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slider's Introduction


A simple, responsive, touch-enabled image slider. Slider is a fork of Swipe, modified for progressive enhancement, with a few added features and bug fixes.

Deprecation Notice

Slider has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Neither currently open nor new issues will be addressed.

Increasing amounts of data indicate how ineffective sliders are are driving business goals in web design. They often represent an inability of key stakeholders to reach consensus.

When they do serve a focused purpose (for example, image carousels), an alternate design pattern would often better serve the user's goals (for example, just displaying all of the images full-width in a stack).

Beyond pure UX-driven reasons, there are numerous bugs that keep popping up, the original script this was forked from (SwipeJS) is no longer being maintained. I won't be closing the repository, so you'll still be able to access the script and documentation, but I won't be supporting or maintaining it any longer.


If you still need or want to use a slider, checkout:


Download Slider 4 / View the demo.

In This Documentation

  1. Getting Started
  2. Options & Settings
  3. Fluid Video
  4. What's Different
  5. More Usable Sliders
  6. Browser Compatibility
  7. How to Contribute
  8. License
  9. Changelog
  10. Older Docs

Getting Started

1. Include Slider on your site.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/slider-css.css">
<script src="js/slider.js"></script>

Slider is built with Sass for easy customization. If you don't use Sass, that's ok. The css folder contains compiled vanilla CSS.

The _config.scss and _mixins.scss files are the same ones used in Kraken, so you can drop the _slider.css file right into Kraken without making any updates. Or, adjust the variables to suit your own project.

2. Add the markup to your HTML.

<div class="slider" data-slider>
	<div class="slides">
		<div><img src="#"></div>
		<div><img src="#"></div>
		<div><video src="#"></div>
		<div>Text content could go here, too.</div>
	<div data-slider-nav></div>
	<div data-slider-count></div>

The [slider-nav] and [slider-count] sections are optional (though I'm assuming you'd want some type of navigation buttons). Slider will dynamically add navigation elements and slide position content to them.

They don't have to be div elements, as long as the data attributes are left intact and they're contained within the [slider-nav] section, and can be moved around or styled with CSS however you see fit.

3. Initialize Slider.

In the footer of your HTML document, activate Slider and configure your settings. This is where you can change the Slider navigation and position content, turn on auto-rotation (but please don't - that sucks), and more.


startSlide (integer, default: 0) - index position Swipe should start at speed (integer, default: 300) - speed of prev and next transitions in milliseconds. auto (integer, begin with auto slideshow: time in milliseconds between slides) continuous (boolean, default: true) - create an infinite feel with no endpoints disableScroll (boolean, default: false) - stop any touches on this container from scrolling the page stopPropagation (boolean, default: false) - stop event propagation callback (function) - runs at slide change. transitionEnd (function) - runs at the end slide transition.

Add this to your footer to get started:

	window.sliderInit = (function (window, document, undefined) {

		'use strict';

		// Feature Test
		if ( 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window && Array.prototype.forEach ) {

			var sliders = document.querySelectorAll('[data-slider]');
			var mySwipe = Array;


			// Add class to HTML element to activate conditional CSS
			document.documentElement.className += ' js-slider';

			// Activate all sliders, function (slider, index) {


				var slideCount = slider.querySelector('[data-slider-count]'); // Slider count wrapper
				var slideNav = slider.querySelector('[data-slider-nav]'); // Slider nav wrapper

				// METHODS

				// Display count of slides
				var createSlideCount = function () {
					var slideTotal = mySwipe[index].getNumSlides();
					var slideCurrent = mySwipe[index].getPos();
					if ( slideCount !== null ) {
						slideCount.innerHTML = slideCurrent + ' of ' + slideTotal;

				// Display Slider navigation
				var createNavButtons = function () {
					if ( slideNav !== null ) {
						slideNav.innerHTML = '<a data-slider-nav-prev href="#">Previous</a> | <a data-slider-nav-next href="#">Next</a>';

				// Stop YouTube, Vimeo, and HTML5 videos from playing when leaving the slide
				var stopVideo = function () {
					var currentSlide = mySwipe[index].getPos() - 1;
					var iframe = slider.querySelector( '[data-index="' + currentSlide + '"] iframe');
					var video = slider.querySelector( '[data-index="' + currentSlide + '"] video' );
					if ( iframe !== null ) {
						var iframeSrc = iframe.src;
						iframe.src = iframeSrc;
					if ( video !== null ) {

