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sonarsearch's Introduction

SonarSearch v2


Over a year ago Rapid7 revoked public access to their datasets, and thus the data hosted on the omnisint API became extremely out of date. In addition, due to the licensing changes around the data, our wonderful sponsor ZeroGuard was no longer able to support the project. As a result, it has been taken offline. However, I have released full instruction for running your own instance of the API, providing you can obtain a dataset. The instructions can be found at the bottom of the README.

This repo contains all the tools needed to create a blazing fast API for Rapid7's Project Sonar dataset. It employs a custom indexing method in order to achieve fast lookups of both subdomains for a given domain, and domains which resolve to a given IP address.

An instance of this API (Crobat) is online at the following URL:


Crobat is a command line utility designed to allow easy querying of the Crobat API. To install the client, run the following command:

$ go get

Below is a full list of command line flags:

$ crobat -h                                                                                                                                                                      
Usage of crobat:
  -r string
    	Perform reverse lookup on IP address or CIDR range. Supports files and quoted lists
  -s string
    	Get subdomains for this value. Supports files and quoted lists
  -t string
    	Get tlds for this value. Supports files and quoted lists
  -u	Ensures results are unique, may cause instability on large queries due to RAM requirements

Additionally, it is now possible to pass either file names, or quoted lists ('') as the value for each flag in order to specify multiple domains/ranges.

Crobat API

Currently, Project Crobat offers two APIs. The first of these is a REST API, with the following endpoints:

/subdomains/{domain} - All subdomains for a given domain
/tlds/{domain} - All tlds found for a given domain
/all/{domain} - All results across all tlds for a given domain
/reverse/{ip} - Reverse DNS lookup on IP address
/reverse/{ip}/{mask} - Reverse DNS lookup of a CIDR range

Additionally, Project Crobat offers a gRPC API which is used by the client to stream results over HTTP/2. Thus, it is recommended that the client is used for large queries as it reduces both query execution times, and server load. Also, unlike the REST API, there is no limit to the size of specified when performing reverse DNS lookups.

No authentication is required to use the API, nor special headers, so go nuts.

Third-Party SDKs


If you wish to contribute a SDK written in other languages, shoot me a DM on Twitter (@CalumBoal), or open an issue on this repository and I will provide a link to your repository in the Third-Party SDK's section of this readme.

SonarSearch Setup Instructions

Setting up an instance of SonarSearch is reasonably straightforward. You will require a host to run the server on, this can be a VPS, or your own personal device. Regardless of the hosting option you choose, you will require 150-200GB of diskspace in order to store the datasets and indexes.

There are two options for hosting the indexes (redis, or postgres). Redis requires ~20GB of RAM to hold the index, but it is quick to load the index, as well as query it. Postgres on the other hand does not use ram to hold the index, and thus has a much lower memory footprint. However, it will take longer to load the data into Postgres, and looking up index values will take longer. If you are expecting an extremely high volume of lookups, use Redis, otherwise, Postgres should suffice.

I am not sure how much memory is required to run SonarSearch with Postgres, but it should not be a lot (2-4GB?).

Installation of tools

Clone the SonarSearch git repository, and run the following commands:

make install

This will compile the various binaries used to set up the server and copy them to your path. You may wish to alter the install location specified in the make file. Or, you can omit the make install step and simply use the binaries from the bin directory after running make.

Additionally, you will require either Postgres or Redis. You can use a Docker container for either of these, or run them locally. Consult google for setup instructions.

The following command will spin up a Postgres container which can be used for the index:

docker run --name sonarsearch_postgres --expose 5432 -p 5432:5432 -v /var/lib/sonar_search:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres

Set up Postgres

Before you build the index, you must create the table in Postgres. This can be done with the following command:

psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -c "CREATE TABLE crobat_index (id serial PRIMARY KEY, key text, value text)"

Acquiring the datasets

Dunno, good luck :)

Building the indexes

To optimize searching these large datasets, a custom indexing strategy is used. Three steps are required in order to set this up:

Step 1

First, you need to convert the project sonar dataset into the format used by SonarSearch. This can be done using the following command.

gunzip < 2021-12-31-1640909088-fdns_a.json.gz | sonar2crobat -i - -o crobat_unsorted

Step 2

In order to build the index, we need to sort the files obtained from the previous step. If you are running low on disk space, you can discard the raw gzip dataset.

