix_minmax=None, data_path='/data/glusterfs_cv_04/public_data/imagenet/CLS-LOC/', data_set='IMNET', decay_epochs=30, decay_rate=0.1, device='cuda', dist_url='env://', distributed=False, drop=0.0, drop_block=None, drop_path=0.1, epochs=300, eval=True, inat_category='name', input_size=224, local_rank=0, lr=0.0005, lr_noise=None, lr_noise_pct=0.67, lr_noise_std=1.0, min_lr=1e-05, mixup=0.8, mixup_mode='batch', mixup_prob=1.0, mixup_switch_prob=0.5, model='bossnet_T0', model_ema=True, model_ema_decay=0.99996, model_ema_force_cpu=False, momentum=0.9, num_workers=10, opt='adamw', opt_betas=None, opt_eps=1e-08, output_dir='output/bossnet_T0-20210804-163815', patience_epochs=10, pin_mem=True, recount=1, remode='pixel', repeated_aug=True, reprob=0.25, resplit=False, resume='/data/juicefs_hz_cv_v3/11135821/bak/model/BossNet-T0-80_8.pth', sched='cosine', seed=0, smoothing=0.1, start_epoch=0, train_interpolation='bicubic', warmup_epochs=5, warmup_lr=1e-06, weight_decay=0.05, world_size=1)
Creating model: bossnet_T0
number of params: 38415960
Test: [ 0/261] eta: 0:39:36 loss: 1.9650 (1.9650) acc1: 68.2292 (68.2292) acc5: 90.1042 (90.1042) time: 9.1044 data: 4.8654 max mem: 5605
Test: [ 50/261] eta: 0:01:38 loss: 3.2916 (3.0472) acc1: 41.6667 (47.3039) acc5: 65.1042 (70.5372) time: 0.2928 data: 0.0004 max mem: 5605
Test: [100/261] eta: 0:01:01 loss: 2.9675 (3.1048) acc1: 46.8750 (45.7921) acc5: 69.2708 (69.9722) time: 0.2953 data: 0.0003 max mem: 5605
Test: [150/261] eta: 0:00:39 loss: 2.4230 (2.9457) acc1: 55.2083 (47.8960) acc5: 75.5208 (71.5370) time: 0.2989 data: 0.0003 max mem: 5605
Test: [200/261] eta: 0:00:20 loss: 2.6540 (2.9105) acc1: 48.4375 (48.1913) acc5: 68.7500 (71.3490) time: 0.3023 data: 0.0002 max mem: 5605
Test: [250/261] eta: 0:00:03 loss: 1.6506 (2.8344) acc1: 61.9792 (49.0310) acc5: 83.8542 (72.0431) time: 0.3036 data: 0.0003 max mem: 5605
Test: [260/261] eta: 0:00:00 loss: 1.6135 (2.8001) acc1: 65.6250 (49.5740) acc5: 86.4583 (72.5500) time: 0.3888 data: 0.0001 max mem: 5605
Test: Total time: 0:01:28 (0.3397 s / it)

  • Acc@1 49.574 Acc@5 72.550 loss 2.800
    Accuracy of the network on the 50000 test images: 49.6%

Question about the code of searching second Hytra block.

Hi, appreciate it for your time.

I find an issue in the code of Hytra search phase. When searching for the second block, after the first evaluation the chosen best path of the second block will be appended after the best path of the first block, then the training process is conducted in a three block structure.

Detailed codes are as follows:
if self.every_n_epochs(runner, block_inteval):
best_path = results[0][0]
best_path = [int(i) for i in list(best_path)]

        if len(model.best_paths) == model.start_block + 1:

( )
if self.start_block > 0:
for i, best_path in enumerate(self.best_paths):
img_v1 = self.online_backbone(img_v1,
img_v2 = self.online_backbone(img_v2,

In other word, the searching is not continued afte a frozen best path of previous block, but with two, the best path of the current block chosen by each evaluation stage is also freezed and appended, it means the path of second block will appear twice during searching. I can't understand why doing so.

It will lead to an issue that if the downsampling is used in the freezed best path of the second block. For instance, suppose the spatial resolution has already reached the smallest scale 1/32 in the freezed previous best path of second block, when continuing searcing if the downsampling is occured again in the current path of second block, there will be an error of mismatch in shape. It makes me confused and we did encounter this problem in our implemetation.

I'm sorry if I haven't described the issue clearly. Thanks a lot for your time again and I'm looking forward to your reply.

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