				// Handle next button
				var handleNextBtn = function (event) {

				// Handle previous button
				var handlePrevBtn = function (event) {

				// Handle keypress
				var handleKeypress = function (event) {
					if ( event.keyCode == 37 ) {
					if ( event.keyCode == 39) {


				// Activate Slider
				mySwipe[index] = Swipe(slider, {
					// startSlide: 2,
					// speed: 400,
					// auto: 3000,
					continuous: true,
					// disableScroll: false,
					// stopPropagation: false,
					callback: function(index, elem) {
						createSlideCount(); // Update with new position on slide change
					// transitionEnd: function(index, elem) {}

				// Create slide count and nav
				var btnNext = slider.querySelector('[data-slider-nav-next]'); // Next slide button
				var btnPrev = slider.querySelector('[data-slider-nav-prev]'); // Previous slide button

				// Toggle Previous & Next Buttons
				if ( btnNext ) {
					btnNext.addEventListener('click', handleNextBtn, false);
				if ( btnPrev ) {
					btnPrev.addEventListener('click', handlePrevBtn, false);

				// Toggle Left & Right Keypress
				window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeypress, false);



	})(window, document);

And that's it, you're done. Nice work!

Options and Settings

The navigation elements, slide count and keyboard navigation for Slider were all created by tapping into the simple, powerful API included in Swipe.

Write your own functions using these API functions:

prev() - Slide to prev next() - Slide to next getPos() - Returns current slide index position getNumSlides() - Returns the total amount of slides slide(index, duration) - Slide to set index position (duration: speed of transition in milliseconds)

Fluid Video

If you're including videos in your project, you also need to use FluidVids.js. Make sure it loads prior to Slider.

Note There's a known bug with most touch-based sliders and video iframes. The iframe captures the entire touch event, making it impossible to swipe to the next slide. Accordingly, it's really important that you include an alternate means of navigation when including videos.

What's Different

From Swipe? Swipe sliders with lots of slides crash Safari in iOS. Slider incorporates Ron Ilan's bug fix. Swipe also does not support Windows Phone 8 touch events. Slider incorporates a bug fix for that by Dinesh Duggal as well. Slider includes built-in navigation buttons, slide position info, keyboard navigation, and progressive enhancement. Otherwise, not much.

From the old version of Slider? Slider no longer requires jQuery, and is now powered entirely by modern, vanilla JavaScript. As a result, it's a lot faster, and works with any framework.

More Usable Sliders

Used improperly, content sliders can have a negative impact on your site's usability and effectiveness. For more on carousel usability, read these great articles:

Browser Compatibility

Slider works in all modern browsers, and IE 9 and above.

Slider is built with modern JavaScript APIs, and uses progressive enhancement. If the JavaScript file fails to load, or if your site is viewed on older and less capable browsers, all content will be displayed by default.

How to Contribute

In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Don't forget to update the version number, the changelog (in the file), and when applicable, the documentation.


The code is available under the MIT License.


  • v4.2 - March 15, 2014
  • v4.1 - Feburary 7 2014
    • Added support to pause HTML5 videos on a slide transition.
  • v4.0 - February 6, 2014
    • Switched to a data attribute for the toggle selector (separates scripts from styles).
    • Added namespacing to init IIFE.
    • Moved feature test to script itself for better progressive enhancement.
    • Updated looping method.
    • iFrame videos stop playing when user leaves current slide.
  • v3.5 - December 6, 2013
    • Set img, video, and iframe width to 100%.
  • v3.4 - December 6, 2013
    • Added Sass support.
  • v3.3 - October 26, 2013
  • v3.2 - August 27, 2013
    • Ran through JSHint.
  • v3.0 - August 5, 2013
    • Replaced core code from FlexSlider to Swipe.
    • Dropped support for IE 8 and lower.
    • Removed jQuery dependancy. Slider is now framework agnostic.
  • v2.1 - June 7, 2013
    • Updated versioning to align with FlexSlider.
  • v1.3 - March 19, 2013
    • Re-released with as a new repo.
  • v1.2 - March 18, 2013
    • Added better image navigation buttons.
  • v1.1 - February 5, 2013
    • Added relative sizing to all elements.
    • Replaced navigation images with scalable unicode icons.
  • v1.0 - January 31, 2013
    • Initial Commit

Older Docs

slider's People


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slider's Issues

Unable to get property 'style' of undefined or null reference


I was writing an angular directive that makes use of this library. At first, I used SwipeJS but it didn't support Windows Phone and then I saw this fork which does support it. Nice work!