I recommend running these commands one at a time, as they are resource intensive:

sort -k1,1 -k2,2 -t, crobat_unsorted_domains > crobat_sorted_domains
sort -k1,1 -t, -n crobat_unsorted_reverse > crobat_sorted_reverse

If you are happy, you can now discard the unsorted files.

Step 3

Once the files have been sorted, you need to generate indexes for both the subdomain and reverse DNS searches.

To do so, you run the crobat2index binary, passing the input file, the format you wish to output (domain or reverse), and the storage backend (postgres or redis).

crobat2index will output data to stdout which can be piped to either redis-cli or psql to import it quickly and efficiently. Below is an example of importing the domain index into Postgres.

crobat2index -i crobat_sorted_domains -f domain -backend postgres | psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -c "COPY crobat_index(key, value) from stdin (Delimiter ',')"

Whereas inserting the reverse index would be done as follows:

crobat2index -i crobat_sorted_reverse -f reverse -backend postgres | psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -c "COPY crobat_index(key, value) from stdin (Delimiter ',')"

If something goes wrong and you need to try again, run this command:

psql -U postgres -h -d postgres -c "DROP TABLE crobat_index; CREATE TABLE crobat_index (id serial PRIMARY KEY, key text, value text)"

Running crobat-server

Once you have completed all the previous steps, you are ready to run your crobat server. You will need to set a few env vars regarding configuration, as listed below:

CROBAT_POSTGRES_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres CROBAT_CACHE_BACKEND=postgres CROBAT_DOMAIN_FILE=~/Code/SonarSearch/testdata/crobat_sorted_domains CROBAT_REVERSE_FILE=~/Code/SonarSearch/testdata/crobat_sorted_reverse crobat-server

To make this easier to run, you can save these env variables to a file and source them.

By default, crobat-server listens on ports 1997 (gRPC) and 1998 (HTTP).

The end?

You should now have a local working version of SonarSearch. Please note that postgres support is experimental, and may have some unexpected issues. If you encounter any problems, or have any questions regarding setup, feel free to open an issue on this repo.

sonarsearch's People


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sonarsearch's Issues

Feature Request

scanning domain names inside a txt file
example: crobat -sl domain.txt

internal server error 500

I use this tools and every time I get this message error:
" rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 500 (Internal Server Error); transport: received unexpected content-type "text/html" "
what should I do???


In the future, do you plan to provide documentation on indexing the datasets, what kind of nosql database you use and how many resources you use?


Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502

I just tried firing off an rDNS query with crobat like I do every single day at work, but today all of my queries are returning this error:
2021/01/04 14:53:25 rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502; transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"
I tried pulling the latest version but it's all up-to-date. Not sure what's changed.

EDIT - spelling

Rated limited ??? why you say go nuts ? you mean eat my nuts ?

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i got rated limited after making like 100k request in under 30 secound :pepesad:

Configurable limit for HTTP APIs and pagination indicator

Thank you for the valuable tool!

A few suggestions on improvements for HTTP API:

  1. Allow user to specify the limit (when we don't need the whole 10k - currently hardcoded limit). It could still be capped at 10k to prevent abuse.
  2. Provide indication in the response whether "next page" exists

Both of these would allow to query the service in a more considerate manner, which should also help reduce the load.

If possible, it would also be helpful if total count could be included in any paginated response.

Possibility of Regex Searches

Is there a way to add grep type regex support to the tool? This would be really cool in finding out lateral subdomains like: <-> <->

I'm aware that the data you're dealing with is quite large so I'm not sure how feasible it'd be for you. I'm happy to learn along and help.

Great work! Thanks

GRPC Credientials Error on Installation

When installing on Ubuntu 18.04 I get the following error.

test@test:~/tools/SonarSearch$ go get
../../go/src/ undefined: tls.TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
../../go/src/ undefined: tls.TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
../../go/src/ undefined: tls.TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
I believe it's related to this.

Server times out after 120 seconds for large responses.

I noticed that the 120 second timeouts have been removed from the client, but the server still seems to timeout after 120 seconds regardless.
For example searching for "" cuts off pretty much exactly at 120 seconds with 1491770 domains returned.
Would be nice if the server didnt time out for large responses, for example a timeout after 5-10 seconds after no data has been sent vs. the current 120 second timeout no matter what.

Throwing error

@Cgboal now days crobat throwing error

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = : HTTP status code 525; transport: missing content-type field

When searching for subdomains, I'd like the input to be used as is


When hitting the /subdomains/{domain} endpoint, if domain is, the subdomain search will run for because of

domain := s.dp.GetDomain(vars["domain"])

I wish it ran on as provided. For example if I want subdomains, searching for instead provides many uninteresting results and makes the execution much longer.

I'd be happy to contribute this feature but I'm wondering how you'd prefer to see this implemented. A new route? Or a query parameter on the existing route?


Feature request

Thanks a lot for this tool. But it is very difficult to save the subdomains it finds. Can you bring the feature to save subdomains to file?

Error when building SonarSearch

Hi, i try to compile SonarSearch on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS x86_64 an get error like below :
tanio@vmi798622:~/tools/SonarSearch$ make
go build -o bin/sonar2crobat ./cmd/sonar2crobat
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210827145802-99068439e39f
go: downloading v1.1.11
go: downloading v0.0.0-20170914094241-30bc98f0a5b1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180306012644-bacd9c7ef1dd
go: downloading v1.0.1
go build -o bin/crobat2index ./cmd/crobat2index
go build -tags=go_json -o bin/crobat-server ./cmd/crobat-server
go: downloading v1.8.1
go: downloading v1.40.0
go: downloading v1.5.2
go: downloading v1.27.1
go: downloading v1.7.4
go: downloading v8.11.3
go: downloading v1.4.9
go: downloading v1.0.0
go: downloading v1.8.5
go: downloading v1.4.1
go: downloading v1.9.3
go: downloading v1.6.0
go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v1.3.1
go: downloading v1.0.5
go: downloading v1.2.0
go: downloading v1.62.0
go: downloading v2.4.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210428140749-89ef3d95e781
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210602131652-f16073e35f0c
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210823070655-63515b42dcdf
go: downloading v0.1.0
go: downloading v0.0.13
go: downloading v2.1.1
go: downloading v1.1.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20200823014737-9f7001d12a5f
go: downloading v0.3.7
go: downloading v10.9.0
go: downloading v1.2.6
go: downloading v1.2.6
go: downloading v0.18.0
go: downloading v1.2.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20210817164053-32db794688a5
go: downloading v0.14.0
cmd/crobat-server/grpc/server.go:77:25: unknown field 'IPv4' in struct literal of type "".Domain
cmd/crobat-server/grpc/server.go:100:25: unknown field 'IPv4' in struct literal of type "".Domain
make: *** [Makefile:4: build] Error 2

any fix??

invalid IPv4 address

Since updating to V2, I've been able to get one search run successfully. Everything since results in this:

[09:25:13] user@hostname:~$ crobat -r 2021/09/16 09:25:21 rpc error: code = Unknown desc = invalid IPv4 address

This happens no matter the IP address. I tried deleting the binary and reinstalling but same story.

ENV: WSL1 Debian instance running on Windows 10 19042.1165

Thanks for all your efforts.

crobat is not working

crobat is not working and showing error like "rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 522 (); malformed header: missing HTTP content-type"
Screenshot (20)

FDNS Rapid Data update

I tried to look into the code about how often data gets updated from the Rapid 7 database but couldn't able to find anything.
Can anyone please on this.

Error occured while running the script


When I run this script, I get the following error message. I tested this on different environments but still got the same error:
rpc error: code = Unknown desc = server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr: localhost:27017, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp connect: connection refused }, ] }

Got issue when try to compile sonar server !

when i try to bluid the crobat-server

go build -tags=go_json -o bin/crobat-server ./cmd/crobat-server

i got this error "cmd/crobat-server/grpc/server.go:77:25: unknown field 'IPv4' in struct literal of type "".Domain (but does have Ipv4)"

any help ? thx

Allow insecure communication on crobat client


It will be nice to be able to specify an additional certificate to be used over environments that are passing through interception. This will either require an insecure method to be specified or an explicit load of the root.pem file of the CA in the middle.