The directive I made does the following

    <div>Page 1</div>
    <div>Page 2</div>

But I use an ng-repeat that fills the pages depending on data retrieved from the server.

    <div ng-repeat="message in model.mesages">

Because of that, the slider gets initizialized before there are pages. The slider is empty at first. This causes the following error:

TypeError: Unable to get property 'style' of undefined or null reference
   at visibleThree (x-wmapp0:www/js/lib/sliderjs/slider.js:257:13)
   at setup (x-wmapp0:www/js/lib/sliderjs/slider.js:111:13)
   at Swipe (x-wmapp0:www/js/lib/sliderjs/slider.js:500:9)

I solved it by adjusting the visible three function by checking if the slides arrays length is more then 0, if not it just returns out of the function.

        // hide all slides other than current one
        function visibleThree(index, slides) {
            var pos = slides.length;

            if (pos == 0) return;

            // first make this one visible
            slides[index].style.visibility = 'visible';

            // ...

I just added the if(pos == 0) return; line. If I find the time I will create a pull request for this. If one of the other contributors adds this, it's oke for me to...

`disableScroll: false` doesn't work in Chrome for Android

I'm using Slider on a mobile project with a multi-page selection flow. Essentially several scrollable lists where you can swipe between the steps (similar to swipable tabs you see on Android).

slider.js seems to be disabling the ability to vertically scroll each on each slide. I've explicitly set disableScroll: false when activating the slider, and it still prevents it from scrolling.

CommonJS compatibility

Are you open to make this compatible with CommonJS API (to use this using Browserify).
I'm thinking about making a PR with UMD inside so this project can be used through CommonJS, AMD or the old school way.
What do you think ?
Btw, this will maybe involve changing the test that is wrapping the lib (querySelector & eventListener stuff).

Auto display random pictures

i really this simple carousel, well done.
However, i get a strange behavior is this condition
i got 9 pictures and i set the options auto to the value 3000ms.
the slideshow start well but is going from slide 1 to 5, then to 6, then to 9 then everything start again from 1 correctly.
You can reproduce the issue with the demo just by setting the auto options.
Any insight on this matter please ?

Navigation buttons for multiple slider

I wrote this piece of code, i don't if it is the right way to do it or not but it works.

slideNav.innerHTML = '<a href="#" id="slide-nav-prev-' + sliderID + '">Prev</a> | <a href="#" id="slide-nav-next-' + sliderID + '">Next</a>';

Put on NPM?

Hi there,

Any chance you could add this to npm? :)


Continuous sliding does not work with two images

The images will always slide in from the right. When using touch events with navigation buttons the slider sometimes stops working all together.
Temporary fix:
// set continuous to false if less than three slides (two slides not working)
if (slides.length < 3) options.continuous = false;

not working in IE9

I verified this on your demo page. If you slide past the second slide the third one is blank. After resizing the window the slide appears. If I slide back two slides the first one disappeared. Seems like IE9 is only seeing the previous and next slide and needs a resize-event.


  • Remove from Kraken add-ons
  • Add deprecation notice to the docs

[question] - init slider from outside the script file?

Hi. I'm developing an all in slider based on your code, I'm a novice Vanilla JS coder and keep getting errors when initiating the slider function outside the script file. I moved your sexy scrip into it's file. I noticed that removing the code wrappers help, but I'm not sure of anything and I haven't found any documentation on this yet.

Thanks for your time :)

Not showing on iPhone

I used Slider on a mobile web supported by Bootstrop. It worked extremely fine on Android and BB, but it wasn't shown on an iPhone. Could by an error caused by Bootstrap or something?

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