The current error is:

2021/07/17 22:51:52 No certs appended, using system certs only
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] parsed scheme: ""
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] scheme "" not registered, fallback to default scheme
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] ccResolverWrapper: sending update to cc: {[{  <nil> 0 <nil>}] <nil> <nil>}
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] ClientConn switching balancer to "pick_first"
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Channel switches to new LB policy "pick_first"
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Subchannel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] blockingPicker: the picked transport is not ready, loop back to repick
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc000317600, {CONNECTING <nil>}
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Channel Connectivity change to CONNECTING
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Subchannel picks a new address "" to connect
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [transport] transport: returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Subchannel Connectivity change to TRANSIENT_FAILURE
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] pickfirstBalancer: UpdateSubConnState: 0xc000317600, {TRANSIENT_FAILURE connection closed}
INFO: 2021/07/17 22:51:52 [core] Channel Connectivity change to TRANSIENT_FAILURE
2021/07/17 22:51:52 rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection closed

Thank you,

server down

{"Message": "server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: Unknown, Servers: [{ Addr: localhost:27017, Type: Unknown, Average RTT: 0, Last error: connection() error occured during connection handshake: dial tcp connect: connection refused }, ] }"}

every time i go to reverse any ip it give me this
so please fix it :)


Why is your project not working?
You can say that you were getting this information for Tlds.

rpc error

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 523 (); malformed header: missing HTTP content-type

Wildcard searches

Any chance of allowing wildcard searches? Currently i'm downloading the data from R7 and just searching for our specific brand. I think it would be awesome if I could just use your project to do it!


SonarSearch Down

Crobat application and site are not working. The following error comes up.

2020/08/26 11:32:56 rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = Bad Gateway: HTTP status code 502; transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"

Raw Output Endpoint

Thank you for your work on this project. Once I found your API I was hooked. This really is a fantastic tool.

There is one limitation in SonarSearch that keeps me reliant upon my raw copy of the SONAR dataset, the inability to query the raw data thus getting both halves of the record. For example, let's say I want to return a list of every S3 bucket and see how many are CNAMEs for (sub)domains. I can simply grep my raw data set and in a little while have the full JSON returned


Admittedly, there will be a lot of duplicates where the S3 bucket points to AWS, but I can filter that myself fairly easily. Based on what I read in the source code you are saving both the record name and value, thus could we get an endpoint that returned something with both halves of the record?

Perhaps something like /raw/{domain}? Where if we queried /raw/ we would get:


This could also be helpful for target-specific searches. For example, if we queried /raw/ we would be returned more helpful information for research:


New Domains Filter

Would it be possible to pull all the domains that have been added in the past week for example?

Deduplication - improvement request

Hi, Calum! Nice tool! The output would look cooler if you added duplicates deleting. I'm using it with sort -u (crobat -s | sort -u >> file.txt) now but it'd be great if you added deduplication to your tool.

Error 522 - unexpected HTTP status code received from server

I just migrated WSL to my new work PC and now Crobat just does nothing when I try to launch it. Not sure if it has anything to do with the migration or not. I completely removed and reinstalled yet it just sits there and does nothing after I try to run it. Not sure how to provide any useful info as there don't appear to be any error messages. This is on a Debian 10 WSL 1 instance. Currently trying it out with PS7 and will see what it does

Error while trying to fetch tlds


I've been using the tool for a while and find the cli really helpful during my recon workflow. Thanks alot for an amazing tool.

Lately, while trying to look for tlds using -t option the command returns the below error:

2021/10/25 20:59:02 rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = unexpected HTTP status code received from server: 502 (Bad Gateway); transport: received unexpected content-type "text/html"

I'm however able to fetch the information using the curl command:
curl -s

The other options for subdomains, reverse dns work fine.

Please help

Miss typo at struct crobat.Domain

I try to run this code on my local (SonarSearch/cmd/crobat-server), but

$go run main.go

grpc/server.go:77:25: unknown field 'IPv4' in struct literal of type "".Domain (but does have Ipv4)
grpc/server.go:100:25: unknown field 'IPv4' in struct literal of type "".Domain (but does have Ipv4) 

so I fixing

		reply := &crobat.Domain{
			Domain: result.Domain,
                        IPv4: result.IPv4,

from IPv4 into Ipv4

I want to help contribute but can't create some PR. so please check man

API not working

The API is returning null on on endpoints and go tool fails

$ curl -s   

SonarSearch on Debian

Trying to get it working on Debian, but with no success. Could you please give some detailed instructions? Are there any other ways on how to get access to your API?

Sonar website down


When going to the following there is a 525 error

Is it also possible to set the mime type to be json instead of text/html as that is the wrong mime type

install Error

go install: module found (v0.0.0-20220110222754-ddd8c134e2e4), but does not contain package

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